HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1946-05-02, Page 5^-1 Thursday, May 2nd, 1946 PAG. VIVU LOCAL AND PERSONAL Dr, E, C. Wilford was the gnest.ort Sunday of Mr. A. Porterfield and WS, LaidlaW, - Mr, Scott Ferguson of Richmond Hill,cop eiVanisd.iied with Mr. and Mrs. E, S. Summer INE FOODS and Home Necessities FOR THE HOME—MARKED DOWN in price to SAVE YOU MONEY IN COTTONS House Cleaning Needs Lavoline Floor Cleaner quart bottle, size sale Johnson's Floor Cleaner ' 1/2 gal. jug, sale .03c Best Turpentine, pint bottles qt size Moody's Stove Pipe Enamel Solventol House Cleaner 28 oz. Black and Mauve, yard , 1 Black and Yellow, yard For Spring Cleaning Old Dutch Cleanser 2 for— ).9c Bon-Ami, cake or tin g for, . . ... 25c Gillett's Lye, sale price 9c Champ, the best cleaner ...;..•... 9c Lasso Cleanser, tin 4c Moody's Toilet Flush tin 23c D.D.T. Moth and Fly Killer; 10 oz. 45c Gold Medal Floor Wax 1 lb. ............ . ............ 27c '190 72c Fresh Texas Grapefruit, lge; 112 size, special, 3 - 21e Texas Grapefruit, large 126 size, juicy, 3 for 18c Delicious Pink Grapefruit, large, 96 size, 3 for 25c Special Shipment of Orafiges—Navels and Floridas Palm Garden Tea i1, lb. 40c Lipton Tea (Bak). I/2 lb. 35c Maxwell House Coffee in Special 1 lb. jars sale 48c Rideau Hail Coffee, 1/2 lb 24c bealand's Mint Sauce ..... 12c Magic Baking Powder lb 25c Forest City Baking Powder 1 lb. tin, and (1/2 lb, tin free) ... 25c , ...... .. Magic Baking Soda, lb. pkg. 7c Clarks' Mushroom or AsVargus Soup 2 for 15c Golden Spray Cheese 1/2 lb 17c Best Canadian Cheese lb 38c Plain Queen OLIVES, 6 oz. jar, Special, for . . .22c PINEAPPLE—large 24 size—SPECIAL 36c DUTCH SETS—No. 1 quality, graded, lb. . . . 12c Head Letuce, 18c for 12c Celery Stalks 18c for 12c Ripe Tomatoes, lb. 22c Green Top Carrots, lb 8c Texas Hard Cabbage per lb. 9c WELWOODS Robin Hood FLOUR, 98 lb. ...$2.69 Robin Hood OATS, 5 lbs. 26c PASTRY FLOUR Huron, 25 lbs. 72c Pat-A-Pan, 25 1b-s. 78c Eatmore Wheat Berries . 23c "Quality and Service" Bananas, Lemons, Oranges, Pickles & Jams Galore eery • WE DELIVER 'PHONE 17 and 2 • . , sions of the Anglican Synod. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. N. Wade were recent visitors in Sarnia and London. Mr. and Mrs. BillMartin of London, were guests recently of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Anson Gal, braith. Mr. and Mrs. John Montgomery, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. N. Wade spent Thursday in Kitchener. O Master Jimmie Marshall of Strat- ford, spent the Easter vacation with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Marshall. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ferguson of London, were recent guests of the former's uncle, 1Dr, L. Whitley and Mrs. Whitley. Rev. Nobes was in London on Wednesday attending the closing ses- McAvoy's Drug Store 0=0 0=0===0=0====0=6==g 11 0 Smart ACCESS IES for men who c re 0 O 11 O 0 0 O O The Archbishop of Huron, the Most Rev, C. A. Seager, D.D., L.L,D., open- ed the Synod of Huron, last week in Cronyn Hall, St. Paul's Cathedral, with a call to all the Anglican men and women of the Diocese of Huron to face reality and realize that they are C RMICHAEL'S 'PHONE 193 Free Deliver-y 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. agrammuk Plumbing Heating and Tinsmithing No Job Too Large and No Job Too Small. Prices REASONABLE We are as Near to You as your Telephone. U 0 We carry a full line of Cakes, Doughnuts, Pies Muffins and a Variety of TASTY BREADS Daily shipment except Monday. Royal York Orange Pekoe Tea, 1/2 lb. 38c U 0 PERCY CLARK 'Phone 255 Wingham 0 Like 'em Quiet? Like 'em Bright or one without the ordinary stripe? PAISELIES, FLORALS PLAINS 7 5c — $2.00 O Full line of FRESH, CURED, COOKED MEATS also Fresh Frozen Salmon Fillets and Steaks, 39c lb. Assisouramimemismos Old English. No WAX, qt. . 89c 0 If It's Food It's Ye ens 0 A ~Many a O We Cater glossy finish, lb. 45c O Johnson's Flo‘r CLEANER gal. jar „ 65c isimommimiimmomio His H A AT 0 Full Line of Fresh FRUITS and VEGETABLES They are always r412tSli living in a changing world,' and that in Such a world the' Church of Jesus Christ mut be on the alert and abreast with the thought and need of the tim- es, He stated that the ultimate trag- edy would be a Church that is out-of- date and behind-the-times in a world that desperately needs the spiritual The Archbishop called on all his heritage which the church can share, people within the Diocese to seize the opportunity` of the Anglican Advance Appeal and 'make certain' that the Church of England in Canada be equipped spiritually and financially for Work of the peace-making years ahead of us. At this same Synod, a resolution was gassed 'approving of the Anglican Ad- vance request to the Diocese of HUN on for the raising of a fund or$500,000 tvlt in the ,biocese for. the Advance ratrithe the whole church. dontitwing lo his charge to the Sy. • Rid Your Lawn of Weeds NOW is the ideal time to treat your law,n with O W EEDANOL It positively destroys Dandelion), Ragweed, Poison o Oak, Plantain, Wild Carrot, Lawn Pennywort and many other turf weeds. A 50c 2-oz. bottle treats 500 square feet A $1.29 6-oz. bottle treats 1500 square feet 6zzsen=====0=0===o=to======0===0nnoz NEZ00112:122M0Milinlar Telephone 18 Wingham X0=101==0=0 01:20 t =0 40=0 Robin Hood FLOUR • Sun WAX, for that 98 lbs. $2.75 24 lbs. 79c Hillcrest SHORTENING, lb. 19c Hillcrest Tissue, 3 25c Try it in place of Catsup Laing% C. C. SAUCE 31/z oz. hot. 10c, 8 oz. 19c 69c Black and Green, yard 69c IN SKINS Rose and Black,,yarcl , .79c IN SEERSUCKERS The patterns are large and flowery Blue, Mauve, Grey, Yello-w and Rose, yard ....79c - Ladies' Wear (SPECIAL) AFTERNOON DRESSES — Summer Styles in Washable Printed Cottons—Dots, Striped and Flowered. Sizes 18% 24% — 38 — 48 $3.95 $6.50 NORTH END SUPERIOR MARKET stmaxmiwistosicimEmaialiNA Thursday, Fri. and Saturday Dry Goods Ladies' Wear Successor to H. E. Isard & Co. Telephone 414 • Cluldren's.Wear New Selections of SPRING COATS, 6-12 GIRLS' DRESSES, 6-12, in Prints, Crepes, Seersucker and Rayon Quick Quaker Oats large 3 lb. pkg. 19c amsaimossmigewm Aylmer Diced Beets or Diced Carrots 20 oz. tin 10c assonsissansmomomm Kellogg's Rice Krispies, 2 pkgs. 25c GAY STRIPES are the theme of the new Dress Goods O Bill Galbraith of. Toronto Universi- ty, is visiting with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W, A. Galbraith, Miss Donna Tervit Of Woodstock, spent the Easter holidays with her grandmother, Mrs. Arde. Mrs, W, Ford and daughter, and Mrs. Tucker of Arthur, are visiting with friends in Wingham, Mrs. Henry J. Ralilves of Toronto, visited over the week-end with her pa- rents, Mr, and Mrs, John Galbraith. "- Mr. Ronald Salisbury of Belleville visited during the past week with Mr, and Mrs. L. A. MacDougal and fam- ily„ Mr. and Mrs, A. K. Copeland, Bill and Catharine of Windsor, were guests last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Copeland. Mr. and Mrs. John McLeod and Donald of Guelph, have returned home after spending the Easter week with Mrs, H, Buchanan and Donna. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Smith of Guelph, and Miss Earnscliffe Musgrove of Buf- falo, spent the week-end with Mrs. A. H. Musgrove and Mrs. W..J. Greer. Mr. and. Mrs. Arthur Hutchison and Bernice, Mr. and Mrs, James Potter, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Pekarek of De- troit, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. N. T. McLaughlin and family. Mrs. A. C. Hutchison, who spent the winter with the McLaughlin family; returned to Detroit, with them for a visit. Miss Ella Fraser spent part of the Easter holidays with Mr. and Mrs. John Fraser. Miss Hazel McDonald of Toronto, spent the holiday week with her par- ents. Mrs„ Walter MacFarlane and child- ren of Lucknow, were visitors for a couple of days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Austin Raynard. Mrs. David McLennan spent a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Wilfred Warwick of Morris. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie McDonald and Ruth were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hall. BORN DOUBLEDEE—In Wingham Gen- eral Hospital, on April 24th., to Mr. and Mrs. Fred DoUbledee; R. R. No. 1, Wroxeter, a daughter, Marjorie Irene. ROSS—In Wingham General Hospi- tal,. on April 24th., to Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ross, R.R., Lucknow, a son. PURDON — In Wingham General Hospital, on April 29th., to Mr. and Mrs. Athol Purdon, Wingham, a son. ASKS SUPPORT OF ADVANCE APPEAL JAMESTOWN THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TRVIES What good is a handsome hat on the other fellow% head—especially if it's' a STETSON or BILTIV1ORE ? 0 O THIS IS PINEAPPLE EEK YOUR NORTH END GROCERY HAS ALL SIZES at the RIGIHT PR1C OpiOnitrist for Over 25 Years. Telephone 3/ for Appointment. $3.95 $13.00 's en's ear nod, Archbishop .Seager said in part:--- "Absolute national sovereignity is put of dater he s4id, "I would, like to see every form of Christianity in Can- ada urge men by the millions to rise up and demand that this outmoded nationalism cease," • No other institution has a better right to arouse public opinion than the sismsnommsommossims First Class ILTON OPTICAL CO. W. R. Hamilton, R.'0., U Need a Taxi Call YEMENS TELEPHONE 176 HOUSE 'PHONE, 425 Plan to Attend the Special Services at The Salvation Army gunday, May 4 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Speakerm: Capt. R. Marks u LIPPINCO'i7 b y Watch Repairs For The Present Watches Only George Williams 4,0fil ST. Next to Masonic Hall FOR— Canada Health and Accident Insurance Consult your local agent Stewart A. Scott 'Phone 293 Wingham STEWART Home Appliances CALL 29 See. The NEW Custom-Built COFFIELD WASHER Immediate Delivery from GORR IE • Mrs, A. Miles returned to Toronto on' Monday after spending some time ,with her mother, Mrs, Isaac Wade. The best 'Wshes of the community go with Rev. and Mrs. Nobes and their two small sons, who leave Tuesday. They will spend sometime in Aylmer with Mrs. Nobes' parents, before leav- ing for. their new parish in Rocanville, Sask, Rev, John Caley, the newly appoint- ed rector of the parishes of Gdrrie, Fordwich and Wroxeter will conduct service in St. Stephen's church here on Sunday next. Mrs. F. C, Taylor, Mrs. Geo, King and Mrs. H. V, Holmes are delegates to the Women's Auxiliary Annual of the Huron Diocese which meets in London on Wednesday and Thursday. Mrs. Everett Sparling, Mrs. Howse, Mrs. Leonard Ruttan, Mrs. Glad Ed- gar were delegates to the Huron Pres- byterial of the Women's Missionary Society which met in Wingham Un- ited Church on Thursday last, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Ashton, Mr. and Mrs. Hilt Ashton, Mr. and Mrs, Har- vey Sparling, Miss Jean Sparling and Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Sparling at- tended the Johnstone-Christie wedding in Arthur. Mrs. Russell Hutton and daughter, Mrs. Jackson= ofWalkerton, Mrs. Red- don, Mildmay, Mrs. J. Newton, Clif- ford, Mrs. Bob Douglas, Mrs. Wm.1 Dickison, Mrs. Gordon Dickison, Mrs. Thos Dickison, of Teeswater, visited their sister, Mrs. Percy Ashton on Friday. Christian Church, he .stated„ and called upon the catholic Church in Canada and the Canadian, Council of Church- es to organize .the Christians of the world for this purpose, Women's Institute The Women's Institute will meet on Wednesday, May 8th, at 2.30 p.m. at the home of Mrs Everett Sparling. Roll-Call, payment of fees, exchange of house plants. Mrs. Robert Nay of Fordwich, will speak on "Flowers and Perennial Borders". A demonstration will be given "Arrangement of Flow- ers'. Mrs. Anson Galbraith will take the motto, "He who would have beaut- iful roses in his garden must have beautiful roses in his heart". Prompt action stopped what might have been a disastrous fire on Satur- day morning. The rear part of Step- hen's store caught fire from a bonfire in the yard but was put out before any serious damage was done. Rev. Mr. Howse and Glad Edgar attended the Huron Presbytery which met in Wingham on. Thursday in the. Baptist Church. Mr. Fred Edgar was a London vis- itor on Friday. The dance sponsored by the W. I. on Wednesday evening was very well attended. A play "Beacon Hill Billy" will be presented in the hall by Tees- water talent on Monday, May 6th., also under Women's Institute auspices. Miss Eleanor Carson was a Toronto visitor last week, Mrs. H. V. Holmes visited friends in Toronto last week. Mr. and Mrs. Winslow (nee' Jean Hunter) of Toronto are renewing old acquaintances in the vicinity. Mr. and Mrs, Lawrence Short and baby daughter of Fergus, spent the week-end with relatives here. Ronald returned with his parents after spend- ing the Easter vacation with his grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Short and Mrs. Wm. Earngey. Mrs. A. Heinmiller had a very suc- cessful auction sale on Saturday after- noon. Mr. N. Butchart of Harriston, visit- ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H, Gregg and other friends last week. Mr. and MrS. Jack DOuglas, Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Vanderlip, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Rheubottom of Listowel, spent Sunday N611 Mr. and Mrs. Manfred Irwin. A presentation was held in the hall on Monday evening for Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bennett, a recent bride and groom. An address was read by Miss Doreen Harrison and a gift of money presente,d, A large number were pre- sent, The evening was spent in dan- cing, Mr. and Mrs. Jacklin and children of Ethel, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Kitchen, Mr. Fames Wylie and Miss Bessie Wylie of Toronto, and Rev, and Mrs. Go, Wylie were visitors with Mrs. 3, Wylie, last week. Mrs. W. C. King, Miss Lois Dodds and Miss Marie Clo'sc attended the Festival of the Girls' Auxiliary in Lon- don on 'Wednesday. The many friends of Rev.. R. S, Jones, A former rector here, now of Durham, will be pleased to learn that at the recent Anglican Synod in Lott.. don„ he Was appointed Cation, This is, an diPitorary degree in tribute t9 ser- vice in the church.. "-'-', Mr, Mulligan and Welty }rave our., chased the Home of 'Mt. Chas, Lew- fence arid have iti6ved in, , Mr. and Mrs, Archie Itilliday . 'T.OrOtiteo arc in tovo this week