HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1946-02-14, Page 8GINGER LANA ROGERS *TURNER PliTCON*JOHiliON AT THE W XAVIER CUGAT and Orchestra DIRECTED BY ROBERT Z. LEONARD PRODUCED BY ARTHUR HORNBLOW, JR. GORRIE Time Table Changes ''AGE EIGHT THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Thursday, February 14, 1946 home of Mrs, A. Stephens, Thursday, PO, 7th, with 20 ladies .present, Meeting was opened by singing the hymn 825, Reading by Mrs. Wellesley Strong, followed by hymn 254, Prayer were read by members followc.d by the singing of hymn 149, "Breathe on Me Breath of God". A paper prepared by Mrs. A, Taylor was read by Mrs. V, Shera, This dealt with the work of our United Church Missionaries in Africa,. The hardships they encounter, sickness, dit'ease and other obstacles they have to evercome, The great need for Doctors and MSS- ionaries in Africa. The President, Mrs, L, Ratan had charge or the business period, The minutes of the Jam-ary meet- ing were read by Mrs. E, Sparling. Roll Call was answered by the pay- ment of Fees and a thought on "Love"„ Mrs, E, Whitfield, Mrs, Whitely and Mrs, C. Michel were appointed a com- mittee to meet with triernbe,s of the Presbyterian and Anglican Churches to arrange for service for World's Day; of Prayer, March 8th. The meeting closed with the Mizpah Benediction, A bountiful lunch was enjoyed by all. 2,40 EgrafiZ E Cake for boys 101TP$N,1 $12.40 Balance on hand of .$8,8;) has been turned in to the local Red Cross. President—,Mrs, Edwin Day. Sec'y-Treas,--%-s. Jos. Sanderson,. The new, sensational MOFFAT `Han& Chef' , will be on sale at the. , Pattison Radio • Service SOON! For Your Valentine 1: . : Thursday, Friday, Saturday, FEB. 14 - 15 - 16 BARRY FITZGERALD WALTER HUSTON — In "AND THEN THERE WERE NONE" The thrilling and exciting story of guests of an unseen host, marked for murder, and doomed to die. Also, "Short Subjects" 4 ' Matinee Saturday Afternoon at 2.30 p.m. Moffat's New Complete Meal- Maker. It's sensational. Cooks a complete meal at the same time—with the ONE element 1 The Handi-Chef is a compact, portable, plug-in appliance. People in apartments, hostesses and all those living in cramped quarters are going to find handi- • chef •the only appliance of its kind that meets their needs. COME IN and ASK FOR A DEMONSTRATION Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, FEB. 18 - 19 - 20 —SPECIAL— ii i I 1 1 i 1 1 ii TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS CUSTOM AT; — AND — i 'Give a PracticallGift i F. from KING'S . = i • i • CHOOSE FROM OUR NEW II SPRING LINES III i i . ii- May We - Suggest n Penis o n RE1010 if SERVICE Telephone 171j Wingham Serving You Since 1935 Miss Mildred McInnis, Tceswater, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Mc- Innis and Elgin over the week-end. Mr, and Mrs, `Jim Doig and daught- er, Miss Evelyn of Drayton, were Sun- day guests of her sister, Mrs. J, W. Hyndman and Mr. Hyndman, Mr, and Mrs. Milton Opperthauser and children, Elmira, spent Sunday withFost 'elji..er parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. E, Misses Betty Heimniller and Key Kaven of Hespeler, spent the Week- end with the former's mother, Mrs. Viola Heinmiller, Mr. and Mrs. George Brown and son, Johnnie spent Sunday with MIT and Mrs. Russell Martin at Moles- "MT. and Mrs. Norman Klemp of Harriston, also Mr. Vern Klemp of Kitchener, were Sunday visitors with her sister, Mrs, Jas. Edwards and Mr. Edwards, Mr. and ,Mrs. Selah Breckenridge of Jamestown, visited on Sunday with her sister, Mrs. J. C.- Edgar and Mr. Ed- gar. Mr. and Mrs. Ward Schaefer, Ford- wick, spent Sunday with her father, a Mr. Frank Cole. Scarves Handkerchiefs ST. HELENS Handbags Vestees Pte. Glenn King, Melton, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank King. Rev. G. G. Howse attended the Tem- perance Convention held in Toronto last week. Mrs, Thos, Bradnock left on Friday for Gravenhurst where she will visit her nephew, Mr. Lloyd Hockridge, also relatives in Toronto. Miss Mary Corbett, Toronto; spent a few days with her father, Mr. Wm. Corbett and Mrs. Corbett. Mr. and Mrs,.W. C, King spent Sun- day with Mr, and Mrs. T. J. MacDon- ald at Molesworth. Mr. Jas. Wylie, Wroxeter, was a Sunday guest with Mrs, John WYlie, Gloves — Collars R.eceipts— Balance on hand. 1944 , $4.85 Quilting 2 qiults ..$2.00 Donations $3,00 Collections $10,85 Expenditures— $20.70, Batts and lining for quilt $8.55 Broadcloth Thread 1.00 U U U I U n DRESSING GOWNS i King Dept. Store • Gifts for His Valentine, too Arrow TIES — Crean HATS — GLOVES ill Messrs. Andrew Gaunt and William Miller . are delegates from the Luck- now Agricultural Society to the annual convention of the tOntario' Association of Agricultural Societies being held in Toronto on Thursday and Friday. The hydro was turned on at the fol- lowing homes last Thursday morning: John McQuillin, J. D. Anderson, Wm. McQuillin, McKenzie Webb, Andrew Gaunt, Wallace Mitier, J. Thom, Harold Gaunt, Durnin Phillips, T. J. Todd and F. G. Todd. FIO. Stuart Collyer who has recent- ly returned from overseas, is a visitor with his wife and sons at Mr. E. J. Thom'S. 1111111INININ EFFECTIVE Sunday, Feb. 24, 1946 and other specific Bates. Ful information ham Agents. BAPTIST CHURCH Canadian National Railways inmosimenwomnunonnsonosonnousinAnnonsonnmensuunang . Rev. J. N. R. Norton, Pastor SUNDAY, Feb. 17, 1946 11 a.m.—"Good Company". 7.30 p.m.— "The Therefore of Consecration'' The Fourth of Four Great Ones. Come and Hear. • BLUEVALE St. Stephen's Women's Auxiliary The regular meeting of St. Stephen's Women's Auxiliary was held at the residence of Mrs. George King on Thursday afternaoon last, with a good number present. The ladies pieced blocks for a quilt during the afternoon. The devotional meeting led by the President, opened with members pray- er, circle prayer and Lord's prayer, in unison, and Roll Call was answered by a verse of St. Paul's from the Bible. Mrs. Frank King read the Scripture, Roman's 5th chapter, verses 1-11. Mrs, Norman Wade gave an excellent talk on some of St. Paul's teachings, basing his life on his words found in Phillip- pians 3rd., 13, 14. "This one thing I do forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forth unto those things which are before. 1 press to- ward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God. in Christ Jesus", and finishing with his words, "I have fought the good fight, I have kept the faith, I have finished my course". We must do as St. Paul did, Keep our hearts on the things which are before, forget ourselves and live eazii day at a time. She ended with a suitable poem. Following closing prayers a bountiful lunch was served by the hostess while all enjoyed a social half hour. Next meeting is to be held at the home of Mrs. J. H. King, on February 21st. Norge Oil-Space Heater Curlers Win At Wingham Congratulations are in order for Wil ford Nash, skip and his Curling team, namely, John Cathers, 3rd., Ken. Has- tie, 2nd., and Wilf. King, 1st., when they, finished in 3rd. place at the Wing- ham Bonspiel, when some 22 rinks en- tered. Wilf. and his team had 3 wins plus 8. It was a close game, playing • two tie games. While these lads were working hard for these honours in Wingham, Gorrie's Young People were at the Wroxeter Carnival and brought home half the prize money, won for costumes, races, 'with the Queen of the Carnival going to Miss Ivlitch ed Far- rish. FEATURES : L-shaped heat distribution with 40% more heat- ing surface. Porcelain enamel finish inside and out. Height 35", width 36", depth 201/2". Exclusive down-draft "Whirlator-tube". Triple-Air Oil Burner, single dial heat selector. Transparent fire door, large easy-fill humidifier. Large end doors. Automatic chimney draft regulator. Visible tell-tale oil gauge. Constant- level oil meter. Milk Bottle Shortage INN 1111••••110111 For THIS WEEK-END WE WILL PAY Huron Motors Large Congregtion To Hear Rev. Geo. Wylie On Sunday morning a fairly large congregation were in attendance at the United Church, when Capt. (Rev.) George Wylie took charge of the ser- vice, taking his text from Genesis 28, verse 16; Capt. Wylie collated Jacob's troubles to those of modern cnes, de- picting a few similiar circumstances, brought from the war torn lands of Europe from whence he has just re- turned, Always as in Jacob's time, help from on High is forthcoming if we but ask. God is always ready and willing to come to us in our troubles, but as the latch is on the inside it is necessary for each individual to open the door and ask God into cur souls. Capt. Wylie was presented with a leather-bound Bible, as a gift from the Sunday School, such as each one who were in active service have receiv- ed from the Sunday School since re- turning, Gorrie Women's Institute are spon- soring a dance to be held in the Town- ship hall here on Friday night. This dance was to be held at New Year's, but was postponed so for the dance you've been waiting for, come out on Friday night and celebrate Valentine, Gorrie Public School's Skating Party is being held in the Gorrie Arena on Wednesday night to which everyone is invited. A like party was held last winter and all reported a fine time. This year it promises to be likewise enjoyable, Mr. Richard Carson' Jr, is spending a few days in Toronto this week, Lieut, E. W. Newton, Guelph, spent the Week-end at his home here. This being C,G.I.T. Week in Can- ada the C.G.I.T. members are enter- taining their mothers at a special meet- ing to be held in the Sunday School rooms of the church on Friday night at 7.45 p,m, Mrs, E. W. Whitfield will be the guest speaker for the meet- ing. FOR DEMONSTRATION—CALL LARRY HISELER Women's Institute The regular monthly meeting of the WOmen's Institute will - be held on Thursday, February 14th., at the home of Mrs. Harry Elliott. A paper will' e given by Miss Emma Johnston. Roll Call, "Something I have read in a Magazine or Paper pertaining to Pub- lic Health or Home Economics." Church News At the United Church services on Sunday morning, Rev. S. J. Bridgette, took his text from the first Chronicles, "Also he went down and slew a lion in a pit on a snowy day". Today there is courage needed to slay many lions in the way. Mrs. McCracken and Mrs. Johnston sang a ,duet. At the meeting of the Young People held in the Sunday School room, Fri- day evening, Fleming Johnston, the president, gave a talk on the rules and regulations of the Young People's Un- ion. Plans were made for a Valentine Social. Mr. Norval Robertson, student at Knox College, had charge of the ser- vice in the Presbyterian church on Sunday morning. Presentation To Gordon Greig Friends of Gordon Greig. lately re- turned from overseas, gathered in the Community Hall and presented him with a purse of money. J. J. Elliott, president of the Men's Club, made the presentation and Gordon Mundell read the address. The ladies served -re- freshments, and dancing was enjoyed. Mr. Greig has resumed his former em- ployment at' the Bluevale Creamery. Mrs. Greig and family are at present living in Wroxeter. Women's Association. Mrs. Darling presided at the meeting of the Women's Association, in the United Church schoolroom on Thurs- day afternoon, Mrs, McCracken read 5c(andmvicee iRYsfBs' the the Scripture lesson. Plans were made for doing some custom quilting and preparing a bazaar. Miss Emma John- ston displayed the Afghan assembled from blocks knitted by the members. Mrs, Robert Shaw and Mrs. 'Thornton had charge of the Study Book 'at the meeting of the W.M.S. Mr, and Mrs, E. B. Jenkins, Bluevale Road, motored to London on Thursday to meet their son, John, who had arriv- ed from overseas on the Aqutinia, af- ter serving in Prance, Belgium and Holland. SO, Bert Garniss is in London this Week getting his discharge papers. Mr. and Mrs, James Kearney are re- covering from pneumonia. Mrs, Peter Maegwert has been bet- caved of a cousin, Mrs. Montgomery, of Winthrop. A, D. Smith and Mac Seat spent Thursday in London, and balled on ,!ides M. Olive Scott, a patient in 1/ic• toria Hospital First Class Smoker's Sundries Magazines Haselgrove's SMOKE SHOP ALSO—Refrigerators, Stoves, Washing Machines, Radios and Record Players Watch Repairs For The Present Watches Only George Williams Mr. Samuel John Beacock died sud- denly at the home of his daughter at Newtonbrook. His wife is the former Bella Anne Johnston of Turnberry and Bluevale, and a sister of Mrs. Walter Paterson, Wingharn. Mr. and Mrs, Stanley Dar ling and JOHN ST. family were at Harriston over the week-end attending a family reunion at the home of Mrs. Darling's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Newman, to celebrate the safe arrival from over- seas of their sons, Gnr, Harold New- man and Lance Corp. Harry -Newman. Next to Masonic Hall United Church W.M.S. The W.M.S. of the United Church, -I held their February meeting at the for every Quart Bottle bearing our name, de- livered at the •Dairy. • Don't Sutter Please return that empty Now Tervit's Dairy 'PHONE 161 FREE DELIVERY AT FROM THE FLU and COLD ! Build your resistance NOW before the "cold bug" strikes Smith's Economy Food Store U S E — Puretest Plenamins LIGHT CAPSULE contains your daily re- quirement of the essential vitamins. DARK CAPSULE contains ample quantities of Liver and Iron to keep your blood in good condition. One Month's Supply $1.75 Three Months' Supply $5.50 — AND — Vacagen (Sharpe & Dohme) The oral cold vaccine which will build up in your system as a strong cold resistance factor, which will lessen the severity or entirely eradicate the cold and flu. Two Months' Supply , , $2.00 The The Parkdale Forest City. 22 oz. jar No. 4 PEAS, 20 oz. tin 15c BAKING POWDER, ..„..._.....35c Stokley's Fancy Pat-a-Pan Pastry PUMPKIN, 28 oz. tin ....... 17c FLOUR, 24-lb, bag ..„........ ........... .79c Mild Canadian Coloured CHEESE, lb. 32c Ready-cut Bulk MACARONI, 4 lbs. — 25c • 1946 Stromberg-Carlson and Stewart-Warner RADIOS HERE ! We have a limited number NOW AVAILABLE. GROUND FRESH REX COFFEE, lb. 49c Four O'Clock BLACK TEA, lb. .. .... .79c Newport FLUFFS with Tumbler, 8 qt. pkg ...„.......25c Mother Jackson's JIFFY PORRIDGE, pkg. „....19c GLENWOOD CHOICE QUALITY Diced Beets or Carrots 2 tins 25c ELECTROLUX (Canada) Ltd. wish to announce L. C. STEWART as their Authorized Dealer for Wingham and District for Sales and Service Mclikibbons Fresh Bulk Aylmer, TOMATO or SALTED PEANUTS, lb. ......45c VEGETABLE SOUP, tin Maple Leaf Harry Horne's LOAF CHEESE, lb, Nu-Style FLAVOURS, btl. 23c FRESH FRUITS and. VEGETABLES Size 288's NAVEL ORANGES, dozen . 34c NEW Fresh California CARROTS, 3 lbs. ..23c Fresh Green Pascal CELERY, 2 bunches ... . 25c Imported Firm NEW CABBAGE, 3' lbs. . 23c Size 112's Texas GRAPEFRUIT, 5 for , „ ' —25c,. Lemons• Tomatoes, Turnips, ParsnipS, Lettuce and 01'40116 RATION COUPON'S'VALID THURSDAY, FEB. 14 SUGAR—NO, 46 to 69 13UTTER—Nos. 116 to 139 and RI MEAT—NO, 1 to 24 Red Cross Report (Omitted from last week's issue) S. S. No. 4 Howick. War Workers Sewing-2 women's blouses, 2 worn-, en's skirts, 6 crib blankets, 6 pantie dresses. 14 Children's panties, 2 girls' dresses, Knitting.—Nine pairs &rivet socks, 6 turtle-neck sweaters, Number of meetings 1.6. Nine mem- bers. Average attendant,: six, Donations—Eight quilts, (new ma- terial) and 2 batts in each, In Drugs, If I. • It's Right!' STEWART Home Appliances 'Phone 29 Wingham