HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1945-11-08, Page 4• •pf.1941, Kuut_14tules yn 13,,. ale, f0 +u
AGEFOUR. Thursday, Novk $th, 1945 WING4AM ADVANCE-TIMV$
YOMor and Eleanore Taylor recreation^
al leader.
ti riton'sHardware HAVE YOUR. REFRIGERA-
and save costly repairs later,
Mrs Campbell Winthrop, spent
the past week with her granddaughter,
Mrs, Gordon. Holt,
Little Miss Mildred Hall of Rarris-
ton, is visiting with,her grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs, Laurence Willis,
Mrs, Lloyd Workman is visiting
with ,her parent& gr. andt'Mrs. Flem-
Mr, Glen Fraser, has returned to his
home here, having spent the paPt coup-
le of months in the West.
Mr, Cecil Payne of Toronto, is visit-
ing with his parent; Mr. and Mrs, B.
Quite a number from the community
attended the Horse show in Wingham
last Thursday night,
Mr. and' Mrs. M. McFarlane and
children, also Mrs. Raynard. Sr., and
Raynard, spent Sunday with Mr, and
Mrs. Walter MacFarlane, of Lucknow,
FOR SALE --Rebuilt Electric
Refrigerators (guaranteed).
Frigidaire Sales and Service
And FarrnerS' Supply House
`The Store Where You Get The Most For The.
Money You Spend"
Electra) Pails — „ — „ , .... $16.75, $24,15
Tractor Seat Cushions . . .$1,50
Men's Leather Shoe Laces, 60 in. long, pr. , 20c
Home Appliances
— Phone 29 —
Fire Place Brackets , . . .. . .. $7.35, $7,951
Bothnin Portun
The Bodmin Farm Forum met on
Monday evening, October 29th., at the,
home of Mr, and Mrs, Richard Frac-
tor, with an attendance of '30, The
subject for discussion was How iinpor-
tent are farm and non-farm people to.
each other The forum members de
cided farm and non farm people were
important to each other because they
are mutually dependent on each other..
The farm people supply, the raw mat-
erials while the non-farm people sup-
ply the manufactured products. Pro-
gressive euchre was enjoyed with
Rob t. McKenzie. and Mrs. Ken Wheel-
er winning high score and Mrs. R, Mc-
Kenzie and R. Henderson winning low
score. Lunch was served, Mr, and
Mrs. Wm. Spier invited the forum to
meet at their home on Monday night,
November .5thi° with Mrs. Rae Craw-
ford and Calvin Robinson as recreat-
ional committee. ,
1111110111111.11111 Finishing or Whitewash Lime 65c
Cement, per bag 70c - Barrel ..... „ $2.65
Mixed Nails
Mixed Nails, 100 lb. Keg .. . ... , . , ... $4.00
.. lb. 5c
A. French nellin.11111•1•110111•1.
IElectric Stewart 31 Shearmaster $27,75 I
Fireside Sets,4 pieces and stand, Aluminum .. $9.95
Coca Door ats, large size , . . . . . ... $1.50
Stainless Steel Sauce Pans $2.75
Plastering Contractor
Specialist in Cornice
Work & Decorative
Plaster repairs promptly
and neatly done.
1 5c Westinghouse Bulbs, 25, 40, 60 watt
100 watt . , .. 20c - Guaranteed three months.
We have already reported geese on
their way South but Sunday evening
the pond opposite the C, P. R. station
was filled with them. Mrs. Pullen,
who lives in Lower Wingham inform-
ed she had never seen as many on the
river here in the 27 years she has re-
sided there, They started to settle on
the pond about dusk and several large
flocks arrived and settled there for
the night.
..A0000.1.1.0•0201 .
(Continued from page one)
Wagon Teams—Armstrong Bros.,
Brampton; Wm, Decker, Zurich; Ar-
chie Haas, Brantford; W. Robinson,
Hackney Pony -Teams----Tomalty,
Burlington; Newman, St. Catharines;
Armstrong Bros., Barden, Hillsburg;
Kenneth MacMillan, Georgetown.
Road, Singles-15-2 (over)—L.
Wright, Dorking; Thibideau, Mark-
dale; Currie & Tervit, Wingham; Stir-
ling, Hannon; Thibideau.
Agricultural Teams under 3400—
M. F. Hepburn, St. Thomas; Russell
Strang, Allenford; Fred Roney, Mite
Carriage Singles, 15-2 (over)—A,
Reid, Hamilton; W. Munro, Embro;
Gowland, Brampton; Barden, New-
Percheron and Belgian teams—List-
man, Embro; Taylor, Howey, Eden,
Armstrong Bros,
Hackney Tandem—Barden,. Reid,
MacMillan, Armstrong Bros., New-
Hurdles—Miss Gowland, Brampton;
Carnahan, OWen Sound; Dr. Watson,
Line Class, Heavy Horses—M. F.
Hepburn; Halliday, Chesley; Strang,
Haas, Armstrong Di'Os.
Evening Results
Saddle Class—Armstrong Bros, Sid-
ney Taylor, Kincardine; T. Dent,
Wagon Singles—Armstrong Bros.,
Decker, Haas, Decker, Robinson,
Heavy Draft Teams—M. F, Hep-
burn, Strang, Halliday, Roney.
Carriage Team—Munro, Reid, Bar-
den,' MacMillan, Campbell, George-
Team—Dr. Fostqr, Galt; Thib-
Box 23 Phone 187
Colored Bulbs, 25 watt ... each 30c
Zinc Wash Boards 45c
Glass Wash Boards 59c
Cow Chains 40c, 45c, 50c, 75e
Stable Shovels each 85c
Stewart Hand Clipper $14.50
Dri Kill lb. 30c
To-bac-a Flour, 5 lbs. 50c
Galvanized Pails 30c, 39c, 59c
Stove Pipes, 7 inch 20c, 25c
Wooden Clothes Driers $1.00, $1.98, $2.95
Four-year-old Jack Hotchkiss, son
of Mr. and Mrs. George Hotchkiss,
fractured an arm Tuesday evening.
The little fellow was running down
the stairs to meet his father who had
come for supper. He fell and when
he was picked up at the foot of the
stairs it was found that his arm was
fractured. Dr. Connell set the injured
arm following x-rays at the hospital.
12 Gauge Canuck Shells, box $1.35 I
Flax Seed 3 lbs. 25c
'Prizes were a-warded for costumes- as
follows: best dressed adult couple,
Mrs. R. M. Shiell and Miss Doris
Shiell; comic costume, Miss Evelyn
Leaver; children, best Hallowe'en cps-
tume, Joan Wightman, Bill Irwin,
comic costume, Eleanor Wightman,
James and Kenneth Coultes.
The Mission Band held a sale of
miscellaneous articles from which was
realized the sum of $10.00.
Lunch was 'served.
NewlyvVeds Showered
A very pleasant time was spent in
the Forester's Hall on Friday evening
last, when neighbours and friends of
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cook' met and
presented them with a -miscellaneous
shower. During the evening Mr. C.
R. Coultes called the young couple to
the platform and on behalf of the com-
munity expressed good wishes for their
happiness and asked them to accept
the gifts, In a few well chosen words,
Albert thanked everyone for their
kindness and good wishes. The even-
ing was spent-in dancing.
Mr. and Mrs. B. Miller, Listowel,
visited with Mrs. Brandon.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Vartcamp of Ex-
eter, is spending a few days with Mrs.
J. VanCamp and other friends,
Mrs. 3. A. Brandon is visiting with
her sister, MrS. Bryant of B.lyth.
Mr, and Mrs. C. H. Wade and fa4n-
ily have moved into -their new home
and Mr. and Mrs. Rowland have taken
possession of the store which' they re-
cently purchased from Mr. Wade.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas, McCrae, Toronto,
with Mr. and Mrs. Robert .McCiac.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Johnston of
Blyth, spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Geo. Johnston.
Terms in accordance with Wartirns Prices and Trade Board Regulations
110=0 0 0 0l ( 0=x,
O 1J
Brick United Church Mission Band
The Brave Adventurers Mission
Band of Brick United Church held
their regular meeting on Sunday, Nov-
ember 4th. Eva Dow, the president,
conducted the meeting, The Script-
ure was read by Donald Dow, Sydney
Thompson and Jean Wightman. Eve-
lyn Leaver led in.prayer:
All repeated the members' purpose
in unison: During the business period
the Thankoffering meeting which is to
he held Friday evening, November 9th
was discussed.
Mrs. Cecil Coultes read a chapter
1.40 from the new Study Book "Nyanga's
Two Villages" which craved very in-
teresting. The meeting closed with
11 — Jeweller —
ideau, Wright, Munro.
Hackney Pony Singles—Newman,
Armstrong, Mrs. M. Barden.
Road Singles, 15-2 (under)—Dr,
Foster, Clayton Fryfogle, Wright,
Carriage, Singles 15-2 (under)—Dr,
Foster, Munro, Campbell, Barden,
.11 1.y4 cents a word per insertion, with a nunimiun charge of 25e,
01=0/ the Mission Band prayer.
WANTED—Young man or boy for
store work. Apply to nearest Nat-
ional Employment Office. Refer to
file No. 833.
tWe'ittoi ttnt=0
Tandem Hitch (4 in hand) M. F.
Hepburn, Decker, Armstrong Bros.,
Lady Drivers—Mrs. (Dr.) Foster;
S. Miller, Tamalty, Mrs, Barden,
Bike Special--Dr. Foster, Wright,
Thibideau, Munro, C. Fryfogle.
Hurdles—Miss Gowland, Dr, Wat-
son, Gowland, Carnahan,
ATTENTION—We buy, we Sell, we
exchange household furniture, stov-
es, dishes, silverware and antiques.
Also agent for Harriston Stove Co.
tarrying, their line of New Princess
Pat Cook Stoves and LX.L. Heat-
ers. M. Brown, phone 239.
Brick Church Hallowe'en Social
A Hallowe'en social was held by
members of Brick United Church in
No, 11 school. A good crowd attend-
ed and an enjoyable time was spent in
games, contests, and a sing-song con-
ducted by a committee convened by
Mrs. G. H. Dunlop.
WANTED — IXsed Cars, ' any make,
1931 up. Must be in running con-
dition. Write to• A. H. Green, 708
Lorne Ave., London, Ont. BICYCLE FOR SALE — Man's, in
good,aondition. Apply Jack .Gorbutt
Victoria St. WOULD YOU LIKE-10c a dozen
more for your eggs plus a premium.
We pay a guaranteed price of 10c a
dozen over the price as quoted in
the Globe & Mail for Grade A Large
ungraded eggs plus a hatchability
premium on all eggs weighing 23
ounces and over per dozen. We cull
and bloodtest your flock free of
charge. If you are interested in mak-
ing more money from your eggs and
supplying hatching eggs for the 1940
season, write immediately for full
details. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries
Ltd., Fergus, Ontario.
Reglatera U. S. Nem 615.e. "I learance Sale
Of H. E. bard & Co. Stock
Ladies' Ready-to-Wear
Children's Wear, Dry Goods
—with Lloyd's Corn and Callous
Salve, the effective corn remedy.
50c at McKibbon's Drug Store.
CHARIS Foundation Garment Co.
trained Corsetiere for Wingham,
surrounding district and towns. If
you need a new garment, any size
or type of figure.at reasonable prices,
call on Mrs. Wrn. Kennedy, Minnie
St., Wingham.
• A, Y. P. A. Meeting
The regUlar meeting of the A. Y., P.
A. was held at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Joe Dunbar on Friday evening,
Nov. 2nd. The meeting opened with
singing the hymn, "O God Our Help
in 'Ages Fast" after which Mr. Hen-
derson led in player. The secretary's
report was read and adopted.' Isabel
Nethery was elected to prepare the
log book and the society is invited to
the home of Mrs. Frank Shoebottom
for the next meeting. Ruth Bradburn
and Alex Nethery are to prepare the
program. The lo,g book was read and
Prepared by Audrey Bradburn, after
which Muriel Brydges gave a reading.
Games were enjoyed and lunch was
served by the hostess.
FOR SALE-8 Pigs, six weeks old.
Apply to Joseph Schneider, Wing-
ham junction.
WANTED— Lady to clerk and work
in store, Apply Box R., Advance-
FOR SALE-40 Little Pigs, ready to
wean. Apply Wrn. G. VanCamp,
Belgrave, Phone 15r15 Brussels,
The Canada Packers Company Lim-
ited wish to express their appreciation
to the Whighatn Fire Brigade for their
splendid efforts in combating the re-
cent fire at the mill on Josephine
street. They also wish to thank others
who assisted at that time.
FOR SALE—Good used Upright New
Scale Williams Piano $80. Apply
to Mrs. M.I'MacRitchie, phone 619r3.
FOR SALE — Jersey Cow, rising 7
rears, Durham Heifer Calf 3 months
old,' Leslie McDougall, Lower
Real Value in
and Hats
Chain oisette
Kid and
Half Price
FOR SALE—Grand Jewel Heater,
.Coal or Wood, Apply to Mrs. Geo.
Bennett, Wroxeter.
"Can't you pretend I'm your seal,'
tetary dear?"
Women's and
Misses' Coats
$21.00 Value Sale $5.95
$25.00 Value w Sale 10.00
$47.50 Value Sale 15.95
$49.50 Value Sale 32.49
CARD OF THANKS Voters' Lists 1945, Municipality East
Wawanosh, County of Huron
NOTICE is hereby given that I
have complied with Sec. 8 of the Vot-
ers' List Act, and, that I have posted
up in my office, Lot. 29, Con, 5 on the
29th day of October, 1945, the list of
all persons entitled to vote in the said
Municipality at Municipal elections
and that such lists remains there for
inspection, And I tall upon all voters
to take immediate proceedings to have
any errors or omissions corrected ac-
cording to law, the last day for appeal
being the 19th day of November, 1.945,
Dated this 29th day of October,
Clerk of East Wawanosh,
—Five good work horses also one
extra good 5 year-old Percheron
horse, Apply to Hugh Rinn, Phone
Bodmin Forum Met At W. Spiers
Bodmin Farm Forum met at the'
home of Mr. and'Mrs. Will Spiers on
Monday night, Nov. 5th,, with 32 in
atteticlance. The subject for discussion
was How can farmers reach full pro-
duction without suffering „from glutted
markets, There was considerable dis-
cussion and it was felt that the long
term contracts were a big help to the
farmers and that floor and ceiling pric-
es had a tendency to make a staple and
more moderate price. It was decided
that there would not be a meeting next
Monday on account of the Hog Pro-
ducers meeting in Belgrave. The next
Meeting will be held at the home of
Mr, and Mrs, Joseph Yttill with Mrs.
Carl Procter and Mr, Jesse Wheeler
as recreational committee.
FOR SALE-25 Barred Rock Pullets.
C. R. Logan, Belgrave, Brussels 14x
Mr. William J. King and family
takes this opportunity of expressing
their gratitude to their neighbours and
friends . for the many kindnesses and
expressions of sympathy extended to
them at the time of their recent ber-
eavement. They also "wish to express
appreciation of the help and kindness
during the illness of the deceased,
MaryJane King.
45c Skein
LOST—Overseas Service Button of
the 1914-18 war. Finder please leave
at H. C. MacLean's office or at the
Advat ee-Times. visommummaimarmatenammammimmumemareor NOTICE TO CREDITORS
All persons having claims against
the estate of Adam Knox late of the
Township of Howick, in the County
of Huron, Farmer, who died on or
about the twenty-fifth day of Septem-
ber, A. D., 1945, are notified to tend
toj. H. Crawford, Winghani, Ontario,
on or before the 24th day of Novem-
ber? A. D, 1045, full particulars of
their claims hi writing, Immediately
after the said' 24th day of November;
the assets of the said testator will be
distributed amongst the parties entitled
thereto, having regard only to claims
of which the executrix shall then have
DATED this Second day of Novem-
ber, A, D. 1046,,
Jr CIZAWFOlttl, It, C,,
Wingitatt, Ontario
Solicitor for the gXetittti
Everything in the Store Clearing at Reduced Prices
Sale Starts 9 a.m., Thurs. Nov. 8th Tlie next meeting of the, Huron,
County Council will be held in the
Council Chambers, Court louse,
Goderich, commencing Tuesday, Nov-
ember 13th., at 2 part.
All aecnunt; notiees of deputations
and other business reuniting the atten-
tion of Council should be in the hands
of the County Clerk not later than
Saturday, Novettiber 10th.
• N. W. Miner, .
County Clerk 'Goderielt,
• elwoods
Sikth Line Forum
The- East Wawanosh 6th line Parra
Forum Met Monday night at George
Wightinan'S with an attendance of 18,
Mr.1rarvey Black was convenor of the
meeting, Druce Scott was recreational
leader, The next meeting will be held
at the home of ittelvinTayloton Tue$1-
day evening v4th ivan,Wighttrittt con- t
PXANO TONING -- tuning price
$3.00, repairs extra, factory experi-
ence. By Wingham? Bandmaster,
Geo. J. Wright. Must leave orders
at Advante-Titnes,
ACH TROUBLES—Indig e's t i o
heartburn, sour stomach,. dyspepsia,
With effective Wilder's Stomach
Stomach Powder, 50c and $1.00 at
MtAvoy's Mug Store,
Sclitretes, Mildmay, Free delivery
Also new springfilled:Cheaterfields,
Kitchen Kahinets„ Simmons Bed.
LEND '1.4AELETS are tifet.
tivt. 2 weeks' 'supply $1; 12 weeks'
, $5, at lifeitibbott!S