HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1946-06-06, Page 7We have a large Stock of Lowe Bros. House Paints Harold Finley 'PHONE 281 WINGHAM Pleasing Display of Sunworthy Papers MATERIALS are in SHORT SUPPLY and we expect a greatly increased volume in our business within the next two weeks. If you need. Roof or Eavetrough REPAIRS CALL NOW and avoid further delay to these repairs. A. L. FISHER Belgrave Co-Op. Association oe prone IA nor stist love top prielty cas the tool f soot auvlog194S. NI'l e tut oot fail Goat Ilvitalo at tools stoosious ne lobes isistory• )'cot ecoosoicaltiOts Sa003C1101i oust ise the gon't ot Oittoice (atotess aosiog the coo-0g snods'. C.0-04 NO IkOG GROVOSt lass beets 1 otouiated tor tile teeaer vtiso does ootlovelsis woo ea Oa *tots to feed a Ittlasoced feel tiot *O. give Isiso tasiCtraula pertormance at sainirause cost. Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director, Furniture and tiuneral Service I Ambulance Service Phones: Day 109W. Night 109J. FREDERICK A. PARKER OSTEOPATH Offices: Centre St., Wingham Osteopathic, and Electric Treat- ments, Foot Technique. Phone 272. Wingham. J. A, FOX Chiropractor and Drugless Therapist. RADIONIC EQUIPMENT COMPLETE HEALTH SERVICE Phone 191,. IL Mt, MacLENNAN Veterinary Surgeon Office - Minnie St. Opposite and South of the United Church. • PHONE 196 Wingharn, -t- Ontario st.04;iit KAI on. SON, YOU HEARD WHAT YOUR GRANDMOTHER SAl D.,,THEREIL BE TIME ENOUGH MR THAT• SORT Or THING WHEN YOU GROW .•UP!! SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK* By SCOTT, OSE of 'ftlE fin( DIR141111.% SCVAP BALLooNS 7S wAs CLOWN IN FRANCE-A By i4ENRI 4IFFARD IN 1852 IT WAS. WHAT WAS LAC4C, ACID USED FOR PURI Nei -91E. WAR ? c;.' 4s. 7.1120 '4115 FEROCIOUS LOOKING FELLOW IS ONE. or 'Qt. 8E51 BELos4ED DElfIES oP -. •CtiE CHISESE, IN MALAYA iiis HAMS LS FLYING INSECA HAVE DEVELOPED , FROM W1N4LESS ANGESIORS RED FACE. eq"..4 K.* *Ova. AS A FIRE' G2tiEr4011144 SOLUTION do PREVEN1 ExPi.otio 114 TANKS =mos rire Mow:: PowaRlo ay' A. -ft{ P.EE.•• iioREEPoWEft STEAM ENGINE AND MADE SEVEN MILES PER HOUR U51144 A FAN DROPELLEI; D0 YOU MEAN TO SAY..,THAT YOU ARE ACTUALLY TAION6 AWAY MY PIPE AND TOBACCO? 4rUST YOUR TOBACCO, DEAR! By WALLY BISHOP IF 'YOU CARE 10 BLOW SOAP SUSW.8 WITH 'YO4.1R _i.t„...1113.1." PIPE., WE'VE NO CfNECTIONVI y. Drive in and let us take care of your emergency tire needs. Order now for future delivery. HURON MOTORS 'Phone 237 Wingham, Oat 'I Farmers drive cars less than city people and get low rates from Pilot. But farmers do drive - cue unin- sured accident could wipe out your home or your savings. Buy the full protection of Pilot Automobile Insurance now. H. C MacLEAN, Wingham A. W. KEIL, Gorrie Representing- PILOT INSURANCE COMPANY We write insurance to cover selected rake in Automobile, Fire, Personal Property Floater, Burglary, Plate Glass, and other general insurance. 14-Wingham at 'Goderich 14-Clinton at Ripley 21-Wingham at Clinton 21-Ripley at Goderich 26-Wingham at Ripley JULY 2-Clinton at Goderich 5-Goderich at Wingham 10-Clinton at Wingham 10-Goderich at Ripley 15-Ripley at Wingham 16-Goderich at Clinton 19-Wingham at Goderich 19-Clinton at Ripley 23-Wingham at Clinton 23-Ripley at Goderich Intermediate Baseball Group 2 JUNE 3-Ayton at Harriston 3-Gorrie at Clifford 4-Mildmay at Drew 4-Neustadt at Gorrie 6-Harriston at Ayton 6-Clifford at Mount Forest 7-17re~y at, Gerrie 7-Neustadt at Mildmay 10-Ayton at Mount Forest 10-Neustadt at Clifford 11-Harriston at Drew 13-Ayton at Mildmay 13-Gorrie at Neustadt 14-Drew at Clifford 14-Mount Forest at Harriston 17-Clifford at Harriston 17-Mildmay at Ayton 17-Gorrie at Mount Forest 17-Neustadt at Drew 20-Ayton at Neustadt 20-Mount Forest at Clifford 20-Gorric at Harriston 20-Drew at Mildmay 24-Drew at Mount Forest ACROSS DOWN 1. Open (poet.) 1. Topcoat 2..press up . smartly Silkworm 4, Stream of water 5 Constella- tion 6. Pellet of medicine 7 Aside , 9 Fastens hermeti. cally 12 Extinct blrd Indian (New Zea.) 20. Per. to the 13. Fabulous atom bird 22, The Orient 24. Help 25. Place 26. Fiber used in sacking 28. To draw off liquid from another level 31. At home 32. Short Sleeps 34. Place 85. Light, two-wheeled carriage 37 At hand 88. Glaeial snow 39 Leather flask for oil 41. Ship's officer 42, Claw 48. 'Birds, as a class 44, River (Sea.) 45. God of , pleasure (Egypt.) 4, Knock 7. Affirm 8. Flower 10. Persian fairy 11. Valley (poet.) 12, Sign 13. Music note 14. Fold over 16. Grampus 17. Eating utensil 19. American z4 25 35 3-t 36 38 5 a 13 32 3, 3 my 7 fa 18 "p? 3.9 41 43 0 Li a A 40 43 se 24-Clifford at Ayton 24-Mildmay at Harriston 27-Harriston at Clifford 27-Mount Forest at Mildmay 27-Neustadt at Ayton 28-Gorrie at Drew JULY 1-Drew at Ayton 2-Harriston at Mount Forest 2-Gorrie at Mildmay 4-Drew at Neustadt 4-Mildmay at Clifford 8-Neustadt at Harriston 9-Ayton at Gorric 10-Clifford at Drew 11-Harriston at Mildmay 11-Mount Forest at Neustadt 12-Ayton at Clifford 15-Neustadt at Mount Forest 17-Mount Forest at ,Gorrie 18-Clifford at Newstadt 22-Harriston at Gorrie 22-Clifford at 1 Mildmay 22-Mount Forest at Ayton DIXON'S MOM 13. performs miracles with garden and potted plants. Rich, colour. ful blooms, stronger foliage. An absolute necessity for trans. planting. Used with Success by gardeners everywhere. 25a, 50o size and $1.00 Economy pica. AFTEZ McKibbon's Drug Store 15. Kettle 17. Topmast support (naut.) 18. Retain 21. Bearing 23. Those trained in athletics 25. Little girl 26. A dance 27 Coalition 28. Enemy scout 29. Dolts 30. Brood, as of pheasants 83. The white • poplar 38. Cheerful. 88, Part of a church 40 A pastry dessert 41 Queen of the fairies snin.wwolum ADvANcginmEs SKEETER DON'T EXPECT ItI) SURELY YOU BE ALLOWED '10 SMOKE,. YOUNG 41 MAN,I.„ AT YOUR AGE?...TSW 1SI( ...TSKE1 TOO PAR....1141J WWI T IN OUR AGREEMENTIV ArrtF1 ALL, TM NOT A C.)41 L I'M JUST PR ETVAIDI NO TO Bfi ONO an, Tituritlay, June 6th; 1946 WROXETER Mr. and Mrs. Pete ,.Fraser, Pilot "Mound, Man, arrived on Thursday to spend several weeks with the former's sister, Mrs. J. Lovell and other friends, Captain Norman Muir and Mrs. :Muir, Toronto, spent the week-end with Dr. T. E. and Mrs. Ball and other 'friends. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hamilton were -recent visitors of Byng Inlet, Ontario. YOUR EYES NEED ATTENTION Our 25 point Scientific Examin- tion enables us to give you C*ar, Comfortable Vision. F. F. MUTH Optometrist Phone 118 Harriston Insurance Company Est. 1840 An all Canadian Company which has faithfully served its policy holders for over a century. Head Office - Toronto H. C. MacLean Insurance Agency Wingham W. A. CRAWFORD, M.D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Phone 150 Wingham DR. Ws M. CONNELL PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Phone 19 CLASSIFIED ADS. A Good Investment When inserted in the camas of WINOHAM ADVANCE-TIMES UGGS AND were Listowel visitors on Friday. Mrs, Allen.Schott left for her home in Cleveland on Sunday, after spending a week with her aunt, Mrs. A. Stutt. Miss Flora McTavish has returned. home after spending, several months in Toronto. Mr, and Mrs, A. Moffat and family visited 'Brussels friends on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs, Albert 'Gallaher were guests at the Harkness-Jacques wed- ding at Orangehill on Saturday, The bride, Mis Ida Jasques is a niece. Congratulations to Mr, and Mrs.. Henry Hohnstein (nee Maxine Hat-, ris), daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Bert Harris, 'who were married at her par- ents home onSaturday, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie .Gibson of Tor: onto have taken up residence in the home recently vacated by Mr, Russel Rae. Mr. Gibson is employed with the C. P. R. freight service. We welcome Mr. and Mrs, Gibson to the commun- ity. Mr. and Mrs. Art. Forester of Dub- lin, were week-end guests. of Mr, and Mrs. H. Durst, Mrs: Olive May, Toronto, spent the past week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Lawrence. Mr. Win. Mines recently returned home from Niagara Falls, N. Y., where he spent the winter season. Mr, and Mrs, Cecil Mines accompanied him and spent the week-end here. Mrs. B. Martin who has spent the past few months in Hamilton, has tak- en up residence at her home here for the summer months. Miss Edythe Martin of Toronto, and Mr.. Bill Mar- tin of London, are visiting their mother at present. Friends of Mr. Robert Gibson re- gret to know he is a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, where he will undergo .an operation this week. Bob's many friends wish for him a speedy and complete recovery. His wife and his mother, Mrs. John Gib- son are with him. Mr. and Mrs. Art. Robinson of Sask- katoon, Sask., are visiting Miss Mary Howe. Mr.1 and Mrs. Robinson have attended a convention in Quebec, also visited their son, Bill enroute. • The wedding invitations are out for the marriage of Margaret Edythe Mar- tin, only daughter of Mrs, Martin and the late Bertram Martin, to Mr. Cam- eron L. Nelson, Ph .B., London, bnt. The marriage to take place, on June 22nd., at Wroxeter United Church at 3 p.m. Dr. Palmer Will Practice in Wroxeter During the past week Dr. and Mrs. R. B. Palmer and daughter, Nancy, moved from London to their new home at Wroxeter. Dr. Palmer has started a medical practice in the vil- lage .and has made slight alterations in his house to provide an office, sim-. ilar to that previously occupied by the late, Dr. McLeod. Dr. Palmer was born on a farm in North. Norwich township, Oxford County. He attended Medical school at the University of Western Ontario, London, graduating in 1941. After in- Me, iim and I Presented. The act Comedy Fares, with east, of 12, given. by the young peo- ple's Society of Belmore Presbyterian Church, on Friday night, and sponsor- ed by St, Iantes. Anglican guild was much enjoyed, though owing to weath, er conditions and many Other attract-. ions in the district, the crowd was not as large as was hoped for. All char- acters were well protray.ed and the "Three Mr. Smith's", created many complications which kept the audience interested and amused. The Caste and audience were welcomed by the rector, Rv, James Coley. Robert Ballagh and YvonneVollick, the children who won first place in Teeswater Amateur Show entertained with character songs be- tween acts. 'Madame will You Walk' brought hearty applause from the aud- ience, A social hour was enjoyed when the Guild members served refresh- ments to the caste in the church base- ment. Induction Service The Induction Service for Rev. James Caley of Gorrie, Wroxeter and Fordwich parish, will be held on the evening of June 14th,, when a former rector, and now principal of. Huron College, London, Rev. Dr. A. H. O'Neil will be the guest speaker. Guild Meeting The June meeting of St. James Ang- lican Guild will be held on Tuesday, June 11th., at 2.30 p.m., at the home of Mrs. George Edwards, when plans will be made to attend the Deanery meeting to be held in Exeter on June 12th. Dance In Aid Of Cancer •Fund An enjoyable dance was held in the schoolhouse of Turnberry No. 2, bn Friday night. Music was supplied by local talent and the proceeds will be donated to Cancer Research Fund. National Clothing Drive Citizens of Wroxeter and commun- ity are asked to leave donations for National Clothing Drive at Mr. R. J. Rann's Store from June 17th to 29th. Mrs. H. V. McKenney is 'chairman for this project. Women's Institute Love, Loyalty, Faith, Companion- ship fill the days with satisfaction. Home, Mrs. Wm. Hart; Current Ev- ents, Mrs. Gilbert Howes; Roll Call, One ofthe best qualities an Institute member can possess; Topic, Music, Miss Johann, Supervisor of Music in District schools; Reading, Mrs. Durst; Hostesses, Mrs. Lovell, Mrs. McKer- cher, Mrs. McKenney. ICO.A.A, SCHEDULES ARE RELEASED The following are schedules releas- ed by the W.O.A.A. Ladies Softball, Group 3 JUNE 5-Kincardine at Wingham 12-Kincardine at Ripley 14--Wingham at Tiverton 18-Tiverton at Kincardine 21-Ripley at Wingham 28-Ripley at Tiverton JULY 2-Wingham at Kincardine 9-Ripley at Kincardine 16-Kincardine at Tiverton 17-Wingham at Ripley 24-Tiverton at Ripley Juvenile Baseball JUNE 3-Ripley at Clinton 7-Clinton at Wingham 11-Ripley at Wingham Miss Mary Meahen has completed her year at Stratford Normal and is holidaying with :her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Meahen. Mr. and Mrs. D. S. MacNaughton and John, were Stratford visitors on Sunday. Dr. W. R. and Mrs. Fraser, daugh- ters, Johanne and Gail, also Miss B. M. Fraser, left on Friday, their home at Fordwich, to take up residenCe in London, where Dr. Fraser will pract- ice medicine. During his eleven years in Fordwich the Dr. made many friends in Wroxeter and community, who will join with Fordwich friends in wishingDr. Fraser and family every success, He is succeeded by Dr. F. H. Southcott of London, A number from this community at- tended on Saturday the --wedding of Miss Lois Elliott and Mr. Wm. Black- more of Toronto, which took place in Bluevale Presbyterian Church. Con- gratulations and best wishes are ex- tended to Mr. and Mrs. Blackmore. Mr. Verne Clarke of Gorrie, has in- chased the home of Mr. Harold Hamil- ton and will take up residence shortly. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Corrigan, B. line, Teeswater, Ontario ' Barrister. Solicitor, Notary Public and Conveyancer. Office: Gofton House, Wroxeter every Thursday afternoon 1.30 to 4.30 and by appointment. Phone - Teeswater 120J) Js We BUSHFIELD Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. Money to Loan Office - 'Meyer Block. Wingham J. H, CRAWFORD Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. Bonds, Investments & Mortgages Wingham Ontario DONALD It BLUE Experienced Auctioneer Licensed for Counties of HURON & BRUCE All Sales Capably Handled Phone 49. Ripley, • -:- Ontario ROOFER and TINSMITH 'Phone 411 or Box 92 (anytime) Wingham -4111•111111111118.11111111.1=11111111MIN- terning for 1 year at Toronto Western Hospital, he joined the R.C.A.F., as a medical officer and served for 3% years at various stations across Can- ada. Following release from active service in December, 1945, he has spent the past four months at the War Memorial Children's Hospital, Lon- don, Ontario. Mrs. Palmer, the former Miss Jean Lane, a native of Turnberry Town- ship, was graduated from the Univer- sity of Western, Ontario, in 1939. She taught high school at Port McNicholl, Ontario for two years prior to their marriage in 1942. The citizens of Wroxeter and com- munity welcome Dr. and Mrs. Pahn'er and little daughter and extend very good wishes for their success and happiness, A Choir Member Showered Mr. and Mrs. H. V. McKenney loan- ed their home on Tuesday evening, May 28th., when the members of St. Stephen's choir Gorrie, held a social evening with Miss Maxine Harris, and her fiancee, guests of honour.Games and contests were enjoyed. A shower of miscellaneous gifts:Overe presented in a large basket.,de@i4 rated in pink and white which, color',acheme was used throughout the. rooms. Both bride and groom elect expressed their deep appreciation for the gifts and the kindness of their friends. Out of town guests present were: Mrs. Mary Allen, Calgary; Mrs. Walter Wellington Sar- nia and Mrs. Heggs of Toronto. Del- icious refreshments were served when the hostess was assisted by Mrs. Ernie Millward. Former Residents Health ImpiroveS Several residents have during the past few days received interesting let- ters from Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Kaake. Friends here are glad to know the family arc enjoying their new home at Chilliwack, B. C., and that Mr.‘Kaake's health is improving. Business and Professional Directory WELLINGTON FIRE A. IL EAU HARRY FRYFORE 7 NOW, LOOk HERS,A ti 1o11-115 CARRYIK THINGS 6 1 . 6 YOU WAD' tkrrEt? sPEAH To YOUR "GRANDSON1 rde