The Wingham Advance-Times, 1946-01-17, Page 1HARVEY BEECROFT
Told Of His Experience In Italy and
The young people of "Wingham Un-
ited Church gathered once again on
Sunday night in the basement of the
The meeting got off to a good start
with the singing of familiar songs. A
brief devotional period was conducted
by Miss A. Heard, Miss Dorothy Ham-
ilton favoured with the hymn, "My'
Heart is Resting on My God", The
speaker for the evening was one of our
local boys, Harvey Beecroft, who re-
cently returned from overseas. Harvey
gave us a very interesting account of
his experiences while serving in Italy
and Holland. The meeting closed
with the Mizpah benediction.
Had Tonsils Removed
Miss Dorothy Deans underwent an
operation for. the removal of her ton-
sils in Victoria Hospital, London, on
Friday morning. We are pleased to
state that she made a splendid recov-
Study of Africa Was Continued.
At the January meeting of the Wo-
men's Missionary Society of Wingham
United Church, splendid reports of the
work for 1945 were presented, The
secretary, Mrs, W. J. Adams, reported
a membership of 63 and an increased
attendance at meetings. Two valued
members were removed by death, Mrs-
R. J. Tyndall and Mrs. H, Thompson
The treasurer, Mrs. VanWyck, showed
that the financial objective had been
exceeded and Mrs. Cosens told that a
bale valued at $94.00 was sent to the
Indian Schools. Miss Reynolds re-
ported for the visiting committee, 185
calls were made to new-comers, shut-
ins and to the hospital. In addition, •
the Baby Band Supt. made 51 calls in
her department. Letters of sympathy
and Christmas cards had been sent to.
several members by Mrs, Heughan,
the corresponding secretary. Mrs. Geo.
Fell told of the increased attendance
and givings at the Mission Band while
Mrs. W. F. Burginan reported 64 mein
(tiers of the Baby Band, and birthday
cards sent to each, as well as booties
to new babies.
Mrs. 'Wm. Field had charge of the'
program, continuing the study of Afri.
ca, with special 'reference to the pro-
gress of education among the natives.
She was assisted by Mrs, Bowers, who
told of the edueatiori along domestic
lines, and by Mrs, Coutts, telling a-
bout the schools. Mrs, :Goivans offer-
ed prayet for our missionaries in Af-
rica, The Officers for 1046 were in.
stalled by Mrs. W, A. teectoft, and
the president, Mrs. 1-Iiseter, closed the
Single Copies Five Cents
Large Number From This District Ars
riving From Overseas
It is our happy privilege to welcome
back home from overseas p. number of
this district who arrived on the Queen
Elizabeth at New York Monday even-
"They are LII3dr, James A. Carheron,
Tpr, H, W. Burchill(Pte. F, M. Step.
henson, LICpl. Stewart Forsyth; Pte,
Rutherford S. Reavie, LISgt. R. W.
Carr, all of Wingham.
Carr, all of Wingham, also ,F.O. Geo-
rge Northwood, son of Mr. and Mrs.
j George Northwood of Dunnville, form.
er Wingham residents,
Others in the district are: CpI. J. S.
Thompson, Belgrave; Cpl. E. E. Ross,
Pte. G, E. Valad, Pte, R. J. Million,
Pte. M. F, Weiss, Teeswater; Tpr. D.
Stewart. Pte. J, J. Sims, Blyth; Tpr.
R. C. Fox, Brussels; Tpr. J. C. Clark,
Pte, D. J. Finlayson, Pte, A. L. Ham-
ilton, Pte. W. J. H. McCall, Pte. C, R.
Lucknow; Cpl. E. L. Lewis,
Mildmay; Pte. I. H. Eedy, Dungan-
'non; Pte. T, M. Little, Londesboro;
Sgt. J, R. Durward; LISgt. C. W. Mor-
land, Cpl. J. E. Hodges, Kincardine;
LiSgt, J. P, Doerr, Sigmn. F. 3. Ber-
'berich, LICpl, E. D. Liddle, Walkerton.
On Additional List
Included in. an additional list to the
original one issued of personnel on the
Queen Elizabeth are:Gdsm. J. A. Sell,
'Pte, W. A, Forsyth and Pte. C. W.
Ritchie all of Wingham, also Pte. H.
E. Townsend of Gorrie.
Turnberry and Grey L.O.L. Districts
North Huron L.O.L. District Lodge
met last Friday evening at Brussels,
for the purpose of amalgamating Turn-
berry and Grey L.O.L. districts. The
new district will be known as Grey
District and will comprise the primary
lodges of , Brussels, Ethel, Bluevale,
Wingham. ' tts
County Master Robert Golley of
Wingham, conducted the election of
and installation of the officers which
was as follows:
Wor: Master—Jos. Smith, Brussels
D.M.—Carl Johnston, Bluevale.
Chap.—Wm. Magee, Wingham
Sec'y.—Norman Lamont, Ethel
Fin. Sec'y.—W. J. Peacock, Bluevale
Marshall—Ed. JewellgsBrussels
1st. Elect.—Percy Hogg, Wingham
2nd. Lect.—Ed. Henderson, Brussels
The newly formed lodge will meet
in Ethel on May 28th.
Attending Khaki C011ege
Gnr. Allan Williams, son of tMr. and
Mrs. George Williams of town, is tak-
ing a course at the Khaki College, Lon-
don, England.
Interesting Program Was Presented
The January meeting of the W. C.
T. U. was held at the home of Mrs.
Abner Cosens, on Friday afternoon,
with a splendid attendance, The presi-
dent, Mrs. Lucas, was in charge, The
hymn "All the way my Saviour lead's
me" was sung after which Mrs. John
Kelly opened with prayer. Mrs. Capt.
Touzeau read the minutes of the Dec-
ember meeting and roll call in the ab-
sence of the secretary) Mrs, Geo, H.
The scripture lesson, Ezekiel 3:17-21
was read by Miss Densmore and she
spoke on the Prophet Ezekiel, watch-
man, responsibility. Mrs. Lucas read
"The Good News". A card of thanks
was read from Mist Dorothy Lloyd.
The treasurer's report was received and
the offering was received.
Miss Graham read a Temperance
Leading entitlee"Canada's Great Dis-
grace" by Jack Miner, Jr. A reading
of much interest, "The Stream Runs
Fast" by Nellie McClung was given
by Mts. Coons, A poem entitled" Dis-
eases test Friend" was read by Miss
Lewis. "Wonderful Peace" was a duet
tendered by Mrs. Lucas and Mrs.
Tottzeau, Mts. Rintotil accompanied
"Yield Not to Temptation" was sung
-and Mrs, Gowans closed the meeting
With prayer.
Wroxeter Students Enjoyed Game Of
The recent mild spell turned winter
into fall or spring for a great many
people in this district. Many farmers
did some plowing, but the palm should'
go to' Walter Woods,1Reeve of Turn-
berry, who plowed ten acres last week
finishing just before the snow started
to fall Friday afternoon.
The pupils of the Wroxeter Contin-
uation School will long remember this
month. On Tuesday last week the
boys and girls of that school enjoyed
a game of ball under the leadership of
their principal, Mr. K. Knight.
Retiring Chief Honoured By Police
And Court Officials
On Friday afternoon ,following the
police court proceedings, Chief of Pol-
ice George Allen, who retired the first
of the year, was presented with a beau-
tiful occasional chair, The presentation
address was made .by Crown Attorney
Dudley Holmes, on behalf of the town,
county and traffic police also the court
officials. Chief Allen has retired after
37 years in office and Mr. Holmes
spoke of his long and faithful service,
stating that his splendid record was
greatly appreciated. The presentation
was made by Capt. T. W. Platt, who
succeeds Mr, Allen and who was as-
sociated with Chief Allen, as night con-
stable prior to his enlistment.
Magistrate Otto McCie* also told
of the fine record of Chief Allen and
said that the police of Bruce County
had received splendid co-operation
from him.
COmmunity to Honour the Late Pit.
Lieut. A. Young.
A memorial service for Fit Lieut.
Archie Young, who was killed over-
seas, will be held in Knox Presbyter-
ian Church, Belgrave, on Sunday, Jan-
uary 20th at 2.30 o'clock.
Fit. Lieut. Young was one of four
Canadians killed over Oslo, Norway,
on November 18th, and was the son
of Mrs. Edna Young, Morris township,
Attended Fur Sales
Mr. and Mrs. A. R, DuVal were in
Toronto last week attending the fur
Sold Show Horse
Messrs. Currie & Tervit have sold
their show horse, "Joseph Guy" to
Mr. C. S. Rutledge, Kingston, Ont.
Attended Convention
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Yemen attend-
ed the annual meeting of the Canadian
Restaurant Association which was held
at the Royal York Hotel last week,
New President, Mrs. W. 3. Henderson
The Women's Missionary Society of
St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church held
their regular monthly meeting on Wed-
nesday, January 9th., at'three o'clock,
in the Sunday School Room of the
Church. The president, Mrs. W. 3.
Henderson was in the chair, and open-
ed the meeting with prayer. The scrip-
ture . Bible lesson was read by Mrs.
Alex. Nitnino and prayer was offered
by Mrs. John Raby, Minutes of the
last meeting were read by the Secret-
tary, Mrs. Thos. Currie, The treasur-
er's report was given by the treasurer,
Mrs, George Olver.
A Missionary reading was given by
Mrs. R. 14. Lloyd and Miss F. Wilson
gave the Dedicatory prayer after the
offering had been received. The pre-
sident, Mrs. Henderson, addressed the
meeting briefly regarding the work of
the Society for the coming year, A
lovely poem was read by Mrs. jolty
Mitchell in memoriam for the late Mrs,
'Jas. Nicholson
After the singing of the final liymo,
Mrs. W. A. Russell closed the meeting
With prayer.
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Moore, R. R.
No. 5, Lucknow, are watching the pro-
gress of some bulbs from Holland,
which they have planted in their house.
They expect to have some very fine
winter bloom, There are about six
varieties and they received them re-
cently from their son, Cpl. Charles
Moore, who is with the Army of Oc-
cupation overseas.
The attendance at the Wingham
Bridge Club is keeping at a high level
this year and on Thursday night nine
tables took part in the play with the
following results; North and South-
1st„ Miss Mary Johnston and Bert
Porter; 2nd., J, H. Crawford and Jack
Mason; 3rd., Miss M. McCallum and
George Williams; 4th., Syd. Elliott and
Art. Wilson; 5th., Mrs. W. L. Kress
and Mrs. R. S. Hetherington. East and
West-1st. Omar Haselgrove and W.
H. French; tied 2nd. and 3rd., Mrs. J.
J. Brown and Mrs. F. A. Parker, Mrs.
Bert Porter arid Don, Nasmith; 4th.,
Mrs. H. C. MacLean and C. H. Mc-
Avoy; 5th, Paul Winarski and R. R,
Ill 'With Pnetimonia
Mr. Charles Currie of Toronto, son
of Cpl, and Mrs. Geo. T, Currie, is ill
with pneumonia. His father, who is
stationed at Ancaster, went to Toronto
to be with him.
The regular monthly meeting of the
Women's institute will' be held on
Friday next week, January 18th. The
subject will be "Social Welfare". Mrs,
F, A. Parker is convener, The pro-
gramme committee is Mrs. J. 14. Craw,
ford, Mrs. H. Aitchison, Mrs. R. A.
Coutts, The roll tall will be answer-
ed by something that would benefit the
youth of our town. Hostesses': Mrs,
W. S. Hall, Mrs Hutcheson, Mrs, W.
Wellwood, Mrs. G. Orvis, Mrs. W. H.
Fraser, Mrs, 3. Ettiest,
Mrs. W. 3. Henderson will give a
report of the Area. Convention which
was held recently in London,
With Which is Amalgamated The Collie Vidette and Wroxpter News,
SubseriPtiOnE! $2,00 Per Year
Harvey Scott Believed To Have Been Fit. Lt. Scott Reid Showed Beautiful
Interested Coloured Photos Accidentally Shot By His Own
A regular Lions Luncheon was held
last Friday evening at Yemen's Grill,
The feature of the evening was the
showing of colored photos by Fit. Lt.
Scott Reid. Scenes taken around
Wingham were first shown, These
were followed by photos in and around
Lachine, Montreal, and the Lauren-
tians. Views taken in England proved
most interesting and many Lions could
easily identfy outstanding centres in
London. Scenes in France, Belgium,
Holland'and Germany were shown.
Views taken in the noted Belsen con-
centration camp were explained by
Scott. Returning to England some
particularly fine scenes around Wind-
sor castle were shown.
On motion of Lion Chas. Roberts
and Lion Will, Crawford, President
Bill Hamilton tendered a hearty vote
of thanks to Scott for his fine showing.
Lions commented that the views of the
countryside near Wingham were hard
to beat anywhere.
Guests of the club were Lt. Col. J.
Zeigler, BSM. Frank Hopper, Lieat,
Harvey Beecroft, Mr. Don Jeffs, Flt.
Lt. Scott Reid and PO. Ross Hamil-
ton. During the evening Ross Hamil-
ton accompanied by Lion Harold Vic-
tor Pym at the piano •presented two
pleasing trumpet solos. A quartette
composed of Lions Harry Gibson, Har-
ley Crawford, Bill Connell and Omar
Haselgrove rendered a number which
met with the approval of the Lions.
President Bill Hamilton welcomed
all the, returned men present and each
of the men responded with a few words
of appreciation at being home once
more. Lion Bob Hetherington receiv-
ed special attention and was occorded
a Lions Roar. Lion Bob told of his
pleasure at being back with the 'Lions
Secretary Stewart Beattie read a let-
ter from Miss Leslie Mae Wall in
which she expressed appreciation to
the Lions Club for the prize won by
her at the recent High School Com-
mencement. Lion Tamer Jack Mc-
Kibbon led in the usual good singing
assisted by Lion Harold V. Pym at
the piano. Tailtwister, Omar Hasel-
grove was on the job and gathered up
the usual fine from delinquent Lions.
The meeting closed with usual song
and the Lions Roar.
Coronor Dr. Gillies of Teeswater,
stated there would be no ingnest into
connection with the death of Harvey
Scott, 42-year-old Langside man found
dead Thursday last near Wraith Lake.
Crown Attorney 3, W. Freeborn of
Walkerton, also said there would be
no death probe..Both said they were
convinced death was accidental, Scott's
body was discovered by a neighbour,
William Wraith.
Gun shot wounds were found on the
left chest, believed to have been caused
aceidntally while Scott was climbing
over a brush pile near the lake. Inves-
tigation showed the safety catch on the
shot gun was not in working order,
Deceased was a trapper and is be-
lieved to have died about Christmas
time. No alarm was raised then at his
absence as his work kept him employed
away from home most of the time.
A fellow trapper, Wesley McPherson,
of Holyrood, had not seen the man
since just prior to Christmas.
Scott was born at Langside and had
resifted in that vicinity all his life.
William Wraith of Langside, dis-
covered the body lying in a brush pile
on the shore of Wraith Lake. The
shotgun was found near the body. He
trapped with Wesley McPherson of
Holyrood, who said Scott went hunt-
ing on Christmas and was not seen
after that date.
Scott is survived by his father, Wal-
ter J. Scott of Langside, and six bro-
thers, Gordon, Reeve of Ripley; Geo-
rge H.. Wingham; William, Langside;
Whitfield of Larder Lake; David over-
seas and James of London,
The funeral which was private, was
held from the residence of his brother,
Mr. William Scott, Langside, on Sat-
urday afternoon. Burial took place in
Langside Cemetery. The pallbearers
were, Farrish .Moffatt, Wes. Tiffin,
Alex. McCauley, Gordon Stanley, Bob
Davidson and Wm. Brown.
Annual Meeting Empowered he Ex-
eeutive To Close ,Eltainess Of the
Society During Their Term Of
At the annualineethig of the Wing-
ham and District Branch of the Red
Cross Society held on Monday even-
ing, Mrs. T. C. Kink the president,
expressed her appreciation of the co-
operation she received during the year
and made special mention of the work
carried on by the Eluevale and White-
church units, the 9th and 6th of Turn-
berry groups and the Women's Insti-
tute. She said there many faithful
workers but the chaste in conditions
due to the war ending had apparently
been the signal for much less work be-
ing accomplished.
The officers were re-elected as fol-
lows :
Honarary Presidents—Mayor Fred
L. Davidson, Mrs. Mary C. Griffin
Past President—Mrs. W. B. Mc-
President—Mrs. T, C. King
1st. Vice-Pres.—Mrs. A. W. Irwin
2nd. Vice-Pres.—Mrs, R. H. Lloyd
3rd. Vice-Pies,—Mrs. Donald Rae
4th Vice-Pres.—Mrs. J. W. McKib-
Secretary—Miss K. Pringle
Ass'tsSee'y.--Mrs. Geo. Howson
Treas.—Miss N. Dinsley
Clinic Sec'y,—Mrs. W. J. Greer
Clinic Ass'n—Mrs. Hinde
Sewing Committee—Mrs. D. Rae,
Mrs. R. Hobden, Miss E. Sturdy.
Inspection Committee—Mrs. W. G.
Hamilton, Mrs. Henry Ross.
Wool and. Desk Conveners--,Mrs. W.
H. French, Mrs. W. J. Adams
Ways and Means Committee—Rev.
W. A. Beecroft, W. W. Armstrong, G.
C, Gammage, Herb Campbell.
Shipping Committee—Mrs. W. 1St.
Connell, Mrs. George Ross, R. A.
Press Secretary—Mrs. W. B. Mc-
Executive Committee—Mrs. W. J.
Adams, Mrs. John Lockridge. Mrs.
Gordon Gannett, Mrs, W. M. Connell,
Mrs. Henry Ross, Mrs. Elwood Armi-
tage, Mrs. W. A. Beecroft, Mrs, W. G.
Hamilton, Mrs. George Ross, ilsfrs.
Norman Fry, Mrs. R: Hobden, Mrs. J.
N. H. Norton, Miss E. Sturdy, Capt.
W. J. Adams.
Miss K. Pringle, who has been sec-
retary since the branch was formed,
read the minutes of the last annual
Miss N. Dinsley, treasurer, whO has
held this office throughout the years
the branch has operated submitted the
following report.
Jan. 1st., 1945, cash on hand $ 1,879.28
District National Appeal 7,713.25
Salvage Collection, (Firemen) 200.00
Donation, var. sources 167.00
Plan For An Active Season
On Wednesday.evening last week an
enthusiastic meeting of the Wingham
Rifle Club was held for the purposes
of re.organizing the club which has
been inactive during the war years due
to shortage of ammunition and a num-
ber being in the services. The club
plans to have an active winter pro-
gram and the following officers were
Hon. Presidents—John W. Hanna,
M,P.P.; Cept. T. W. Platt
President—E. Webster
Vice-President—Helen Sturdy
Sec'y.-Treasurer—Frank Sturdy
Publicity—T. W. Platt
Teachers and Officers untertaino Akt
Dinner By The Superintendent
On Monday evening the teacehrt
and officers of the Wingham United
Church Sunday School were guests of
Mr, Frank Howson at a dinner served
in the Sunday School room 'by the
ladies of the Evening Auxiliary. Fol-
lowing the dinner the annual meeting
was held.
Two soldiers Harvey Beecroft and
Fred Howson who recently returned`
from overseas were given a hearty wel-
come and each spoke briefly.
Following the dinner Rev. W. A.
Beecroft gave an address and the an-
nual reports were presented. The ay.,
erage attendance for 1945 was 10 more
than the previous year, being 121, The
treasurer's report was the best in the
history of the Sunday School, the re-
ceipts amounting to over $950,00 and
the school has an investment in Vic-
tory Bonds of $400.00. The library is
a busy 'institution serving 167 active
Mr, Frank Howson was re-elected
superintendent and the other officers
and teachers were also returned to of-
fice with the exception that Fred How-
son was named Asst. Sec'y in niece of
Gordon Buchanan.
The evening was ocncluded with
games and contests which all enjoyed.
Lawrence A. MacDougall
It is with pleasure we introduce to
the people of this community, a new
member of The Advance-Times Staff,
Mr. Lawrence A. MacDougall. For
the past 15 years he has held the posi-
tion of foreman on the Tweed News,
Mrs. MacDougall and their two sons,
Lowell 12, and Gary 2, will come to
Wingham in the near future.
Motorist Assessed $10.00
Magistrate Otto McClevis of Wal-
kerton, in police court here on Friday
afternoon fined A. B. Hanna, R. R. No,
4, Atwood, $10.00 and costs on a
charge of hunting without a license.
Hanna pleaded guilty to the charge.
Edward Cronin of Teeswater, was
assessed $10.00 and costs as the result
of a motor accident. not having a per-
mit to drive a car.
The Annual Meeting of the Wing-
ham Horticultural Society will be held
in the Council Chamber at 8 p.m., on
Monday, January 21st., for the receiv-
ing of reports and the election of offic-
ers for 1946.
Going To Florida
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wilkinson are
leaving this week to spend the winter
in Florida.
Total $ 9960.23
Headquarters (85% Camp,) 6556.26
Prisoner of War Fund 500.00
Blood Donor Clinic ........... 246.77
Workroom Expenses 25.75
(Continued on page five)
At the opening session of Huron
County Council on Tuesday afternoon
Reeve ,Richard E. Shaddick of Hensall
was chosen as Warden. Reeve Shad-
click is a veteran in municipal politics,
having served as Reeve of Hensall for
eight yeats and was a member of the
council for two years previous to that
Chimney Fire
The fire brigade had a call to the
home of A. 0. Garrett, Diagonal Road,
Thursday. The chimney had taken
fire but burned itself out without any
A meeting of the Retail ,Merchants'
Association will be held in the Coun-
cil Chambers at 10 a.m, on Thursday
morning this week. All businessmen
are urged to be present and take part
in the discussion.
Mrs. Wm. Kennedy President For
Her 6th Term
Elected Bruce County Warden
Kenzie Foster, 11 years Reeve of
Bruce Township, was elected unan-
imously Warden of Bruce County at
the opening session of the Bruce Co-
unty Council on 'Monday.
Euchre and Dance, Belgrave, Jan. 17
A euchre and dance will be held in
the Forester's Hall, Belgrave, Thurs-
day, January 17th, Euchre starts at
8.30 and music by Jackson's orchestra.
There will be a lunch counter in the
hall and the proceeds are for the Bel-
grave rink. Admission 3.5 cents. Ev-
erybody welcome.
The annual meeting of the Red
Shield was held on Monday afternoon
at the Salvation Army Citadel. Offi-
cers for 1946 are as follows: Presi-
dent, Mrs, Wm. Kennedy, for her 6th
year; Mrs. Everick, treasurer; Mrs.
Fred Saint, secretary; Mrs. Lorne
Sanderson, sewing convener; Mrs. Or.
ville Walsh, Bale convener; Mrs, Ted
Simmons, Wool convener; Mrs. Ever-
ick, flower fund sec'y.
The number of articles shipped from
the district last year was 3184. Cash
donations amounted to $151,22. At
this time the Wingham Branch of the
R. S. W. A. wish to thank all those
who so kindly assisted with the work
and will greatly 'appreciate their as-
sistance in the post war period.
After the business meeting a social
time was 'held during which Mrs. Jas.
Bowman, who is leaving the auxiliary,
was presented with a carving set by
Mrs. Stuart Henry on behalf of the
ladies, The address was read by Mrs.
George Currie, Mrs. Capt. Totizeau
presented Mrs. Kennedy with a pair of
pictures 'and set of table Mats in ap-
preciation of her splendid work as
Lanett was served, bringing to a
close a very enjoyable afternoon.
The annual meeting of the Wingham
General Hospital will be held in the
Council Chambers on the evening 'of
January 25th.; at 8 p,m. No cards of
membership- hi the Hospital Assotia-
tion were issued this year, On a mot-
ion of the Board of Directors anyone
who has contributed $1,00 or more to-
ward the Building Fund of the hospi-
tal is considered a member of the As-
sociation for the year 1946, and is en-
titled to vote at the meeting, to hear
reports on the progress of the Hospital
during 1045 and tied directors for
As the partnership of W. W. Arm-
strong and W. B, McCeiol has been
dissolved as of January 1st, 1946,
all persons having accounts Owing
The Advance-Times Publishing Co.
are requested to make payment of
same at one in order that the btitis
ness Of the company may be con-
Your immediate attention to this
matter will be greatly appreciated.