HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1946-06-06, Page 8LyE,E.,...,..7k AT E Thursday, Friday, Saturday, JUNE 6th, 7th, 8th (SPECIAL) RODERTlalt (NNE ALLYSON Intik-GA% "Just.Maniodu fal-Orti the Sailor E~i lakes Audrey TOTTER* Eddie "ROCHESTER" Anderson • Reginald OWEN Screen Play by CHESTER ERSKINE, ANNE MORRISON CHAPIN and WHITFIELD COOK Based on the Play by CHESTER ERSKINE Directed by RICHARD WHORF * Produced by EDWIN H, KNOPF A Comedy of the married life of a sailor who marries a canteen worker. Two Shows Each Night-7.30 and 9.30 pan. Matinee Saturday afternoon at 2.30 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, JUNE 10, 11, 12 ALICE FAYE DANA ANDREWS In — "FALLEN ANGEL" For entertainment here is a good melodramatic plot Show starts evenings at 8 p.m. vormmommr••••••••omomoter, GORRIE Mr. Herb Neill was in Seaforth on Monday. Mr. Win, Gallaher underwent a maj- or operation in the Wingham General Hospital last week. Latest reports are that he is getting along as well as could be expected, Rev. Jas. Caley visited friends in Walkerton on Monday. Mrs. Grieves of Galt, was a visitor LEG MAKE-UPS are so cool in the warm weather So quick and easy to use. Silque Liquid Stockings, Suntan or beige, $1.00 Rubinstein Aquacade Leg Lotion $1.00 Rubinstein Minute Stocking Make-up (tube) $1 25 No Hoz—Large bottle, clear or emulsion, 69c Duration—The popular priced leg-do 49c TO REMOVE THE HAIR, Use Neet Cream Depilatory, tube, pleasant and fast 67c Velvotex Pad and Velvet Mittens ..... 25c DON'T LET THE SUN BURN YOU, this year —Filter out the burning rays with Rubinstein Sun Burn Oil $1.00 Gaby (greaseless) Suntan Oil 35c, 65c Skol, no oil, no grease 49c, 69c PANCAKE MAKE UPS make you feel and look so cool ! Max Factor Pancake .. $1.75 Also—Don Juan, Tangee, Molinard, Angelus, at various prices. RUBINSTEIN FOUNDATIONS are lovely Town and country make up film (in four shades) . — . .$1.25 — $2,00 Snow Lotion (in four shades) $1.25 The Perfect Foundation, for the hot weather. Ask us to show them to you. MicKibbons In Drugs — If It's Rexall It's Right FATHER'S, DAY, SUNDAY, JUNE 16th GET YOUR CARD NOW ! VOWler, Spence McKinnon has resumed his duties at the Canadian Bank of .corm., • r. 4 BAPTIST MU Rev. J. N. R. Norton, raster Sunday, Jude 9th, 1946 .ANNPA-1, TEMPERANCE SUNDAY Guest Speaker MR, DAN, STAUFFER 11 amt. and 7:80 Everyone Welcome, .5a .•0 Aa • AtijMinfig,4,4,41,9/494%. 1.11t941/4.1P Vacation Styles • *Get into the Swim Clothes for the Sun—Clothes for Surnmer Fun— These are just a few articles from our colourful range that emphasize freedom for hot Summer days 4-1 Two-piece BATHING SUITS - Silk Jersey Floral design a $6.50 Colourful Seersucker Two-piece Design $3.95 PRINT DRESSES 2 - $1. - 6 4 79 Cotton PINAFORES in bright Cotton. Print' with Over-the- shoulder frills. Sizes 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 $1.29 Seersucker OVERALLS in Red or Blue stripe 2 — 4 — 6 $1.19 GAY, YOUTHFUL DRESSES For Summer Days in Ginghams, Chambray Seersucker . Stubs $5.00 — $12.95 LADIES' Pure Wool Penman's SOX 85c, Penman's Cotton ANKLETS white, blue, red 39c SLACKS ALL-WOOL, in Brown, navy, green, Aqua Sizes 14 — 20 $5.50 — $6.50 SHOR-TS COTTON $1.29 — $1.79 WOOL $1.95 JERSEYS Penman's for Boys or Girls Wine, navy, brown, striped 2 — 14 years 75c — $1.00 14 King Dept. Store • "THE FRIENDLY STORE" Make Up Your List and Visit KING'S • • 'PHONE 161 FREE DELIVERY — AT Smith's Economy Food Store Magic Fresh Ground Baking. Powder, 1 lb. tin 27c REX COFFEE, lb. rt Pat-A-Pa Smith's Four O'Clock Pastry Flour, 24 lb. bag 79 BLACK TEA, +/y lb. Mild CANADIAN COLOURED CHEESE, lb. 35c MAPLE LEAF RELISH CHEESE, 1/2 lb. 21c OLD CANADIAN WHITE CHEESE, lb. . . 39c 49c 40c RIVERBANK BARTLETT 22c PEARS 20 oz.. till 2 tins to each coupon Heavy ZINC JAR RINGS, do2. ,29c Heavy Grade Red Rubber Rings, 4 doz. 25c Square Deal 20 or. tin Ungraded PEAS, 2 - 27c Robin flood Quick Cooking OATS, 5 lb. bag • .. .29c Aylmer Choice 1:5ICED BEETS Or CARROTS - 2 tins for 25c CHAMP—THE MAGICAL CLEANER, pkg. I0c WOODBURY'S FACIAL SOAP,'S cakes .23c . OLD DUTCH CLEANSER .2 tins 21c FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES Size 288 ORANGES, doz, -„.48c 96's dflA138FIVOTT for 290 U. S. No. 1 B. NEW POTATOES . .5 lbs. for 25c IMPORTED FIRM RIPE TOMATOES, lb.. 21c RABISIIES, LETTLICE, CABBAGE, LEMONS' CELERY ONIONS CUCUMBERS PATION COUPONS ALM TIIIIRSIIKY, PINE 6th 81./OAR*.NoS. 51 to 814 B M UTTER—s, 11 to Mb IVIEATallos, 20 to 40 VAG mom THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Thursday, June 6th, 1946 with Mr. And Mrs. John Montgomery over the week-end also with her awe.- how, Mr, Wrta Young, Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Haney, Wing- ham, were Gorrie visitors en Saturday at ferny° n, Miss Lois Cadwell and friend .of Guelph, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. l'ercy Ashton, 'Born--To Mr, and Mrs, Clifford Brown, Con, C, a SOIL Born—,-To Mr, and, Mrs. Win. SInip- son,Molesworth, a son, Walton Young People presented their play in the hall here on Friday evening, Owing to the inclemency of the weather the attendance was not as large as might have been expected. Mr. and Mrs. T, Bradnocia, Mr. and Mrs, Spence, Seaforth, were visitors in Owen Sound and Eugenia Falls last week, The marriage was solemnized on Saturday, June 1st., by Rev, Jas. Caley of Maxine Harris, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Bert Harris, con. 15, to Henry Hunstein of Lakelet. Miss Ida Jacques daughter of Mrs, Jacques and the late Wm. Jacques and Bruce Harkness, son of Mr. and Mrs. Les. Harkness of Carrick township, were united in marriage Saturday at high noon, at the bride's home by Rev. Ernest Jacques of Caledoniia, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Graham, Mrs, R. Ashton and Miss Elsie Jacques were guests at the Harkness-Jacques wedding on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Pennington and family of Teeswater, spent Sunday with the Strong families 6th. con. Mr. M. D. Irwin was in London last week. Rev. G. G. Howse and Mr. Glad, Edgar were in London last week at- tending the annual London Conference of the United Church. Mr, Robt. Graham and Mr. Harold Robinson attended the dispersal sale of Shorthorns at the farm of W. C. F. Oestricher of Crediton on Wednesday. Mr. and ,Mrs. John McKenzie of Nova Scotia, were recent visitors with the former's aunt, Mrs. Robt. Graham and Mr. 'Graham. Mrs. Isaac Wade went to Toronto, on Wednesday, where she will visit her daughters, Mrs. A. Miles and Mrs. D. W. Dane. Miss Janice Strong, nurse in train- ing at the Kitchener-Waterloo hospit- al, is spending her vacation at her home here, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Marshall are vis- itin this week with their son in Strat- ford. Mr. and Mrs. John Metcalfe of Pais- ley, were recent visitors with the tau- ters sisters, Misses Emily and Beatrice 'Potter. Mrs. R H Stephens has returned to her home here after spending the wint- er with relatives at Tyrone, Mrs. Ste- phens although in poor health was able to make the trip home with Mr. and Mrs. D. Hicks of Harriston. • Mrs. John Kent and son, Charles, Mr. and Mrs. Walker Hood and fam- ily; Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Drisco and fa- mily from North Tonawanda, N. Y., Were guests at Mr, Howard Cowan's on Sunday. Mr. Roy Wade and son, and Mrs. L.,McDonald of Owen Sound also called at the same home. BLUEVALE Women's Institute The June meeting of the Women's Institute will be held on Tuesday af- ternoon, June 11th., at the home of Miss Emma Johnston at 2.30 o'clock. The programme will be arranged by Mrs. Roy Turvey, the convener for Historical Research, who will give a paper on that subject. Roll Call What I would like to have discussed most this year. Miss Emma Johnston will speak on the motto: Love Flowers, know Flowers, and grow Flowers.' Visitors are always wel- come, Miss Jessie Holmes has returned to her home after being a patient in the Wing-ham Hospital for several weeks. Mr, James Gannett left this week for -Victoria Hospital, London, where he will be under observation and will receive treatment, Mr. Walter Sellers, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Selleri ani daughter, Susan, at- tended the funeral of their sister, Mrs. R. C. MacLean at Waubaushene last week, Miss Dorothy Aitken has accepted a position on the teaching staff orthe High School at Preston, duties to com- mence in September. Mr. and Mrs, William Dararow, De- troit, are visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Marry Elliott. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Gates and Wilmot of Cherrywood, were week- end visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Robt. Shaw. Miss Ruby Duff of the Women's College Hospital Staff, Toronto, spent the week-end with her sister, Miss Mary Duff and was a guest at the Blackmore-Elliott wedding on Satur- day. Miss Jean Scott, Seaforth, spent a ew days recently with Miss Florence yonerammismominotocimpaimmi Special MEETINGS m at — The Salvation Army Hall led by LT, COL, and MRS, j. ACTON TittlelY Messages Singing • "Gospel Fashion." aall. June 9th 7 p.m, You are Welcome. mmamommimmannommous FOR YOUR BUILDING CARPENTERING Repair Work Built-In CUPBOARDS. SEE Bennett & Gasemore 'Phone 447w Wingham — —mom Take Care of Your Shoes For Longer Wear There's more to making Shoes last longer than nailing on a pair of soles. We Rebuild Them LIKE NEW. BRING THEM IN TODAY. BROWNE'S Shoe Repair 1111111111111111111111111111, PIPES ALGERIA BRIARS $2.00 - $2.24 Several Styles Haselgroves SMOKE SHOP sammeigammainnummesp SPECIAL LOW FARES FARE and One-QUARTER For Round Trip King's Birthday MONDAY, JUNE 10th Good going from 12.00 noon, Friday, June 7th, until 2 p.m. Monday, June 10. Return: leave destination up tom r night, Tuesday, June 11, 1946, Times shown are Standard For fares ancrifurther information apply to any agent. CANADIAN- NATIONAL See Reid and See Right Make Appointments DAVID CROMPTON Jeweller - Phone 59 For Eye Examination R. A. Reid, R.O. Eye Specialist amixissosmEsousessommassis BE PREPARED For the Warm Weather 8' Eskimo FANS $4.75 at) l0 Cycle only Peittiso RADIO i SERVICE Telephone i7 Wingltara Serving You Sided 1935 meree at Waterlog, following his ,disc, charge from the army service, Mr, and Mrs. Blackwood .44t1 two ,children late of *Vancouver, B.C., who- have spent the last two trunitha at the home of their cousin, Mrs. Arthur Shaw, have moved to a point on Lake where they are interested in .a Sanliner resort and tourist camp. Church News On Sunday morning Rev, S. J, gette conducted communion .service at the United Church, The following young people were received into mem- bership, -Mary Darling, Ross Abram, .Lorne McCracken, Shirley and Kath- erine Sieling, Melvyn and Hazel Sand- erson, Allen, Wilda and Rona Breck- enridge, Annie and Mary IMcNaught- <ma Velma Stamper, George Nicholson and Delores Hamilton, Art Robinson o the Lands Titles office at Saskatoon, Sask., ,called on Mac Scott, Both men spent nearly four years overseas with No. 8 Station- ary Hospital in .the first great war, Mr. Robinson is visiting friends at Wroxeter, his former home. SALEM Mr. and Mrs. 'Elliott Cranch and daughter, Mis$ Vivian of Rochester, spent the week-end with friends here, Mr. and Mrs. John 'Gowdy called on their daughter, Mrs. Fred Hyndman and Mr. Hyndrnan of Gorrie last Sat- urday. Mr. Edgar Dane had his tonsils re- moved'one day last week and is pro- gressing favorably, Mr. Earl Underwood is tearing clown his house on his farm on the B line, Howick, and is having it removed to Gorrie, where he intends to rebuild it for himself. Mater Jackie Johnston from near Wingham, spent the ,week-end with Mr. Edwin Palmer. IV, P. 1. B. NEWS AND ANSWERS RATION COUPON DUE DATES Coupons now valid are sugar-preser- ves S1 to S14, butter R1 to R10, meat M29 to M40. Butter R1 to R9 and meat M29 to M39 expire June 30. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS have a four room apartment and would like to board and room two friends, Would it be legal for me to do so? A:—As far as any rental regulations of the Wartime Prices and Trade Board are concerned you may take in boarders or lodgers. Order 200 states tenant can sub-let any port- ion of the accommodation not re- quired -by himself if there is no pro- vision in the lease stating tenant can- not sub-let, Q:—Could you tell me when the pres- ent .rental laws go out of effect or, are they permanent? A:—The only answer to this question at the present moment is a reitera- I n n TIRE RELINERS • ALL CAR SIZES „ . . 1.6S a a • a n I n a n a n a a a ▪ , 1 LAWN SPRINKLERS and NOZZLES a SPRINICURIt—Stardy, An meta{ and ruAtproored, 111.,c0erd Vb.+ toting distributor, An tnotnoll sive, but very Ptattitrti .85' ri device , . . DE LUXE ilere'a the lineal sprInklor that money cht buy and one that will lett kir %tam Mail =War of rust.. prodt metal, fully nd, instable nt. te range and rover- age and YPt t o cavil 3439 a ROSE NOZzLESDle-taat .44 Solid brass,. .79 UOSE IENISEIt TAISITINDS .8 wnsuetts for hero eoutaero, a notmea, ete,, each. .• a Canadian Tire is Corporation 1 • Associate Store Campbeles Garage I ' WINGRAM oNT.11 111111110111111011101111111110111111 INI n a MOST MOIR SIZESa em 2.e**, • NI • • 111 GARDEN. HOSE Supreme quality cord iallala Moe. SO' complete wltb 3.98 couplings Standard garden conpiings hose, S3MP4-5 tion of government policy that con- trols will be lifted as soon as pos- sible. Q:—I purchased an all steel ice box some time ago, I now wish to sell same but do not know the ceiling price. Could you quote ' me the price. A:—If you sell it directly to the pur- chaser there is no ceiling price ex- cept the price must be reasonable and just since the ice box would be considered personal effects. If sold through a dealer it does have a ceil- ing. ():—I am unable to work at my regu- lar trade because of illness, I am a veteran of world war one. Do I have a priority on the purchase of a new car? First Class atclt Repairs For The Present Watches Only George Williams JOHN ST Next to Masonic Hall A:—At the present time no priority certificates are being issued because of the shortage in supply of new cars. . • ler..Nrrn•--rprr. ,"1.I..!**!:•r*-1740.001.9r,wer irrailer.FA"