HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1946-04-18, Page 3.11 111-111117 Regular $ Q for $1'7 5- SPEC1ALOFFER Regular $ 0 for $ 2' 5° A way to re-create beauty in your own skin. A remarkable> all purpose face cream which supplies both Vitamin ,4 and 0 to your skin. Stimulates skin cells to new activity and makes your skin health*, younger and lovelier looking. McAvoy's Drug Store WINGHAM ONTARIO 1•1•11.111mIIII IIMBINNINNIIMEMINNINSINOMI Do Your Papering NOW! No need to delay papering that room. We have a pleasing dis- play of SUNWORTHY WALLPAPIERS Pattern's for Every Room TELEPHONE 281 Harold Finley FOR SAMPLES Also stock of Lowe Bros. Paints 4.^ LAMPS — And SHADES in attractive styles General-Electric arid ' DeForest Crosley Record Players V BELTS in stock Radio Service Phone 3 8 0. Dominion BREAD 2 for 15c r‘INDllik on this great day rightly calls for a very special choice of foods. At Dotitinian you will find the widest variety of quality foods at money-saving prices. You will enjoy- your shopping too because of Dominion cleanliness— Dominion courtesy—and Dominion's guarantee of 100% satisfaction. EGGS, Gracje A large 37c New CHEESE, lb. .31c Aylmer MARMALADE Orange 24 oz. 29c PEAS, Ruby Standard 20 oz. tins 2 for 23c BEETS, Exki 24 oz. jar ..23c Simmers SEEDS 7 pkgs. ...25c Fruit and Vegetable Specials LEMONS, California 360's, doz. 29c PINEAPPLE, 24's 42c CELERY, Florida Pascal 48's 2 for 27c TOMATOES, Mexican, lb. 35c LETTUCE, Head, Import 60's 2 for 29c ASPARAGUS, lb. : ...29c Lipton's TEA Red Label, 8 oz. 37c Purple.Label, 8 oz. 44c KRAFT DINNER, pkg. . .17c CRANBERRY SAUCE jar 29c Cooked SPAGHETTI Dominion 2 for 29c Aylmer DICED CARROTS 20 oz. tin 10c Aylmer Diced BEETS 20- oz. tin 10c Huron County .Musio festiii41. G 0IIERICH Apr. 30, May 1, 2, ANTED, Men, Boys, andGirls STEADY WORK Western Foundry Co. Ltd. WINGHAM - ONTARIO CUSTOMERS' SUGGESTION CORNER For Rural Telephone Service vi ideSt costal° One WE know it's not always easy to keep little ones fromplayingwiththetelephone, or their older brothers and. sisters from spending too much• time on the line. We can only remind you that, until rural facilities can be increased, it is. important for everyone to keep their calls as brief as possible. If you have growing children, you can be particularly helpful in preventing needless incon- venience and delays. We ask your co-operation. 0 Will you accept a Contract . . . TO CREATE AN ESTATE AT ONE STROKE? Get it from C. K. Bryan ... your friend at Canada We* Hs uAll srxow YOU how to enjoy peace of mind and get more fun out of life—by saving money the easy way.a His i and experience qualify him to help training you select the Canada Life contract which best fits your special needs--a contract that will guarantee you a life income at retirement age ... set up an immediate tgtate for you .. and, if you shouldn't live to retire, will take care of your family with not only the money you have saved but all you intended to save. Why not eall your friend at Canada Life today? xe--cANADA. LIFE BRIGHTER TOMORROWS FOR YOU AND YOURS ORDER YOUR FURNACE OIL BURNER NOW to insure Fall Delivery. PERCY CLARK 'Pion 255 Winghern As a special addition to the annual meeting the hostess served refresh- ments and a social half hour was en- joyed, Mr. Wm. Jenkins of Gait, spent the week-end with his daughter, Mrs. George Hetherington and George, Miss Florence Fowler was a week- end guest with 'her friend, Mrs. Dale at Walton. Mrs. Thomas Brandon, (formerly Miss May Barrett) Kitchener, visited her uncle, Mr. John Hockeridge and her 'brother, Roy and. Mrs, Barrett, Mr, and Mrs. J. C. Biggins, Mrs. Lillow, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Robert- son, Campbell Robertson, Alex Shaw, Mrs, Charles Mathers, Mr, Mac Scott, Mr. W: H. McKinney, Mr, Mac Black, Mr. A. D. Smith and Mr, J, J. Elliott, attended the funeral of the late Rev. F. G. Fowler at Bolton on Monday. Mrs. Raymond Elliott spent a few days in Toronto last week with her daughter, Miss Lois 'Elliott, Reg, N., and attended two social functions in honor of Miss Elliott. On Friday evening, Mrs. Harvey Messer was hostess to a number of friends of the bride-elect and her fiance at a dinner. On Saturday afternoon Miss Ruby Duff, dietitian at the Women's College Hospital, gave a tea and linen shower at the Park Plaza Hotel, when the guests were relatives and fiends of the bride-elect, mostly former Blue- valeites, also a number of young ladies from the Women's College Hospital, where Miss Elliott is a member of the. staff. The Medical Staff of the Hos- pital are giving ,Miss Elliott a dinner on April 27th. Elmer Fowler spent Tuesday with his brother, Henry, at London. He was accompanibd by John Hockridge, who spent the day with his wife, who is a patient in Victoria Hospital. TURNBERRY COUNCIL The minutes of Council Meeting held in Wingham, April 1st., 1946. Members all present. Moved by King and Bryce that the minutes of last meeting and special meeting be adopted as read. Carried. The following letters were received and read: J. H. Kinkead, Goderich; Queen Alexandria San., London; Dept. of Municipal Affairs, Toronto; Attorn- ey General, Toronto; Dept. of Mines, Toronto; Dept. of Highways, Toronto; Treasury Dept., Toronto. Moved by Bryce and Fischer the Council of this Township agrees to include the Municipality in Wingham District along with Township of East Wawanosh, portions of the Township of. Morris, Howick and West Wawa- nosh and any other municipality in the County of Hurdn and Bruce which signify a desire to 'be included. Car- ried. The following accounts were paid: H. C. MacLean, $40.00, Prem. Em- ployees Ins.; W. R. Cruickshank, $28, part sal. $25, Post, $3.00; J. J. Elliott, $18.00, Road; F. Hogg, $9.85; G. Glou- slier, $7.50, road; J. Potter, $2.40; J. Paisley, $4.10; M. Marshall, $15.00; G. Appleby, $6.00; A. Lincoln, $4,40; B. Marshall, $10.80; J. Morrison, $7.80; J. T. Wylie, $6.00; S. Yeo, $55.00. Moved by King and Bryce that we adjourn to meet at Bluevale on Mon- day, 6th of May, 1946„ at 1 p.m. Car- ried, W. R. Cruikphatik, W. H. Woods, Clerk.Reeve. Food Situation Is Improving Washington,—President Truman de- clared the world food situation is im- proving. If we can get by for the next 90 days, lie said, everything will go well. He told his press conference rains in India, an improvement in spring and winter wheat prospects in the United States and the expectation of greater production in North Africa and France contributed to the im- provement. Farm Machinery Ceilings Raised Ottawa,—Price ceilings for Canad- ian-made farm machinery have been increased 12% per cent effective Sat- urday, the Prices Board announced. The Board said a survey had shown that with the swing over from war pro- duction, unavoidable cost increases had arisen which no longer could be met without an upward revision in the re- tail price. Thursday, April 18th, 1946 THE.. WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES PAGE THRE BLUEVALE Church News Palm Sunday sermons were preach- ed in the United Church by Rev, S. J. Bridgette and at Knox Presbyterian Church by Rev, L. C. Jorgensen on Sunday morning, and suitable hymns were sung by the congregations and choirs. A delegation from the United Church consisting of George Thom- son, W. J. Johnston, Charles Mathers, Milton Fraser and Mrs. Edward John- ston attended church service at Hol- stein on Sunday morning and visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Harris. Women's Institute Miss Duff opened' her home this week for the monthly meeting of the Women's Institute. The president, Mrs, 5, Smith conducted, the meet- ing. The Roll Call was answered by paying the membership fee for the coming year and introducing a new member. The secretary-treasurer gave a re- portof the year's work, showing the receipts to be $347,19. There were .11 meetings with a total attendance of 150, During the year, donations of cash were given to several worthy projects including assistance to the furnishing of the kitchen at the Com- munity Hall, Throughout the years of the war, the members were faith- ful in the war effort, Reports were heard from the conveners of standing committees, Each convener was re- sponsible for a meeting, During the business' session a dona- tion of $5,00, each was granted the Princess Alice Fund, the -Cancer Fund and the Humane Society. The Co- Operative programme in home econ- omics was diseussed. The report of the nominating committee was read and the following officers elected, President, Mrs, J. H. Smith; 1st. Vice-President, Mrs. Carl Johnston; 2nd, Vice-President, Mrs. Wilson Thornton; Secretary-Treasurer, Miss Margaret Curtis; District Director, Miss Emma Johnston; Branch Direc- tors, Mrs. J. J. Elliott, Miss Dorothy Gueenaway, Miss Florence FOWler, Miss Emma Johnston. Representa- tives to the District Annual meeting, Mrs. J. H. Smith, Miss M. Curtis, Mrs. Edward Johnston, and Miss Emma Johnston; Programme Committee, Mrs. Charles Mothers,. Mrs. Wilson Thornton,' Mrs. J. Smith, Miss M. Curtis; Pianist, Mrs. Carl Johnston; Auditors, Mrs. Ed. Johnston, Miss Olive Scott; Conveners of Standing Committees:—Agriculture and Canad- ian Industries, Mrs. George Hether- ington; Citizenship, Mrs. J. Wickstead, Historical Research and Current Ev- ents,' Mrs. Harry Elliott; Home Ec- onomics, Miss Wilda Breckenridge; Social Welfare, Mrs. Harvey Robert- son; Publicity', Miss M. Duff; Liaison Officer, Mrs. M. L. Aitken.