The Wingham Advance-Times, 1945-12-13, Page 6Blended for Quality
'Minnie St. Wingham
Yea sir, if you get
only one egg
more per day
than you are now
getting from 100
hens —that one
egg will pay any
difference, if there
is any, in price of
. (plate ford:' iSTAWS1V.ED. IN 1800
And you cannot buy a better feed
—but you get many more extra
eggs when you feed Blatchford's
Fillthebasket Egg Mash—and they
are all extra profit.
So—why not start now to feed
on Guaranteed
0 Trust Certificates
Thursday, December 13,1945
ee ls.
whatYour cemt tbe tho,,„yet„1314.
f 'die fit? TiPo wogrop of Ihe
'aro size seldom taro .0to sumo proof.
*or, ,r4.0 , the Corset -Out
;ganders N.I. Your measurements,
g1,044pre Churls Cog.
seder; prercrikeo. yourlo •
corsec. from as ;Pay as
77 slirfcceat inecicl
size. No wonder Chatis
cradle,, every curve of
your body, makes You
look mote youthful.
WON'T ply you WEAR In
Oil eftke and Minerals
Ladies Guild Plan Xmas Tree
The Ladies Guild met at the home
-of Mrs. D, Armstrong on Thursday
afternoon, Mrs. W. Brydges was in
charge of the programme. Mr. Hen-
derson opened the meeting with prayer
and Mrs, W. Brydges read the scrip-
ture. Mrs, Henderson gave a reading,
"How To Keep Christmas". Mrs.
Wade gave an address on "Christmas
Carols". The Roll Call was "A 'Gift I
Have Made For Christmas".
Mrs. C. W. Wade was in charge of
the business, The minutes of the last
meeting were read and the Treasurer's
report giVn. The Holiday Bells were
brought to the meeting. Christmas
boxes were to be sent to the girls in
the service. Plans were made to make
-candy and fill the bags for the Christ;
Inas Tree. A quilting was to be held
at the home of Mrs. Armstrong on
Wednesday, December 12th,
Following the meeting an auction
sale was held. Lunch was served by
the hostess.
Happy Hears Mission Band
The Happy Hearts Mission Band of
the 'United Church held its December
meeting on Sunday morning, Decem-
ber 9th, The President, Lloyd Ander-
son, opened the worship service with a
Christmas poem, followed by the hymn
"Away In A Manger". Marjorie Mac-
Kenzie led in prayer and Jim Ander-
son read the scripture based on the
'Christmas story. Patsy Logan gave a
recitation and Donna Anderson and
Billy Coultes played a piano duet, "0
Little Town of Bethlehem". Eileen
Holmes read a poem `Wow far is it
to Bethlehem", and Ruth and George
Procter sang a duet. A carol, °O
Little One Lowly, 0 Little One Holy"
was sung by six girls, Doris Marlett,
Marjorie and Marlene MacKenzie,
Donna Anderson, Mildred Cook and
Eileen Holmes. During the business
period, Doris Marlett gav,e the secret-
tary's report and took the roll call to
which 27 responded. Donna Anderson
and Marlene MacKenzie were appoint-
ed to prepare the January program.
Mrs. R. H. Coultes told a story from
the Study Book, "Nyanga's two Vil-
lages". The election of officers result-
ed as follows: President, Nora Cook;
Vice-President, James Anderson, Sec-
retary, Margaret Procter; Treasurer,
Billy Coultes; Pianist, Doris Marlett;
Assistant, Marjorie MacKenzie,
Mrs. R. J. Scott Heads Missionary
Mrs. James Leitch was hostess to
the Women's Missionary Society of the
Presbyterian Church for the annual
meeting and election of officers Wed-
nesday afternoon, The president, Mrs.
R. J. Scott was in the chair for the
worship service and regular business
business session, The Bible lesson
was read by Mrs. Athol Bruce, after
which several members offered short
prayers. A paper on Christmas Carols
and their origin was given by Mrs. R.
J. Scott, and a paper on "Christmas
JOYS" by Mrs, J. Dunbar,
Miss Agnes Masan conducted the
election of officers, which resulted in
as follows: president, Mrs, R. J.
Scott; 1st. vice-president, Mrs. 0, G.
Anderson; seeretary, Mrs, A, Bruce;
treasurer, Mrs, J. Dunbar; pianists,
Mrs, A. Bruce and Mrs. Art Scott;
welcome a.nd welfare secretary, Mrs.
Art Scott; 'home helpers secretary,.
Mrs. J. Leitch; bale committee, Mrs, J,
Dunbar, Mrs. R, J, Scott.
United Church W.M.S. Elects
The W. M. S. of the United Church
held its December meeting, in the
church basement. Mrs. J, Michie, pre-
sident, was in the chair for the worship
service, The secretary's and treasur-
er's reports were adopted as read, and
the roll call was answered by a Crrist-
mas verse. Arrangements were com-
pleted for the Christmas carol service
to be held on Sunday evening, Decem-
ber 23rd. Mrs. G, Martin will prepare
the study book chapter for the Janu
ary meeting. The election of officers
for 1946 resulted as follows: Presi-
dent, Mrs, R. Chamney; 1st. Vice,
Mrs. E. Anderson; 2nd. Vice, Mrs. G.
H. Dunlop; Secretary, Mrs. G. Martin;
Assistant, Mrs. J. Anderson; Treasur-
er, Mrs. H. Campbell Missionary Mon-
thly Secretary, Mrs. H. Wheeler; Sup-
ply Secretary, Mrs. J. A. Geddes; Liter-
ature and Gift Fund Secretary, Mrs. J.
Miller; Temperance Secretary, Mrs. R.
Chamney; Christain Stewardship and
Finance Secretary, Mrs. J. C. Procter;
Mission Band Superintendent, Mrs, R.
H, Coultes; Assistant, Mrs. H. Proct-
er; Baby Band Superintendent, Mrs. J.
Wheeler; Pianist, Mrs. C. Wheeler;
Assistant, Mrs. J. M. Coultes; Audit-
ors, Mrs, M, Walsh, Mrs. H. Procter.
Woman's Association Name Officers
Mrs. R. H. Coultes presided for the
worship service and business period of
the Women's Association on Wednes-
day afternoon, December 5th. The sec-
retary's report and the financial state-
ment were read and accepted, The roll
call was responded to with a Christ-
mas thought, An election of officers
was held and following are the officers
for 1946: President, Mrs. R. H. Coult-
es; Vice-President, Mrs. J. Wheeler;
Secretary, Mrs. J. C. Procter; Assist-
Mrs. J. A. Braridon has gone to
London to spend the winter with her
cousin, Mrs. Hodder.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Law and three
daughters, of ICingsbridge, also her
sister, visited at W. S. Scott's on Sun-
6th Line Farm Forum
The Sixth Line Farm Forum met at
the home of Charles Smith with 20
present. The leader for the evening
was Lewis Cook and the recreational
lader, George Wightman. The subject
was National Health Insurance. The
group was of the opinion that it would
be best to have this under Government
taxation, but they also felt there should
be no hand outs as it• would be paid
directly or indirectly in taxation by the
people. The group thought that the
system of Health Insurance should
come tinder the government as the peo-
ple would receive snore benefits that
way. The next meeting will be at the
home' of George Wightman with Har-
vey Black as leader and Hugh Blair in
charge of recreation. •
Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Ingles were
visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Milo Casemore last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Campbell spent
Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
'Walter Jeffray.
Mr. and Mrs. John Haines of Strat-
ford, also Mr. and Mrs. Art. Edgar
were visitors at the home of Mr. and
Mrs, Victor Haines on' Sunday.
McDowell, presiding. Prayer by Eil-
een Taylor. Scripture lesson •was read
by Jim Walsh. Rev. H. Snell presided
for the election of teachers and offic-
ers. The minutes of the last meeting
were read ,by the Secretary, Murray
McDowell. Mr. Norman McDowell
was again elected as Supt. with Mr.
Howard' Campbell, Mr. W. F. Camp-
bell as assistants; Secretary-Treasurer,
Murray McDowell with Graeme Mc-
Dowell, assistant; Pianists, Miss E.
Rodger, Phyllis Cook, Graeme Mc-
Dowell, Gwen Cook, Winnifred ,Camp-
bell, Arnold Cook; Cradle Roll Supt.,
Mrs. Walter Cook, Mrs. Hugh Blair;
Missionary Supt„ Mrs. Alva McDow-
ell, Mrs. Norman McDowell, Mrs.
Wm. McVittie, Mrs. Wm.* Walden.
Representative to Official Board, Nor-
man McDowell; Temperance Supt.,
Rev. Harold Snell; Teachers, Sr, Bible
Class, Howard Campbell; Jr. Bible.
Class, Douglas -Campbell, J. L. Mc-
Dowell, Norman. Radford, Harvey
McDowell, Norman McDowell; Jr.
Class, Mrs. Ernest Snell, Winnifred
Campbell, Norma Taylor; Primary
Class, Mrs. Geo, Wightman, Mrs. Alva
McDowell; Beginner's ,Class, Mrs. J.
Buchanan, Mrs. Norman McDowell,
Mrs. F. J. Cook, Phyllis Cook. A
special offering is to be taken on Sun-
PI, Wade on Friday evening. In the
absence of the President, Dorothy.
Wade was in the chair. The meeting'
was, opened by singing a hymn and:
Rev, J. L. H. Henderson lead in pray-
er, The Scripture lesson was read by
Mrs, R. Procter and reports from the
Sec. and Treas, were received, It was
decided to invite .the Local Council of
the A.Y,P.A, of this Deanery to hold
their next meeting in 13eigrave rn Jan-
uary. Dorothy Wade favoured with a
piano solo and Joan Brydges gave a
reading. Mr. Gordon Kidd of London,
gave a very interesting talk on a visit
be had paid to Jerusalem and other
places while he was stationed in Egypt
with the R,C,A.F, Mr, Henderson
was appointed to look after the pro-
gramme for the next meeting, and Mrs,.,
Henderson to prepare the Log Book,
The meeting was closed and contests .
were - enjoyed after which a _delicious
lunch was served by the heStess.
If Your Nose
Surprisingly fast, Vielts Va-tro-nol—a
few drops up each nostril—works right
where trouble Is to Wert up your
nose—relieve stuffy transient congeS-
tiort that makes it hard to get to sleep.
You'll like the way it brings relief.
(NOTE: Va-tro-nol is also grand for
relieving snifily, sneezy distress of head
colds.) Follow directions in folder.
ills Up IN Spoils SleopTonight
A r We't Di.."
ko Oreawng sI•eP ,..invites ReS1
day, December 16th„ for the. Christ-
mas Cheer Fund The meeting closed ,4
with a few words of appreciation and "
benediction' by Rey; H Snell: -
Mr. and Mrs Geo. Cook and. family'
of Belgrave, visited on Sunday with °
Mr. and Mrs F. J. Cook.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo Wightman and.
Alberta, visited on Sunday with Mr,.
and Mrs. Sam Nesbit of Kincardine.
Mrs, J.„L. McDowell is visiting her.
daughter, Mrs. John Gear and John,
Gear of Kitchener.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Vincent, Belgrave,„
Mr. and Mrs. McSween of Hamilton,,
were Westfield visitors on Sunday,
It DOES taste
good in a pipe
Worth hie weight irt gold:
The Province of Ontario
profited to aimed the same
extent from tourist bust-
newt ea it did from the
gold mining industry. It is
up to each of us: to see that
it goes oh growing.
cZe.:4( ~de 4si~
0WILithittorN 110141,11Colitgititct
Literally hundreds of enthusiastic
skiers come from the States every
year. Expert or novice, they really
can have fun on Ontario's ski trails.
And we certainly want to make
sure they do!
ant Secretary, Mrs. R. MacKenzie;
Treasurer, Mrs. C. Logan; Pianist,
Mrs. J. Coultes; Assistant, Mrs. C.
Young People Name Conveners
The Y. P. of Knox 'United Church
met on December 7th,, in the absence
of Bill McClenaghan, Mr. Dunlop took
the chair, Mary Procter was secretary.
A talk was given by Bill Manning on
"Make Yourself Do It." it was a
good paper.' Mrs. Ken Wheeler read
the Scripture. For the year, 1946, the
convenors will be, Jack Higgins, Hazel
Procter, Geo. Michie, Ken Wheeler,
It was decided to hold a night ser-
vice in the church on the last Sunday
of the year. The W. M. S. holding a
similar service on the Sunday before
Christmas. At the next Y. P. meeting
a President, Secretary and Treasurer
will be elected.
Brick Church W. M. S. Annual
Mrs. Alex Leaver was hostess to the
Women's Missionary Society of Brick
United Church for their annual meet-
ing held Thursday afternoon, Decem-
ber 6thlt, with an attendance of 22.
Mrs. C. Shiell and her group were in
charge of the worship service.
The'niain feature of the meeting was
the election of officers when -the fol-
lowincr group was installed by Rev. G.
H. Dunlop. President, Mrs. Herson
1st. Vice, Mrs. E. Dow; 2nd.
Vice, Mrs. C. Coultes; Secretary, Mrs,
S. Snell; Treasurer, Mrs, L. Wight-
man; Pianists, Misses Jean beaver and
Dorothy Pattison; Mission Band Sup-
erintendent, Mrs. Gilbert Beecroft; As-
sistants, Miss Clare McGowan and
Mrs. Cecil Coultes; Baby Band Super-
intendents, Mrs, Lawrence Taylor and
Mrs. Roy Pattison; Christian Steward-
ship ,Secretary, rs, M. McRichie;
Community Friendship, Mrs; Alex.
Leaver; Temperance, Mrs. Stewart
McBurney; Supply Mrs, George Coul-
tes; Missitniary Monthly and World
Friends, Mrs. R. ,M, Sinai]; Press, Mrs.
Norman Coultes and Mrs. Ronald
Coultes , Group Conveners, Mrs. 'Char-
les Shiell, Mrs. Allan Pattison and
Mrs. Gilbert Beeeroft A fourth to be
decided upon later,
The yearly financial report read by
Mrs. S. Snell showed the completion
of a successful year with the allocation
having been reached.
Vas 'Gladys McBttrney entertained
with a solo.
Attended Crop Improvement Meeting
Several, from this community attend-
ed a meeting held on Dec, Ith.f• in the
Agricultural Board Rooms in Clinton,
to form a Vicki Crop Improvement As.
sociation, Mr. john 'McLeod of the
Seed Branch, Torontto, and Alex. M.
Stewart of Middlesex county, were
guest speakers. A director was ap-
pointed to represent each township of
the County. Harry Sturdy repreSent-
hig E. Wawanosh and Itiehard Pfefterf
Veld Of Trip To lerttSaletrr
The regular Meeting of the
WAS held at the hoe of Ur. anti Mta,
Mr. annd Mrs. John. Vincent of
Goderich; visited on Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. R. 'Vincent.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Carroll of Lon-
con, visited on Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Hugh Blair and Mrs. Wm. Blair,
Mr. Russell Cook of Christie St.
Hospital, Toronto, spnt the week-end
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leon-
rd Cook. His many friends are pleas-
d to know that he is improving with
reatment and we hope he will soon re-
over completely from his injury.
We are very pleased to hear that
LAC. Ray Vincent of London, is,much
improved in health. We hope soon
to hear of his complete recovery.
The Mission Band met op Sunday
with nineteen present. The Call to
Worship was given by Lloyd McDow-
ll. The Christmas story was read by
Jim Buchanan, Franklin Campbell,
Lawrence Campbell, Billy Rodger. A
Christmas ;poem was ,read by Gerald
McDowell. Stories were told by Mrs.
Wm. Carter and Mrs. Norman Mc-
Dowell. Mrs. Howard Catripbell was
in charge of the electiOn of officers.
President, Lloyd McDowell; Vice-
President, Lawrence Campbell; Secre-
tary, Billy Rodger; Treasurer, Frank-
in Campbell. The meeting closed
with prayer by Mrs. Norman McDow-
The annual meeting and election of
officers of tre Sunday School was held
in the school room on Thursday even-
ing with a good attendance, The war-
hip service 'was conducted by mem-
bers of the Y, P. Union, with Gordon
Roofer and Tinsmith
Next to Curling Rink
ISSUED for any amount . ... for a term of
five years ... . guaranteed both as to principal
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compound interest.
An ideal investment for individuals, com-
panies; authorized by law for cemetery boards,
executors and other trustees.
Sterling Tower, Toronto
33 you* In Business' ,
New Health
For Christmas
Hydro Shop*
6114 It works both ways!
We All Share! Yes, every-
one benefits from Ontario's
tourist business. This ,ditti,
grain 'AlloWS it elderly., Aside
frOirt hospitality it's good
business to make all ant'
visitors fooka. the United
States feel at Koine.
Well, everybody hag his own way
of saying welcome. Ontario hotel-
men are famous for their hospi-
tality: here is a set of tips suggested
by one of them.
1. Find out all about what your
neighbourhood offers, and be-
come a booster.
2. Write your friends in the
States about Ontario . . . show
them when they come you're
really proud of it.
a Try to make any visitor glad
he came.
4. Take time to give requested in-
formation fully and graciously.
6. In business, remember Can-
ada's reputation for courtesy
and fairness depends on you.
6. To sum it up, follow the
"Golden Rule."
They -treat us royally
when we visit them... .
we can't do less than
return the compliment.
Remember that it costs
money to take a holi-
day . . so let's see they
get a good return for
every penny they spend.
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For FURNACE PIPE, all sizes, •