HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1945-12-13, Page 5.0,1•1•Narl.1,1.7,
Jelly Powders, in ass'ted flavors.
California Red Emperor
Grapes, special lb. 210
Chateau or Maple Leaf Cheese
1/2 lb. pkg, special ...,.. ........
Sugar, white or yellow, lb. ....8o
Canadian Old Cheese, colored,
special for 38c lb.
Med. Colored Cheese 34c lb.
Rideau Hall Coffee, 1 lb,
Glass Jars, apecial . .... ......
Nabob Coffee, 1 lb.
ORANGES, Sunkist, New sweet
Navels for the Christmas trade.
See our ranges in sizes and the
low prices.
New Canned Vegetables, Jams,
Marmalades, etc.
'hursday, December 13,1945
Just a reminder that you should bring you Gift List
to us. We have many beautiful and useful.
gifts for Her or for the Home.
. eya 111.
Robinhood Flour, 98 lb. sack , • .$2.50
Pat-a-Pan Pastry Flour, 24 lb. . , . 75c
Huron Pastry Flour, 24 lb. . 69c
Better Krust Pastry Flour, 24 lb., . 72c
HUron Pastry Flour, 7-11". sack. . .25c
Cowan's Perfection Cocoa, 1 lb.. . .23c
Neilson's Cocoa, 1 lb. tin . < 29c
Fry's Cocoa, the best, 1 lb. tin , , 31c
Danny Boy Cocoa, 2 lb. tin . . 38c
Neilson's Bulk Cocoa, spec. 1 lb. . .14c
Max Mayer's Finest
Kid and
Pair $1.50 - $2.95
.Capt. W: L. Kress spent the week-
end with his family.
Mrs. 0. McConkey of Guelph, spent
Sunday at her home here.
Mrs. Florence Turner of Toronto,
spent the week-end at the home of Dr.
and Mrs. George Ross.
Mrs. John Thompson and two 'child-
- • -
ren of Toronto, are visiting with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Reid.
Mrs. VanNorman's many friends will
be pleased to know that she has re-
turned borne from the hospital and is
progressing favorably.
Mr. and Mrs .Reg. DuVal attended
the fnr sales in Toronto last week.
Miss Jean Northorp returned with
them for the week-end.
Mrs, c H. Magee returned on Sat-,
orday from St. Johns, New Brunswick,
where she spent five days with her
husband, who has accepted a position.
Rev, and Mrs. J. Norton re-
turned on Saturday from Ottawa
where they were on account of the ill-
ness of their daughter and son-104aw,
Who we are pleased to report are much
Lane Armstrong
The marriage of Agnes Elspeth
Armstrong, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
R, Corma.ck Armstrong, of Teeswater,,
to John Albert Lane, son of Mr, and
Mrs. George Lane, Wroxeter, was sol-
emnized at ,Knox Presbyterian Church
Teeswater, Rev. D. B,Cram officiated.
assisted by Rev. Alex Nimmo. of St.
Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Wing-
ham, Harold Victor Pym of Wing-
ham was at the organ and Mrs. R. H.
King was soloist,
The bride wore a smart gown of win-
ter white wool in street length, with
smocked waist and surplice neckline.
Her small white half-hat had gold• se-
quin trim with brown veil. She carried
a nosegay of white and yellow chrysan-
themums, had brown accessories, and
wore the. ruby-set •brooch worn by her
great-grandmother • on her wedding
As her sister's bridesmaid, Miss Jean
Armstrong wore powder blue -wool in
street length with brown accessories
and a nosegay of bronze mums, Ever-
ett Gathers, of Wroxeter, was best man
and the ushers were Chester (Doc)
Stewart, Wingham,.brother-in-law of
the groom, and Watson Armstrong of
Teeswater, brother of the bride.
The reception to 30 guests was at
,the home of the bride's parents. For
travelling the bride changed to a pow-
der blue wool dress topped with a
brown seal coat, Accessories were
in gold and brown. After a honey-
moon in the Eastern States, Mr. and
Mrs Lane will reside on the groom'
farm near Wroxeter.
The bride is a graduate of the Kit-
chener-Waterloo hospital, class '45,
Bott Purdon
A very pretty wedding was solemn-
ized on Friday, December 7th., at the
Fergus United Church Manse, at 2
p.m. with Rev. Clayton Searle officiat-
ing, when Miss Marjorie Isobel Per-
don of Elora, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Purdon of E. Wawanosh, be-
came the bride of Mr. Floyd Walter
Bott, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Bott of Elora. The bride look-
ed charming in'a street-length frock of
old-rose lace, over rose satin, and car-
ried a shower bouquet of carnations
and pink and white mums, Mr. and
Mrs. Lawrence Bott, his brother and
wife,.were the attendants, The happy
couple left on a short honeymoon trip,
and spent the week-end with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Purdon.
The many friends of the bride in this
community extend best wishes for a
long and haPPy wedded life. They
will reside in Elora, where the bride
has been an employee of the C.N.R.
Harty A4tgua
A lifelong resident of tis commun-
ity, Harry J. Angus, passed on in
Wingharn General Hospital, on Wed,
nesday, DecemlAr Oth, in his 73rd
year. On October OM, he underwent
an operation in Victoria Hospital, Lon-
don, returning to Wingham about three
weeks ago and for seventeen days
prior to his death was a patient in the
hospital here, He was born in Turn-
berry, but has lived most of his life
in Wingharn coming here as a small
boy. He was for a short time at Act-
on, Detroit and in Western Canada. A
glove cutter by trade he was employed
at the Gurney Glove Works, He was
A member of the Presbyterian Church
and the Canadian Order of Foresters.
Surviving besides his wife, the form-
er Nellie Bradley, are two sons, Harry
of Wingham and William of Detroit,
He is also survived by a brother David
of Haileybury and five grandchildren.
The funeral was held from his, late
residence, Alice Street, Wingham, on
Friday afternoon, with Rev. Alex
Nimmo, minister of St. Andrew's. Pres-
byterian Church officiating. Burial
took place in Wingham Cemetery.
The pallbearers were: Wm. Casemore,
Fred MacLean, Roy Manuel, Harvey
Neirgarth, 'Arthur Sturdy, Jack Tern-
Mrs, Margaret L. McLean
Funeral services were held Saturday
afternoon from her late residence,
Catharine Street, for Margaret Lillie
Sheffield, widow of the late John Mc-
Lean, in her eighty-fourth year. The
Rev. A. Nimmo, pastor of St. Andrew's
Presbyterian Church, of which she was
a member officiated. The pallbearers
were: Messrs. Ewart McPherson, Joe
Schneider, Jim Anderson, Murray
ohnson, John McGill and Dan Fergu-
son. Burial was in Brandon cemetery.
The late Mrs. McLean was the
daughter of the late Dawson Sheffield
and Susannah Parkhill, and was born
in the County of York. Following the
death of her father, she and her mother.,
moved to Wingham, In 1885, she was
married to the late John McLean and
they farmed in East Wawanosh. After
the death of her husband in October
of 1914, she again moved to Wingham
and has since resided here.
She is survived by two sons and two
daughters, Dr. William J. of Westmin-
ster Hospital ,London; Percy D., of
Belgrave; Lily (Mrs. Robt. Brooks),
Toronto; and Uldene, (Mrs. Wm. Mc-
,Ken±ie) of Wingham, One daughter,
Annie and one son, Flight Lieutenant
Chesley, and one brother, John prede-
ceased her. Four grandchildren and
one great grandchild also survive: Miss
Corinne McLean, Mrs. Wm. Gordon,
John McKenzie, David McLean and
Donald Gordon. Mrs. Margaret Walsh
is a sister-in-law.
Friends and relatives from out-of-
town who attended the funeral includ-
ed, Dr. W. J. McLean, Mr. Charlie
Sheffield, Mr. and Mrs. A. Bieman and
Mrs. W. A. Currie from London; Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Brooks and Mrs.
Cora Styles from Toronto; Mrs, J.
Sheffield, Mrs. J. P. McLean, R. N.,
and Mr. Ed, McLean from St. Cath-
arines; Mrs. Margaret Lowry, Edgar
and Fred from Dundas, Mr, and Mrs.
John McGill and Mr. Dan Ferguson
from Brussels; Miss Mabel Walsh
from Preston and Mr. and Mrs. P. D.
McLean from Belgrave.
Canadian. Cheese, 2 lb pkg..„...690
Robin Hood Oats, 5 lb. pkg....26c
Tip Top Jam, Strawberry and
Apple, 32 oz. jar 30c
Apple and Raspberry Jam, 32
oz, 30c
FROOME—At Wingham Gene r al
Hospital, on Friday, December 7th.,
to Cfn. Cecil J. and Mrs. Froome, of
Wingharn, (Husband Overseas), a
son, Allan Roy.
Mr, and Mrs. McKenzie Webb at-
tended the funeral of their cousin,
Robert McKenzie, who was fatally,
shot in Bruce Township.
Mrs. R. J. Woods left on Sunday to
spent the winter months with members
of her family at Guelph, Galt and Dun-
His many friends. are glad to know
that Mr. John McOuillin has been
making very favourable progress from
his recent serious illness,
Mrs. Jas. Curran is a patient in the
Wingham Hospital,
Plan to attend the St. Helens School
Concert in the Community Hall on
Friday evening, December 14th.
Arrangements are being made for a
Sunday School Concert on Friday
evening, Dec, 21st., when slides will
be shown by Rev. M. G. Newton.
Miss Mary E. Salkeld and Mr. and
Mrs. Irving Hunter of Goderich, were
recent guests of Mrs. Gordon.
Mrs. Ernest Gaunt was a week-end
visitor in Toronto, when her brother,
Sandy McCharles arrived from over-
seas on Sunday,
The December meeting of the Wo-
men's Institute was held in the Com-
munity Hall with Mrs. Ball presiding.
The roll call was responded by "What
I Want for Christmas." It was decid-
ed to send $5.00 to the Navy League.
Mrs. E. J. Thom gave a reading,
"Grandad's Christmas Eve". Mrs. W.
A. Miller read a paper on Christmas
Customs in Other Lands." A collec-
tion ff Christmas parcels wrapped by
Mrs. T. F. Wilson were on display. At
the conclusion all took part in the ex-
change of Christmas gifts.
Mr. and avIrs. Jim Doig from near
Drayton, spent one day last week with
Mr. and Mrs. John Gowdy.
Mr. and Mrs. Eldred Cathers and
Mrs. Charlie Cathers spent a few days
recently with friends in Toronto.
Mrs. Tom Caslick and Mrs. Robert
Morrison of Teeswater, called on Mr.
and Mrs. W. E. Weir one day last
Mr. D. L. Weir, reeve of Howick,
attended the council meeting in Wrox-
eter on 'Wednesday of last week. He
resigned after having spent 14 years
in the council. Mrs. Weir accompan-.
ied hint and spent the day with Mrs.
Tom McMichael and other friends.
The W. A. held its election of offi-
cers on Tuesday of last week. The
same offiecrs were re-elected: Pres.,
Mrs. S. N. Gallaher; 1st Vice, Mrs. W.
R. Taylor; 2nd Vice, Miss Linklater;
Treas., Mrs. M. Sharpin; Secy, Mrs.
John Gowdy.
Mrs. Wm. Weir visited friends in.
Wroxeter one day last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Jewett and Miss Irene.
Taylor of Wingham, spen the week-
end with Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Taylor.
The First Westinghouse
Radio and
Westinghouse Range
have arrived.
We are sorry to say they are
sold, but there will be more in
the near future.
VanCamps Peas, 20 oz. .....-...,-.,15c.
Aylmer Prune Plums, 30 oz
tins, special 15c
Waxed Turnips, lb. 4c
- Salted. Peanuts, fresh.
Mixed Nuts, special lb. ..... .48c
— Phone 414
Successor to H. E. Isard &`Co.
Ballantyne All Wool Sweater Coats .... .$3.25
Popular shades and styles.
Cannon Sheets 72 x 99 Pair $5.00
Colourful Hand Hooked Rugs and Mats $2.59 - 3.50
Bangoline and
Quilted Silk
all sizes
10 to 44
$6.50 up
Park Lane
Slippers • • Always a Must
New Red Front Tea Special,
choice blended, 1/2 lb. .... ,......37c
Gold Medal Orange Pekoe
Tea, Black, /2 lb. 38c
Sunbury Tea, 1/2 lb. 19c, lb. 37c
Evaporated Apples for Pies or
Apple Sauce.
If You Can't Come Phone 17 or 2. We Deliver.
PHONE 1713
Your Westinghouse Dealer for
Wingham and vicinity.
We have just received 221/2 , 30
and 45 volt Hearing Aid Batter-
ies as well as the 11/2 volt "A"
White Leather
with delectable
white fur trim
Large variety of Women's Slippers,
Moccasins, Wedgies and Dorseys.
Priced from 98c. to $3.98.
Wine and Blue Satin Platform
Slippers with open toe.
We have also a wide range of Men's
and Children's Gift Slippers . . . See
them now while stocks are complete
tormirm airtmel
The Women's Famous Air Force style--warm yet pleasing to the eye, warm
shearing linings from the turned down cuff to the toe. Some with fabric top,
others of leather or suede. Prices $6.95, $8.95, $9.95 pair
"Shoes for All the Family"
Mrs. Levi Good
Rosetta McKenzie, beloved wife of
Levi Good. 3rd concession of East Wa-
wanosh, passed on in London Hospi-
tal, on Monday, Dec. 10th, in her 76th
year, She was a native of Bridgeport,
Ont. She leaves to mourn her passing
her husband, two sons and two daugh-
ters, Levi, jr. of East Wawanosh; Le
ander of Belgrave; Mrs. George (Paul-
ine) Yeoman of Oshawa; and Mrs.
Wm. (Rosetta) Craig of London. Two
sons and a daughter predeceased her.
She is also survived by a sister and
three brothers, Mrs, George Morton,
Preston; Bruno McKenzie, Elmira;
Elam McKenzie, Belgrave; Edgar Mc-
Kenzie, Swift Current, Sask. •
The funeral is being held this after-
noon (Wednesday) from R. A, Cur-
rie's funeral parlours, Wingham, Rev.
Harry A. Jones of Belgrave, will con-
duct the services. Burial will take
place in Brandon cemetery, Belgrave.
Mrs. Harold Logan
Mrs. Wm.Dawson, Shuter St., re-
ceived the saw news on Tuesday morn-
ing, that her niece, Mrs. Harold Logan
of London, had passed away the prev-
ious everting. Mrs. Logan was a
member of the Anglican Church, the
Daughters of the Empire and the pre-
natal group of the Victoria Hospital,
She is survived by her husband and
two daughters, her mother, two brO,,
thers and two sisters. The service is
Thursday at St. James Anglican
Church, London, Interment in Wood.
land Cemetery,
RITCHIE, Jean Campbell—Suddenly,
at her late residence, 166 Walmer
Rd., Toronto, Tuesday, December
4th., 1945, jean Campbell Ritchie,
wife of the late John Ritchie, Wing..
ham, (tit,, and aunt of iltts. Edna
taker, Toronto,
The funeral was held at bred
Mathews Co., Chapel„gpadina Ave.,
Toronto, on Friday afternoon, Dee,
1th., to the Xacropolis.
I •
$1.00 to $10.00
Fine selections for either
Him or Her — Stone Set
or Signet Rings.
Bronze in various designs.
Terms in accordance with WeT.P,B. Regulations.
,€•••+ r *00:5•7 •
Stirling Silver
Pine Tree, Prelude,
In Silver or Gold
add perfection to
any costume
$1.00 to $5.00
A, GODDESS if TIME.. 1/ lards $3/S°
'I. SENATOR $ , 17 RriaNi.. 13375
You'll have the distinction of having given her the finest Gift that she's received
—if it's Jewellery from our store.
Stirling Silver
$1.00, to $4.00