HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1945-12-27, Page 541
Another year brings us
to the happy moment of
wishing you and yours a
Happy and Prosperous
Get a 1946 .Calendar at
our Store,
,•e• <Cc-,
This is the time of
year when most of us
study the events of the
past year and anticipate
those of the next. Our
wish is that 1946 has in
store for you all the
good, things you desire.
Thursday, I) 37th, 194$
It's a pleasant custom, this tradition of offer-
ing New Year Greetings to customers and
friends-- and it warmslour)hearts to tell
you how much happiness we hope will come
your way in 1946.
•••••}%:4t • .er • • ,••' • s'
The annual Baptist Sunday School
Christmas Concert held' on Friday
night was an outstanding success and
the program was thoroughly enjoyed
by a large number. Mr. Frank Collar,
who recently arrived home from over-
seas, was chairman and introduced the
following program; recitation, Wilfred
Pocock; A Christmas Song, The Girls
Chorus;' The Famous Shoe, Primary
and Juniors; recriation, when the Min-
ister comes to tea by Guess who; three
choruses by the children; Christmas
Candles, Boys and Girls; recitation by
Mary Pocock; trios, (piano, violin and
flute) Mr. and Mrs. Brooks and Clare;
pantomine, intermediate girls; Christ-
mas is different, Louise Collar; The
journey of the hat, Jackie Hotchkiss;
The Christmas Story by flannelgraph,
Mrs. Lucas; song, Mary Stapleton;
Christmas song, Girls Chorus; A
Christmas drama, "Mr. Hawley's
Christmas"; Young Men and Women's
Bible Classes.; Plum Pudding Geog-
raphy, Boys and Girls.
The final part of the program was
the distribution of gifts from the tree
by Santa,
The program was under the direc-
tion of Mrs, John Lucas and a motion
of appreciation to her for her efforts
in training the children was given hear-
ty approval.
W.M.S. Elects Officers
The Women's Missionary Society
and Ladies Aid of the Presbyterian
Church met at the home of Mrs. Thos.
Simpson on Tuesday afternoon last
with a fair attendance. This was the
annual meeting of the W.M.S. and all
officers were re-elected by acclama-
tion. The Society will not meet again
until March.
Due to the storm on Sunday last the
special Canadian Girls In Training
Service was cancelled and will be held
on Sunday, December 30th.
Red FrontilGroceryi
The Manager and Staff of
Mr. and Mrs, William Brawley and
daughter, spent the holiday with her
parents, Dr. and Mrs, J. A. For.
Nursing Sister Alberta MacLean, R.
C. V. N, R,, is a visitor 'with her par-
ents, Mr, and Mrs, Fred MacLean,
Mr. Norman Higgins, who teaChes
school near Huntsville, is spending the
holidays with his 'parents in Morris,
Mr. and Mrs. L, Gauthier of Lon-
don, spent the week-end with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. C, B, Armitage.
Miss Louise Thompson and Mr, Dos
rialcl MacKenzie of London, spent the
week-end at'the former's home hdre.
Mr, and Mrs. Benson Hamilton, of
Brantford, spent the holiday with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Hamilton.
Mr, George Copeland: of Western
University, London, is visiting with his
parents, Mr, and Mrs. E. S, Copeland.
Mr, and Mrs. James. Russell of Tor-
onto, were week-end visitors with his
parents, Mr, and Mrs, W. A, Russell.
Lieut. William and Mrs. Burgman
of Toronto, were holiday visitors wit
his parents Mr. and. MrS. W. F, Burg-
Miss Elizabeth Hare of Victoria
Hospital, London, was a Christmas
visitor with her mother, Mrs. S. N.
Mr. Bill Galbraith of Toronto Uni-
versity, is spending the holidays with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Gal-
Mrs. W. J. Greer, Mrs. A. H. Mus-'
grove and Mrs. Hinde, were Christmas
visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Stan Smith
of Guelph.
Mr. Craig Armstrong of Victoria
College, Toronto, is spending the holi-
days with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. W.
W, Armstrong.
Misses Jean, Margaret and Ruth
Mitchell of Toronto, were week-end
visitors with their parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Jas. H. Mitchell.
Master Jack Lloyd who is attending
Technical School at London, is sperd
ing, the holidays with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. R. H. Lloyd.
Sapper Wm. Broome a patient at
Crumlin. Hospital, London, spent the
Christmas holidays with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Wm,.Broome.:,
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Procter of Tor-
onto, Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Stephens
of Thorndale, spent Christmas with
Mr.. and Mrs. Miller Procter.
Dr, Tracy Brown, of St. Thomas,
and Mrs. Hugh Anderson, Bob and
Marion of Caledonia, spent the holiday
with Dr. and Mrs. J. J. Brown.
Miss Louise Reid of Toronto, spent
Christmas with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Reid. Mr. and Mrs. J. A:
Hillman and little daughter of Toron-
to, also spent the holiday with the lat
ter's parents.
Miss Nellie Hutchinson of Toronto,
and Mr. Jack• Hutchinson of Vancou-
ver, B.C., spent Christmas with Mr.
and Mrs. Norman McLaughlin. Mr.
McLaughlin, who is attending the
Stratford Normal School, also is
spending the holiday at his home.
Evening Auxiliary Meeting
The Christmas meeting of the Even-
ing Auxiliary was held at the home of
Mrs. Cloyne Michel with a large atten-
dance, , Group 2 had charge of the
program which opened with Mrs. Gor-
don Edgar reading a poem, "Candle
light, burning bright", while Mrs. Chas
Black lighted a group of candles, Soy-
evil scripture passages\telling the story
of the Child Birth were read by Mrs.
J. Toner, Mrs. K. Hattie, Mrs. A. Ste-
phens, Mrs. C, .Grainger and Miss Mar.
garet Dane, with carols 'being sung af-
ter each reading; Mrs. Howse sang.
The tall to worship, "0 sing a song of
Rethleitern", Rev. Howse offered pray-
ers of thanksgiving for the ending of
'the war, and of dedication to the cause
We're flying high with
many wishes for your
New Year, May it bring
you real happiness and a
year full of pleasure.
A French
Plastering & Contractor
Mrs. Frank Worrall of Washington,
(nee Ann Pletch) was a visitor with
relatives and friends. She has received
her discharge from the R.C,A,F., and
has accepted a position at the Austral-
ian Embassy at Washington. She was
previously attached to the Australian
Closing Notice
The Wingham Utilities Office will
be closed from December 27th„ to Jan.
2nd. for the purpose of taking inven-
Wingham Utilities Commission.
Stahlbrodt - Moir
The marriage of Miss Anne Moir,
Reg. N., of Rochester, N. Y., daughter
'of Mr. and Mrs, Milas Moir of Tees-
water, to Edward Stahlbrodt, son of
Mrs. E. A. Stahlbrodt of Rochester,
took place in that city recently. The
ceremony was performed by Rev.
Father J. M. Merklinger, in St. Anne'S.
Church. The bride given in marriage
by her brother-in-law, Jas. Moore of
London, wore a two-piece dress of
brown crepe with feather hat and mat-
ching accessories. She carried a 'white
prayer book from which hung white
baby orchids and streamers knotted
with bouvardia. Her. bridesmaid, Miss
Winnifred Moir of London, wore a
street length dress of grey wool with
mauve trim, mauve, and green feather
hat and accessories to match. Her
corsage was a mauve orchid. John
Stahlbrodt was his brother's attendant.
Following the ceremony a wedding
breakfast was served at the Rochester
Club. After an extended honeymoon,
Mr. and Mrs. Stahlbrodt will make
their home in Rochester.
Mrs. Oliver Thompson
A former resident of Wingham, Mrs.
Oliver Thompson, passed on at her
home in Listowel, Sunday evening, De-
cember 23rd, in her 62nd year. Mrs.
Thompson had not enjoyed good
health for some months, but her pass-
ing came as a shock to many of her
friends here, Her maiden name was
Annie Parker Rae and she was born
in Downie Township, near Stratford,
the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs.
William Rae, She was married in 1910
and she and her husband, the late Oli-
ver Thompson, who passed on eight
years ago, came to Wingham 33 years
ago. Mr. Thompson conducted a hard-
ware business here with Mr. Donald
Rae until he moved to Listowel ten
years ago where he purchased a similar
business. Mrs. Thompson took a great
interest in community life and was al-
so a member of the United Church and
the Order of the Eastern Star.
Surviving is a daughter, Mrs. R. S,
(Louise) Hetherington of town, and
two sons, Rae of Guelph, and Squad-
ron Leader James Thompson, who is
at present serving overseas for the se-
cond time, She is also survived by
four brothers and three sisters Arrs.
Edith Porteous, Stratford; Mrs. Jan-
ette Richardson, Ingersol; Mrs. Jean
Skinner, Stratford; William of Downie
Township; Kenneth, Kingsville; Don-
ald, Winghatn; and Robert of Luck-
now, One brother, Simon, of London,
passed on last summer.
The funeral was held from her sis-
ter's home in Stratford, on Wednes-
day afternoon with burial taking place
in Avondale Cemetery, Stratford.
Mrs. James Nicholson
As she was entering her pew at St.
Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Sun-
day morning, Mrs. James Nicholson
collapsed and passed on from a heart
attack before medical aid could be
surtunoned. Se had arrived at Alta
church about 10.40 o'clock in appar-
ently good health, A native of Morris
township, she was the former Emma,
Ctoakey. After her marriage she and
her husband continued to live in Mor-
ris until they came to Wingham 28
years ago. Mr. Nidiolsorhpassed oh in
April, 041, They had no family and
site was the last a family of SLR.. TWO
nephews and a neite mourn her past-
ing, James Cloaltey, San Diego, Cal.;
of a lasting peace. Group 3 had charge
of the service to receive the Holiday
Bells of which Mrs. Alex. Taylor had
charge, who as she read a story of
giving, each laid their Holiday Bell by
the burning candles. The service was
closed by a prayer offered by Mrs.
John Toner. The president had charge
of the business program. Lnuch was
served by the combined groups.
On Thursday night those recently
returned from active service and their
families will be guests of 'honour at a
Christmas party in the Sunday school
rooms, to which the congregation is
asked to join in the festivities and
make it a night to be remembered. Ev-
eryone is asked to bring some lunch.
School Concert
The twonship hall here, made bright
and gay with lighted Christmas tree
and other yuletide decorations, was the
perfect setting for the Gorrie school
concert on Thursday night last. To
the teachers, Miss Jean Snarling and
Miss June Brown, we express our ap-
preciation for an evening's entertain-
ment worthy of great praise.
The costumes of the drills were most
attractive, also the senior room rhythm
band when eight girls wore white with
boleros of red with like 'head dresses;
the junior rhythm band was likewise
enjoyed. For the three dialogues, "Mal-
vina Entertains", "Waiting for the
Doctor", and "Christmas Stockings",
we say well done.
The pantomine, truly Christmas by
the junior room, when Christmas Car-
ols were sung was a number of out-
standing quality.
Much talent was displayed when Jack
Edgar sang first 'Ma's Full of Donts",
and Nancy Newton joined him in his
second number "Bell Buttons Trous-
ers"; also Patricia Strong and Florence
Anger, in their piano duet. Karen Mi-
chel and Gerald Downey each gave
their recitations, both being .pre-school
age, It was the song "Six Maids", the
boys comic drill and the negro song
and dance that really brought the
house down, when peals of laughter
were heard, and still are the talk of
the town,
The program of which Mr. E. J.
Farrish was chairman, was opened and
closed by choruses by the children.
Following the national anthem Santa
Claus made his appearance and helped
the teachers unload a well laden tree.
Y. P. U. Conducted Service
The Christmas service in the United
Church on Sunday night was in charge
of members of the Young People's Un-
ion, and conducted by Misses Helen
Irvin, Doreen Harrison, Norman Car-
son, George Adams and Bower Far-
rish, assisted by Rey. Mr. Howse. The
choir likewise were Y. P. U. members
with George Gregg at the organ. Max-
ine Farrish and Patricia Strong ren-
dered as a duet, "Silent Night".
Miss Betty Heinmiller of Hespeler,
and Mrs. MacPherson of Southamp-
ton, are spending their Christmas va-
cation with their mother: Mrs. Viola
Wren Francis Robinson, of Ottawa,
spent a few days with her father,
Miss Jean Northorp, Toronto, spent
the holiday with her uncle and aunt.
Mrs. F. VanStone is spending the
holidays with her nieces in Mimico.
Mr. Carl McKay, Toronto, spent the
week-end with his wife and baby son.
Mr. Geo. Allen of Chicago, is a vis-
itor with his_ father, Mr. Robert Allen.
Miss Florence Barber of Toronto, is
spending the holidays at her home
Dr. and Mrs, Bruce Fox and Judy,
were holiday visitors with their par-
ents. .
M. W. James Hamilton, of Toronto
University, is spending the holidays in
Capt. J. R. M. Spittal of Toronto,
spent the Christmas week-end with his
Mr. Ken Somers of Toronto, spent
Christmas with his father, Mr. David
Mr. and Mrs. G. C.- Gammage and
family spent Christmas with relatives
at Chatham.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bateson of Lon-
don, are spending the holidays with
their parents.
Mr. and Mrs. R.-E. McKinney and
son, James, spent the holidays here
with relatives.
As this year draws to a close, it gives us great
pleasure to thank all our friends and customers for
their patronage since purchasing the H. E. Isard &
Co. Store.
To all we extend the wish that the New Year be
a Happy /and Prosperous One.
Norm Welwood and Staff
Mrs. 0. McConkey of Guelph, was a
Christnias visitor with her mother,
Mrs. G. C. Hanna.
Mr. and Mr's. Harold Mitchell and
children of Hamilton, spent the holi-
day week-end here.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Reid spent
Chrismas with Rev. and Mrs. John
Thompson, Toronto.
Mr. Jack Day of Toronto, is spend-
ing the holidays with his parents, Mt'.
and Mrs. Geo. Day.
Miss Lois Bateson of London, spent
Christmas with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Stafford Bateson,
Mr. and Mrs. Weirmier of Walker-
ton, were visitors with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Matt Bell,
Wren Lt. Doris Fells. of Ottawa, is
spending the holidays with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Fells.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wild and
family also Mr. James Wild spent the
Xmas week-end in London.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Forgie and.family
of Toronto, spent Christmas with his
mother, Mrs. William Forgie.
Paratrooper Jack Pym of Kingston,
spent Christmas with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Hafold. Victor Pym.
° Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Ellacott of
Toronto, were week-end guests with
his mother, Mrs. Wm. Ellacott.
Mr. and Mrs. A, M. Forbes and fa-
mily of London, spent the Christmas
week-end with Mrs. H. Howard.
Mr. and Mrs. John Kaine and son,
Keith of MacTier, arrived on Saturday
to spend the Christmas holidays with
his mother, Mrs. S, G. Kaine.
Mr. Stanley Dane, Toronto, is spen-
ding his Christmas vacation with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Dane.
Lieut. E. W. Newton, Guelph, is
spending the week with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Newton.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Edgar spent
the week-end and Christmas in Toron-
to with their son and daughter-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Edgar.
Mrs. Minnie Irwin, Toronto, is visit-
ing her sons, Messrs. Archie and Man-
ford Irwin. .
Miss Rose Howse, of Stratford, is
spending the Christmas holidays with
her parents Rev. G. G. and Mrs. Howse
at the parsonage.
Mrs. Richard Jackson received the
sad news that her sister-in-law, Mrs.
Norman Calder, had passed on sud-
denly last week from a heart attache.
Mrs. Cloyne Michel visited her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Zimmerman in Mil-
verton one day last week,
Mr. and Mrs. Perce Colmer and son,
of Toronto, spent the week-end and
Christmas with her parents$ Mr. and
Mrs. Ernest King.
Miss Ruth Brown and friend, Tor-
onto, spent the week-end with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Brown:
Miss Bessie Wylie, Toronto, is ;pea-
ding the Christmas vacation with her
mother, Mrs. John Wylie,
Mr. and MrS. Bill Martin, London,
are spending the holidays with her par-
ents, Mr, and Mrs. Anson Galbraith.
Miss Edna Irwin, of Toronto, is a
Christmas week-end guest of her bro-
ther, Mr. and Mrs: Manford
Stewart cloakey„ Morris township, and.
Mrs. A. J. Ferguson of Auburn. As a
member of St. Andrew's Church She.
took a great interest in its welfare and •
has been a life member of the' Wom-
en's Missionary Society for many
A private service was held at her
late residence, Diagonal Road on Wed-
nesday afternoon with the Rev, Alex.
Nimmo officiating. Burial took place
in Wingham cemetery. The pallbear-
ers were W. E. Hammond, John Raby,
Herbert Wheeler, IL F, McGee, David
Halliday,-Archie Peebles.
To the many friends I have made since I returned
from overseas a year ago I extend the sincere hope
that the New Year will be one of Happiness and
contentment for you all,
%gingham Electric Service