HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1946-01-10, Page 11117' ea,
With Which Is Amalgamated The 0,orrie Vidette and Wroxeter News.
SubseriptiOne $2,00 Per Ye* WINGHAIVI, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 10th, 1946 Slagle Copies Five CetitO
People of This District Highly Please4 Services Monday and Tneselety Eliening
Well Attended With This Appointment,
Alvin Smith,. Son of Mr. and Mrs, A.
G. Smith, Killed At .Ardouvel,
The Salaries of Practically All the
Town Officials Were Increased
The inaugural meeting a Wingliam
Town Council was held on Monday ev-
ening at 7,30 o'clock. All the members
were present and completed the _dec-
laration of office, Mayor Davidson in
eRechair Rev, Alex. Nimmo opened the year's
business with prayer, and was thanked
by Mayor Davidson, The Mayor also
welcomed the two new members Of
the council, Ronald Rae and John P.
McKibbon, and gave a quick resume
of last years work and referred to the
many boys who had returned from ov-
erseas and paid his' respect to those
who' will not . return,
The Striking committee composed of
Mayor Davidson, Reeve Evans and
Coun. Kennedy was appointed and re-
tired to select the various committees.
On their return they presented the fol-
lowing list of committees, they first
named in each case to be chairman,
Executive Committee—Mayor Dav-
idson, Reeve Evans, Coun. -Kennedy.
Finance—Reeve Evans, Couns. Rea-
vie and Johnson.
Street—Couns. Reavie, Rae, le eve
Property—Couns. johnson, McKib-
bon, Lloyd.
Cemetery — Couns. Kennedy, Rae,
Johnson. _on.
Fire Couns. Lloyd, McKibbon,
Welfare—Couns.. McKibbon, Lloyd,
Band—Couns. Rae, Kennedy, Lloyd.
On Motion of Couns. Lloyd and Rea-
vie the report of the Striking commit-
tee was adopted, w as
Aletter read from the Good
Roads Association asking for the usual
membership fee of $10.00 This was
granted on motion of Couns, Kennedy
and McKibbon.
,A letter from the Ontario Municipal
Association, requesting the town to
take out a membership at a fee of $15.
This was done on motion of Come.
Johnson and Reavie.
A requeet was received from the Sal-
vation Army asking financial support
in the building of a new Rescue Home.
This was filed to be dealth with later
when -grants are being considered.
, A latter was received from the In-
surance adjustor informing the council
that cheques had been forwarded to
pay for injarieS received- at the park,
-Mayor Davidson reported that he
had investigated regarding the light re-
gusted on Victoria street.
A number of accounts were read and
after,being approved were recommend-
ed to be !paid on motion of Coans. John
son and Lloyd.
The • mayor suggested to the new
Property committee that rePairs should
be made to the firemen's hall as the
room was in 'poor condition,
The clerk reported that only one fa,-
mily was receiving relief at the present
• The necessary by-laws for the pur-
pose of borrowing money to carry on
the business of the town were passed.
The town officials were appointed
for another year, and after a short dis-
cussion the salaries in practically all
cases were increased. Dr. W. A, Mc-
Kibbon was appointed Medical Officer
of Health to reAace Dr. R. L. Stewart
4 whO had resigned.
The following appointments were
made: Dr. G. H, Ross to the Wingham
High Sehool Board for a term of three
years; W. S. Hall to the Library Board
for a term of 3 years; W. VanWyck
to the Board of the Wingham General
Hospital for one year.
The matter of accommodation for
fatnters' horses was again disetissed.
It was agreed to grant $50.00 to Mr.
Albert Foxton, who has purchased the
Fryfogle barn, he to give accommoda-
tion until April 30th.
The clerk read the report of Medical
Health Officer which gave the popula-
tion of the town at 2155: There were
180 births (one Still birth, 48 deaths, 2
eases Of Chicken pox, 8 of Scarlet fev-
er. 50 had been immunized against
diphtheria, and a clinic had also been
held of taberettliatia during the year.
The council edjourned, after which
Mayor Davideon invitedthe council,
the press and chief constable to he Ms
guests at a luncheon at Sherboedy's
Lights Were Turned On Wednesday
Many districts in this area have been
enjoying the benefits of hydro, but it-
was not until late Wednesday fter-
noon last Week that the people ofCul-
rims Turnberry boundary had the hy-
dro connected, 'When it Was turned on
the power could be used- from ; Bill
Schiestel's on.the east to Andy Mc-
Corp-tick's on the west.
'There is vo convenience on the 'farm
to equal hydro and the folk' of that line
are very happy to be able to discard
the oil and gas lamp and to be able to
use the various electrical appliances
which will add so much to their Com-
fort and convenience.
Mr, and Mrs, A. a Smith of .81
Willowbank, Blvd., Toronto, and for-
merly of Wingham, have, received the
following message from Overseas:
"The MiSsing Research and Enquiry
Services regret to inform you that your
son., Flying Officer James Alvin
Smith's Aircraft was shot down and
exploded on the ground at 2 a.m. on
July 21st., 1944, at Ardouval, France.
All the crew lost their lives at that
time, and were buried in the village
cemetery at Saint Hellier, four miles
west of Ardouval, The graves are in
a well kept plot bearing the inscription
in French: Here lie seven English
fliers fallen on the field of honour,
Alvin was attached to the 158th,
Squad. R.A.F., and he and his crew
were in the thick of operations on D
Day and were reported to be missing
on July 21st., 1944, and in June, 1945,
to be Presumed Dead. They had com-
pleted their operations over enemy ter-
ritory and were due for a six month
rest period.
Surviving besides his parents, are a
sister, Edythe, of Toronto, and a broth-
er, Irving of Pittsburgh, Penna.
When returning from the New. Years
night, dance at the Royal T two local
girls were hit by a 'car in which were a
group of boys and girls also going
home from the dance. They were
Pauline Cowan and Patsy Wild,
The girls were walking home and
were about half way down the McKen-
zie Hill when a car coming from the
dance caught up with them. The driv-
er put on the brakes and on the slip-
pery road the car swayed from side to
side striking both girls. Pauline got a
nasty bump on her right eye and Patsy
had her leg injured. It has since been
hemorrhaging internally. The girls
were given first_aid by, Dr. Crawford
before the driver of the car took them
Two years ago a similar accident
took place at this same spot but the
two who were injured. were much more
seriously hurt.
Captaia (Acting "Major)• Peter Francis
Fieher, Canadian Intfantry Cores.
AWarded the Military Cross
tditOr'S Note:—A short time ago it
was our happy' 'privilege to inform our
readers that Captain (Acting Major),
Peter' ','"Fisher, son of Mr. Peter F.
Fisher of:Toronto, a fanner Wingharn
resident, bad been awarded the Military
Cross. Major Fisher is the grandson
of former Postmaster Fisher, who was
Captain of the 1st. Division of the
Militia of the Regimental Division of
the riding of North Perth in 1873. Miss
M. E. Fisher and Mrs. G. C. Hanna of
town are his aunts.
We are very happy to publish this
citation 'which accompanied this "award.
"This officer has served with the
Perth Regiment without relief through-
out every action in Italy and North
West Europe as Platoon Commander,
second in command of a company and
company commander, on January 2nd.,
1945, in Italy, during the advance on
Conventello, North of Highway16,
Major Fisher in command of "D"
Company, led his company over flat
ground void of cover to seize the ob-
jective. So skilfully did he manoeuvre
his company that, in spite of the heavy
opposition, it quickly, overran the heav-
ily fortified enemy -positions and took
twenty-three prisoners. On January 4.
1945, during the same action, Major
Fisher's Company was 'placed under
command of the 9 Canadian Armoured
Regiment whose task was to capture
San Alberto and Exploit to Commaca
chio Spit, To achieve this a crossing
had tb be made over the Lamone River,
Upon receiving information from • pat-
trols that a bridge was still intact,
Major Fisher immediately led his com-
pany forward with such speed and dash
that the bridge was captured before it
could be blown. The capture of this
all impertant bridge was an outstand-
ing and +brilliant achievement which re-
sulted in the succ6ssful' completion of
the divisional plan.. In Holland. on
April 3rd,, 1945, while in command of
Conipany, Major! Fisher, in an
advance on Nijmegen Island, led and
directed his company with such skill
and daring against heavy, stubborn
opposition that the town of Driel was
cleared with only three casualties.
During the advance on Delfzijl, on 23
April, 1945, this Officer personally led
his company in an attack on Hoiwier-
de, a strongly defended town .on the
perimeter defences of the port. By his
coolness under extremely heavy fire,,
Major Fisher insPired his men,* so that
they succeeded; in occupying the ob-
jective and in holding it unt0 relieVed.
Throughout this entire pe4c4 Major
Fisher had so inspired his men' by his
"cofirage and leadership that they have.
'never failed io :accompliSh their task.
,His Cheerfulness and'..high .sense of
duty to hi a 'men is ditectly resptinsible
for the success of' his c.ompany and the,
Irespect in which he i held. 'Througli)-
out his entire career in Italy and North
West Europe he has served with true
merit and efficiency."
The Week of Prayer Crusade 'is be-
ing observed here this wek in tit vat-
ions churches. The services as prev-
iously take the form of, a community
gathering with the services being held
in different churchOs'. each evening:
Services commence at 8 p.m.
On Monday,eyening; Rev, J. N. H.
Noiton spoke in, the Salvation Army
!Citadel and his sttbject was "Crtisade".
The meeting on Tuesday evening was
held in the Baptist Church when Rev,
Jack James gave a.n address on, "The
Urgency of Crusade". These rrxeetings
were well 'attended."
To-night ' (Wdnesday), Captain
Touzeau will speak on "Crusade Evan-
gelism", at the Anglican Church, on
Thursday evening the meeting will be
hell in the Presbyterian Church, Rev.
-W. A, Beecroft will give the address,
:his subject being 'Crusade Fruits".
The-final meeting a the„seivices will
'be addressed by Rev, Alex' Nimrno, at
th United Church, He will Speak on
"Crasade and You"..
Premier George -Drew of Ontario.
has made three new appointments to
the cabinet. Russell T. Kelley of
miltoe, member for Hamilton-Went,
worth, was named Minister of Health;
Win, A. Goodfellow, member for Nor,.
thurnberland, Welfare Minister; Col. G.-
Arthur Welsh, member for Muskoka,
Ontario, minister without portfolio.
Of greatest interest her. is the ap-
pointment of Mr. Kelley as Health
Minister. He is a native of Tees-water,
and was a resident of Wingham prior
to his going into the advertising busi-
ness in Hamilton. He is the head of
the Russell T. Kelley Advertising Ag-
ency. He has always taken a great in-
terest in the affairs of the province and
is !exceedingly well qualified for such.
a position. He was- chairman of Red'
Cross Blood Donor Service for Ontar-
io during the war and still retains this
post. He has never lost touch with his
home community and is a great sup-
ported of the Teeswa.ter Fair and oth-
er projects throughout this district.
The Advance-Times together, with
his many friends in this district, extenct
hearty congratulations on his elevation
to this cabinet position.
Junior C Team Swings Inito Action At
First Home Game
Wingbarn's first Junior C,-0.11,A,
team will play the first borne game of
the season on Monday night with the
much tooted Listowel Club as 'oppos-
ition. This should be a very pleasing
game as coach Alf, Lockridge, is cer-
tain that hi a club will give an excellent
account of themselves and as Listowel
is said to have a strong team, the fans
should be on the edge of their seata for
this game.
Get 'the boys off to a good start by
being on hand to cheer them to a win.
Howard Campbell Delegate To Ont-
ario ,Annual
The regular monthly meeting of the
Fast Wawanosh unit of the Federation
of Agriculture was held with eight
members of the board of directors in
It was decided that the $20.00 forum
prize be donated to the Wingham Gen-
eral Hospital Building Fund.'
The report of the last county meet-
ing was given by Vie delegate John
Buchanan, Lawren Taylor gave' the
report on the organization meeting of
the Huron County ,Crop Improvernent
Howard Campbell was appointed a
delegate to the annual meeting of the
Ontario Federation of Agriculture
which is. being held in Toronto this
week, Jan. 10th and 11th.
The next meeting will be held the
first. week in February.
" MEETING. JAN. 25th. —
The annual meeting of the Wingham
General Hospital will be held in the
Council Chambers on the evening of
January 25th„ at 8 p.m. No cards of
membership in the Hospital Associa-
tion were issued this year. On a mot-
ion of the Board of Directors anyone
who has contributed $1.00 or, more to-
ward the Building 'Fund of the hospi-
tal is' coasidered a member of the As-
sociation ,for the year 1946, and is en-
titled to vote at the meeting, to hear,
reports orf the progress of the Hospital
during ,1'945 and,' elect directors for
14 Brussels at Lucknow.
16 Wingham at Brussels.
18 Laeknow at 'Wing/tam
21 Wingham at Lucknow.
, 23 Lucknow at Brussels.
- 25 Brussels at Wingham.,
28 Brussels at latcknow.
30 Wingham at Brussels.
Feb. 1 Lucknow at Wingham.
4 Wingham at Lucknow.
.6 Lucknow at Brussels.
First two teams in play-offs.
Eight tables attended the game at
the Wingham Bridge Club on Thurs-
day evening, and the result of the play
was as follows: North and South, 1st.
D. Rabb and W. If. French; 2nd.,
Mrs. H. Campbell anti W. W. Arm-
strong; 3rd„ Mrs. Bert Porter anti
Geo. Williams; tied, 4th and 5th., Mrs.
W. L. Kress and Art Wilson, Mrs. W.
H. French and F.. R. Hobdena East
and West—ist., Mrs. F. A. Parker and
J. H. Crawford; 2nd., 'Mrs. 0. Col-
borne and Mrs. J. I,. Crawford; 3rd.,
Mrs. D. Nasmith and Miss Y. McPher-
son i 4th., Mrs., if?.. S. Hetherington and.
Mrs. A. R. Du-Val; 5th,, Miss M. Mg-
Callum and Miss Mary Johnston,
A meting the Wingham and District
Red Cross Society will be held on•
'Thursday afternoon, this week in the
'Town Hall at 3 p.m.
All members are urged to attend this
'COUNCIL, 1946
Ashfield—Cecil Johnston.
Blyth—Frank !Bainton.
Brussels—R. B. Cousins.
Colborne—Alec. Watson.
W. Not.
Exeter—B. W. iDuckey.
Grey — Alex. .Alexander, Stanley
Goderich Twp.—George Ginn.
Goderich Town—R, E. Turner, Geo,
G. ,MacEwan.
Hay—William Hatigh,
Hen'sall—Richard., Shaddick,
Howick—John Winter, Elmer Par-
rish. a ,
Hullet---ajohn Armstrong.
Morris—Cecil Wheeler.
McKillop—N. R. Doriance.
,Stanley—john Pepper..
Seaforth—J. F. Daley.
Stephen—Roy Rata., Arthur Amy.
Turnberry—Walter Woods.
Tucgersmith—A. Nicholson.
Usborne—Hugh Berry.
Wawanosh, Fast—J. D. lieecroft.
Wawanosh, West—Brown Smyth. '
Winghatt—j. 5, Evans.
The regular monthly meeting! of the
Women's Institute will be • held on
Friday next week, January 18th. The
subject will be ,"SoCial Welfare",-Mes
F. A. Parker is convener. The pro
gramme committee is Mrs. J. H, Craw-
ford, Mrs. H. Aitchison, Mrs. R. A.
Coutts. The roll call will be answer-
ed by something that would benefit the
youth of our town. Hostesses: Mrs.
W. S. Hall, Mrs Hutcheson, Mrs. W.
Wellwood,'Mrs, G. OrVis, Mrs'. W. H,
Fraser, Mrs, j, Ern6t.,
The annual meeting of the Wing-
ham and District Red Cross Society
will be held in the,Council Chambers,
ilovn Hall at 8 p.m., on Monday, Jan.
The Annual 'Meeting of the Wing-
tam Horticultural Society will be held
in the Council Chamber at 8 p.m„, on
Monday, January 21st., for the receiv-
ing of reports and the election of 'offie-
-ers for 1946,
As businete of very, great importance'
will be placed before the meeting all
members are urged to be Present, aa
CYloaal=ffiff130 .
Battery Muster Parade Monday
The annual Muster parade of the
99th (R) Battery, R.C.A.,' will be held
at the armouries on Monday .evening
next week.
Attending Osgoode Hall
Captain Richard Roberts, wha fe.
cently returned from overseas plans to
become a lawyer and on Monday ent-
ered Osgoode Hail, Toronto.
Wingham Rifle Club
The Wingliam Rifle Club is Meeting
Wednesday 'night, "(to-night), ill the
Council Chambers at 7.30 o'clock. All
interested are invited to attend.
Sold Barn
Mr, Clayton Fryfogle has sold his'
barn (Beattie Barn) on Diagonal Road
to Mr. Albert Foxton, who already has.
takea possession,
Huron COurity Rates Paid Up ,
Huron County. Rates, amounting to !
$311,507,78, have been paid in full by
all municipalities, county treasurer A..
H. Erskine has announced.
Has /Positicin In Hataton
Mr. .q.avd Mttriaya who recentely re-
turned ,from overseas, has accepted a
'Position with the hydro at Hamilton.
Sold Culross Farm
Mr, Miles Moir has sold his fatah
the second of Culross to Mr. David
Xing. "
Attended Funeral Service
Mr. and Mra, W. W. "Armstrong-
'were in Toronto on Sunday,'Ittericling
the funeral service of lattees aunt,
Miss Lily ,Craig, „fa
House Sold
Congratulations to Postmaster. and
Mrs, G. Morley Counter, Clinton, who
recently celebrated their 25th wedding
anniversary, when they entertained a
large number of friends at a party at
their home. They have ohe son,' WU-.
liam, a student at the: University of
of Toronto.
They were married in Wingham,
December 28th., 1920, by Rev, Horace
W, Snell, the bride being Mabel Flor-
ence Svvarts, daughter of the late Mr.
and Mrs. J. E. 'Svvarts, and the groom
is the son of Mr, and Mrs"; W. R.
Counter, Clinton.
Mre.'. W. J. Greed'has sold her house
on the corner of atrick and Frances
Streets, to Mr., Iarold Smythe, of R.
R. Np. 1, Greenock.
Engagement Announcement
Mr, W. M. Reich .taii Lower Wing-
ham, wishes to announce 'the engage-
'Mont -!of his Second eldest, „daughter,
Rita, to James Arnold' Dennis, On of
Mr, and ,Mrs. -Walter Dennis of Wing-
ham. The marriage to take place i
the spring,
Former Wingliam (reacher Drowned
Mrs, Russell Daly, the former Miss
Haney, drowned in a pond near her
home at Guelph on Saturday. She
was 44 years of age and prior to her
marriage! taught public, school here,
She apparently slipped down a steep
icy bank into bpen water, Dr. T. R.,
Pickard, coroner, said death Was ac-*
cislental, and 110 inquest 'was held,. She
is survived by her husband,' two soes,,,
and a daughter, her mother, ?brother,
and a Slater.
Rev. jacl; James Read Poems of His-
Own Composition.
The Wingham and district Minister-
ial Association met at the Rectory in
Winghatn on Monday with an attend-
ance of fourteen, Rev, J, N. H. Nort-
on, the president, was in the chair, Rev.
G. H. Dunlop, secretary, and Captain
Touzeau at the organ. A letter was.
read from Rev. R. N. Stewart late of
Teeswater, assuring the members that
lie was well on the.way to recovery.
Radio Station CKNX is entering an
international radio programs contest
and asked the Ministerial Association
to sponsor a half-hour Religious Edu-
cation program, this was agreed to.
The feature of the afternoon was the
reading of sonae eighteen or twenty
poetns of his owe composition by Rev.
Jack James. Some of these were rag.
ions poems such as gathered round the
birth story. Some arose out of his own
-experiences in the air forte. They were
remarkable for Originality and felicite
ions phrasing,
The February meeting will be held
at the Presbyterian Manse itt .tatek-
Ltitteh -was served -by the hostese,
Mrs. Jathee, assisted by Mrs. (Rev.) J.
L, Henderson, of Tilyth,
HELD INSTALLATION Snow Disappeared As If By Magic • Mrs. Emerson Shera Receives 11
prom Her Husband Preached At Owen Sound
Rev, W,. A. Beecroft was the guest
preacher at the Week of Prayer Servic-
es on: Monday, Tuesday and Wednes-
day at Owen Sound. .
Picked Pansies On Sunday
The warrh weather over the week-
end although delightful had sonie
things all mixed up. Pansies at Mrs.
George Currie's in Beet Wawanosh,
have the feeling of springtime as Mrs.
Cutrie picked a nice bouquet of them
on Stmday,
Officers For 1946 Take Over
On Friday evening the officers of
Wingham Lodge, A,F.StA.M., No, 286,
were installed. The installing
teams composed of V. Wor. Bro„ W.
J. Adams, V. Wor, Bro, Fred W. Spry;
Wor. limo. Fred Fuller and Wor. Bro,
T. Burke of Wroxeter.
An interesting feature of the cere-
mony was when Won. Bro, Fred Fuller
installed his son, Herbert A„ as Wor-
eltipful Master of the lodge, In 1988,.
he initiated his son into the order.
The Officers are;
I.P.M.—W. Staley Hall
W.M.—Harbert A. Fuller
S. W,-1-loward Machat
5. A. Crawford
Chaplain-,--Don Jeffs
Treas.—'W. A. Galbraith
See`yett,-41, L Sherbotidy
5, D.—Percy Staintort
P, Carmichael
I. 6.-0. C. Gairirnage
g. S.—jas, Walpole
S.—Alton Adams
Direttor of Ceremonies-41, C. Mac-
Tylee Normett laitttoul
On Saturday evening, January 5th„
Mrs. Shera of Winghatra had the uni-
que experience of receivittg a telephone
call from her husband, Sigma. Emer-
son Shera, of Sydney, Australia. The
conversation was heard clearly arld
great credit is due the tepephone oper-
at/ars in making coertectiotts so that the
voices were carried front Otte side of
the world to the other. The call was
Which was 11.45 Sunday morning in
received bete at 8.45 Saturday evening,
Australia., While we were enjoying
mild weather here for January the tem-
prature in Sydney was about 103 dog-
Shera is'with the Special
irelets group, the only Canadian
tiny unit to serve n the Pacifie
heatre: For several months this
roup Was Ort secret duty in Darwin,
he war-evacuated capital of the Aus-
ralian Northern Territories, The spe-
ial group is now waiting for transpor,
latiOn to Canada and expecti, to IP
°Me aeon,
Prior' to enlisting Sigirm, Sherd Was
Or Several years on the staff at the
ell hydro dile&
We have all experienced January
thaws but the one thistyear was some-
thing out of the‘ordinary. The mild
weather over the week-end made the
snow disappar very quickly. The
spring like weather on Sunday set a
record here, At 8.30 a.m.. it was about
50 degrees above zero and the thermo-
meter went tip another six degrees
during the day, 'The, highways by
Monday were drying up and it was
very difficult to realize that it was the
7th of January, Many places had
floods. The flats filled with water
here backing bp so that Tom Header-
son's lane was flooded but by Monday
'flight the water started to reteed. The
ice has gone out the middle of the river
above Howson's dam.
We have liad many signs of spring
repotted,' pansies in bloom, treet hi
bud, birds Making love as in spring
time but one of the most unttstiat Was
a white lilac tree at the home of Mr.
and Mrs, C. B. Armitage Which is out
hi bud.
Another interesting itera IS that "SIX
crocus were in bloom at the parsonage
at telgrave. Ilev, Mr, Dunlop Sent Us
a sample and it 'WAS Of Splendid Color,
On Friday Mrs, T. L. Torrance and
three children left for Orillia to live.
)r. Toitatice f011owitig hia diSeltarge
in November frOat the Royal Ariely
Medical Corps went to that town to
practice his profession, Dr. and Mrs,
Torrance came here from Mitnico in
1088, and in 140 be plisted foe adtive
On behalf of the many friends they
made here , we wish them every 3oy
and atteetSS.
'AS the pattriership-of W. W. Artn-
ettong and W. Il. McCool has been
dissOlved ae Of Januar:St 1st, 1946,
all persons having accbtints owing
The Advance-Times Publishing CO.
are tetmested to mate payment a
Sante at oboe in order that the busi-
neSS of the company may,'he eon-
Your immediate attention to this
'matter will he greatly appreciated,
131tievale Church Called Minister
BliteVale Presbyterian Church ha e is.
suet' a call to Rev. Lelatul C, )'orgen-
son, 11.A„ of nalltonsit, N. TI, I