HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1946-01-10, Page 31! k doNS HAM ADVANCE-TIMES "Thursday, January 10, 1946 ried about the futs re",. said the dough- • ty little Cockney Minister, "The day is coming when we can spread and• expand." !*"fffilDMIMPOO P "MOOMPRPHOM0117400MPIliMMUWOMMIMMAniquP1000. P PI P ;0 P 0 $ 114,9.104100#00{01,0,0041011400101140,0010M0800,001 1 ii PPIPWI77,7!!14r017l ,, 0 ,,, 1.40100,11WIRSOMMII!!!,10 , ;0! , flimolimo,..q1,4410;10,,,,wil , pi , .., , , ,, km,q 11111 , 0$;,,k,,,,m,,,,,mmiglig40 'in South East Asia including Burma, French indo China„ Thieland and gal„ aya. The Church in the Netherlands, Indies and the Islands of the South Pacific, Mrs, 51 Elliott contributed. poem, with a beautiful New Year Message, An interesting feature of the meeting was the presentation of a Life Membership Certificate from the Aux- iliary to Miss Olive M, Scott, An ad- dress was read by Mrs, W. Id. ,McKin- ney and Mrs. R; F, Garniss made the presentation, Miss Scott thanked the Society for the honour, its members had bestowed on her, At the close of the meeting delicious refreshments were served by' Mrs, R. Elliott, Mrs, j, J, Elliott, Mrs, Lillow, Miss Florence Fowler and Mrs. W. H, McKinney and a social period was en- joyed. THE PICK OF TOBACCO it DOES taste good in a pipe 1946. The Society voted thirty dollar, to the General Fund of the church- poem, "New Year Messages" was read by Mrs. George Hetherington and a New Year Prose Article was read by Mrs. Darling. Mrs, McKie of Montreal, Spent a few clays with her mother, Mrs. 5. Curtis and other relatives, Mrs, Walter Smillie has returned home after being a patient in the Wingliam General Hospital, Miss Mary Meahan of Wroxeter, a student at the Stratford Normal School taught at the public school here for two days during he past week. Mr. and. Mrs. George Hetherington and Bobbie, Mrs, Milton Smith and. son, Ross, and Miss Dorothy Aitken, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Norval Jones at Lucknow. Mr. Welsh, Sr., Mrs. Roy Welsk Mrs. Margaret Young and Mrs. Lil- lian McKnight of Toronto, called on Miss Dorothy Aitken on Sunday. PERSONNEL CHIEF : William Manson who has been appointed • vice-president of personnel for the Canadian Pacific Railway with head- quarters at Montreal. He comes east after 36 years with the C.P,R. in the West where he had risen to the post of-general manager after experience in all four western provinces, includ- ing service at Vancouver as general superintendent of the important British Columbia district. Two in- tensive tours of eastern lines right through to the Atlantic seaboard in the last 20 months gave him a complete picture of the Canadian ,Pacific system. Voted $30 To the Church The president, Mrs. Earl Hamilton, conducted the monthly meeting of the Women's Association in the United Church on Thursday last. Twenty ladies joined the Society for the year Missionary Sec'y., Miss Mary „Duff; Organists, Mrs. W. J. johnston, Miss Delores Hamilton. , Class 1, Primary, Mrs. Will John- ston; Class 2, Mrs, Thomson, assistant, Mrs, E, Johnston; Class 3, l 3.11 Ham- ilton; Charles Johston, Class 5, Edward Johnston, Ross Smith; Class 4, will unite with the Bible Class under the leadership of Mrs. James Johnston, Mrs. Hetherington and others, Mr, Robert Shaw has resigned as leader of the Bible class and was given a vote of appreciation for his valuable service, He has been in 'Sunday School work for more than 60 years, the greater part of that time being a superintend- ent, He will be 83 years of age next month, Splendid Program At Mission Band The Mission Band of the United Church met on Wednesday afternoon the president, Delores Hamilton, presi- ded, The meeting was opened with singing "Joy to the World the Lord is Come" and repeating the Mission Band Prayer, The 'following program was presented, song, Phyliss Hamilton; a Temperance song and an African song, "Lalipe"; Piano solo, Eleanor Smith; Reading, Norma Moffatt; Piano duet, Deloret and. Phyllis Hamilton; duet, Kay Johnston and Verna Wheeler; Duet, Jean Hall and Etoille Moffatt, Mrs. W. J. Johnston conducted the Worship service, Gaines were played and the children were served lunch and treated to candy. United Church Sunday School Elects The annual meeting of the United Church Sunday School was held last Friday afternoon, in the vestry. The Superintendent,Mr. W, J. Johnston, presided. The election of officers and teachers resulted as follows: Superin- tndent, W. J. Johnston; Secretary, Carl Johnston; Assistant, Miss Emma John- ston; Treasurer, ,Miss Margaret Curtis; Temperance Secretary, W. J. Peacock; Marshall As Mediator Chungking,--Chinese Communists accepted President Chiang Kai-Shek's plan to use Gen. George C. Marshall, United States presidential envoy as a mediator, but charged that the gener- alissimo had unleashed a large-scale invasion of strategic Jehol Province in North China even as he talked of peace. 4 e 0;0 WeVail ST. HELENS I. Find out all about what your neighbourhood offers, and be- come a booster. 2. Write your friends in the States about Ontario . . . show them when they come you're really proud of it. 3. Try to make any visitor glad he came. 4. Take time to give requested in- formation fully and graciously. 5. In business dealings, remember our reputation for courtesy and fairness depends on you. 6. To sum it up, follow the' "Golden Rule." The January meeting of the Wom- en's Institute was held on Thursday afternoon, with, 9 ladies present, and with Mrs. Ball presiding: The roll call was responded to by "A New Year's thought. January 18th was the date set for the Red•Cross Thanks for Christmas was received from Wilfred Ramage and Charles McQuillin. It was decided to hold a Progressive Euchre party and dance in the near future and Mrs. Archie Ait- cheson and Mrs. Gordon McPherson were appointed to make the arrange- ments for it. Mrs. T. j, Todd read an article on "Let Us Resolve." Mrs. McKenzie Webb, the Citizenship con- vener had charge of the Topic and Mrs. W. A. Miller read a paper on 'Development of a Democratic Citizen' Mrs. McKenzie Webb was a recent visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Carl John- ston at Bluevale. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Rothwell re- turned to Norwich and Mrs, Al. Martin to Toronto, on Monday, after spend- ing the past two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Thom. (0 (0=0.11 D Our friends from the States have always enjoyed fishing the waters of Ontario . . . 73,000 angling permits were bought by them in one year. When they return, let's give them a great welcome! WHAT CAN I DO? Those who deal directly with tourists, such as hotelkeepers, guides, know what visitors appreciate. They might suggest: 2 BLUEVALE 11 O O 0 0 11 O. O The Wingham Advance-Times Telephone 34 a The sale actually commences after the order is closed and the product has left your premises. It is the function of good printed matter to enhance your sale and stimulate interest so that your pro- spects will want more merchandise just like it. No piece of printed matter is too small to create'a good impression, and this organization is prepared with facilities and knowledge to help you in creating printed mater- ial that commands attention! Let us help 'you with your next problem, When Your WM Is Read 4 • • • your ,estate is out of your bands. Make certalu that it will be administered' promptly, laa business-like And ,efficient manner by naming. The Sterling Trusts. Corporation. as your executor.. An ex-, Perienced senior estate officer .gives personal.att.ention, ably Assistod by eon},- petent .executives; the court allows the satire foe AS for an individual executor, THE STERLING TRUSTS CORPORATION Sterling Tower, Toronto I 35 years in Business .ay Peace Feelera In 1141 Noernberg,---Adolf Hitler's secret papers_ eontain the assertion that "int- portant English circles" conveyed peace feeler to a representative of Rud. olf Hess a month•before Hess flew to. Britain in May, 1041, in his .vain at- tempt to end the war, it was disclosed. Russia Likes Frenplan, Paris,—The Soviet Government is sympathetic to the French wishes. to separate the Ruhr and Rhineland from Germany, a semi-official statement is- sued here said, Fttrthei, details ef the Franco-.Soviet economic agreement an- nounced to reveal the government to run five years, provides for exchange of commercial representatives between Paris and Moscow. - Huns Liquidated Five Million Nuernberg,—The Nazi leadership conceived and executed a program which bathed Eastern, Central and Southern Europe in blood and claimed up to 5,000,000 victims, two former officers of the Nazi SS and security police testified before the International Military Tribunal, Lee Antique Collection For U. of T. Toronto,—One of the world's great- est collections of antique gold, silver and bronze metalwork, enamels, jewel- ry and illuminated manuscripts—de- scribed as being of "inestimable histor- ic worth"—has come to Toronto Uni- versity's Hart House as the 'gift of Viscount and Viscountess Lee of Fare- ham. Repatriation Speeding Ahead Ottawa,—The army quartermaster general's branch is optimistic that the repatriation of service personnel, other than those in the occupation army and air force, will be completed before the previous anticipated date of April 20, .0.6.11•••••••••••• • Plan Inter-American Defence Washington,—Diplomatic officials reported the United States has distri- buted to all American countries except Argentina former proposals for an in- ter-American military defence treaty. It is expected to be discussed at the Rio de Janeiro meeting of Western Hemi- sphere foreign ministers. The meeting will be held between March 15th and April 15th. mission Chairman C, P. MoTagne Oared that brokerage firms whose lie- ensa may be cancelled by the cammis- ,sion in its check of Ontario brokers and securities salesmen will not be per- tnitted to re-open under a new set-Op. About g0 brokrage houses, 19 of them in Toronto received siimmonsesto ap- pear before the commission to show why their licenees should not be ean- celed. Attempted Jail Break At Ottawa •Ottawa,,--,Three men held on murded charges: staged a desperate attempt to escape from Carleton County Jail here, overpowering four guards and us- ing a fire hose toward off others before city police, reinforcements arrived to quell the disturbance. Fightingo stub- bornly they were dragged back to their , Ask Resignation Of Morgan Washington,—The United Nations ,Relief and Rehabilitation Administra- tion asked for the resignation of Lt. Gen. Sir Frederick Morgan, its chief of operations in Germany, for publicly expressing belief that a "world-wide Jewish conspiratorial movement" ,is behind the exodus of European Jews into the American occupation zone. Infant With Two Beads Dead Birmingham, England—A two-head- ed baby girl, born New Year's Day to the English Wife of an American sold- ier died after 50 hours and 85 minutes of life. The Infant which weighed 5 pounds 12 ounces at birth, had been kept alive since 4.30 p.m., Tuesday by constant administration of oxygen, and physicians had held scant hope for its survival, Haw Haw Dies As Traitor London,—Defiant to the last, Wm. Joyce, 40, American born Nazi pro- pagandist better known as "Lord Haw- Have, died in the hangman's noose for deserting Britain in war and pleading for Hitlerism. Morrison Sees Britain's Recovery Ottawa,—Rt, Hon. Herbert Morri- son, British lord president of the court- ail, forecast on his arrival here, that the United Kingdom would be out of her economic difficulties and "in the cleat" before 1950. "We are not wor- Plan Return Of P,O.Wi's.. Ottawa,--The return of 35,000.0er--- Trian prisoners-of-war in Canada to their homeland is in the discussion stage -overseas, Government sources Said, Prepariug Jap Purge List Tokyo,---Political Japan, shaken hea, vily by Gen. MeArthur's new order to rid itself of those men who supported A policy of aggression, began compiling A list of persons to be removed from office. Newspapers, ..meanwhile, head- lined .a,possible cabinet crisis. To Return Magna Carta New York,—The Lincoln copy of the Magna Cartaoltept in the United Stat- es fo'safekeeping during the war, will be handed over to the .Earl of Halifax, British Ambassador in Washington, January •Ilth, Turkey Will Fight For Possessions Istanbul,—Usnally well-infor m e d diplomats said Turkey's foreign mini- ster, Hasan :Saka, bad been instructed to rejett any demands on Turkish ter- ritory and to tell British and United States representatives that his country would rather fall in war than take 'a -diplomatic ,defeat. --- ''Titree Canadian Officers Arrested, London„—Lt.-Gen, Guy Simmonds, ommander of Canadian farces in the Netherlands, announced that three, Canadian officers have been placed un- der close arrest 'and "certain senior officers" have been suspended from duty; Gen. Simmonds' statement said -the 'three officers placed kinder arrest "are held in connection With charges arising from illegal shipment of . three cars (automobiles) from Rotter-dam to New Yorlc." Would Convict German High 'Command Nuernberg, Germany,—'S n g against the Prussian military 'hierarchy, the United States demanded the con- viction as war criminals of the whole German High Command and general staff•on the grounds that they 'were just as guilty as Hitler and the` Nazi Party, McTague 'Checks On Brokers Toronfoi—Ontario Securities Cam- W.M.S. Studied Portuguese, Angola The Women's Missionary Society of the United Church met Thursday af- ternoon in the Sunday School room, with the president, Mrs. Alex McCrac- ken, presiding. sight new members joined the auxiliary and all the former Members paid their fees for another year. Mrs. J. Curtis, friendship secretary, read of a Church reception to -war brid- es, and. Mrs, Robert Shaw read an art- icle on Temperance. Two of the members had a perfect attendance for the year and Mrs. Rolph a life member, was unable to attend any meeting during the year, Mrs. Arthur Shaw was honoured by being asked 'to light the candle for the worship service, Mrs, W. 5, Johnston contin- ued the study of Portuguese, Angola, particularly Walter Currie of Chass- aniba, and his, great work as founder of different schools, Literature on Yap- -antse Canadians was distributed.. Life Membership Presented To Miss Scott Mrs, R. P. Garniss opened her home On Thursday afternoon, for the New Year meeting of the W.M.S. of Knee Presbyterian church. The president, Mrs. R, Elliott, presided. Mrs, P. S. MeEWen read the scripture lesson and the president offered prayer, Tit Glad Tidings prayer was read by Mrs. R. J. McMurray. 'Following the report of he Secretary and the treasurer, Mrs, turns Moffatt read n paper from the Study 'book dealing with the Church Worth his weight in gold! Actually, the Province of Ontario, in pre-war years, ,profited to almost the same extent from tourist business as it did from the much publicized gold mining industry. It is up to each of us individually to see that this business goes on growing, This diagram, based on figures sup-plied by the Hotel Association, shows how everyone benefits front the Ontario tourist income. Every tourist dollar is shared this way. 1. Hotels; 2. Retail stores; 9. Res- taurants; 4. Taxes, ate; 5. Amuse- ments; 6. Garages. POLISHED IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST BY JOHN LAIEATTLIMITED 0010 PACT 'ii