HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1946-02-28, Page 4Edwards' Motor Sales Victoria Street Wingham Your Authorized Dealer for Chrysler and Plymouth Cars and Fargo Trucks PHONE 417, WINGHAM, ONT. Tune in to our Radio Program, 8.45 Wednesday venings, 920 on your dial So GARNISH YOUR HOME WITH Beauty Redecorate your klome with the Charm of our Quality SUNWORTHY Wallpapers AND LOWE BROS. Paints Paints and Enamels for every job Harold Finley Specializing in Spray Painting Centre St. Wingham NEXT TO DR. FOX .• 1HE CANADIAN WED CROSS SOCIETY 0141Aito DIVISION For Six years of war the splendi.d. support given to the Red Cross IV Canadian citizens enabled the society to do4 those things for our Armed Forces, our Prisoners-of-war, and for civilian war sufferers throughout the world, which zany times meant the difference between life and death, and always brought comfort and mercy where and when it: was Vie ask yoU, through your memberships p, to keep your Bad Cross strong in peace as in war, continuing sloe, needed. . benefit of our Canadian people, • Where ,your membership helped to save lives in war- it can save lives in peace, through the proposed new Blood Transfusion Service, through the Outpost Hospitals on our isolated froniers% it can bring mercy and comfort to our 'gallant disabled veterans and to our crippled children. It .can bring health, happiness and comfort to our people .generally through the Sooiety's many other humanitarian efforts. I There Will. ben o campaign for funds in 1999--but there is vital need for a large and virile membership so that we may'be able to do for our own people in peade what We were be to do for them in war. With your help this can be done. Join the. Red Cross , for 1946--Minimum ,membership fee IS one dollar. Your 1oal Bed Cross BraDOU vill provide further details. •••••••••• President. rio Division, Onta ian Bed Cross sooisti. Cana d membership will help to continue these Red Cross services— AID TO VETERANS SICKROOM EQUIPMENT OUTPOST HOSPITALS HEALTH IMPROVEMENT PEACETIME BLOOD DONOR SERVICE DISASTER RELIEF WOMENS* WORK COMMITTEE JUNIOR RED CROSS NUTRITION SERVICE VISITING HOMEMAKERS CANADIAN RED CROSS CORPS WATER SAFETY AND AQUATIC PROGRAMME HOME NURSING, FIRST AID AND THE RESERVE THE CANADIAN RED CROSS SOCIETY ONTARIO DIVISION MEMBERSHIP WEEK — MARCH ist.MARCH 7th a • T'AOR FOUR . T'AOR FOUR . ADVANCE-TIME$ Thur$day,, February ZS) 1946 ADVANCE-TIME$ Thur$day,, February ZS) 1946 CARS and TRUCKS Now On Display Don't Fail To See The New 1 9 4 6 Every Night Monday through Friday lNy $7415011 ittati CKNX 6.30 'p.m. TONIGHT .AUCTIONEER—L. G. Bryce, R. R, 2, Wingliarn, is now available for Auction Sales of all kinds. Terms reasonable, 'Phone Wingham 639 r 21. BOY WANTED-16 or 17 years of age, for full time work, also elderly man for part time work. Apply Ar- mitage Dry Cleaners. "COST 3 CENTS DAILY. VITA— Diet Multiple'Vitamin Capsules con- tain vitamins A, B1, C, D, Niacin Amide and Riboflavin. Ninety days supply $2.70. Trial thirty day supply $1.15. Sold at Independent Drug Stores." FARM FOR SALE-136 acres, about 20 acres bush, equipped with Hydro. On Wroxeter-Belmore road, 1-4 .mile from school. Apply Mrs. Eliz- abeth Martin, Administratrix. FOR SALE—Blue Collapsible Go-cart with hood, in good condition. Apply Albert Rintoul. Wingham. FOR SALE—Two Shorthorn Bulls, registered, over 9 months old; one white and one red roan, or would ex- change; also, Yorkshire hog, about 300 lbs, Apply Chas. Sewers, Low- er Wingham. 'Phone 632 r 3. FOR SALE-8 Pigs, 6 weeks old. Apply Ed. Marsh, Wingham func- tion. FOR SALE—Ajax Oats, suitable for Seed. These are grown from regis- tered seed; also Cartier and Alaska Oats. Apply Ed. McBurney, R. R. 3, Wingham, 'Phone 620 r 3. FOR ,SALE-1 York Hog, 10 months old, also 10 chunks. Apply to R. H. Coultes, R. R. 5, Brussels. FOR SALE—Week-old Calf. Apply Bill Cruickshank, 'phone 377. particulars apply to Chester Higgins R. R. 1,. Wingham. FARM FOR SALE-100 acres of land Lot E. H. 2, Con. 14, Ashfield Twp., on,Highway 86. Barn 72 x 56, with hog pen, drive-shed and silo. Good water supply, Good brick house with all modern conveniences; 14 mile from School. Apply to Grant gacaihifrild, Co .4 DunkinhOii, FOR SALE-100 acre Farm, % mile from village on the highway. Good buildings, reasonably priced. For particulars apply Advance-Times. FOR SALE-1 Serviceable York Hog, 7 months old. Frank Salter, R. R. 4 Wingham. FOR SALE—Radio, battery, recently. reconditioned. Apply at Advance Times. FOR SALE—Durham Cow, ,due to freshen March 11. Apply Leslie Bolt,, 7 Con. Turnberry, FOR SALE—Some. choice Shorthorn Bulls of serviceable age, Apply to Harry Xing, Gorrie, Ontario. GANDER FOR SALE or Exchange for Goose. Apply W.,J. Henderson, 'Phone 686r8. PASTURE TO RENT-1.00, acres of ekceltent pasture, 'rurriberry Twp. Plenty of water and good fences. Apply to Wm. Breckenridge, 11 el- grave. REPAIRS TO WASHERS, VACI.I. um Cleaners, Radios, Record Play- ers, Electric Clocks, Toasters, Irons, Electric Motors, All work guaran- teed, Larry Hiseler, Patrick and Edward Sts. ItEX WHEAT dEftM (AL.Aseut. es better breeding far all atatitala and pOultry. For tile by Stainton SUNNINGDALE—Leghorn K Rock Hybrids. Also Darted Rock PuIletsf, Cockerels or Mixed, day old or started. Immediate delivery, Hatch. es twice weekly, Sunnifigdale Varttla IL IL No, 1. Hyde nut WANTED—Clean Girl for general housework, in modern, well-equipp- ed .Guelph Home. Good pay, and accommodation, Apply Mrs. C. Ack- er, 54 Glasgow St. North, Guelph, Ont. WANTED—Work by Young lady, farm or town. Apply at Advance- Times. WHY WAIT? To order your Chicks? When customers write "Been buy- ing chicks for years . . . last year I ordered 150 Big-4 pullets .. . pul- lets laying in October . . . wonder- ful grade on eggs . never so, well satisfied. We're agents for Big-4. Don't hold that order back. Variety breeds, crosses. Breeders Govern- ment inspected and blood-tested for both strains pullorum. Fred Hogg, Wingham. TENDERS WANTED Tenders for the laying of a new Sanitary and Storm Sewer on Centre Street in the Town of Wingham from Alfred Street to Maple Street will be received by the undersigned up to 5 p.m. on March 20, 1946. All tenders must be sealed and plainly marked on the outside, "Tender for Sewer". Plans and specifications may be seen at the Clerk's Office, Town Hall, Wingham, Ont. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. W. A. Galbraith, Town Clerk, Wingham, Ont. Lorne Ivers, Road Supt. Dungannon, Ont. HAULING TENDER Tenders will also be received for hauling gravel by the yard rune any- where in the Township. Tender must also be accompanied by'- a marked cheque for $100.00. Lorne Ivers, Road Supt. ' TENDER Tenders will also be accepted by the Township, contractor using his own crushing plant and trucks, delivered on road by the yard mile. Township pays for gravel, Tenders must be ac- companied by a marked cheque for $20000. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted, Lorne Ivers, Road Supt. CARD OF THANKS I take this opportunity of thanking my friends who sent me flowers, gifts, letters and cards during my recent illness. The many acts of kindness were gratefully received and deeply appreciated. M. Olive Scott. BLUEVALE Burled At Bluevale Miss Barbara Thynne died at the home of her sister in Woodrow, Sash,, on Monday, February 18th., after a short illness, Miss Thynne was a daughter of John Thynne; an early school teacher in this district and Isabella Messer Thynne. She was an earnest church tvothet, a life mernber of the VVonneres Missionary Society, and a talented vocalist. She resided with her brother, Robert, when he was liteabytertan nahAtt. at Marldiarn, Underwood, Fort. Dover, Palmerston and Souris, Manitoba. Of a large family of brothers and sister; but one survives, Mrs. Annie Thynne Wray of Woodrow, Sask., with whom she made her home for ser. eral years. The remains arrived in Bluevale on Friday and nested at the home of her neice, Mrs, W. J. Johnston. The fun- eral service was held from Knox Pres- byterian Church on Saturday after.. noon and was conducted by Rev, Alexander Nimmo of Wingham. He spoke from the text, "Yea though I walk through the valley of the shad- ow". The scripture readings • were selected from the psalms by the de- ceased as were also the hymns. "Near- er My God To Thee" sung by the congregation and "The Land that is Fairer than Day", a solo sung by Mrs. 'John Wickstead. The pallbearers were all relatives, Borden Stewart of Grand Valley, Archie Messer, Gordon Messer, W. H. McKinney, Raymond Elliott and Sam Thynne, Bluevale. Interment took place in the Bluevale cemetery. Mrs. Thynne Wray and Russel Wray accompanied the remains of their aunt„ 'Miss Barbara Thynne, from Woodrow, Sask., others from a distance attending the funeral were, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Stewart and son, Borden, Grand Valley; Mrs. M. Wat- son and daughter, Gorrie, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Aitcheson, Ripley. President Fleming Johnston, pres- ided at the meeting of the Y.P.U. on Friday evening and spoke on the topic, "Living With God". The 'Woman's, Association of the m United ,Church et in the Sunday School room on Friday afternoon and quilted a quilt. Alterations are being made at the creamery. Church News Rev. Bridgette used as his text at the United Church on Sunday morn- ing, "Enoch walked with God and he was not Mr God took him." Mrs. Alex McCracken 'sang a solo. The service at Knox Presbyterian Church .was conducted by Mr. Earl Moore, a Knox College student, He spoke from the text, "The Kingdom of Heaven is like unto a man that is an householder, which bringeth forth out of his treasure things new and old., Miss Florence Fowler has returned home after spending two months with friends at Seaforth and Walton. Bert Gainiss is at Westminster Hos- pital, London, this week having his tonsils removed. Mr. and Mrs. Neil B. MacEachern and family, Mount Forest, spent Sun- day with Mrs. R. F. Garniss, accomp- anied by Mac Scott they motored to London on Saturday and Miss Olive Scott returned home with them after being a -patient in Victoria Hospital for a month. She has made favorable pro- Autographed Egg Brings Reply From ,England While grading eggs at the Creamery Miss Audrey Hunkin enscribed her name on one and has received the fol- lowing reply from England. "Dear Miss Audrey Hunkin, your name was on one of my ration of eggs from the shop I am registered with for eggs, on Feb. 8th., you will like to know it was received safely. We are very grateful to Canada for their help. Per- haps you know someone in England? I am yours very sincerely. (Mrs.) Em- ily Lawrence". The lady's address, 4 Darby Road, Folkestone, Kent, was embossed in the stationery. JAMESTOWN Mr, and Mrs. toi'don Holt spent Sttpday With Mr. and Mrs.'Leslie Mc- Donald of Silver Corners. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Warwick were visitors on Sunday with relatives on the 1st line of Grey. The East Group ofw the First Line of Grey held their quilting at the home of Mrs, Robert McDonald on Thursday of last week, The quilting this week is to be held at the home of Mrs. Gordon Holt. Miss Doris Galbraith spent the week end at her home north of Gorrie. Mr. and Mrs. Ned Thompson of TOronto"'• have moved their household effects to the farm they purchased from Mr. Edward Jacklin. ZULROSS,ALPS FORUM The regular meeting of the Culross Alps Perm Radio rortnn was with- drawn on Monday evening to enable Members to attend the open Forum meeting in the Teeswater Town Hall. A radio had been installed in the Hall and the regular Patti Forum. Broad. cast was heard. Donald Ireland then gave a report of the Federation of Ag- riculture Convention which was held recently in London. A Phu was shown by Mr. George Geor, the Ag., ritultural representative of Brace, de. AletIng the Utt history at the Warble EXQUISITE 26 PIECE SET Service includes 6 knives, 6 forks, 6 teaspoons, '6 dessert spoons, butter knife, and sugar spoon. L David Crompton Jeweller Gifts For All Occasions WINGHAM Phone 59 Fly and the actual loss each year. amounting to thousands of dollars in Ontarcio alone. A Committee was or- ganized for the purpose of controlling the Warble Fly in Culross. A meet- ing of this committee is to be held soon to get the campaign organized. A new seed cleaning plant is being purchased co-operatively to be install-, ed in Adam Little's Mill at Teeswater, which it is hoped will be in operation this spring. Lunch was served by the ladies at the close of the evening's discussion. WESTFIELD LICpI. Norman Rodgers visited last week with his sister, Mrs. Mansel Cook and Mr. ,Cook of Bolborne Township. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Carter and little Jimmy were in London on Thursday when Jimmy was having further treat- ment on his eye, which is doing fine, Messrs. Wm. and Alva McDowell were visitors in Lucknow recently, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey McCallum of Blyth visited on Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. R. Vincent, Messrs. W. F. Campbell and Doug- las Campbell were visitors in Clinton on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Norman McDowell, and Mr. Gordon McDowell were in Toronto this week. Mrs. Osbeldeston is visiting at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Norman McDowell. Mr, and Mrs. George Wightman and Alberta visited on Saturday with. Mrs. Elsie Brigham of Blyth. WINGHAM AND BLYTH PUBLIC SCHOOLS TIE A dose and' hard-fought game was played at the Arena on Saturday morning when the Blyth and Wing. ham Public Schools played to a 2-2 tie, Lineups Blyth—Goal, G.. Clare;• defence, D. Kilpatrick, Slovak forwards, G. Han.. na, W, Purvey, J. Sibthorpe; alter. nates, G, Augustine, R. IIodd, D. Whitmore, R. Philp, D. Slovack,. P. Dawson, S. Hmilley,. D, 1VCcNall, Y. Mc- Knight. Winghatn—Goal, LaVertie Newman; defence, S. iliintno, E, Skinn; forwards Iterl4AdY. G: Gerrie, R, *Os: 01, L. 13, WINGHAM INDIANS 'WIN H. OVERTIME Wingbam Indians defeated Mitchell 6-4 in overtime here Monday evening before a large crowd of enthusiastic fans, .11ohnny" Brent put the game on ice for the locals with two quick goals within two minutes, Johnson be- ing credited with both. Assists, Young for Wingham was the leading sniper, performing the hot trick. while Zulauf in the nets was sensational, handling Plenty of rubber during the game. The sum mary: First Period 1. Wingham, Young (Foster) 8.55. 2. Wingham, Pym (Foster) ,1.4.06. 3 Wingham, Foster (Johnson) 16.06. Penalties, Brent, Bob Chessel. Second Period 4. Wingham, Young (Foster) 14.27. 5. Mitchell, Wilkinson 18.06. 6. Wingham, Young (Brent) 19.04. Penalties, Young, Gatenby. Third Period 7. Mitchell, Robertson (Wilkinson) at 4.30. 8. Wingham, Johnson (Brent) 7.21. 9, Mitchell. Parrot 7.30. 10. Mitchell, Parrot 14.06. 11. Mitchell, Stock (Parrot) 16.36. 12. Mitchell, Wilkinson 18.41. Penalties, Cruickshank, Pym, Bak- .1111=111110. er, Wilkinson. Overtime 13. Wingham, Brent (Johnson) 3.55. 14. Wingham, Brent (Johnson) 4.02. Wingham lineup: Goal, Zulauf; de- fence, Young, Gorbutt; centre, Brent; wings. Brooks, Johnson; alternates, Pym, • Baker,. Foster. Mitchell, goal, Rowland; • defence,. Stock, Bill Chessel; centre, Smith;, wings, Wright, Walil. alternates, Pear- ce, Robertson, Wilkinson, Parrot, Gat-- enby, Bob ,Chessel. 'Referee, Gordon Muir, Seaforth. Good Stock of Genuine Approved Chrysler PARTS on hand Parts and Workmanship Guaranteed CALL IN AT FOR SALE—Farm containir , 65 acres on 7th Con. of Turnerry Township. Good buildings, Hydro available; drilled well, river at back of farm. Also, 60 acres of grass farm 1% miles south Of Salem Church on County road, with four CRTJ$1-11.14Q, TENDER acres 9f bardWood bush and 3 acres Of soft maple and elm, For further Tenders will be receibed by the Township of West Wawanosh for crushing gravel by the cubic ya'rd us- ing Township crusher. Township to supply oil, grease and repairs. Con- tractor to supply power and men. Tender must be marked Tender and- accompanied by a marked cheque for $100.00 and must be in the hands of the undersigned by 6 p.m., March 11, 1946. TENDERS WANTED Township of Morris Tenders will be received by the un- dersigned for supplying, crushing (i(i- inch) and hauling 7,000 cubic yards of gravel, more or less, oh Township roads. Work to be done under super- gress. vision of the Road Superintendent, Tenders will be received up until 2 p.m. March 11, 1946. A marked cheque for $200, must accompany each tender. Lowest or any tender not ne- cessarily accepted. George Martin, Clerk. Our selections are now larger --and more complete, in1100111110, GARDENIA ternates, R. Murray, J. French, ,Hutton, B. Deyell, I, Jenkins, Bain, Gerrie, am/