HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1946-03-28, Page 8Thursday, Friday, Saturday, March 28, 29, 30 SPECIAL — There will be Two Shows each night-7.30 & 9.30 Matinee Saturday afternoon at 2.30 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, April 1st, 2nd, 3rd DICK POWELL MICHELINE CHEIREL — In -- "CORNERED" ge*, op, of 4.5Peneeo sops/ in Glorious TECHNICOLOR ;twine PAUL HENREID MAUREEN O'HARA WALTER SI.EZAK *HS NNE SASHES 10514 EMERY • FRANK MORZAGE Eminalre Pre4.6t OUST FELLOWS • Analot• Producer STEPHEN AMES ['Hutto,/ Ely FRANK 1101ZAGE • Se..• HarY0 0101161WORTHINO vats inimAr4 J. MANKIFY11 CC BAGS SCARVES Colours in Plain. Sheers or Printed Effects in Floral Designs. 79c to $1.95 P GLOVES Fine leathers in Pigtex, Doeskin and Calbretta (Kid), Chant,* Suedes and Rayon. Natural, White, Black and. Brown, with • a variety of smart trim. $1.00 to $4.25 HANDKERCHIEFS Gay Colored Floral Swiss Sheers, Fine Linens or Lace. They will brighten your out- fit ,for Spring. ,25c to $1.00 Suit Complement for Spring DreSs-ups. Crisp Taffeta,Sheer Rayon and Cotton. .114over lace, various neck-lines and in whites or pastel shades. $1.95 and $2.95 VESTEES GLENANNAN Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Bolt and fam- ily visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Stokes. • Mr, and Mrs, Dave Eadie spent one day last week in London visiting the latter's aunt, Mrs. Charles McLean. Messrs. Walter Dunkin of George- town, Jackson Dunkin of Kitchener, also Miss Dorothy Dunkin of Kitchen- er, spent the week-end with their par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Dunkin, Miss Patricia Shaw of ' StratfOrd, spent_ the week-end with her parents, Mt:. and Mrs, Clarence Shaw. Mr, and Mrs. Roy Hastings motor- ed to London on Tuesday last to meet their sari, Bill, who was returning from overseas. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lincoln and Lance, visited on Sunday with Mr. John Cathers, Kathleen and Bobbie, at Gorrie. Mrs. Herman Metcalfe and baby daughter, have returned home. from Wingham Hospital. Mr. Vernon Reid has been engaged to assist Mt, W. A. Cathets for the coming summer. Miss Annie Stokes spent Tuesday last visiting With Mr. and Mrs. David A. ftitchie, Teeswater. JAMESTOWN Mr. Murray Ross% who spent the past three months with his parents in Florida, returned to his home here last week, Miss 1 trelyn Jacklin spent the past two weeks with her patents, and hai returned to her position at the Rae Chick 'Hatchery at Atwood, Mr. Aldine Holt who Was under, the Dr's. tare is improving nicely. Mr. and Mrs, Ocorge Meitay and children attended the Brooks-Wells wedding in Wingham on Thursday of last week. Mrs. Campbell of Winthrop, is As. iting for a jaw days with her daughter, Mrs. Garden Holt, e•••""•• Your Car Is Safe In Our Hands When you leave your car in our garage you can leave it with confi- dence that it will receive skilled, expert care. Service. SUPERIOR SERVICE STATION BERT ARMSTRONG, 'Prop. WINGHAM Have a Thorough Engine Check-up Get Complete Lubrication Goderich Hospital. Little Bobbie Henderson of gannon, is spending this week Mr, and Mrs. Jas. 'Falconer. Mr. and Mrs. Relison Falconer of Toronto, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Falconer. Miss Winnifred. Farrier of Toronto, and Mr, Carman Farrier of New Tor- onto, and Miss •Roberta Mowbray of Toronto, spent the week-end at their respective homes here. Mr. A. E. Purdon and Mr. Jas. Fal- coner each had the misfortune to rose a valuable cow on Sunday. Reeve J. D. Beecroft, who is Chair- man of the Educational Committee for the County, attended meetings at Goderich, Hensall, Clinton, Brussels and Wingham last week, in the inter- ests of the High School Districts in Huron. The regular monthly meeting of the W.M.S. of the Presbyterian Church was held on Thursday last at the home of Mrs. David Kennedy. with the president, Mrs. Robt. Mowbray in the chair. Isaiah, ,Chapter 51, was read responsively, and . Mrs. Roane had charge of ,the meditation period, speak- ing on the Dynamic Gospel..Mrs. Walters led in the Glad Tidings pray- er, and the topic from the Study Book on the Bhil Field was taken by Mrs. John S. Craig. Plans were made for the Easter Thank Offering .Meeting, and Mrs. Mowbray closed with prayer for the Missionary workers. Mrs. John. Pardon's Red Cross group will hold a concert and dance in the Institute Hall this Friday even- ing. You are invited. John. Waddell .had a very suc- cessful sale last Tuesday. Mr, John- ston Conn and Mr. Wallce Conn have rented his farm. Mi. and Mts. Gordon Scott of Rip- ley, and Mr. Thos. Hill of Langside, spent Sunday With Mr. and Mrs. itus- sell Ross. Miss Mildred McClenaghan, nurse- in-training in Guelph General Hospital, has been 'laid up with anttack,of the measles. Mr. and Mrs, Hector Pardon and, little June of Toronto, spent-the week- end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. E,' Pardon. Miss Tillie Alexander is holding an auction sale of her home furnishings on Friday at her home on the 0th con. of W. Wawanosh. The farm IT been sold. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace .Conn and family of Kinloss ' Mr, and Mrs, Ron- - ald Coultes and baby Murray of E. Wawattosh, and Mr. Wilfred Caslick of Wingham, visited on Sunday with „ their patents, Mr. and Mtg. Earl Cat- lick. * Born—On Friday, March 22ndtin Wireghain Hospital, to Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Cashel; a son, A very repretentatiVe meeting of •the families of the Presbyterian church was held in the church on Friday even- ing with Mr, /as, Mellrath in charge of the program. Among those who as- sisted with the program were. Mr. Gage of.. Wilighant, who gave a talk and a reading and several violin ael- actions, accompanied by •Mt H, Dun- with Fresh Frozen COD FILLET, lb. 32c Fresh FrOzen SALMON FILLET, lb. _39c Society Glenwood Choice DOG FOOD, 32 oz tin Diced CARROTS, 2 tins ,..,..25c Dr. Ballard 's Konsert Brand DOG MEATIES, 2 pkgs, Green or Wax BEANS, tin 150 LaPRANCE, pu g. cSATINA, pkg Grade No. I Dutch Set ONIONS lb, • 23c Kraft Relish Cream Cheese, lb.. .4. Canadian Old White Cheete,Ib. .39c • "...M. ,•••••••..04.101.111 ... PAGE EIGUT •P• THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES •ThuradaY:t..March 28, 1940' Pym, who also gave a piano Solo, Mrs. Walter Pocock of W. Wawanosh and Miss. Mal9orie Falconer Of Wingham, sang' several solos, and. Key. A. Mal- mo of Wingham gave a short address Rev. A,. H. Wilson spoke of St. Pat- rick and Angus Falconer gave a saxo- phone number. Mr. MeIlrath then called Rev, Wilson to the platform, and after a short address thanking him in the name of the congregation, ,,for his faithful services among them, pre- sented Mr, Wilson with a purse of money and with a. bouquet of flowers for Mrs. Wilson. Mr, Wilson. thanked his people for their kindness and their thoughtfulness, Lunch was served and the social time. enjoyed .by all, The regular monthly Meeting of the W.M.S, of the United Church was held on Wednesday at the home of Mrs. 'Albert Coultes with the president, Mrs, J, G. Gillespie, in the chair. The scrip- ture lesson was read by Mrs. Lott and Mrs. J. D. Beecroft gave a missionary reading, Mrs. Garnet Farrier led in prayer. The topic 'from .the Study Book, gurrie of Uganda, was in charge of Mrs, Clarence McClenaghan, who gave a very interesting talk on Currie's worries over the slave trade of that time. Mrs, W. R. Farrier gave a piano sola and Mrs. Kirk closed the meeting with prayer for the missionaries and their worwlc, This was the meeting for the quarterly birthday tea and six aster Accessories Eoir'IVC7-TRE To bring out the best oil that new Spring Coat or Suit, we suggest careful thought to the Accessories thaVgive the Well-groomed look, Sleek, every occasion Hand-bags Plastics, Calf Leather, Alligator Gain, Textured Sheepskin (Pig- tex), and Cords. Under-the- arm or strap-style. Complete with a variety of shapes. $3.95 to $13.95 HATS BEGUILING NEW • STYLES High-crowned or Pill-box, or Matronly Hats of grace and dig- nity. Gay, new Spring Colors, in felt or straw. $3.95 — $6'.50 Khan ,spent the week-end with her father, Mr. Knowles of Kitchener, Miss Merle Wilson of Wingharn Hospital staff spent a day last week at her home here, Mrs, Ben McClenaghan returned home from London last Tuesday after visiting with. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Par,. ker, Mrs, Chas. MacKay of Brussels, and her nephew, Mr. Win. Palmer, and his grandson, Billy Butch, of Walton, spent Sunday at the home of the ft2r- riter's brother, Mr. Walter Lott. Mr. and Mrs, Albert Coultes and family spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Thos, Kerry, Pte. Orton Grain of Woolsley Bar- racks, London, spent the week-end with his wife and parents here, Miss Doris McKenzie, who spent the past few months with her sister, Mrs, Ira Wall and other relatives, returned home to Regina, Sask., on Thursday last. Mrs. J. D. Beecroft and Florence, returned holne from Toronto on Tues- day last, Weiwood's Service Station was bro'L ken into on Sunday last, with choco- late' bars, cigarettes and quite a sum of money taken. The police are in- vestigating. Quite a crowd gathered in the In- stitute Hall here on Tuesday evening for the pictures presented by the Nat- ional Film Board. They were enjoyed by all. Lunch was served by the lad- ies and dancing enjoyed until closing time. Mrs. Dan Martin spent last week at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Mal- colm McNeil of Oxford Centre, while Mrs. McNeil went through an opera- tion in Woodstock Hospital on her shoulder. Miss Bertha MacKay of Toronto, spent the week-end with her sister. Miss Agnes MacKay. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Anderson of Lucknow, spent Sunday with Mrs. Ar- chie Anderson at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Purdon. Little Leroy and Gary Rinfoul are staying with their grandparents, while their mother is in King Department Store ladies seat the table for the birthday lunch. Mr, and Mrs. Herb. Laidlaw cele- brated their twenty-fifth wedding,,,an- niversary on Friday last. Mrs. Geo. McCienaghan motored to Guelph on Saturday and Mildred re- turned with her to spend this week at her home here. Miss Gwendoyln Irwin of Toronto, spent the week-end at the home of •her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herson Irwin. Mr. and Mr's. Victor Emerion and Mrs. A. Emerson moved to their new home on the farm of the late John Gil- lespie. Twenty-four of the Whitechurch Farm Forum Group enjoyed a pot- luck supper at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Falconer, on Monday night to finish up the winter's forum season. Mrs. Gordon Elliott held high points in the progressive euchre that follow- ed, and Elroy Laidlaw low points. • 'Pte. j, S. Szczpciak of the R.C.A. S.C., of Toronto, who recently return- ed from four years overseas, spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs., John Hutton. • A miscellaneous shower was held on Friday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Willis in London, in honour of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Miller, who were married some time ago. Mrs. Morley Traviss, Betty and Jack, spent a few days visiting with friends at Grand Valley. coi:sort=crons0 0=03=3:011= 3==== O SPOTLIGHTED I . O -- for the JUNIOR MISS A Black Suede Perforat- ed PUMP with Junior Low Heel and Open back. Width B. Price $4.95 hys Pollock 0 o 11 "SHOES FOR ALL THE FAMILY" ' a 0 OUR SHOE REPAIR SHOP is operated by ' Jack Colwm. Expert . Shoe Repairs — Soles , , 0 fl 0 Nailed or Sewn. o 9 46=o1=gmacmtco===unmor===ger=to O PHONE 161 FREE DELIVERY STOP MOTH DAMAGE --- AT -- Smith's Economy Food Store • • For All Baking— PURITY FLOUR, 24 lbs. ......77c Purity or Robinhood Quick-cooking OATS, 5 lbs. 290 Glenwood Choice DICED BEETS, 2 tins ......,..:25c Post Toastles CORN FLAKES, 3 for .._23c Moths always go for the most valuable material within reach. PROTECT your valuable woollens N 0 W, as you prepare them for Summer storage. When shopping, be sure you have Moth De- stroyers and Repellants on your list. Get them now so that you will have them on hand when you require them. Rexall Red Cedar Flakes (Naphthaline) ......25c Elkays Moth Fume Crystals. . ..... . 39c Elkays Moth Proofing Liquid . ..... .75c Moth Balls and Flakes . .... . . . . . .15c Larvex Liquid ..83c & $1.29 Straw Whisks. ... 35c Clothes Brushes ... .. r w 4,e • e• • • • v25C `""'” $3.00 Moth Proof Bags' 6 0 0' 6 it . Y . 6 . . .. • 6 0 . . 39c Woods IVIoth Blockettes ,„ . ..„ „10c 25c WHITECHURCH Mr. and Mrs. Len Westbrook. .of Goderich, spent Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ,Cornelius, Mr. Jas. Laidlaw has been very ill during the past two weeks with the flu, and Mr. Elroy came home from Weston 'on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence MeClena- A post-war melodrama about a disillusioned your flyer bent on tracking down his wife's killer. Also "Short Subjects" Show starts evenings at 8 p.m. . . I See the ' Radio ' TO chilli when tem is mend Electric 'Just plug outlet. Also 11. R11010 Telephone Desk now - Every RADIANT Serving your not the • if PATTISON Quantity WARM rooms on display office needs these regular operating, Steam it in any Safe, Dependable. $39.50 FIREPLACE $14.95 it ' if 171j Yolimmilmint ommmameD35 New Fluorescent Lamps Service limited. HEATERS i SERVICE at the Spring heating we 0 one, Radiator convenient TYPE Wingham recom- days' sys- IV - - iniNgiing BAPTIST CHURCH 1 the Rev. J. Sunday, 11 a.m...-"The Third in ' , • Come N, H. Norton, Pastor 31, 1946 of Suff- at "Questions 7.30 p.m.—"Ignorance Cross". About March Mystery . series of the Cross". and Hear. • See Reid Make WITH: Jeweller For Eye R.. A. Eye and-See - Phone Appointments •CROMPTON Examination Right 59 R. 0. Reid, Specialist sitzinnon. S m oker's Hase1 015051.0551111111111111111111111111111111111111111. Magazines ,.;_,... Sundries grove SHOP p s SMOKE A ' isinintasitiononntninszninnits Pot thetillt First Watch Repairs Jowl eiita:Wallttilhel George istott to rotes* 'sal Williams Only , ion FRESH FRUITS • Plead LETTUCE, ea, ORANGES, 288'S do. .,.,........85e RIPE TOMATOES, WicliCibboons & VEGETABLES CELERY HEARTS, bnch. 15c GRAPEFRUIT, 112'0, 5 for 29e ORANGES, 225.s, close ......47c Rhubarb, Waxed Turnips, Parsnips, Cabbage Lemons Cooking °MMUS, Pineapples, Carrots RATION COUPONS VALID TRURO" MARCH 28: SttGAR....Noit. 46 to 10, Si to S4. tlITTElk• NO414 I41 to 114 =AT EA* Nos, I. to 80 In Drugs If les Roma, — It's Right RUST CRAPT EASTER CARDS Now on Display •