HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1945-12-13, Page 7PAG# 'SAVES WING :HAM ADVANCZ-TIMES Thursday December 13, 1945 74eVOICE OF APPROVAL. If you want your breeding flock to produce eggs of high hatchability you must provide them with a feed that is heavily fortified with Vitamin G (Riboflavin). UMW:GAIN 18% HATCHING MASH Contains LIVER MEAL, the best feed source of Vitamin; G available anywhere. This mash is fortified, by Riboflavin to the optimum levels as prescribed by the National Research Council (U.S.A.). GO AFTER FERTILE EGGS AND HIGH HATCHES THE SHUR-GAIN WAY CANADA PACKERS — McK1NNEY BROS, BLUEVALE VICTOR CASEMORE WIIITECHURCH JOHN BUINSTEAD BELMORE rixiasiiiNmmssmssxmssiassmsss Thelma Denny, Gilberts., Howes, Ag- nes Wearring, Jean Moffat and Helen Sawtell sang a group of Christmas car- ols, with Miss Margaret Wearring at the . piano, The season's greetings were conveyed to all present by the singing of a song "Happy Christmas to YoY". The singing of tile National anthem brought the meeting a close, after which refreshments were served the hostess being assisted by Mrs. Sel- lers and a social half hour enjoyed, RATION COUPON INFORMATION /011.00.1•1•14, Meat coupons MI to Mi.5 valid, No. 16 due Dec. 20th, No. 17 due Dee, 27th. Butter coupons 116 to 133 now valid. No, 134 due Dec, 20th and no 135 due Dec. 27th, Sugar coupons 46 to 67 now valid. Preserves 33 to 57 and P1 to P21 now valid, P22, P23, P24, P 25 due Dec, 20th. The two extra preserve coupons may be used for 'A pound of sugar each, FREDERICK A. PARKER OSTEOPATH Offices: Centre St., Wingham Osteopathic and Electric Treat.; merits, Foot Technique. Phone 272. Winghant. • J. A. FOX Chiropractoi and brirgless Therapist, EADIONIC EQUIPMENT COMPLETE. HEALTH SERVICE Phone 191. DR. We 114 CONNELL PHYSICIAN AND gUROBON Phone 19 DR R. L. STEWART PHYSICIAN' ' Telephone 29 W. A. CRAWFORD, D. PHYSICIAN AND stntopow kks• Phone 150 Wingham N, McLaughlin, OshaWa, was en- toted and clothing and jewellery. .was stolen, Their loss would no doubt have. been much greater had not the thieves been disturbed by a boy who came to look after the funace. Mr. and Mrs. McLaughlin are well known here as they spend part of the summer at their - residence in the village. Bale• WW Be Shipped A bale of new and used clothing will be shipped by members .of the W. I. to Fort Stewart, Ont. Anyone having donations for the bale please leave at Mr. Ramps store not later than Dec. 18th, Children's clothing especially needed, Optometrist Phone 118 Hariston ur 25 Point Scientific Examin- ' enables us to give .you *;,Comfortable Vision YOUR EYES NEED ATTENTION F. F. 110MUTH • Veterinary Surgeon Office .—Minnie St, Opposite and Seuth ,Of th* United • Church. PHONE 106 Wnghlun, Ontario HARRY FRFOOLE Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director Furniture and , Funeral Service • Ambulance Service .. Phones: Day 109W. Night 109J. K. lN, MaiENNAN ti usiness and Professional Directory Miss Frances Lemon of the Public School staff at Fordwich, and well known here, has resigned and acc ept- ed a position on the staff at Brantford. Misses Frances Wylie and Alice Howes, both of Wingham, were home over the week-end. A number from Wroxeter and vicin- ity attended the shower given in hon- our of Mr. and Mrs, Arnold Liliow in Bluevale community hall on Tuesday night. Miss Mae Davidson left on Saturday for Bluevale and Wingham where she will spend a few weeks before going to reside in Toronto for the winter season. Mrs. Jack Barlow received a cable from her husband in England, which asked that no more parcels be sent. Friends here hope he will arrive to be with his wife, the former Jean Sangs- ter and baby daughter whom he has not yet seen, before Christmas. Mrs. J. J. Alien, Jimmy and Marjor- ie of Toronto, spent' the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Allen. Mr. Herb. Henning, who has been confined to bed for some months, is very seriously ill at present. Miss Young, who recently fractured her hip at her home in Wroxeter and was a patient at Victoria Hospital, „MN Red Cross Notes The Wroxeter Red Cross rooms will be closed from Dec. 12th to Jan. 9th. It is hoped that after the New Year the ladies will come each Wednesday afternoon' and help fill this societies quotas of sewing and knitting for the children of Great Britain and Europe, Celebrate 40th Wedding Anniversary On Thursday of this week our high- ly esteemed residents, Mr. and Mrs. James Douglas will celebrate their 40th wedding anniversary. The marriage took place on Dec. 13th, 1905 at the home of the bride, the former Ange- lina Young of Elma township. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas settled on the groom's farm south of Wroxeter where they lived until their retirement in 1938. Mr, and Mrs, Douglas are in very good health, both active in Red CfOss and church work, and any worth while community project has their whole hearted support. Hearty con- gratulations and good wishes are ex- tended to this worthy couple with the hope they may enjoy many more hap- py years together. Women's Missionary 'Society The W. M. S.-of the United church will hold their annual meeting Friday, Dec. 14, at 3 p.m. Rev. J. L. Foster will be guest speaker and his topic "Christmas", Mrs. Vern Denny will have charge of. chapter 3 of the Study book "Currie of Chissambia". The re- port of the nominating committee will be given. Christmas music will be a feature. Ladies of the congregation are welcome at the monthly meetings Of the W. M. S. United Church Service There was a good attendance at the United Church on Sunday morning, when the service was held in the church school room. Rev. J. L. Foster spoke from Timothy II, chap. 3. verse 5, "Having a form of godliness but de- nying the power thereof; from such turn away". The speaker told of the substitutes being used in wartime and said that the same applied to the spir- itual life. Men seek after power, mon- ey, intemperance, even people who claim to be christian and members of the church. 'These timings if attained do not bring happiness, happiness and peace can only come through walking humbly with God and striving to live as He would have us do. The choir sang an' anthem, "Nearer My God to' Thee" with Mr. G. A, Wearring tak- ing the solo. Young People's Union The Y. P. U. of the United Church held their weekly meeting Monday' in the' churCh schoolroom. The president Miss Helen Sawtell presided and the' meeting opened with quiet music by Agnes Wearying. Rev. J. L. Foster led in prayer, all joined in repeating the Lord's 'prayer. Blest be the tie 'that binds Was the opening hymn. The scripture leassimis as taken from Rom- ans 12th chapter and Luke chapter 10; verses 25-42 were read by Lloyd Townsend and Eleanor -Ashton; "Go labor on" was the second hymn chos- en, The topic "Christian Citizenship" was given by Margaret Moffat:. The closin hymn "0 Master let me walk with•Thee" and the mizpah benediction brought the meeting to a clo'se. Women's Institute Mrs. Vernon Denny opened her home on Thursday last for the Decem-- ber meeting of the Women's Institute, when more than 30 members and vis- itors were present, The meeting was Presided over by the president, Mrs. H. V. IvIcKenney, and opened with the singing of the Ode and repeating the Lord's prayer. The roll call, "A dona- tion for the Christmas Cheer Boxes" brought a fine response and the com- mittee appointed to take care of this work was Miss K. Hazelwood and Mrs. J. Sangster, Mrs. H. Hamilton, Mrs. W. T. Maclean. A letter receiv- ed from Mrs. L. A. Neay of Fort Ste.- wart, resulted in the planning of a bale with the addition of $10,00 to buy irta•, terials. $10.00 was voted for the work of the Navy League. Mrs. J. H. Wy- lie reporting for the Good Cheer tom,- tnittee, said several boxes for service personnel still overseas had been sent and the Christmas gift for the adopted soldier, David Roger, was left in the hands of . the Good Cheer coIntnittee. Christmas cards will be sent by the settetary to all members moved away during the past year. Mrs. Allen Mun- ro, in her current events, touches on many intresting items, both world wide and local, urging all tnembcrs to give their support to the teachers and pupils of the public school who are putting ort a concert h: the near future. Mrs, M. Sellers had charge of the topic, 'Christmas", the speaker in a fine ad- dress began with the Christmas story of the birth of Christ to the present day, and told of the different ways the season is celebrated in othet lands, and the result in the countries which ignore iti true meaning, she closed with a few ehniee verses in the subject. Misses While Selection. Is Complete. GIFTS FOR HER All Wool Pullovers, sever- al colors, all sizes „ .$2.98 All Wool Cardigans, green wine, brown, ... $2.98, 3.49 Jersey Blouses : . . . $2.98 Horsehide Ski Mitts . .$2.25 Wool lined Baby Chenille House Coats all sizes . $7.95 Floral trimming. Slippers 69c, $1.49 FOR THE CHILDREN Pullover Sweaters $1.00, 1.98 Golf Hose 49c, 79c Long Hose . 25c, 49c Boys' All Wool Windbreakers . $3.98 Boys' Plaid Shirts .$1.49 Boys' Overalls $1.49 FOR MEN All Wool Pullover Sweaters $2.98 Parkas, lined $12.95 Plaid Shirts, all sizes $1.59, $1.75 Socks . 49c to $1.00 Overalls $2.25 11ADER'S . • ,!`"•-',1•4 ' • •• ' ""•• . SO NOW WE'LL HAVE ,) A BANKER IN THE FAMILY!" • "We/4 Bob has finally decided! When he's finished school he wants to go to work in a bank. And I'm glad—for a lot of reasons...n He'leget a thorough training, and can even, receive university instruction ri• in banking and economics while he is working. Banking isn't learned in a day, but he'll get lots of help—and every opportunity to move up as he proves himself. The road to the top is wide open, and offers: This Advertisement it Sponsored by your Bank WROXETER Mr. and Mrs. Vern Denny and Thel- Ina were Sunday visitors with. Mrs. Cliff Denny and daughter, Nancy, at • Mr. Jack McLaughlin, a student at Stratford Normal School, spent the • week-end'with Mr. John MacNaught- bn. Mr. it'd Mrs. Henry Boehler; Mr. and Mrs. Robt; Hibbert and two,child- ren, all of Fordwich, were recent•visi- tors with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Timm. London, is now at the home of her neice, Mrs. Brown, near Molesworth. Mrs. Tanner of Millbank, spent a day last week with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Edwards. The ladies of St. James Anglican church will cater for the supper meet- ing of the Howick Lions on Thursday evening of this week in the church basement. Mr. Hugh Hastings and his sister, Mrs. John Fraser of Ridgetown, spent the week-end with friends in this dis- trict. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Foster and baby Joyce Marjorie were week-end guests 'at the home of Rev. J. L. and Mrs, Foster. Miss Donna Hudson.who has been on the staff at the telephone office has resigned and left for her home at Ild- erton on Monday, Donna gave very ef- ficient and obliging service while here and will be missed. Mrs. Wm. Wright is taking her place for the present. Mr. and Mrs. H. V. McICenney spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Hawke at Teeswater. •••••••••••••••••••• House Entered and Robbed While spending the week-end in De- troit, where they attended the wedding of a neice, the honie of Mr. and Mrs: WELLINGTON FIRE Insurance Company Est. 1840 An Canadian Company skich ban faithfully served its policy holders for over a century. ' Head Office ••=•••• Toronto H. C. MacLean Insurance Agency Wingham A. II. ItTAVISH, B.A. Teeswater, Ontario • Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public and Conveyancer. Office: Goften House, Wroxeter •eirery Thursday afternoon 1.30 to 4.30 and by appointment. Phone — Teeswater 120J. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. Money to Loan Office -•—• Meyer block, Wingharn Jo W. BUSIIFIELD J. H. GRAVITON barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc, Bonds, Investments gr Mortgages Wingham Ontario DONALD B. BLUE Experienced Auctioneer Litenged tor Counties of HURON & BRUCE MI Sales Capably Handled Ripley, Ontario Phone 49. BELMORE r • There was no service in the United Church on Sunday, the Lord's Supper being observed at McIntosh. The Young People of the Presbyter- ian Church held their 'meeting Sunday evening. The Public School Scholars will hold their concert, December 19th in the school room. Our visitors, Mr, and Mrs. James IVIcNneil, Cecil McNeil of Maple, at' McNeils; Mr. and Mrs. Alex Sang- ster near McIntosh and Mrs. Tuck with Mrs. John Harper and mother; Robert Curie with his parents; Mrs. W. J. Ballagh of Teeswater, with her sisters; Mrs. Robert Jeffray took tea Sunday evening with M. Jeffray. Friends at the Bumstead home. Mr. Elmer Jeffray is adding an ad dition to the barn, James and Ralph Dickson doing the work. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Newans and boys visited in Stratford recently. JAMESTOWN The annual Christmas concert which is being prepared by NESS Galbraith and her pupils of S. S. No. 4, Grey, will be held on Thursday night, Dec, 20th., in thte school house. Mrs. Lloyd Workman met her hus- band in London on Saturday. Lloyd having returned from serving overseas. Mr. and Mrs. Workman are enjoying a visit with relatives at Leamington. Mr. and Mrs. Ned Thompson of Toronto, spent the week-end with rela- tives. Miss Hazel McDonald returned to her home last week to visit with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Robert McDon- ald. parents, has been at Edmonton, Alberta, where she has been serving •,,,,,-),..., / d PAO ?SACS Of. WOO -...,.. .,.. :V' 'P'''-' Social. security is a 40:0,Se ptorainent in ipnblic discassions these days, but dm practice of it is not nevr. Consider tile 'baks asta v.. ,SCUctill :lv 1. Potnion JO—L !, to vaticlait,y sarto'titeu b, • that emploll yeletus , ebaa,chtis a wise 0 tliets contxtoate subsmotis111, Mike it possible for employees to ore all their VAStEteSSUICS GO 130:alsettls, sate of an income for life ben tiley teach the asc of retirement. 2.. lionial cati°63. witiA•cial . sick . la syecial cases. 411, -Oectifgve with pal ands eels.l. sielt l=a ve at rangenaents GrostrUs .„„)/—.•- 1";45- contributed to jointly by banks and Oleo, ttteir employees; 5,6. .coofloiolit.01 0. Oltiag tiaoss: tovelsett. __ 0.174,c, Woo 0.0a.tavoceocat, other i 110:40 Soaks O. co-opgatioa 11-iourtae ,ace it po:sttll)eltte isot thy. lattet to e loy Vetit0:00/ Atla• Seta .•• in the army, but has received her dis- charge recently. Miss Lobo Willis is spending some time in London, visiting with relatives there. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Jacklin of Wroxeter, visited on Friday with Mr. and Mrs. David McLennan. Mr. and Mrs. Robert McDonald, Misses Hazel, Jessie and Clifton Mc- Donald, also Mr. Maxwell, spent Sun- day with Mr, and Mrs. Carl Seip, near HarriSton.