The Wingham Advance-Times, 1946-04-25, Page 4011=10=1)=10=011=101==d When You Think of ANNA'S Service for Six - Hollow handle knives. FirstLove or Adoration tterna David Crompton JEWELLER Gifts For All Occasions WINGHAM Phone 59 Time Table Changes EFFECTIVE Sunday, April 28, 1946 Full information from Agents. FOR: FAST Efficient, and Courteous S E I C E , to your REFRIGERATOR WASHER - VACUUM IRONER TOASTER CALL, 29 STEWART Home Appliances , 11111111111111M110111111111111111111011111110111111110 MATERIALS are in SHORT SUPPLY and we • -expect a greatly increased- VolUme in our business " within the next 'two weeks, If you need Roof or Eavetrough REPAIRS CALL NOW and avoid further delay to these repairs. A. L. FISHER ROOFER and TINSMITH• 'Phone 411 or Box 92 (anytime) Wingliam AVOID THE SPRING RUSH! With the coming of Spring will come • many demands upon our time. It is our earnest desire to give Prompt and Efficient - Service You can help us do this by having your Plaster Repair Work DONE' NoW 'ESTIMATES FREE A. French n Plastering. Contractors Telephone I87 Box 23 Wingham • forty-five years ago moved to Wing- ham, He- was an upholsterer by trade and was a member of the firm of Fry & Blackball, which bore his name, retir- ing fropi the business several years ago owing to ill health. He was a Member of-the Independent Order of Foresters. In Woodstock, fifty-six years ago, he was married to Mary Helena Norman, who survives him. He is also survive& by three daughters and two sons: Mrs. A. C, (Jean) Riley, Deer Creek, Ill.; Mrs. W .A. (Elsie) Brackley, Graven- burst; Mrs. Wilfred (Anne) Congram, Toronto; Clarence, Toronto, and Basil, Rockford, Ill. A daughter, Bertha, Mrs. Theodore Mundy, predeceased him ten years ago. Fourteen grand- children and four :great grandchildren. also survive. The funeral service was' held at A.. J. Walker's Funeral Parlours on. Sun- day, April 21st at 2 p.m. and was con- ducted by Rev. W. A. Beecroft of the United Church, assisted by Rev. J. N. H. Norton of the Baptist Church. In- terment was made in Wingham Cem- etery. The pallbearers were:- Wilfred Congram, Theodore Mundy, William Brackley, Roy Mundy, James Carr and John Knox. FEED 5ERVIEE EGG FUTURES A market for a large percentage of our egg production is already assured as far ahead as 1949. BRITAIN WANTS THEM. Contracts are already drawn up that will send Canadian eggs to England in large numbers each month for many years to come. And, of coarse, it is logical to assume that the Dominion Govern- ment will keep prices regulated to the point where egg production remains profitable so that supplies will be assured and the contracts filled. So the immediate future, at least, for the poul- tryman looks bright. High producing flocks will continue to show a nice profit for their owners. Here areeggs to twotrhein lek about :acts for all producers of market (1) Pulleotrs lay de20—her more eggs thin year- ling • PAGE FOUR THE WINQPIAM ADVANCE-TIMES Thursday, April 25th, I.945 BLUEVALE .Church News The morning Serviee at Knox Pres- byterian Church was, conducted by the minister, Rev. L, C. Jorgensen, He based his. Easter message on the 17: 18 verses of the 1st. chapter of Reve- lations, under three headings. Christ became dead, Christ liveth forever, and Christ had authority over death. Easter hymns were sung and the choir rendered an anthem, Mrs. R, Elliott, taking the solo part. Rev, Norval Robertson, a recent graduate of Knox College, Toronto, assisted with the ser- 0 vices. A beautiful. Easter Lily* added to the significante of the service. Presbyterian W.M.S. The W.M.S. of Knox Presbyterian Church had charge of the evening ser- vice, when the president, Mrs. R. El- liott, presided. "The story of the Resurrection from Matthew, was read by Mrs. Eldred Nichol. Prayer was offered by Mrs. Norval Robertson. The Thank Offer- ing was .dedicated in prayer by the president. An impressive Missionary Easter address was delivered by Rev. L. C. Jorgensen. Miss Walsh of Pine River, sang a solo; and Mrs. Jorgensen con- tributed a cello number to the 'pro- gramme. Mrs. S. J. Bridgette was to have addressed the W.M.S. Easley Thank- Offering meeting at the morning ser- vice at the United Church, but owing to the illness of Rev. Mr. Bridgette, was 'unable to attend and Mr. Robert 2 Shaw addressed the meeting. United Church Y.P.U. Hanna's Men's Wear =10=0 40=0= Style that is always correct and in good taste. THINK OF QUALITY Duality of materials and workmanship and excellence ofd fit that makes you?... clothes look and feel better, AUCTION SALE-Of the House- hold effects of the late Mrs. Sproal, will be held at her late residence, Ann Street, Wroxeter, at 2 o'clock, on Saturday, April 27th. Terms, Cash. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Maxwell, Owners, Howard Wylie., Clerk; Mitt. Gaynor, Auctioneer. AUCTIONEER-L. G. Bryce, R. R. 2, Wingham, is now available for Auction Sales of all kinds. Terms - reasonable. 'Phone Wingham 639 r 21. BURPING IS A SOCIAL ERROR- Take Wilder's Stomach Powder to stop the pain of indigestion, heart- burn or sour stomach. 50c and $1 at McAvoy's Drug Store. BOARDING HOUSE WANTED- Urgently, by Returned Service Man. Reply by letter to Box B, Advance- Times. FOR SALE-Some Young Sows, nue to fadow soon. Apply Advance- -- Times. FOR SALE-Rock-Leghorn Hybrid Chickens, Day-old, started and up to 6 weeks. Reliable Poultry Hatchery, Gorrie, Ontario. FOR SALE-Re-conditioned Lawn 'Mowers. Jenkins' Lawn Molt- Re- pair Minnie St. FOR SALE-Pick-Up Truck. Apply Advance-Times. FOR SALE-Shorthorn. Bull, dark roan, ready for service, from a good milking dam, Apply Stewart Proc- ter, R. R. 5, Brussels. FOR SALE - Four-year-old Jersey Cow, fresh, and calf. J. G. Sim- mons, Wingham. FOR SALE-Massey-Harris Cream SeparatOr, large size, almost new. Telephone 602 - 12. FOR SALE-Two-storey Solid Brick Dwelling. Well located, modern conveniences. Apply H. C. Mac- Lean Insurance Office, Wingham. FOR SALE-Buffet and Dining Table and Chairs. Apply Advance-Times, FOR SALE-Two Pure-bred York- shire Hogs; serviceable age. Apply Advance-Times. FOR SALE-Frame House, 24 x 33 feet, Hen House 16 x 60, Barn 30 x 50, with 18 ft. outside posts. Apply J. Greenaway, Bluevale. FOR SALE----Cream Separator, disc skimmer. Guaranteed OK. Apply ,Advance-Times, FOR SALE-New Frame arid Sash, 4' 8" x 8', glazed; also 18 bundles of Shingles, two Tires, 6.50x19, with tubes, suitable for trailer, Apply to Harry Wells, Corner Frances and Alfred Streets, FOR SALE-China Cabinet, in real good condition. Apply at Red Front Grocery, GREY •HAIR HANDICAPS YOU-- Use Angelique Grey Hair Restorer to regain natural color-life, $1.00 at McKibbon's and McAvoy's Drug Stores. HYGIENIC SUPPLIES - (Rubber gdotts) mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price list. 6 samples 25c;'24 samples $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-83, Nov.Rubber Co.. Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. HOUSE FOR .SAT,-Solid white Brick, seven rooms, All .convonien- ces,.good gArderi and garage; corner o f "good and Carling, 'Phone 888, ....... „..... LAWN MOWERS REPAIRED-,,, and Sharpened., Jenkins Lawn Mow,. -er Repair, lldinnie St.. ORDER -XITCMENER BIG-4 Chiek$,Itowlfor April 'or May 'deliv-ery. Fast growers out on free range e a the start. Mar ket§ *ill. take *it Canadians can prodttee, Do" t wive yourgett Short. Well quote :prices, :book, your ot-40,Ag4ott fired Hogg, COMING! Lippincott Salvation Army Band; of Toronto, SATURDAY and SUNDAY, May 4th-5th Band Concert Sat. Night in the Wingham Town Hall PLAN TO ATTEND THE SPECIAL SERVICES on SUNDAY, 11 a.ni. and 7 p.m. Selections by the Band. Speaker: Capt. R. Marks Start your car off right this Spring with Moth-Master Oil Refined from the world's most costly . crude. A product' of one of the , oldest and largest Pennsylvania refinerys. Qt. Gal. 5 -Gal. .30 1.14 5.45"/ Canadian Tire Corporation Associate Store Campbell's Garage WINOHAM ONT The Y.P.U. of the United Church had charge of the evening service. The president, Fleming Johnston con- ducted the meeting. A reading on the WANTED-Ten head of Small Cattle Cattle to grass. Plenty ofipasture, water and shade. Apply Advance Times. AUCTION SALE Of Surplus Household Effects Will be held at the Residence of HARRY WELLS At the corner of Alfred and Frances Streets, WINGHAM at 1:30 p.m., on SATURDAY, APRIL 27t11., The following is for sale:-1 Beatty Electric Walher, 1 Beatty Electric] Ironer, 2 Electric Radios, 1 Electrolux Vacuum Cleaner, Chesterfield, 2 Ward- robes, 2 occasional chairs, 15 kitchen Chairs, 4 Bedroom Chairs, 1 Dining Room Table, 2 Dressers, 1 Lawn Mower, quantity of Dishes, Garden Tools, Sealers, Numerous other arti- cles. Terms - Cash Harry Wells, Proprietor, Donald Blue, Auctioneer. CLEARING AUCTION SALE of Farm Stock, Implements and. Household Effects at Lot 18, Con. 7, MORRIS TWP., 2%2 miles South of Brussels. and 3 miles West, on TUESDAY, MAY 7th, 1946 at 12.30 p.m. Two Horses, 8 choice young Dur- ham Cows, 1 pure-bred Durham Bull 2 years old; several head of Durham Young Cattle and Calves. Full line of Farm Machinery includ- ing a Hay Loader, 13 ft. Hoe Fertil- izer, Drill, Manure Spreader. Terms - Cash Simpson McCall, Harold Jackson Proprietor Auctioneer E. P. Chesney, Clerk. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of John Thom, late of the Town of Wingham, in the County of Huron, retired Section Foreman, who died on or about the 11th day of April, AD, 1946, are notified' to send to Crawford & Hetherington, Wingham, Ontario, on or before the 11th day of May, A,D,, 1946, full particulars of their claims in writing. Immediately after the said 11th day of May the assets of the said testator will be dis- tributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the Executor shall then have notice. Dated this 2.2nd day of April; A.D., 1946. Crawfor,d & Hetherington, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executor. IN MEMORIAM LEWIS-, In loving memory of a dear son and brother, Raymond Emerald Lewis, who passed away April 24, 1948, 21st year, son of Mrs. Lewis and the late Frederick J. Lewis. If all the world were ours to give, We'd give it, yes, and more, To see the face of our dear son Conic smiling through the door. To the rest of the world he was only one, But "ail the world to us,, °lir son and brother, Ever remetnbered by Mother, Broth- ers, Sister and little Nephew, CARD OP THANKS . Mrs. Allister Green, Wroxeter, wish- es to express her deep appreciation to her many friends and neighbours for many kiminesies, cards, letters, gifts of fruit and flowers, while a patient in the Memorial T4ospital, Listowel, A special thank you to members of thb Women's Association of the United Church. CARD Or THANKS Mrs, C. S. Statichalt and family wish thank their Many friends and neigh- fdt thd kindness and sympathy shown' them during their recent her. eaverrietitt also, for the beadtiftil floral tributes, Spirit of Easter Was read by Mrs. George Hetherington, The scripture lesson was read by Shirley Selling, 'A duet was sung -by Mrs. Alex, Mc- Crackin and Mr'S. Hetherington. The topic was taken by Miss Dorothy Ait- ken. She sjoke from the book "In the steps of the Master" b y H, V. Morton, giving a description of his journey through Palestine, Miss Walsh of Pine River, was an Easter gneet -with her friend, Mrs. Archie Messer, Miss Edith Garniss, Spaforth, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, john Garniss, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Messer and daughter, Betty, spent the holiday at their home here. Mr. and Mrs. Neil B. McEachern and family, of Mount Forest, were Sunday visitors with Mrs. R. F, Gar- niss. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. E. Henry, Stratford, were Sunday callers at the home of Black Bros. Mrs. Elmer Sellers had her sister from Toronto, 'to spend the holiday with her. Mrs. 1v1, L. Aitken, Drayton, Miss Dorothy Aitken, Goclerich and Mr. and Mrs. Roger. Oke, Wingham, were holiday visitors at the home of Miss Duff. Dr. Arthur Shaw, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Blackmore and two children of Vancouver, B. C., with Mrs, Arthur Shaw. . Mr. and Mrs. Robert Turnbull and family of Byron, spent Sunday with Mr. -and Mrs.' Edward Johnston. On Monday evening, a number of ladies, who during the years of the war, had been-active in the work of the Red Cross Society, gathered at the home of Miss Duff, who had opened her home for the monthly business meetings and quiltings. The president of the Unit, Mrs. W. J. Johnston expressed words of ap- preciation for the service rendered and the hospitality received and Miss Duff made reply. Miss Dorothy Aitken led in a sing song, piano music, vocal num- bers and readings were enjoyed. Re- freshments were served. All joined in singing Auld Lang Syne and Good Night Ladies, - Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Darling and family spent Sunday at Harriston. Miss Mary Darling remained for the remainder of the hdliday with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. George Newman. Harry' is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Gibson 'at Drew. Art Gibson of Drew is spending the holidays with, Jim Darling. Margaret Procter, Belgrave, is with her aunt, Miss Margaret Curtis. Mrs. Carl Johnston' attended the funeral of 'a relative' at Toronto. A. D. Smith along with. members of the Turpberry Area School Trustee Board, is attending an. -educational meeting in Toronto this week. 'OBITUARY Mrs. John Hockeridge The death occurred in Victoria Hos- pital, London, on Friday, April 19th., of Sabina Mable, wife of .John Hock- eridg,e, in .tier 61st. year. Mrs. Hock- eridge was born in• Michigan, daugh-. ter of the late James Lake and Maria Jewitt Lake, and had spent the -great- er part of her life in Bluevale, She was taken to Victoria Hospital two weeks ago when an operation was performed, and later pneumonia devel- oped caUsing death. She had suffered fOr many years from arthritis and she moved around with difficulty. She had avtalent for making hand hooked rugs which were in great demand. -She is survived by her husband, three sisters and a brother, one Sister, Mrs. Alfred Fridlington of Winnipeg, was with her at the time of her pass- ing. The funeral service was held on Monday afternoon from the 'United Church, conducted by Rev. C. Taven- er of Holmesville, a former minister here, assisted by Rev., L. C. Jorgensen, of Knox Presbyterian church. Miss Dorothy Aitken sang a solo. The pall bearers were: W. T. Cruickshanks, John Cruickshanks, John Crowson, James Ketchebaw, Wm. Kennedy and Howard Stewart, and the flower bear- ers, Roy Barrett;" erry Barrett, Verne Wolfe and Frank Tout, Interment was in Bluevale Cemetery. Charles Schroder Blackhail Following a lengthy illness there passed away in Wingham on Thuts- ,day, April 18th, Charles Schroder Elaekhall, aged 80 years, He Was born in England and when four years of age came to London, Ontario and ave You Pains Callouses or Cramps there —ow. We are bringing you Positive, Reliable \ and Speedy Relief The Finger Points to the location of the Anterior Transverse Arch. When this Arch weakens; the tiny bones are de- pressed; uneven pressure is pro- duced, and the uneven distribution of the person's weight causes a burning sensation,callouses, tender spots, contraced toes, and severe cramp-like pain. The foot widens and spreads over the shoes, the small toe and great toe joints become inflamed and enlarged- bodily fatigue and nervousness result. Trade Mark Registered Heed the first danger signal! Stop your Foot Troubles before they impair your comfort and daily efficiency An Exposition of the newest, most advanced scientific methods of relieving and correcting Foot Trpubles,, will be held at our Store on Monday, April 29th, 9 a.in to '6 p.m. specially trained expert from the staff of W. 111. M.D., the world's most noted Orthopedic -authority will clearly explain how these metkods give instant foot comfort. You will also be given a pedograph print of your stockinged feet. All this without cost or obligation. Don't miss seeing this Expert at ow store on above date. Dunlop's Shoe Store • "THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES" (2) SHUR-GAIN Laying Mash is specially fortified with essential ingredients to pro- mo rote cnnsistantly highs profitable egg pductiork. CANADA PACKERS, WHAM VICTOREASEMORE, WHITECHURCH *KINNEY BROS, KUHN JOHN DUMSTEAD, DELMORE THINK 9F - COURTESY Courtesy that goes be- co yond the actual sale; ,to courtesy in those little things—pleasant words, a ready smile, that can make shopping such a pleasure. THINK OF STYLE O PIANO TUNING - Tuning price $3.00, repairs extra, factory experi- ence. By Wingham Bandmaster, Geo. J. Wright. Must leave orders at Advance-Times. SLENDER TABLETS-Are effect- ive. 2, weeks' supply $1.00; 12 weeks, $5.00 at McKibbon's at McAvoy's Drug Stores. SHOVELS, DRAGLINES, DIESEL Tractors, diesel engines, diesel gen- erator sets, graders, rock crushers, sand gravel equipment, lumbermen equipment. We quote prices del- ivered your station. Send for bulle- tin. Leventhal & Co., Machinery Dealers, Winnipeg. WANTED-Cattle for Pasture. Apply Ed. Nixon, R. R. 2, Auburn. WANTED-A Girl .for general house- work on a farm, well equipped with Hydro conveniences. Apply Box G, Advance-Times. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS A contract for cleaning out the Magee Drain in Morris Township will be let by public affction at George Fowler's On May 3rd., 1946, at 2 p.m. George Martin, Clerk. General Accountancy for the SMALL BUSINESS MAN, PROFESS/ORAL MAN, and lilt PARNIZP, S.j. P, 0, Pox 44 • ONT.