HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1945-12-20, Page 1With Which Is Amalgamated The Gorrie Vidette and Wroxeter News..
WINGHAM, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER Mh, 1945 'SnbaeriptiOns $2,00 Per Yea00 shoe Copies Five Cents
:Major Robert S. Hetherington. Signally
In a list off decorations announced
.on Friday was the name of Major Rob-
• ert Scott Hetherington of 'town,. He
was listed with those who were made
members of the Most Excellent Order
of the British Empire. We extend
congratulations to Bob on receiving
:this great honour,
Major Hetherington had been officer
•commanding the 99th Battery, R.C.A.,
since it was mobilized in early Sept-
ember 1941, in fact he was in charge
t of the battery prior to that time. The
battery, which has an excellent record,
will arrive in Wingham, it is expected,
about the 28th of this month.: Wing-
ham will give its own battery a royal
welcome on this occasion.
Major Hetherington was born near
"Goderich, a son of Mrs. Hetherington
and the late Capt. Isaae'Hetherington,
His father also had a distinguished
war record and his death about a year
.after the last war due to his being
gassed while serving overseas. After
graduating from Goderich Collegiate
Institute he apprenticed in law, with
Mr. L. E. Dancy, a Goderich lawyer.
On his graduation from Osgoode Hall
the came to Wingham, taking over
the practice of the late J. A, Morton,
In 1936 he was made a King's Counsel.
He has a long record of military ser-
vice. He was a member of the Huron
Regiment, later the Middlesex-Huron
Regiment, transferring from this unit
-to the 99th Battery on its organization
here by Lt. Col. George W. HoWson.
His interests were not confined to mili-
tary matters, as he was elected to the
town council in the November election
.of 1935 and continued as- councillor
-until he was elected Reeve by accla-
.mation in 1940. He also took an active
interest in politics and was at the time
if his -enlistment the president of the
.North Huron Liberal Association.
His wife, the former Loniae Thomp-
.son, and three children, Ian, Rae arid
.jane McIntosh, whom he has never
-seen, are waiting anxiously his return
School Concert and Dance
A School. Concert and Dance will be
held at Glenannan School at 8.30 p.
•In., on Friday night, DeceMber 21st.
Admission 25 cents. Children under
15 years of age free. All are invited.
Eighteen Tables Of Euchre
The Oddfellows euchre held on Fri-
-day night was attended by eighteen
-tables. Prizes for high score went to
Mrs. J. McGibbon and Mr. George,
Hall. The lucky chair prize was won
.by Mrs. M. Fitzpatrick.
-Christmas Conert
The annual Christmas Concert of the
Stone School, No. 7, Morris, will be
;held at 8.30 p,m., Thursday evening,
December 20th. There will be plays,
recitations, drills and choruses.
25 cents.,, Mrs. N. Robertson,
Take notice that there will be no
collection of garbage Christmas and
New Years Days, Those who should.
be serviced these days will please put
'their garbage out the day previous,
Monday, Dec. 24th, and Monday, Dec-
'ember 31st.
Mrs, Hodd of Blyth, will be the
guest speaker at the Wingham Worn-
,en's Institute meeting this week, Fri-
•day, the 21st, The meeting will corn-
-mance at 3 p.m. sharp. Mrs. Hodd
spent many years in Labrador, where
her husband was resident doctor at the
Grenfell Mission, at Harrington. Her
topic will be life and work in Labra-
dor. Mrs. Hodd is bringing a display
of handicraft made at the mission.
These articles will be for sale and in-
elude hooked slippers, Wall nots, knit-
ted dust mitts, bridge score pads,
wooden building blocks for Children,
costume jeWellery, Made from seal
skin, etc. The connaittee has arranged
a fine program of Christmas 'musk and
readings, and Mrs, Touzeati of the
Salvation Army will give the prayer.
Roll Call will be'answered by taming
a favourite Christmas Vette. Hostess-
es are Mrs. Joe Herr, Mrs, Carl Deans,
Mrs, W. T. Cruickshank, Mrs. T. Dow-
er, New members and guests are es-
pecially invited,
Pair Of Paintings ?resented To W. T.
CKNX held their annual Christmas
party on Monday night when 48 meta-
hers of the staff and management and
their wives gathered around a Christ-
mas tree in the studio to participate in
an exchange of Christmas gifts. On
behalf of the staff, Frank Johnson pre-
sented the manager, Mr. W, T. Cruick-
shank with a pair of oil paintings, after
which' they repaired to Yemen's Grill
to partake of a ssunptuous turkey din-
Toasts and speeches were 'enjoyed by
all. Mr. Cruickshank, the toastmaster,
called on members of the staff includ-
ing the former service personnel. How-
ard Bedford, his assistant, spoke -brief-
ly of his past Christmases overseas, as
did Scott Reid and jack Garbutt. Bud
Cruickshank, Iona Terry, Doug, Pry,
Ross Hamilton, Glen Schelfele and
Jack Caesar, other CKNX personnel
spent their service Christmas' in var-
ious parts of Canada and the United
On 'behalf of the staff, Margaret
Brophy thanked the management for
their generous thriatinaS bonuses.
Wingham jet. School Concert
Come to the Christmas concert at
Wingham Inaction Scheel at 8,15 p.
ra., on Thursday, December 20th. The
-play "Luncheon Por Sit." Wilt 'be pre,
tented. AdtriisSien, adults 25 cents,
Children, 15 cents.
As the star that guided the wise men toward the manger at Bethle-
hem twinkles brightly in the Christmas sky, we extend our heartiest
wishes of the season to all of you who have made 1945 such a pleas-
ant year for our firm. To each of you we extend our most heartfelt
Christmas Greetings.
Legion and, Legion Auxiliary To En-
Entertain Veterans and Service
Following the regular meeting of the
Legion and Legion Auxiliary on the
evening of Boxing Day, December
26th., these organizations are holding
a party for new army veterans and any
service persbnnel who may be on leave.
A cordial invitation is extended to all
new army men and women to attend.
Each man may bring his wife or
friend and members of the Auxiliary
their husbands or boy friends, The
party will get under way at the arm-
ouries at 9 o'clock and all are asked to
be present at that time if at all pos-
sible. The program -will consist of
games, singing, lunch and -dance.
Ladies of the Auxiliary will please
bring sandwiches,
Notice of Meetings
The Legion will meet in the armour-
ies at 7 p.m., so that the business will
be 'concluded in time for the, party,
The Ladies Auxiliary will meet in
the Council Chambers at 7.30 p.m., and
will go to the Armouries following the
Merchants and 'Citizens Urged To
Decorate For the 99th Battery
Home Coming
Plans have been completed for the
reception of the. 99th Battery when it
arrives here from overseas next week.
The exact time of arrival will be an-
nounced as soon as possible. The
battery will arrive in New York' on
the Queen Elizabeth and the date of
their arrival is expected to be Decem-
ber 27th.
The battery will arrive at the C.N.R,
station atid the platform will be reserv-
ed for relatives only who will be ad-
mitted into this enclosure by ticket.
These ticketstwill be mailed from head-
quarters at London and each family
will receive three tickets. If more tic-,
kets are required they may be received
from Lt. Col. G. W. Howson or. front
Wally Armstrong, at The Advance-
Times Office.
After relatives have. had an oppor-
tunity to visit at the station the -battery
will parade to the Armouries., The
salute will be taken near the Curling
rink. Cadets and school children will
line the street as the battery marches
past, At the Armouries the men will
be served a lunch prior to being pro-
cessed. Relatives will at the same time
be served lunch in the Council -Cham-
bers being admitted with the same
ticket which was used at the station.
An address of welcome will be given
at the Armouries.
As the men are receiving their docu-
ments relatives in the Council Cham-
bers will be notified by loud speaker
so that they may go to the armouries
to meet their returning heros.
The Legion and the local Battery
will form a cordon at the enclosure at
the station.
Closing Notice
The Wingham Utilities Office will
be closed from December 27th., to Jan.
2nd. for the purpose of taking inven-
Wingham Utilities CominisSion,
Fractured Bone In Leg
Miss Janet Murray had the misfor-
tune to fall on Sunday evening and
fracture a small bone in her leg. Miss
Murray was on her way home from
church Sunday evening when the acci-
dent happened. She was proceeding
up the hill on Victoria Street when she
Theatre To Present Anchors Aweigh
On Monday, Tuesday and Wednes-
day next week the mach publicized
picture "Anchors Aweigh' will be
shown at the Lyceum Theatre. In ord-
er'that all might see this great ;picture
there will be two shows each night 7
and 0.30 p.m.
On Saturday afternoon this streets,'
conunencing at 2,30. o'clock, the Ly-
e-dill-11 Theatre will treat the children
of the eetnintinity to a free matinee.
For some years this theatre has gen-
erously given the children this free
show and as the theatre is always
packed at this tithe, adults are remind.
ed thht the show is for children only.
Soldiers Return Home From Overseas
In Car
As a result of cars crashing on High-
way 4 at Cole's Hill, on Thursday at:
ternoon, four men were injured, Geo.
Whitby of Luoknow, who has just re-
turned from overseas was driving the
car which was coming toward Wing-
ham, when it collided• with a car in
which Norman Shiell, mail courier,
was making his rounds. Three in the
Whitby car were injured and taken to
the hospital here badly bruised and
shaken tip. They were Joseph Whitby
Sr., father of George, his brother, Rus-
sell and Elliott Webster of Kincardine,
The first two are still in the hospital
here but Webster has been transferred
to Westminster Hospital, es he is still
on ,array strength. George Whitby
was not injured, neither was Joseph
Whitby Jr,, Norman Shiell apparently
suffered chest injuries but was not tak-
en to the hospital.
Both cars were badly wrecked. The
injured men were attended by Dr. W.
A. McKibben.
/ft Hospital
Miss Catharine Currie, daughter of
Cpl. George and Mrs, Currie, is a pat.
lent its Wingham General Hospital-,
Friends wish her a Speedy Meet/try,
It Was very 'recently that Mr. and
Mrs. Currie's son, Bobbie, underwent
an operation for the removal of his
Stormy Weather Did Not Stop- Child-
ren Being Present
The Town Hall rang with laughter
of children on Monday night when the
Lions Club held their annual Christ-
mas party. Despite the very stormy
weather the hall was comfortably fill-
ed and the children had a delightful
Short Christmas pictures were
shown and community singing enjoy-
ed. The singing was in charge of Lion
McKibbott and Lion Jack Reavie with
Lion Harold Victor Pytn at the piano.
Santa Claus was present and his ar-
rival was greeted in a most entluisiass
tic manner. Each child was presented
with an orange.
There was one disappointment and
that was due to the storm, A magician
had been engaged but due to the con-
dition of the roads failed to arrive.
Wingharn Store Hours
Thursday, December 20th,, open
until 6 p.m. Friday, Saturday and
Monday, Dec, 21st, 22nd, and 24th,
open until 10 p.m.
Tuesday, Christmas Day, Decem-
ber 25th,, and Wednesday, Decent-
ber 26th, Boxing Day, stores closed.
Wingltatn riterehant' Assoc;
BY E.6,1.T, fiROUP
The ,Annual Set-vice Was Held In the
Same Form Throughout Canada
Sunday evening in the United
Church the three groups of the C.G.I,
Ts united for these ceremonies. The
presidents, Joyce Darling, Judy Deyell
and Marion Irwin, led the first part of
the service in whieh the .Christmas
story was interpreted in readings and
song, Betty Lewis' solo rendition of
"Infant Holy" added a lovely touch to
the congregational and group singing
of the Carols.
Rev. W. A. Beecroft told a story of
Christmas generosity tbefore the candle
lighting ceremony conducted by the
vice-presidents of the groups, Barbara
Newman, Marjory Copeland, and Max-
ine Cowan, The girls, wearing white
middies and seated in the form of a
cross, then had their candles lit as the
church was' darkened. One could not
help but 'be impressed as the girls,
with faces glowing above the candles,
moved out in the recessional "It came
upon the Midnight Clear."
Two More Local Boys Return From
In our list of those who returned
on the Mauretania last week we should
have included Capt. Richard Roberts.
His name was not on the list here as
he returned to Military District No, 2,
Another local boy who has come
back from overseas but who we did
not mention was L. Cpl. George Fal-
coner. He went. to Kingston therefore
we had no record of his arrival.
On Saturday the Monarch of Ber-
muda docked at Halifax and aboard
were from this district, L.A.C. Ken-
neth Jackson of town; 'Gnr. H. W. Gar-
nissmo o f Blyth; Gnr. D. R. Robinson -of
Wroxeter; Pte, H, W, Edwards, Bel-
The hospital ship Lady Nelson also
arrived on Saturday and had as pas-
sengers, L. Sgt. L. M. Heipel, Clifford,
and B.S.M. T. J. Ritchie, Gorrie.
Captain Richard Roberts
Dick as he is generally known, is the
son of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Roberts of
town. He joined the active army with
the 99th Battery in early September,
1941. Prior to that he was a member
of this battery and at the time the
battery went active was attending an
officer's training course at Brockville
He proceeded overseas with the bat-
tery in August, 1943, and D-Day saw
him with the battery as they went into
the Normandy beachhead. On Aug-
ust 15th, he was promoted to the rank
of Captain and on November 1st, was
wounded in the leg which kept him out
of action for 15 days. After his return
to the battery he saw service in Bel-
gium and Holland. The middle of
January he was transferred to England
to take a course but the war ended and
changed those plans.
L.A.C. Kenneth Jackson
Ken arrived in Toronto on Monday.
He was met by his father, Mr, R. E.
Jackson, also his wife. He went over-
seas in May, 1943, and was attached
to the R.A.F. during his overseas ser-
vice. Ken enlisted in July 1942, and
for six months was a student at West-
dale-Technical School. • Following six
weeks of basic training he went to
Radio School at Clinton taking a radar
L. Cpl. George Falconer
'George is the son of Mr. and Mrs.
joint Falconer of town. He returned
to Canada from overseas about two
weeks ago on the Empress of Scot-
land. lie is now visiting with his par-
ents, He enlisted about three and. a
half years ago and has been overseas
for three years. he was with the sig-
nal corps and served in Italy, Holland
and Germany, his brother, Joe, is
still overseas but is expected to arrive
home about New Years,
tcaeof-yrevai at-antStr themand
This is another reminder that Box-
ing Bay, Dec. 26th., the ' day after
Christmas, will be a holiday here, This
holding of Boxing Day is an old tug.
light custom and it is fast becoming
standard practice in this country AS
most cities and towns now observe it.
Tribute Paid To Those Of Congrega+
tion Who Gave Their Lives In
the War
Despite the very stormy weather a
large 'congregation was present at St*
Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Suns.,
day morning when a memorial service
was held for those of the congregation
who gave their lives in the recent con-
flict. They were Sgt. Observer George
T. King, Warrant Officer Williara HR
Pym; Flying Officer George R. Lloyd;
Sgt. Pilot Leslie R. Adair; 'Captain.
James UcKague and Pte. T, William
Rev. Alex Nin-itno chose for his
scripture reading the 46th Psalm and
he preached from three texts, Philip-
pians 3;8; "Yea doubtless and I count
all things but loss for the -excellency
of the knowledge of Christ Jesus, my
Lord; for whom I have suffered- the
loss of all things"; Mark 14:8, "She
bath done what she could"; Romans 8
38, 39, "For I am persuaded that neith-
er death, nor life, nor angels, nor prin-
cipalities, nor power, nor things pre-
sent, nor things, to UMW, nor height,
nor depth,.nor any other creature, shall
be able to separate us from the love of
God, which is in Christ Jesus our-
These Men were willing to suffer the
loss of all things and they did, Their
loss is a challenge to us. These men
gave for an ideal and Mr. Nimmo ask-
ed are we today working for this ideal.
He said that Lt. Col. McRae in his
poem inspired by the First Great War
had said "To you we throw the torch,
be yours to hold it high". In the war
just concluded these men have passed
the torch to us.
Mary, he said, had come to know
the Lord in a very special way, She
could net take his place, she could not
make the sacrifice but she had done
what she could, We too must do what
we can. Multitudes would have taken
their places but we did what we could.
, Speaking -of the. third text "Nothing
HGoedt"otlhdato•fis the ee pheeai :het o£ ff tithiinndgs,oinoottih:
can separate. us from the Love of
face el);
edf "elate:In;
realized that nothing can separate us
shol8;dice7s thenar th
from the Love of God.
• The guest soloist was Mr. Archie
McCullough of London, who sang ef-
fectively "Lord of the Night". Mrs.
W. N. Pickell played the organ.
Concert At Lanes School
,The annual. school concert will be
held at Lane's School on Friday even-
ing, December 21st. Programme to
commence at '8.30. Lunch will be serv-
ed by the ladies of the section, follow-
by dancing to the music of Sangster's,
Bluevale School Eentertainment
Dec. 20th.
Come to the Bluevale Community-
Hall for an evening's enjoyment of-
songs, drills, dialogues etc., on Thurs-
day, Dec. 20th., beginning at 8:80 p.
m. when the school pupils will present
their Christmas entertainment. Ad-
mission 25c. Children Free. Every-
body welcome.
Friday, December 21st., Farrier's
Orchestra,, Modern and Old Time, Ad-
mission 35 cents; Saturday, December'
22nd., Wilbec's Orchestra, Modern.
ladys, 35 cents, gents, 40 cents; Sun-
day Midnight, December 23rd,, Car.
ruther's Orchestra, modern, admission
50 cents; Monday, December 24th.,
Carruther's Orchestra, Modern mid
old time, admission, 50 cents; Tuesday,
December 25th, Wilbee's Orchestra,
citotds.ern and old time, admission 50
The tear Round Christmas Gift
There is rio gift that would 'be ap.,
preeiated more than a subscription to
tre Advance-Times, This weekly Inca-
sage will keep those away from home
hi touch with the old home town.
There are many hi the district who
would appretiate a gift of the Advance-
Times. A greeting card sent with each
yearly subscription, $2.00 ,per year hi
Canada; $2.50 per year in the United
Mbe Mini/barn abbance=T Unto anb iriptaff