The Wingham Advance-Times, 1945-12-06, Page 3NOTICE Experienced man will under, . taco accountancy , audit ling bookkeeping pystern .for gen- eral merchandising stores or „mail planigacturing plants. Sr J. Pyoun P. 0, B0c 40, RIPLEY, ONTARIO • Oita. $125,000 Saving& 3DA. 3.auto. patiton&J rozwa Olin MI CENTRAL CO-OPERATIVE wPRO Strengthens Its Position — 1945 ACHIEVEMENTS — 1, Strengthened the financial position through substantially increasing the paid-up capital and surplus. 2. Entered the canning of poultry meat. Guided local co-opera- tives In establishing modern poultry processing plants with new fast freezing and cold storage facilities, 3. Extended the premix feed division at Guelph, and guided affiliated co-operatives in erecting pew local feed plants. 4, Improved the fertilizer plant at West Toronto• and advised affiliated mixing stations in rnoderrilaing their facilities. . 5. Extended the clMmical divi- sion in respect to ftingicidea, insectibides, tweet control and spray Materials through neat research laboratory at Guelph, C. Installed modern whole milk nrocessine want at Guelnh for the manufacture of edible milk products. 7, Opened new division for the extension of domestic sales of butter, eggs, poultry, cheese and other farm products, 8, Completed contracts on a dis- tributive basis to facilitate supplying our affiliates with: Commercial and domestic re- frigeration: Washing Machinet, Vacuum Cleaners, and other electrical appliances: Tires and Tubes; Asphalt Shingles and Roofers' Supplies, 9, Constructed one of Canada's most modern seed plants en- abling. the cleaning and hand- ling of A carload of clover and grass seeds daily. 10. Provided extensive assistance to affiliated cci.operatives through auditing, bookkeeping, organization and programs' on membership and finerieea, THE UNITED FARMERS CO-OPERATIVE CO. LTD. Duke anti Gorge Sts., Toronto Make this PIedde Today! pledge myself to do my part in fighting inflation : By Observing rationing and avoiding black Markets in any shape or ?arm. By respecting price controls and other anti-inflation measures, and re- fraining friiin careless and unneces- sary buying. I will not boy two 0 where one will do, not will I buy a "new" where an "old" will do, By buying Victory Bonds, supporting taxation And abiding by all such measures Which wilt lower the cost of living 'and help keep prieeS at a normal level. PAM: Thursday, .Decernher 62 194 WINGHAM ADVANCE-T.110$ price floors and let the farming indus- try find its own natural Lions And revised division of reApOnsi- tO be the result of an Intensive four- bilities among them. 1.1tia appeared day meeting of the co-ordinating coxn- ixxikkce the Dominion-provincial con- ference, The agreement can be ex- pected during the winter, Hess Faked .Atnnesia Nnernberg,—Rudolf Hess sardon- ically told the International Military Tribunal he had faked amnesia, fool- ing Allied medical experts and his own lawyer, but that new be was prepared to stand' trial and "bear full respon. sibility for anything 1 have One A VALUE WE ARE PROUD TO OLFER No More Big Three Meetings Washington,—President Truman ap- parently wrote ."finis" to the so-called "Big Three" conferences at which the late President Roosevelt, Winston Churchill and Premier Stall4 met to clecitte - the course of world affairs at the critical moments of the war, Mr. Truman told his press conference that he .believes the, fate of the world now is in the hands of the United Nations Organization and everybody should support that body, 34 pc Service This lovely silver plate carries an $26x unqualifiedguar- antee -- and is reinforced at the points of wear. OTHER SETS from $20,50 May Cut Butter Ration Ottawa,---Prices Board officials said -the'possibility of cutting the Canadian butter ration early next year from its present approximate level of seven ounces per person per week to about Six ounces, was under consideration due to a fall off in western butter pro- duction. Fast World Flight Washington,—A twin-engined A-26 attack bomber has completed a 24,859 pile flight around the world in 96 hours and 50 minutes flying time, The A-26 flew westward by way of Hawaii, the Marianas, Okinawa, the Phillipines, India, North Africa, the Azores and Z-erirm According to W. P„ T. R. regulations Marshall Goes To Chungking Chungking,—Gen, George C. Mar, shall's diplomatic assignment to Chu- ngking was "Well received" officially and foreign quarters saw it as a beam of hope breaking through the darken- ing clotids,of civil war. The selection of a man of the stature 'of the former United States Army chief of staff as President Truman's special envoy created a profound impression in Chu- ngking. Traitor Amery To Die Loridon,—John Amery, son of a for- mer British Cabinet minister and con- victed Nazi Propagandist, was senten- ced to death for high treason. The 33- year-old Amery pleaded guilty to the treason charges in a trial which lasted only eight minutes. David ',Crompton * Jeweller — Bermuda. sembly while thousands of persons demonstrated in the streets of the -cap- ital, Atomic Race Feared Washington,—Dr, Irving Langmuir predicted that if an atomic armament race develops Russia will produce its first atomic bomb in about three years and possibly accumulate them "far faster than the United States. Soviet Plans Large Fleet Moscow,—New battleships aircraft carriers and cruisers, submarines, de- stroyers and smaller warships for the Red fleet are being designed by Soviet shipbuilders, it was learned in Mos- cow. The Red fleet hitherto has lag- ge'd behind the army and air force in technical development, largely because Russia is historically a continental tower, Now a larger and better equip- ped navy is being planned for Soviet Russia. No Record Of Lindy Bagging Japs Washington,—Gen. George C. Ken- ney, commander of the United States Far Eastern Air Force, said that "there are no records" of Charles A. Linde- bergh shooting down. any Japanese plants in-the Pacific. It had previous, ly been reported that he had shot clown several planes as a airline test pilot. Huns Attempt Mass Suicides Stockholm,—About 600 German military internees, including 100 who attempted suicide, were in the hospital after a clay of violence as the Swedish Government started,extradion of 2,700 former Wehrmacht soldiers to Swiet territory. Swedish authorities taid that two succeeded in taking their own lives. Adams Feed Store Anstett Wingham, - Ontario, SUNNINGDALE foundation stock is built around an old hen breeding program, froni breeders 2 to 5 years of age. That's one reason we can give you a strong, healthy, livable, bred-to-lay chick ... from proven stock that has proved its ability 'to live and lay over a period of years. [ WORLD WIDE NEWS IN CONDENSED FORM Says Emperor Must Be Retained Tokyo,—Japan's Liberal party lead- er told'an apparently apathetic Diet that "the emperor system must be re- tained" as a bulwark against "possible dictatorship." Soerabaja Subdued • Batavia, Java,—Indian forces have completely occupied Soerabaja after a bloody 19-clay battle in the great naval base, and a local administration is op- erating under British control, the Brit- ish command announced. Accord Seen At Dominion Prov. Parley Ottawa,—The 10 governments of Canada were headed towards early agreement on revised financial rela- IT. PAYS to raise Early Hatched Chicks. Order "SUNNINGDALE Leghorn Rock HYBRIDS" Limited quantities of Rock-Red Hybrids and Pure-Bred Bar- red Rock Chicks for sale . . . Order NOW Proclaimed Yugoslavia Republic Belgrade,—Marshal Tito's Govern- ment has proclaimed Yugoslavia a fed- erated republic and has renounced 22- year-old King Peter II, The action was taken by both Houses of the new- ly elected Yugoslavian Constituent As- ure when he appears before the agric- ulttire committee set up by the Domin- ion Provincial Conference in Ottawa. He said in an interview the time had come to abolish price ceilings and Would End Farm Controls Toronto,—Hon. T. L. Kennedy Ont- ario minister of agriculture, said he will demand immediate abolition of all wartime controls on Ontario agricult- There is a SUNNINGDALE hatched flock near you .. . ask the man who has them. WRITE FOR FOLDER AND PRICE LIST SUNNINGDALE FARMS Office: 660 Richmond St. LONDON ONTARIO Stulday, December 2nd., Eva Dow pre- sided. The Scripture,( Math. 2: 1 to, 10, followed by a reading by Jean Leaver. Elmer Shiell led in prayer, The Band then repeated the member's purpose. The minutes of the last Meet- ing were read by Barbara Irwin, The birthday song was sung by Bill Irwin.. Joan Wightman reporting for the Wat- ch Tower, read a Christmas Story from Africa. Mrs. lleeeroft read an- other from the Study Book. "Nyanga's Two Villages". In closing 'the Band. repeated the Mission Band Prayer, more calcium and iron in the diet would be beneficial. Mr. and drs. Rae Crawford invited the farm forum to their home next week. Mr. Cecil Wheeler and Mrs. Edna Procter will be recreational leaders. Progressive euchre was played with Mrs. Rae Crawford and Cecil Wheeler the win- ners, A lunch of sandwiches and cof- fee was served. Brick Church Mission Band The Brave Adventurers' 'Mission Band held their December meeting on MORRIS At a meeting held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Peacock, a Farm Forum was organized. There were 34 at the meeting. Lyle Hopper and Jack Wickstead of the'3rd line Forum as- sisted in the organization and lead in the first discussion period. BELGRAVE Rink Meeting It was decided to make ice on the rink for the coming winter. Commit- tees were appointed and have been posted in the Post Office. We hope everyone will lend a hand to make this a success. It is hoped to have a hoc- key team. The rink committee are sponsoring Euehres and Dances this winter to raise funds to operate. As this is about our only means of raising .funds we are hoping for good attend- ance. Next dance is December 12th. Euchre and Dance Success A very successful euchre and dance was held in the Forester's Hall last Tuesday evening, Prizes donated by Bill Rowland and Clarence Hanna were won by Mrs. Jesse Wheeler and Carl Procter. Tickets were, sold on a chicken which was donated by Ralph McCrae anti was won by Charlie Cook. Music for the dance was furnished by Jackson's. Orchestra. The proceeds of this party is in aid of the skating rink. Miss Beatrice Wade of Fordwich, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Wade. Mr. Keith Dunbar, London, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Diinbar. • Mrs. Brandon visited with Winghain frien ds. People of the community will he very sorry to hear of, the death of Mr. Morley Jordan, who died suddenly on Thursday evening at his home in Clin- ton. Morley had been a resident of Belgrave for a number of years before going to Clinton and was well known and highly respected. Mrs. Wm, Bennett of Myth and Mrs. Sackrider of New Liskeard, are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cook. 6th Line Foram The weekly meeting of the 6th line Farm' Forum Was held at the home of Mel Bradburn with 23 present. Albert Coultes was leader and Mrs. Stanley Cook was in charge of the recreational period. It was agreed that fertilizer should be used and a balanced ration feed to stock and poultry so that our food would contain the proper minerals and vitathins. It was thought that the school lunches of today were better balanced than formerly. It was agreed that goitre 'and arthritis are the diseas- es most prevalent in the/ district. It Was felt there is a need for more nurs- es and doctors and all should have a medical examination once a year. Next meeting will be held at the home of Charles Smith with Afrs, Lewis Cook in charge and Ivan Wightman as re- creational leader, B oath' Forum The Bodnifik Farm Forum met at the Morrie of Mr. and Mrs, Cm.1 Procter with 83 in attendance, The subject for discussion ,WAS Are Farm. People. Healthy, It was the opinion of the group that Farin People's Health could be improved by paying more attention to school lunches and hot lunettes iii schools, It was also thought that it takes more than. bricks , don't really need. We must support rationing, observe price ceilings, and avoid black markets. If we do this, we can keep prices from shooting sky high, If we don't, some day we'll be paying a dollar for fifty cents' worth of goods. This means your dollars—those dollars you've saved to buyyour home--will only be worth fifty cents! This is inflation! And after inflation comes depres- sion! We know what happened after the last wart It mustn't be allowed to happen again. That's why, lot our own sakes, and for the sake of the returned men to whom we owe a job, a future, a home of their own—we must make sure Canada's dollar re- mains steady. We must keep up a constant fight against our country's enemy—inflation! OMEDAY THAT DREAM home 10 will be yours—if you are willing to fight for it today! Bricks may build a house, but to build' a home you need more than bricks! You need security—a job—a future! And these depend on a Canadian dollar that will always buy a full dollar's worth of goods—a steady* sound dollar that's not pulled down to half its value by inflation! That's why it's necessary NOW—more than ever now—f0Y all of us to ifight and work to keep that dollar worth a dollar! Why is it so important NOW? Because now is the time civilian goods are scarce, and money is plentiful; NOW is the time we must guard! against paying MORE than things are worth . or buying things we Published by TII)3 ia>YiiiYrllril INDUSTRY (O14TAIt10) to reveal the dangers of 5,000 Breeders • 300 Acres Free Range An aerial view of Sunningdale Farms The Home of the Famous . Sunningdale Leghorn-Rock Hybrids • Correct feed will finish .your poultry off to the profit-paying Grade A, which often can boost the value of a bird as much as 15c per pound. Pioneer Fattening Mash and Pellets deter- mine the final profit with well finished birds that command Grade A profits. 285