HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1946-04-25, Page 1alitiCto With Which Is Amalgamated The Gorrie Vidette and Wroxeter News, Single Copies Five Cents. Avolompxsarmsomiss WINGHAW, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL 25, 1946 Subscriptions $2.00 per Year Oddfellows Visit Exeter A large number of the members of 'Maitland Lodge, I.O.O.F., visited the Exeter Lodge on'Tuesday evening and exemplified the third degree. Now going on, the original One, Cent Sale at McKibbon's, as, RIFLE CLUB WINS _ PROVINCIAL AWARD LIONS CLUB SEES INTERESTING FILMS Pictures Loaned By Courtesy of Canadian General-Electric ,`•••••••••••,17. The Wingharn Lions Club met promptly at ,6.15 at Yemen's Grill, Monday,,in fact too .promptly, as even the tail-twister was late, Past Presi- dent W. A. Galbraith was in charge of the meeting and welcomed several guests, Ken, and George Johnsob, Reeve Evans and Tory Gregg. District-Deputy "Governor Fred Spry informed the Club that the Zone Meet- ing would be -held here on the second Monday in May. The Wingham. Lions are noted for their excellent singing, and at the Charter Night in Brussels last week eight members of the local Club were called on for a number. Since then we are nbt rated's° highly, so we un- derstand. They were called on to do little practicing, and with the, assist- ance of the clock • chiming out the hour of seven, some harmony was added, but further practice will be necessary before they need enter any compe- titions. As a relief, a quartette of Con- nell, Ross, Gibson and Haselgrove rendered "Let Me Call You Sweet- hIart", Lion Hal. MacLean, who will be in charge of the. next meeting, told of securing Major. Underhill of the Sal- vation Army' as the guest speaker. This should be VErY interesting as he has recently returned from Trinidad and Siam.. Two interesting and instructive films were shown, having been secured through Lion Don. Jeffs by courtesy of the Canadian General Electric. The first was on X-ray and showed its dis- covery in .1885, it? improvements and uses up to the modern machine of to- day. The psesent-day uses of X-ray was a revelation to most of those pres- ent. The second was on Television, showing how the pictures were taken and sent out Over the air, the intri- cate lighting and control systems, and the vast amount of work and equip- ment necessary, It is a movie and radio combined. EASTER MEETING OF BAPTIST CIRCLE 'Two Students Of London Bible Institute Took Part The Sr. Women's Mission Circle' of the Baptist'Church met on Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Alex. Rintoul with a good, number in attend- ance. The Vice-President, Mrs. Scott was in 'charge having prepared an all Eas- ter meeting. The meeting 'opened with a poem entitled "Beyond the Tomb" read by Mrs. Scott followed by a, hymn "Low in the Grave He Lay" and prayer by Mrs. Rintoul. Mrs. Fadconer read the Secretary's report and roll call answered by a verse of Scripture. Business was then .dis- cussed. . The Circle was specially favoured by having two students from the Lon- don Bible Institute in the Persons of Miss Marjorie Falconer and Mr. Douglas 'Gallagher. 1111% Gallagher brought tine devotional for the after- noon, reading for his scripture, 1st. Corinthians, Chapter 15, speaking on the "Resurrection Day". This was well thought out and was mueh appreciated by all. Mrs. Scott thanked Mr. Gal- lagher and hoped he would again be able to.speak to them. Miss Falconer then very sweetly sang "If I gained the world but lost Jesus". This was much enjoyed, Mrs, Patterson then read an article entitled "Golgotha and the Garden Tomb". Mrs, John Lcuas gave her farewell message in a few well chosen words. Mrs. Scott, on behalf of tine members, stated how we would miss her and knew what was out loss was someone else's gain. Mrs. Graham gave a reading, entitled "Easter Gladness", Those participating in prayer were Mrs, Kelly and Mrs. Collar, after which all joined in singing "God will Take Care of Vott", which was very appropriate in the going away of a beloved friend and helper, Mrs. John Lucas, Miss Lewis dismissed the meeting in prayer after which the hostess served a lovely lunch and a social time of fellowship Was spent together, LEGION ZONE MEETING HELD HERE LAST WEEK Zone Drumhead Service Will, Be Held Here In September At the annual meeting of .Zone 12,' of the Canadian Legion, I3.E.S,L.,, held in the Armouries here on Wed- nesday evening last week it was decid- ed that the Lone, Drumhead -,-service would be held in Wingham on the second Sunday in September and the Wingham Legion will make the ar- rangements far this service: This is the first such service since gas rat- loning was instituted and it is expected to be, the largest gathering' of its kind ever held in the ,Zone. Zone Commander N, w, Miller of Goderich was unable to be present clue to 'illness and after the zone secretary opened the meeting ,Past Zone Com- mander John Graubb was elected the chairman for 'the evening. • A. Motion 'sponsored by the-Goder- ich branch protesting the move against bolding of Bingos was supPOrtecl by the meeting as,'was a motion by the Wingham branch that awaiting re- turn benefits for veterans be extended to five years but leaving the term of enlistment the same, 12 months. Comrades N. W. Miller and H. S. Turner of Goderich, were named as Zone delegates to the Dominion Con- vention which will be held in Quebec in May. . There was a splendid attendance from all parts of the zone and they were privileged tp have two special speakers, Howard Lansing, 3rd. Vice- President- of the Provincial Command, and A. M. (Scotty) Forbes, Legion Adjustment Officer from London, a former Wingham member. Comrade Lansing gave an instructive address on the fine work being accomplished by, the; Legion-Service Bureau and also told of the plans to extend this ser- vice. Comrade Forbes gave an en- lightened address on legislation as it effects the veterans of both wars.. Following the meeting the ladies of the Legion Auxiliary served a de- lightful repast. NORTH EASTER THANK OFFERING Mrs. Hodd of Blyth, Gave Illustrated Address - The Easter Thank Offering meeting of the Goforth- Auxiliary of St. And- drew's Presbyterian Church was held at the home of Mrs. W. W. 'Gurney, on Tuesday evening,April 16th. "The , Call to Worship" by the president, Mrs. D. Murray, opened the meeting. After which an Easter hymn followed. Mrs, John McKibbon read most ap- propriate passages of scriptures, and Mrs. Donaldson, led in prayer. The dedicatory prayer was given by Mrs. W. A. McKibbon.' Mrs. Horace Ait- chison pleased the gathering with a solo, "Tis, Midnight ,on ;Mount Olive's Brow": The guest speaker of the evening was Affs. Hodd of Blyth, who with her husband spent 18 years. at the Grenfell Mission in Canadian Labra- dor. Her most interesting address was illutrated with colored slides of "Herrington Harbour" and surround- ing distritEr shown by Miss Graham of Ottawa, who is secretary of the Green- fell Mission. Mrs. Murray closed the meeting with prayer, and a social hour was en- joyed by all Present, For reliable and speedy relief from foot ailments see the Dr. Scholl's Foot Expert at Dunlop's Shoe Store, Ivlon- day, April 29th, DANCING - ROYAL T Wednesday, April 24th.,, to Carruth- ers Orchestra, Old Tyme Dance on. Friday, April 26th, Harvey McDowell's Orchestra, Plan to attend the special Old Tyme Dante. Popular prices. PURCHASE TOURIST !. CAMP NEAR ESSEX Mr. arid Mil. Harry Wells recently purchased a combination tourist camp and dancing pavilion called the "Old Oaken Bucket", 'This camp Chas an ideal location for the tourist. tradeobe- 'Mg Situated two miles east of Essex, on Highway, Ho. 8, They intend num- ing the Ora of the Week as they take jkossession on May 1st, FIREMEN AGAIN COLLECT SALVAGE Commencing with Monday evening next,' April 29th., the Wingliam Fire- men will again make their monthly Collections of salvage. The money they receive from the sale of this mat- erial will be used by them in furnish- ing a room in the Wingham General Hospital, Leave your newspapers, magazines, etc., securely tied, at the curb, so that there will be no delay. Remember the night, Monday next, April 29th. • Hon. Russell T. Kelley The Honourable Russell T. Kelley,: Minister of Health for Ontario, has ac- cepted the provincial chairmanship of the National Clothing ;Collection which is to take place across Canada, June 17th to 29th. W. M. Birks, National Chairman of the Campaign, 'has wired the Honourable Mr. Kelley as follows: "Hearty congratulations on, your ac- ceptance of the chairmanship of the National Clothing Collection for Ont- ario, the bannei province. All success and good wishes." Out of a total of over twelve million pounds of clothing collected in the campaign of last fall, Ontario contributed nearly five mil- lion pounds. Already the organization for the new drive is well under way, and it is hoped that most of those re- sponsible for the former success will again offer their services on behalf of the distressed millions in war-devastat- ed areas throughout the world. APRIL SHIPMENT BY RED CROSS The following were shipped ,by the local branch of the Red Cross to head- quarters' in Toronto last week. Civilian Quota-2 baby dresses, (knitted), 18 vests, (knitted), 18 baby leggings, (knitted),, 6 girls' sweaters,* (10 years); 7 boys' pullocyers, 15 pairs sox, 30 layettes, 1 package mis- cellaneous, 16 quilts, Army and Aieforce-2 scarves, ODDFELLOWS HOLD CHURCH SERVICE Maitland Lodge I.O.O.F., will hold a church service on Sunday evening next, April 28th„ at 7 o'clock, in St. Paul's Anglican Cchurch,' Wingham. Memnrs of the Lodge and all visiting brethren are requested to meet at the lodge room at 6.30 o'clock. ' TOWN SOFT BALL _ LEAGUE FORMED Five Teams Already Entered, Officers Are Elected 11••••....•••••111 At an open meeting held in the Council Chambers of the Town Hall, on Monday night, April 22nd., the fol- lowing officers were elected to orgati- ize a town soft ball league. Pres.—Alex Coutts Vice-Pr'es.—Jint Seli and Stewart Cowan Se c,-Tr eas .—Del. Ewing At the present time five teams have signified their intention-to enter. the town league, and along with the above mentioned officers, the manager of each team will act on the executive committee, The following 'teams and the pro- posed managers are as follows: Lloyds, Earl Wilde; Foundry, Bert Iviitchell: Gurneys, Harvey 11eirgarth; Fry at. --Blackliallf, Harold Poster; Icing De2t, Store, A, O. Garrett, Any oiler organization or group wishing to enter a team in the town soft bail league are requested to ap- proach any of the above mentioned executive. PRESENTATION MADE TO NEWLY WEDS On 'Wednesday evening, April 18th., a very pleasant time was spent wfien friends and neighbors gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Fred Hogg in honour of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Luc- as, who were recently married. Dur- ing the evening, an address was read by Miss Mildred Jones and the couple were ?presented with a coffee table, lovely cups and saucers and other gifts. The groom thanked them, after which all sang "For They are Jolly Good Fellows," The evening was spent in dancing with music supplied by Sang- sters Orchestra. Hon. Leopold Macaulay, K. C. Hon. Leopold Macaulay, K.C., of Toronto, new president of Ontario Division of Red Cross. Mr. Macaulay was president of the Toronto Branch of the Society during the past two years. ST. ANDREW'S HELD EASTER SERVICES Special Easter Services were held morning and 'evening in St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, on Sunday.' At their evening service the Cantata, "From Death to Life" was given by the choir. The soloists were Miss Frances Wilson, Mrs. H. L. Sher- bandy, Mrs. Robt, Rae, Mr. and Mrs, Horace Aitchison, W. E. Hammond, John P. McKibbon and Nelson Pick- ell. Rev. Alex, Nimmo chose as his subject, "He is not here, He is Risen." WOMEN'S INSTITUTE The April meeting of the Women's Institute will be held on the last Tues- day in the month, April 30th. Due to conflicting dates the Council Chamber is not available until that date. Post- ponement was due to the regular clay being Good Friday. As this is the an- nual meeting, will tine convenors have their yearly reports ready to forward to the district convenor. Roll Call is to be answered by the payment of fees. Hostesses are Mrs. Hammqnd,' Mrs. Wan. Field, Mrs. Wade, Mrs. E. Lewis and Mrs. E. Walker. Home From Florida Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Crawford re- turned home last week after spending the winter at St. Petersburg, Florida. Dr. and Mrs. R. C. Redmond intend leaving on Saturday for home. BRUSSELS LIONS , RECEIVE CHARTER Charter Night Held In Melville Presbyterian Church UNITED- CHURCH LAYMAN'S DRIVE For the Pension Fund Starts Sunday, April 28th. Pointing out that "ministers go wherever there are 'people'," a joint statement by Wm. M. Birks, Montreal, and D. H. Gibson, C.B.E., Toronto., Hon. Chairman and Execu- tive Chairman respectively of tine Nat- ional Committee in charge of the Un- ited Church ministers' Pension Fund drive beginning April 28th, stresses the important work done "through years of depression and hardship as well as in better years" by low-paid ministers in outlying "frontier" communities across Canada and in Newfoundland— as well as in larger population centres of the Dominion, With plans complete for the "Big Drive" from April 28th to May 16th.,, tine National Committee of prominent church laymen from all Provinces and Newfoundland, states that it is "look- ing forward with confidence to a nat- ion-wide support of church members everywhere." The total objective is $31/2 million capital for the minister's pension fund, and tine drive will he carried out by volunteer laymen can- vassers representing churches in 'every locality. In reference to tine urgent pension needs of aged ministers, Committee members emphasize that "Canada needs these men and more like them," and stress the need for young men to be encouraged to enter the ministry of the church, • DONATIONS WANTED FOR RUMMAGE SALE Don't forget the Spring Rummage Sale in the Armotiries, sponsored by the Ladies' Auxiliary to Wingham General Hospital, on Saturday, May 11th,, at two o'clock. Donations are asked for, clothing, dishes, furniture, etc., anything and everything that can be sold, WHITECHURCII HELD.. INAIRSHEA. CLUB TO MEMORIAL SERVICE WELCOME HOME BY ST, PAUL'S CHURCH :Reception Held In 'Parish Room Following Evening Service Memorial Windows Unveiled At the Morning Service. The congregation of the Presbyter- ian Church, Whitechurch, held a Mein- orial service on Sunday morning, which was largely attended, Rev, H. Wilson had charge of the service. The congregation last week had two large memorial stained glass windows put in place in the South wall 9f the auditorium of the church, and these were unveiled during the service by Elroy Laidlaw and Arthur Simpson, while a bronze Memorial Plaque, pre- sented to the church by the immediate families of. the three boys from this district who paid the Supreme Sacri- fice during the past war, was unveiled by Mr. Norman Welwood. The three *ere, Flt. Sergt. Alexander McKenzii. Mowbray, F. 0. Thomas Ferguson Wilson and F.O. Stanley James Mc- Illrath, During this service, the rela- tives of the deceased gathered at the back of the church, while the con- gregation rose and turned to tine back. Mr, Wilson preached from Hebrew 11-35, and Romans 8-32, linking the ;Memorial Service- with 'the Easter Cru= cifixion Story and the Easter Message of the Risen Christ. Mr. and Mrs. John McGee sang a duet, "The Bless- ed Light from Home", and Bugler G. Schatte sounded the Last Post. Dur- ing the service, Mr. Wilson mentioned the names, of the six young men from this church who paid the Supreme Sac- rifice, during the past war: Sergt. Alexander Henry, Corp. John Ken- nedy, and Pte. Thos. Garton, William Moore, Charles Cuff and Geo. Taylor, Miss Orr of Langside, Miss Jean Welwood and Miss Velnla Scott, and two rows of service PersOneI attended this service in a body. The congreiation of St. Pauts.Ang- limn Church held a special "Welcome' home" reception in the Parish 'loom ,on Sunday evening, after 'the Easter service, for all returned men,and wo- men of the Church. The Rector, -Rev, Jack James was chairMan for the even- ing. Mr. C. A, Roberts on behalf of the congregation welcomed all return- ed men and their wives, and the reply was given by Don Nasmith. Solos, by 3. R. M. Spittall accomapnied by Dr. Wm. Connell were much enjoyed and Miss. Marjorie New of Toronto, de- lighted the gathering :with piano selec- tions. Richard'. Roberts and Bert Mit- chell led in community singing with Spitthl At the piano. After the singing of 'the' National Anthem re- ireshments were served by the ladies, •of the church. Assisr HOSPITAL Will Endow And Maintain A Room. In the New Wing On Thursday last several members of the Ladies.4nuxiliary to Wingham, General Hospital, attended a. meeting of the Kairshea Club at the home''of Mrs. Wm. McIntyre, on the 4th con- cession of Kirtloss,where Over fifty women were present. This Club hav- ing done splendid work during the war is now planning to help Winghant Hospital, as 'part of their peace-time activity. In fact, they have decided to endow and maintain a private room in the new wing of the hospital. Mrs. R. H. Lloyd, president of the Ladies Auxiliary described the new addition to the hospital. Mrs. Peebles told of the large quantities of furnishings and supplies which are being made, while Mrs. VanWyck explained the methods- of financing used by the hospital auxi- liary. Mrs. Lloyd congratulated the Kairshea Club on their commendable effort and expressed the hope that, other organizations would follow their example, as there are many different ways in which assistance can be given to the hospital. NOTICE TO • WATER USERS The Wingham Utilities Commission wish to announce that during the sum- mer months, lawn sprinkling hours will be set at 6 to 9 am, and 6 to 9 p. m., daily. Beginning this year all per- sons having outside taps will be billed at $2.00 for .the season. In any case where outside taps will not be used, the customer must notify the Utilities Office and the tap will be removed and a plug inserted free of charge. A review of water servioes indicates that there are numerous cases of more than one customer being served from one service. This is more' particularly noticeable in business blocks. The Utilities Commission have decided that no service should be billed at less than the minimum rate. As a result some customers will find slight changes in t he amount of their bills at the next billing, due to the enforcement of this rule. VETERANS 'RETURN ON ILE 'DE FRANCE 'Ship Docked At Halifax on Tuesday Among the War Veterans 'who re- -turned to Canada this week aboard the Ile de France which docked at Halifax; on Tuesday, are the following _from -this district: Sgt. H. F. 'Garniss and On, C. J. E. Froome of Wingham; 'LAC ' J. W. Armstrong, Belgrave; Lieut. (N.S.) Bertha R. Jones, Dun- gannon; Cpl. W. A. Durnin, Luck- now; Bdr. H. Milkonian, Ripley. BAPTIST YOUNG PEOPLE'S UNION The regular meeting of the B.Y.P.U. was held on Monday evening. The evening's program was in charge of the -Group Leader, Mrs: Bruce McLean. Assisting her were Miss Jessie Sc'ott who read the Scripture, and Mrs. Frank altar who took as her topic,: 'The Word to The Penitent". The topic was supported by the poem "The Christ of Calvary". The'business was conducted by Miss Vivian McLean. Progress was report- ed by the Garden Committee. The President was "-named to give the ad- 4lress representing the B.Y.P.U. next Sunday morning Following the business of the meet- ing, a letter was read from Miss Lauri Collar of SOudan Training School and .g period of special prayer was observ- ed. Miss Ruth Cantelon presided at the ,piano for the meeting. UNITED CHURCH EASTER SERVICE A large congregation, special music and Spring flowers marked the first peace-time Easter in Wingham United Church. Rev. W, A. Beecroft, spoke from the text, "Tine Miracle of Easter", tine story of the Crucified Christ- and his mourning followers; then the Re- surrection, and the faith which is ours, till this day, The choir gave two Easter anthems, and Mrs. W. A. Bee- croft sang the solo, "Hallelujah", a composition of - the seventeenth cent- ury. EVENING AUXILIARY , OF UNITED CHURCH. Held Easter Thank-Offering Meeting and Appointed Presbyterial Delegates The Easter Thank-Offering meeting of the Evening Auxiliary of the Wing- ham United Church was held at the home of Miss Yvonne McPherson with a good attendance. Mrs. F. E. Madill was in the chair for the Worship Service which includ- ed several Easter hymns, tine Easter Story from St. Marks gospel, read by Mrs. G. L, Dunlop and prayer by Mrs. P. Stainton. An appropriate number, entitled "The Palms", sung b'y Mrs. E. Shera and Miss Audrey I3oe, was enjoyed. Mrs. F. Parker gave an excellent review of a chapter from the Study took, "Currie of Chissamba". The President Mrs, A. W. Irwin conducted the business sessipu. Mrs, G. Howson acted as secretary in the absence of Miss Barbour. Minutes ,of the previous meeting were read and roll call responded to. Three parcels have been sent to a needy family in Europe. The Treasur. er's report was read by Mrs, Reavie, and the Thank Offering received. Mrs. W. S. Hall and Miss K. McGregor Were appointed to attend the Presby- terial on Thursday of this week. The meeting closed with prayer by the president, after which refreshments Were served by the hostess and M11* Mittee. AUXILIARY WILL HOLD SHOWER The Ladies Auxiliary to the Legion will hold its regular meeting- on Tues- day evening, April 80th,, at 8 o'clock. Miss Hoyle. of Stratford, District Rep- resentative, will be present and address the Meeting, A shower will be held for two war brides. Every member is asked to be present as urgent business will be attended to. The Charter of tine newly-organized Brussels Lions Club was presented at a Charter Night Banquet in Brussels, Wednesday night, by W. D. Higgs of St Thomas, district governor, It was received on behalf of the Brussels Club by the charter president, Roy Cousins. The banquet served in Melville Presbyterian Church at seven p,m„ was attended by 200 Lions Club rep- resentatives with their wives, The Clubs represented included Seaforth, Goderich, Exeter, Stratford, St, Marys, Blyth, Wingham, Harris- ton, Howick, Arthur and Palmerston. Ross Scott of Seaforth, the sponsor.. ing Club in the formation of the new Brussels Club, noted as chairman, and introduced Lloyd Edighoffer of Mit- chell, district deputy governor. Mr. Edighoffer in turn introduced District Governor Higgs. The officers of the new club were installed by William I. Carroll, of Mit- international councillor, assisted by Fred W. Spry of Winghatt, Dist- rid Deputy Governor. :Frank Sturdy Won Provincial Grand Aggregate Championship Several members of the Wingham 'Rifle Club were quite successful in the recent matches sponsored by Dom- inion Marksmen, which is a ' nation- wide organization of target shooters. Frank •Sturdy of the local Club won the Provincial Grand Aggregate Chainpionship for the Province of Ont: ario. T. W. Platt won' third place in this event. Mr. Sturdy won 3rd. and 6th prizes, while Bert Platt was in 4th and '6th place in two other matches, in competition with 140 rifle shooters from all over Ontario. The lady members of the Club were also represented in the prize lists. Mrs, Myrtle Platt won a sterling silver toaster, for 1st. prize in the class "C" Ladies Match of the Canadian Rifle ' Association. Rating Medals have been won by the following Club ,Members, A. Brown, 'W. Sturdy, .0. Gainntage, J. BoSinan, 'Cantelon and J, Platt. Althotikli attlintiniticin has been Seated, and many of the Club members Were absent ;during the war years, it is expected that,this Club will be welt _represented In fittUre watches In the tontnittiott.