HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1945-11-29, Page 8r trcAIRE Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Nov. 29, 30, Dec, 1st $0,,G; wr.elervela Me T., 1101, 14, Pue-A.W.1" fed, aziapo,R 2;',44z zvAns with auld. 8013 TOmas rliE EONS oF 27,°1114 Ar at% . E MATERS Matinee Saturday afternoon at 2.30 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, December 3, 4, 5 DOUBLE BILL — WILLIAM BENDIX and JOAN BLONDELL in "Don Juan Quilligan" -- and — THE WILDE TWINS and JAMES CRAIG in "Twice Blessed" GORRIE We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Thos. AI- Innes and son to .our village, having recently purchased. the property of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Underwood. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Underwood are occupying the apartment vacated by Mrs, Dawson. Mr. Robt. Warwick and Miss Viola Mathers of Morris, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Taylor on Thursday. • Miss Helen Strong is holidaying in Kitchener with relatives. Pte. and Mrs. Glen Williamson (nee Ruby King) were presented with a miscellaneous shower and address read by Miss Loreen King, in the township hall here, on Wednesday night last. The receipients thanked their friends for the many gifts. The evening was spent in dancing. Mr. and Mrs, Victor Shera spent Sunday with Mr. and Mr's. Mac Abram in LiStowel. Sunday guests of Mx% and Mrs. Cecil Grainger were: Mr. and Mrs. Clifford McAllister and daughter, Jean, of Grey also Mr. and Mrs. Earl Toner, Gorrie south. Gnr. Joe Earngey, who returned last week from overseas, and Mrs, Earn- gey of Listowel, also Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Short and family of Fergus, were wek-end guests of their mother, Mrs, Earngey, also Mr. and Mrs. Thos Short. Mrs. R. G. Dane has returned home after visiting her sister, Mrs. Herman Ewald and Mr. Ewald in Galt, Mr. Leland Ashton, Toronto, spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Ida Ashton. Miss Rose Howse, Stratford, spent the week-end with her parents, Rev. and Mrs. Howse at the parsonage. Mrs. Charlotte Spotton, Toronto, is visiting her brother, Mr. David Cath- ers, Mr. and Mrs. William Earney. Fer- gus, spent the week-end with his aunt, Miss Kate Earngey. Mrs. Stephen King. is making satis- factory progress in Listowel Memorial Hospital, following an attack of pneu- monia, Miss Acheson, Sault Ste. (Marie, was a Sunday guest of Dr. and Mrs. Arm= strong. Mrs. Short and Miss Myrtle Short spent a few days last week in Toronto. have returned hofe after visiting friends Mrs. Gerald Galbraith and son, Paul in Smithville and London. Mrs. Thos. Simpson has returned af- ter visiting relatives in and around Wroxeter. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson, Harriston, spent Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. Allen Hyndman and Mr, Hyndman. Mission Theme of Meeting The regular meeting of the Y.P.U. was held on Friday evening, Nov. 23, in the church. The meeting opened with a hymn. Minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted. Roll call was answered with 15 present, the collection amounted to $1.42. The next meeting will be held on Friday, Nov. 30th with Mae Hutchison convenor for Christian Citizenship in charge, "Nor- man Carson, Pauline HienrniIler, Dor- een Harrison and Florence Anger were appointed to be in charge of the Christ, mas service. Doreen Harrison, con- venor for Christian Missions, was in charge of the meeting. The theme was "Missions in a World at War". A piano selection was given by George Gregg. The scripture was read by Pauline Hientniller, followed by medi- tation by Florence Anger and Doreen Harrison then led in prayer. The top- ic was given by Doreen Harrison. Rev, Howse added a few words about Mis- sions in a World at War,. The meet- ing closed with a hymn and a contest. Institute Held Family Night The annual Family Night of the Wo- iiiimmegamonnosimmin S oker's Sundries Magazines Haseigrove's SMOKE SHOP saiamizimiiimasommimmome On• lm ImMlk ira.M1 duly 1•000 v FT--- Men's Brown Suede Jackets — a really outstanding sport garment $12.95 MEM MINYA Men's Scarfs—coloured wools, figured spuns, white Crepe 89c - $4.95 EL-- Ski Caps — smartly styled Gabardines and Meltons $1.25, $1.50 .7.4 Parkas — for all out-door sports or work; wool or sheep-skin linings $13.95 to $21.50 amiami OMR. . IS MODERN AND RESTFUL TO YOUR EYES Come in and inspect the latest Fluorescent Lighting Units — Single, Double or Four lights 24" units and double 48" units. If your present units require servicing we have in stock 25 and 60 cycle 20 watt and 40 watt Fluorescent Lamps and Starters for all fixtures. — MAKE — PATTISON RADIO SERVICE YOUR FLUORESCENT LAMP HEADQUARTERS meeting were read and adopted. The roll call was responded to by a funny story. Mrs. Galbraith and Mrs. Bell were responsible for the programme which was enjoyed =very much by ev- eryone, it included three addresses. Mr. Howses spoke of family life in the church; Mr. Farrish told of his recent trip to the west, and Mr. Strong spoke especially to the boys and girls remin- ding them of the good country they live in. George Gregg played 'two pi- ano solos; Gorrie senior room sang a number also some the junior room pupils. A double trio from number four school; Erla Newton played two piano solos; Doris Galbraith and Lor- een King sang a duet accompanied by Marion King. Several numbers of community singing were enjoyed, the songs being taken from the new tong sheets. Patricia Strong played a piano solo and Florence Anger and Marlene Barton a piano duet. A contest fol- lowed the program which grouped all in a circle for the passing of the lunch. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Fred Hyndman and there will be an exchange of Christ- mas gifts. Howick Federation Elects The annual meeting of the Howick unit of the Federation of Agriculture was held in the township hall, Garde, Thursday, Nov. 22nd. The president, Harvey Spading, in charge, gave a splendid report of the work done this past year, and also spoke of ,the fine co-operation he had received from the directors. The directors also gave a report of their work, The secretary, Harry Gowdy, reported that it had been a very successful year, there were 97 members in 1945 and the,directors had 271 sign for the 1)5 mill in 1946, Wes. Strong took the chair for athe election of offieers which ,resulted as folloWS: Pits,, Harvey Spading; Viee- Pres., Sam Robinson; Sec.-Treas., H. Gowdy; auditors, Wes. Strong, Roy Pita Class Watch Repairs George Williams Nod to Mittonio nail For the Present Watches Only JOHN St. , This year we have a large range as well as a most beautiful selection of your ftavourite Gift Merchandise. ---- AT ,---- Smith's Economy Food Store AYLMER TOMATO OR I CULVERHOUSE CHOICE VEGETABLE SOUP, tin, 10e I DICED BEETS, tin ...15c Aylmer Strained Infants' Ponds, • 3 tins 25c Vita,B Wheat Germ Cereal ... 3 lb. Bag 25c FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES H ead Lettuce, each ,„—............. . . .. 15e Firm Cabbage, lb. ,. .. . ,....,—.,...,,,,...4c Ripe Tomatoes, lb. . . .. ...—...... . ..29e 220s Oranges, dozen --......53e 500s Lemons . . . . . ........... 2 for 13e Washed Carrots —...... 3 lbs..12c presh -Radishes, 2 bundles ..,.„15,e Greer). Celery ,. 2 bunches 27c Size 2888 Valencia Oranges , . 334 doz. Size 126s Texas Grapefruit .. . 6 for 29c RATION COUPONS VALID THURS., NOV. 29th Sugar Nos. 40 to 67; Presettfes Rug. 36 to 57 and PI to P21; Butter Not 116 to 131; Meat Nos. 1 to 13, Prir; PAG",e, MGM MINIM-TAU ADVANMTIMES la Thurs,, November 29th, 1945 • ~~Illlilllllll~ll~llll(tlliiilll((III(Illllllillrlllllllllfl(IIIIIIIIIII111~11III(I~(Illlllllllllllll~Ill1!!11 !!! !II 111 !II Il!!!!RI ! !!! VIII! ll. I lll~Il! 11111 ~I!!~! ~~ Il~lll~! I~III III! 111111E E • The topic was. given by Teorna Dun,: bar and the Log. Book by Norma Bryn dges, Amy Smith .gave A reading and . Donna VanCamp a solo. Dorothy Wade invited the society to her home for the next meeting. A hymn was sung and Mn I-Ienlerson closed the meeting with prayer, Contests were enjoyed and lunch was served by the hostess. Soil Subject At Bodtitin FOrttna The Bothrun Farm Forum met at the Notate of Mr, and WS, James Conk tes with S$ in attendance. The sub- ject Under discussion was "Poor Soil 'Produces Poor Food", which, caused a 'good deal of discussion, They thought it would be a good thing if the farmers would get their soil tested to see if they were sowing the fertilizer that would derive the most benefit. Carl Procter was appointed President for the month of December. Richard Proctor and Martin Grasby were' ap- pointed to contact other forums with regard to, getting a speaker to come to Belgrave and speak on soil testing, fertilizers and pastures. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Proctor invited the Forum to their home for next Monday night with Mrs, Howard Wil- kinson and Richard Proctor appointed recreation committee, Progressive euchre was played with' Mrs. Rae Crawford winning the highest number of points for the ladies and Martin Grasby high for the men after whiCh lunch was served of sandwiches and and coffee, go•••••11 ••••••• IMMO, 1•••••• 11101•1. •••••• 1.11M. MEMOIR •••40. 11.••••• •=00.• "MOW NIMMIN =MEM }NNW •••••• ••••• •••••• =NINO ••••••0 ••••••• Sigeomem ••••••• mos. "Mom ••••.• ammo, ••••••• •MaNwe Mramm. immin I•1••••• Maim, Ammon •••••• M▪ M.* ••••••• MINIM MOW IMMO 11•1111.0 MEM% •••••• .0•••• IIM▪ MEN 11•11•1 110 •=1111011 MOMS 1NOMMIII 111•1••• awn. 81111.0.• 4111•••• 1.11•11.1•11 411•111111 al/NO IIIMM•111 IMMOIN simony g" It's a problem all right, but we can help you off to a good start on your Christmas list., 01••••• 0•••=i• 1=m moms aliONNS MIME ••••••0 .11•=•111 /WNW •••••M• •••••••• 11•••••1 ammo 1.11•101111 •••••• ••••••• 1=1•10. veg.. 111•1•••• 1••••• 1111•11•11•1 •=1•••• 111•1=13 111.11.11. .0•1111 Ladies' Fine 'Botany Wool Hose — Penman's quality $1.50 pr. $2.95 Snuggle-Down Pyjamas and Gowns—soft and warm, and general favourites Et Kerchiefs, Scarfs, Fascinators—a wide range of sheers, spuns, wools Bed Jackets — Rose and Blue in brushed rayons or chenilles Ladies' Sport Jackets -- wool checks, herringbones, fleeces, sizes 14 - 20 ..... . . . . . . •••=•111 79c - $2.95 $1.95 - $3.65 at 111111MM a $9.85 - $12.95 maino0 ,•••• 4101•••• 1 MONO BELGRAVE Red Cross Shipment Belgrave Red Cross shipments for November to Red Cross Warehouse in Toronto consisted of the following: 10 pr. girls bloomers, 50 girls' under- ••••••41 mionnr ••••=1, aMINIO 1••••••• vests, 30 pr. boys underpants, 25 night- gowns, size 18, 15 girls coats, size 2; 30 Infants sleeping bags, 25 girls dresses, size 4; 10 girls nightgowns, size 4; 5 large quilts. The 'knit articles included 30 pair Army sox, 7 pr, Airforce sox, 6 Navy scarves, 1 pr. men's navy gloves, 9 turtle neck sweaters, 6 high neck, long sleeved sweaters, also 5 boys sweat- ers size 8; 21 pr. boys sox size 5-10yrs. This was the work which was com- pleted since June. There is more work on hand at the rooms ready to be taken out to sew. A new quota of work consisting of in- fants layettes has arrived and it is hop- ed that after the New Year many will take a hand and help with this needy work as the completed work is requir- ed as soon as possible. A. Y. P. A. Meeting The A, Y. R. A. held their meeting at the home of Nora VanCamp on Fri- day evening with a good attendance. The meeting was opened by singing a hymn and the. Rev. Mr. Henderson lead in prayer. Sec. and Treas reports were received. It was decided to have a debate at the next meeting, Irene Logan and Joan Brydgs were appoint- ed as programme committee and Clare VanCamp to prepare the Log Book, MON= AMINO ••=1•1, 401•1.11 ..•••• 1.01=11• ..wamy slows ••••••• Fluorescent Lighting ••••••• • a"-- Children's Chenille House Coats sizes 2 - 6 and 8 - 14 $4.50, $5.95 = $2.39 $2.95, $4.75 75c Boys' Suits — Flannel Shorts with long-sleeved broadcloth tops — sizes 2, 3, 4 Wool Comforters — pink and blue satin reversibles - Babies' Satin Pillows — for carriage or crib - ••▪ •.• ONINIm •••••• 01=1.11i 11•1•11.0 •10=in. = .... = =-- =..... _ himminoommilimmi9siiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiIplimillimiiiiiiiiiimiffiiiiiiiIiiiiiiiiiiiiimilmoomommoiminimillimommimminquomumg Strong; Directors, S. S. N. 1, J. Inglis, J. Ferguson; No. 2. W. Kreller, B. Hubbard; No. 3, Frank Douglas; No. 4„ W. Strong, B. Stewart; No, 6, L. Ruttan, A. Ruttan; No. 6, W. Zurbrigg N. Harding; No. 7, J. Hutchison, C. Grainger; No. 8, R. Strong, S. Edgar; No. 9, J. Winters, W. Boehier; No. 10, G. Edgar, T. Edgar; No. 11, I. Schae- fer, H. Doig; No. 12, S. Bride, H. Gib- son; No. 13, A. Halliday, C. Cathers; No. 14, H. •McMichael, G. Paulin; No. men's Institute was held in the gall on Friday night. Mrs. Taylor presided over the meeting which opened with the Institute Ode followed by the Lord's prayer. The minutes of the last ob. 15, I. Haskins, C. Renwick; No. 1 , S. Edgar, W. Doig, Jr.; No. 17, A. Bast, E. Allen; No. 18, E. Spading, T. Earl; Belmore, E. Zinn. Harry Gowdy was appointed to attend the county meet- ings at Clinton as voting delegate. W. Kreller, A. Halliday, W. Strong were appointed to attend the meeting at Bel- grave in connection with control of warble flies. Everett Spading was nominated to attend the Provincial an- nual meeting in Toronto. Columbia Records Present Oscar Levant in Gershwin's "Rhapsody In Blue" See Oscar Levant starring, as Oscar Levant in Warner Bros. new motion picture hit "Rhap- sody In Blue". Then hear Oscar Levant in his brilliant new Col- umbia recording (with the Phil- adelphia Orchestra conducted " by Eugene Ormandy) of "Rhap- sody In Blue": Columbia Album Set J88 $2.75 Other Gershwin Music Set 1159 Concerto.in F .....-,.$3.75 Set A7 Duchin' plays Ger- shWin . .. . . ....... ..... ..... ...—$3.50 Record C12013 Porgy and Bess Highlights ............ ..—$1.00 RecOrds make Fine Gifts. Ask about our Victor Record Gift Certificate. PHONE 161 FREE DELIVERY • tithson R11010 SERVICE Cosmetic Sets for Ladies by Adrienne, Rubinstein and Lentheric. $1.20 - $10.00 Shaving Sets for Men Bachelor, Gardenia, Lentheric. 75c - $4.00 Fitted and Unfitted Cases for Men Beautiful grained Leather with zippers or domes. $3.50 $15.00 „ . Billfolds and Writing Cases Genuine Leather—well sewn with Lightnipg Zippers or plain. $1.00 $5.95 Smokers Sundries and Tobacco "Plat 50's", 1/2 lb. Cut Tobac- cos, Pouches, Pipe Racks, Thor- ens Lighters, Poker Chips and Ash Trays, Perfumes and Fancy Colognes Are lovely gifts We have a wide range of Fragrances and among them such famous names as Tweed, Miracle, Heaven Sent, Apple Blossom, Enchante, En- glish Garden and Many others. 60c - $10.00 Pen and Pencil Sets Are Lifetime Gifts * Water. mand and Shaeffer. PHONE 171J IE X COFFEE Ground Fresh While You Wait 49c lb• KRAFT CREAM CHEESE RELISH or PIMENTO, lb. 49c ROBIN HOOD "QUICK Cooking OATS, 5 lb. bag-29c NEILSON'SJERSEY BRAND COCOA, 1 lb. tin..29c READY-CUT MACARONI, 4 lb. .....w CANADIAN OLD WHITE CHEESE, lb. FREE. RUNNING OR IODIZED SALT, lb. $2.75 $19.50 You will love our Candles, We have a.grand range of table and decorative pieces. Make Your. Christmas Shopping Easy at McKibbons DRUG TOPIZ See Reid and See Right Make Appointments For DECEIVIBER. 5th \vita. DAVID CIZOIVIPTON Jeweller Phone 59 For 'Eye Examination R. A. Reid, R. 0. Eye spedatist Dresser Sets for Ladies Brush, Comb and Mirror Sets, lovely plastics or metal finish, $5.00 - $20.00 Stationery and Playing Cards Beautifull Boxed Stationery- 50c - $3.50. Playing Gar& singles 75c, 1.25 Double Bridge Packs $1.25. Cribbage Boards 75e - $1.25.