HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1945-11-15, Page 4A COURTEOUS' WKCOME AWAITS YOU wir7"--• AT THIS STORE : wow.. Um. FRIEND AND STILL OUR BEST VALUE • ............. 26 PC. SETS 75 ti , ....................... DORATION 44ii:ZNPS Terms In accordance with Wartime Prices and Trade Board regula- tions. ..... . ',,,eeeeig.'feeeieee Here is further evidence that you can count on this store for quality merchandise. Featur. ed in "First Love" and "Ador-ation" patterns. David Crompton — Jeweller — 0=0=0=0=0 ) t r BRING RE SULTS THESE WANT AD'S A Complete Automotive Line to Service Every Vehicle • For Trucks, Trailers, Machinery,. Etc: Strong • Durable Waterproof Regular Heavy Heavy Size Weight Service Size Service 8' x 10' 8.95 10.25 12' x 16' 24.60 10' x 12' 13,50 15.35 12' x 18e 27.65 12' x 14' 18.95 21.50 Made.to- 13s seeere Order sizes ro net AU Sizes—All Weit;lits—Save on Your Tarpaulin Needs Canadian Tire Corporation Associate Store Campbell's Garage WINGHAM ONTAill0 if —ea immusessw I California ,GRAPES • 19c Ufa P/CKLED BEETS, 24 oz. jar ........23c CLARK'S ASPARAGUS OR MUSHROOM SOUP 2 10 oz. tins 17c CLARK'S VEGETABLE, OXTAIL CONSOMME SOUP ... . . 2 10 oz. tins 15c DOMINION 24 oz. Loaves BREAD 2 loaves 15c KELLOGG'S RICE KRISPIES ... 2 for 23c MUFFETS.. 2 pkg. for 17c H. P. SAUCE .. A1/2 oz. b6ttle 29c C. & S, COFFEE, 1 lb. . . . . , .43c AUNT D/NAH MOLASSES, 16 oz. —13c ALL MERCHANDISE SOLD AT YOUR DOMINION STORE /S UN- CONDITIONALLY GUARANTEED TO GIVE 100% SATISFACTION. 2 LB. TIN • CORN SYRUP . : . .23c McLAREN'S MUSTARD. SNOWFLAKE AMMONIA, pkg. . .. 5c SINKO, tin .... 25c FLUSfI0, tin , ..... .21e LASCO CLEANSER, tin . „ 5c CATELLI MACARONI AND SPAGHETTI,16 02.. .2 for 17c 25 - 40 and 10 WATT SOLEX LAMPS . ... .15c AYLMER SOUR PICKLES, 16 oz. jar 23c .:Norre NAVY TISSUE 4 rolls 25c DOMINION BLACK TEA, 1/2 lb. „ „ .35c 1 CHIVIELL,0 FRESH GROUND COFFEE, 16 oz. . „ ,35c Fruit & Vegetables SIZE 288 ORANGES . . — . , 31c doz. SIZE 96 GRAPEFRUIT , ... 4 for 25c COOKING ONIONS . , , — 3 lbs. 17c WASHED CARROTS . ... . . 3' lbs. llt FIRM CABBAGE WAXED TURNIPS . ...... 3 lbs. Ile WINGHAil ADVANCE-TIMES Thursday, Nay, 15th, 1945 V.ET.ERANS HO.NOURE.0 AT .1.10L.MES' SCHOOL ,......,,..,. On. Monday night a dance was held at Holmes' school in honour of the, boys of the section who had served overseas, Only two of the six boys soldiers were present, gdwin, chand«, ler and Russel Holmes, The others,- who could not be present were Jack Johnston, Clifford Jenkins, who is in the hospital in London, Lloyd Wilsoo,. at present in Vancouver and George Tervit, who has pot yet returned from Overseas. ,She address was read by Alex Sproul and the presentations made by Bill King.. The boys made a suitable reply expressing their apprec«. iation to the people of the section. 0 11/2 cents a word per insertion, with a minimum charge of 25c. 0 O «0ry0=0=0 0=01 AUCTION SALE—Of farm stock WOULD YOU LIKE-10c a dozen and implements, will be held at more for your eggs plus a premium. North half Lot. 34, concession 1, We pay a guaranteed price of 10c a Morris, at 1 p.m., on Thursday, dozen over the price as quoted in November 22nd. Terms, Cash. No the Globe & Mail for Grade A Large reserve as farm has been sold. Matt ungraded eggs plus a hatchability Gaynor, auctioneer, William Balfour, Proprietor. • :WAN tAD S 011 II • YOU CAN TURN—Your spare time into money, selling chicks for one of Canada's better known Hatcher- ies, Your friends and neighbours are prospective customers forour, high quality. "Canada Approved" chicks. 'Write .for further details to Box H. A dvance-Times. pienxturn on all -eggs weighing 23 ounces and over per dozen. We cull and bloodtest your flock free of charge. If you are interested in mak- ing- more money from your eggs and supplying hatching eggs for the 1946 season, write immediately for full details. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Ltd;, Fergus, Ontario. b' 0 BRIDGE CLUB Nine and a half tables took part in the play at the Winghani Bridge Club,. Thursday evening at their regular weekly meeting. The results were: North and South-1st, Mrs, Art, Wil- son and W. H. French; 2nd. Miss C. Ist;iSter and Miss M. McCallum; 3rd, Mrs. W. H. French and Mrs. cordon MacKay; 4th. Mrs. E. D. Bell and Mrs. F, A. Parker; 5th. G. C. Gam- mage and Don Nesmith. East and West-1st, ,Mrs, W. L. Kress` and NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of Adam Knox late of the Township of Howick, in the County of Huron, Farmer, who died on or about the twenty-fifth day of &Mere- bet A. D., 1045, are notified to send to J. I. Crawford, Wingham, Ontario, on or before the 24th day of Novem- ber. A. D., 1945, full particulars of their claims, in writing. Immediately after the said 24th day. of November, the assets of the said testator will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of Which the executrix shall then have notice, DATED this second day of Novem- ber, A. D. 1045. 3, H. CRAWFORD, K. C, Wingham, Ontario soildito.cor the Executrix. taiternot. The family of the late.Jos. Gamble wish to express their appreciatioit to their •neighbours and Mende for the kindness atid sympathy extended to them, at the tittle of their recent bete FOR SALE—Shorthorn Bull of ser- ,yiceable age. Ranson bred. Apply FOR SALE to Jam 5. Scott, Belgrave, phone CHARIS Foundation Garment Co. • trained Corsetiere for Wingham, surrounding district and towns. If • you need a new garment, any size or type of figure at reasonable prices, fall on Mrs, Wm. Kennedy, Minnie Wingham. FOR SAT.F—,Girls' Figure Skates, white boots, size 5; Boy's Skating eeitfit size 3, black boots. Mrs. C. • )3011(1 - - FOR SALE—Kitchen Range fully en- amelled in ivory with red trim, en- amelled reservoir top. Complete with water front. Apply to Geo. R. Scott, John St. FOR SALE 18 Sucking Pigs, 611,, weeks old and 4 serviceable hogs, about 80 pounds. Harold Dennis, near Wing-ham cemetery. FOR SALE-1928 Chev. Sedan, rel- iable car with exceptionally good tires,. Must be sold before Thurs- day evening. Apply to Fred Mas- sey, Wingham, Phone 270. FOR SALE—Purebred Barred Rock Pullets. Apply to J. S. Paisley, R. R. 1, Glenannan, 1 --VOR SALE—Three stoves, apply to to A. Bell, Bell Block, Wingham. FOR SALE—Two year old heifer and calf, one Jersey heifer rising 3 years, due in February. Apply to J. G. Simmons, B. Line, FOR SALE-2 H. P. Master Ball Bearing lvfotor,,,60 cycle, 110-220 volt, RPM 725 almost new. Phone 279. LOST—On No. 3 mail route between Harold Walker's and Wingham Post Office, a pair of dark rimmed glasses in blue case. Phone 338 or leave at Advance-Times. PAIN KILLER FOR CORNS— Lloyd's Corn and Callous Salve gives prompt, sure relief. 50c at Mc- Ribbon's Drug Store. PIANO TUNING — tuning price $3.00, repairs extra, factory expert- once,. By Wingham Bandmaster, Gee. 5. Wright. Must leave orders at Advance-Times, REX WHEAT GERM OIL—Assur- es better breeding for all animals and poultry, For sale by' Stainton Hardware, SLENDOR TAI3LETS are effec- tive. 2 weeks' supply $1; 12 weeks' $5, at McKibbon's Drug Store. 12 PIANOS—Re-conditioned, N e w Chesterfields and Bedroom Suites. Order your radio and washer now at the Mildmay Furniture Store, Schtt- ett & Son, IsSildinay and Mt. Forest, Free Delivery. WA TED--A girl for general house- work, Apply to Mrs, Joe Clark, Victoria Street. Phone 229. WANTED—A capable girl as book- keeper and saleslady. Apply to D. Rae & Son, Hardware, WANTED—Good young horse, about 1.300 or 1400. Work single or doub- le. Apply to Roy Noble, Blyth, 85R 28. 41111.11111.1118.1111101011111•0111111181118111110111 HAVE YOUR REFRIGERA. TOR CHECKED AT LEAST QNPE A YEAR and save costly repairs later, 111101110011.11111101111 11111t Plaster Repairing A. French Wingham Plastering Contractor Specialist in Cornice Work & Decorative Plastering Plaster repairs promptly and neatly done. Box 23 Phone 187 Mrs, J. H. Crawford; 2nd. Mrs....-. G. Godkin and Miss Margaret MacLean; ard. Gordon MacKay and Mrs. Geo, Ross; 4th. Mrs, 0. Colborne and D. B. 'Porter; 5th. Mrs, wC, H. Magee and Mrs. J. J, Brown. SALEM Reeve D. L. Weir is attending the County Council at Goderich this week. A shower was given at Lane's school OPEN DEER SEASON HURON, BRUCE, GREY Season Will 13e November 19th., to November 24th., Inclusive It was announced last week that the Department of Game and Fisheries have given official notice with regard to an open season for hunting deer in this section. The dates for the coun- ties of Huron, Bruce and Grey are from November 19 to November 24, both days inclusive, making six full days in which local ninrods will be able to hunt deer. Deer have not been reported very plentiful in this area but it is said that they are quite plentiful in parts of Bruce and Grey. BLYTH Miss Melba McElroy of the High School teaching staff, Guelph, spent the week-end at her home. At a meeting of the municipal coun- cil it was decided to turn over the municipal rink to the local Lions Club for this winter, .with the corporation supplying the motor and hydro for the rink. The Lions Girls and Boys Band has been organized with a membership of Mr. Robinson of London, was present WANTED— Lady to clerk and work in store, Apply Box R., Advance- Times. WANTED-3 or 4 unfurnished rooms or apartment by soldier's wife with two school age children. Replies to be left at. Advance-Times office. WE ARE AGENT FOR :Kitchener Big-4 Chicks. The Hatchery strong- ly advises placing your order early, to insure breed and. delivery date. Catalogue and Price List. Same high standard, Canada. Approved; breeders bloodtested. Agent, Fred Hogg, Wingham. PHIL OSIFER OF LAZY MEADOWS By Harry J. Boyle I was in Quebec at the conference on Food and Agriculture, The work was pretty well caught up here at the farm and when those fellows asked me if I would like to go along and sort of sit in for the farmers, I made up my mind to go. We've been hearing so much about these United Nations meetings that I thought it would be a good experience and for that matter, probably the only chance I'll have. It was well' worth it. For one thing after three weeks in Quebec seeing the people from all over the world in at- tendance, I'm pretty well convinced that the folks were trying to do a real job in regards, to this whole business of food, the farmer and agriculture. Somehow or other you couldn't help but have that feeling. Food has the key to a lot of this old world's troubles and if they ever put it on the proper basis, they've got a good foundation laid for other things, The man who impressed me a good deal was this fellow Sir John Boyd- Orr. That's a. pretty imposing name and you would naturally expect the sort of fellow we often make fun of . . with big estates, a title, an interest in politics and not knowing much about hardship. Well sir, Sir John Boyd-Orr is just a plain farmer like you and me. There's nothing stuffy about him and he's as plain as you could possibly find anywhere. In .the first place he has just been appointed. Director-General of this new organization on Food and Agriculture. That's a big job and he's going to be pretty busy at it. I met him in the hall one day and he spoke and what's more he stopped to chat. The first thing he asked me was whether I was a farmer or not. I told hiriP yes and he ducked me into his room and locked the door and started firing questions at me about farming in Canada. I found out that he has a farm in' Scotland and I noticed other things: His hands are big and rough from hard work. He has unruly grey-white hair and big shaggy eyebrows that point out Iike horns. He's a Glasgow man with a, thick burr in his voice and his old battered pipe was taped up with some black, friction tape. His clothes looked like most farmers best suit and his tie was a little left of centre show- ing a collar button. What's more lie k,new farming, and that made me quite hopeful about this new organization. CopporS are Vv. /am... I &IWO itot tot, kneag; but ple.ate fit Wm mails si pair of the,. °legatos sibeee.f. CARD OF THANKS Bush and Pasture Land. Seventy- five acres, with spring creek running through and partly wooded, the rest good pasture land. Located on the 6 Concession of Howick, near Wroxeter, and belonging to the D. D, Sanderson Estate, Price $1,200,00 to close the estate. Apply to 5. H. Crawford, K. C., Wingham Ontario, NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of Joseph Gamble, late of the town of Wingham, in the County of Huron, Labourer, who died on or about the 28th day of October, A. D., 1945, are notified to send to J. H. Crawford, K. C., Wingham, Ontario, on or before the first day of December, A. D., 1945, full particulars of their claims in writing. Immediately after the said first day of December, the as- sets of the said testator will be dis- tributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the executor shall then have notice. DATED this 12th day of November, A. D., 1945, J. H. CRAWFORD, K. C,, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executor. a a 0 623R2, 11'OR SALE e--Rebuilt Electric Refrigerators (guaranteed), Frigidaire Sales and Service Stewart Home Appliances — Phone 29 last Thursday night for Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Errington, who verc recently. .married, They were presented with a purse of money, Mr. .Errington made a. very suitable reply. We welcome Mrs. Errington to our community and we wish them man happy years to-. ,ether. Mies Doris Wray who attends the Wroxeter Nigh School spent the week- end with her. parents Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Wray. The W. A. spent a pleasant .aftee, noon on Tuesday of this week at the home of Mrs. Allan Fralick of Wing- barn, around twenty-five. The organizer, and picked the members of the band. ,Anniversary services of Old St, An- drew's Presbytdrian Church was held on Sunday with Rev, Mr. Stewart of Goderich, being in charge of both ser- vices. The choir under the leadership of Mrs. Harold Phillips accompanied by Jean Harris at. the organ, and were ably assisted by the choir of United Church, The quartette comprising Maitland Henry, Henry Jerome, Wal- lace F. Hollyman and Stan. Sibthorpe and the anthem by the choir were worthy of special , mention. Large congregations greeted the speaker at both services, With the Victory Loan returns not completed Blyth has raised two hund- red and fifty per cent, of its quota.