HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1946-03-28, Page 1ti DR. W elIBBON • -ADDRESSED. LIONS He Told Of His Experience With the Medical Corps In England and Northern Europe A regular Lions. Luncheon 'was held at Yemen's Grill on Monday evening with a good attendance, Lion Wilbur Tiffin presided and welcomed guests of the Club, Mr, Harry Spry and Mr. Allan Phillips. District Deputy Gov, ernor Fred Spry informed the Club that two new Lions Clubs were about to receive their charters. These would be located at Brussels and Owen Sound. Lion Tamer Jack Reavie led in sing songs with Lion Harold Pym at, the piano, Mr. Allan Phillips who has just joined' the CKNX staff after his release from service in the • "NAVY SHOW", favored with two fine solos. The Club agreed to secure two new road signs and will have these erected at the entrances to Town. On the recommendation of the Eicecutive it was agreed that the Club sponsor the Eckhardts in a bell ringing concert in the Town Hall toward the end of April, Sale of tickets• was arranged for the Program Committee. Lion Jack McKibbon reported that his Committee were still seeking the ser- vices of a Scout Leader. The matter of the formation of a Teen Age Club was being considered by his committee and this Might take form by Fall. Lion Harley Crawford presented a picture of the Brampton Swimming pool and the plans of a pool being built at Elmira. It was felt that a pool about 608x25 feet would cost close to $12,000 but a definite estimate would be secured. Lion Wilbur, introduced Lion Wal- ton McKibbon and asked him to•ad- (Continued on page Four) THANKS EXPRESSED BY SANATORIUM Wingham's Contributions Last Year Amounted To $253,26 The Advance-Times, Wingham, Ont. I am desired by the President, Col. Leonard and the Executive of Queen Alexandra Sanatorium and by the chairman and members of the Christ- mas Seal Committee to express grate- ful thanks to the people' of Wingham and District for their generous res- ponse to our apptal for funds to carry on the Sanatorium's preventive pro- gramme' of research, education, re-hab- ilitation and the work of our travelling clinics. Wingham did splendidly, contribut- ing $253.26, an increase of $52.80 over last year. The figures for Huron County are as follows:—.. Wingham $ 253.26 Seaforth 239.98 Exeter ..... ........ ............... 243.90 Clinton 190.01 Goderich 514.66 County 631.71 $ 2073.02 An increase of $306.02. over 1944 total. The following committee contribut- ed towards the sum of $631.71 shown under the heading of Huron County; Auburn, Bayfield, Belgrave, Bluevale, Blyth, Brucefield, Brussels, Centralia, Crediton, Dashwood, Dungannon, Eg- mondville, Ethel, Fordwich, Glenan- nan, Gorrie, Grand. Bend, Hay, Hen- sall, Kintail, Kippen, Londesboro, Lucknow, Motherwell, Port Albert, Varna, Walton, Wroxeter, Zurich. London and the County of 'Middle- sex contributed the sum of $16373.81, an increase of $1194.32, over 1944 fig- ures. Our sincere thanks also •go to the chairman of the Wingham Committee, Mr. J. Harley Crawford, to Mr. W. W. Armstrong and The Advance-Times, to those who increased their .givings and to all who are supporting the Sanatorium in its great and winning Fight against Tuberculosis. Yours sincerely, Francis B. Ware, Secretary, BRIDGE CLUB Ten tables took part in the play at the weekly meeting of the Wingham Bridge Club. The result of the play was as follows: North and South, 1st Mrs. H, Crawford and R. Hobden; 2nd Mrs, R, DuVal and G. Mackay; 3rd D. French and A, Wilson; 4th, R. S. Hetherington and Dune. Kennedy; 5th, Mrs. H. C. MacLean and W. H. French. East and West--1st,,Mrs, Gammage and 3, U. Crawford, 2nd Mrs, Geo, ROSS and Geo, Williams; 8rd" Uri. A. Wilson and D. Nasmith; 4th, Miss McCallum and Mrs. R. S. I-tethering. ton; 5th, Mrs. L. Kress arid Mrs. C. Armitage, HIGH SCHOOL AREAS ARE DISCUSSED Mr. Gordon Duffin, Of the Dept, Of Education, Gave Instructive Address OVERSEAS BRIDE MET AT TORONTO, Another Will Arrive The Latter Part. Of This Week BAPTIST WOMEN'S .MISSION CIRCLE _Hospital Work In The Mission Field Was the Theme Of the Meeting The Sr. Wonten's MisSion Circle of the Baptist Church met at the home of Miss Ruth Lewis on Thursday af- ternobn. Miss Walsh was in charge of the .meeting. Hymn ."Gather them in" was _sung after which Mrs. Norton opened with prayer. Mrs. Lucas brought the devotional, using for her text 2nd. .Samuel 9:3 basing her thoughts par- titularly on "That I may show the .Itindnets of God". This was very much enjoyed and was a great inspir- ation. Hymn "Must I go and empty hand- ed" was then Sting after which Treas. .urer's report was given also the roll call and minutes of the February nteet- ing real Business was then discussion .after which all joined in singing "Work for the night is coming". The 4 topic for the afternoon was Hospital work in our Mission Fields. Miss Lewis read a letter from Dr. West on his work at Sampta Mrs, Kelly read a letter from Dr. and Mrs. R. B. GtilliSon 'at Pithapttrarrt; Miss Densmore read a letter from Dr, and Mrs. jOsint of India, these were very interesting and informative. Those participating in a season of prayer for the'mission work both at home and abroad Were Mrs. Pryce, Wt. Collar and Mrs. Kelly. All join- ed in singing "Throw out the life line" .and Mrs. Lucas dismissed the meeting in prayer. The hostess served a dainty lunch and a happy' time of fellowship was eujoYed, TWO SHOWS AT LYCEUM THEATRE Thursday, Friday and Saturday ev- enings this ,week there will be two shows at 7.30 and 9.30, fdr the*special picture in technicolor "The Spanish Main"; starring Paul Henreid, Mau- reen O'Hara and Walter Slezak, Purchased Residence Mr. Harold Victor Pym has purch- ased the residence in which he has resided for several years from Miss A. McBurney. Purchased Mills Residence Mr. R. S. Hetherington has purchas- ed the Mills residence on the corner of John and Catherine Streets and takes immediate possession. St. Helens Man Honoured Mr. F. G. Todd of St. Helens, was elected President of the Canadian Ab- erdeen-Angus Association at their an- nual meeting held in Calgary last week. Moved To Blyth •/ Mr. and Mrs. Wilbret Somers and daughter, Shirley; have moved to Blyth, where Mr. Somers has secured employment with Mr. Lewis Whitfield in the plumbing and tinsmithing bus- iness. 'Single Copies Five Cents With Which Is Amalgamated The Gerrie Vidette and Wroxeter News. WINGHAM, ONTARIO THURSDAY, MARCH 28, 1946 Subscriptions $2.00 Per Yew PURCHASED LAW • • PRACTICE AT BRUSSELS 'Will Reopen Town Office In Lucknow, R. S, Hetherington, K.C., M.B,E., has completed arrangements for the purchase of the law practice in Brus- sels from Elmer Bell, who purchased an Exeter practice a couple of weeks ago. He will be in Brussels a couple of days each week. Mr. Hetherldgton has also reopened his office in Lucknow which has been closed since'he enlisted. He, will be 'in Lucicnow each Monday and Wed- mesday. LEAVES FOR BRITISH COLUMBIA THIS WEEK , 114r. and Mrs. Warner Newton, of Wingham, will leave this week to visit friehds and relatives in Bowmanville, Oshawa and:with Mrs. Newtons par- ents, in St. Catharines, prior to their departure for Chilliwack, B. C., where Mr. Newton will go into the Nursery Landscape business. He has been the 'editor of the Farm Topics with CKNX Almanac and lately with The Almanac Weekly. Mr. Newton, a native of Brit=. ish Columbia came east in 1940 and ,attended O.A.C. at Guelph, graduating in 1945, and took up residence' in Wingham last year. Joins CKNX Staff Mr. Allan Phillips of Toronto, and who has been recently released from the Navy Show, has joined the staff of CKNX. Mr. Phillips was a popular soloist with the Navy Show troupe on `their tours of Canada and Europe and has also much experience in broadcast- ing, being on the BBC. C.C.F. Zone Organizer Here On Wednesday, March 21st., a suc- cessful C.C.F. house meeting was held .at the home of Mrs. F. Massey. Mr. 'Clifford Allen, the Zone Organizer, gave an interesting talk on the princip- les and functions of the Co-operative Commonwealth Federation. There was .also an attractive display of literature. 'United' Church The young people met in the base- ment of the church for their weekly -meeting on Sunday night at eight fif- teen. With the president, De Miller .as chairman. The meeting opened by singing several mission hymns. The 'main feature of the evening were pic- tures on Africa shown by Mr. W. A. 'Galbraith. These pictures depicted life in the leper colonies. The meeting closed with the Mizpah benediction, Engagement Announced Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Skinner of Cen- tralia, announce the engagement of their eldest. .daughter, Beulah Eliza- beth, to 'Kenneth Wilbert Clark, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. John Mason, Bel- grave. The marriage to take place in Centralia United Churdh, on April 10. Huron, Grey and Bruce New Forestry Zone W. G. Thompson, Ontario Lands and Forests Minister, announced that three new reforestation zones will be created in Southern Ontario by sub- dividing existing zones and placing a technical officer in 'charge of each. The zones are; Lake Huron zone, comprising Grey, Bruce- and Huron counties; Trent zone, comprising Ont- ario, Durham, Victoria, Peterborough and Northumberland counties; and Quinte Zone, including Hastings, Frontenac and Lennox and Addington counties. NOTICE All licenses' for the town of Wing, ham are now due, Dog tags and able, T. W. Platt, Chief of Police, HIGHLIGHTS OF' ONTARIO BUDGET No new taxes but revisions propos- ed in Mining Tax Act and Succession Duty Act. * * * * * * Surplus of $6,062,000 for fiscal year ending March 31st next with proposal that $5,800,000 of surplus be devoted to interim payments on 1946 educat- ional grants. * * * Increase of $6,000,000 in liquor re- venue due to relaxation of wartime re- strictions. * * Projected road construction pro- gram costing $20,000,000 and $3,500,- 000 public works program. * * * Net debt reduced $587,648, marking first time in province's history that net debt reductions have been announ- ced in three successive budgets. Gross debt reduced $5,693,110. Annual saying of $600,000 in interest and debt service charges through re- funding loans .at lower rates of inter- est. Subsidies to farmers for hogs, cheese, sugar beets and wool to be continued. Daylight Saving Petition Circulated A petition has been circulated throughout , the town during the past two weeks to have daylight saving time observed In Wingham again this Summer. The 'petition has been sign- ed by a large number and will be pre- sented to the Town Council at their meeting on Monday evening. BOWLERS BRINE AND ANNUAL MEETING Officers for 1946 Were Elected The ladies of the Wingham Bowling Club met in the Council Chambers on Monday evening for Bridge and the el- ection of officers for 1946. There were five tables playing with Mrs. D. B. Porter winning first prize and Miss Phyllis Johns, second, The hostesses were Mrs. A. Wilson, Mrs. F. Sturdy, Mrs. H. Greene and Mrs. H. C. Mac- Lean. The following are the officers elect- ed:— President—Mrs. Arthur Wilson 1st. Vice-Pres.—Mrs. D. B. Porter 2nd. Vice' Pres.—Mrs, Chas. Lloyd Sec'y.—Mrs. Joe Kerr Treas.—Mrs. E. R. Harrison Tournament Committee—Mrs. H. Campbell, (Con).; Mrs. H. C. Mac- Lean, Mrs. W. W. Currie, Mrs. 0. Haseigrove. Jitney Committee—Mrs. C. B. Arm- itage, Mrs: F. Sturdy, Miss Yvonne McPherson, Mrs. Geo. Williams. Social Committee—June,—Mrs. W. H. French, Mrs. McKay, Mrs. Haney; July—Mrs. W. Gurney„Mrs. Hobden, Mrs. Heughan; August—Mrs. Greene, Mrs. DuVal, Miss Caroline Wellwood; September—Mrs. Murray Johnston. Miss Mary Johnston, Miss Phyllis Johns. St. Andrew's Y.P.S. The regular meeting of St. Andrew's Young People. was held in the church basement on Monday evening, March 18th., with the Missionary Committee in charge. The meeting opened with the Call to Worship and hymn 494 was sung. The scripture was read by Hel- en Carr and Hilda Pletch led in pray- er. Rev, A. Nimmo then gave a very interesting description of the work of the Belfast City Mission of which he had been a member. Hymn '773 was sung and Mr. Nimmo closed the meet- ing with the benediction. SERVICE MANAGER AT EDWARDS' MOTORS Mr. Donald S. Eden of Scotland, Ontario, has been 'engaged by Ed- wards' Motor Sales as Service Man- ager, He is 37 years of' age and comes with the best of references, having twenty years' experience and operated his own garage for two years. For a year he was an instructor in Motor Mechanics at the Ingersol Technical School. Besides having a Class A Mechanic's Certificate, he also has a certificate for mechanical engineering which includes all diesel engines. He also 18 an ex- pert in body and fender repairing and car painting, He takes pride in seeing that a job is well done and says "There is no job too big for us to handle or too small to interest US at Edwards' Motor Sales, Victoria Street, Wingham. Ont." Mr, Joseph Ellacott left on Sunday for Toronto, where he met his wife on Monday morning, Mrs. Ellacott left England on Sunday, March 17th.. aboard the Aquitania and landed in Halifax on Friday, She was the for- mer Brenda Humphrey of Rudgwick Sussex, and they were married in. December, 1943. Joe, who was with. the 4th. L.A.A. Reg't., arrived home six months ago. Another overseas bride, Mrs. Irene May Hammond. wife of Ralph M. Hammond, is scheduled to arrive in Halifax, today (Wednesday), on the liner Maurentania, and is expected in Wingham the latter part of the week. C.T.A• AREA HOTELS TO . LOSE LICENSES The Liquor Authority Control Board of Ontario has notified 29 holders of beer and wine sale authorities in Peel, Perth and Huron Counties that their licenses will not be renewed after they expire March 31. This was announc- ed by R. A. Gaskin, Secretary, who said letters to the hotel owners and clubs went out "two or three days ago". The action is a result of the recent Privy Council decision uphold- ing the validity of The Canada Tem- perance Act which is in force in the three counties. BANK MANAGER AT BRANTFORD Mr. J. R. M. Spittal has 'been ap- pointed manager of time Dominion Bank at Brantford, and assumes his new duties on Thursday. Before enlisting with the 99th Bat- tery, Bob was the• manager of the branch at Wingham, Since his dis- charge from the artily he has ,been on the inspection staff. Mrs. Spittal and children, Nancy and Peter, will continue to reside in. Wingham until midsummer at least. Huron Old Boys, Bridge, Euchre and Dance The Huron Old Boys Association of Toronto, will hold a Bridge, Euchre and Dance at Columbus Hall, 28 Lin- den St., (Bloor and Sherbourne) on Friday evening, April 5th. The As- sociation recently held its 45th Annual Meeting and it is the oldest of its kind in Canada. All Huronites wilt be made welcome. There will be spec- ial prizes for Bridge and Euchre. An excellent orchestra has been engaged and there will be special dance num- bers for the younger group. GUEST SPEAKER AT BAPTIST Y.P,U. Rev, and Mrs. Ferris and Family Of Chesley Contributed To the Service The Union was privileged to have as guests on Monday night, Rev. and. Mrs. Edgar Ferris, their twin daugh- ters, Caroline and Catharine, and son, David, from Chesley. Having conducted the Devotions, as. sisted by Mrs, Bruce McLean and Miss Eleanor Sundercock, the presi- dent, Miss Vivian McLean, called on the pastor, Rev. J. N, IL Norton to introduce the guest speaker, Mr. Fer- ris, Before delivering his address, Mr. Ferris called on Caroline for an ac- cordian solo, "Jesus is Calling." this number was followed by an aceordian and violin duet, "I AM So Glad" ac- companied by Miss Ruth Lucas on the piano; accordian and violin duet by Caroline and Catharine, "You Must Open the Door". Mr. Ferris, pastor of 'the Chesley Baptist Church, chose as his text, Matt. 16:18 "I will build My Church". His three divisions were, 'The Builder', 'The Purpose' and 'The Building.' Following the message, the twins and Ruth rendered the vocal trio, "Sweet Hour of Prayer", with Ruth at the piano, Mr. Ferris suggested the closing hymn, "The Church is Our Founda- tion," After a hearty vote of thanks from the audience, the pastor dosed with pray,er and the benediction, GOVERNOR GENERAL AT CANADIAN CEREMONY The above photograph, taken from a rooftop, shows guard of honor and huge crowds gathered at the military ceremony before their excellencies left Canada., The governor-general, the Earl of Athlone, and Princess Alice were greeted at -the National War Me- morial by Prime Minister MacKenzie King. Performing his last official act in Canada as the King's representative, his excellency placed a wreath on the memorial honoring Canada's war dead. The closing meeting of the Wing- ham Red Cross will be held on Thurs- day, March 28th., at 3 p.m. All mem- bers are asked to be present. The work rooms will also be closed after Thursday and all work finished or unfinished must 'be handed in by that day. Operated On At London Mrs. R. E. Jackson underwent a major operation in the Victoria Hospi- tal, London, last week. She is doing as well as can be expected. Hospital Auxiliary To Meet The April meeting of the Ladies' Auxiliary to Wingham General Hos- pital, will be held in the Council chamber on Monday, April 1st., at 3 o'clock, Three Act Play At Belgrave In the Forester's Hall, Belgrave, on Friday, March 29th., at 8,30 p.m. A Three Act Play, "Ready Made Fain- ly," by a Wroxeter Group, Admis- sion 35 cents and 15 cents. Euchre and Dance at Belgrave A euchre and dance will be held in the Foresters' Hall, Belgrave, Thurs- day, March 28, euchre starting at 8.30. Music will be supplied by Wilbees' or- chestra. There will be a lunch coun- ter in the hall, Everybody welcome. Fined For Illegal Trapping Mr. D, Cassidy of R, R. No. 1, Bluevale, was fined $10.00 and costs costs by Magistrate Otto McClevis, at police court held in Wingham on Friday, March 22nd. Prosecution was made by,Provincial Game and Fisher- ies Overseer, W. H. Cantelon. To Gravel Highways Tenders have been called for the gravelling of a considerable mileage by the Department of Highways, Tor- onto. The following sections in this district are Highway NO, 86, Wingham to Amberley, 5,000 tons; Highway No, 87, Bluevale to Harriston, 5000 tons. CKNX AMBASSADORS AT ROYAL T. APRIL 3rd amaiamim Dante at the' Royal T on Wednes- day, April 3rd, to tert. Worth and his CXNX Ambassadors, Dancing 9,80 to 1. Admission 75e 'and 50c, RED CROSS WILL CLOSE ON THURSDAY A meeting a by the councils and school boards of Wingham and the surrounding municipalities was held in the Council Chambers, Wed- nesday evening, March 20th. Over one hundred were in attendance, Mr. W. H. French was • appointed chairman for the meeting which he conducted in his usual efficient man- ner. Mr. J. H. Kinkead, secretary of the Consultative Committee for Huron County, gave 'a brief outline of the work of the committe. They were gathering information relating to the establishment of the high school areas in Huron County. This information would be given to the County Council at the next session. Mr. Kinkead in- troduced the speaker for the evening. Mr. Gordon Duffin, formerly Public School Inspector for Essex County. who is now engaged by the Ont. Dept, of Education to give information, con- cerning the reestablishment of high school areas. Mr. Duffin gave a very interesting and instructive address. After briefly outlining the previous procedure in setting up High Schools and comment- ing on the success of secondary school education in Ontario, he pointed out the following: The success of high schools had de- pended largely upon the size of the town in which they had been establish- ed or upon the size of the high school' district. This had led to the granting of powers to County Councils to est- ablish high school districts or areas, In the smaller schools, only the ac- ademic courses leading to the pro- fession had been possible. These courses had,,; cultural values but were not adequate as only 37% of the sec- ondary school students completed a University degree. (Continued on page Four) Deficit of $2,065,694 forecast for fis- cal year ending March 31, 1947, based , on record anticipated gross ordinary expendiutres of $149,436,605 and rev- enue of $128,370,911, with pledge that deficit will be overtaken from ordinary revenue after Dominion-Provincial conference ends. ' GOFORTH AUXILIARY MARCH MEETING The regular monthly meeting- of the Goforth Auxiliary of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church was held at the home of Miss Leila Leggatt, Tuesday evening, March 19th., with 'a splendid attendance, The call to worship, by the president, Mrs. D. Murray, opened the -meeting, The scripture reading, taken from Luke 1, was given by Mrs, A. Scott, after which Mrs. G. Carr led in prayer, Mrs. George Scott gave a very interesting paper, "East Africa in War Times". The chapter from the 1945 Study Book, 'Daughter of Africa' was taken by Mesdames Campbell and Donaldson. Miss Dorothy Deans, of- feted the dedicatory prayer. Mrs, Murray closed the meeting with the benediction after which a social hour followed.