HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1946-02-21, Page 7OUT OF. THE ARCTIC AFTER. 17 •. Rev. Etienne Bazin who was flown out of the Arctic after seventeen years there as a missionary, when an R.C.A.F. plane went there on a Mercy flight to nick Lau an. Eskimo who was ilL DR. We. IL CONNELL PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Phone 19 W. A. CRAWFORD, 11. 0, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Phone 150 Wingham CLASSIFIED ADS. COST SO LITTLE A Good Investment When inserted in the columns of WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES J. A, FOX Chiropractor and Drugless Therapist. RADIONIC EQUIPMENT COMPLETE HEALTH SERVICE Phone 191. K. M, MacLENNAN Veterinary Surgeon Office -Minnie St. Opposite and South of the United Church. RHONE 196 Wingham, -:- Ontario fie•illeHa U 9.16nionr OfAc1. mittee composed of S. Alcock, E. Carried. Smith, I. McArter, James Clark, J. Yuill, J. White and ,C. Wheeler be ap- pointed to purchase same. Carried. Moved by C. •Coultes seconded by J. Yuill that the Community Club •pay $1.00 and outsiders pay $3.00 for the use' of the Hall and that the Commun- ity `Club be responsible for the care- etaking Carried. The application of A. E. Nethery for the position of Assessor for the Town- ship of Morris at a salary of $150.00 per year was accepted by the Council. Moved by C. Coultes seconded by S. Alcock that the Reeve get County equipment to plough the Township roads as soon as the equipment can be secured after the 18th of February. SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK By R. J. SC:0 Moved by S. Alcock seconded by H. Johnston that we advertise for tenders to purchase a new power grader. Car- ried. Moved by C. Coultes seconded by 5, Yuill that the Road Superintendent be instructed to purchase 5000 feet of know fence. Carried. Moved by H. Johnston seconded by, S. Alcock that we advertise for tenders to crush and deliver approximately 1000 yards of gravel. Carried. Moved by J. Yuill seconded by C. Coultes that the meeting adjourn to meet again on March iiit„ :346 <..t 3 p.m. Carried. The following accounts were paicf. Ontario Good Roads Association, Bv. WALLY jaPP AN'( EA<ER 15 SAID of E. MOST' ANIMALS •ro KILL- ..SC9APS, Wt1 kr iS A CM' iALIO A CURL cm ,filf. FOREHEAD 41;1 4REA'r 4 BE ONE DIFFIcuLf ?NE SKIN is 'Coo 'fou4ti To BE. PLER,GED SY .A KNIFE AND ALl'HOuCt 6 TOE SKULL MAY BE. Bel E ERED 46 ANIMAL IS MERELY N N ED t.zo E 0 Pip ao L/F‘ Ntmum HY PIPE. is A CARVED BAMBOO '(uSE. FILLE.9 Weti SMOKE BY SUc:f ION AND PASSZI FROM ONE SMOKET1.1.0 AN OftItg. FOR, INHALING( (membership fee). $5.00; Brussels, Morris and Grey Telephone Co., .35c; Robert McKinnon (audit and expens- es), $44.00; Chas. Johnston, (audit and' expenses), $40.50; Ivan McArter, (fix- ing hall), $24.40; Dr. Crawford, (M. 0.H.); $20.00; John Craig, (B.O.H.), $3.00; Cecil Wheeler, (B.O.H,), $3.00; Geo. 'Martin, (B.O.H.), $3.00. Geo Martin, Clerk. NOTICE Experienced man will under- take accountancy - audit - instal- ling bookkeeping system for gen- eral merchandising stores or small manufacturing plants. S. J. Pyirnm P. 0. Bose 40, RIPLEY, ONTARIC Thursday, February 21, 1946 TIM VVINGHAM ADVANCR,TIMES the Reeve, John Winter, in the chair. The minutes of last regular meeting were read and on motion of•Strongand Zurbrigg, were adopted. Moved by Farrish and Gowdy., that the Clerk be hereby authorized to serve by-laws on the repair and Improve- ment Of the Cathers Drain, by Regis- tered Post. Carried. , Moved by Farrish and Zurbrigg that the Engineer's report on the Repair and Improvement of the Day Drain, be accepted and that the Clerk be here- authorized to prepare the necessary by-law and copies of the same. Car- ied. Moved by Zurbrigg and Farrish that on account of the Collector's Roll being in the hands of the Auditor, thi's Coun- cil extends the time for the return of the same until the next regular meeting • WOC.36S AND SKEETER 'DOUBLE-DIP,• WOULD YOU STAY AROUND HERE WHILE GO ACROSS THE STREET ON AN ERRAND CERTAINLY) MR, TEEDOFF! CAN I MAKE MYSEL IAA ODA WHILE W n tr. I v,Ifi in 4:M1M 8ynJirmn, Woo, tc of the Council on March Oth. Carried, Moved by Strong and Gowdy that this Council hereby anthlirize the Clerk to advertise for tenders for crushing/ trucking and spreading .1g,000 yards of gravel, (more or less) on the roads. anywhere within the 'Township of Ho- wick, A inch screen to be used, work to be completed by September 80th., 1946, Carried, Moved by Zurbrigg and Farrish that the Road Accounts, as approved be passed, Carried. Moved by Strong and Guwdy that the following accounts be .paid., Carried. Isaac Gamble, part salary as Clerk, $35.00; Walter Zeigler; Sheep killed or injured by dogs, $13.00; Richard Ald- refund of dog tax, $2,09; W, J, Strong, wood for Red Cross, Ford- wich, $20.50; J. M. Roberts, searching Records, $1.50; Municipal World, four copies of Drainage Act; $3.13; James Vittic, work on roadside, $18,00; G.- B. MacDonald, extra services, setting up Gen. Ledger, $50.00; United Church, Fordwich, Rent of Room, $2.00; Relief; $68.00. Moved by Farrish and Strong that this Council do now adjourn to meet in Wroxeter, on the 5th day of March, or at the call of the Reeve, Carried . Isaac Gamble, Clerk. WROXETER - Mr. and (Mrs. Jack Ozier and three daughters of Mitchell, were recent guests of Mrs. Eli Bolt. Mr. and Mrs; H. V. McKenney, ac- companied Mr. and MrS. Phil Durst to Wingham, on Wednesday night of last week, when they attended a social ev- ening given by non- commissioned officers of the 99th. Congratulations and many happy Birthdays to Mrs. Cathers of Gorrie, who is a guest of her daughter, Mrs. Alvin Moffatt and Mr. Moffatt, and on Saturday, Ferbruary 9th, celebrated her 83rd. birthday. Members of her family called on their mother to extend good wishes. Mrs. Cathers has been quite ill but we are pleased to know is im: proving. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Towniend also Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hamilton spent Sunday with friends at Fergus. Mr. and Mrs. H. I. Durst, Mrs. H. V. McKenney and Mr. A. E. Guidal were in Listowel on Thursday to see Mrs. Durst's sister, Mrs. Francis Glossop and daughter, Betty Ann, on the train enroute by air to the East Coast where they will make their future home. Birthday greetings to Mr. Joseph Lambert, Wroxeter South, who on Sunday. celebrated his 82nd birthdty. Mr. Lambert's many friends in and around Wroxeter join in wishing him HARRY FRYFOGLE Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director Furniture and Funeral Service Ambulance Service Phones: Day 109W. Night 1093. FREDERICK A. PARKER OSTEOPATH Offices: Centre St., Wingham Osteopathic and Electric Treat- ments, Foot Technique. Phone 272. Wingham. many happy re4trns, of the Day, Friends. here learned with regret of the passing of the oldest resident of Fordwich, Mr James Cottanach, at his late residence, ,on Wednesday. Mr. Cot, tanach. who. was in his 91.st. year was bricklayer by trade, ;before his retire- ment, Surviving are his wife, .a daugh- ter Mary, at borne, -two sons, George of Sasketchewan tnd Noble of Edmon, ton, a, son, Ray lost his life in the first World War, Funeral ' services were held from his late residence on Friday. Rev, I-lugh Moorhonse of United church in charge, Interment in Ford- wich cemetery, Mr. and Mrs, Vern Denny and Miss Thelma Denny, spent Sunday with Mrs. Cliff Denny and Nancy at Ripley. Mr, and Mrs. D, MacNaughton and John, visited Wingham friends on Sunday. Mrs. Thos. Brown returned last week from a two week's vacation with Toronto friends and :also her son, Dr. George Brown of Selby, Sympathy is extended to Mrs, And- rew Hooper, 2nd. line of Turnberry, whose brother, Mr. 'Ben Kerwin of Clifford, passed away suddenly on Wednesday of last week while on a business trip • to Harriston. Mr. Ker- win was a. farmer and drover and took an active part in municip.c1 affairs. Mr. Kerwin was in his -79th year. MORRIS COUNCIL Morris Township Council met on February 11th., 1946, in the Township Hall, with all the members present, the Reeve presided. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted on motion of C. Coultes and J. Yuill. Moved by H. Johnston seconded by J. Yuill that the Reeve and Road Sup- erintendent attend the Good Roads Convention in Toronto and that the membership fee of $5.00 be paid. Car- ried.• Moved by J. Yuill seconded by S. Alcock that the Treasurer's salary be $190.00 per year and the Clerk's salary be $275.00 per year. Carried. Moved by C. Coultes, seconded by H. Johnston that the auditor's report be accepted and that the auditors be paid. Carried. Moved by H. Johnston seconded by J. Yuill that the road accounts as pre- sented'by the Road Superintendent be paid. Carried. Moved by H. Johnston seconded by C. Coultes that the council set aside $100.00 to purchase a piano and chairs for the Township Hall and that a corn- 0E1201 Command/ attention / The sale actually commences after the order is closed and the product has left your premises, It is the function of good printed matter 'to enhance your sale and stimulate interest so that your pro- spects will want more merchandise just like it. No piece of printed matter is too small to create a good impression, • and this organization is prepared with facilities and knowledge to help you in creating printed mater- ial that commands attention ! O Let us help you with your next problem. O 44 The Wingham Advance-Times Telephone 34 0 (4)=0Xit 011:10===z0=i0==ionno===t0rn0s=zi0aso) AWARDED V.C.' Major John Foote. Presbyterian' padre, who has been awarded the V.C. for valor during the 1942 Dieppe raid and during his prisonment in German camps, Hum is formerly of Hamilton and Port' ;4 Rope, Ont. _ CIRLi o ;r I c.1:2-to 2131..:trecgcelPeortacsuri:s e=tts111.16,. ciG seA'Staa.111JLIEV TA AEs 6RIAB 70 01,44aITT1 22. Half an em 23. Rowudeleling o„.1 :1-,12:1A 1 :, f 599 u, A I 1.PL a 24. Knives M. Ahead 26. Dancer's cymbals 'A.4.97.1:' . i Er 28. Little girl • 35. Outcast 30. Additional , classes 31. colony, British land of.Japart 36. Measure of 32. People Irelando t (E. Afr..) 39. seaport ' 33. Horn '40. Short sleep 7 s vi 9 13 14 16 zo 26 W4SI ST T. V 39 HOWICK COUNCIL Fordwich, February 5th., 1946 The Council met in the United. -Church Hall, according to adjourn- =lent, the members were all present, YOUR EYES NEED ATTENTION Our 25 Point Scientific Examin- ation enables us to give you Clear, Comfortable Vision F, F. 110MUTII Optometrist Phone 118 Hariston WELLINGTON FIRE Insurance Company Est. 1840 M all Canadian Company which has faithfully served its policy holders for over a century. ' Head -Office -- Toronto }CV. MacLean Insurance Agency Wingham A. H. EAVISH B A , , Teeswater, Ontario Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public and Conveyancer. Office: Gofton House, Wroxeter every Thursday afternoon 1.30 to 4.30 and by appointment. Phone - Teeswater 120J. Jo Wt BUSIIFIELD Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. Money to Loan Office - Meyer Block, Wingharn, J. H. CRAWFORD Barrister, Srolicitor, Notary, Etc. Bonds, Investments & Mortgages Wingham Ontario DONALD B, BLUE Auctioneer Licensed auctioneer Licensed for Counties of HURON & BRUCE All Sales Capably Handled Ripley, Ontario Phone 49. Business and Professional Directory `(ES„„ONE SODA!!,. BUT REMMBER„,YOU'RE HERE TO KEEP AN EYE ON THE STORE! • („ON SECOND THOUGHT-YOU'D BETTER MAKE ONE FOR YOUR LITTLE FRIEND OVER HERE.., 101=0 40M(9) Viggo , 40 0 O' 11 0 0 o 11 O _NMI WATCH DOUBLE-DIP!! piece (mash.) 4. Swedish coin 5. A soft limestone 6. Cavity 7. Having no feet 8. Quoits that surround the peg 11, Mandarin tea 13. Weird ( sym.) 15. A lever 1119. Abounding 17. A civil in ore wrong 21. An elf (Per- sian myth.) 23. Disdain 26. Taut 27, Toseek 28. River (Pol.) 29. Close to 80. Waterproof cloth $4. Devices to hold rope (Neut.) 87. Before 88. Kind of sail boat 89. Girl's name 41. Infrestlent 42. Laurels 43. Rivet', N, Prance 44. Brightly. eolored fish DOWN 1.Proofread4 cr'S molt 2, Musical driane Air.M0135 3. rmumg 1. Coconut palm tree 5. Scorch 9. Armadillo 10. American Indian tl. Cream (Fr.) 12. Solitary t4. Feminine pronoun 15. A toast 1.6. President of Turkey (1923-38) L9. Erbittm / 11 2q \/ 34 30 27 23 24 2, 4 17 18 'V /19 21 24 • mr'• ..,..••••••••uni,u•tr