HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1946-05-09, Page 40 TO FRESH ilia Ray The ayouth factor" or natural hormones DEinRiVto iLiNmatikegryniouro younger and more lovely. 40 tes, t amazing s u od_111.Y":11ehnnewes. a n Hormone Cfrersehae: days 0 cAvoy's 0 IITelephone 18 =nem 4 =1 Drug Store 0 Wingham ei izio) McKibbon's Drug Store 00 PARINI till NUMPlitlY. latCHIftt ..:.,T*Otrosegitht* 'A,"histtNAMAJA .01104t 004100004. 10 A NEW A.C"):`,-) I 1114., IN i . VALUE.. 26 PIECES Original Roger* Silverplate covered by full replacement guarantee. Coin- plete service for, six. Limited in quantity. , CAI3 I N .1F-IIVAIALf..EXTRA 34 Pcs SIV° 42' Pcs sir° Moto-Master Spark Plugs MONEY CANNOT BUY BETTER It's a small investment to ensure quick starting, better performance and greater economy. Canadian Tire. Corporation. Associate Store Campbell's Garage WINGHAM ONT. 0 0=01=I =0=0=0) 0=01:10=08 11 CAREFREE COIFFURES. • —at — PERSONALITY O BEAUTY SHOP Josephine Street, Wingham Try the NEW ZOTOZ Cold Wave LUST— ARONCLOOLD— c. 0 WAVE Beauty starts here with a quality Permanent styled just for you, Lustrous, easy to comb curls and O waves in glamorous long or short coiffures. Have 0 yours. now in the comfort ofqhe SALON AT THE RUSH READY-TO-WEAR Miss Helen Ducklow, Operator to=0===t0=o1====or:===t0= co=to LADIES' High grade FOOTWEAR such names as Suthna, Gracia, and Medealfe. $5.29 .sonsmisms 10-day SHOT SALE Starting Thursday, May 9th CLEARANCE• OF SPRING FOOTWEAR AT DRASTICALLY REDUCED PRICES. We must clear these lines to make room for our 'Summer merchan- dise. Many of these arrived after Easter. "`"""- SMART, NEW SPRING MODELS for the girls who want the smartest styles. Reg. val- ues up to $6,00, SALE PRICE. 43.89 LADIES' STYLISH SHOES -Don't underestimate these fine shoes we offer here by their low price. Come, see what we offer you at, this Bargain Price . . . $2.89 JUMBLE LOTS Ladies' and GroWitig DRESS SHOES Sale,. $1.49 l'rour Choice, Men,. of' Fine Dress Oxfords Black or lirovvn $2.89 - $3.49 - $4.89' MEN'S WORK ' BOOT SPECIAL. The biggest :value for your dollars $3,89 — $4.49 RARE VALUE in CHILDREN'S SCHOOL OXFORDS, in black or brown $1.89 SHOE ISTOR 1713AG `OU312. WING IAA A D VANCX. TIMES Thursday, lay 9th, 1946 'CLASSIREP A.M57 AN OPPORTUNITY — Established RnraLWatkins District available. If ..1.;. are aggressive, and between the ages of 25 and 55, have or can secure travel outfit, this is your•opportnnity. to get established in a .profitahle. business of your, own, For full par, ticulars write today to The ,L E. • Watkins Company, Dept, 0-W-2, 2177 'Masson St., Montreal, Quebec,• • AUCTIONEER—L. G, Bryce, B. 2, Wingham, is now available for . Auction Sales of all kinds. Terms reasonable, Phone Wingham 62, COMMUNITY AUCTION -SALE—. Of Stock Implements and Hou.s.e- hold Effects, at Foxtoo's barn, Wingham, at 1 o'clock on Saturday, May 18, Sell that article you don't need, L, G.' Bryce, Auctioneer. FOR. SALE—Boxed Pansies, In full bloom and buds, also all, setting out spring plants too numerous to men- tion, Phone Greenhouse 101. FOR SALE-11 Cords of Split Wood, Apply to Wm. Field. FOR SALE—Baby's 'Be'd and ,Crib,— Good as new, Apply Mrs. Charles Bondi, Wingham. FOR. SALE-75 New Hampshire Pul- letsr 3 months .old, also Yorkshire Sow, Apply to Jas, Coultes, Phone 629 r 11. FOR SALE-1936 Terraplane Sedan, in good condition, good tires, heater and defroster. Apply Advance-Times. FOR SHARPENING and REPAIR- ing Lawn Mowers, Apply to •Leslie McDougall, Lower Wingham, :FOR SALE — Large Solid Brick House, good location. Apply at Advance-Times. FARM FOR SALE-55 acres level Clay Loam, half mile to village, and paved road. Reasonably good frame house, bank barn, henhouse, imple- ment shed. .Electricity. Many others also, Wm. Pearce, Realtor, Exeter, FOR SALE—A Windmill, also hand washing machine, in good condition, Chris. Nethery, R.R. 1, Belgrave. FOR SALE-135 White Leghorn Pullets, 5 weeks old. Apply Ber- nard Thomas, Phone Brussels 11-11. FOR SALE—Two Colony Houses, 10x12, Apply to Fred Doubledee, R. R. 1, Wroxeter, HOUSE FOR SALE-2 Storey frame house on Frances St„ hi good repair. Apply Robt. Hopper. HY GIENIC SUPPLIES — (Rubber goods) mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price list. 6 samples 25c; 24 samples $1.00. Mail Order Dept., T-83, Nov-Rubber Co., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. HO-USE FOR SALE—Two Storey Brick, with furnace, slate roof, hard and soft water, large henhouse, new roof, about half acre. Extra value. Wm. Pearce, Exeter, LOOK 'YOUNGER! Restore natural colour to greying hair with Angel- Igoe Grey Hair Restorer. $1.00 at McKibbon's mid McAvoy's Drug Stores. 4 AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock and Implements Will be held at the residence of STUART McBURNEY South, half Lot 31, Con. 10, East Wawanosh, half mile South of -• 10th line Bridge commencing at 1 p.m., on WEDNESDAY, MAY 15th., HORSES-1 matched Blue Roan Team of Mares, 6-10 years old; 1 Road Horse, 1 Year Filly. CATTLE-6 fat Steers, coming 2 years old, 8 Year-olds, 7 Milk Cows, 7 Spring and Winter Calves. IMPLEMENTS-1 Massey-Harris Binder, nearly new, 1 Massey-Harris Hay Loader, nearly new, 1 Deering Fertilizer Disc Drill, 2 Walking Ploughs, 1- Twin Plough, 1 Deering Mower, 1 Wagon, Wagon Box, Flat Rack and Gravel Box, 1 set ]3ain Sloop Sleighs, new; 1 Buggy, 1 Cutter, 1 Dump Rake, 1 set 2000 lb. Chatham Scales, 100 Sap Buckets, 1 Fanning Mill and screens,1 set Harrows, 2 sec- tions Massey-Harris Spring Tooth Harrows, 1 De Laval Cream Separ- ator, 1 set Single Harness, 1 set of Double Harness. Other articles too numerous to mention. About 800 bus. of Oats, about 25 tons of ,Hay, some Household EffectS. Terms — Cash Stuart McBurney, Donald Blue, Proprietbr, Auctioneer. TENDERS WANTED Tenders for the purchase of a No, 4 Champion Rock Crusher with bin screen and loader will be received by the undersigned up to and including May lath. Crusher' may be seen at E3i lot 26, Concession 6 West Wa- wanosh, The highest or any tender net nec- essarily accepted, Duritin Phillips, Clerk of West Wawanosh Lucknow, Ont., R. R. No. 2._ NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of john Than, late of the Town of Winghant, in the County of Huron, retired Section Foreman, 'who died on or about the 11th day of APril, A.D„ 1946; are notified to send to Crawford $t Hetherington, 'Wingham, Ontario, on or before the 11th day- of May, A.m., 1946, full particulars of their clairng in writing. Immediately after the said 11th day of ,May' thel assets of the Said testator wilt lie dis. tributed amongst the parties entitled thtreto, having regard only to 011aiMS of which the Executor shall then have notice, Dated this 2nd day of April, A,IX, 1946. -traWford & Hetherington, Winglitin,,Ontarro, gbileitOtiliOilittE3tettita, David Crompton JEWELLER Gifts For All Occasions WIN one 59 GHAM DIXON'S VITAMIN B-1 literally performs miracles with garden and potted plants. Rich, colour- ful blooms, stronger foliage. An absolute necessity for trans- planting. Used with success by gardeners everywhere. 25c,, SOrs size and $1.00 Economy size. 11111111111111111111111 1 MATERIALS art in' SHORT SUPPLY and we Omelet a greatly increased volume in our business within ' the next two Weeks. If you need Roof or Savetrough REPAIRS CALL NOW and avoid further delay to these repairs. A. L. FISHER 1260PER and TINSiVIITH: 'Phone 411 Or Box 92' (anytime) W high '111•1110111111.111111101.111111111.111111.111111011' u•a•Wat*J.womi*amo00•••.w.a.6..........4 His Worship advised the council that Mr. Wilkinson was ready to Oro-, .teed with the painting 'of the ton hall, Cein, Kennedy reported Mr `the o meters' Committee that Mr, "WM. Ken- nedy and Mr, nos. datitit Wdre Work; ing ott the grounds at present. Dirt was, being put in the- grounds by Ur. da,MS. Cottn, Rat reptirtad tYie Band 8tattd in*,;1 ork,1 on audjelt it altottld,', be removed. The matter of building a new stand was discussed and it was agreed that the committee remove the old band stand and secure prices on a new stand of suitable type, Conn, Lloyd reported for the Fire Committee that new rubber boots and raincoats had been secured and that new hose had been ordered. Assessor Handy was present and turned over his 1946 Roll to the coun- cil. He pointed out many features of the yeaes assessment. The population was 4hoWn as 2204 and the total as- sessment was $1,078,614. The popula- tion was up by 49 and the 'assessment by $4000. His report was accepted, Mr. Haney reported that a .number of people on,Leopold street were hav- ing trouble with septic tanks and a sewer was highly desir4ble for this area. It was decided that the Court of Re- vision for 1946 be composed of the Mayor, Reeve and Couns, Lloyd, Rea- vie and MpKibbon, and that the first meeting be held on Tuesday evening, May 28th, 1946, at 8 p.m, . Estimates for the year 1946 were considered in detail, Owing to lack of space these will appear in our next issue.' By-law No. 1159, was read- thiee times and passed, setting the tax rate for 1946 at 50 mills. • ins Worship presented a l‘tter from Tiirnberry council covering the inspec- tion of the paventit to the cemetery.. The council agreed that Turnbeiry council be requested to proceed with the top dressing of this road and that Town of Wingham agree to assume one-half of the expense. BELMORE The Missionary meeting of the Un- ited Church was held Tuesday after- noOn at the home of Mrs, Arthur Fitch, with nine in attendance. Mrs. Fitch as leader, opened the meeting with sing- ing and prayer. Theme, Crusade 'For Christ. 'Mrs. Tom Abraham read a chapter in the Study. Book, Mrs. Rev. Hewitt read from, the Missionary Monthly; Minutes by Mrs. Roy Ruth- erford, closing prayer by Mrs, Wesley Tremble. The Hewitt fathily and Mrs. John Harper attended McIntosh Mission- ary Meeting on Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Fred Dustow. The Institute meeting, was hod oh Wednesday at Mrs. Thos. Abraham's, Mrs.. Pyke is visiting her daughter, Mrs, Carl Fitch of GoiTie. ."-. • Miss Jeffray took tea on. Monday evening with Mrs. Fred Johann and and, Miss Ruth. The Young People of'-the Presby- terian church will put on their play, 'May 17th,, in the Community Hall. BELGRAVE Mr. C. Austerberry of the'COmmuni ity Welfare Council of Ontario will address a gathering in the Forester's Hall on Thursday night, under thp auspices of the Athletic Association, There will be musical numbers and a free dance. Everyone-is requested to be present and a. special invitation to the ladies. Mr. Burwell of Toronto, gaveNa stirring appeal on behalf of the Tem- perance Federation to the congrega- tion of Knox 'United Church,, Sunday, LOST A.pair of green Gloves. Fin- der please leave at Advance-Times. LOST,--Man Fontaine Wrist Wateh„ Finder please leave at Advance- Times and receive reward, PIANO TUNING — Tuning price VA, repairs extra, factory med.. ence. By Wingham. Bandmaster, Geo . Wright, Must leave orders at Advance-Times. SLENDOR TABLETS ARE—Effec- tive. 2 weeks' supply $1.00; 12 weeks' $5.00, at McKibbon'sand Mc- Avoy's Drug Stores. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN,— The Greenhouse will be closed for business at 6 p.m, 'until further not- ice, WANTED AT ONCE-,--Mill RooM Woodworking Foreman. Must un- .derstand the set-up of all machines. Lucknow Industries Limited, WE CAN STILL TAKE ORDERS for Kitchener Big-4 Chicks for de- livery this month. These fast grow- ing chicks should pay good divi- dends on good fall and winter mar- kets. Let's have your order soon. Agent, Fred Hogg, Wingham. WORRY, LONG HOURS, HUR- rigid meals, bring indigestion, acid stomach, 'digestive ailments. Get relief with soothing, tasteless Wil- der's Stomach Powder. 50c and $1 at McAvoy's Drug Store. WHY SUFFER the agony of Rheum- atic Pain, Sciatica, Lumbago, when Rumacaps will give you quick wel- come relief. McKibbon's Drug Store. AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects Will be held at :the residence of DUNCAN KENNEDY Comer of Patrick and Sit-Liter Streets WINGHAM at 2.00 p.m., on SATURDAY, MAY 18th The following is for Sale 1 Xroelher Chesterfield Suite, 1 Dining Room Suite, with Refectory Table, nearly new, 1 Simmons Bed, complete with Spring Filled- Mattress, 1 Double Bed, complete with Spring filled Mattress, Marshall; 1 Single Bed, complete with Marshall Spring Filled Mattress; 1 Studio Couch, with Spring filled cushions, Coffield Electric Wash-- er, Vacuum Cleaner, 2 ,electric Radios, 1 Electric Waffle Iron, 1 Electric Toaster, I. Electric Heater, 1 Electric Fireplace, 3, 32 Volt Electric Motors and Fans, 1 Brantford Kitchen Cabin- et, 2 Dressers, 2 Washstands, 1 Book- case, 2 Wardrobes, 4 Tables, 1 Hall Stand and Mirror, 1 Settee and Rock- er, 2 Leather Rocking Chairs, 1 Arm Chair and. Rocker, 4 Kitchen Chairs, Other articles too numerous to ment- ion. Terms—Cash Duncan Kennedy, Donald Blue, Prpprietor Auctioneer. CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Edward Wadell wish to express their appreciation to their friends and neighbours for the kind- nesS' and sympathy extended to them in their recent bereavement in the loss of their daughter, Marlene. COUNCIL STRIKE TAX RATE FOR YEAR (Continued from Page One) perty committee. Building permit ap- plications were considered, 1. 'Chas, Cook, application to erect a church building on Josephine st. 2, Mr. Duncan Kennedy, 2 houses, cement block construction, Frances and Victoria streets, 2, Mr. John P, Willie, extension to present barn, Alice street. 4, Mr. David Hutchison, brick ven- eer house, Edward street, 5. C, Lloyd & Son, Ltd., for ,dry kiln on Leopold St., also replacement and enlargement of storage building. O. Andrew Bell, howling alley and front. entrance at Brunswick Hotel. Conn. Johnson reported for the Pro- perty committee that Mr. French had' tendefed for the plastering in the Fire HaIl and Clerk's office, and from Mr. Norman Rintoul to lay the linoleum. The Property committee was instruct- ed to proceed with repairs at their dis- cretion. EXECUTOR'S SALE Of Real Property in the Town of Wingham, and articles of Household Goods and Furniture. To close the estate of the late John Thom, there will be offered for sale by public auction at the premises, Vic- toria Street, Wingham, by L. G. Bryce Auctioneer, at 1.30 o'clock, on Saturday, May 11th, 1946 the following property, namely: The southwest corner of Lot 8 having a frontage of 33 ft. by a depth of 1 chain 85 links in FoleyLs First Survey in the Town of Wingham. On this property is said to be a 2- storey brick house with, garden. TERMS of Sale: Ten per cent, of the purchase money on the day of sale and the balance within 30 days there- after. The property will be offered subject to a reserved bid, At the same time and place there will be offered for sale a quantity of house- hold goods and furniture. TERMS: Cash. • Dated this sixth day of May,..1946. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Wingham, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executor. L. 1G. BRYCE, Auctioneer, R. R., Wingham, Ont. AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects belonging to Mrs. Harold Finley at Mr. Harold Finley's, Centre St., at 2,30 sharp, on Saturday, May 11th, 1946 Sparton Electric Radio, cabinet; 1 Floor Lamp; 2 White Iron Beds with good springs; 2 Spring Filled Mattres- ses; Parlour Table; Lamp Shades, new Fancy Cushions: new; White Kitchen Cabinet trimmed with black; Dining Room Suite; 2 Black Leather Rockers, 1' Chair and Rocking Chair to match; some Chairs; Bowl of Fish; House Plants, Chest of Silver, Electric Iron in good condition; 1 Table Lamp; Small Parlour Tables and Smoking Stand; 2 Dressers; some Dishes and other art- icles, Terms Cash. Donald Blue, Auctioneer. 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • It • • • 0 • • • • • • • * • • II • • • • • • • • • * • ir 0 0 • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • 0. • • • • • • They offer a-chance for. IMMEDIATE JOBS — STEADY JOBS too. They also offer jobs for experienced farm workers—for mechanically trained workers— and any others able to help seasonally. Then, there is the challenge to fight off stdr- vation threatening many nations., 6, JOIN' IN THE EIGHT AGAINST'HUNGER It JOBS ARE AVAILABLE IN YOUR DISTRICT 54440604 One eteeteiCave .Apply today for work on the form to either— YOUR NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT OFFICE itvt PROVINCIAL AGRICULTURAL SERVICE "m41 Welt e"adeeVetd a ddgee,,, aid a May 5th. Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Fairservice of Londesboro, spent Sunday with Mrs. J. VanCamp. Anglican Ladies Guild The Ladies Guild of the Anglican Church held their May meeting at the home of Mrs, F. Shoebottom, with a *good attendance. The Meeting open- ed 'by singing a hymn and prayer, by Mr. Henderson. Mrs. Shoebottom read the scripture and Mr. Henderson gave an address on "The Life of John Wesley." A duet, the Story of the Cross by Mrs. Wade and Mrs. Wrn. Brydges was very much enjoyed, Mrs. Wm. Brydges gave a reading. Roll Call was answered with a verse of scripture. A short business discussion followed, The meeting was closed with prayer and,a dainty lunch was served by the hostess. At the last regular monthly meet- ing of the W.M,S, and W.A. of Knox United Church splendid reports were given by Mrs. E. Anderson aiid Mrs. Geo. Michie, from the Presbyterial on April 25th., in Wingharn. 'MrS Chant- ney was in charge of the ;meeting. The theme of the Worship period was "The 'Christian Home", prayer against Alcoholism was given. Articles for bale which is to be packed in. June were discussed. A quilting will be held, in the near future. Mr. Robt, Coultes presided for the W. A. Arrangements were made for supper for Y.P. Con- vention on May 13th., in Belgrave arid several other items of business were dealt with. Mother's Day will be , observed in Knox United Church on Sunday, May 12th., with a children's choir under the direction of, Mrs. Geo. Johnson.