HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1946-06-06, Page 4That will make Mi- lady's every Sum- mer step a delight I "Breezy and Gay" one might say , . fashioned in con- trasting trims of Tan and. White that are unusually allur- ing, Always a "4-star" hit in the heart of any woman 1547 Rogers Bros. .is not only Canada's finest silverplate but the loveliest too, WE'RE PROUD 0!1 Summer Footwear ‘0.nteott al oose loots ttolNs- -avaao ‘e itot-0 stoat. David Crompton JEWELLER Gifts For All Occasions tilos- In.accordance with war• WINGHAM Phone 59 prices 6 trade board reg. CLASSIFIED ADS. ,Men'sr Sport Shoes Types that "click for'cool c-o-m-f-o-r-t I There's snap to these two- tones—Biege and Brown Light, cool and smart, and instantly take the eye. Oa tainton's Hardware And Farmers' Supply House "QUALITY, PRICE and SERVICE Sell Our Goods” TRICYCLES .$14,95 - $15.95 - $21.50 TOY WHEEL BARROWS $2.95 ELECTRIC FANS, 60 cycle only , • $4.70 BOYS' WAGONS, large size, rubber tires, $10.50 ROLLER SKATES $3.50 Ow 2-Burner COAL OIL STOVES $10.50 3-Burner COAL OIL STOVES $12.50 1-Burner OVENS $1.89 ROOFING! ROOFING! 2-ply, per square $2.25 1-ply, per square $1.75 3-ply, per 'square $2.75 4 Red or Green, 90 lbs., per square $$3. 0575 Arrow Lock, per square 3 & 1, Red Only, 210 lb. ASPHALT SHINGLES per square $7.50 MASON'S or SPRAYING LIME, per bag . ..60c IVORY FINISH LIME, per bag 65c Ii INDOOR BALLS • 80c, $1.15, $1.70, $1.95 BATS 50c to $3.50 C. V. PAINT qt. $1.15 gal. $3.95 PORCH and FLOOR ENAMELS RICHMOND, per quart 85c Canada Valinish PORCH and FLOOR ENAMEL per quart $1.25 You can pay more—but you can't buy better ! BARB WIRE, per roll $4.00 2-4-D WEED KILLER, 5 oz. 75c (Makes Five Gallons) DDT FLOWER SPRAY, 1 oz. 30c 5 oz. 90c DDT HOUSEHOLD SPRAY, 8 oz. 24c 16 oz. 43c 32 oz. 73c ‘ 30es0r=0=0=10=0===0=0 0=0- in Brussels on Monday night to a Mrs. Lloyd Wettlaufer is visiting large audience. ' with friends at Burgessville. O O 11 O O 11 O O 11 O 11 O 11 0 0 0 . FATHER'S DAY JUNE 16th FOR DAD— TIES of quality for a man of quality ... florals paiseleys stripes and solids. Individually boxed. 75c $2.00 FOR DAD— LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS in a good masculine size, hem-stitched edges . . Quantity limited 50c each FOR DAD—In his leisure hours of fishing, bowl- ing, golfing or lounging—Gaberdine and Cord- ed RAYON JACKETS in shorts, mediums and tails . , . . . . . . — $10.95 FOR DAD—A featherweight imported STRAW HAT—a gift that will make an instant hit with him , „ . , $1.75 — $6.50 FATHERS MAY BE DIFFERENT--But they're all alike in preferring Gifts a from Men's Wear TAGE. FOUR WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Thursday, June 6th, 1946 0=0, ie. AUCTIONEER—L. G. Bryce, R. R. 2, Wingham, is now available for Auction Sales of all kinds. Terms reasonable. Phone Wingham 62. BACKACHES GO QUICKLY, often after first dose. RUMACAPS two- way action attacks the cause, reliev- es the pain McKibbon's Drug Store, DON'T SUFFER with your feet with Athlete's Foot, burning or itching feet, corns, callouses, chilblains, poi- son ivy, or itching skin. Use PEMILAC the amazing new speedy remedy, at your druggists, —money back guarantee. FOR SALE—Bedding plants of all kinds, also Tomatoes and Cabbage. Lower Wingham Greenhouse. FOR SALE — 3-Burner Perfection Coal Oil Stove with oven, good con- dition. Phone 427. FOR SALE—Upright Piano, medium size. Phone 25. FOR SALE—Man's Dinner Suit, as good as new. Apply to F. J. Hill. FOR SALE—:Good sized frame barn in Wingham. Apply Advance-Times. FALL-WINTER MARKETS WILL make big demands on poultry keep- ers. Kitchener Big-4 Chicks are priced specially- low for June deliv- ery. All breeds. Also cockerels. Contact us soon. Fred Hogg, Wing- tam, GIRL OR WOMAN WANTED for general housework, an opportunity for a High School girl during holi- days. Apply Advance-Times. GARDEN SPRAYS, 2.4.D. Weed Killers, Flower Sprays, Rose Bush Powder, and all dry powder pest dusts available at McKibbons. LOST—ON Saturday, Pair of Men's Wool Sox and 1 pair Ladies Crepe Hose. Finder please leave. at Dun- lop's Shoe Store. LOOK YOUNGER—Restore natural colour to greying hair with Angel- ique Grey Hair Restorer. $1 at Mc- Kibbon's and McAvors Drug Stor- CS, PIANO TUNING -- Tuning price $3,00, repairs extra; factory experi- ence, by Wingham Bandmaster, Geo J. Wright, Leave orders at Advance Times, REPORTER to send news of new buildings, fires and enginerring in- formation, Stationery and postage gupplied. Interesting work for spare time. Write now stating qualifica- tions. MacLean Building Reports, 345 Adelaide Street, West, Toronto ."4: Earto, "THARS MONEY IN THEM thar green grass ranges Mister" and a flock of Tweddle chicks will gather it up and put it right in your pocket. Prompt delivery of your Tweddle chicks now will assure bigger profits because plentiful grass range will do a lot to lower feed costs. Tweddle prices are reduced again after June 15th. Fuel costs are lower at this time of, the year and the market de- mand for eggs and chicken meat is practically tinlimited. It is good business judgment to order extra Tweddle chicks now. No waiting, prompt delivery, Free catalogue. Also older pullets eight weeks to 20 weeks. TWEDDLE CHICK HAT.. CHERIES Limited, Fergus, Ont. WANTED-TO purchase Pullets, Barred Rocks-, New HampShires, White Leghorns, any age froth eight weeks tip to laying. Good prices paid. Apply Tweddle Chick H:atch- tries, Limited, Fergus, Ontario, Young W0 Girls and Young Geo, Pattisso & 4, Limited P9tESTON ON T, 48 hours (5 dayg) ,per Week Good. Wages Steady Work CLOTH WEAVING Communicate with Excellent Lutich Roorn WOOLLEN 'to learn IWAN.TED WILL SELL TAXI BUSINESS and one 1946 Plymouth Deluxe Sedan. Apply at Advance-Times, WILDER'S. STOMACH POWDER quick relief from digestive ailments, acid stomach, heartburn. Pleasant, economical. 50c and $1 at McAvoy's Drug Store. WE ACCEPT WOOLLEN RAGS in exchange for Blankets, Motor Rugs and Yarns. Write for informa- tion. Flesherton Woollen Mills, Flesherton, Ontario, AN OPPORTUNITY Established Rural Watkins District available. If you are aggressive, and between the ages of 25 and 55—have or can secure travel outfit, this is your opportunity to get established in a pro- fitable business of your own. For full particulars write today to The J. R. Watkins Company, Dept. O-W-2, 2177 Masson St., Montreal, Quebec. HURON COUNTY COUNCIL The next meeting of the Huron County Council will be held in the Council Chambers, Court House, Goderich, commencing Tuesday, June 18th,, at 2 p.m. All accounts, notices of deputations and other business requiring the at- tention of Council should be in the hands of the County Clerk not later than Saturday, June 15th. N. W. Miller, County Clerk, Goderich, Ontario. NOTICE—COURT OF REVISION Township of Turnberry A Court of Revision for the Town- ship of Turnberry is now open. All appeals on assessment must be in the hands of the clerk by June 22nd, 1946. Final sitting to be held on June 28, at 3 p.m., at the Coinmunity Hall, in Bluevale. W. R. Cruikshank, Clerk. 2nd. ANNUAL AUCTION SALE REGISTERED HEREFORDS From the accredited Herds of Geo, Kennedy, Lucknow, and Jas. A. Little, Teeswater, at Pine Echo Farm, Luck- now, on Highway No. 86, 7 miles west of Wingham, 4 miles east of Lucknow, Tuesday, June 18th. commencingat 2 p.m„—of 40 Head, 14 Bulls and 26 Females, 11 cows with calves at foot and retired, bred heifers, open heifers, 7 serviceable age bulls, including: PINE COULEE BT)1. ISI-IER 58th., proven '-• the J. A. Lit*'- aero sire front • herd, bred by J. M. Stavely, Alta., and PINE ECHO PRINCE TONE 20th., Junior and Grand Champion Bull at Teeswat- er Regional Hereford Show, bred by George Kennedy. All animals guaran- teed. Breeders. L. E. Franklin, Donald B. Blue Auctioneers. Write for, Catalogue, NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER of the Estate of Archibald Brydges, late of the Township of Morris, in the County of Huron, Retired Farmer, deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to The Trustee Act that all creditors and others having claims against the Estate of the late Archi- bald Brydges, are required to send particulars of their claims, duly veri- fied, to J. W. Bushfield, the sol- icitor for the texecutrix of the said Estate, on or before the fifteenth day of June, A,D„ 1946, and that after such date the executrix will proceed to distribute the said estate, having re- gard only to the. claims of which she shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingliam, Ontario, this twenty-eighth day of May, A.13„ 1946, J. W, BUSHFIELD, Winghtun, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executrix, IN MEMORIAM Lotri-In loving memory of Feeder. ick W. LOtt,,,ifolio passed awo, June 46„ 1945. _We loved NO, aft no tongue can tell, HOW ninth we loved him, and how well God loved Itira too, and thought it best To take hint luittid With Hint to rest, ty loving wife and baby, Freda, IN THE SUPREME COURT OF ONTARIO IN THE MATTER of the Estate of Alexander Hislop, late of the Town- ship of Turnberry, in the County of Huron, Farmer, deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to the Order of the Local Master of the Supreme Court of Ont- ario at Goderich, dated the sixteenth day of April, A.D., 1946, that all cred- itors and others having claims or de- mands against the estate of the said Alexander Hislop, who died -en or about the seventh day of February, A. D., 1945, at the City of London, in the .County of Middlesex, are required on or before the eighteenth day of June, A.D., 1946, to send by post prepaid or delivered to the undersigned, the Ad- ministrator pendente lite of the estate and the effects of the said. Alexander Hislop, deceased, their Christian nam- es and surnames, addresses and de- scriptions, the full particulars,.in writ- ing, of their claims, a statement of their accounts, and the nature of the security, if any, held by them, verified by statutory declaration. AND Take Notice that after said last mentioned date the said Adminis- trator will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have notice, and that the said Administrator will not be liable for the said assets, or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claim notice shall not have been received by him at the time of such distribution. DATED at Wingham, Ontario, this twenty-seventh day of May, A.D., 1946, J. W. BUSHFIELD, Wingham, Ontario, Administrator pendente lite, IN MEMORIAM LOTT—In loving memory of our dear son and brother, Frederick Wal- ler, whom God called Home, June 4th., 1945. A boatitiEul. Merriory, dearer than gold, Of a Son and brother, whose worth ma tit er be told Happy and smiling, always content Loved and respected wherever he went. To a beautiful life, came a sudden end, He died as. he lived, everyone's friend. —Sadly missed and will always be remembered by his Mother, Father, Sister and Brothers. IN MEMORIAM. JACKSON—In loving memory of two years agop-ofv.-fF Richard Jackson, who passed away two years ago, June 9th., 1944. Two years ago, you left me To be transplanted In the garden in the skies, Where the -lily never dies. —Ever remembered by loving wife, CARD OF THANKS The family of the late John Fleming 'desire to express their appreciation to .their friends and neighbours for the kindness and sympathy shown in their recent bereavement. CARD OF THANKS Mrs, John Hall and family wish to thank their many friends and neigh- bors for the kindess and sympathy shown them in their recent tad ber- eavement, also for the beautiful floral tributes. OBITUARY Mrs. Robert C. MaeLeatt Mary Eliaabeth Ernestine Sellers, widow of the late It C. MacLean, passed away at her home at Waltham- slietie on Monday, May 27th„ In her 44th year, Mrs. MacLean was born on the 2nd: concession of Morris. Township, the onty daughter of Mrs. J. f. Sellers and the late Mr. Sellers. She attended Winghant High SchoOl 'and graduated as a teacher from the Stratford Nor- mal School. She was most efficient in her chosen profession and for sev- eral years was a teacher of Home Ec- onomics at Watibaushene and at Mid- land. She was active in women's or- ganizations in the United Church and the Women's . Institute. Her husband was accidentally killed by a passing motorist, on the highway between Midland and Waubaushene one year ago, and since that time she had not enjoyed good health. She is survived by two sons, Jim and Donald, both attending Univer- sity\at Toronto, her mother, Mrs. J. J. Sellers, and two brothers, Walter and Elmer, The funeral was held on Thursday afternoon from the .Un.ited Church, Waubaushene, with interment in the Midland cemetery, John Hall A highly esteemed and respected resident of Bluevale, in the person of John Hall, died, in the Wingham Hos- pital, on May 29th,, 1946, in his 81st. year. He was born in Howick township, and spent the early part of his life at Molesworth where he attended public school. He was married at Palmer- ston, to Jane Yeo, of Turnberry town- ship and in 1890 he came to Bluevale and purchased a farm, which lie con- tinued to operate until 1938, when he retired from active work. He enjoyed very good health until ,about a year and one half ago and during that time underwent an operation from which he made a good recovery. He is survived by his wife, one daughter, Mrs: James Masters, Park- hill, and one son, Gordon on the home- stead, Bluevale. His eldest son, Wil- liam made the supreme sacrifice in the first World War and the youngest son, Stanley died over 20 years an. Four brothers and one sister, also survives, William of Chatham, George in Mani- tOba, Joseph in Michigan and David at Hamilton, Mrs. John Farslow, Dresden. There are twelve grandchildren. The funeral service was held on Friday af- ternoon at his late residence, conduct- ed by Rev. S. J. Bridgette of the Un- ited Church, of which lie was a Mem- ber The pallbearers were neighbour men, Messrs, Andrew Holmes, Edward Johnston, Arthur Wheeler, Henry Branton, William Balfour and Lloyd Taylor. Interment took place in the 'W1Trox- eter cemetery, c.c.ccmc•••,... Mr. Oliver John Wade A resident of Windsor, Ontario, Oliver John Wade, died at his home, May 28th., in his 71st year. Born in Turnberry lie was the son of the late George Wade. He is survived by his wife, Jean MacMath, one daughter, Kathleen Wade, one son, Robert George Wade all of Windsor. Surviving also are three sisters and one brother, Philip L, Wade of Tor- onto, Mrs. &tale of Brantford, Mrs. Chevalier, Maple Creek, Sask., and Mrs, Woodley, Toronto, Burial took place in Windsor cemetery. ••••••••••• Mrs. Wm. Holletibeck There passed away at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Norman E. Wal- ker, Stratford, Mrs, Wm. Hollenbeek, widow of the late Wm, Hollenbeck, in her 77th year. The deceased was born in Grey Township, the daughter of the late John and Ann Clark and lived her en- tire life in the Vicinity, of Ethel, She was a member of the United Church in Ethel, r • She waspredeceaSed by her late hits, band four, yeara ago. She leaves •to mourn her loss, two sops, Fred and Ben, and one daughter, (Myrtle), Mrs, Norman Walker, all of Stratford, also two sisters, Mrs, M, Qughton, Ashern, Man.; and Mrs, A. Hollenbeck, Ethel, also ten grand- children, The funeral was held from her late home in Ethel on Tuesday afternoon, The many beautiful floral tributes showed the high'.. teem in which she was held, Interment was made in Mount Pleasant Cemetery, Ethel, WESTFIELD Mrs. T. Kernick of Blyth, visited on Friday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. Vincent. Mr. and Mrs, Bob Riley of Hullett, were guests on Sunday at the hoine of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Cook. Mrs. D, Blair, Mr. Wm. Howatt, Mrs. Harry Cook and Mr. Frank Cook attended the funeral of their uncle, last week at Bracebridge. Mrs, Ida Petts of Blyth, was a guest on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. Vincent. Mrs. Wilsbn and Anne Etts of Clin- ton, spent a couple of days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Carter. Mrs. Win. Carter, -Miss Mildred Carter were Goderich visitors on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Smith and Barbara of Toronto, were week-end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. McDowell. Mr. and Mrs, Hugh Smith of Moles- worth, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Carter, Jimmy and Bobby, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. James Stewart of Blyth. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. McDowell visit- ed on Sunday at the home ofMr. Wm. Elsley of Benmiller. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Farrish of Gor- rie, were recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Earl Wightman, "Mr. Warren Bamford of Preston, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Bamford. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Campbell visit- ed on Thursday with Mrs. J. Fitzger- ald of Dungannon. Mr. Elvin Wightman of Toronto, was a recent visitor under the parental roof. BLYTH A number of our citizens are attend- ing the races at Stratford this week. Blyth has lost one of its oldest resi- dents, in' the person of John C. Heff- ron, following an illness of only a few days. The late Mr. Heffron was in his eigthy-fourth year, and had lived practically all his life in Blyth where he conducted a butchenshop for many years. He leaves a wife and one son to mourn his loss, The funeral will be held on Wednesday morning from the R. C. Church. The Lions Minstrel Show was given 1 Dunlop's Shoe Store "THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES" -