HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1946-05-09, Page 7`ICE TO All HOG BUYERS IN ONTARIO THE Ontario flog !traducers Marketing Scheme has been approved by the Ontario Government, and Became Effective on ,andAfter May 1, 1946. Under this scheme, all ,buyers of hogs for processing or for resale to processors are required to comply with the following• regulation:- . 11$ "No buyer other than a processor shall buy hogs except under the authority of a buyer's licence." Applicants for licences to buy hogs should complete tho form below and return it, with the $1.00 licence fee, to THE FARM PRODUCTS MARKETING BOARD Parliament Buildings, Toronto, Ontario To the Farm Products, Marketing. Board (Name of applicant) 6 , make(s) application to the Farm Products Marketing Board for a licence to engage in the business of a buyer of hogs under the Farm Products Marketing Act, 1946, for the period from April 1st, 1946 to March 31,1947. Dated at , Ontario,-this day of , 1946. APPLICANT • I I .ADDRESS ) , FARM' 'PRODUCTS MARKEIINGFBOARD; PARLIAMEI4T BUILDING11,,TORONTW-GriTe " • I MIIIIMMINIMINNI•MIIIIJ W. A. CRAWFORD, M. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Alione. 155 Wingham DR. W. M.CONNELL PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Phone 19 J. W. ENFIELD Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. Money to Loan Office - Meyer Block. Wingham J. H. CRAWFORD Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. Bonds, Investments & Mdrtgages Wingham Ontario. 'FREDERICK A. PARKER OSTEOPATH Offices: Centre St., Wingham Osteopathic and Electric Treat- ments, Foot Technique. Phone 272. ' Wingham. J. A. FOX e. Chiropractor and Drugless Therapist. RADIONIC. EQUIPMENT COMPLETE HEALTH SERVICE ' Phone 191. CLASSIFIED ADS, COST SO LITTLE A Good Investment WWI inserted in the columns of ,WINGEAM ADVANCE,TIMES DONALD B. BLUE Experienced Auctioneer Licensed for Counties of HURON & BRUCE All Sales Capably Handled Phone 49. Ripley, Ontario K. M. MatENNAN Veterinary Surgeon Office Minnie St. Opposite and South of the United Church. PHONE 196 Wingham, Ontario 13 15 27 30 WELLINGTON FIRE Insurance Company Est. 1840 An all Canadian Company which has faithfully served its policy ,bolders for over a century. Head Office - Toronto IL C. MacLean Insurance Agency Wingham A. H. EAVISH Teeswater, Ontario. Barrister. Solicitor, Notary Public and Conveyancer, Office: Gofton House, Wroxeter every Thursday afternoon 1.30 to 4.30 and by appointment. Phone - Teeswater 120J HARRY FRYFORE Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director Furniture and Funeral. Service Ambulance Service Phones: Day 109W. Night 109J. 1111.111111111.1 IAADA'S ORIGINAL CA ARO MAIICTOBACCO ° L. CH um Business and Professional Directory By R. J. SCOTT. SWAPS WHEN AREEN I'HE BANANA FRUIT CONTAINS AN ABUNDANCE of SIARcii WNW/ CliAN4ES4b$U4A1 AS ofilE FRUIT • RIPENS 8.1 S•fo wrist ic• :ip . 4.1 1(1 1'wo .4itoot,it ll (AKES . 1 i l <0 .4oft. A JAPANESE: •fosA , ..,:--ei goat As Aikiti4- , y.0, , --1- 1,-:-...tti,;$. _ ONE <0 CARRY ItIE BIRO AND . ONE To CARRY 14 4'Au.'- IN BAP WEA•BiE.R. THE TAIL is WkAPPt0 IN <ISSUE.A PAPLkIO. AND OLEDs/ OP LiKE A ROPE. O NA N tom. *ilk*. Ai OI. lie tvtdi a.m.; 101/' BuILIr FALSE. ENTRANCES To IlIEIR lotABS 'fo MISLEAD ROBBERS Do You LooK ea t ig Aafaa Pticrfo4s.APN oER •filAri si REM. LIFE? 24. Sasli (Jap.; 25. Masculine pronoun 26. Poem 29. City (Georgia) 32. Symbol in Lloyd's register 33. Shaved 34. Final 35. Dull pain 36. Asterisk 38. Cushions 39. God of war (Gr.) -Room °nun MUMS BOGS ORMM .MORM MOOS BOWOUB OMM OM MRS USSOMO SODS =IMMO MOS MBOMOU MOM MUM MR OSDOMO DUMB MOO BO UM* MOBS =SR' MOO DOMU 4 40, In this place 42. Property f L,) 43. Soak thoroughly 5 /f 6 8 q 14 FEED SERVICE MINERALS Recent reports from Agricultural Represent- atives indicate that a number of herds of cattle in various parts of the province are allowing the symptoms of mineral deficiencies. This constitutes a serious threat to the health of Ontario cattle herds, .a threat 'however that can be met easily and dealt with effectively, Here are mineral deficiency symptoms that you should be on the look-out for: Depraved Appetite - cattle chewing bones, leather, boards in an effort to get minerals from a foreign source. Stiffness of Joints - the cattle are now, rea- ching a state of severe deficiency. They will demonstrate a poor appetite and poor phy- sical condition. Here is your EASY CURE or better still your FAST:PREVENTATIVE for mineral defic- iency in, your cattle. SHUR-GAIN Essential Mineral for Cattle Simple isn't it ? '? and ESSENTIAL. We can supply you with SHUR-GAIN ES- SENTIAL MINERALS FOR CATTLE. CANADA PACKERS, WINNAM VICTOR CASEMORE, WHITECHURCH McKINNEY BROS. NEVE JOHN BUMSTEAD, DELMORE YOUNG MAN ANTED for Office and OYard Work. - APPLY - Beaver Lumber Co. Ltd. WINGHAM ONT. GGS AND SKEETER I'LL FIX THIS ti S MUSIC TEACHER!! 4:=400 1 .13 \\I WONDERFUL!! ONLY ) A 'MUSICAL GENIUS ", COULD PLAY THIS PIECE ' UPSIDE DOWN AND BACKWARDS-AS YOU HAVE dust Dome I5V WALL? BISHQP ...t GUESS IT'S IMPOSSIBLE TO DISCOURAGE A MUSIC TEACHER!! .1-10W WAS THAT? .,„ • Res41.44d lf S. Pefeni 04e.. \ Lk l• t Messer led in prayer. The topic from the Study Book, "Think of Africa" Wus taken by Mrs. 11, C, Jorgensen, The Chapter dealt with "Indigenous Churches." The conclusion was that churches should be built for AfriCAns,by Africans with the. Missionary in the back ground. The president closed the meeting with prayer, United Church W.A. The Women's Association of the United Church met at the home of Mrs. Edward' Johnston on Thursday afternoon, when p ladies were in at- tendance. The President, Mrs. Earl Hamilton, presided, and conducted a f ew items of business, Reports were presented by the sec- retary and the treasurer. During the business session two patched quilts were sold, Arbor Day Observed The pupils and teacher, Mrs. Wheel- er observed Arbor Day at the school on Friday. The forenoon was spent cleaning up the school yards and get- ting the garden ready for planting. In the afternoon the teacher and pupils from the Wingham Junction school, were guests, a game of base- ball was played. Bluevale pupils being the winners. Hot dogs and cocoa was served by, the teachers. Mr., and Mrs. A. D. Smith have moved their household 'effects to the house which they recently purchased from Robert Shaw;Mr. and Mrs. Sh'aw have moved in to the George Gannett YOUR EYES NEED ATTENTION Our 25 point Scientific Examin- don enables us to give you Clear, Comfortable Vision. F. F IMMUTit Optometrist Phone 118 Harriston General Accountancy for the SMALL. BUSINESS MAN, PROFESSIONAL. MAN, and THE: ,FARMER. ftfam P. O. Box '40 RIPLEY ONT. • 4.215•45., Mrs. Margaret Nicholson, Pelgraw, spent two days this week," with her sister, Mrs. 43., Shaw, John L..Macgwen was at Goderielti, this week :attending the meeting of .:the. 'Huron ;County 014 Age Pension •' Board, 4 Miss Dorothy Aitken, Goderich, spentc the week-end with her aunt,, Miss Duff, Dr, Campbell and Mrs. Campbell, St. Catharines, were week-end visitors With Mr. and Mrs. J, Q. Higgins, Mr. ,George Menzies of New Lon- don, Iowa, USA., visited Mr. and Mrs. P. S. McEwen. and Mr, .and Mrs. John Hall, Menzie was a former resident of Bleuvale, having learned the cheese making with 'his uncle,. the late George McDonald, when he oper- ated the cheese factory in this village. Mrs, Alex. MeCracicin has returned to her home after being a patient in the VVingharn General Hospital for nearly two weeks. Mrs, P. S, McEwen visited this week with Mrs. Harold Lawson at Clinton. Mr. Wellington Mann observed his 83rd birthday on Sunday at the home: of his son, Roy. His daughter, Mrs. Clifford Johnston and husband, of Lis- towel, were present for the celebration. Another daughter, Mrs. Fred Hollen- beck of Stratford, and sons, Clarence and Howard were also present. Mrs. Mann is in her 82nd year. Miss Florence Fowler will be host- ess to the Institute on Thursday, May 7th. Mrs. Harvey Robertson, Con- venor of SocialWellare, will give a paper on cancer. Roll call will be answered by naming the disease I most dread. A MODERN CHURCH IN A POST-WAR WORLD The departure of Dean H. Water- man for Westerm.Canaday. nn:; MascG 17th would normally be a matter: of small notice. The fact that he would be flying would, occasion no "surprise. When the purpose of his trip and the "story of the, Church's approach. to Post-War reconstruction is known, this event becomes news: In the world of today we are accustomed to the use of aircraft in business. The co-related impact of the newspaper, magazine and broadcast message is understood in the world of advertising. The church has long been considered by many laymen, if not divorced from, at least only lightly addicted to the use of modern aids in meeting the needs, spiritual and secular of the people. The Anglican Advance Appeal for Rededication and Thank-Offering has opened the eyes of many to the fact that the Church of today meets the needs of tomorrow with a knowledge and appreciation of the new tools at hand for reaching a vast spread society. The fact that the Dean of Niagara as organizing secretary of the Anglican Advance Appeal should use the airlin- es to ensure his personal contact with Each Diocesan Committee is a natural outcome following the use of a similar form of transportation used by mis- sionaries in the far north and by the Bishop of the Arctic, The Rt. Rev. A. L. Fleming in visiting his wide flung Diocese. But this personal visitation carrying the message of Rededication and a plan for a sound rebuilding of the peace is allied with a concerted approach of press advertising, direct mail, parochial canvass and national and Diocesan broadcast, as carefully thought out as any business appeal. The results of this understanding are already evident. Reports from across Canada show that there is a new spirit among the people. A knowledge of their own responsibilities in rebuilding in a war torn.world. A real apprecia- tion, of their enviable position among men and a determination to ensure a. future of great promise for the coming generations. In this rebuilt and strengthened spirit they are banding together as one in a great Thank- Offering. At, 15 L9 1. 40 z. 25 31. 32 30 39 40 BLUEVALE Church News At the morning service in the Unit- ed, Church, Rev. S. J. Bridgette, used as the 'subject of his sermon, "The Christian's Tithing of Time and Sub- stance." Messrs. W. J. Johnston, Arthur Wheeler, Earl Hamilton and Carl Johnston were appointed to canvas the congregation in the interests of the Minister's Pension Fund. Communion was observed at Knox Presbyterian Church. Rev. L. C. Jorgensen conducted the service. A duet was sung by Shirley Dietman and Eileen McKinney. United Church W.M.S. , Mrs. Edward Johnston opened her home this week for the monthly meet- ing of the W.M.S. of the United Church. , The Vice-President, Mrs. George Hetherington, conducted the meeting. "The Christian Home" was the topic. Mrs. Arthur Shaw and Miss Emma Johnston acted as leaders. Others who read pamphlets on various phase's of the topic were: Mrs. E. Johnston, Mrs. W. J. Peacock, Mrs. Sparling Johnston, Mrs. Carl John- ston, Mrs. J. Curtis and Mrs. Laura Kirton, Mrs. George Thornton closed the meeting with prayer. W.M.S. of Knox Church The W. M. S. of Knox Presbyterian Church met in the Sunday School room this week, for the regular mon- thly meeting. The President, Mrs. Raymond Elliott presided. Miss Olive Scott read that portion of St. • Luke, Chapter 24, that tells of the ascension of Christ, Mrs. Archie 1. Pierces, as. with horns 6. Slacken 11. Per. to, hours 12. Permit 13. Variety of 'corundum 14. Rascal 15. Costly 16. Conflicts 17. Sacred pictures (Russ. Ch.) 21. The Infer- nal regions 24. Expression of surprise 27. Bear 28, Furious 30. Milk fish 31. DiVersion 33. Metal 84, Flexible part of a whip 87 Nurse (Ind.) 41. Performer 43. Trap 44 Apportion 45 Aquatic mammal 46 Gull-like birds 47. Antiquathd DOWN 1. Lean.to 2, A large book 3, Space 4. 'Obstacle D. Cunning e. River (Swiss) ACROSS 7. Boasts (slang) 8. Seaweed 9. Journey 10. Female sheep 18. A. vault under church floor 19. Ahead 20. Per. to the Scandi- navians 21. River (So. Am.) 22, No (slang) 23. Friar's title 41 44 3, irliuridoyoMfor.9* 1946 WINOTANI ATArmargmmEi