HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1945-12-13, Page 81945 MONSOON MINMO 4. •••••• .141411M. ammo arm. *ma. 0111•••• 0•11=O1 •=111111• gimmuivillommouffiniumummimmulautioutounumniiiitumumimmonlowiumninmillouninnuminininuullowiimounionimmoinog ,A1,..;;:...;;;: • FOR MOTHER Fine Cabrakid Gloves ... 2.95 pr. White Scarfs 1.00 - 1.95 Handbags-real leather .... 7.95 Housecoats • 7.95 - 12.95 Snuggle Down Gowns .1.95 2.95 Penman's All Wool Hose . . 1.50 .ammay. 1•11111•11 11011•100 WIMPY 01.11110 WM. ••••••i:*04,. Vionaall 1•••••11111,,, 4 , FOR THE HOUSE Bedspreads 3.50 - 15.00 Sheets 5.50 Pillow Cases 1.00 pr. Breakfast Cloths 2 75 - 4.50 Bathroom Sets 2.95, 3.95 Wool Blankets, Motor Rugs 6.50 - 9.00 111.1,111•EN 1111.••1 FOR DAD Lined Leather Gloves . .2.25, 3.95 Arrow Ties 1.00, 1.50 Handkerchiefs with wide heir 25c Penman's Cardigan Coats . . .4.25 A Crean Hat, fur felt ..3.95, 5.50 Scarfs, Paisley Spuns ...1.25, 4.95 •1•111101111 1••••• 1111••••• •••••1111. MOON ••••••• amnia rommil •••••• 4•41•144 MEOW. AMINO e 11=I=I almi=4 MOM --= GIFTS Ilmm••• OMEN. for* the HOME and Every one in it 11.1•4111•11 WM= 411•111011. 1•114 11•11•1011•11 1•••••• 1111•011•11 MINN= 111••••111 WEEMS Mum. ••••••• Mowing. OMEN* MOM. •••••• === 111•1Ma MIMEOS 11111•0•1•1 FOR SISTER Flannelette Pyjamas - 8 - 14 years 1 59 Parka Caps 79c, 1.00 Mitts--embroidered wools, Novelty Lines 1.50 - 3.95 Ski Jackets-Quilted Rayon 8.95' Kerchiefs . . . spuns, wools 79c - 2.95 Ladies' Ski Mitts, .Horsehide, wool lined 2 25 FOR BROTHER • Ski Slacks-Instructor style, Gaberdine 6 50 Plaid and Doeskin Shirts ... . ...... $1.39 to $1.95 Ties.. . . smartest patterns .. ......... . . ..... 1.00 Wool Scarfs ..... . .. 1.50 Plastic Suspenders, Belts - Flannelette Pyjamas - 8 - 14 years 1 19, imam. •••••• Mame 111••1••• 1111111. MEMO. 01111111111111111111111111111111111110111111111111111111111111101111111111111111101111111111111111111111111111MMIIIIMMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMO 111911•••• 01•1111.111 •••11EN OMEN.. 01•••1•1 1•110== ft••••••• •••1111•• MIMMIM Rev. A. H. Wilson held a short dedi- catory service at the morning service on Sunday to dedicate to the use of the church a new desk pulpit lamp, pre- sented by Mrs. David Kennedy and her S m oker's Sundries Magazines Haselgrove s SMOKE SHOP ton mmossimersammismosmi First Class family in memory of the late David Kennedy, who had been an elder in Chalmers Presbyterian Church for forty-two years, and a member for over seventy years and who passed away eight years ago. The regular monthly gathering of the•people of this community to wel- come home another group of boys re- turning from overseas, will take place on Monday evening, December 17th. All are invited to attend. Don't forget the School Concert be- ing held in the Hall this Wednesday evening and the concert of the Sunday Schools of the Presbyterian and the United Churches will be held on Thursday, December 20th. Miss Thel- ma Caldwell is holding the concert in S. S. No. '14 on Wednesday nest at 8.30 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Purdon held a reception in the Institute Hall here on Tuesday evening in honour of the re- cent marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Bott of Elora. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Purdon and. Mr. 'Russell Purdon 'were in London on Monday. A new one room station was duly settled on the station grounds here on Monday, BLYTH Pte., Harry Brown returned from overseas on the Queen Elizabeth, which docked at New Fork on Friday, Mrs, Brown went to Toronto, to meet her husband. Mrs. Sheffield and daughter, Lillian McLean, St. Catharines, visited the former's sister, Miss A. 'Gillespie, and attended the funeral service at Winghant of the late Mrs. Margaret McLean on Saturday. TheWomen's Institute held their monthly meeting. on Thursday with a splendid attendance. Two demonstra- tions were put on the progratri, First, a winter bouquet; and Mesdames Doh. erty, ,Garrett and Miss Woodcock de* monstrated the putting On of bandages and proved interesting. The singing of Christrnat carols put everybody ht Xtria4 Mend, The White Gift Service Will 'be held in the United church on Sunday Wetly, ing. A splendid program is being pre- pared by the members of the Sunday School. Mrs. Gordon Elliott and Maker John, are spending a few days with re- latives at Guelph. Mr. Phil Philips who undirwent an operation for appendicitis on Monday IS progressing favourably. Blyth Lions Club will sponsor a Christams Tree and entertainment for the children during the holiday time. Mrs. Thos. Elliott left on Saturday for New York where she will spend the 'Winter months with her daughter. Mrs. James ,Collinson, who has been quite seriously ill, is showing some improveinent. See Reid and See Right Make Appointments WITH- DAVID CROMPTON Jeweller - Phone 59 For Eye Examination R. A. Reid, R.0. Eye Socialist Phone 161 Free Delivery. atittada ►OD BARG - AT - Smith's Economy Food Store CU BUT MIXED MAPLE LEAF LIC PEEL, lb. - .. .,...,„........350 LOAF CHEESE, lb. 39c SHELLED ALMONDS' or MILD CANADIAN , FILBERTS, 2 oz. pkg. ,,......15c COLOURED' CHEESE, lb. 32c GOLDEN MIXED NUTS, lb.. 49c GROUND FRESH WHILE SMITH'S YOU WAIT FOUR O'CLOCK BLEND REX COFFEE BLACK TEA 49e lb. 40c % lb. pkg. Miss Canada Fancy Tomato Juice tin 10c VanCamp Choice Quality Peas, tin , . I5c AYLMER TOMATO OR DALTON'S VANILLA MS- VEGETABLE SOUP tin, .....10c ....10c TARD POWDER, .41 pkgs. 254 ' STOXELEV'S 'FANCY HARRY HORNE'S PUMPKIN, tin ....,..........,.....,...15c NU'-STYLE FLAVOURS-23e NEW CHRISTMAS NAVEL ORANGES Size 288* 42c . Size 226 54c . Size 200s 59c doz. Head Lettaee, each .......-..11c Size OOe Grapefruit, 6 tot ...Me Size 360s Lettioni, 8 for --..14C Firm Cabbage, lb, ...,.,.....„..,At Washed Carrots, 3 lbs,.........1.1e Waxed Thrall)* lb. ,,,,.....,„. ,. .,.„Ae Fresh Radishes, 2 buriches.,..48e Emperor Grapg, lb......:,...... 37e atch Repairs For The' Present Watches Only George , Williams a JOHN ST. Next to Masonic Hall • •,t., 1.1 Thursday, Friday, Saturday, December 13, 14, 15 IRENE DUNNE CHARLES COBURN ALEXANDER KNOX a.-- In "OVER 21" There's new heights of romance and hilarity with excitement and rare delight for the young in heart. Also "Short Subjects" Matinee Saturday afternoon at 2.30 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, December 17, 18, 19 HUMPHREY BOGART ALEXIS SMITH SYNEY GREENSTREET "CONFLICT" Bogart, torn between love and loyalty, kills his wife and all but escapes detection, being finally tripped up by a psyschologist. Also "Short Subjects" WHITECHURCH Quite a number gathered at the sta- tion here on Monday to welcome home Cpl. Elroy Laidlaw, son of Mr. and Pii His 0 RADIO SERVICE PHONE 171J Mrs. James Laidlaw. Elroy has been in the army over three years, two of which he spent in India. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Coflin of Blaine Lake, Sask., who have been visiting with her people at Niagara since Mr. Coflin returned from overseas, are in this community this week visiting with his relatives, the 'Kings and Moirs of Culross and the MacKays of White- church. The annual meeting of the W.M.S. of the Presbyterian church will be held this Thursday afternoon at 2.30. A good attendance is requested. Mr. Elmer Huffman, who returned from overseas some months ago„ has purchased the Victor Emerson farm in Kinloss and will get possession in the Spring. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Johnston and sons of Lucknow, and her mother, Mrs. Will Conn, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Hardie Simpson of Tees- water. Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Taylor of Luck- now, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Victor Emerson on Sunday. The following were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Caslick on Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. Earl Caslick and Billie, and Miss Evelyn McAllister of Cul- ross, Mr. and Mrs, Wallace Conn and children; Mr, and Mrs. Russell Ross of Kinloss; Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Coul- tes and son, Murray, of Belgrave. Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Avery and Irene and Harold of Lucknow, spent GIVE VICTOR RECORDS dat eie,a`ef 1111181N11111113118111111111111111111111111111111111 BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. J. N. H. Norton, Pastor SUNDAY, DEC. 16th 11 a.m.-"The Out-Look of the Church" 7.30 p.m.-"His Family Tree". COME AND SEE! You will find a Gift for every occasion conveniently displayed in our store, Every woman loves Toiletries and Fancy Perfumes, Men welcome a gift of a Shav- ing SO, Billfold or Smoker's Sundry. We really mean it when we say - we have Gifts for MOTHER or DAD, SISTER or BROTHER, SWEETHEART or BEAU, GRANDMOTHER or GRANDFATHER BOY or GIRL Be sure to see our Christmas Cards - the assortment is large and handsome---- Truly Cards of Character. This year Candles ! of all kinds!! Mcitibbons • WING AM ADVANCVIIMS , Thursday, December 13 LY EXrc AT R E Sunday at Langside with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brown, Mr. Bert Boyd who has been staying with Mr. Chas, Leaver, received word on Sunday of the death of his mother, Mrs. Boyd of Rothsay, and left to at- tend the funeral. Rev, Henry Martin of Southampton, visited for a few days last week with his mother, Mrs. Wm. Martin and other East Wawanosh friends, Miss Mildred Moore of Preston, vis- ited ove; the week-end with her par- ents, Mr, and Mrs, Arthur Moore, Don't forget the school concert in the Institute Hall here this Wednes- day evening, A good program is being prepared. . Mrs. Roy Patten of St. George, spent last week-end with her mother here, and Mrs, Fox Jeft with her on. Wednesday to spend the winter mon7 the at St, George. Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Falconer cele, brated the twenty-fifth anniversary of their marriage on Saturday, Congrat- ulations. Mr. and Mrs, Amos Cornelius were in Goderich last Wednesday attending the funeral of her sister, the late Mrs. Fred Love. Mr. and Mrs.--Russel Farrier and, Marion of Wingham, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Farrier. Mr. and Mrs, John McGee and Fred, spent Saturday in London. and visited with his sister, Mrs. D. Simpson and family, Mr. Clifford Purdon accomp- anied them on a business trip to the city. Born-In Wingham General Hospi- tal, on Friday, December 7th., to Pte. Cecil Froome (overseas) and Mrs., Froome, a son. Mrs. 1Goyeau and Mr. and Mrs. Glenn. Foster and baby Pamela, of Leamington, spent the week-end at the home of the former's daughter, Mrs. Aldin Purdon, Mrs. Purdon has shown some improvement during the past week. A splendid . crowd attended the Euchre and dance in the Institute Hall here last Thursday night, when the Red Cross group on the 2nd. of Kin- loss entertained on behalf of the build- ing fund. Fifteen tables were played, with high points going to Mrs. Russell Ross and Mr. Jamieson Pettapiece, and for low points to Mrs. Russell Ritchie and Mr. Alex Robertson. The door prize went to Donald McCormick, and the lucky ticket on the quilt the ladies had made, fell to Mr, Edward McClen- aghan and brought in $9.75, while $23 was taken in at the door. Lunch was served and Tiffin Bros. supplied music for dancing. Reeve J. D. Beecroft, Mr. Lawrence Taylor, President of East Wawanosh Federation and Mr. Isaac Wright of Turnberry, attended the Agricultural meeting held at Clinton, on Friday last, when the County of Huron form- ed a Crop Improvement Association. Mr. and Mrs. Hector Purdon and June, Mrs. Angus Falconer, visited for a few days last week with her mother, Mrs. House of iMeaford. Miss Olive Teriff, Reg. N., was, at Belgrave recently nursing Mr. Albert Perdue, who has been ill for some time. Mrs. Kruger of Detroit, spent a few days last week with her mother, Mrs. David Gillies, Mr. Albert Coultes has been suffer- ing with a badly crushed hand for tae past few days. The men were working at the station, and were letting down the big door, when Ab's mitt caught on a nail and held his hand under the door. The X-ray showed that no bones were broken. The station is all down now, and most of tho cement founda- tion at the Hall was up last week-end. This has meant a lot of work, and the ladies of the Institute are grateful for the untiring work of the committtee and the men of the community. The annual meeting of the W.M.S. of the. United Church was held last Wednesday at the home of Mrs. J. G. Gillespie, with Mrs. James Falconer in charge of the meeting. The Christ- mas program in the Missionary Mon- thly was used, and all enjoyed the many Christmas hymns and scripture readings from the Christmas story by. Mrs. Clarence McClenaghan. Mrs. Mac Ross and Mrs. Ezra Scholtz led in prayer, and Mrs. Jack Gillespie and Mrs, Scholtz sang. 'Behold Your King' and Mrs. Falconer led in singing with Christmas selections on the violin. Mrs. Albert Coultes, as leader of the nomination committee, presented the slate of officers, which, under the sup- ervision of Rev. Mr, Newton were duly elected for the coming year, with the installation service to be held the first Sunday in 1946. 'rhe following are the officers for 1946, President, Mrs, J. G, Gillespie; 1st, Vice, Mrs, Jas. Falconer; 2nd. Vice, Mrs, Milian Moore; 3rd. Vice, Mrs, Clarence ,111cClenaglian; Secret- ary, Mrs. Walter Lott; Treasurer, Mrs, Albert Coultes:; Corresponding Sec., Mrs, J, D. Bedcroft; Pianists, Mrs. Garnet rarrieri,- Mrs. J, D. Beecroft; Missionary Monthly Sec., Mrs. George' McClenaghan; Prayer Cont., Mrs, Jos. Tiffin, Mrs. Ezra Scholtz; Music Com,, Mrs. 11, Farrier, Mrs., Ben Mc- Clenagitati; Stewardship Cont,, Mrs, Milan Moore; Mission Band Supt.,' Mrs. Thos, Moore; Mrs, J. G. Gillespie, Baby, nand Supt., Mrs. Lorne John- ston; Auditors, Mrs. Garnet Farrier, Mrs. Albert Coultes. Officers for W. A., President, Mrs. Garnet Farrier„Vice-Pres., Mrs. Ben MeClenaghan; 'Sec...Trees., Mrs. Beecroft, Ten ladies were seated at the table tor the birthday supper front 04.tober to December,. and all enjoyed the social on Ntil, Lorne 1°1016V:it Spent the week, end with relatives in Tordtltt* " . .