HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1946-01-10, Page 7'Thurscl4Y, January 10 2 1040 WINGRA14 ADVANCg-TIMES SCOTLAND YARD START ROUND4IP TO .$MARII 4OPIPPIsr$ CRIMP 'WYE r1410 V•o; oviw / making it easier ter mt.ere tamers t® have 1ELEPVIOUES Just as soon as materials. beeoree available, we will extend telephone lines along public roams -where there is one applicant for service per half mile. The applicant will pay no construetion costs. Furthermore, there will be eto charge for the first '150 feet of pole line on his own prpert; a. nominal noterecutring charge of $5.00 per 250 feet will be made beyond that point. This Tlotable re ill in construction charges to new subscribers will help bring nearer our goal of waking teleplaone service avail- able to the greatest possible num- ber of farm families. Eight thousand London police have swept into action against Lon- don's gangsters in a drive to smash the crime wave there and round up Luanda of 4.sertorR from British. U.S.. Canadian and Polish services. A Piccadilly crowd, left, is pictured as police question the mob whict empties from a cinema. The position of each police patrol car is n'ottec on a large man..right. as Progress is reported back to Scotland Yard, United Church, Jan. 6th,, Holy mu-. munion was observed, Rev. j. L. Fos- ter spohe from the words, 'It is fin- ished and he bowed his head and have up the ghost", St. Johns gospel, oh. 19. verse 30. Ten 'new members were received into the.churek Mr, and Mr's. Merwyn Grainger from Roe's Church, Ethel; Mr. and Mrs, R, Pacey, from . Orangeville United. Murrell; Mrs, Stewart Higgins from iMolesworth Presbyterian church, also Mrs. George MacDonald, Mrs, Vern MacDonald,' Mrs, Wm, MontgomerY, Mr, and Mrs, Fred Montgomery, Former Rector cites To Kerwood Rev. John Leslie Ball for the past three years Chaplain in the, army has been appointed rector 'of the Parish of Kerwood, Adelaide and Warwick, it was announced Friday from the office of the Synod of Huron. Ur. Ball was • horn at Nottingham, England, He was a graduate of Emmanuel Theological College of the University of Saskat- chewan. Prior to his enlistment in 1942, he was rector of the parish of Carrie, Fordwich and Wroxeter. He is replacing Rev. W, J. Zimmerman, who left the Kerwood charge last fall to become principal of the Mohawk In- stitute at Brantford. • Butcher Shop 'Moved Mr. Wesley Heimpel, our local but- cher, has moved into his new quar- ters, the store which lie purchased from Mrs. Fred Davey. WROXETER Rules for the term September to Dec- ember made such a good showing it was impossible to award prizes to the number deserving, instead the gift of a book is being made to their library, for the benefit and pleasure of all the Pupils. Two new members were wel- comed, Mrs.Jra Maclean and Mrs. A. McKercher, Tea was served at the close when the hostess was assisted by Mrs, Anger, Mrs. Hamilton and Mrs. Wearring, Jan. W.M.S. Meeting The first meeting of 1946 of the W, M.S. United Chur*ch will be held in the church parlours, Friday, Jan. 11th., at 3 p.m. Miss K. Hazelwood, Secretary of Christian Stewardship will be in charge of the Topic. Mrs. Munroe will preside. All ladies of the con- greagation are cordially- invited to the monthly meetings of the W.M.S. Soc- iety. We are pleased to welcome home ..front overseas Sgt. Jack Barlow, of the R.C,A,F,, who was met in Toronto by his wife (nee Jean Sangster). They :with their young daughter, Ruth Ann, will leave shortly to visit Sgt, Barlow's parents, Cam, John and Mrs: Barlow, •of New' York. Mrs. 'B. Martin who has been' visit- ing with Mr, and .Mrs, Bill Martin at L0ndqn, is spending a few days at her residence in the 'village. 'Mr. and Mrs. D. S. McNaughton 'spent New Year's with friends at Lon- don, Mrs. Norman Muir was. a holiday visitor with her parents, Dr, T, E. and Mrs, Ball. • Mr. and Mrs, A. Moffat and daugh- ter, MarjOrie, also Mr. and Mrs. Har- Of abandoning your own business or to help you buy ration taxes instead vey Timm and daughter,. Marjorie, were London visitors On Monday last. Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Rae of Hanover, were Sunday visitors with Mrs, D. W, Rae, Mr. Les Harris reecntly returned from overseas left for Sudbury last week to take up work in the mine, where he was etnployed. before going ovrseas. Leslie's many friends here wish him every success, The Mauretania which docked at Halifax a few days ago brought Sgt. Gordon Grieg home to his wife( .nee Vera Wright) and two small children, Carol and. Melville. Mrs, Grieg and Carol also Mr. and Mrs. Win. Wright went- to London to meet him and' on Sunday evening, a family dinner party was given in his honour. Sgt. Grieg has been overseas one year. His many friends are pleased to welcome him home, them completely. • * Tile Dominion to abandon succession duties and taxes on gasoline, amuse- ments, race track, pari-mutuels, scant- ity transfers and electricity, and to ef-- fectively recognize provincial priority in taxation of mining and logging oper- ations. YOUR EYES NEED ATTENTION Lions Supper Meeting The monthly supper' meeting of Howick Lions Club will be held in the United Church Hall, Fordwich, Thurs- day of this week, Major R. S. Hether- ington will be the guest speaker. Mrs. Fiwellen and grandson, Frank Thomas, who have been guests of the formers daughter, Mrs. RtisSel Rae and Mr. Rae for sometime left for Saskatoon on Friday last., * * * eter Branch of the Women's Institute was held on Thursday, January 3rd.„ at the home of Mrs. J, N. Allen. The president, Mrs. H. V. McKinney, pre- sided and opened the meeting with singing of th Ode and repeating the Lord's Prayer. The Seeretary, Mrs. W. T. Maclean read many letters of appreciation from those remembered at the Christmas season. Current Ev- ents' prepared by Mrs, Burke and read by Mrs. Frank Sanderson touched on many items of interest closing with a choice verse -for the --New Year. The Roll Call a New Year's resolution brought a 'fine response. Mrs.. Mc- Naughton spoke briefly of the execut- ive meeting held in Guelph late in Oct- ober and -stressed the importance of th Branch standing committees. The members were pleased to hear their adopted soldier, David Roger of Chris- tie Street Hospital had been a guest of Mrs. J. J. Allen on New Years Day. Under the direction Of Mrs. H. I. Durst, community singing was enjoy- ed. Mrs. Howse chose the book, "The Gauntlet" by James Street for her Re- view and thrilled her audience as she carried them from chapter to chapter. Posters on Health made by Senior room pupils of public school were on display. Every one was worthy of a prize, the judges awarding Dorothy Walker 1st.. Bruce Montgomery, 2nd. The display was a credit to pupils 'and their teacher, Mr. H. Hamilton. The Junior room contest, Observing Health Our 25 Point Scientific Examin- ation enables us to give you Clear. Comfortable Vision Red Cross Annual Jan, 23rd. The annual meeting of Wroxeter Red Cross Society will be held in the Red Cross Rooms on January 23rd., at 8 p.m. Will all those interested be on hand to hear financial and other re- ports. The War is over but the Red Cross carries on at all times, helping to alleviate the suffering of humanity. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Maclean moved on Monday from their apartment to the Henning residence on Howick Street. Three Brothers Presented The School-house, No, 2, Turisberry, was the scene of a happy gathering on Monday evening when friends of the section and neighbourhood gathered to welcome Home the three Harris bro- thers, Leslie, Jack and George. Danc- ing was enjoyed, local talent providing the music. A .new lamp, the gift of Mr, and Mrs. Eldred Nichol, adding greatly to the lighting system, The people of S. S. No. 2, are deeply grate- flit to Mr. and Mrs. Nichol for their gift to the school house. The ladies served refreshments. The Harris bro- thers were called forward, Bob Bennett read an address, expressing the pleas- ure at being able to welcome them home and thanks of their friends and neighbours for the service each had given. Raymond Elliott presented each of the ,boys' with a gift of money, on behalf of neighbours and friends, • Annual S. S. Meeting The teachers and officers of United Church Sunday School met in the church, school room on Wednesday 'evening. Reports for 1945 were very encouraging. The following officers and teachers will carry on for 1946, Superintendent, Rev. 5. L. Foster; Sec- retary-Treasurer, Alvin Sharpin; Crad- le Roll. Mrs. Leslie Douglas; Teach- ers, Mrs. Townsend, Mrs. Munroe, Rev. j, L. Foster, Alvin Moffat, G. A. Wearring, Harold Hamilton; assist- ants, Mrs. Grainger, Mrs. G. Howes, Mrs. Wm. Wright, Mrs. Harold Ham- ilton. F. FIRTH Uniform provincial succession duty acts, colleCtion by the Dominion of per- sonal income and corporation taxes for the provinces, equalization of provin- cial corporation taxes. Optometrist Phone 118 Hariston * a * one for yourself or enter partnership under certain conditions. How soon after discharge inust I apply to my former employer if I want my old job back. -Normally, you must apply within three months after discharge in Can- ada, or four months after discharge overseas, Can I complete my matriculation un- der the rehabilitation program? -Yes. If your occupation calls for "matric", you may receive both a speed-up course and maintenance grants. You are eligible equally if you are preparing for University study. However, in this second case you would do better to foot your own bills for your preparatory work-tuition fees are higher at University, so it's a good idea not to exhaust part of your bene- fit period before you even get there! What is "rehabilitation training"? -This term is often used in referring to the whole program of occupational training for veterans. Instruction is given not only in full-time (and part- time) classes, but also by apprentice- ship, by training "on the job", and by correspondence courses. (If you have a problem, write to Re- habilitation Information Committee, Wartime Information Board, Ottawa.) THE ROAD AHEAD W. I. Hear Book Review The January 'meeting of the Wrox'- A Column for Service People By William Stephenson Creation of a national adjustment fund by provincial contributions of 10z per cent of personal income and cor- porporation tax and succession duty' revenue, the fund to be paid to provin- ces requiring assistance. • * * Permanenet establishment of a Dom- ioion-provincial co-ordinating commit- tee made up of Dominion and provinc- ial premiers or their appointees, and a Dominion-provincial economic board, of economic experts. Business and Professional Directory Must I pass a medical examination before I can take out a veterans' insur- ance policy? -No, except in a few special cases. In fact, a main purpose of veterans' insurance is to protect the dependents of those ex-service people who because of impaird health, cannot pass the med- ical exams required by commercial in- surance companies. I have a chance to become a partner in a small radio repair shop. Can my Re-establishment Credit be used for this purpose -Yes. Under present regulations, the Credit can be used to help finance HARRY FRYFORE A. U. O.A. WELLINGTON FIRE Insurance Company Est. 1840 An all Canadian Company which has faithfully served its policy holders for over a century. Head Office - Toronto H. C. 'MacLean Insurance Agency Wingham '" * * Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director Furniture and Funeral Service Ambulance Service Phones: Day 109W. Night 1091 Teeswater, Ontario Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public and Conveyancer. Office: Gofton House, Wroxeter every Thursday afternoon 1.30 to 4.30 and by appointment. Phone - Teeswater 120J: Continuing consultation on timing of public work projects and health pro- ,posals. Teri Members Received Following morning service in the FREDERICK A. PARKER HIGHLIGHTS OF ONTARIO BRIEF • * * Old age pensions to all persons over 65, without a means test, as soon. as this can be financed by the Dom- inion. OSTEOPATH Offices: Centre St., Wingham Osteopathic and Electric Treat- ments, Foot Technique. Phone 272. Wingham. Hart BUSIIFIELD Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. Money to Loan Office - Meyer Block, Wingham SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK ' By R. J. SCOT! OR. R. L. STEWART PHYSICIAN * The Dominion to assume full fin- ancial responsibility to employable un- employed and 75 per cent of the cost of assistance for unemployables, am/ of other provincial public welfare pro- jects. Telephone 29 Highlights of proposals in the Ont- ario submission prepared for the Dom- inion-Provincial Conference and made public Sunday night. * • * The provinces to share with the Do- minion in personal income and corpo- J. A. FOX J. II. CRAWFORD Chiropractor and Drugless Therapist. RADIONIC EQUIPMENT COMPLETE HEALTH SERVICE Phone 191. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. Bonds, Investments & Mortgages Wingham Ontario W. A. CRAWFORD, M. O. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON P1300.ch 150 Wingham 5. In favor of 25. Coin (Port.) 6. Breeze 27. Chop 7. Plane tree 28. Ma.Xims 8, Assert 29. Declamatory 13. Juice of speech plants 30. Speck 14, Loose, hang- 32. Passage.. ing point viays 16. Color 33. Most faithful? 19. Fold over 34. Diocesan 20. Musical denter instrument 86. Nothing 22. Sharp to 40. An ice-cream the taste drink 11 p OP • fAili{fUL A. PE:rftl ri ED 'FREE f tf Eo Fo MS< of ARIZONA r IS ES'n $.4 AfiET> -ro SE- Al.t.toM* *Ka t.owco 'YEARS op> Anil taw •Aaimuct WIMMI MWUR 00130100 MM -MMW MN ▪ Eirt;i: 7, I P IV CjT E, I P. s. 42. Male adults 43,,Conclude DR. W. I CONNELL .7/ 2 3 c4 6 PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON IVO, Wm 5enkinie.11., Wald llaht. 6 ' rA IS 19 20 v 11 6 /5 '7 PhOrie 19 Experienced Auctioneer Licensed for Counties of HURON & BRUCE All Sales Capably Handled Ripley, Ontario Phone 49. DONALD B. BLUE Veterinary Surgeon Office -Minnie St. Opposite 'and South of the United Church. ?HONE 196 Wingham, Ontario K. M. MacLENNAN •41E WORD AWOL. COMES FROM fiatE Lit1 /441t4 Wort.0 PENICI).1.1)54 MEARIN4 KIAIL Wilkf 15 4E. two. f•oti. IRE lAre,tAr_ dikAas ? By WALLY BISHOP ilit,if•5fr/s4.4.1.5 NW( PieuRES o 111E. 04119E. SURFACE. or 4LAss Baffi.E.5 ACROSS 1, Shove 5. Father (child's term) 9. Inside 10. Valley On the moon 11. Handle of a whip 12, Verbal 13, Twisted 10. Thrice (nets.) 17. A wing 13. Save from wreckage 21. Pound , 23. Won 24, Land- meastare 26. Biver (It.) 27. Odium 31. Coins (Latvia) 85. Form in which liter• ary work is published 87, Anger 33, COnilict 39. A fine gauze 41. Sport -&4. Cavity 45. Pare,dite 46. March date Dispatch 4,6, DO Final WN 1. A relish g, Illusive Peek ;two nattia 23 22 21 425 a, 9 24 29 7. 28 .e; MUGGS AND SKEETER wu..trFie, Acivis WNy i1. ItE:DARCIKIG GoNG.., ARE 'Ibt) tT11.1. AT ? ( VO4ATS ThE SECRET BEIRG A$1.5, TO 6E1- OP OM YOUR EME. Mt WOZ rtRST 5000 114EV iikl4AiR UP OMTOP Or KIM ,.REAL 1i64t.. WUZ A GREAT HE:P II 011 JEST PRAcilse, INOTI-1A10! 3 38 /, PI/ 6 100',:16,1/4 • Feaiurei,5la: mtaita aims reiery 4 92 4 It