HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1945-12-27, Page 7WELLINGTON FIRE
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Is an ideal, perfectly balanced concentrate. We will mix it with your grain right
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egg producers.
Happy Hens More Eggs
Public School Concert
Amidst a lovely Yuletide setting of
red and green a cozily lighted fire-
place complete with Christmas stock-
ings and a gaily decorated tree, the
annual Public Sch000l concert was a
great success on the evening of Thurs-
day,.Dee. 20th., in the Town Hall.. In
splitof the frosty night a goodly num-
ber of parents and friends enjoyed the
Carol singing, recitations, solos, dia-
logues, monologues, chorus singing
and rhythm Band numbers and a novel
wreath drill in all of which the pupils
excelled themselves.
Rev. J. L. Foster acted as chairman
and expressed appreciation for the as-
sistance given by Mr. Phil Durst, at
the door, Miss Margaret Wearring at
the piano and all others who helped
in any way. Prititipal Harold Hamil-
ton and Mrs. G. A, Wearring teacher
of the primary room, were especially
commended for their fine work. in pre-
paring the concert.
One highlight of the evening which
afforded both the donors and receivers
a great deal of pleasure was the ,pres-
entation of a Writing Desk and Elec-
tric Iron to Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton in
lionetir of their recent marriage, The
address for this community gift was,
read by one of the pupils, Lyle Hart,
and presentation was made by Santa
Claus who arrived at that moment,
well received by the children, Mr.
Hamilton expressed a very warm thank
you to which Mrs. Hamilton added her
appreciation for the kindness shown
Santa then distributed partels and
oranges to the children. All round the
public school concert was a complete
success and was thoroughly enjoyed
by all.
United' Church Annual Social
There was a good attendance of the
Annual Sunday School Concert and
Social which was held in the school
rbtith of the 'United Church On Friday
night, A gaily lighted tree with dust'.
era of bells and streamers in the seas.,
oWs colors gave the school room a
fit16 setting for the programme over
which Mr. Harold Hamilton presided,
Mr, G. A, Wearring led in the Carol
It was a Merry Christmas,
but will it be a happy New
Year? You can 'help make
a healthy
year by an-
swering that
Seal letter.
Buy the
Seals that
fighotsist.uber- cul
Buy and Use Christmas Seals
Teeswater; Ontarid
Barrister, Notary Public
and Conveyancer.
Office: Gator: House, Wrmseter
every Thursday afternoon 1,30 to
4.30 and by appointment.
Phone -- TeesWater 120J.
Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc.
Money to Loan
Office litleyer Block, Wingham
Licensed Embalmer and
Funeral Director
Furniture and
Funeral Service
Ambulance Service
Phones: Day 109W. Night 1093.
Offices: Centre St., Wingham
Osteopathic and Electric Treat.
nients, Foot Technique,
Phone 272. Winghana.
Two trillion or more motorists from the States visit us each year ...
thousands for the sheer beauty of our countryside. Let's see to it
that our hospitality matches the perfection of our lakes and hills.
The answer is—plenty! Here are some of the things anybody can
do. The suggestions come from a well-known Ontario hotelman.
1: Find out all about what your own
neighbourhood offers and become
a booster.
2. Write your friends in the States
about Ontario, show them when
they come that you're really
proud of your province.
3. Try to make all our visitors glad
they came, and be really enthu-
siastic about it.
4. If they ask for information or
directions, take time to answer
them fully and graciously.
5. In any businp_kc dealings you may
have with them, remember Cana-
da's reputation for courtesy and
fairness depends on you.
6. To sum it all up, just follow the
"Golden Rule!"
••••• • .
, • • ,
" Worth his weight in
Actually the
ovine Oh-,
tali?), in pre-war
years, 'profited to
almost the same
extent from toil-
riot business as it
did from the gold
mining industry,
It is Up' to each of
us to 'see that this
business goes bit
This tliagranz based
on figures supplied
by. the Hotel .A,s86-
elation, shows how
everyone benefits
from the Ontario
tourist income. Every
tourist dollar is
shared this way , .
1, Hotels; 2. Retail
stores; 3. Restau-
rants; 4, Taxes, etc;
5. Aniusements';
6. Garages.
'It works both
ways! They treat
us royally when we
visit them „
can't do less than
return the compli-
ment. Retnemloer
that it costsmoney
to lake a holiday,
so let's see they get
a good return for
every penny they
spend in. Canada.
On Sidney Day
Bruce Peninsula.
IT'S EVERYBODY'S BUSINESS 4 • 'ea'p Le, ieo4e.e.ito-/
"toes make them want to tome hock!'"
Ptibildieci in The Public InterOs1 by John Labatt timitecl
4 .4
Thursday, 27tl 1945
L.A.C. Cliff Denny of Montreal, and
Mrs. Denny and Nancy Eileen, of Rip-
ley, spent the holiday with Mr. and
Mrs. Vern Denny.
Miss jean. MacDonald of Toronto,
is holidaying with her mother, Mrs.
Vern MacDonald.
• Mrs Laurie VanVelsor of the C. S.
staff is spending this week with her
mother at Clifford.
Mrs. Gordon Grieg received word
frorri.. her husband, Sgt. G. Greig to
say he expected to reach Canada, Dec.
26th., on the Queen Elizabeth.
Mrs. Jack Barlow received a cable
cable from.her husband to say he ex-
pected to sail for Canada, Dec. 22nd.
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Moffatt and
family spent Christmas with the form-
er's parents in Toronto, a very special
occasion this year, as Mr. and Mrs.
Moffatt Sr., on that day celebrated
their golden wedding anniversary.
Phil Durst held the lucky ticket on
the draw sponsored by the Legion at
Wingham. The prize was a 13 lb.
The local Women's Institute sent a
bale of clothing to Fort to last
Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, 'Etc.
Bonds, 'Investments & Mortgages
Wingbarn :01 Ontario
, ,•
Experienced Auctioneer Limited for Oountles of
ntinozst & mitt
All stdes capably tidied Ili o, Ont
PhOtie 49.
week. The members thank all those
who made donations.
Miss Ellen Young, who suffered a
fractured hip resulting from a fall in
her home recently, is now a patient in
Listowel Memorial Hospital,
Miss Rona VanVelsor of Weston,
is spending this week with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. VanVelsor.
Congratulations and Good Wishes to
Mi. T. K. Powell, a former resident of
Turnberry, who on Friday, celebrated
his 99th birthday.
Miss Mae aDvidson is spending this
week with Mr. and Mrs, Gavin David-
son, Oshawa.
411.441,100,01•411 •
Christmas Service
United Church attractively decorat-
ed in'keeping with the season, a lovely
Christmas tree in the'back ground and
baskets of fresh flowers made a lovely
setting for morning service, when Rev.
J. L. Foster spoke on "The Miracle of
Christmas" basing his remarks on• the
first chapter of St. John's Gospel. The
choir under the direction of Mr. G. A.
Wearring with Miss Mary Gibson as
organist, sang two numbers. The
Birth of Our Saviour, by Treeman„ and
Peacefully :51unther by Creswell, Tak-
ing solo parts were Miss Thelma Den-
Ay, Miss .1e0.11 Moffat and Mr. a. A.
Mrs. Hart, W. A, President
The annaul meeting of the Women's
Association of the United Church was
held in the church parlours, Tuesday of
last week, The president, Mrs, Chas.
McCutcheon, presided and opened the
;fleeting with the singing of the hymn
"Go Labor On". The Christmas story
as found in St, Luke's gospel was read
by the president. Rev, J. L. Foster
led in prayer, Sixteen members an-
swered the roll call, and very encour-
aging reports were read by the secre-
tar, Mrs. Leslie Douglas and treasur-
er, Mrs. Allister Green. During 1945
$299,91. was raised and expenditures
were $95,69, There were 22 members
on the roll for 1945, Eleven quilts
were quilted. A play was presented.
The society was responsible for redec-
orating the church schoolroom, Sup-
pers served to an insurance group and
Lions Club was a means of raising
funds, A gift of $25.00 was noted to-
wards the church funds. Rev. j. L.
Foster presided over the election of of-
ficers Sind the following will carry on
the work for 1946. President—Mrs,
Wm. Hart; Vice-Pres.—Mrs, Harvey
McMichael; Secretary—Mrs, Leslie
Douglas; Assistant—Mrs. C. McCut-
cheon; Treas.—Mist Allister Green;
Assistant—MrS. W. T. MacLean; Or-.
ganist—Mrs. Harvey McMichael; aud-
itors—Mrs, A. Moffatt, !Miss Gertie
Bush; Flower Committee—Mrs, James
Douglas, Ivirs. Vern MacDonald; Man-
se Committee, The Executive, Words
of appreciation were spoken of retiring
officers especially the President, Mrs.
C. Mutcheon, who has carried on so
efficiently for the past four years,
The meeting was brought to a close
with prayer, by the pastor, Rev. J. L.
Foster, Mrs, MacLean and. Mrs. Mof-
fat who arranged the meeting served
a delicious chicken dinner which was
enjoyed by all present,
St.. James Christmas Party
The basement of St. James Anglican
Church was the scene of a happy gath-
ering on the evening of Dec. 18th,
when the Women's Guild played hos-
tess to a group of- children and their
parents. The centre of attraction was
was a beautifully decorated Tree com-
plete with lights. After the singing
of Carols, Rev. G. K, Nobes spoke on
the Canadian Carol, written by St.
Jean de Brebeauf, in 1643, for the Her-
ron Indians, whom he served as Rec-
tor. A short programme was provided
by Marilyn and Grace Paulin, Jackie
Gibson, Mrs. H. Hamilton, Mrs. G, K.
Nobes, Mrs. C. Lawrence, Mrs. H. V.
McKenney and ,Mrs. H. I. Durst. More
Carols were sung and the children were
treated to bags of goodies and choco-'
late milk, Refreshments were served
and a social hour enjoyed. The sing-
ing of the National Anthem brought
the pleasant evening to a close.
Singing after which, Marlene Smith,
gave the welcome to all, Recitations
.songs, Monologues were given by the
younger members, Rev, j, L. Foster
favoured with a solo, "There's a Song,
in the Air", Two amusing short plays
A mouse to the rescue and out of the,
window is down were put on by the
Young People's Union, L, Pos.:
to, as superintendent .of the Sunday
School thanked all who in any way had
helped with the success of the evening,
A grand march with Miss Margaret'
Wearring at the piano brought Free-.
Will offerings to the "Teapot" to fur-
ther the work of the Sunday School.
Santa Claus arrived in good tife to de-
light the children with gifts and treats,
The Teachers and Officers served a
lunch bringing the Annual S, S. Christ-
mas Tree and Social to a close.
Farm Forum Meeting
The fourth line Farm Forum of
Turnberry held their weekly meeting
on Monday evening at the home of Mr.
and Mrs, Morrison Sharpin. A review
of the Health Insurance plan brought
an interesting discussion, Refresh-
ments were served and the group en-
joyed progressive euchre. Mrs. E.
Nichol and Mr. John McTavish hold-
ing the high score,
S. S. No. 2 Turnberry Concert
Turnberry 5, S. No. 2, held their
Christmas Tree and Entertainment on
Thursday evening last. The usual
Christmas ree was loaded with inter-
esting parcels and treats which Santa
Claus distributed. The newly ,decor-
ated walls of the school room were
hung with attractive pictures of Santa
Claus. Admired by many was the 'Art'
displayed on the blackboards depicting
the Three Wise Men, scenes from Jer-
usalem. A Christmas Tree with the
children playing around it and the
Candle cut outs which adorned the
windows. Of special mention was the
Carol Singing of all the pupils, also a
dance by four girls in the costume of
the Hollander. Dialogues, pantomin-
es, recitations were given, The whole
programme was put on in -fine order
without a chairman And showed excel-
lent training on the part of the teacher,
Miss Ifala Thacker and music super-
visor, Mrs, Pickcil, Lunch was served
and dancing enjoyed, local talent pro-
viding the music.
January W. Meeting
The January meeting of Wroxeter
Women's Institute will be held at the
horne.-of Mrs. J. N, Allen, on Thurs..
day, January '3rd„ at $ p.m, Motto, If
we cannot do great things we can ,do
small timings' in a great way, Mrs, T.
Burke will have charge of Current
Events, Roll Call—A New Year's
Resolutionl, Topic—Book Review by
Mrs. Gilbert Howse, Mrs, H. I. Durst
will have charge of the music period.
Morris Township Council met on
Saturday, December 15th., in the
Township Hall with all the members
present. The Reeve presided, The
minutes of the last meeting were read
and adoptd on motion of Chas. Coul-
tes and Wm. Spier.
Moved by Harvey Johnston second-
ed by Chas. Coultes that S. W. Arch-
ibald, 0. L, S. be engaged as Muni-
cipal Engineer for the Township of
Moved by Chas. Coultes seconded
by Jas, Michie that the road bills as
presented by the Road Superintendent
be paid.—Carried,
Moved by Chas, Coultes seconded
by Jas. Michie that the meeting ad-
journ to meet again on January 14th,,
1946, at 10 a.m.—Carried.
The following accounts were paid:—
County of Huron, taxes, $16,976.05;
Brussels Telephone, $3,092.34; Blyth
Telephone, $772.00; McKillop Tele-
phone, $12,00; W. V. Roy, (Federation
of Agriculture), $178,92; Brussels
Post, (Printing Contract), $95.00; W.
C. Hackwell, (Walton Street Lights),
$9.30; Dept. of Health, (Insulin), $3,76;
Geo, Martin, (Revising Voters' Lists),
$46,25; Lyle Hopper, (attending court),
$6.50; Municipal World (supplies),
$2,08; .Village of Brussels, (Division
court), $10,00; Ivan McArter, (care-
taking), $15.00; Cecil Wheeler, (sal,
cry), $120,00; Jas. Michie, (salary).
$75.00; Chas. Coultes, (salary), 05.00";
Harvey Johnston, (salary), $75.00;
Wm. Spier, (salary), $75,00; Nelson
Higgins, (salary), $154.00; (Relief
Officer), $25.00; (Financial Statement)
$10.00; (Stamps, Stationery, etc), $1.2.;
George Martin, (salary), $222.75; (pos-
tage), $25.00; (Drains), $10.00; (Com-
missions), $4.30; Robert Bird, (Evans
Drain), $24,00; Cecil Wheeler, (Tele-
phone Calls), $3.68; Robert Michier
(Weed Inspector), $1,95; Mrs. Sellers,
(refund of dog tax), $2.00; Mrs. Wm.
Elston, (refund of dog tax), $2.00;
Ken Shurrie, (refund of dog tax),
$2.00; Mrs, Russell Sundercock,. (re-
fund of dog tax), $2.00; A, H, Erskine,
(fees for collecting taxes) $97.06;
School Attendance Officer, $12.00.
Geo, Martin, Clerk,
Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Allen also Mrs.
'T, G. Hemphill, spent part of this
week with Mrs. J, J. Allen and child-
ren in Toronto.
Miss Georgina McMichael of the
neral Hospital Staff, in Toronto
ent the Christmas holidays with her
•mother, Mrs. Thos. MoMichael.
Rev. J. L. and Mrs. Foster, the
Manse, spent Christmas Day with
members of their family at Ilderton.
Miss'Sillian 'Neil of Toronto, was a
-holiday ,guest of Mr. W. A. Sawtell and
Miss Helen SawtelL
Mrs: J. Lovell left on Monday for
Hamilton, where she will spend the
'Christmas, holidays with friends.
_Corp, Gladys. Musgrove of Trenton,
-is holidaying with her parents, Mr.
,and Mrs. 'Jeff Musgrove.
Flying Officer Dean Gibson and
Mrs. Gibson ,of London, are spending
-this week with the former's parents,
and Mrs, W. G. Gibson.
Mr. and, Mrs. Harold Hamilton,
-spent. Christmas Day with •Mr. and
'Mrs. Herman Nethery ofEelgrave,
usiness and Professional Directory
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