HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1946-05-09, Page 3air Thursday Mar 9th, 1946 • Went into effect April 30th,, would 00 increased, The winter Subsidy is 55 cents a hundred pounds and the sum- mer payment is $5 cents, Woman Gets Spy Term Qttawa,—A second Canadian espion- age suspect was sentenced to peniten- tiary. Kathleen Mary Willshcr, 40-year-old native of London, ,,England, was sen- tenced to three years in prison by a judge who couldn't agree with either crown or defence lawyers that.,her of- fence and her background warranted less. She pleaded guilty to one charge under the official Secrets Act of giv- ing to .an unauthorised person confid- ential information that related chiefly to Canadian diplomatic reports from Moscow, King Will Join, Premiers May 12 London,--The first definite announ- cement of Prime Minister King's plans for attending the commonwealth con- sultations here at which Empire -de- fence .problems, the future of the Pol-; ish forces outside of Poland and other matters came under consideration. A conference spokesman said Mr. King had informed the meeting he planned to leave Ottawa May 12th and arrive in London, May 18th. The spokesman added that since, Canada so far has • not been represented at the talks, no final decisions have been taken and other representatives will raise with Mr. King some of the sub-. jests already discussed. Ottawa' Expected To Press Plans Ottawa,—Opinion was widely ex-• preSSed after indefinite adjournment of the Dominion-Provincial conference that the Dominion would implement its unaccepted proposals when it brings down its budget for the 'current sess- ion of Parliament. Provincial premiers were among those who predicted the Federal Gov- ernment would go ahead with its far- ranging plans and let the chips fall where they may. Bad Intersection Accident At Toronto Tortinto,=The mid-town intersect- tion of Bloor and Bathhurst streets on Friday night resembled a battlefield, Do Tour Paltering N9 sir I No need to delay papering that room. We have a pleasing at- ' play of SUNWORTHY WALLPAPERS „,„ Patterns for Every Room TELEPHONE 281 Haiold Finley FOR SAMPLES Also stock of Lowe Bros. Paints beautiful, famous for quality. Choose from the Mutt Chas assortment „... salaries that won't permit saving for old age. The booklet tells of 'the many good reasons fOr the nation-wide Un- ited Church Pension Fund Drive, from April 28th to May 16th., to place, the fund on a "sound actuarial foundation." From the editorial desk the signifi- cance of this appeal appears to extend far beyond the necessary alleviation of the financial plight of ministers. The only possible conclusion to be drawn from much that is happening in Can- ada is that it emphasizes a national need for moral and spiritual leadership. Canada does indeed need these men and all such men—whatever their creed, denomination, or religious affil- iation. WESTFIELD Miss Mildred Thornton of Kitchen- er, is spending this week with Mr. and Mrs. Norman McDowell. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Campbell visit- ted on Thursday with Mr. and Mrs, R. Gardiner of Lucknow. Mr.and Mrs. Walter Cook visited on Sunday with Mrs. Jean Kee-Janie of Blyth. Mrs. D. Blair was a guest on Sun- day at the home of Mrs. Ida Petts of The .farmers were very pleased to see the shower of rain on Saturday, which will be of benefit to the crops and pastures. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Cox visited on Sunday with Mr. Cox's mother at Goderich. Mr: W. F. Campbell and Miss Win- nifred visited on Friday with Mr. and. Mrs. E. Brown of St. Thomas, Mrs. Henry Mailers of Lucknow, spent last week at the home of her daughter, Mrs. gar! Wightman. IRRESISTIBLE "How do you like the new fainfly next door, Bertha?" "Oh, they are the most Polite per- sons. Every child that came to bor- row something so far said please and thank you." Chinchillas are attracting the serious attention of those seeking interesting employment and profitable investment. These delightful, clean little animals , bear the world's most luxurious fur. They can be housed in city, suburbs or country.,. Or we. will ranch them for you at low cost, guarantee:slaw increase in the first year. Ws. assist you in every' way to profit from our pedigreed stock — the, finest in America. We invite your searching investigation. 1 MACK ST. KINGSTON, ONT. NAME :ADDRESS I would like details about Dominion Chinchillas .01 (print plainly) WW you accept a Contract . TO ENJOY PEACE OF MIND? GO it from C. K. Bryant . . . your friend at Canada Life 1h KNOWS you'll sleep better, worry a lot less and enjoy life more when you have assured your future security with the right Canada Life contract. He will explain how this contract guarantee. a comfortable income for life when you are ready to retire—and guarantees protection for your family in case you fail to live to retirement age. Make a note to call your friend at Canada Life ...and ask him to show you how $1 saved oat be inside to do the work of more than $3.00. "ITANADA. LIFE it 0o* RRIfHiiR TOMORROWS FOR YOU ANT) YOUP. amonowniorommonomor Happy Cherry Pickers \ hit spring, hundrodi of enthiskillic teen-agent Will take to the country-side. For pleasuri-ifor kreflt—for national Service, They'll go farming foiihe Out In the skinny fields and orchards Of Ontario, ambitious young follit can earn--hot 'Merely pocket ,money—but a ,Man's pay. They'll Miley goOcl torn- panionship and lots of hon. They'll :terns back in the Fall radiant and happy. So desperate it Europe's need for food ... end se urgent our,farrners". need for labour that thousands of helpers are imidOti.this -Spring. AttractiVo'CO,Minunity Camps are waiting. Work is guarantied Allied, pheasant supervision. Here's the opponuany for youth to pitch in and help a vital, w,origvhilis cause. Tempagers1 Sign, up for the Farm Sittvien;rerc. today. ' 4:0 • • DOMINION PROVINCIAL" - COMMITTEE ON FARM LANOUR AS1ICUITURS . LABOUR • 111DUCATION Load A Nand Your kelp is Media on all 'type* of farms--newl You can he eicoMMOdaiosi in Inspected NOM honest or In .0 anies.*4.10 'Yew'. ate a high School shaiiitt• thick with ' our feather sitlerektio the nests. tiity ikiernkilen 'hi NOVO 'Scheel early :4. thin fill in tt lilts sipainaiitaiteiar/itninion 0.4.1 hit 4,61401' ;,. I.'" • PAN* lortoint tem. linnet an ontato, . MOWS tsii Wit Oat rein isso ow mai aim eft lei nil OW lie ill ant MAIL THIS COUPON'AT ONCE Onleile Fenn Semite !Oral, 112 CoOtiee lity Te6s00. , ,,1 Went need is HaViaot Msw mmit we fir tiseilstrelles fine VW rN Osty intetMettin elseet Ow Onkel* Pane Setileiferee, .0 41141, VOliy.iWyri401440W14*4 000 o (161 004 04411,0***4444 Weii;ii*Willi*rorrio411444i4t4441,4401,000iirri00,1 tiNMiliii11:1110146 irleAN.140W444N00.0*441V00.4#0144444iiiliffiif kiivvricoliklAriwt4;.0400,414rWri444W0444Wiiiit 00,4011A14400464 oterontinwhiroa On Mt tniniitait roan *al A IntitiMat4info' NM alit " *air Oit Mil till Mil nil UM tin tit I I I I ETY0ll1" WORLD:_ WIDE- NEWS .IN'CONDENSEITORM s 00000000 00000 The defendant 'Wa4 convicted last week by a jury that deliberated Only 11 minutes. TI -14‘ WINGHAU ADVANCR-'TIMES on Bathurst street, smashed into the ttolley car Vtibich was westbound on Bloor street, The truck's gasoline tank exploded and the streetcar and truck were immediately on fire, Over 2,300,000 Persons Made Blood DOnatiOns Toronto,Dr, P.hair in a final report to, the central council of the Canadian R.ed 'Cross in session hereon. Thursday said the wartime national blood donor. service received-donations from Z33$,533 persqns from January 1940 to August, 1945. Nine: hundred and -.thirty donors gave 20 or more don- ations he said. See No Immediate End To Shortages Ottawa,—No immediate correction" of the war-induced shortages, in Can- ada of food, clothing, fuels and certain other commodities can be expected, it was stressed in the 1945 report of the Prices Board,tabled in the Commons, The report, written by Chairman- Donald Gordon of the Board, and tab- led by Finance Minister Ilsley, attri- buted the situation to "acute world shortages" and said supplies in Can- ada still were "by no' means adequate to meet unrestricted domestic de- mands." Predict U. S. Highway Toll Will Be 40,000 in 1946 Washington,—Americans are being asked 'to face the •grim but inescapable fact that the mangled bodies of 40,000 men, women and children, will be strewn along United States motor highways in 1946. About 1,000,000 persons will be injured. Because of that appalling outlook, President Truman has called a con- ference of interested organizations to be held in Washington May 8-10 in an effort to reduce the slaughter. ti Japs Told To Destroy Major Combat Vessels Tokyo,—The Japanese government was ordered to destroy by April 30th., 1947, the new major combat vessels of the Imperial Navy which escaped de- struction in the war. Allied headquarters said it expected only eight aircraft carriers and cruis- ers would be available for immediate scrapping under terms of the order. Lack Of Coal Halts Passenger Trains Chicago,—The Chicago and Eastern Illonios Railroad announced that effec- tive Friday, all of its passenger trains between Chicago and St. Louis would be discontinued because of a shortage of coal. Road officials said the num- ber of cars on trains to Evansville, Ind., and points southeast would be reduced and freight service adjusted to conserve coal. Hints Action On Sales Of Black Market Meat. Toronto,—If Toronto retail butchers are selling meat at black market prices, they'll be sorry. That's the word from the Prices Board which said it had set up a new system of checking retail• prices—a system to reveal positive proof of black market sales. "We cannot let the secret out of the bag yet but butchers will probably know what it's all about by Saturday night," a Prices Board spokesman said. "Every butcher is being checked. If he is selling black market meat, he only thinks he is getting away with it." CANADA NEEDS THESE MEN Of all men, it is the historian, per- haps, who is best able to look object- ively upon' human affairs, finding in what is happening today a significant resemblance to what happened, it may be, many centuries ago. He may not subscribe altogether to the popular be- lief that history repeats itself. But he will probably admit that an unbroken chain of cause and effect can be traced throughout the recorded history of mankind, To him,tribes and races, nations, empires and civilizations them- selves are living organisms that wax and wane, subject to laws of growth and decay,sensitive to internal and ex- ternal pressnres, plantlike in their need for continuous cultivation if they are to remain sturdy, fruitful and long-en- during, Every human society has within it- self the seeds of its own dissolution, And harking back, perhaps, over the centuries to the .glory that was Greece and the splendour that was Rome, our historian would point to moral decay —the general lowering of standards of human conduct—as the dry rot which, in the plentitude of their power, insid- iously sapped the very foundations of mighty nations, laying waste the tri- umphs and achievements of etnturieS, en xl?yan coutt'gp" 'these 'thoughts come to mind with the receipt of a booklet issued 'by The United Church of Canada and entitled "Canada Needs These Men.° It sets forth the pension needs of ,the chord's aged mittisteri and dWellSt too, upon the necessity, . encouraging young MO owing the ministry" in nientrt German. General 'Moved To Canada Ottawa,--Defence headquarters an- zounced that S. S. Maj.-Gen. Kurt Meyer, sentenced to life imprisonment for war crimes, arrived in Halifax aboard the Aquitania and was taken immediately to the penitentiary at Dor- chester, N. The brief announcement did not in- dicate whether Dorchester was to be Meyer's final stopping place, nor did It give any hint of the nature of the accommodation provided for the Nazi general. Attacked Child, Draws 40 Years Detroit,—Frank Lobaido, 29-year- old grocer, was sentenced to serve from 40 years to life imprisonment on each of two counts of rape and at- tempted murder of seven year-old Rosalie IGiganti. ' May Blizzard Hits Wyoming Cheyenne; Wyo.,—Wyorning dug out from a May blizzard that spread badly,needed moisture throughout the eastern 'Rocky Mountain' region. Casper had 17 inches of wet, •sticky snow in two‘days. A low temperatutc of 20 was recorded at Big Piney. All-Year Subsidy On Ottawa,—Agriculture Minister Gar- diner indicated in the Commons the Government might, consider replacing the present summer and winter milk subsidies, with •their varying rates, by a subsidy with a flat, year-round rate. He was replying to J. A. Charlton (P.C. Brant), who asked if the summer subsidy on milk production, which ORDER YOUR FURNACE OIL BURNER NOW to insure .Fall Delivery. PERCT-CLARK 'Mona 255 Wingham with a crowded streetcar in flames, a smashed motor truck also burning, injured lying on the pavement and fire- truck and arribulance sirens shrieking. When the confusion attendant upon the collision of a motortruck and trailer with a Bloor trolley had sub- sided it was discovered that 60 'Per- sons had been hurt, 42 of them were seriously injured and three of these were in critical condition. The accident occurred when the truck, hauling a trailer, southbound