HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1946-05-16, Page 1I 44.1.1,,I V Two Wi have been tons for 1 League. employees awards con with the nt ing and ce V. G. IV for three c without an won an aw ing, Of the 21 were fox ing of a B without an a similar r years, 7 fo 1l, for a •I UNITE .• „Theme- •The .Ma Missionary ed Church Laidlaw, t isrn .arid V icon told 'early churc showed tl Christ t told of the early churn were to sh ing this, prayer. M ceasful Pr in the Chu Hieeler thi and closed :HOWICI PAI Gasoline Derril' Ii Mr. and Howick T ed' when h ignited as tern, The boy from a bar anar'farm, splashed o When he flame enve elder broth -came to hi They s rushed the tern, where burns on abdomen. Returned Dr. and rived horn spending ti Florida. Engagemer Mr, and announce daughter, -er Davis, s •Davis of take place Presentatio The ho Leaver, 15t was the sce ing ,. recentl friends gat H. Scott ai ing was sp gressive eu and. Mr. R. A dainty l• hostess, af t presented -and Annie, joined in si Good Fell -with everyc in their rev B Nine tab 'the weekly Bridge ,Clu lows: Nort .Campbell Mr. Tichb Mrs. 0. C -4th, Miss McPherson and Mrs. and West, H. French; C. 'Gamma and J. A. and J, H. Gammage AWARD /r With Which Is Amalgamated The Gorrie Vidette and Wroxeter News. Single Copies Five Cents WINGHAM, ONTARIO, THURSDAY,, MAY 16th, 1946 Subscriptions $2.00 per Year K NFuity BOY WAS , INJURED , RUMMAGE VERY SALE SUCCESSFUL WAS VETERANS ON ILE DE FRANCE RETURNMAJOR , ADDRESSES UNDERH nim ILL LIONS NOW ANNUAL MEETING MISSIONARIES CL START DRIVE NEXT Army Personnel .....,...,,. Today (Wednesday) Arrive in London ,•••••••,., , Visiting Lions Present For Zdne Meeting Will Be Held Tuesday, '. ''........""*" May at 1Nhitchurch on 21st. •••• - Meetings Will Continue Until May 20 Will Take Under Place ,---t-, from Jun On Lighting 0,,,,m.......1 Clothes . Ignited When Lantern ..--,----.—es- . ..... ... ..! Proceeds Exceeded Last Spring Sale By More Than $100.00 auspices of the ( The Rummage Sale held in the Wingham Armouries on Saturday by the Ladies' Auxiliary to the Wingham Hospital, was again, an outstanding success. The proceeds were $560.00, which was more .than $100 in excess of last spring's sale. All Friday after- noon and evening donations kept pour- ing in and members of the auxiliary were busy sorting and marking. Many new articles were given by the Wing- ham merchants and manufacturers. Before two o'clock on Saturday ,a long line of people were waiting, and when the doors opened the large sale room was filled with eager buyers. Everything that anyone could desire was there, from a baby's bottle and crochet hook to a floor, pug and a hall rack. Each year a new department opens up, this time a quantity of yarn and new gloves were donated and there was a children's toy section. In two hours the racks and tables were practically empty, some heavy clothing was retained to send to Brit- airs with the clothing collection. Many people met their friends at the tea room upst a i rs which was busy all af- ternoon. The following shows the pro- ceeds by departments: Furniture , 19.00 Men's and Women's Clothing 176.17 Children's Clothing andMisc. - 85,30 Hats and Gloves ' 38,53 Shoes • - 49,37 Dishes, Toys, Novelties 82,00 Tapestry Samples - 37.50 Yard ' , 31.25 Tea Room 40.83 Four more servicemen from Wing- Ai ar ' Wingham regu meeting The of 32nd annual meeting of Malt- The special series of services being Allied Relief, irs, is re had gel and 1 -his :taped er boy he he allman, :wnship, Struck othered in were is assistance. Gliff gasoline attempted been some to hands, the a him. hands hospital 13-year-old - so„, of Hallman, Con 12, was painfully burn" -splashed clothes to light a Ian- pumping gasoline barn at the Hall- of the fluid had and, clothes, match a burst of His father and nearby and quickly the flames and at Walker- convalescing from face, chest and ham, The don day). G. Pte, M. R, from M. man, district, listed MacLenan, Army at A, A. Moore but the The Air Rae, 42., along Those N, Obermeyer arrived at personnel 2.20 this of Williams, K. Stacey of R. later his list. Force Wingham; R. 3, Brusselsa Lucknow. with several Halifax afternoon the Gnr, of R. 5, name personnel: FO are of Formosa; others of on Monday. due at Army are, C, R. Brooks, Wingham; Lucknow was deleted LAC V. R, LAC (Wednes- Cpl. the Lon- Gnr. Cpl. C. was M. Speir- R. F. • Lions Club was held at Yemen's Grill on Monday evening. Lion Hal. Mac- Lean presided and welcomed the visi- tors who were prhsent from Howick Lions ,club, Owen Sound, Arthur and Mount Forest. Lion Gord Buchanan was present and acted as Tailt ister w along with Lion Ken. Edgar from the Howick Lions. Fines were collected for every imaginable offence. Tailtwister -Gord Buchanan claimed that Lion Alton Adams had been guilty of wearing a brilliant shirt of the Buchanan plaid. On -examination of Lion Alton it was discovered that land S. ada 10 from a ed the will Whitechurch, presented Williams speaker. rent of the will The o'clock, Forum by At the be the Provincial Mrs. Presbyterial Morning given Presbyterian be held on will be Presbyterial on missionary McAuley. afternoon of Toronto, A review and presented. session, W.M.S. by the delegates. Society Tuesday, of in Chalmers devoted session will the treasurer's of the W.M. Church in Can- Church , May 21st, commencing atthe to reports secretaries and topics conduct- a report of meeting will be Mrs. 'John be the guest the years work state- - held in the Salvation Army Hall and conducted by Major' and Mrs. V. Un- derhill, returned Missionaries, are be- • mg well attended and received by the peopleof thiscommunity. On Sunday Major delivered the lessons at both • morning and evening meetings, bring- ing help and inspiration to the listen- ers.During the evening service Mrs. Underhill related an interesting story about "Mother" and presented Virs. J. Adams, the oldest mother present, with a plant. The services will continue every night at 8 p.m. during the week un- til Monday, May 20th, Highlights of Throughout immunities committees drive for place from the auspices Relief. As when the over 12,000,000 clothing ched to of Europe, invited to coming campaign. The clothing are used June was which the the take who Canadian the 17 of the the was a beginning clothing pounds war-devastate Service drive Dominic t will spe tha to Jun Cana case la people of proma Clut leading will he had changed and was wearing his Lion Gord "revival the gatherings will be the spirit" in they be which will conduct- ed by the Lions later this MOTHER S' DAY SERVICE working shirt. thought that of the Lions a number should se- ed as well as the speakers' attractive then particulars will be giv HELD, AT ST. Ammon cure Scotch plaid shirts and wear them for a while. as a .penalty for attending so many Lions dinners with the How- ick Club. It was discovered that HURON ROAD WILL TRY EXPERIMENT presentations of the Gospel. / On Wednesday, May 15th at 8 p..m. in the United Church Sunday School Room, Major Underhill will present a Progressing We are John O'Malley . Nicely pleased of • to repoe Con, 2, •rom :: ie a Mrs. the r„dna on in n re ;11 :ne y tered id ent chre. C. inch :er vith with ,ws". me Mrs. )shweken, aging, i home on winter of May. and of line of 'when Miss in Announced Scott which an wishing R. Dr. Mr. of a to was a cup in engagement -Georgina, Florida Thursday Alex. Social social Mrs. "For The C. Redmond ar- last after in St. Petersburg, - Elliott wish to 'of their to Mr. Mill- and Mrs. Walter the marriage to , Evening and Mrs. Alex, East Wawanosh, very pleasant even- neighbours and honour Mrs. Robt. Annie. The even- chat and pro- Allan Pattison were the winners. served by the electric ',hot-plate and saucer. All They Are Jolly -evening closed them happiness Wingham. .. vis- Lions did have ' lecture on the Missionary being work improving nicely in a Tor -Six Babies Baptized Service At Morning iting not to pay for their dinners. Messrs..Cecil Islerkley and Bob Hall , Road Will Ditches Be Raised With Deeper Constructed carried on in Egypt, Trinidad and the British Honduras. This will be Mu- tat after her throat. a very critical of entertained strated by lantern slides from his col- High School Area Meeting held day A. ing with, Lean bies. son the son Joan Mrs. and Misses Home". baptism Freda daughter A special Mother's in St, Andrew's morning, with Nimmo, taking Up" The church flowers given Hilda Pletch sang as a During the service was administered These were: of Mr. and Mrs. Jo-Anne ,daughter late Fred Lott; of Mr. and Mrs. Elizabeth, daughter Charles •Chittick; of Mr. Neil Mrs. James the for his "in duet, the and Milton, Hardy. Day Church and Gibson Andrew service was on Sun- Minister, Rev. text, "Grow- was beautiful remembrance". Gwen MC- "Mothers and sacrament of to six ba- Gordon Henry, Rintoul; of Mrs. and William Henry, Mitchell; of Mr. and Gail 'Elizabeth, Mrs. Thomas son of• Mr. ' with guitar selections and Cecil iMerkley favoured with a request number in which he gave a fine ex- hibition of whistling. The Lions gave the boys a good hand. Lion Jack Mc- Kibbon led in singing with Lion Har- old V. Pym ate.the piano. An inn- promptu quartette composed of Lions Gibson and Gordon Buchanan put much feeling into the number "Let Me Call You Sweetheart" and led the Lions in singing. Guests of the Club were Major Un- derhill and -Capt. Touzeau of the Sal- vation Army and they were welcomed by Lion Hal.. Major Underhill pre- sented a veny fine address on his ex- periences in the missionary work of the Salvation Army in British Honduras. He had a number of slides taken by himself and he used these to explain , at expecte , wr be hill. sion the tion ern for ther will ty, ed will also as be Omar Haselgrovea Bill Connell, Harry Salvation vided structi-on, deeper proved- The Huron of the party A wider to The road from The until depend The road serve surfaced meeting experimental snowdrift ditches be sufficiently by an experiment of fall, make pole the work the as on Kippen lines control. will be will road, will The on amount will tree with County. construction the county. right-of-way more a windbreak, Road Coommis- Thursday approved of a sec- road in the south- will be pro- room for con- and tree-planting raised, higher and be constructed far- and the side slopes flat to provide safe- not likely be start- cost for this year of work done, be considerably in-i- planting, which will constructed this year. It will and later with gravel lection of snapshots taken during his years of work in these countries. This will undoubtedly prove to be inter- esting and enlightening. Mrs. Underhill will address the women of the community in a meet- ing, held especially for them, at the • Army Hall on Thursday, May 16th at 2.30 p.m. Her topic will be "The Life, Work and Adventures of a Missionary". On this occasion Mrs. L. Hiseler will be the soloist and will sing "There'S_ a Voice in the Wil- derness". Fridays meeting will feature some beautifully coloured slides depicting the story of the Prodigal Son. - The address will be given by Mrs. Under- There will be a special offering talc- en during the Sunday evening service, A meeting Township Township at 8.30 p.m. cussing the Consultative Town Council, to be invited. Local Teachers Regional Miss Agnes Phyllis Johns on Inspectorate sembly of ora tion held London,. of importance sion were Conveners their reports Hall the in of of of of Morris, High Assembly on Saturday. • discussed the on for the and ' at the to the various work Committee, Attended Williamson represented Women ratepa; will be Monday, purpi School , ti School / the Re Tea Public Ma teach at th comet accor Mrs. Scott was Henderson; Total $560. This money will be used to purhcase • • furnishings for the new wing in the hospitalwhich,' is d '11 opened in June. ' The Auxiliary wish- es to thank everyone who sent articles for sale as well as all workers and others who contributed to such a sac- cessful undertaking. This rummage sale has now become a community e- vent, so start right now to. get ready for the one,,which will come along in the fall, DANCING many features of this work. The Major stated that he had been a bituminous top. , dedicated to the Missionary work of the Salvation Army. The address for 1946, and the Teachers outlined federation some of . for Harriston Armouries, Town Walkerton Fri., May 17; an officer for twenty years and en- joyed his work. The Salvation Army B. Y. P. U. the morning meeting will be given by Mrs. Underhill. Her subject will be One of which -establishing a was residence the adv fo 16; May Ambassadors and Royal T, 22, to Bert Worth 9-piece Hall, Wingham, Thugs,, May Wednes '' and his CKNX orchestra.ian was international in character and • • , while the publieii were quite familiar with the work, v eryfew knew ofthe conducted Following MacLean, by the brief the Mrs. business session President, Miss Viv- Frank Colar pre- "Offerings That Cost Nothing". At 7 P.M. on Sunday the Major will bring the message, "What Security Is There for the Future?" tending were present torates throughout - Normal from School. the differ • Wester •i RIDGE CLUB • missionary angle. A boys' industrial sented her program on "The Jews, The final this service of series will Dancing At Royal T Wednesday evening, 9.30 to 1 to chestra in attendance, i Purchased The Thorns House , ,,,,a Mr. James Henry, who moved his family to Wingham last year from Lucknow, has purchased the residence on Victoria street, of the late John Moved to St. John, N. B. Mrs. C. H. Magee and sons, Ken- neth and Donald, left on Saturday for St. John, New Brunswick, to join her husband who is employed with the Eastern Textile Products. In LronGdoonrdoHnosGpaitnaillett is at present a patient in Victoria Hospital, London, where he was operated on for the re- moval of cataract, He iv making a splendid recovery and hopes to be home soon. Mrs. Gannett is in Lon- don with her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond R, Elliott announce the engagement of their daughter, Lois Evelyn, Reg, N. to Mr. William N, Dlackmore, B.A., son of Mr. and Mrs. Cedil 131ackmore, Beams- vine, -at 4 o'clock, Saturday, June 1st, at Knox Presbyterian Church, Blue- vale. a,-; - New Middlesex Judge Is a Native of Huron . • Ian MacRae of Strathroy, was nam- . a , Middlesex, He was born on a farm at Lochalsh, in Huron county, 43 years ago. He is Married to the former couple have no children, Large Huron Member Road Expenditure -Bruce Throughthe effortsof Old Time Dance. McDowell's Or-Frank of the Legislature, . For our local John W. Carruther's Orchestra. Friday night-at school was operated in British Hon- duras and the Major and.his wife were placed in charge of this. Boys from nine to eighteen were taken into the school and trained in the Christian way and Their assisted i others, Miss History . Collar by concerted Viola and sang Drummbolis Beliefs". She was M a,eLeeandi and,s 1- Bible "The Gipsy Boy" . rendered be held on Monday, May 20th at 8 p.m. Bright singing will be a feature all services, and a welcome is ex- all tended to to attend. WARBL E ACHIEVING FL Y BAT' RI and ies took b. h and nd wile olborne M. ; 5th, R. S. 1st, 2nd, se 3;rd, Wilson; meeting Crawford; The Mrs. and MacLean Mr. R. Mrs, -part South, Mrs. A. D. and R. 4th, C. Hetherington. of results Cranston Mrs. in the play at the Wingham were as fol- 1st, Mrs, H. R. DuVal; 2nd, A. R. DuVal; and Miss Y. W. H. French East and W. Hobden and G. F. Vanstone D. B. Porter . 5th, Mrs. G, C, H. Magee. the F or Kennedy; 3rd,at- Hanna, riding. nearly Wingham Huron-Bruce largest road We understand a q6900 000. ' to Teeswater t ile s east ea 111- . Highway riding expenditure of Wingham receives of any the amount' is No, 4 from is to be paved. • • • High-ronto of living. There were about seventy native boys in attendance. This tendance could readily be doubled if the facilities were available. There was only one doctor for a • 'I au- hundredsquaie int es andallprec -- the „, Miss piano. prayer trumpet s Jessie by Bible The solo, . Currie meeting Miss Pearl College "Almost Persuaded". . presided. at the . . was closed in Jones of the To- . m,this Dance At Currie's •-School Friday evening, May 17th, Tiffin's Orchestra. Admission 25c. Taking Public Health Course y ' ricultural which - Positive year nual spring • infests results have be( for the first time battle between officials' and the cattle herds, way ton. Highway No. 86 is to 87 from Bluevale be resurfaced, to Harris- Thom.Miss tons were nos- t'necessarytokeepout quitoes to prevent the spread of ma- laria, Nets were used for this pug- pose, The school was fortunate in Huron The annual Old Associationof Boys' picnic as is estimated Picnic of the Huron Old Torontowill be G Helen Thompson, Reg. N., is taking a month's practice in public health field work with Miss A. Cleav- • , public ' age each The control pest through $7 to $8 million year. is being bra use of a m • tax TOWN At the FOR council ' ESTIMATES PRESENT meeting5 last week YEAR the having an excellent water supply from the hills. Cricket was the principal game among the boys. Good crops could be grown on freshly burned-over land but for some unknown reason the land did not retain its fertility beyond patch was about 1-1I' burnedfive y eoavres; nettA unseewd , held at Boys' Bloor baseball South Huronites ticulars on High Street. 1-laron F tit Park, later, game in the and are invited. 'd ay afternoon, There between June 14th, area just south of will be races, a North and other events. All Further par- er, °clench s health nurse, This is a part of the course for grad- nation from the Western University I n stitute of Public Health. Veterans Attention! W. W. Armstrong, representative of the Department of Veterans Affairs, technique. der and cattle with fly larvae. in the are ,Warble plentiful, soap behind disastrous summer A mixture of I with water is a 450-pour results for flies give cattle months and cattle are low ED DRIVING SAFE . BUTTONS t this rate was based on the estimate°. receipts and expenditures which tip- pear below. • ' Estimated Receipts Weigh Scale Fees $ 125.00 .rate was setatmills for. 1946,will Yams cassava, grapefruit and ban- ., antis were plentiful. The school had 900 banana plants set out, The heat was intense, usually being close to 90 degrees. While the school was not able, to furnish all the education which HE 9 BAPTIST DAY — AT CHURCH be at the Wingham Armouries from 7 to 10 p.m. on Friday evening this week, May 17th, to interview vet- erans in respect to their rehabilitation benefits. Bring discharge certificate and war service gratuity statement. make weight • The Huron to pastures the and present and- because of their cattle run, keeps reduces the mi combat area Dufferin con' agham Telephone awarded safe )45 by the n all, 343 in Ofitario sisting of buttons imber of years rtificates. IcClure received msecutive years accident and xrd for two ;rand total ' 13 consecutive :11 Telephone accident of ecord extending 11 years safe year no accident driving Ontario Bell Telephone have received of safe an at the W. J. Brooks years' safe of 343 awards, years' motor vehicle any kind, over driving, workers inscribed record. but- Safety driv- award wheel driv- driv- 9 for 12 and Fines 25.00 MLicenses 600.00 m • • unicipal Subsidy (1 Mill) 1078,61 a Engagement Announced already should be given, yet he felt that the boys were given a good general edu- best back- cation with the possible Mother's Day was observed at the - ' Wingham Baptist Church, In the Pay Tribute To Mother . As has been their custom for years, the Aitcheson and relatives dairy type approximately 10,0 cattle have goon Penalties and Interest 200.00 Dog Tax 200.00 Rents 200.00 ground. The British Government was , quite pleased with the operation of the school and had extended the term of morning, Mr. Norton spoke from Isaiah 66;13, "As One Whom His C f h S Will I Com- Mother om ortet , o i fort You". The "Songs My solo, family gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Harvey Aitcheson on Mother's Day to pay tribute to the late Mrs. William ill i Fite Truck Rental 200.00 Cemetery Revenue 1500.00 Dept, Highways, Snow Rem 200.00 L. I. Sewer Rates Recov ...... 552.61 Dust Layer Recoverable 141,00 • operation for another five years, Lion Wilf. French moved a hearty ' LT d 1 '11 f vote of thanks - to Major n er ii or his interesting address, He stated that the Salvation Army was one organiz- • by Mot h er Used to Sing" was elven Frank Collar. ' • The theme for the evening service was "Hymns of the Old Home and Mother". "Home Sweet Home" was Schools Aitcheson. In the morning they at- tended St, Andrew's Church in a • group. Those from a distance were; „ an d Mrs. Jack Aitclieson, Sarnia; mr. M HenryAi t cheson,S • ' . M •and r enry atma, 1, All Members of Morris School Board were present afar meeting May 2nd, Application forms for : 6 and 12 were con ed Saturday at junior county judge o f sung Total $ 5022,22 Taxat i on - 50 Mills 53930 60 ..... ---- ''''' • ation against which he had never heard any criticism. Lion George Ross sec- onded the motion and Lion Hal. Mac- the organ prelude, and the Call to Worship was "0 Come All Ye Faith- bythe congregation.' le fat," T he Mrs Thos. Aitcheson and Dorothy, of • hener• M r, and Mrs Lorne Aitch- Kite „ . mut and Douglas, of Acton; Mr. and . .motion was decided to have schoc and 12 wired when. power i A was passed to Total .,..., ............................ ,............... $58952.72' 1 Mill - $1078,61, , Follows: Rate Made as 'thanks Lean tendered the vote of to Ma' U 1 .1 '11be t f jor Underhill et it with S wishes 0 the Lions Club for coteinued success Brooks Trio, Mr. H. Brooks, violin, Clare, on the flute, with Mrs. Brooks at the organ, very effectively rendered Mrs, J. E.Mulch and Hope, of God- eel h. Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Govier and c o , M rs. Govier f Auburn ' 0 Sr.,a schools in the toaniship go saving time, commencing Al A delegation from East Winnifred Elliott of Lucicnow, The "Silver Mill Up Public School Rate 8.81 mills County Rate 5.65 mills in his work. The meeting closed with the usual Lions Roar and cl os i ng song. Threads among the Gold". The Choir numbers were: "The Church by ST. DREW S Y. P. S. AN ' Board was present to disc gaging of a Music Supervi CHURCH .......*:... wom.s„ Debenture Rate 2.67 mills General Rate .;i:;....•., ....... ...... 32.87 mills -- Total .... 50.00 mills Estimated Expenditure Grants and Charity e $ 2600,00 Co. of Huron „Rate .......... ..... ..... 6094,-Vt e Deb, Debt Charges ..... .„.„, ......... . 2887,59 Education 9600.00 General Administration 13770,00 Health and Sanitation ..„..,....s 2700,00 Streets and Bridges - .. 6000.00 Protection to Persons s Prop,' 7288.00 Cemetery Expenses ...• 2750.00 Public Library Board 1200.00 Insurance ..„.„ ...... ,.„..,..,.., ........ ... . 900.00 Taxes Written Off ...e....„.....„ 886.27 Repayment on Loans ..,,-,...„ 1606.00 Extharige and Tax Coll. ,„...„,s 80,00 Miscellaneous ............ -a-- 446,48 ' ' Engagement Announced Mr, and Mrs. Robert kolaton, of De. trolt ennounce the engagement of their o ' daughter, Irene Evalyn of Wingham, to Mr. Thomas A. Steep, sofa of Mr. and Mrs. A. W, Steep of Clinton. The marriage to take place on Saturday, June 1st, at 2,80 pan,, in the •Witighate United Church, • Youths Remanded for Trial Monday in weekly police 'court, two kinloss Township youths, charged with breaking, entering and theft at -the service station of Ezra 'Wellwood, Whitechurch, elected trial by higher court and were remanded, Charges against two others also of 1<inloss; were withdrawn. The latter; air were implicated through evidence given by but -found to have the mused were the Side of the Road", Mother's Church; "Peace, Sweet Peace", Moth- , er's Victory; President McKinleY s Message to His Dying !Mother, "Tell " Mother I'll li e Th ere"was given in duet ,by Miss Ruth Cantelon and Miss Lois Burchill, while Frank Collar rendered the solo "In the Secret of His Presence" (disclosing Mother's Prayer Life). The sermon subject was "The Triple Faith of Grandmother Lois, Mother Eunice and son Timothy", The hymns were: "Nearer My God To Thee", (disclosing Mother's God); "How Virg). A Poundation" (disci6S- ing Mother's Bible); "He Leadeth'Me" (disclosing Mother's Guide), Mrs, John Falconer, who presided at the organ, concluded the service with two postludes, "Oh That My Saviour Were Your Saviour Too" and "There's A Land That Is ratter Than Day", with The regular meeting of St. Andrew's Young People was held on Monday night with Marjorie Gilmour and Mar- garet Nimtno in charge. The meeting was opened with the call to Worship, followed by the singing •of hymn 409. The Scripture was read by Lillian Darling and Mr. Nimmo led in prayer. During the meeting, the President, Anne Chittiek, bride-to-be of this month, was called to the front. An . address was read by Jean MeXague, and Ross Smith on behalf of the Young People's Society, presented her with a wool blanket. Anne made -11,* very fitting reply and hymn 100 was sung. Sr. Stewart Beattie then enter- tattled with moving pictures. Mr. Nitntno extended a vote of thanks to Mr, Beattie and the meeting was brought to a close with the benedic- schools in the two townshi decided t o adver tise this p that a joint -meeting of Board be held in BOgrav 27th, IL Wheeler and the Seel instructed to visit all the see what repair work w needed, Torrance, Dundas tact M r, Piekett regardi ng pairs, cave troughing, etc. A schedule of salaries f who are remaining in the tO arranged •amid new contea drawn up. Vacancies ate t used and a special meetin; May 21st at 8 p.m, to ina MOMS. Accounts presente, (Ted paid, James johnStot permission to use the well In such a way as meets v proval of the Board, N . Holmes School Resumes Sunday Sessions • Evangelism and Visitation t meeting of the Woman's Society of Winghant Unit- was In charge of Mrs, Wm, he theme being "Evangel- isitation", Mrs, D, 'Hutch- 4 thd establishment of the di and `Mrs. VV: J. Brown ie personal influence of hat church. Mts. Laidlavv zeal of the laymen in the cli and how anxious they ire: the good news, Pollow- t'S, N. McLaughlin offered rs, dowane told of the sue- esbyterial which was held reb no April •.2fhlt., Mrs. M conducted the 'bushiest tli6 tnnelthlo,, • The Summer Sunday School eon- ducted each year at Hointes*School re- seined its sessions on Mother's Day, Rev, J. N. II. Norton opened the School and conducted the election of officers which resulted as follows: Stt.' perintendent, Peter IMeKageef Assist- ant Superintendent, Nelson Pickell; Seey-Treasurer; Robert MelCague; Pianist, Mrs, N. Pickett; Assistant, Miss M. Porter; Primary Teacher, Mrs', W.. D. MeKague; ,Tonlot Teacher, Mrs. John Meltagttet. Young People,• Rex. Alex. Nittuna; Bible Class, Rev, a'. N, Ilblorton. After a brief address on the gguificance of the -day by Mr, IstOttOtl. the session closed in titterer. $58%2,12 taken no tart in the break-in, real interpretation. tiOn, meeting, ;rune 0th. TO MONTI" e 17 to 29 anadian, n local co- o form the arhead the t is to take 29, under ian Allied. st October, contributed serviceable tly despata countries s are being art in the e sponsor- year, Fur- en. t that Mrs. Culross, is onto hospi- eration on. -Called ers of the held in the May 20th, se of dis- rea. The e Brussels Board are and Miss orth Hur- gional As- chers Fed- Library at fly matters ing profes- e meeting, ittees gave mlished in the aims of the future. inability of 3 girls at- Teachers eat insp ec- Ontario. LE SUITS n achieved in the an- ntario ag- warble fly, causing an collar darn. ght under w spraying erris pow- sprayed on d pressure the warble a hard life where they It to go in- bite, which down their lk flow ac- s centre in ties where 0 beef and sprayed, BOARD Township at the i•eg- ydro for apleted. It ls 6, 8, 10 s available. have all on daylight .ay 6th. Wawanosh Li ss the en- err for the 6 , it wag osition and e two e, On May •etary were schools to s urgently was to con- furnace re- or teachers waship was c ts -will be o he advers e called for he appoint- -1 were ord- .( was given at No. 10, ith the ati- eat regular