HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1945-12-20, Page 9CQVFIAQWUS MACKAY LAKE •AREA. Mdp showing location and general geology ,of mining claims. Let 64°OQ to .041W Oncle 't-oo9 11.1QQQ o 11.1`.*:?t North 'Territories, covering Sheet N.0-76 P3 from West Iris Group Pon •a Group Jeja No*, SALMITA NORTIIIWEST h4.1(!feit,!•211_,T...7D ENGINEERS° AND GEOLOGIST'S REPORTS TORONTO, ONTARIO (September 11, 1945), "The property (Salmita) IS underlain by rocks of both seri- , itrie.ntary and volanic origin, lieu contact between which strikes in a northwesterly direction tratfereitig the long axis of the property across nine claims. The contact zone is marked by intensive shearing, within which mineralieecl quartz is noted to occur. "Showing No. 1 occurs near the south end of the property. Total width of quartz exposed, and uncovered by scraping away the moss, is 9'0". A few shallow pop holes were blasted into the quartz which allowed the taking of two chip samples. "Sample No. 628 was cut across 2'6" of blue quartz well mineralized with arsenopyrite this assayed 0.93 oz. Gold ($35.34). "At a point 27'0" along the strike to the northwest, a se- cond sample, No. 629, was chipped across 6'6" of similarly well mineralized quartz which ran 0.27 oz. Gold ($10.05). This section of quartz adjoins to the west of a line project- ed from the 2'G" section sampled by No, 628, which gives a total width of 9'0" of quartz. Rhyolite, which forms the west wall of the quartz, is well -schisted and shows evidence of mineralization by rusty oxidation of its surface, OFFICIAL ASSAYS NORAI415A, QUEBEC (October 31, 1945) "The writer considers i!le Salmita property an extremely promising mining venture. For' the amount of work done the results have been very encouraging. One vein 'has been opened up for a length of seventy feet which averaged 0.814 oz. Au over 38.3 inches. At '$38.50 gold, this value is $31.34 per ton. Which is definitely ore grade. Both ends of the vein are open, with excellent values at each end, and the vein looks very strong in both places. The vein lies in a strong shear zone which has been mapped for a distance of four miles and has a known length of twenty-two miles and along which gold has been found in numerous places. Eight thousand feet south-east of the South showing is a vein on an adjoining property that is at least seven hundred feet long, twenty-eight feet of which channelled ,0,60 oz. An. over a width of six feet and with visible gold showings on it that have never been trenched. This aurifefous shear tra- verses the Salmita property for a distance of 14,000 feet; and the entire length of its should be investigated, The strength and persistency of this controlling geological struc- ture, plus the fact that vein widths are of mining width, make the property very attractive from an economic view- point because it opens up, not only the possibilities that fairly large tonnages may be developed, but also that the search for ore is confined to a well defined structure. "In conclusion, I would like to state again that T have no hesitation in saying that the Salmita property is one of ex- ceptional merit, For the amount of work done, it is the best showing I have ever examined, and is well worth the expenditures outlined," RICHARD E. PARKES, M.E. W. B. AIRTH, B.Sc. EDMONTON, ALBERTA • (August 21, 1945) "The main Shear outcrops for a total distance of 300 feet andewas 25 feet in width dipping steeply under the Tundra. Neither walls were exposed in a trench blasted into an'd acoss'the outcrop. A cross section • of the trench East of the outcrop showed the following: 12 feet of highly miner- alized sheared and schisted Volcanic rocks; 8'/a feet of high- ' temperature blue Quartz well mineralized; needles of Tour- maline disseminated throughout the Quartz. In numerous* places across the broken face of the vein very fine visible free gold was noticed.' The balance of the outcrop exposed was made up of well mineralized Chlorite Schists. The main sulphides in this Zone are Arsenopyrite and Pyrite arid they are' known to have a, high gold content. "After carefully examining the Salerno' Claims (Salmita) the writer is of the opinion that the two outstanding dis- coveries made in the main Shear Zone can be developed into commercial orebedies. It is, therefore, recommended that preparations be undertaken immediately to put into effect a prospecting and drilling program to prove up these Zones. "This property difinitely warrants the expenditure outlined above and the writer is confident that the results of the foregoing program will be such that the next step in devel- opment will be the sinking of a shaft and the bringing of this property into production." A. F. BANFiELD,,Phd. 5, W. N, Bell, B.Sc., Telephone 107A, P.O, Box 183, Assayer & Analytical Chemist Haileybury, Ont., November 2nd, 1945, HAILEYBURY ASSAY OFFICES Certifitate of Analysis No. 23564 We have assayed Twenty-nine samples of Rock rtecived September 27th, and submitted by Dr. A. F, Bonfield. Toronto, with the following results: Sample No. 1 2 8 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 18 14 15 7 •01 Oz. Gold ton ,06 .10 .49 .13 .01 .01 ,18 .01 .005 .70 ,96 .54 ,01 .04 Or. Silver ten •-. .10 ,13 .08 ,16 .21 ,46 Sample No. 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 .20 Oz, Gold ton ,32 .96 .15 .53 .12 .01 .66 .06 .58 2,26 .72 .26 .88 .02 Oz. Silver ton — .34 Trace .23 .05 -- ,44 — .10 .56 .15 .0 .31 8 Buy "Sithnita" Through Your Own Broker C/Hering price imtkiect, to advance Without notice ASSAY REPORTS ON THE SALMITA NORTHWEST PROPERTIES IN THE 'COURAGEOUS-MacKAY LAKE AREA NORTHWEST TERRITORIES Date Assayer Label Sample 'Gold Oz. No. No. per ton Gold Value per Ton $35 July 26, 1945 F. W, Huggins, 19913 1 ". 4,36 162,60 Assayers 19914 2 1.13 39.55 Rouyn, Quebec 19915 3, 0.24 8,40 August 17, 1945 Toronto Testing 4660 Al 1.93 67.20 Lab, Limited 4660 A2 1,46 51.10 73 Adelaide St. W. 4660 A3 9,13 319.65 August 16, 1945 Prov. Assay Office, Dept, of Mines 17140 A4 3,70 120,50 October 6, 1945 3, C. Jensen, 444 1 0,17 0.54 Assay Office 444 2 83,00 1270.50 Botirlamaque, Quo, 444 8 0,09 3.45 Cornett & Coinpany, 73 Adelaide Street West, Toronto I, Ontario: Gentlemen: I hereby purchase from you ... . . ' shame of SALMITA IORTHWEST MINES LIMITED (No Personal Liability) at ii0e per Share, arid enclose herewith a total of $ in full payment of Name. gmat (Please Print or Write Plainly) Address....... ........ ........ ........ .............. ............. NOW 50c PER SHARE 12 T PA WINCFNA14 ADVANC-TINIE$ YOUR EYES NEED ATTENTION Our 25 :Point Scientific. Examin, *ion enables us to gwe you Clear, Comfortable Vision Optometrist Phone 118 Hariston DOMINION BANK HELD • ANNUM", MERINO Canada's Debt Is Individual's Respon- sibility' 'Postwar reconstruction problems ;fad the magnitude of Canada's debt, -with greater effort: to maintain export Trade, were the principal subjects of, the address by Mr. C. H. Carlisle, Presi- dent of the Dominion Bank, to the shareholders at the annual meeting in Toronto on December 12th, There was no magic wand, said Mr. Carlisle by which the colossal needs world ravaged by war could be met and a paradise instantly attained, We had to face facts, Referring to Canada's indebtedness, totalling $1,238 per capita, he said: "The liquidation of Canada's debt, the carrying charges on the' indebtedness ,and the cost of Government in its en- tirety, is the direct responsibility and -obligation of each citizen or resident of Canada. You have given the Gov- ernment an unlimited power of attorn- ey as to assessment and expenditure. Therefore, you undoubtedly have a -direct and vital interest in Government .expenditures and in the obligations 'Government creates for you." Production was a main source of em- :ployment and revenue, and the en- .avoidable excessive cost of wartime production was reflected in our in- debtedness. Wartime costs must be ..reduced to avoid increasing debt and incurring inflation. up $29,479,000, were $868,884;000 „quigk assets, $227,070,000" equalled 80% of public liabilities compared with 77.46% the previous year, Cash assets, .$00, 085,000; were 1.9.78% of lighilities, In vestments tmnileri $108,077,000, Call and short loans tu. Canada increased by $2,471,000, those elsewhere, at $3,498,000,-were virtually unchanged. Current loans in. Canada were $05,421, 000, about the sane as the previous- year. HOWICK COUNCIL Wroxeter, December 5th., 1945 The Council met in the Township Hall according to adjournment, the members were all present, the Reeve, D, L. Weir, in the chair. The minutes of last regular meeting were read and on motion of Strong and McCallum were adopted. Moved by Parrish and Winter that the Clerk be hereby instructed to order ten copies of the "Municipal Council and Councillors in Ontario" Carried, Moved by Farrish and McCollum' that the Clerk be hereby instructed to advertise for applicatiortS for the posi- tion of Road 'Superintendent in the Township of Howick. Duties to, com- mence on the First day of January, 1946, salary to be at the rate of fifty cents per hour. The Superintendent to furnish and bear the cost of his own transportation.' Applications to be in the hands of the Clerk not later than 12 o'clock, noon, December 14th., 1945. Carried, Moved by Strong and Winter that this Council accept the resignation of John Montgomery as Township Road. Superintendent, same to take effect on the appointment of his successor, Car- ried. Moved by Winter and Strong that the tender of Gibson and Smith for the operating of the Wroxetef Rink during the season of 1945-6 at $15.00 rental and payment of the costs of the lighting, be accepted. Carried. Moved "by Strong and Farrish that the Road Superintendent be rereby au- thorized to purchase 8000. feet of snow fence and sufficient posts for same. Carried. Moved by McCallum and Farrish that the Road accounts as approved, be paid. Carried. Moved by Farrish and McCallum that the following accounts pc paid. Leslie McLeod, refund of dog tax, $2.00; Jacob Weitz, refund of dog tax, $2.00; Marguerite Johnston, refund of dog tax, $2.00; Robert Brown, 4 cords of Cedar for Gorrie and Wroxeter Halls, $12.00; John Dinsmore, trip to J, Holt's, re sheep valuator, $1.75; J. H. Crawford, legal advice, $6,50; A. H. Erskine, 21/2 % on taxes collected, $67.13;Stratford Relief Department, Relief expenditures re Vivian Mann, $17.31; Douglas Henderson, sheep killed or injured by dogs, $14.00; Co. Treasurer, Hospital Exp. re W. Hall and Ellen Young, $60.75; David Rob- inson, Servicing Street Lights, Wrox- eter, 1945, $78.00; H. B. Collins, Reg- istering Relief, time and Supplies, $57.25; A. H. Erskine, purchase price lots sold at tax sale, $139.77; J. H. Rogers, assisting Road Auditor, $4.00; Percy Ashton, Assessing, 1945, $200.; Percy Ashton, Equalizing U. S. S. No. 5, and U. S. S. No. 10, $8.00; J. H. Rogers, salary as Treas., 1945, $330.00; 5. H. Rogers, Servicing Street Lights, Fordwich, $98.00; Isaac Gamble"; Bal- ance salary as Clerk, 1945, $215.00; Elmer J. Farrish, Fees and Mileage, 1945, $75.80; John Winter, Fees and Mileage, 1945, $92.00; E. H. 'Strong, Fees and Mileage, 1945,- $85.60; Ed- ward McCallum, Fees and Mileage, 1945, $90.80; D. L. Weir. Fees and Mileage, Reeve, 1945, $117.60,; M. D. Irvin, Wreaths for 'Armstice and Stin- son Memorial, $10.00; Relief, $67.38. Moved by Farrish and McCallum trat this Council do now adjourn to meet in the Township Hall, Gorrie, on the fifteenth day of December, or at the call of the Reeve. Carried. Isaac Gainble, Clerk. Greater efforts were needed to'main- tain exports at a volume essential for .moderate stability and prosperity, Our goods had to be competitive, and there was a limit to the -loans and ;donations we could make to other -countries to increase their purchasing ,power. "There is a great and constant de- pend upon Gatrernixtent to make this 'or that expenditure,, whether it is es- ',..sential or non-essential, or whether we can afford it or not ,' he declared. "Our present financial position neces- sitates a rigid economy. "What we have been 'doing, and are doing," he 'declared, " is really subsidizing idle- ness. "There always have been periods of unavoidable unemployment", he con- tinued, "They will be -recurrent. The 'only way to mitigate them is through Government, industry and labor work- ing for a common purpose, for a greater economy and 'expansion of trade. This work is not being done." Our production is beingo-etarded or suspended, thousands thrown out of work, while domestic markets were depleted of-merclrandise and industry deprived of equipment and replace- .ments.- "All wars are destructive", he said, including industrial wars. The time has arrived when peace -"should ,displace war." Mr. Robert Rae; the !General Man- .ager, in analyzing the financial state- ment for the year, pointed to assets exceeding" $300,060,000, profits of. -41,080,000 after. Doininion taxes of V42,000, and, $93,000 added to profit :and loss account compared with $105; .000 the previous year. Public deposits OntdriOprofits alitnost as Mitch from tourist busi, teases from gold mining. It's ttp to us .to keep this business growing. "Lef't mak° suet" they In one year, 73,000 angling permits were bought-by our friends from the States. And we have ,always done our part to see that they enjoyed themselves. When they return, let's give them a•great welcome! Its 11/1111WOODY'S liUSIN11105 . cadg& ieewireost, Every tourist dollar is shared. . 1. Hotels; 2.Stores;3.Restattrants; 4. Tales, ere,; 6, Amuse. meats; 6. Garages. atways toine beide The infOrmatlgn hereon has been <Atoned from GtotogIsts, Engineer's and Prospectors end os beittoed to.be rehatoirr,but ho not guarantee!! tte. t, VertY CL. Group T P.R Group urnGrou Laskin Lake Tor Group MS-N Gro J.L:S Grou August Lake I, Sot te et a D B Group - Mad Grou WC P Group Jeja Group MACKAY LAKE Steve '— Grou R.E.PGrou • 1 Max Grou Granite- qranodiorite & allied rocks Gabbro dyke Greywacke-slate Sediments Andesite- tufts Voloanics E.= Faults & Shear ,Zones Geological boundary assumed Etkers LEGEND ••••••••• CORNELL CO COMPANY 71"burs December 200094$ 73. ,AtIelaide Street West* Toronto; Canada (FORIVIERLY 68 KING STREET EAST) Phone — ELDIn 8207 IN flitt1/000i14 ilf JOON' tAlkft