HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1946-04-11, Page 4LOOK YOUR BEST Wear Shoes from DUNLOP'S that will add charm to O Your Easter Outfit. STYLED FOR WEAR MEN'S SHOES that are smart and com- fortable, and at a price you'll enjoy paying. Dimlop's Shoe Store "THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES" II A recent announcement regarding the Diocese of Huron Anglican Ad- vance Committee records the appoint- ment of Mr. j, Harold Duplan as 0 •Chaitutan of the Advance organization for the Diocese. Mr. Duplan is the Ex- ectuive Vice-President .of Silverwood Dairies, Ltd, and has had had a dis- tinguished career both in Church and Crompton Jewellery's Moving SALE insimaiumummumminams To save handling, we offer a MANY ARTICLES AT , HALF PRICE a BEADS NECKLETS ° BROOCHES BRACELETS EXTENSIVE ASSORTMENT OF EAR-RINGS to assist in Calf Club work: LeLeem- lug, Walton; H, Baxter, Goderich; Dr, Jackson, Blyth; VanEginond, Clinton; Gordon l3issett, Godcriolt; W, Sparks, Bayfield, W. Clutton, God- 'erich, The guest speaker was M, Cle- mons, Secretary-Manager of The Hol- stein-Friesian Association of Canada, Brantford, Mr. Clemons showed' movies taken on his recent trip to. South America. He advised that there were -excellent iprospects for develop - in a substantial trade in high-claSs. Holsteins with Britain, South Ameri- ca and Mexico. Western Ontario Fieldroan, j, E. Terry, ' Lambeth, complimented the Club. on its enthusiasm and the excell- ent work done during the past year, He recommended that the members pay .S'trict attention to securing good herd sires and that they -have their herds regularly graded for type in Selective. Registration. O O 0 O co O O 11/2 cents a word per insertion, with a minimum charge of 25c. 0 0 a Mor-Power Batteries Canada's Greatest Battery Value 9" x 7", 15 plates $7.45 Ford V8 size . ... .$8.25 and $10.15 17-plate std $9.90 ARMOUR GLASS 17-plate $13.50. All types and sizes at the right prices.. Canadian Tire Corporation s, Associate Store Campbell's Garage W IN GHAM ON T. AVOID THE SPRING RUSH! With the coming of Spring will come many demands upon our time. It is our earnest desire to give ' Prompt and Efficient Service You can help us do this by having your Plaster Repaid Work DONE, NOW 1 ESTIMATES FREE A. French & Son Plastering Contractors Telephone 181 Box 23 Wingham MMIN•01101•1111•10111=11, 11 1 Hand-painted Metal Waste Paper Baskets I OIMEIMOOMMEMIINIM=WOMI. 0, PLACQUES PICTURES NICK-NACKS In ORNAMENTS GLASSWARE TOYS PICTURE FRAMES NOVELTIES — LIGHTERS — - , I SOUVENIR CUSHION SETS I SAVE 25% g ON THESE 11 El• MANY OTHER SUGGESTIONS A ID CROMPTON JEWELLER Wingham, Ont Phone 59 1(0.1=0”"'"'''--101::(01=0=0=0=01=0=12.. O O O 0 PLASTIC JEWELLERY — MANY DESIGNS 0 Gents' Roman 15 j. Strap Watches (Natural Gold Ladies' Roman 15 j. Bracelet Watches (Nat. Gold) Gents' Lanco 15 j. Strap Watches, chromium plated Silver-plated Pie Plates Plastic Dresser Sterling Identity Bracelets Ware Sterling Clip-on Bracelets China Novelties VITA-RAY Regular $ SPECIAL OFFER Reguiarsx for $1'Ll 0 for $21? A way to re-create beauty in your own skin. A remarkable all purpose face cream which supplies both Vitamin A and to your skin, Stimulates skin, cells to new activity and makes your skin healthiet,' younger and lovelier looking, McAvoy's Dtug Store wiNGHAm ONTARIO WIPA-RAY SUN RAY VITAMIN WiteeM WAGE VOUR TILE WING/TAM ADITANCE-TI:MS Thursday, April 11, 1946 TiAsterwimA Week7 Away LADIES! ..°=4")=g)=471i To HEAD ANOLICASI ADVANCE APPEAL All KINDS OF PAINTING DONE —Inside or Out. Spray or Brush work. Guaranteed satisfaction. Rea- sonable prices. Box. No. 423, Wal- kerton, Ont. AUCTIONEER—L. G. Bryce, R. R. 2, Wingham, is now available for Auction Sales of all kinds. Terms reasonable. 'Phone Wingham 639 r 21. ATTENTION—We buy, we sell, we exchange household furniture, stoves, dishes, silverware and antiques. Also agent for Harriston Stove Co., carry- their line of New Princess Pat Cook Stoves and I. X. L. Heaters. M. Brown, 'phone 239. ,CARPENTBR WORK—Remodelling an d Building. Built-in Cupboards a Tpecialty. Roy Bennett, Victoria St., Wingham. • -- — CREAM SEPARATOR—First Class Condition. Advance-Times. FOR SALE—Oil Burner, suitable for brooder stove. Apply R. Hopper. FOR SALE-50 acres; highway, hy- dro, price, possession. 2031-5th ave., West, Owen Sound, Ontario. FOR SALE-3 Registered Yorkshire Hogs. Apply to R. J. McMurray, Phone 618r13. FOR SALE—Grey Wool Suit and plaid Spring Coat. Will fit girl 12 to 14 years of age. Apply Advance- Times, FOR SALE—Coal Oil Stove, 3 Burn- er Perfection and Oven. Good con- dition. Apply Frank Caskanette, phone §43; FOR SALE—Used Iron Beds and Springs. Apply Queen's Hotel, Phone 11, FOR SALE—New British Tan Ox- ford, Dutch Toe, 7 triple A. Very attractive. Apply Advance-Times. FOR SALE-1 Oil-burner Space Heater, suitable for small House or Apartment. Stewart Home Appli- ances, Phone 20, FOR SALE—Registered D u rh a m Bull, 3 years old. Apply Advance- Times, FOR. SALE—One good fully 'enamel- led Cook Stove, wood or coal. Phone 353W, FOR SALE O1 RENT—Grass Farm, 100 acres, watered by river. Apply to Mrs, Jas. Campbell, Phone 413W, FOR SALE—Team of 'horses, ages S and 18. weight about 1350, quiet, also set of team harness, brass mounted With collars, electric brood. et, 300 capacity, nearly new, Apply Advance-Tithes, FOR SALE---,Ajax Oats, free from attitttf. ,cleaned and, graded, $1.00 per bushel; John Richardson, R. R.. No. li,Lucknow, 'Phone Wingfiatu 607 r 42. FOR SALE--*Ititehert Range with re- servoir; fully enamelled in ivory with red trim' complete with water- front. Applyr to George 11,.. Scott, John St. HOUSEKEEPER WANTED.-To take care of aged, man. Apply at Advanco-Titnes, 0 =10=01=t01. HYGIENIC SUPPLIES — (Rubber goods) mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price list. 6 samples 25c; 24 samples $1,00. Mail Order Dept, T-83, Nov-Rubber Co., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. INDIGESTON PAINS VANISH, quickly when you use Wilder's Stomach Powder, pleasant, soothing. 50 cents and $1.00 at McAvoy's Drug Store. LEAF LETTUCE FOR SALE—Also Seedling Sweet Spanish Onions. Same to be taken from Greenhouse when ordered. E, S. Lewis, Phone 101. LOOK YOUNGER!—Restore natural colour to greying hair with Angel- ique Grey Hair Restorer. $1.00 at McKibbon's and McAvoy's Drug Stores, PIANO TUNING — tuning price $3.00, repairs extra; factory experi- ence. By Wingham Bandmaster 'Geo. J. Wright. Must leave orders at Advance-Times. PRIVATE SALE—Pair of Upholster- ed Chairs, Singer Drop-head Sew- ing Machine, in good condition, full Dinner Set Bridal Rose China, other numerous articles. Every afternoon and evening at Harold Finley's, Cm: tre St. SLENDER TABLETS—Are effect- ive. 2 weeks' supply $1.00; 12 weeks, $5.00 at McKibbon's at McAvoy's Drug Stores. SHOVELS, DRAGLINES, DIESEL Tractors, diesel engines, diesel gen- erator sets, graders, rock crushers, sand gravel' equipment, lumbermen equipment, We quote prices del- ivered your station, Send for bulle- tin. Leventhal & Co., Machinery Dealers, Winnipeg, TAKING END-APRIL ORDERS— for Kitchener Big-4 Chicks, Delivery then or May. You may prefer' chicks now, out on range and growing be- fore real hot weather. Breeders Government inspected and blood- tested for both strains pullorum, • Agent, Fred Hogg, Wingham. WANTED—Good House to buy in Wingham. Apply at Advance-Times, WANTED—One. or two rooms for light tionsekeeping. Apply at Ad- vance-Times. WANTED—A small apartment or a room. Apply Advance Times. WANTED—Boarders, gentlemen pre- ferred. Apply Advance-Times. WANTED—A second hand car itt ex- cellent running order, also pasture for 3 horses, Apply Advance-Times. WANTED—Man to work at Wing- ham Cemetery, Full time work will be provided. Applicants please ap- ply at Town Clerk's Office, Wing- ham. FARM FOR SALE ••••••••••••Is Lot 25, Concession "A" ROWIck. This farm IS located on a County Road 1 mile from Wroxeter, There is said to be on the premises a frame house, bank barn, with cement stabling, driv- ing shed and hen house. There is ap- proximately 65 acres of tilled land, consisting of clay and sandy loam, and about 25 acres of swamp in which there is a quantity of soft cirri, soft maple, black ash and cedar. There is said to be a never4allirig spring at the rear of the farm. Pot further particulars apply to J. 11. Crawford, X.C,, - Winghani, Ontario, Mr. j. Harold Duplan business life. For ten years Mr. Dup- lan served as Rector's Warden of St. Paul's Cathedral, London, Ontario. He has also been President of the London Chamber of Commerce and is Director of both the Canadian and International Councils relating to his own branch of industry. He is also a past President of the London Kiwanis Club. His long and varied Church, business and civic experience will add great strength to the diocesan organization in Huron as Anglicans now prepare to make their united response to the greatest call of the Church to this generation. As Chairman of the Anglican Ad- vance appeal, Mr. Duplan heads up a strong central Committee which will organize and carry through, during 'the month of May, the Appeal for half a million dollars - from the Diocese of Huron to be raised during the next WANTED TO BUY-Austrian or Limoge Bridal Rose dinner plates. Phone 153. WANTED—Clerk for Retail store to take charge 'of Ready-to-Wear, one with some experience preferred and ability to sell, Aplily by letter to Box R Advance-Times, Wingham. WANTED—House to Buy. Medium size for cash. Apply R. A. Camp- bell, at Machan's Phone 58. IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of a dear son and brother, Lance. Corporal Joseph Nich- olson, who died of wounds in Italy, April 10th., 1944. Not dead to us -who loved him, * Not lost, but gone before; He lives with us in memory And will forever more. —Lovingly remembered by Father, Mother, Brothers and Sisters. IN MEMORIAM In memory of D. Stuart. Sanderson, who passed away two years ago, April 15th. Friends may think we have forgotten, When at times they see us smile, But they little know the heartache That the smile holds all the while. —Sadly' missed by 'wife and daughter, Katherine. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Thomas Day and family desire to express their appreciation to their friends and neighbours for their many acts of kindness and expressions of sympathy during their recent bereave- ment. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our many friends for the many kind deeds that have been done for us in this time of trouble we have had as it has been greatly ap- predated by us, This year has nine months yet to go, And the old year has closed itspors Let us go forth, one thing to do Standfast with this friendship true, And press forward for a greater prize To God in Christ, His sacrifice. His voice is calling for us all Oh let us to Him, yield a call, A passionate prayer, to feel Midst wars, pestilence and distress Amid the troubles and the rest He alone will bear the burdens best, Oh, let us hold fast in thought the tie, The golden thread He has to you and I A cable strong, no power can break, So let our friendship, ne'er cease to shake. Mr. and Mrs. E, H. Underwood and son, John, NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the matter of the Estate of Wil- liam Chandler, late of the Township of Turnberry in the County of Huron, Farmer, deceased. . TAKE NOTICE that creditors and others having claims against the es,, tate of the said William Chandler, de- ceased are required to file their claims duly verified with the undersigned on or before the thirteenth day of April, A.D. 1946, and that after said date the Executors will distrilmte the ettate having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice, , Dated this twentieth day of larch, A. II, 1046. A. H. McTavish, Teeswater, Ontario Solicitor for the Ekeett1tOtS three years for the programme of Ad- vance as approved by the Church of England in 'Canada. Thd Financial Appeal will begin ,during the week ,of the anniversary of V-E Day. The amount asked for will be divided into the various departments of the Church's work and will sustain a pro- gramme of Advance in every Diocese of Canada, both in the older, self-sup- porting centres such as Huron Dio- cese, and in the newer missionary dio- ceses on the Canadian frontier. SPRING MEETING OF HOLSTEIN CLUB Decide To Hold Black and White Show At Blyth Fair Sixty-five members attended the Spring meeting and luncheon of the Huron County Holstein Club, held April 4th at Clinton. President Wm. Sparks, BaYfield, was in charge. - The invitation of the Blyth Fair Board to hold the County Black and White Show in connection with that Fair this fall was accepted. 'It was re- ported that a prize list of $500 was an- ticipated. This includes a $100 grant from the Huron County Council. D. S. Dunton, well-known Peel County breeder and exhibitor, Brainpton, has aceeyed the invitation to judge at this show which will be held Septem- ber 11. The following men were appointed ST. HELENS The annual meeting of the Women's Institute was held at the Community Hall on Thursday afternoon, with the president, Mrs. Archie Aitcheson in the chair. April 18th was the date chosen for the Red Cross quilting. It was decided to invite Mrs. Lorne Ivers, the District President, to ad- dress the May meeting. Mrs, John Cameron presented the report of the nominating_ committee' and the follow- ing officers were electdd: President— Mrs. Archie Aitcheson; 1st. Vice-Pres- ident—Mrs. Gordon McPherson; 2nd. Vice—Mrs. Elwood Barbour; Secre- tary-Treasurer—Mrs. T. J. Todd; As- sistant—Mrs. McKenzie Webb; Pian- ist, Mrs. E. W. Rice; District Rep.—, Mrs. E. W .Rice; auditors—Mrs. H. Gaunt, Mrs. S. A. Todd; Conveners— Agricultur0e—Mrs, Lorne Woods, Cit- izenship, Mrs. McK. Webb; -Historical Research—Miss Mary Murray; Home Economics—Mrs. H. Gaunt; Social Welfare---Mrs. A. Aitcheson; Public- ity—Mrs. W. A. Miller; Red Cross— Mrs. W. A, Miller. Mrs. Lorne Woods give a reading "Food has an interesting' part in our Life". Mrs. Harold Gaunt, convener of Home Ec- onomics, chose as her subject, "Family Relationship and the Home". A two minute silence was observed in honor of the late Mrs. Ball, who 'at the pre- vious meeting haNd given a most inter- esting talk on Pioneer DayS. Mr. Stewart Collyer, recently dis-, charged from the R.C.A.F., has been engaged as teacher at S.S. No. 7, Mom ris, with duties to commence following the Easter vacation. The -congregation of the United church took part in the Worship ser- vice broadcast over CKNX from the Wingham United Church on Sunday morning. The speaker, Mr. Parker, managing director of the Imperial Life Assurance Company gave an interest- ing and informative address regarding the Pension Fund and explained some of the plans for the Pension Fund Capital Campaign. SALEM Mr. and -Mrs, John 1 Gowdy attend- ed the wedding of their granddaugh- ter, Miss Greta Hyndman of Gorrie to Mr. William Bennett last. Saturday at high noon, in the United Church, Gorrie. Mr. and Mrs, Harold Weir and two sons, 'Donald -and Beverly of London, spent the week-end with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Weir. Mr, and Mrs. W. H. Dane and son Edgar spent Sunday evening with friends in Wroxeter, Mr. and Mrs. William Maxwell have moved to Wroxeter where they bought a house, . The snow and damp weather have put a damper on seeding operations which were in full swing in this dist- rict last week, Cottiiittitiloit service was observed in the church here last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Bolt moved to their new home near Belgrave on Mon- day of last week, To those leaning on the sustaining infinite, to-day is big with blessings. —Mary Baker Eddy, MORRIS TOWNSHIP SCHOOL BOARD The regular meeting of the Morris 'Township School Board was held on April 4th in the 'Township Hall, All members present. The first shipment of general school supplies has been received and these will be delivered to the various Town- ship schools. A motion was pasSed, relieving Mrs N. G. Robertson from her duties at S. S. No. 7, Morris, on April 80 as requested, and It 3, McMurray was instructed to make arrangements for a suitable supply for the balance of the team It was suggested that teachers be instructed to proceed with arrange- ments for their school gardens and that all bills for ploughing, Seeds,' plants, etc., be forwarded to tire; Secretary be, THE OLD Almog OF TRIAL AND GRIEF Quotes "Set a thief to catch a thief". We think this covers all things made, For "every man to his own trade", $07-0 ABOVE THE PLACE YOU SIT YOUR ROOF DECIDES TO DROOL AND SPIT JUST CALL ON US AND YOU WILL SEE HOW .PROMPT and EFFICI- ENT WE CAN BE A. L. FISHER 'Phone 411 Box' 92 WINGHAM. - ONT.' ,0 or,-* AUCTION SALE—Of Farm Stock and Implements will be held on the farm formerly occupied by Robt. Stapleton, at Zetland, at 1.30 p.m., on Wednesday, April 17th. Terms, cash. A Lockridge, Prop.; Thomas Fells, Auct. • Fall term in September. The Secretary 'was appointed as a delegate to the Trustees' Convention in Toronto, his expenses to be paid. The next regUlar meeting will be on May 2nd at 2 p.m. in the Township- Wool Growers' Organization WOOL SHIP COLLECT TO Our Registered Warehouse No. 1 WESTON, ONTARIO Reliable Grading° Obtain sacks and twine from Geo. Haldenby, Holyrood or direct from CANADIAN CO-OPERATIVE WOOL GROWERS LIMITED 217 Bay Street, Toronto, Canada for May 20. As all schools are taking part in the School Fair at Belgrave, it is expected that there will be increased interest in school gardens. Cheques were issued in payment of several bills. These included $500,00 on account for the Hay Stationery Go, and Pneumatic Insulating Company for S. S. No. 1, $118.00, Several applications were received for the position of general repair marl for the-schools. Mr. H. Wheeler, of Belgrave was given the appointment and Trustee McMurray was instructed to see him , Representatives from two insurance companies were present. The Board decided to place an appli- cation for a policy covering public lia- bility, employees' coverage and medi- cal aid to pupils to the sum of $50., with the General Accident Insurance Company for one year, with Mr. James McFadzean as agent. A motion was passed, stating the Beginners' Classes be accepted in the schools only at the beginning of the