HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1946-01-10, Page 5Thursday, January 10, 1946 Stephen Reeve Roy Rats 581, Thomas Love 324, Deputy reeve — Arthur Amy 383, Nelson Schenk 250, Edward Lippert 224, Council—Elmer Lawson 630, Jack Morrissey 443, James Dalton 401, Jack Quinlivan 346, First three elected. School Trustees—Ross Love, Ernest Welland (ace!.). Tuckersmith Reeve—Arthur Nicholson (accl.). ,Council — Gordon Richardson 419, Roy Tucker 387, Charles McKay 883, Harold Jackson 340, defeated Roy Belt 283, J. W. Crick 226,, Angus Robert- son 105. School Area Trustees — John Mc- Gowan 217, James McIntosh,. defeated George Falconer 130. Usborne Reeve—Hugh Berry 511, Clark Fish- er 235. Council — William 'Ellington 523, Wellington Brock 518, Oscar liuckey 448, Gilbert Duncan, 432, defeated Ha- rold Jeffrey 322, Clinton. Mayor—A. J. McMurray 589, Nel- son Trewartha 331. Reeve—G. W. Nott 461, J. V. Fal- coner 442. Council — Ernest Brown 624, Clar- ence Livemore 589, J. R. Butler 424, C. H. Epps 394, A. H. Shaddick 392, M. J. Agnew 365, defeat,. H. R. Hatton 319, Melvin Crich 335, C. G. Middle- tonp .2u4.6. c .—W. E. Purdue 476, H. R. Hawkins 436. by-law establishing a town parks board was carried. Clifford Reeve—C. H. Beeman (accl.). ,Council , C. V.• Koehler 124, Arnold Darroch 123, William A. Penman 120, Allan Robb 94; defeated Henry Am- oneit 71. School trustees—Dr. A. J. Butler, Carl Bast, Eldon Demerling (accl.). Hydro Commissioner — Benjamin Wightman ,(accl.). cii Listowel Mayor—John McMichael 488, How- ard McKendie 464, ' Reeve—J. G. Burt 616, C. J. Ben- son 324. Council—Elwood Smith, J. Grabb William Pratt, Forbes Bricker, J. R. Oliver, David Davidson (accls.). Board of Education—O. W. Nickel, J. R. Brown, George Fuller, W. C. Pratt (accls.). By-law — "Are you in favor of a ,$250.000 sewerage system with taxa- tion spread over a 15 year period?" Yes 338, No 155. By-law—Are you in favor of fixed 10-year assessment of $2,000 for the I istowel Casket Company? Yes 390, No. 112, Bruce Township Reeve—Kenzie Foster (ant). Council—Russell Cummings 371, J, D. McGillivray 344, john Kidd 334, Joshua Howe 308; defeated, Donald Buchanan 228. Huron Township Reeve—Donald A. MacDonald 431, Walter M. Brown 321. Council—Richard Martin 474, How- ard MdGuire 402, Gordon Finlayson 361, Eli Morgan 315; defeated, Russell Osborne 305, Wesley Thompson 261, William Steele 210. Lucknow Reeve—J. WI Joynt (accl,). Council—Austin Soloman, J. Nix- on, Temple Clark, Harry Trelevan (accts.), Board of Education (two qualified for three positions. Further nomina- tions later)—j, L. McMillan, Thomas Smith (accls.). Palmerston Reeve—W, r1. Gallagher 363, E. FL Brown 283. CoUncil—Clarence Watt 379, David Wilson 358, John Nicholl 322, Wilbur Welsh 303, Arthur Carr 298, Mark Rogers 293; defeated, Jack Leaky 277, Norman Stephenson 260, Charles Mc- Laughlin 239. P,T..T.C.—J. F. Edward 413, D. Mc- Laughlin 327; defeated,, Harold Britt- geford 213. Exeter Reeve—Benson W. 'Dickey 393, Aa- ron Switzer 269. Council—William C: Allison, J. Wel- lington Han, John Caldwell, Edwin M. Dig ail (acc.), P,TIC.—Luther J. Pei (acel.). Board of Education — j. Hubert Jones 579, William Middleton 431, 3, Melvin Soutlicott 421, Harold Whyte 411; defeated Sylvester 'Taylor 242. Mildniay Reeve-,-.1, P. Phelan 129, Menno El- lig 0, Wesley Johnson 50. Council Charles Lobsinger, Leo Teeswater Reeve—Andrew McTavish., (ace!), Council—M, A. Donahue, F. T. Field W. G, Church, L. J. MOTO, (accts.). School Board--H. D. Heistrop, C. Thompson, A. R. Blair, (accls.) Hydro Comm,7--W. J. Freeman, (accl.) McKillop Township Reeve—N, Russell Dorrance, (apcl.) Council—Daniel Betirrnan,, iGeorge Campbell, Frank Kirkby, Matthew Murray, (ace!,) NOMINATION AND ELECTION RESULTS Brussels Reeve—R. B. Cousins, (ace].) Council—A. M. GreWer, L: W. Eck- meier, W. E. Willis, R. W. Kennedy, (accl.) School Trustees—D. M. McTavish, Rev. H. C. Wilson, W. C. Kerr, (accl). P.U.C.—J. C.,Baker, (accl). Hay Township Reeve—William Haugh, (accl). Council—Irwin J. Willard, Samuel Hendrick, Earl Campbell, Oscar Klopp (ace), All re-elected. Stanley Township Reeve—J. E. Pepper, (accl.), re-el- ected. Council—Elmer Webster, Clarence Park, Alvin McBride, Earl Houston, (accl). School Trustees—Harvey Taylor, Lyle Hill, Frank, McCowan, Archie Parson, Fred Raphwell (acct.) Seaforth Mayor—J. J. Cluff, (accl). . Reeve—John F. Daly, (accl). Council—I. Hudson, Frank A. Sills, Merton A. Reid, Norman Hubert, J. Edward Keating and Richard Parke, (accl). P.U. C—Ken n eth M. Campbell, (accl). School Trustees—East Ward, B. F. Christie; North Ward, George A Spence'! South Ward, J. A. Westcott, (acel.) Just Arrived Winterize Your Car Now DON'T WAIT UNTIL THE DAMAGE IS DONE. Have us fill your radiator with permanent Anti- Free (Ethyl Glycol), or Chrysler Approved Alcohol. We are distributors for RED STAR OIL AND GREASES The perfect lubrication for winter driving. Let us take care of all your car needs. Expert Repair Service on Cars, Trucks & Tractors. Complete stock of Genuine Chrysler Parts, NEW TRUCKS AVAILABLE ON PERMIT ' Edwards' Motor Sales Victoria St., Wingham Phone 417, Listen to our CKNX Program 8A5 pan., Each Wednesday. Save 20 0 Do not be misled . All synthetics for tires are iden- tical . . but with Superlastic y ou save 20%. Compare the prices. For Passenger Cars Sizes Tires Tubes 440-450/21 ..... - ...... 0:54070541090/2)0 ..... ......... 44755 / 525-550/17 ..... ... . ........ 525450/17 525-550/18 ..... ............. 525-550/19 600/16 ... - .... ......... 600/16 625-650/16 700/16 ....... ......... .... ..... 4-ply...$11.25 4-ply 12.20 4-ply 11.75 4-ply 15.50 6-ply 19,35 4.-ply 14.10 4-ply 16,20 64.-ppllyy 2117..5255 4-ply 21,25 4-ply 23.05 6-ply 28.85 2,35 3.00 2.85 3,30 3.30 3.30 3.30 33:2255 4.00 4.35 4.35 For Trucks Sizes Tires Tubes 32x6-700/20 ..„ ........... 10-ply $43.90 $5,90 34x'7-750/20 ... 10-ply 54.40 8,30 825/20 ..., 10-ply 63,15 9,55 PRIKTED G,ummeb TAPE NMI*.BY pApcninuinnicr5 Styles for , every business veriout colots and designs Samples. suggestions and prices without obligations . WINGHA1VI ADVANC-TI14 S PAGE MV14 control of the warbic fly, 'I', B. testing of all dairy herds. It was also asked, for an opinion on credit union and hospitalization plan, Some thought wq did need a credit, union while others didn't think ,so. Some thought hospit-, alization would be all right while Otheri didn't understand it. The remainder of the evening was spent in progressj ive euchre,'high prize for ladies going to Mrs, Irlma,,Jenkins, low, Mrs. Har- old McCormick; high for men, Bob McKenzie, low, Harold McCormick, Lunch was served. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mr, an Mrs. Horald McCormick. January Clearance Sale Mei P MINS The Corner grocery Brimful of .8peciats with the Needed Items 'for your Ilome, If You Can't'Come, Phone 17 or Z. We Deliver, WelwOods continue the Isal4 custom of Holding an Annual January Clearance Sale. THE BEST BARGAINS OF YEAR THIS T 1. hursday Friday Saturday Sale Of Winter Coats . ONLY A FEW LEFT Several Groups Grapefruit Special (120's) Texas full of Juice,5c ea Celery California Green Pascal, special 1.5c and 17c Cabbage, Turnips, Potatoes, Carrots, special priced, 2nd. LINE MORRIS FARM FORUI4 Victory, Farm Forun;}, second line; West, Mo4is, met at the home of Ross Smith on Monday evening. The sub- ject under discussion was "How Im- portant is Rural 'Community Organiz- ation". One fact was very evident from the discussion, the need for more edu.4 cation among rural people in regard organization and co-operation. Some suggestions offered as coMmunity pro- jects were cleaning up e of roadsides, also more consideration given to the church. It was decided a law should be passed to stop the wholesale cutting of lush lots as a soil conservation mea- sure. Recreation. consisting of contests and cards was enjoyed followed by lunch. The next ineeting will be held at the home of Mr. and ,Mrs, Bernard Thomas. PASTRY FLOUR SPECIALS. Robinhood Oats, Pan dried, 5 Huron, Pastry, 24 lb, 69c lb. sack, for ......... , . -„,26c Better Krust Pastry, l b 72c Eatrnore.Wheat ,Berries, 5,113,23c Pat-ia-Pan'Pastr'y 24' lb..-.....75c Dehydrated Cranberries, cooks Huron Pastry, 7 lb. 25c : in Vmin., makes 1 lb., pkg,.230 Chocolate Flavored Syrup — for Drinks or Toppings, 15 oz. ... . *. .4. , . 55c Diaper Wash (new) just soak and rinse, pkg....29c Kraft Dinner, with grated Cheese, special „ .17c REDUCED - PRICES" ON WOOL DRESSES Regular $48.95 - Sale $25.00 Regular $39.95 - Sale $19.95 Regular $29.95 - Sale $12.50 GIRLS' DRESSES AS LOW AS 79c Lifebuoy Soap — (the health soap) 2 cakes 11c Woodbury's Facial Soap 2'-'11c Champ, real cleaner, Lantern Glasses, only 10c Fruit Cakes, the best, 1 and 2 lbs Nippy Nut Butter, jar for Dandy Boy Cocoa, 2 lb. tin......38c Oxford Inn Vegetable Soup......8c Cowan's Cocoa, 1 lb, tin ..„.. ..... .23c Chateau or Velveeta Cheese,1/2 lb. pkg. special .19c Med. Can. Cheese 34c; Real Old Cheese . . „ 38c New Navel Sweet Oranges — See the sizes at the New Low Prices. SHEETS AND SHEETING,AT REDUCED PRICES DRAPERIES — Some very pretty fabrics and colours 50c'yard DRAPERY REMNANTS AT LOWEST PRICES IMAGINABLE Red Front Tea Special, choice blend in a full bodied Tea, I/2 lb. pkg. special 37c' Sunburry Tea, J/2 lb. pkg, 35c Shredded Wheat, 2 pkgs. 23c Jackson's Roman Meal, pkg....26c Tip Top Tomato Juice 28 oz. 12c Classic Cleanser, pkg. 4c Milk Pails, 14 qt. (heavy) .... ....,55c Javex, concentrated, bottle.,....14c HOUSE COATS Comfortable and' dressy House Coats - Specially priced $4.50. GIRLS' WINTER COATS Limited number — Sizes 6 -, 10. Clearing as Low as $3.00 each. Red Fro s t Grotery Ask for our special-1946 Calender for your home. WELWOODS Phone 414 - Wingham. Successor to H. E. Isard & Co. Koenig, Theodore Hesch, Fred Schwi- cbtenburg (accls.). Hydro—John Brant (accl.). BRUCE COUNTY COUNCIL 1946 Albermarle—Alfred Balls. Amabel—James Rusk, Arran—Edward McMullen. Brant—John Inglis. Bruce—Kenzie Foster. Carrick—Jacob Fischer. 'Ciesley—W. G. Durst. Culross—Lester Falconer. Eastnor—Robert Reid. Elderslie—Robert Sloan. Greenock—Harold Donnelly. immummisonsissommr Hepworth—E. J. Downs, Huron—Donald MacDonald. Kincardine Town—William Walsh. Kincardine Twp.—Clifford Hewitt, Kinloss—Richard Elliott. Lindsay—Selby Forbes. Lions Head—Gordon White. Lucknow—J. W.' Joynt. Mildmay—J. P. Phelan. Paisley—S. F. Ballachey. Port Elgin—W. S. Fenton, Ripley—Gordon Scott. Saugeen—Walter Leeder. Southampton—Everitt Short. St. Edmunds-Weir Grieve. Tara—C. R. VanDusen. Walkerton—Charles McNaughton. Wiarton—Rolf Hunter. as ushers were Roy Wrigley, brother of the bride, and FO. Jack Waller, R. C.A.F. • The reception was' held at the Up- lands Golf Club, where Mrs. Wrigley welcomed the guests. After a honeymoon on the mainland, for which the bride left in •a; resida green suit, three-quarter-length coat, •trimmed with Russian squirrel, Match- ing green hat, broWn accessories and corsage bouquet of gardenias. Flt.-Lt. and Mrs. Irwin will make their home temporarily at .Comox, where the groom is stationed. and a corsage of sweetheart roses. The young couple were attended by Lieut. T. Douglas and Mrs. Clarke of Lucknow. After a trip to Toronto, they will reside at Preston. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Mr. and Mrs. Jack Carter have taken up residence here. LAW. Ida Read of Ottawa, spent a week with Mr. and Mrs. Horace Ait- chison. Mr. J. H. Crawford spent Sunday in Brampton with his mother, Mrs. J. Crawford. Mrs. W. W. Armstrong is visiting this week in Toronto, with her aunt, Mrs. Edith Wood. Mrs. Donald Rae spent a few days last week with her sister, Mrs. Alex. Miller, Carlingford. Cpl. George Currie of Ancaster, spent the week-end at his home the 12th of Wawanosh. Irwin - Wrigley Christmas decorations and white chrysanthernumS made a pretty set- ting at Oak Bay United Chin-eh, when Greta Olive, only daughter, of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Wrigley, Falkland Road, became the bride of Flt-Lt. Richard Irwin, 'eldest son' of Mr. and Mrs. J. Herson Irwin, of Wnigham, Ont. Rev. W. W. McPherson solemnized the service. Thos. Wrigley, uncle of the bride, presided at the organ and during the signing of the register, Miss Rob- erta Patterson sang "Through the Years." Given in marriage by her father, the bride was lovely in a floor-length gown, of white satin with' long pointed sleev- es and sweetheart neckline. Her full- length embroidered veil, with 'satin ap- plique, fell from a scalloped lace coro- net. Her only ornament was a single strand of pearls, the gift of the groom, and she carried a shower bouquet of gardenias, pink roses and chrysanthe- mums. Miss Adele Plant was bridesmaid, wearing a floor-length , gown of white jersey silk, fashioned on Grecian lines, long white gloves, a headdress of white net and carried a bouquet of pink car- na'tiOns. Douglas Lee, formerly of the R.C.A.F., was groomsman and acting WEDDINGS O'Hagan - Gibbons In a charming ceremony at St, Pat- rick's Church, Saturday, January 5th,, Angela ,Helen, daughter of Patrick Gibbons, Beattie Avenue, London, and formerly of Wingham, became the bride of Thomas Maurice O'Hagan, sbn of the late Mr. and Mrs. John O'I-Iagan, of Jamestown, N. Y., and nephew of the late Dr. Thomas O'Hag- an, well-known Canadian writer. Rev. Father F. Lawless officiated and the wedding music was played by Mrs. Max Joy. Singers during the service were the children of the radio hour of St. Patrick's School, where the bride has been, a teacher. Escorted and given in marriage by her father, the bride was radiant in her graceful gown of ivory slipper satin, with basque bodice, sweetheart neck- line and long full skirt: Her full-length veil of appliqued illusion was held in a Dubarry headdress of pearls and lil- ies•of the valley and she carried a sheaf of Briarcliff .troses and wore as her only ornament the groom's gift of pearls. Mrs. Joseph O'Hagan of Toronto, as matron of honour, wore a floor-length ginvn of siesta blue silk velvet with matching headdress and bouquet of y4llow snow chrysanthemums. Little ary Kathryn Gibbons of Wingham, niece of the bride, was a winsome flo- wer girl, wearing a Kate Greenway frpck of turquoise tafetta with match- ing bonnet and colonial bouquet of fcirget-ine-nots. Joseph O'Hagan of Toronto, was his brother's best man, arid ushers were Blair Gibbons and Wilmer O'Hagan, Toronto. ;After a reception and wedding break- fatt at Hotel London, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Maurice (Mogan left to spent their honeymoon in New York. The bride'chose for travelling an en, semble of hunter's green crepe and velvet with Matching accessories and seal coat. The couple will take up residence in Jamestown, N.Y, Aitchison - Campbell A quiet but very pretty wedding took place at First United Church Parson- age, Galt, at 11 o'clock, Saturday morn- ing, January 5th., when the Rev. P. T, Faichney, united in marriage, Islay Mellissa Campbell, Reg. N.,' daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Campbell of Lucknow, and Mi. Alymer George Aitchison, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hor-: ace, Aitchison of Wingham. The bride was a member of the staff at Galt General Hospital and the groom re. turned to Canada in November, after serving overseas, The bride was love- ly in a fuschia crepe street-length dress, black coat and black accessories, REMINGTON ELECTRIC SHAVERS (Dual Head) TWO BURNER AND SINGLE HOT PLATES ' You May Now Place Your Order for Frigidaire Refrigerators, Frigidaire Ranges,' Coffield Washers, Stromberg-Carlson Radios No Tire Rationing Certificate Now Required Buy Wisely — Insist on Super - Last c . SYNTHETIC TIRES Built to Government Wartime Regulations STEWART Home Appliances PHONE 29 11111111111•1111•111111111111MNIIMIMINIMP HURON-BRUCE FARM FORUM Canadian Tire Corporation Associate Store Campbell's Garage WINGHAM - ONTARIO ,The Huron-Bruce Farm. Forum was held at'the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. McAllister with an attendance of 25, rThe discussion was "How Important is Aural Community Organization". It was first asked what jobs needed to be done hi our community, Sdine of them Were keeping'the weeds cut on the road sides, repairing and gravelling roads,