HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1946-04-18, Page 5CARMICHAEL'S 'PHONE 193 Free Delivery 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. Thursday and Saturday 10 oz. this Aylmer Vegetable SOUP ....2 for 15c ssuestanwommunisams Kellogg's Oven-Fresh CORNFLAKES 3 8 oz. pkgs. .. .22c ISIMICIPMEMEMSNIENIM Plaits or Iodized 2 lb. Free-running Cartons SALT 2 cartons 15c We carry a full line of Cakes, Doughnuts, Pies Muffins and a Variety of TASTY BREADS Daily shipment except Monday. Full line of FRESH, CURED, COOKED MEATS Cobblers Certified SEED POTATOES, 100 lb. bag TABLE POTATOES, 100 lb. bag $3.19 Crunchie SWEET Mixed PICKLES, 6 oz, jar, 2 for 25c Aylmer SWEET RELISH, large,32 oz. jar 29e GRAPEFRUIT JUICE — 20 oz, this Packaged DATES, per lb. 25c JUST RECEIVED—New Shipment of JAMS and MARMALADE Royal York S Oda Fl ng ut ed P Gl aS e ekoe Tum TE ble A, r 1 /2 R p E k E g. —38c s F I A REAL SPECIAL—DUTCH SETS, 2 lbs. 25c Full Line of Fresh FRUITS and VEGETABLES They are always FRESH - ROBIN HOOD FLOUR 100 lb. bag . .$2..75 Time of Fashion, Styles and Colour! Choose one of these smart new shades for your new SUIT and SPRING' COAT Tans, Pin-stripes, Tweeds, Checks and Pastels Also New this week -z-A selection of HATS by"TONI" from $3.95 Different and individual • GLOVES to match—Kid, Pig- tex, Chamois, Silk — from — $1.5 11) DROP IN AND' SEE OUR NEW Spring FOOTWEAR BROWNE'S Shoe Repair imomowinsmsamssammiglam If It's Food It's Ye r ens We Cater U Need a Taxi Call YEMENS TELEPHONE 176 HOUSE 'PHONE, 425 Albert Perdtte V,S. The death occurred on. Saturday, April 6th of Albert M. Perdue V.S., at his home in 13elgrave, in his 78th year.' He was born in East Woawa- nosb,.. the son of` the. late James and Sara Perdue, and lived all his life in that community, except for 20 years he spent practicing as a Veterinary Surgeon in Clifford. In 1901 he mar- ried Ellen McCrae, who survives, also two daughters.and one son, Mrs. Law- rence. Vannan of Windsor; Mrs. George (Laura) Sangeant of Pawtucket, R. L, and John of Toron- to. He also leaves two ,granddaught- ers, Eleanor and Susan Perdue of Tor- onto, and two sisters, his twin, Mrs. J. Chamney of East WaWanosh, and Mrs, D, Chamney of Wingham. The fun- eral ,service was held at his late resi- dence, on Tuesday afternoon, April 9, and was conducted by Rev. J. IL Hen- derson, rector of Beigrave Anglican Church. Burial took plaCe in Wing- See Reid and See Right Make Appointments WITH— DAVID CROMPTON Jeweller - Phone 59 For Eye Examination R. A. Reid, R.p. Eye Specialist Mr' 412031Elnlnat Plumbing Heating and Tinsmithing No Job Too Large and No Job Too Small. Prices - REASONABLE We are as Near to You as your Telephone. PERCY CLARK 'Phone 255 Wingham eal Food Saving PHONES 17 and 2 FREE DELIVERY Look These Items Over and SEE WHAT YOU S A V E Imported Green Pascal Celery . „ 9c Ripe, Sound Tomatoes, 35c lb, for 23c Green Pascal Celery,"18c for . . . , .12c Hard Texas Green Cabbage, lb. .. .9c Iceberg Head Lettuce, 18c for . . .12c Seed Potatoes $3.15 Eating $3.10 We have built up our Childrens Spring Wear Selections COATS in sizes 2-1:0 in new colors and styles ! r"; ,„,rtorw HAMILTON OPTICAL CO. W. R. Hamilton, R. 9. Optometrist for Over 25 Years. Telephone 37 for Appointment. 111011110111MMIMMIONAINEMINPANIIIIMII First Class Watch Repairs Pot the Present Watches Only George Williams jotim Si'. , Next to Masonic Hall RMITAGE'S Cleanirs and Men's Wear 'Phone 172 hys "SHOES FOR ALL THE FAMILY" InusEscassusurnasussozcathannsusassumanum ! A . ;41ediir Thursday, April 18th, 1946 THE WINGHAM, ADVANCE-TIMES PAGE FIVE, lb Gordon Fowler in his 63rd year. Mr. Fowler was a nativid.of England and a graduate of McGill University. For a number of years he n ministered to the congregation of Melville Church, Brussels, leaving there to ac- There's always some- thing new in Dry Goods Prints, Chintz, Mats, Spreads and Blankets We can order odd-size WINDOW SHADES in any style, colour or size. 5-day delivery. Gold Medal Floor Wax, lb, 27c Palm Garden Tea, 1/2 lb only 40c CLOTHES PINS (limited qty.) Quality Bulk MINCEMEAT Best Can. Colored Cheese, 38c Canned Yellow Peaches, tin 19c Peas and Carrots, 20 oz, tin 15c Chicken Stew, country style 25c Chili Con- Came, 15 oz. tin 19c cept a call to Vancouver B.C., where he remained for ten years. He was inducted into the Pastoral charge of Knox Presbyterian Church, Bluevale and Badies, in March, 1940 and al- though he suffered a heart condition during that time lie was faithful and devoted to his work, whjch he consid- ered at all times ahead of himself. He Was especially interested in Young People's Work and organized groups of young people, wherever it was.p0S- sible, At the time of hii'death he was pastor of Caven Presbyterian Church, Bolton, He is survived by his widow, the form& Isabel Bleaside; a daughter, Mrs. Arthur Katz (Nancy) of Colum- bus, Ohio; and one son, John Fowler ofPlattsburg, New York, The remains rested at the Manse, Bolton, until Monday, when it was re- moved to Caven Church where service was held. Interment was in Laurel Hill ,Ceme- tery Bolton. Mary Ann Barber There passed away in Civic Hospi- tal, Ottawa, on Tuesday, April 9th, Mary Ann Barber, following an illness of two weeks. She was born in Wirig- ham, the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Barber, and received her education in the Wingham schools and Stratford Normal. She started teach- ing at Holme's school, and for some years taught in the Wingham Public school, later going to Withrow Aven- ue School, Toronto, from where she retired in October, 1941, owing to ness. While in Wingham she was a teacher in the United Church Sunday school and took an active part in the Young People's Society. At the time of her death she was a member of the Timothy Eaton Memorial Church, To- ronto. Four sisters and a brother survive her: Mrs. R. D. (Jane) Mason, Wing- ham; Mrs. (Rev.) G. I. (Elizabeth) Campbell, Ottawa; MiSs Florence L. Barber, Toronto; Miss Minnie, Wing- ham; and Chas. A. Barber, Chilliwack, B. C. The funeral service was held at the family residence, Leopold St., Wing- ham, at 2 p.m., on Friday, April 12th, and was conducted by Rev, W. A, Beecroft. The pallbearer,s were R. H. Lloyd, W. VanWyck, J. H. Crawford, H. H. Isard, F. R. Howson and Alex. Hackett. Interment was made in the Wnigham cemetery. .,A service was also held at Hulse & Playfair's Funeral Home, Ottawa, on Wednesday evening. John Thoms A well known resident of this dis- trict passed away at his home in Wingham, on Thursday, April 11th, in the person of John Thorns, in his 84th year. He*was born at Dalhousie, but the greater part of his life was spent in this district. For many years he was section foreman on the C. P. R., being stationed at TeeSwater and Fordwich, and from the latter retired to Wingham sixteen yearg ago. His wife, the former Irene Conn of White- church, predeceased him in 1929. He is survived by two sister and one bro- ther, Mrs. Leach, Detroit; Mrs. Gil- lies, Lucknow, and Edward of Luck- now. - The funeral service was conducted by Rev, Alex, Nimmo of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, at 2 o'clock on Saturday at R. A. Currie's Funeral Parlours. Interment being made in Wingham cemetery. The pallbearers were John Sangster, Amos Denny, Will Thorns, John Craig, Johnston Conn and Mr. Easter Lilies and Potted Plants We have a good supply of POTTED PLANTS for Easter ALSO CUT FLOWERS May we, advise you to (AMER EARLY to avoid disappointment. LEWIS' GREENHOUSE 'Phone, 101 Wingham Clark's Tomato •Soup, 3 for 20e Clark's Mushroom Soup, 2 - 15c Clark's Asparagus Soup, 2 - 15c Oxford Inn Veg. Soup for 8c Kraft Dinner with grated cheese, 17c Pure CLOVER HONEY, 2 lb. tins Eatmore Wheat Berries, 5 lb. sack 23c Washington Instant Coffee, jar 55c Prepared Mustard, 19 oz. jar 15c Salted Peanuts, fresh, lb. 37c Household Turpentine, (best) Pints 23c Quart Size 47c Cowan's Cocoa, lb. tin 23c Fresh .Texas Grapefruit, 112's, 4 - 19c Fresh 'Shipment Grapefruit, pink, 112's 8c Dutch Set Onions, bestNo. 1, 2 lbs. 29c Easter Fo twear ... And ... NEW! SMART! Distifictive S ring DIFFERENT! That is the story the New Spring Footwear Fashions tell. You will find attractive and becoming styles for Women, Men and Child- ren, and the quality as always — supreme — at prices enticingly moder- ate. BOYS' SUITS Blue, Brown and Grey Tweeds FOR YOUNG EASTER PARADERS Sizes 28 — 33 POPULAR PRICES. OBITUARY Rev. F. G. Fowler The death occurred in Peel Mem- orial Hospital, Brampton, on Thurs- day, April 11th., of Riir. Frederick WELWOODS Dry Goods Ladies' Wear Successor to H. E. Isard & Co. Telephone 414 "Quality and Service" EASTER WE1PK. Milverton Couple Married 67 Yeati' Mr. and Mrs. George Neumeistcr celebrated their 67th wedding anni- verSary at their home at Milverton. Both are in good health and enjoy the activities of every clay life. They have been residents of Milverton for the past 19 years and previous to that lived at Poole Where Mr, Xeurneister followed the trade of stone mason. Myth Fall Pair Dates Set, sot. 10th and 11th. At a meeting of the 'executive anti directors of the Agricultural Fair Board it was decided to hold time fair Sept. 10 and 11, Among the attrae* dons will be the 'Mack and white Ital. stein exhibit featured last year, also ,othi.hits trom the Calf Club sponsored by the tale, ham cemetery. The soloist was Mr. J. Reavie, and the pallbearers were, Clif- ford Logan, Robert McKenzie, Norm- an Coultes, Alex. Robertson, Alex. Is4enzic and Leslie Wiglitman. William Benson Lewis Relatives and friends from Detroit, Windsor, Dundas, Bluevale, Wingham Londesboro and other district points were present on Saturday afternoon at the funeral of William Benson Lewis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lewis, 231 Brydges street, Stratford. Mr. Lewis died in the Stratford General Hospi- tal on Thursday morning following an illness of about six months. The body had rested at the Heinbuck Funeral Home, and following a short serive there the body was taken to St. Paul's Church for service at 2.30 o'clock. Rev M. H. H. Farr officiated. Interment followed in Avondale cemetery. The pallbearers, who were cousins of Mr. Lewis, were: Joseph Moir, Jas. Moir, Russell Holmes and Perrie Holmes of Wingham; and Sam Ogilvie and An- drew Ogilvie of Stratford. BORN FISCHER—In Wingham General Hospital, on Saturday, April 13th., to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Fischer, R. R. No. 3, Brussels, a daughter. MUNDELL—In Wingham General Hospital, on Sunday, April 14th„ to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mundell, R. R. 1, Bluevale, a son—Hugh Patrick. BONE—In Wingham General Hospi- tal, on Monday, April 15th., to Mr. and Mrs. Russell Bone, R. R. No. 5, Brussels, a son. ST. JOHN—In Wingham General Hospital, on Monday, April 15th., to Capt. and Mrs. J. R. St. John, (nee Betty Rae), a son—Douglas. WARWICK—In Wingham General Hospital, on Tuesday, April 16th., to Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Warwick, R. R. No. 5, Brussels, a son. SALEM ;Mr. Ken Miller of London, spent the week-end with Mr. Edwin Palmer. Mrs. George Harris and young son visited over the week-end with her fa- ther, Mr. Frank Green of Mt. Forest. Mr. and Mrs. John Gowdy' visited last Saturday with her sister, Mrs. Brooks, who resides near Teeswater. Mr. Edwin Palmer called Sunday evening on Mr. and Mrs. Allister Green, who reside near Wroxeter. Magic Baking Powder lb. tin 25c Gillett's Lye, Special — ..9c Lasco Cleanser, Special, tin .4c Stove-pipe Enamel, 25c for 19c Robinhood Oats, pan-dried,. 5 lbs. 26c Huron Pastry Flour, 25 Ib, sack 72c Pat-A-Pan'*Pastry Flour, 25 lbs. 78c Maxwell House Coffee, 1 lb. jar . .48c Horse-radish, plain or with beets 91/2 oz. jar for 19c Spaghetti with Tom. Sauce 17c Champ Cleanser, special Canned Herrings ass't br'ds 19c Sweet Navel Oranges, 344's, doz. 29c Sweet Navel Oranges, 252s,1/2 doz 34c Bananas, Lemons, Onions, Potatoes McKenzie Famous Gold Standard Vegetable and Flower SEEDS at 5c and 19c RED FRONT GROCERY Why not Buy Your Grocery Needs Here Where You Can Get MORE REAL SPECIALS FOR YOUR MONEY INKMMEffinagfiniUMNIIKOIL.