HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1946-01-31, Page 4Save Money by "PREPAYING 6. WINGHAM i, ...1,11r 1 gailik INCORSVATED " ...i. Town of WINGHAM 1946 TAXES Taxpayers may make payments on account of 1946 taxes up to 80 per cent. of 1945 taxes. Interest at the rate of Pour per cent, per an- num will be allowed on such prepayments. Prepayments of taxes must be made at the Town Treasurer's Office, Town Hall, W. A. GALBRAITH, Treasurer, Town of Wingham. A. 1 1/2 cents a word per insertion, with a minimum charge of 25c. Thurociay, bouary 1, 1040 BUIOVA WATCH TIME A. lADY MAXIM . „ 11 lovels.,,t I. PAESIDENT ...XI Wes-. David Crompton Jeweller Gifts For All Occasions WINGHAM Phone 59 Oxford Inn Chili 16 oz. tin CON CARNE 16 oz. tin 19c DOMINION TEA, 8 oz. pkg. 33c BULK WHEATLETS, 2 lbs. .9c JORDAN'S GRAPE JUICE, 32 oz. , . 39c A SPECIAL WELCOME TO EMI Y . • • MINION! QUALITY • DOMI!iaoil CLEANLINESS ir DOMINION COURTESY * DOMINION LOW PRICES WELCOME! Come in and take advantage• of the bargains offered at your DOMINION Store, where you are sure of CLEANLINESS and COURTEOUS SERVICE. Here you will find outstanding values in food which DOMINION'S expert buyers have provided at money saving LOW PRICES. GROCERY FEATURES Fruit and Vegetables JUICY Size 288 ORANGES, doz. .. .. . .. 29c JUICY Size 96 GRAPEFRUIT, 5 for.. 29c BULK WASHED CARROTS, 3 lbs. 14c WZNGHAM ADVANCE-TIM s G It FOR SALE-Cancelled orders of Mar- shall's Five Star Chicks-300 L.H.B. R. Hybrid Pullets, delivery, Mar. 15; 200 L,H.B.R, Hybrid Pullets, deliv- ery March 12th; 150 L. S. B. R. Hybrid Mixed, delivery March 1st: 400 L.H.I3.R. Hybrid Mixed, deliv- ery Mar. 25; 300 L.H.B,R. 'Hybrid Mixed, delivery May 9th. Phone or write Roy Porter, 602 r 43, Wing- ham. FOR SALE-One pair Chalet Skis, 51,?.: feet, complete with poles, prac- tically new. Apply Advance-Times: FOR SALE-A good set of Single Harness. Apply to Currie & Tervit. FOR S.. \ LE-1 pair Ski Boots, size 11, slightly used. Apply at Advance- Times. FOR SALE-1033 Half-ton Dodge Panel Truck, Needs a motor repair job. A. French, 'phone 187 Box 23, Wingham, FOR SALE - Shorthorn Bull, ten months old. Roan herd accredited. Melvin Taylor, Belgrave. 'Phone 624 r 1 2 KITCHENER BIG-4 CHICKS can be ordered here, Variety breeds, crosses. "Approved" Chicks, breed- ers pullorum tested. Repeat orders from same customers each year prove their satisfaction. Prices reas- onable, Shipped anywhere. Agent, Fred Hogg, Wingham, REX WHEAT GERM OIL-Assur- es better breeding for all animals and poultry. For sale by Stainton Hardware. WANTED-Light Housework wanted in Wingham by experienced young lady, Apply Advance-Times. WANTED-Piano and Bench, in good condition. Communicate with W. J. Roberts, 'phone 106w, Listowel. WANTED-A good colt or horse from two years old to six, that will make a good saddle horse. Write or `phone me full particulars as to size, breeding and price, with your, ad- dress, to W. J. Thurston, Stratford, WANTED-Reliable woman as per- manent helper in good home. Must be fond of children. Apply in writ- ing to W, A. Nicholson, Burlington, Ontario". NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of. Jacob Cathers, late of the Township of Turnberry in the. County of Huron Retired' Farmer, who died on or about the seventh day of May, A, 1.), 1945, ar. notified to send toj. H, Crawford, KC.: Wingham, Ontario, on or lbefore the sixteenth day of Feb- ruary, A.D., 1946, full particulars of their claims in writing. Inanedia,tely After the, said sixteenth day of Febru- ary, 1946, the assets of the said tes- tator will be distributed amongst the parties ,entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the adminis- trator shall then have notice, DATED this twenty-ninth claw of January A.D. 1646, H. CRAWFORI), Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Administrator with Will Annexed. TENDERS FOR WOOD-Tenders will be received by the undersigned until noon, Feb. 21 for supply of body wood for each of the follow- ing schools in Township School Area of Turnberry. No. 2 (Kirton's) 10 cords hard maple and beech, 2 cords cedar; No. 3 (Glenannan) 10 cords hard maple and beech, 6 cords of elm; 2 cords of cedar. No. 4 (Bluevale) 15 cords hard maple and beech; No, G (Holmes') 10 cords of hard maple and beech; No. 8 (Jet.) 15 cords hard maple and beech, 2 cords cedar; No. 9 (Powell's) 12 cords hard maple and beech, 1 cord cedar. All wood to be cut 14 inches. Wood to be delivered and piled be- fore June 1st. Tenders may be for for any one or any number of schools.. Thos, Gilmour, Sec'y- Treas. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Richard Chamney wishes to express her heartfelt thanks to all friends of her uncle, the late John Bruce, for kind words and deeds which mean so much. Special thanks to Rev. G. H. Dunlop, Dr. Crawford and Pallbearers, CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our many friends and neighbours for the many acts of kindness and sympathy shown to us in the illness and recent sad i bereave- ment. Lloyd and Vera Montgomery. IN MEMORIAM BARBOUR-In loving memory of rr*, dear husband, William Barbour, who passed away Jan, 29th, 1944. A silent thought-a secret tear Keeps his memory ever dear, Time takes away the edge of grief But memory turns back every leaf, Ever remembered by loving wife IN MEMORIAM CARTER In loving memory of a dear wife and mother, Bessie T. Car ter who passed away Jan. 31st, 1943 And while she lies in peaceful sleep Her memory we should always keep. F, Carter and Family, IN MEMORIAM CORNELIUS-In loving memory of a dear husband and father, James Cornelius, who passed away fourteen years ago, January 29 1932, 'Tis sweet to know we'll meet again Where troubles are no more And that the one we loved so well Has just gone on before. Sadly missed by, his wife, and sot and wife, WROXETER Mr. W. A. Cameron of Arcola Saskatchewan, is visiting Mr. George and Miss Ellen MacEwen and other friends. Miss rilora. McTavish is spending MAO tune with friends in Toronto, Mr, Harvey Timm was tr Clinton visitor one day last week, Mrs. M, Sellers left on ?riday for Toronto where she will visit with Mr, and Mrs. 5, L. Hetherington. Mrs. Eli Bolt received word on Fri- . day of the death of her brother-in-law, Mr. Sandy Fraser of Ridgctown, whose death took place in London following a long illness. The late Mr, Fraser, who in his younger days lived in this community was a; brother of Mrs, J, Lovell, The sympathy of friends here is extended to members of his family in their sad bereavement. Fortner Resident Passes Mr, Geo. Muir received a sad mes- sage on Thursday announcing the death of his niece, Mrs. Ada Smith of Los Angeles, which took place sud- denly Tuesday morning. Mrs, Smith was the former Ada Nokes and form- erly lived here, Early last auttunn, she and her sister, Mrs. ,Chapman of Win- nipeg were here attending the funeral of their mother, the late Mrs. Nokes, and spent a short visit with relatives and friends before returning to Winni- peg. Later Mrs, Smith returned to her home in Los Angeles, accompanied by Mrs. Chapman. Surviving are three sisters, Mrs. Alice Chapman, Mrs. Hil- da Gaunt, Winnipeg, Mrs. Mae Young, Edmonton, to whom the sympathy of old friends here is extended, .United Church Annual United Church, Wroxeter, held their annual meeting in the church basement on Thursday evening last, which began at 7,30 with a pot luck Banquet, Fol- lowing the social hour, Rev, j. L. Fos- ter called the meeting to order, all joined in singing Blest be the tie that binds, followed by Scripture reading and prayer. The pastor presented his report and a moment's silence was ob- served for those called by death dur- ing 1945. The report of the treasurer. Mrs. Helen Sanderson told of a very successful year, all obligations met and a balance to carry over. Total amount of givings far the year, $2,383.85. Wo- men's Missionary Society receipts, $195.92; average' attendance 13; Wo- man's Association 22 members, attend- ance 16, receipts, $301.71; Sunday School report receipts $254,46. Miss Helen Sawtell reported for the newly organized Young People's Union. A Mission Band with Mrs. W. Wright and Mrs. Ira MacLean as leaders, has also been organized. A vote of apprec- iation was tendered Rev. J. L. and Mrs. Foster, officers of the church, the choir, their leader Mr. Wearring and organist, Miss M. Gibson, for their faithful leadership during the past year. Thanks was expressed to the women of the congregation -who pro-1 vided the banquet. Officers who will carry on the work of the coming year are as follows: Sesion-,Chairman, Rev. J. L: Foster, Secretary, Vern Denny; Geo. Allen, J. W, Douglas, A. Munroe, G. W. Gibson, T. A. Shearer, R. J. Rann, G. A. Wearring; Committee of Stewards-Hon. Chairman R. J. Rann, G. W. Gibson; Chairman, , H. Towns- end; Secretary, Phil Durst; Three years, L. Douglas, D. S. MacNaugh- ton, T. A. Shearer, H. Townsend; Two years, H. Timm, H. McMichael, A. Munroe, J. H. Wylie; One year, W. A. Sawtell, Philip Durst, Win. Hart, Al- lister Green; Secretary-Treasurer- Mrs. A, J. Sanderson; Trustees, R, J. Rann, A. Munroe, W. A. Sawtell, J. H. Wylie; Ushers, H. Timm, P. Durst, A. Moffatt, A. Green, J. Sanderson, R. S. Musgrove, John MacNaughton; Choir leader, Mrs. G. A. Wearring; Organist, Miss Mary Gibson; Auditors, L. Doug- las, M. Gibson. Women's Missionary Society The W. M. S. meeting for February, will be held on the afternoon of Friday, Feb. 8th., in the church parlours. The theme for the meeting is peace. Miss Hazelwood and Mrs. Wright will be in charge. Young People's Union Miss Helen Sawtell presided over the weekly meeting of the held in the church basement on Monday even- ing. The meeting opened with the singing of John Oxenham's Missionary Hymn, In Christ there is no East or West. Jean Moffat 'Chose the scripture lesson from St, Matthew's gospel, cha- pter 25, verses 14 to 30. Rev. 5, L. Foster lead in prayer in unison. On- ward Christian Soldiers was the sec- ond hymn chosen. Committees were named for the sleighing party to be held on Monday night, Helen Sawtell, Jean Moffatt, Allan Cooper, were nam- ed a lunch committee, Calvin Moffatt and Lloyd Townsend to take charge of the toboggans. The guest speaker was Mrs, Harold Hamilton, who gave a splendid address, on Christian Citizen- ship, Then followed a quiz on the Books of the 13ible. The closing hymn was When 'Morning Gilds the Skies, Margaret Wearring gave the closing prayer. Born-At St. Michael's Hospital, Toronto, to Mr. and Mrs, j, L, Heth- erington, a daughter. W. L Donate Quilt Blocks Wroxeter W. /, Members are asked to donate a print quilt block, 16 inches SOtiare at 'their February meeting, which will be held at the home of Mrs. HOVVICK LIONS Club. CARNIVAL. Wroxeter Arena Thur., Feb. 7 Judging to start at S Pill, $70.00 in PRIZES Good Music - Outside Judges Girls' HOCKEY Game Fordwich vs. Wroxeter BROOMBALL Game Lions vs. Non-Lions Refreshment Booth Admission: 25c and 15c (Maskers Included) A. Munroe, on February 7th„ at 3 p.m. Thought for the Day, a laugh is worth a hundred groans on any market. Roll Call, My Wish for the post war -world. Current events will be given by Mrs, J. H. Wylie, Mrs, H. I. Durst, will be in charge of the music period. A de- bate, Resolved Our Grandmothers con- tributed more to Home and Country than the Modern Mother, will be the highlight of the program. Mrs. H. Handlton and Mrs. D. S. MacNaugh- ton will uphold the affirmative, with Mrs. G. Howes and Mrs. S, Pacey, the negative. The hostess will be assisted at the tea hour by Mrs. J. N. Allen and Mrs. H, V. McKenn.ye Sgt. Major Jeffrey Presented The members of Belmore Presby- terian church arranged a social even- ing recently for one of their returned boys, Sgt, Major Stewart Jeffrey and Mrs, Jeffrey, the former having return- ed home with the 99th Battery of Wingham, Mr, Wm. Darling acted as chairman and the programme opened with community singing with. Mrs, Geo, Lane at the piano, Rev, Alex.an- der Nimmo of Wingham, was guest speaker and spoke of the debt we owe our returned servicemen and the place of the church in their rehabilitation, Mrs. D, S. McNaughton of Wroxeter, read from Edgar Guests "Book of Verse and Nellie McClung's Be Good to Yourself," Several present spoke briefly of their• pleasure in to Stewart home and his wife to the com- munity. John Lane read an address to Sgt. Major and M. Jeffrey and a„gift of money was presented for which Stewart- expressed deep appreciation, Lunch was served by the ladies and a social hour enjoyed. Farm Forum Meeting The Turnberry Fourth Line Farm Forum met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Eldred Nichol with an attendance of 16, The Topic for discussion was: Do we need an International Organiza- tion of Agricultural Producers. This subject caused a good deal ,of argu- ment for and against, but the majority thought it would help ensure the Co- ordination of effort in food production, which is essential, if feeding clothing and the many needs of the countries of famine are to be -properly met, It would give the Agricultural produc- ers a united voice and it would en- courage better standards of living. Progressive euchre was enjoyed fol- lowing the discussion, Mr. Pierson Rolph and Mrs. John McTavish hold- ng highest scores. The ladies served lunch bringing a very interesting meet- ing to a close. Howick Lions Club Sponsor Series Of Carnivals The three judges from Wingham, Mr, Toty Gregg, Miss Irene O'Connor and Mr. MacDonald, known as Texas Mac, were judges at a very successful Ice, Carnival Sponsored by Howick Lions on Wednesday of last week at Gorrie and will also officiate at a sec- ond Carnival to be held in Wroxeter Rink On the evening of February 7th, A number of races are being added to the interesting programme, The How- ick Lions are to be commended for their interest in good sport and pleas- ure for the young people in this rural district. JAMESTOWN Mrs, Wilfred Warwick of Morris, spent a couple of days with her par- ents, Mr, and Mrs. David McLennan. Miss Mary Ja:cklin is spending some- time with her aunt, Mrs, Stewart Henry of Belgrave. Miss Doris Galbr'aith and Miss Hazel McDon*ald spent the week-end with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Anson Galbraith. The Farm Forum of S. S. No, 4, Grey, met at the home of Mr. and Mrs,. Selali Breckenridge, on Monday night, January 21st., with 33 adults and a number of children in attendance, After interesting discussions, the remainder of the evening was spent in a social time for all, including a spell- ing match and games of different kinds which was followed with lunch. by the ladies. An invitation from Mr. and Mrs,John Fraser for the next - meeting to be held at their home, on. Monday night, January 28, A wedding of interest to the com- munity was solemnized in Listowel, on Saturday, January 26th., when Vera, second youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Willis, was united in marriage to Mr. Cecil Miller, young- est son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Miller of Kurtzville, after a honeymoon to Toronto and points east, they will re- Side at their home near Kurtzville. We extend our best wishes for their •future. happihess. .;=0=====o=o===orio=====to=o=o=o1 APPLICATIONS WANTED-Appli- TENDERS FOR WOOD -Morris cations wil be received for the pos- Township School Board will receive ition of Assessor for the Township tenders for wood for all or any of of Morris, salary $150.00 per year, the schools. Wood must be maple All applications must be in by two and beech body wood, 14 inches long p.m. on February 11 1946. George and delivered to the schools in the Martin, Clerk, following amounts: No. 1, 25 cords; No. 3, 22 cords; No. 4, 20 cords; No. CHARIS Foundation Garment Co, 5, 10 cords; No. 6, 15 cords; No. 7, trained Corsetiere for Wingham, 10 cords; No. 8, 10 cords; No. 9, surrounding district and towns. If 15 cords; No. 10, 10 cords; No. 11, you need a new garment, any size 10 cords; No. 12, 12 cords, Also, or type of figure at reasonable prices, one cord of Cedar for each school. call on Mrs. Wm. Kennedy, Minnie Wood to be delivered by June 15. St., Wingham. Tenders to be in the hands of the Secretary, R. S. Shaw, Bluevale, by February 6th, LONDON CHEESE ROLLS, 16 oz. 35c DOMINION Bread, 2 24 oz. loaves 15c CUT MIXED PEEL, 2 8 oz. pkgs. .27c WO ODE URY'S SOAP, 3 bars - -23c 25' 40 60 WATT' SOLEX LAMPS; each 15c moommi,‘"nuisnaslivelisorar. RED ROSE COFFEE, 8 oz. 21c 16 oz. 41c MAGIC BAKING POWDER, 8 oz. tin .. , .17c 16 oz. tin ,,,.27c insomenommoramoik QUAKER BREAD FLOUR, 24 lb. bag 69c 98 lb. bag . . $2.49 KELLOGG'S BRAN FLAKES, 8 oz. 10c 14 oz. pkg. ... 15c Campbell's Vegetable Or Celery SOUPS, 2 10 oz. tins „ 21c GREEN STALKS CELERY, each 19c NEW CABBAGE, pound WASHED TURNIPS, 3 lbs. • .12c HEAD LETTUCE, 2 for ..23c JUICY LEMONS, 6 for All Merchandise Sold at 'Your Do- minion Store is Unconditionally Guar-anteed to give 100% Satisfaction, oomMON SCORES LIMITEo 5c 800740,1104410.1,f*N4444040464.00+