HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1946-02-28, Page 6ROYAL HAND CLASP FOR FIANCEE
Prince Carl Johan Bernadotte, 29-year-Old gr dsori of Ring Gustaf
Of Sweden, holds hands with his fiancee, Mrs, Iterstin Wijkmark, jtist
its any couples do when they are in love, Prince Carl Johan has tossed aside his right to sttetession to the throne as the second son of Crown. Prince Gustaf Adolf, to marry, the girl of his choice. 1V/it. Wijkmark arrived in NeW York eh the Swedish freighter BoogabiLla, They Will
be married shortly, after which Prince Carl Johan Will become plain
Bernadotte, and they will live in a "flat" at 430 4(kautt
' • ••••••
, 00 MIS FOR
Now get real relief from bronchitis miseries this double-
action way with the home proved medication that
deep into bronchial
tubes with soothing
medicinal vapors.
chest and back sur-
faceslike a warming,
aE~io INORK CRSTANTLY 10 49.ri
G to
sit SO •", FOR Rims-RIM WORE
To get the benefits of this corn-
tion, just rub throat, chest, and
back with Vicks VapoRub at
bedtime. VapoRub goes to work
instantly-2 ways at once as
shown above—to ease bronchitis
coughing, loosen congestion, ft-
restful, comforting sleep.' Often
by morning most of the misery is
gone. Now don't take chances
with untried remedies—get re-
lief from bronchitis miseries to-
night with double-action, time-
tested Vicks VapoRub.
FOR ADDED RELIEF—Melt a spoonful
of VapoRub in a bowl of boiling
water. Inhale the steaming medi-
cated vapors. Feel them soothe
nagging I3ronchial irritation!
ers or. 6 loaves of 8 in. squares. Ser-
ves 50.
To make a chocolate with this re-
cipe,..add 12 ounces of melted choco-
late to the creamed shortening and
sugar of plain cake. Bake in shallow
pans in moderate oven.
The Bodmin Farm Forum met at
the home of Mr, and Mrs. Cecil
Wheeler With 21 in attendance, the
subject under discussion was Will
the Consumer Pay For Quality. It
was the feeling of the Forum that the
consumer would pay higher prices for
the better quality. They thought that
the egg grading system was very good,
but there was too much of a spread be-
tween the "A" Grade of poultry and
the "C"Grade. The discussion was led
by Richard Procter, the minutes were
read and adopted by Robert Yuill,
seconded by Cecil Wheeler. After the
discussions, progressive euchre was
played, with Mrs. William McMur-
arra 70 0404?
CKNX 920 8 p.m.
Hints On
Aqua Rayon Garbardine, beautifully
but simply tailored, adds up to a
charming frock for the Junior Miss.
Details include a wide tuck that de-
scribes a wide yoke that terminates in
a dropped shoulder line. The round,
high neckline is slit to the yoke, and
the sleeves are below elbow length.
The front of the skirt is gathered
softly, and the back is gored. A
touch of glitter is offered by the self-
belt detailed with nail-head-studded
leather section.
mine-stricken Europe, the whole-heart-
ed co-operation of farmers, distribu-
tors and consumers must ;be maintain-
ed if the ration plan Is to continue
its success.
According t6 a statement issued by
the Ration Administration of he War-
ime Prices and Trade. Board the ad-
ditional ,meat being made available
to Europe is an important achieve-
ment and farmers are being urged to
give their co-operation.
They are asked particularly to col-
lect meat coupons from the ration
books of the members of their house-
hold when they consume meat slaugh-
tered by themselves and to collect rat;
ion coupons for the meat they sell to
neighbouring farmers or to licensed
Under the ration regulations, farm-
ers are required to turn in these
coupons to the LOcal Ration Board
by the 10th of each monh.
One meat coupon must be turned
in for every four pounds of meat con-
sumed in the household but the farmer
does not need to turn in more than
half the valid meat coupOns in the
household's ration books.
When they sell meat to neighbour-
ing farmers they must collect one rat-
ion coupon for each four pounds of
meat sold even if it means collecting
coupons which may not yet be valid.
When they sell meat to licensed
slaughterers they Insist not sell less
than a quarter of beef or a side of pork
and they must collect a ration cheque
or other ration documents for the full
poundage of the meat, according to the
wholesale meat coupon chart, which
every licensed slaughterer has in his
Ban On Margarine Won't Be Lifted
Ottawa,,—trse of oleomargarine is
not being considered in Canada as a
means of increasing the supply of ed-
ible fats because under existing world
conditions fats are not available for
margarine manufacture, Agriculture
Department officials said,
Prohibition of the manufacture of
oleomargarine---a butter Substitute
ray and Mr, Jesse Wheeler winning
the highest number of points. Mr.
William McMurray ,invited the forum -
to his home for the next meeting, with
Miss . Laura Yuill and Clarence Yuill
appointed as recreational committee,
after this lunch was served of sand-
wiches and coffee.
Out of Eternity the new Day is horns
Into Eternity at night will return.
—Thomas Carlyle..
0 Reaches "All Eyes"
You may have a car you'd like to sell! or, it may be a house
• • • or furniture or any of innumerable other possessions. Merely
passing the word to friends won't find you a buyer, let alone get
you the RIGHT PRICE.
Classified Want Ad. Columns
of The Advance-Times
and your "Sales Talk" reaches all eyes throughout the district.
Place That Ad. NOW!
Phone 34s
=10 =.110
made from vegetable fats---has been if on*
0==t0==0 Meet in Canada Since 1.0g3,
0 0
.. ................
Are you serving a buffet supper at
the church some night? In city chnrchs
es they usually have a housekeeper,
cook and dishwashers, who order the
ingredients and cook the meal right on
the spbt, But in the smaller churches
and towns, it is still the habit to 'ex-
pect the lady members of the parish
to cook food at home and 'bring it to
the church.
There is something to be said for
both methods, but don't you think
there is a chumminess and friendli-
ness in the last named that perhaps is
a little missing in the first one, At
any rate, I'm giving you some quality
recipes for a pot luck supper.
Today's Menu '
Ham Loaf Scalloped Potatoes
Tossed Raw Vegetable Salad.
Plain Cake or Chocolate Cake
. Ham Loaf
3 lbs, ground 1 c. cracker
smoked ham crumbs
3 lbs. ground 1 large can
fresh pork evaporated ,
3 eggs milk or its
1 can condensed equivalent in
tomato soup fresh milk
Salt and pepper.
Combine all ingredients thoroughly
and pack into 2 meat loaf pans, (5 to
9 in.), and bake in moderate oven
(300 deg. F.), for 2 hours. This loaf
may be served with a cream sauce,
containing hard-cooked eggs, or a
chili sauce may be passed. Serves 30.
Plain Cake
3 c. shortening 4 tbsp, baking
6 c. suyar powder
12 eggs, well- 3 tsp. salt
beaten 4 c. milk
3 qts. flour 2 tbsp. vanilla
Cream shortening, add sugar grad-
ually. Add well-beaten eggs. Mix and
sift dry ingredients and add to mix-
ture alternately with milk. Add van-
illa and beat thoroughly just long
enough to mix to a smooth batter.
This quantity will make 12 9 in. lay-
Wife Preservers
Grease baby carriage axles and wipe .
the metal parts with an oiled rag to Oro-i, vent rust.
'AGE. SIX THE WINGBAM ADvAl\Teg-m.nos Thursday, February 28„ 1,946
Taxpayers may make payments on account of
1946 taxes up to 80 per cent. of 1945 taxes.
Interest at the rate of Four per cent, per an-
num will be allowed on such prepayments.
Prepayments of taxes must be made at the
Town Treasurer's Office, Town Hall.
W. A. GALBRAITH, Treasurer,
Town of Wingham.
1946 TAXES
Save Money
to Northern Ontario but who still
reads her home town paper comes a
newsy letter. We publish a few of her
suggestions to-day,
1, If your electric iron has become
discoloured and sticks to the clothes,
pour a little salt on some brown pap-
er and press the iron in and move
around in the salt.
2, A handy ironing board attach-
ment is a small stiff brush useful for
brushing out fringes, bringing up
chenille or velvet materials and re-
moving lint from cotton materials.
3. Keep packages of black and
white press-on mending tape and a
small pair of scissors near your iron-
ing board, Mend small tears as you
4. Good parts of an old shower
curtain make waterproof bibs for the
Anne Allan invites you to 'write
to her in care of The Wingham Ad-
vance times. Send in your suggestions
on homemaking problems and watch
this column for replies.
Maple Syrup Rations:-
Effective March 1 one sugar coup-
on will 'be good for the purchase of 80
fluid ounces of maple syrup instead of
the usual 48 ounces, according to an
announcement by the Ration Adminis-
tration. The new increased value will
be effective until May 31.
Maple sugar remains at the usual
rate of four pounds per coupon. For
those who order maple syrup by mail
the consumer may otbain a purchase
voucher from his Local Ration Board.
For each purchase voucher valid for
eight pounds of maple sugar or for one
gallon of maple syrup, the consumer
surrenders two valid sugar coupons.
Primary producers of maple syrup
and maple sugar must register at
their Local Ration Board. Coupons
or purchase vouchers must be collect-
ed from consumers or dealers, for each
sale of maple syrup or maple sugar
and those coupons with any other
ration documents must be mailed to
the Local Ration Board each month.
Special envelopes for which no post-
age is required are available at the
Local Ration Board.
Ration Coupon Due Dates
Coupons now valid are sugar 46 to
70 and S1, butter 116 to 139 and R1
and R2 and meat 1 to 26.
Sutter coupons 116 to 139 expire
today, February 28th.
From March 1 to May 31 sugar
coupons will be good for the purchase
of 80 fluid ounces of maple syrup in-
stead of the usual value of 48 ounces.
Questions and Answers
Q:-Is there a ceiling price on a 1932
used car.
A:-Yes. There is a ceiling price on
all types of used cars, no matter
their model year. If you supply de-
tails regarding the particular car
you have in mind we shall inform
yourioe.concerning the correct ceiling p
gave my tenant a notice to vac-
ate but did not put it in writing.
A:-If you may legally give your ten-
ant a notice to vacate you must put
it in writing and it must be on a
form provided by the Board. We
have referred the matter to our ren-
tals officer who will send you fur-
ther information regarding this mat-
Q:-I was in the hospital for five days
and was asked for my ration book.
Coupons representing a months sup-
ply of butter, sugar and meat were
removed. Is this not too many-
How many days must one stay in
hospital before surrendering coup-
ons for rationed food?
A:-You must stay, in the hospital for
14 days before ration coupons may
be detached from your book. At
the end of two weeks and after each
two weeks continuous residence one
valid butter coupon, one valid sugar
coupon and two valid meat coupons
are surrendered. In your case the
hospital had no right to detach
coupons from your ration book.
Q:-I am expecting my wife and son
from overseas sometime this month.
How can they obtain ration books
for meat, sugar, preserves and but-
A:-Apply to the local ration board
in your city and preseilt credentials
idenifying your wife and .son. They
will, if these documents are satis-
factory, obtain their ration books.
Qt4 am a Canadian just discharged
from the U. S. Army. Have I a
right to a priority suit purchase
A:-Yes., Any Canadian discharged
from the American forces may ob-
fain a priority suit purchase cer-
tificate at any local ration board or
ration branch, provided he can ea.
tablish his Canadian citizenship and
his discharge certificate issued after
May 1st:, 1044,
Pam tlatigliteririg Of Meat
Although under the Canadian ration
system 1.60 »zillion pounds of meat are
being made available yearly to fa-
Hello, Homemakers! Reminiscing
about the days when one could order
a gallon of maple syrup from a farmer,
we were told the story about a tourist
who ran out of gasoline on a country
road. and seeing a boy coming along,
wih a big tin pail, hailed him—"Say,
son, I hope that's gasoline you have
there." The boy replied, "I hope it
ain't—it would taste like the dickens
on Ma's pancakes."
Flap Jacks and syrup are a special
treat now when both butter and sugar
are limited in supply. Instead of
spreading butter on the hot pancakes
slice a few sections of banana on them
before pouring on the syrup. Maple
syrUp is indeed the. favourite topping
but we suggest a choice of alternatives
this year.
On plain waffles: Mashed bananas,
few drops of lemon juice and top
raisins cooked in butter-scotch
flavoured sauce; cottage cheese mixed
with crushed peaches; Syrups: mock
maple syrup, honey and peanut but-
ter melbed in boiling water, strained
honey or old-fashioned sugar syrup.
Old-fashioned sugar syrup- is made us-
ing white, brown or shaved maple
sugar in the proportions of 2 cups of
sugar to 213 cup boiling water and 2
tablespoons lemon juice. Stir until
sugar is dissolved and boil until clear.
1. Before attempting to make up
a stack of pancakes remember to have
'a. good recipe and use tlu proper pre-
cautions in frying if you wish to avoid
heavy and soggy cakes.
2. You can buy prepared pancake
flour and save yourself the bother of
3. Grease the griddle or heavy
frying pan evenly,
4. Have the griddle piping hot. For
a simple best, place a few drops of
-Water on the griddle and if the drops
dance about in lively fashion it is hot
enough. Make small pancakes as they
are easily handled and of bettet shape.
5, Fry the cakes until the whole top
is dotted with bubbles; then turn them
quickly, using a wide turner to avoid
breaking the cakes.
'6. When golden brown with slightly
crisp edges, remove them to a warm
shallow serving pan, standing them
on end. Serve at once,
1 cup sifted flour, 1 cup buckwheat
flour, 3 tbsps. sugar, 3- tbsps. butter, 1
tsp. salt, 2 beaten eggs, 1Y2 cups milk.
Mix and sift dry ingredients. Com-
bine beaten eggs with milk. Add dry
ingredients; beat until smooth and
bake on hot greased griddle. Serve
with syrup or sauce.
1 cup flour, k tsp. salt, tsp. baking
Powder, 1 egg, cup milk, 1 tbsp.
melted butter.
Mix and sift dry ingredients; beat
eggs thoroughly; combine with milk.
Add flour mixture and beat until
smooth. Acid melted butter and bake
as directed on greased griddle, using
pork fat to grease the griddle as but-
ter burns easily.. This makes about 8
good-sized cakes.
6 raw grated potatoes, 3 whole eggs,
tsp, of ;baking powder, 1 tsp. salt, 2
tbsps. flour, a little milk.
Pecl large potatoes and soak several
hours or overnight in cold water;
water; grate and drain,
Beat eggs well and mix with the
rest of the ingredients. Drop by
spoonfuls on a hot griddle, in small
cakes. Turn and brown on both sides
or bake in a hot oven in one pancake
until crisp and brown, allowing 16
mins. for baking each side. Serve
with apple sauce.
From a townslady who has moved