HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1946-02-21, Page 8ELECTROLUX (Canada) Ltd. wish to announce L C. STEWART as their Authorized Dealer for Winghant and District for Sales and Service STEWART Home Appliances °Phone 20 Wingharn Ot up . No Returns ing. Progressive euchre, was enjoyed, Mrs, Eldred Nic of and Mr, JOhn Mc- Tavish holding high , scores. •The la- dies served refreshments. Mr. and Mrs. R. Elliott invited the group to they home for the next meeting. kerton and, Mr. and Mrs. Earl McLean and family of Wroxeter, were at home to enjoy the occasion with them, Their many friends extend best wishes for many more such happy celebrations. and Mrs, Levi. Diemen the consolation prizes, During the evening, Mrs. Mas- on read an address and Mi'e, Stewart McBurney presented, Mrs. Lewis Stonehottse with an electric toaster. Mrs, Stonehonse had been the efficient and energetic President of the Red 'Cross Group all through the War years. She, responded, thanking them for their thoughtfulness, kindness and ri• co-operation. Lunch was served and ti all enjoyed the social evening, Mrs. John Purdon and Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Purdon and children Spent —• Tuesday last in Goderich. Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Robinson and -11 little son, and Miss Gladys McBgrney, 1.1 6f Wingharn,•spent Sunday with their p parents, Mr. and ,Mrs, Stewart MeBur- my. • WI Mrs. Ezra Scholtz and Miss Mabel .Purdon haoe been very ill during the dl past week, Mr, AklinPurdon, Mr. CecibFalcon- er, Angus and Charlie, spent Friday in London. Quite a number attended the Valen- tine Social in the United Church here on Wednesday evening last week., Mrs. Albert .Coultes and Mr. Jas, Falconer 2, won the high scores ,at the crokinole games, Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Mc, ! Clenaghan Were in charge of the devot- lonal period and Mr; Garnet Farrier ti played a clarinet solo. Lunch of sand- 171 wiches and tarts were •enjoyed by all, Born—On Friday, February 14th., in Winghapi Hospital, to Mr..and; Mrs, 2 Kenneth, Laidlaw, a datighter, Mr. and Mrs. 5. F. McLean celebrat- ed the forty-second anniversary of their marriage op Sunday, when Mr. and Mrs. 5, H.. Cross and family of Wal- kimoll•thrimmowozommownonsocoomoptocommuotommommoonocumoinimmommoomonompoi I ' \ .• i • nt. _ i SuitsofStyle an Distinction i i ii. i ..i. I Our Suits, are the very latest in Spring ki Styling --materials that are NEW, ' They feature rounded and drop shoulders, #: deep armholes, and unusual pocket and N • button tritnrnings. IT'S NEW 1, IT'S. SENSATIONAL! WE INTRODUCE TO YOU' ' i "THE BAG' OF THE MONTH" ' ' i ' ' GENUINE . PLASTIC i 1 HANDBAG N Crackproof, Waterproof, Scuff ProOf, i Peel .Proof i i K in_ Dept. Store. 5 Our Annual. REMNANT SALE will commence Thursday, Feb. 21, .9 a.m. 5_ 0 Get Into Spring Smartly Dressmaker And Also Strictly Man-Tailored -ilieseemnsengseepeolelernlitene62110111111111211111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111216111111111111111111111111•1111111111111111111111111111112111N1 consumer. Some products could be sold locally. There could be fewer trucks on the road. The red net cov- ering could be left off fruit baskets, thus saving cost and labour and the. consumer could see what he was buy- Clearance of I Women's DRESS I SHOES HERE'S A GRAND CLEARANCE OF n N n n • N • n n n Ill WOMEN'S SHOES at prices that are easy on ii N • your, budget. - Group includes Calf and Suede in II . • . shades of Black or Brown,,witli Cuban Heels. 1 • Sizes 41/2 to 9. Widths AA to C in the lot . il •I • $2.49 - $2.98 ' • • • • • .. • • • • MI hys Pollock i • . • It "SHOES FOR ALL THE FAMILY" MMINIMMEMMINEMOMMEMICUMMEMMMIUMMOMMIMO 'PHONE 161 FREE DELIVERY AT Fresh Bulk Ayltneti TOMATO Or SALTED PEAMITS, ,.„.45e VEGETABLE SOUP. tin —.10c Maple Leaf Harry Home's ' LOA! CHEESE, 11), NU-Style FLAVOURS, &I, 23c • Smith's Economy Food Store Parkdale Forest City .22 oz. Jar No. 4 PEAS, 20 oz. tin.,.........15c BAKING POWDER, Stokley's Fancy Pat-a-,Pan Pastry PUMPKIN, 28 oz. tin ..............17c FLOUR, 24-lb. bag ..-..,...............79c i Mild Canadian Coloured CHEESE, lb. ..32c, Ready-cut Bulk MACARONI, 4 lbs. . . . : . ...25c GROUND FRESH . Newport FLUFFS REX COFFEE, lb. „ 49c with Tumbler, 8 qt. pkg .. . . ...„..25c Four O'Clock ' Mother Jackton's BLACK TEA, lb. * — .... 79c JIFFY PORRIDGE, pkg.....19c GLENWOOD CHOICE QUAL/TV Diced Beets or Carrots 2, tins 25c FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES Size 288's NAVEL ORANGES, dozen „ ...34c New Fresh California CARROTS, 3 lbs. .25c Fresh Green Pascal CELERY, 2 bunches Imported Firm NEW CABBAGE, 3 lbs. ......23c Size 112's Texas GRAPEFRUIT, 5 for .......25e Lemons, Toniathei, Tin** parsnips. Lettuce and Onions SUGAR Nos, 46 to 71 EIIITTEE--,Nos, 116 to 129, RI, R2 RATION COUPONS VALID THURSDAY, FEB, 21 MEAT Xrie. 1 to 25 Mrs. George Naylor returned home from Goderich Hospital recently, but will Have her leg in .a cast for another week. The people of the 9th. concession of East Wawanosh are holding a euchre and. dance in the school on Tuesday evening. They also held one there last Tuesday evening, Mr. Thos, Robinson returned home from Delhi recently. Mr. Hector MacKay has been under the- doctor's care during the past week, and has not been so well lately. • • Mr. Kelneth -Laidlaw of St. Cathar- ines, spent the past -week-end with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Laidlaw. The concert which' was to have been held on Friday evening in the Institute Hall here, was postponed until Wed- nesday evening' of this week. Mr. Elroy Laidlaw of Weston, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Laidlaw. The regular monthly meeting of the Women's Institute was held at the honie of ,Mrs, J. G. Gillespie on Tues- day last with the president, Mrs. Cecil Falconer in charge of the meeting. The roll call was answered by a cookie re- cipe. After community singing numb- ers Miss Olive Terriff gave a splendid demonstration of how to prepare tray .; for sick patients. ' She was tendered a vote of thanks. Mrs. Rebt. Mowbray read a very fine paper on 'Citizenship, and Miss Terriff gave two readings. the business period, the meeting was on tAhlelm. ' joined in singing Juanita, and after closed by all singing the natial an-, Mrs. Jas. Morrison of Toronto, who has been visiting with his 'parents, Mr. and Mrs. J; B. Morrison. returned to her home qn Monday to be with her husband, 1.,f/Cpl. Jas. A. Morrison, who is in Christie St. Hospital this week. Jack Morrison has been laid up with blood poison in his right hand and with the flu. . Mr. and MrS, Chas. Elliott and Hen- ry were. in Goderich last Thursday at- tending the funeral of his brother, the late fas. Elliott. Farm Forums were held on Monday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Gregg Sbiell, and Mr. and Mrs. John Purdon. Miss Tillie Alexander has been un- de rthe doctor's care during the past week, Correction—In 1st weeks • news we reported that James Morrison of R.C. A.F, had spent throe years in New- foundland, we should have said three years of active service in England. FOURTH LINE FORUM The Fourth Line of Turnberry Farm Forum met at the home of ,Mr. and Mrs, Morrison Sharpin last week with 18 in attendance. The subject under discussion was the costly trip from producer to consumer, Members were asked to list ways and Means to inate unnecessary costs. This brought forth a good discussion, each group had several ways in which the cost c ould. be lowered,'some of which were by selling Co-operatively and by hav- ing producers and consumers, work- lug more closely together, thins elimin- ating unnecessary profits. In many eases producers could sell direct to eh:Isomer thus doing away with n„ great many commercial travellers, in many eases the 'Middle Man could be elitnin. ated and the article sold cheaper to LATEST HITS at the -RECORD BAR 20-1747 Symphony —Freddy Martin 20-1738 It Might As Well Be Spring Sammy Kaye 20-1759 Let It Snow, Let It Snow Vaughn Monroe C-780 Let It Snow, Let It Snow Woody Herman 20-1728 Aren't You Glad You're You Tommy Dorsey • 20-1726 Chickery Chick S. Kaye C-769 Come to Baby Do Les. Brown C-781 Day by. Day Frank Sinatra 20-1773 Chicago Tommy Dorsey Don't miss Spike Jones in the new recording "Blue Danube" We have recently completed a Listening . Room for the convenience of our customers. • PATTISON RADIO SERVICE 'PHONE 171j Serving You Since 1935 BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. J. N. H. Norton, Pastor Sunday, Feb. 24, 1946 11 a.m.—"Better Company",. 7.30 p,m,— "God's Cure for World Ills", Come and Hear, ' monommominmnimonsomma 1946 Stromberg-Carlson and Stewart-Warner RADIOS HERE We have a limited number NOW AVAILABLE, Iri u 5,, If Rexall It's Right! Don't Suffer FROM THE FLU and COLD ! Build your resistance NOW before the "cold bug" strikes U S E — Puretest Pienamins The LIGHT CAPSULE contains your daily re- quirement of the essential vitamins. The DARK CAPSULE contains ample quantities of Liver and Iron to keep your blood in good condition. One Month's Supply .. .$1.75 Three Months' Supply $5.50 — AND — Vacagen (Sharpe & Dohme) The oral cold vaccine which will build up in your system as a strong cold resistance factor, which will lessen the severity or entirely eradicate the cold, arid flu, Two Months' Supply , „ . .$2.00 MicKibbons Thursday, Friday, Saturday, February 21 22 - 23 Fred MacMurray Lynn Bari Thomas Mitchell -7- In "CAPTAIN EDDIE" From the horse-and-buggy days to the automobile and the aeroplane in the dramatic story of Captain Eddie Ricitenbacker Also,; "Short Subjects" Matinee Saturday Afternoon at 2.30 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Feb. 25 - 26 - 27 DOUBLE BILL ANN MILLER in "EADIE WAS A LADY and EDWARD ARNOLD in "THE HIDDEN EYE" GORRIE. Women's Institute On Tuesday last the February meet- ing of the Women's Institute was field in the Orange Hall, due to the fact, the dethonstration, the main attraction for such a large meeting, was such that the home of Mrs. W. C. King could not conveniently accommodate them. The demonstration was given by Mrs. Frank Chapman, who made a model on a member. This proved to be one of interest to the number of ladies pres- ent. and one which will probably be of great help to those contemplating mar- ing others. The programme was in charge of Mrs. J. W. Hyndman. The president, Mrs. Mel Taylor was in the Smoker's Sundries Magazines 011....••••••••• ro Haselgrove"s SMOKE SHOP 101011111111111111•1111•110111111111111 First Class Watch Repairs nammmwaramomemoss For The Present Watches Only George Williams . 'JOHN ST. Next to Masonic Hall chair and conducted the meeting which opened in the usual manner with the Ode and Lord's Prayer in unison. Garde Institute will again sponsor the Garden Brigade and Mesdames Everett Sparling and Melvin Taylor will again act as leaders. A new ven- ture on the part of the, Institute will be undertaken, that of the sponsoring of a sewing course, "Cottgns maybe Smart", and Mesdames P. S. Ashton and E. Wellington were named leaders with Mrs. E. J. Farrish as alternative. Several letters were read by Sec'y., from thase receiving Christmas parcels and gifts from the Institute. The meeting closed with the Na- tional Anthem, after which Mrs. ICing assisted by Mrs. R. Harriston served a . bountiful lunch. Mr. and Mrs. Cloyne Michel and daughter, Karen, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Zimmerman in Milverton. Mr. Stanley Dane and daughter Miss Betty, Toronto, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Dane. . Pte. Kenneth Underwood spent last week with friends in Galt, also Lieut. E. W. Newton in Guelph. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Newton visited with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Abell in Lis- towel, on Sunday. •Miss Doreen Harrison, saleslady in Stephen's general' store here, under- went an operation in Listowel Memor- ial hospital on Thursday last. Her many friends will be glad to learn she is making a satisfactory recovery. Mrs. Robert Harrison spent a few days last week in Listowel to be near her daugh- ter. Mrs, Lorch, Aylmer, is spending a short time with her daughter, Mrs. G. K. Nobes and Rev. Nobes at the rec- tory. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Edgar spent Y. P. U. Hear Talk on Belgium and Holland ' The Y. P. U. were fortunate at their regular meeting on Monday evening, when they had with them Rev. Moore- house of Fordwich', also Capt. George Wylie. Mack Hutchison was in charge of the program w. ich dealt with Urban and Country life. After Mack's intro- duction Rev. Howse conducted a dis- cussion Which was concluded by Rev. Moorehouse. Capt Wylie gave his im- pressions of Belgium and touched brie- fly on Holland. In the course of his short talk he told !of attending a Y. P. U. service in Belgium where the ser-, vice was in the native tongue, but hon- ored their guests by changing to the English language. 'Federation of Agriculture to Sponsor Pictures The list of pictures which are to be presented here in the Township Hall on the evening of Feb. 25th, will in- clude the following: Sing Son, Power and the. Land; John Bull's Own Island; Physical Welfare in Sweden; Supper's Ready and a set of films for schools. These are being sponsored by the Ho- wick Federation of Agriculture, and will be free. Plan now to attend these pictures which have always proved very worth while. Weather Affects Skating Party • The skating party held on Wednes- day night last and sponsored by the senior room of the public school for the purpose of aiding in the purchase of a radio for the school which will, be used as an educational project, did not prove as successful as on previous od- casions, possibly due to weather con- ditions. Nevertheless the gusto and vim'with which the pupils backed their tea.cher, Miss* Sparling, up made up somewhate for the lack in gate receipts which amounted to $18.50 after all bills were paid. , The members of the C. G. I. T. plan on holding their postponed service in the United Church on Sunday evening at 8 p.m., when the public is extended a cordial invitation to come along and enjoy this service. Attended Youth's For Christ Rally at Toronto While Rev. G. G. Howse was in To- ronto last week he was privileged to attend among other religious services, the Youth's for Christ Rally which are held every Saturday night in Massey Hall. and which he informs us was filled' before the hour to begin these soul stirring meetings at 7 p.m. These young people, states' Mr.. Howse, are not disappointed, as they enter whole hearted into the spirit of the service. It was a real treat to hear the large crowd singing the gospel hymns so lus- tily. There is nothing showy or spec- tacular about these Youth Rallies, just the simple presentation of the gospel by men who believe that "Christ can meet the needs of youth today" I be- lieve youth for Christ is on the way across the world; these rallies are gear.: ed to the tittle but anchored to the rock, stated our pastor.. There were many decisions for Christ at each rally and.-.clear cut testamonies are given to. the change which has taken place in their lives. The high moment in the service came with the singing of the Youth for Christ theme hymn, "Spirit of the living God now descend on me, Make me, melt me, mould ine, fill site, Spirit of the living God now descend On me" WHITECHURCH Mr. Lorne Johnstone has been very ill during the past week, Mrs. faek Gillespie received word last week that her husband was very ill with jaundice in a hospital in Ger— Many, The Red Cross group on the 9th. Con, of t, Wawanosh, held a Valentine' Social at the home of Mr, and Mrs, /obit Mason on Thursday evening last. Miss Lois Mason was the winner of the trokitiole games, and Ur, and Mrs. Cecil ,Chainney won the high prizes for euchre, and ,Mrs. Albert Rieman PAGE EIG I' THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Thursday, February 21, 1046 Sunday with her brother, Mr, and Mrs, Dirks. Rebertsen at Teeswater. The United Chureh Women's Ass- ()elation will meet on Thursday after- noon of this week at the home of Mrs. Manford Among those in and around tGorrie who celebrated their birthdays .on St. Valentine's Day was Mrs. Jas. Arm- strong who was 81 years young. con- gratulations. Mr, and. Mrs, Gordon Mundell and son, Ian, of Bluevale, also Mr. and Mrs. Frank Earls and baby daughter of Wroxeter, spent, Sunday with their parents, Mr, and Mrs, Will Doig. Mrs. Fleming Grainger. Jamestown, also Mr, and Mrs, Lloyd.Workman of Brussels, were SUnday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Miller. Congratulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs, A. E, Toner, who today, (Wednesday), are celebrating their wedding anniversary at a surprise parr ty at the home of their son, Mr. Irving Toner and Mrs, Toner,