The Wingham Advance-Times, 1946-04-18, Page 2Thursday, April 18th, 1946
Gt$1.,any time Thursday, April
l'Stla until pm, Monday,
April 2nd,
RETURN: leave destination
ep to rnielninht TaLesday April
Sird, V'4& This ions rftioc.atva
44am an opportunity lora aha
at llama m ,away with iriaaan,
Every mite you drive your car means wear and
tear on its vital parts. They can't keep giving you
services unless you GIVE THEM PROPER CARE.
With Spring on the wing, that means an
Immediate CHECK-UP
as to the right weight of Oil and Grease, besides
spent the weekmend at the home of he
...It, MrS. A. E. Purdnn,
Mt-s. Bernard Hall and her brother,
Mr, BAillie Parrott .0 131.3414 VISitf 4 'Oa
Sunday at the honm 'of Mr, and Mrs, J.
Mr. Rellson Falconer sold his car to -
Mr, •Rebert Henderson of Dnzigannon,
and ire and. his family spent Sunday ..
'i relatives at Listowel,
The W.M.S, of the United Church '
re holding a Sotial evening this Wed,-
nesday night for their Easter Thank—
offering Meeting, with the W.M.S. of
St. Helena United Chureh as guests. ,
Rev, G-, .M Newton will show Octures ,
of the Easter message,
Mr, Lorne Johnston is recovering,.
from a severe. seige of illness.
AS a first step in fining' the InStit-'
ute Hall, the big platform has been
taken .down and a Box. Social will, be'
held in the Hall on Tuesday oVeninnn
April •23rd., when Garnet Farrier's or-,
chestra will supply music for dancing.
Many will be interested to know
that Mrs. Milan Moore received word;
last weed~ that Bob Watt bad passed 1
' his second year in 'T'he'ology At Tor-
onto University -..and George his fifth ,
; . year. Mr. and Mrs. Watt left his
borne at Grimsby on Saturday to mot-
or to his summer charge at Shell Lake,
. • fifty miles west of Prince Albert in
• 'Sasketehewan. He will preach on
several Charges .there for four -months,
commencing on April 2$th, They
. , wili visit with her mother at Brandon
for two weeks. Their many friends
in this community will wish him great •
success on his new field for Home.
THINGs 80 .00
Mrs. W. It Farrier received word on
Sunday that her nephew, John Sher-
vood. son of Mrs. Wtn. G. Sherwood
formerly Margaret Jarvis of W. wa-
y tosh), and the late W. G. Sher-
vo d, had passed away suddenly athis
home at Wilkie, Sask.., in his forty-
eighth year. Bides his wife and
fatally, Ile leaves to mourn, his mother,
ur sisters and one brother. The fun-
tral was held on Tuesday to Wilkie
Mr. and Mrs, Berson Irwin and
Barbara and Billie spent Saturday in
'Gaderialt with Mr. and Mrs. Edwin
Brick United Church held their Eas-
. r Thank Offering meeting last
Thursday in the church, with Mrs.
Chas. Shiell's group in charge 'of the
The people of E. Wawanosh extend
congratulations to Mr. and ITTS, Ken-
neth Mason whose mriage was std-
- ;mired on Wednesday last at Cen-
t lia United Church at 2 p.m. They
spent their honeymoon on a motor trip
New York, arriving home on Wed-
nesday, They intend to make their
home on a farm in this district.
It has been repeatedly demonstrated at
Experimental Farms, on Advanced Registry
stations for swine, and by practical farmers
that little pigs need a special starting feed.
The Sow's milk starts to fall off rapidly
about four weeks after she has farrowed.
Little pigs must have something extra to
help them along as their mother's gradually
becomes insufficient.
We Manufacture
right here.
Fare and One-Quarter
for the 1.0una taip {reports of other Institutes, Mrs. 3. G.
i Gillespie gave a report of -the years'
,I work for Red Cross work, and Mrs.
Jas, Falconer nave the report of the
Standing committees, which had been
leondensed from reports for the last
Annual meeting. Lunch was -served
and the social time enjoyed by all. The
Ittimtutt special Fare—,25„„ next meeting will be -the annual meet-
ing' and election of officers.
's long "welt-end offers an •uppnr- Mrs. John Ross of CariVal;Sn5k- tarit37 fot a visit lame „at ;ma,. latchewan arrived home- here last week
with friends i after being away ic-r over thirty-one
'/I. fnatai.resh,,1-1,inyd 17,11ncirnlizerilngeanstk, your I I:Atha:. alFtenr:i.171sYpe'Inssfici°-itilhee nest few ia. ;
Invenks with her brothers, .Robert, Geo-
rge and Ben here and Harry at Bel-
grave and with her sister, Mrs, Herb-
/art Laidlaw. Many will make an op-
I portunity to welcome Mrs. Ross
Seven tables of euchre were played
in the institute Thal Item on Friday
Mug with Mrs, Raba Pardon and
t lwlr, Chester Taylor receiving the prizes
yes for high points, and Donald Martin.
SHIP ttiLLECT Ti3 and Lois Falconer with low paints.
The Chester Taylor OrtheStra sites
' riNtgistereaViAiTkAbtifieNtl. 1. plied -triusie for the dancing. The lad-
a 't
ins sold huith at at, tounter in the Hall.
Mr. and Mrs. Barry lima 'of Might,
Gee.. moilego.,..„ notrit,tia Ipuronts, Wit, and Mrs, Rett 14:ettnotti.
r!tflitain :fttia *w 1.-e, fi.ont.
li stpl::: the week-end at the home cif her
-at itireet f rotti i, Dbet krtget the tot Social in The
'C'74M-SIM4 Ct)414*IttATht 'institute Ilan on April .28rd. Welling- WOOL caowtas LIMITtb
„,, ,,,,,_ , ..,, t..,,, „ iton Hrendersou br Lila:now will ant-
, i '''',.'' 1"",7 7, "4,,,, ',`"'""" ---77'. !tin muff the 'bn,
Edwards' .Motor Sales
Victoria Street Wingham.
Your Authorized Dealer for
Chrysler and Plymouth Cars and Fargo Trucks
Tune in to our Radio Program, 8:45 Wednesday
Evenings, 920 on your dial
'Miss Margaret MacDonald of S. S.
Detroit ;art Sunday. No. s, Iinloss, held a social evening
mentolial service held in m her school on Thursday ,evening
Mr. and .Mrs. Rohert McwbraY Awl the Presbyterian Church here next las; when a musical program was •pre-
Anges motored to Toronto on Thnrs- Sunday morning for the three Sons of ,,sente,d by members of the s-ecti.on and
day, and Miss Roberta and Miss Mary a-ambers of that !Church who paid the the pupils, with Rev- C. M. Aen-
Ann Metachern of Moulton Girls supreme sacrifice in the last war, ton showing moving pictures.
School, returned home with them on• Mr, a'rla Mrs. !George Tiffin and Th~•5`"ng people of the 1-Thited
Friday to spent the next tutu weeks Coleen, of 1...angSide, spent Sunday at '`--In7reh held their monthly social even-
home of ftc. sister, Mrs. Cecil 'inn- in. the church basement last Wed-
re.sday evening, Rev. G. M. Newton Freddie McGee has been laid xtp Fainonen
with .attack of ana Clayton The wIts. of the pr,/yiiiian /showed moving pictures of the Wild
Scholtz has bad the cnkhnn pox, Church will hold their Easter Thank-i Flowers and .of wild animals in East-
Mr. Arthur Goyean spent the week- Offering meeting this Theraday titer_ iern Canada, on a trip -taken by canoe
end .at the halite of his sister., ?Firs.moanat the Tiorne of Mrs. Robt. Maw- i nanae -through Moaselatid, Miss Mil-
weeks hewn returned horae with him to ;Miss Barbara MaelCay of Wingham, li teairtg 'the 5..ripture Mrs- Ernest 'Casemate led in prayer, Miss
I Olive Tariff read a poem, His Cross ,
l and His Crown were His own. Garnet
Farrier played The Old Rugged Cross
I cm the clarinet, and Mr. and Mrs. Jas.
Falconer played Low in the Grave He
Lay on the violins. Mrs. 'Falconer
was in eita7rge of the recreation period
of games and contests, Larva,. and
!the social hour were enjoyed by all.
The children of Mr. and Mrs, Chas.
;Melt of East Wawancsia, have been
nt-cry ill with measles during 'the past
liiss Sadie Sinn:Luton, Wingharn,
1 antl 1-1r. Phillip MacMillan, Lneknow, ,
irionted on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Ernest Bancroft.
'The regular monthly meeting of the
Warrienn Institute was held can Tees-1
i•day last in the Hall, with the 1st Vice- '1
',President, hits. Albert Walters in
charge of the meeting. The roll call !
tray answered by Garden All
joined in singing The Old Rugged
Cross, Mrs. W. R. Perrier gave a read-
ing on Helpful Hint,. roll-wiled from
or Heel Flies,
AR on War. l
etween all points in 'Canada and to
all lin/tad States Border points
Attributed 'to Warble flies in Canada amount
to nearly $14,000,000 annually,
Tickets good going 217 time DAMAGE .4. Thiiesaay April 3R, until ton.
Monday, April 22, Oadding of -cattle during the Summer, in
Return Limit to leave destination
reduction in milk flow, loss in flesh, wastage not later than midnight, Tates,-
APril;g3, 1946. of 2Mat in infected carcasses, injured hides.
Destroyed most easily in grub tage after
having reached the backs of cattle by applica
tion of rotenone wash, usually procurable at
drag stores and spray companies, with direc-
tions for using. Quantity required approx-
imately one pound of powder for twenty
attk for three treatments.
- Early in Spring when bs cornmemce
dropping. Repeat twice at -monthly inter-
Apply material -with stiff brush and rub In
Per ttiml, per trtament should not extreed
two tbritt.
As1711AI $4.g FIT* MIlars per niiirtat
pia N mtInt is inOertea by the k.glitttitttre totitiMIttet tot
littrOtt-Crnint-y *Kola
Readings were given by Mrs. Harvey
McDowell and Mrs. Harold Snell. The
president was in charge of the busi-
ness and reported that the Westfield
Unit of the Red Cross had made
205 quilts during the war. Mrs. Hugh
Blair, Mrs. Fred Cook were appointed
delegates-to the Presbyterial meeting
to be held at Windham on April 25th.
;wars. MeVittie gave a reading "In the
Quiet Places". The meeting closed
with prayer by the president.
How perfectly the polar bear is protected! its
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Brantford Roofing, too, provides rugged, lasting
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Itanhord oofs ,. 15tionlititil Roofings Company Limited
Dec1411161.4, o ntaila ttiontilootrow, bf Ato,,,st susa*sowsasta thRhogi Roll skt,4660,toissAsossookk Vola titoott* tooftno, ilto4tot Wiriti•tol !floostioth ittrato 1Nattae.141.4 irna tithat:hnlidle(t
idin Pardon and Mrs. -Goriann and tWo with Mrs. Ras-sell of AV-,Wham, ,dred Moore was in charge ofth'e dcti-
sons, who haw spent the past two las ducat speaker for the occasion, 'otional p-eriod with Mr- Jas. Falconer
PiCh•C!W i
Mr. and Mrs. John .Doerr of An-
, bum, visited on Tuesday with Mr. and
Mrs. Douglas Campbell.
Mr. and Mrs. .Maurice Bosnian visit-
ed recently with Mr. and Mrs. Lester
Falconer and Mrs. Brooks of Tees-
-, ter,'
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Carter and
• Miss Joyce of Clinton, visited on Sun-
day with Mr. and Mrs, W. F. Camp-
Misses Marjorie MeVittie of Myth,
Dorothy and Roberta of ,Goderich,
spent Sunday with their parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Wan. IVInVit4e.
A good many from the vicinity at-
tended th-e Minstrel Show at Blyth !on
Thursday and Friday evenings and re-
port a good programme.
Mr. Kenneth 'Campbell of Toronto,
spent Sunday 'with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. W: A, Campbell.
The Mission Band met on Sunday
afternoon with 16 present. 'The meet-
ing was led by the President, Lloyd
Mi.Dowell, 'who also read the scripture
lesson, Readings -mere given 'by Gar- '
don Smith and Gwendolyn McDow-
ell. The !chapter in the Study Book
-was given by Mr`s. Howard Campbell
and the Easter 'Story by Mrs. Norman
McDowell. The Easter offering was
and Mrs: Norman McDowell,
Mrs. 3, L McDowell, Mr. Wm. Mc-
Dowell, Mrs. Osbaldes•ton -were Lan-.
don visitors on Monday.
Mrs. Can Campbell of Ottawa, is
visiting Mrs. W. A. Campbell.
The Red Cross quilting was held in
the basement of the Church last week
-and was well attended, 3 quilts being
completed, ' A pot luck dinner was ser-
ved and the W.M.S. meeting was held
in the afternoon, The Easter pro-
gramme was followed with Mrs. Hugh
Blair as the leader. The meditation
was taken by Kim Marvin MeDowell,