HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1946-04-04, Page 8sF Into the Easter Parade of fashion . . . Stunning Shoes which come highly styled to accent your lovely Spring costume. A smartly styled Brown Alligator PUMP Cuban Heel Sizes 5 - 9 B Width. Price $7.00 Black Suede Pumps Open Toe Cuban Heel Sizes 5 to 10 AA, A and B Width Price $8.00 Rhys Pollock "SHOES FOR ALL THE FAMILY" 411111=11110111111111MINIMIIIIINNIIIIIIIN CALL IN AT Edwards' Motor Sales Victoria. Street Wingham Your Authorized Dealer for Chrysler and Plymouth Cars and Fargo Trucks PHONE 417, WINGHAM, ONT. Tune in to our Radio Program, 8.45 'Wednesday Evenings, 920 on yair Every mile you drive your car means wear and tear on its vital parts. They can't keep giving you services unless you GIVE THEM PROPER CARE. With Spring on the wing, that means ,an Immediate CHECK-UP as to the right weight of Oil and Grease, besides BRAKES ADJUSTED FOR SAFETY, and OVER-ALL:TUNING-UP. s Thursday, Friday, Saturday, APRIL 4th, 5th, 6th FILMED FROM THE GREAT BROADWAY PLAYS COLUMBIA PICTURES GEORGE T PRODUCTION airtweeno:obr ROBO yog f, HUGH lICABERT plat A Min g TO PLE rcher $ CorliSS A ALSO—"SHORT SUBJECTS" Show starts evenings at 8 p.m., Saturday, 7.45 p.m. Matinee Saturday afternoon at 2.30 p.m. ,111111MIM. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, April 8th, 9th, 10 TOM NEALE BARBARA HALE — In "First Yank Into Tokyo" A Thrilling Drama of the War in the East ALSO—"SHORT SUBJECTS" Show starts evenings at 8 p.m. Lewis Covers of Ormstown, writes: "I have a herd Of 20 cows of Which (about half are registered. Prior to using Rex Wheat Germ Oil I was having considerable trouble In get, 140 cows to come in heat after calving --one of them would not come In hear 6 months after calving! After ono month's treatment with Rex Oil this cow was successfully bred and lust freshened again a few dais ago. I have since used Reg Oil on eight or more cows and am extremely well pleased with the results." • , Rex Oil helps animals to overcome shy breeding,, slowness to mate, absence of heat and other non. organic breeding troubles because it supplies in c concentrated and stable form the factors necessary for suc- cessful, profitable breeding. A few drops ofAex Oil day will turn your "boarders ' into profitable producers. Start NOW! 4 oz. $1.25 20 oz. $5.00 McKibbons In Drugs, if It's Rexall! — It's Right! Easter Cards now on Display To His Infant 'Majesty, That N W BABY! Tn selecting clothing apparel for the new arrival— Vrom the Layette to the Older Infant, we suggest a few iteins of timely in- terest. BLANKETS— Esmond, blue and pink 79c All-Wool $2.75 Rayon, satin binding . , $1.50 CARRIAGE SETS— Chenille , . $3.75 Satin $2.95 & $4.50 SWEATERS— Crocheted Jackets $1.50 Bootees to Match 50c Pure Wool Sweater Coats, soft and dainty, pink, white, blue, $1.95-$2.25 Nighties, soft Woolette 59c Infants' Quilted Robes • . $3.50 Infants' Dresses in Broadcloth and Rayon Crepes — all embroidered— $1.29 to $4.25 Babys' Bonnets, white, nicely shirred 65c Bally Books—A record of Baby's weight and doings $1.50 King Mrs. John Mason and Kenneth, frank opinions", the introduction stat- spent Monday last at London, Mr. and Mrs. Skinner and Miss Beulah Skin-, A similar questionnairre was sent' ner, Reg. N., of Centralia, accompan- out to those already subscribing to ied them. telephone service in representative Mr. Tupper Cunnington of Toronto, communities last year. arrived on 'Monday.to spend the sum- Halted by the war, the company's rner .at the home of his daughter, Mrs. long-term program to improve rural Chas. Robinson. service and extend it to more persons Mr. Roy Robinson spent last week than ever before has been resumed with relatives at Delhi and Port Bur- with expanded scope. Construction of well, Born—In Wingham Hospital, on Sunday, to Mr. and Mts. Elmer Foran, W. Wawanosh, (nee'Isabel Phi lips,) .son. Mr. Lloyd Mason of Listowel, spent the week-end at the home of his par- ents, Mr. and. Mrs. John Mason. new lines alone will involve some $10,000,000 during the next few years. Reduction of the number of parties per rural line, emphasized in replies received to the Previous questionnairre, is already being carried out as rapidly as possible. It is hoped that sugges- tions made in reply to the present questionnaire will assist the company to provide the kind of service the rur- al telephone users want. apartment Store "THE FRIENDLY STORE" Coal Delivery Curbs Removed Ottawa,—Coal control orders "Fov- erning the distribution of American coal in Canada and placing restrictions on delive'ries to consumers have been lifted. Reconstruction Minister Howe announced. Coal control, which is under the dir- ection of E. J. Brunning, Of Montreal, continues but the main orders left in its jurisdiction are those concerning prices and providing administrative authority for keeing record of the fuel situation. BLUEVALE The Y,I):U. of the United Church, will end its week night meetings at a Social on Friday evening when the "Owls", the ,losing side, in a member- ship contest will' supply refreshments, and the "Ants" will supply the pro- gramme. The Society will continue to conduct' the evening service on the 3rd. Sunday in_ the month. Mrs. Wilson Thornton and infant baby, have arrived home from the Wingham General Hospital. QUESTIONNAIRE BY BELL TELEPHONE Rural residents in the Wingham exchange area who do not have tele- phone service are being constilted by the Bell Telephone Company regard- ing telephone service and kindred matters. Their comments are sought in an 18. page questionnaire booklet mailed to non-subscribers in 19 representative Communities throughout ()imbed and Ontario. Entitled "What Does Your Family Think About Telephone Service?" the illustrated booklet invites impressions regarding the service, its cost, and the company itself, and also requests in- formation various details of rural life, Under the -beading "What Would You Pot'" it asks what might be done improve'to arid extend service in rural areas, "Pool perfectly free to express your 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Upholstering Factory Requires GIRL FOR SEWING WE HAVE AN OPENING FOR ONE GIRL IN OUR SEWING ROOM. APPLY IN PERSON AT FACTORY -Fry & Blackhall Limited WINGHAM. ONTARIO iiii1111111111111111111i1111111111111111111111111111111111111111110110111111111111111111111111111i 'PHONE 161 FREE DELIVERY AT . Smith's Economy Food Store Robinhood Quick Cooking OATS; 5 lb. bag .... . With Free Tumbler Newport FLUFFS, 8 qt. pkg 25c FRESH ROASTED - Salted Peanuts lb. 39c. Glenwood Diced Beets or Carrots tins 250 Pride of Okanagan GREEN BEANS, tin ..... 15c., McCormick's "A" SODAS, 6 oz. pkg, 12c Kraft DINNER, ........ .... 19c Mild Canadian COLOURED CHEESE, lb. 35c Gives the Whitest Wash RINSO, large pkg. 27c Snowflake AMMONIA .. . .. ... . . 3 pkgs. 15c Woodbury's FACIAL SOAP 3 cakes 23c Ground Fresh While You Wait REX COFFEE 49c lb, Gibson's or Carter's FRESH BREAD, 24 oz. loaf 9c Ruby Brand MAMMOTH PEAS .:...2 tins 27c FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES Fresh TOMATOES,HEAD LETTUCE, head ...Mc Leaf LETTUCE, bnch. Choice Lemona, 30(N.-3 for 12c OFANGES, 288's,dos. —......35c ORANGES, 220's, doz. .45c Celery HEARTS, bnch.... 17c PINEAPPLES, 24's, &telt RATION COUPONS VALID THURSIMV, APRIL 4th aldAlz—Not Si to 55 DIVIVRIi—NOts, Rt to R5 IVIHAT—Nos, WO to Mt are holding a euchre and dance in the Hall this Friday evening. You are in- bited. menanniunnianannas ORDER YOUR FURNACE OIL BURNER • NOW to insure Vali Delivery. PERCY CLARK 'Phone 255 Wingham 111111=1111111111111•1111111MMIIIIMIVIII=INII BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. J. N. H. Norton, Pastor Sunday, April 7th, 1946 11 a.m.—"Light in Darkness" 7.30—"The Why of Barabbas".. The Lord's Supper will be observed. WE SEIVICE 04,0140e KeuWAt". PATTISON Radio Service Phone 171 'Westinghouse RADIO TUBES, Intarima. See Reid and See Right Make Appointments WITH— DAVID CROMPTON Jeweller - Phone 59 For Eye Examination R. A. Reid, R. 0. Eye Specialist Smoker's Sundries Magazines Fla,selgrove's sivtokt gimp asummlommimilimialsismir PAGE iuGHT THE WINGNAM ADVANCE-TIMES Thursday, April 4th, 1946 WHITECHURCH Mrs. Cameron Sit:11111(ms spent a few days last week with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Earle Caslick of Cul- ross celebrated their thirtieth wedding anniversary on Friday last, Miss Tillie Alexander held a very successful auction sale at her former home in W, 'Wawanosh on Friday_ and disposed of her furniture, Miss Floycnce I3eecroft returned to Toronto on Saturday after spending two weeks at home with measles. Some of our local fishermen tried sucker fishing one night recently and returned with a good catch. Mrs. Hector Purdon and daughter, June, of Toronto, spent last week at the home of Mr, anci'Mrs, Cecil Fal- coner,' . and Mrs. William Robinson of Lucloow, and formerly of E. Wawa- nosh, observed' the sixty-first anniver- sary of their marriage on Sunday. Neither Mr, nor Mrs. Robinson have been very well lately. Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Scholtz and Mrs. LOrne Johnston spent Tuesday last with friends in London. Mrs, Bill Wakeling of London, spent last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McInnis. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Goyeau and two children of Detroit, and his father, Mr, Albert Goyeau of Leamington, spent the oweek-end at the home of the latter's daughter, Mr. Aldin Pur- don. Mrs. Arthur 'Goyeau is staying here for two weeks. Mr, and Mrs. Robert Henderson and fainily, and her brother, Mr. Torn Young of Dungannon, visited on Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Falconer and other E. Wawanosh relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Bolt, Mrs. Harold Cook and son „Ivan, all of Blyth, visited on Wednesday last with Mr. and Mrs. John Pardon and other relatives here. • 'Mr. Kenneth'Laidlaw of St. Cathar- ines, spent the week-end with his wife and family at ,Lucknow, and with his parents, in W. Wawanosh. Kenneth expects to get his discharge next week. Mrs. George. McClenaghan, Mrs. Lorne Johnston and Miss Olive Ter- iff motored to Guelph on Saturday. Miss Mildred McClenaghan returned with them to her position •in Guelph General Hospital, after being at home here for the past week, following an attack of measles. Mrs. Reuben Tiffin of Langside, spent the week-end at the home of,her daughter, Mrs. Victor Emerson. Wren Velma Scott of Halifax, is getting her discharge this week and returning home. Mr. Russell Purdon made a motor- cycle trip to Stratford last. Tuesday for repairs, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Groskorth and children, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bagg of Unionville, and Mr. Groskorth attend- ed the Annual Convention of Canada Packers in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Ira McLean ' and children of Wroxeter, spent Sunday with her mother, -Mrs. David Ken- nedy. Quite a crowd attended the hard- time dance and concert in the Instit- ute Hall luite last Friday evening. Mr. Chas. Martin was chairman for the occasion, and all enjoyed the program presented 'by local talent, also the journal by Cecil Falconer,* telling of the fun the men of the community had while taking down the station during the past winter, and also the dialogue of Woman's Rights; Mrs. Russ ell Gaunt, Mrs. Johnston Conn and Mrs. Earle Caslick acted as judges for the hard-time parade, giving "the prizes to Mrs. Walter James and Mrs. Victor Casemore. Over $3.00 was collected in fines, and the children enjoyed the copper scramble; The following werOgUeSts' with Mr. and Mrs, tornejohnston On Sunday, Mr, ;and Mrs. Fred plaetzer and son, Lawrence 6f-Auburn, and their daugh- ter, Mrs. Kern Sword and little son, Ronald from Swords, near Parry Sound, Mr. and Mrs. Jack West and their two children, Lorne and Joan of Listowel, and Mrs. Phillipson and daughter, Margaret (5f• Palmerston, Mr. and Mrs. Russell, Gaunt, Janet and Donald, spent Sunday at the home Of her brother, Mr. Kenneth Currie of E. N/Nrawatiosh, Mrs. Dean Drennan and little son, James Patrick, returned on Thursday from Wingharri Hospital, to the horde of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas, St, Mark, and Mr. Dean Drennan of Guelph, spent the week-end there, also Mr. and .Mrs. Fred A. Robinson and two children of 'Toronto. Mts. jamet St. Mark was ill during the past 'Week with a bad attack of the flu, Mr. Will McClenaghan and his Son, Roger, of Cleveland, spent a few'days last week with his brothers, Robert, George and Ben, here and Harry at Belgrave, and his sisty, ,Mrs. Laidlaw, It it eleven years since he was home last. Roger had recently been discharged .froth the Navy, after serving in the Pacific area at New Zealand and the Phillipines for the past few tems: The ladies orehle Women's Institute,