HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1945-11-01, Page 5'Thursday, November 1, 1045
If It's Food It's
We Cater
U Need a 'Taxi
Phone 176
Mr„, and Mrs. Wm. Casemore spent
a few days in Toronto.
Mr.. Norman Pocock spent the week-
end in London with his brother, Har-
Miss Mary Campbell of Woodstock,
N. B., is the guest of Mrs. Cora Whit-
Mr. 3. Baird of Hamilton, was a
week-end visitor with Mr. and Mrs.
George Baird.
Mrs. 0. M. McConkey of Guelph,
visited on Sunday with her mother,
Mrs. G. C. Hanna,
Dr. A. G. Scroggie of Richmond,
As they lay aside the tools and garb of warfare, men
are selecting their civilian garments with great con-
sideration. They want their clathes to help them look.
the role they plan to play in peaceful affairs. We
give such men special donsideration, both in personal
service and in delivery of finished garments.
old Wildfong of Listowel; Mr, and
Mrs. I-tarvey Krueger of Hanover;
Mrs. Bert Knechnie of Blyth and Pte.
ac Groves who has just returned
from overseas.
Joseph Gamble
T e death occurred in Winghant
G eral Hospital on Sunday, October,
8th., of Joseph Gamble, in his 67th.
year. Mr. Gamble has been ill for
about six weeks but had been confined
to the hospital for only a few days. He
was born in Kinloss and lived there
until he came to Wingham 17 years
ago. Following his marriage to Sarah
Allen White they farmed on the 10th
of Kinloss. Mrs. Gamble passed on 7
" 629/3
David Crompton
— Jeweller —
for New Liskeard and Cochrane, On
their return they will reside on the
groom's farm, 6th, concession of Wa-
HUTCHISON—In Hamilton, on Sun-
day, October 28th., to Mr. and Mrs.
D. Hutchison, (nee Melba Radford),
a T son.—
At Wingham General
T Lo
pital, on Tuesday, October 23rd.,
to Mrs. Winnifred Lott and the late
Fred Lott, Wingham, a daughter.
GIBSON—At Wingham General Hos-
pital, on Wednesday, October 24th.,
to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gibson, R. R.
No. 2, Wroxeter, a daughter.
We have been appointed
agents for the coming
Spartan line.
Radio Seririce
Phone 380.
Don't Forget I
Thur., Nov. 1
Afternoon and Evenirtg
at 1.45 and I p.m.
Admission, Afteroon SOc
Children Free.
General Admission
Gillett's Lye (none better) . .2 tins 23c
Dominion Tea (pure garden)
Palm Garden Tea (a real tea)
I/2 lb. for • _ „ , . — .42c
1/2 lb. pkg. , . . . .32c
Success Floor Wax, 1 lb, tin for . 29c
Maxwell House Coffee, 1 'lb. pk, .42c
Neilson Pure Cocoa, 1 lb. bag, only 14c
Cheese, pasteurized, I/2 lb. 19c H.P. Sauce, 8lh oz. bottle Kellogg's All Bran, 16 oz. pkg...
Loaf Cheese, pasteurized, lb. 36c Clark's Mushroom or Aspara- Free Measurnig Glass „,—„...23c
Londerry Ice Cream Mix , 12c gus Soups, 2 tips ........ 15c Eatmore Wheat Berries-
Custard Powders, assorted IXL Pudding Powders ....... 5 lb. pkg. special . . . . .
brands, lb. 24c Nestle's Milk, special, tin „....„10c Nippy Nut Peanut Butter —
Clover Honey, 2 lb. tin for 42c Miracle Whip, 8 oz. par 21c 12 oz. for 24c, 16 oz, for 32c
Bologna Special, Maple Leaf,
Coleman's 21c lb.
Cooked and Cured Meats a Specialty.
Corn Syrup, Lily White, 2 lb. tin .24c
Grapefruit, large 96's Floridas, ea. . 7c
California Grapes, Red Emperor,
lb. for 15c
Ripe Tomatoes sound import., lb 22c
Iceberg Head Lettuce, special. .13c ea.
Old Dutch Cleanser, dirt chaser 2 - 19c
Fresh Turnips, Potatoes, Carrots,
Toilet Soaps, Camay, Jergens,
Lifebuoy 2 for 11c
Cocoa, Cowans, 1 lb. tins for 24c
Cocoa, 1 lb. tin Fry's best,for . . 31c
Cocoa, 1 lb. tin Neilson's for 29c
Tea Bisk, 20 oz. pkg., special . 19c
If You Can't Come Phone 17 or 2. A FREE DELIVERY
Sunkist Granges 344s I/2 dz. 180,
252s V: doz, 24c, 200c Vs dz, 27o
Large 10 0 Grapefruit $ for 25c
Sweet. Yams, special, lb 1.0c
Celery, crisp, fresh, bunch .....
Robinhood Flour, 98 lb, -42.50
Pat-a-Pan Pastry, 24-lb, '75c
Huron Pastry, ... 69c
Huron Pastry, 7 lb. 24c
Better Krust, 24-lb. '12c
Sugar, best White or Yel....8c lb,
Moody Toilet Plush . . ... 23e
Oxford I= Veg, Soup, thl„...10c
Rose Bak. Powder, 1 lb, On 15e
fold Medal Baking Powder,
guaranteed no alum, I lb tin 23c
Wni, Kechnie, 3059 cub. yds. gravel,
$152.95; Joe Kerr, crushing etc, •
$3641.68; D. Murray, post for grader,
$2.25. C.ouncil adjourned to meet on
Nov, 15th. R. Redmond, Clerk..
Mohair Velour
TIRE RELINERS ........,....,...$1.65
All kinds and sizes.
20 oz, size leaver action
Only $3.98
Moto Master, 80 cent value
for only 39c
All sizes. To be sure of a good
start buy Mar Power $7.45 up
A leaky muffler is not only an.
noying but fumes in the ear are
dangerous. All sizes carried.
Ask for a copy of the
Coppies Mailed on request
Waiting Foy
Of the
H. E. Isard & Co. Stock
Of Dry Goods and Ladies' Wear
Watch for Advertisement in Next Issue.
Canadian Tire Corporation
Associate Store
Campbell's Garage
Worth While
ing1)401's Busy • ,Coiner -Grocery
Where You Can Save 5, 10 to 20 Per Cent, on Your Purchases.
years ago. He was A MeMber of the
Sacred Heart Church here and of the
Holy Name Society.
Surviving are two daughters and
one son,Mrs, Wm, (Vernieca) Garton,
Leamington; Mrs, Marvin (Evelyn)
Smith, Wingham, and Ambrose of
Ripley, He is also survived by six
grandchildren. Four brothers and one,
sister predeceased him, Prancis,john,
Thomas, Michael, and Mrs, John
(Alice) Hayes.
The funeral service was held on
Wednesday morning at Sacred Heart
Church, Requiem High iMass was
sung by Rev, Father 3, F. Paquette.
Burial took place in Wingham R, C.
Cemetery, The pallbearers were, Jack
Champion, Victor Durnin, Dave Hut-
cheson, Robert Sproal, Angus McKin-
non, Andrew Anstette.
Mrs. William Cassidy
The death occurred in Kincardine
General Hospital, on Thursday, Oct-
ober 25th., of Mrs. William Cassidy,
in her 59th year. Mrs. Cassidy has
lived all her life at Underwood. It
was just 12 days previous to her death
that she and her husband moved to
Kincardine to reside. She leaves to
mourn her passing, her husband, two
daughters and two sons, Mrs, Ford
(Jean) Murray of Wingham; Mrs,
Vern (Marjorie) Baker'of Port Elgin;
Wilbert and Harold of Underwood.
The funeral service was conducted by
Rev. Mr. Orr at the United church,
Underwood on Saturday afternoon.
Burial took place in Port Elgin ceme-
George W. Hall
The death of George W. Hall of
Nelson, B, C., took place there on Oct-
ober 2nd. He was 79 years of age.
His wife was a former Turnberry
woman, Sarah Coulson, and her sister,
Mrs. D. Halliday lives in Wingham,
Mr, Hall according to the Nelson
Daily News was an old timer there and.
was a former Street Railway Superin-
tendent. Bttrial Was in Nelson Mem-
orial Park.
Rowland - Brown
The United Church, Wingham, was
the scene of a lovely autumn wedding,
Wednesday, October the twenty-
fourth, at three o'clock, when, with a
background oP autumn leaves, mums
and tall, glowing tapers, Hilda Bernice,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. J.
Brown, Wingham, Ontario, became the
bride of William EdWard Rowland,
only son of Mr. and Mrs. J. S, Row-
land of Brussels. Rev. W. A. Bee-
croft officiated.
Given in marriage by her father the
bride was lovely in a floor-length gown
of white moire, fashioned with a shir-
red bodice, sweetheart neckline and a
full skirt, extending into a slight train.,
Her finger-tip veil was arranged from
a halo of ostrich tips and she carried
a bouquet of Better Time Roses. Her
only ornament Was a double strand of
pearls, the gift of the groom.
Miss Beryl Brown, as her sister's
maid of honour, wore' a floor-length
gown of yellow silk Organza, with a
matching feather headdress and a
shoulder-length veil. Her flowers were
Sunbeam Roses. 'kiss Norma Brown,
also sister of the bride, was bridesmaid,
and was similarity attired in lime green
and carried a bouquet of Talisman
Roses, Mary Lou Dunlop, as Junior
Bridesmaid, was sweet in a long gown
of shell pink with a poke bonnet head-
dress of tulle and plumes and carried a
nosegay of Roses.
Mr. Jack McDonald, Brussels, was
groomsman and the ushers were Jack
Baeker, Wheatley and George Gal-
braith, of Brussels.
The wedding music was played iby
Mr. A. W. Anderton, and during the
signing of the register, Mrs. W. A.
Beecroft sang "All Joy Be Thine
The reception was held at the home
of the bride, where the bride's mother
received, wearing a two-piece dress of
grey crepe and hat with fuchsia trim
and matching accessories, her corsage
was sweetheart roses. She was assist-
ed by the groom's mother, who wore a
two piece ensemble of blue crepe with
black Accessories and a corsage of
Sweetheart Roses:
Mr, and Mrs, Rowland left on a
motor trip through the eastern part of
the United States, the bride wearing a
blue wool dressmaker suit with navy
trim and navy accessories and a cor-
sage of Sunbeam Roses,
Cook - McCallum
A pretty autumn wedding was sol-
emnized at the Manse, telgrave, Oct.
17th,, when the Rev. G. L. Dunlop
United in Marriage Edith Jean, young-
est slaughter of Mr. arid Mrs. John
McCallum of neigrave, and Albert B,
Cook, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Cook, eth, concession of Wawa-
nosh. The bride wore a brown pin
stripe suit with brown addeSsOrles. A
corsage of sweeth'eart roses and a
beautiful red fox fur, the gift of her
father, Miss Edith Cook, sister of the
groom, and James McCallum, brother
of the bride were their attendants.
Rillowing 4 dinner at the bomb of the
bride's parents, the yoUng couple left
HAWKE—At Wingham General Hos.L
pital, on Friday, October 26th, to
Mr. and Mrs. K. Hawke, Teeswater,
a daughter.
ANDREW—At Wing h a in General
Hospital, on Friday, October 26th.,
to Mr. arid Mrs. Alfred Andrew,
Lucknow, a son.
SEWERS—At Wingham General
Hospital, on Saturday, October 27th
to Mr, and Mrs. Russell Sewers, R.
R. No, 1, Greenock, a.son. •
WYLIE—At Wingham General Hos-
pital, on Saturday, October 27th.,
to Mr. and Mrs. Bert Wylie, (nee
Elva Haines), R, R. No. 1, Wrox-
eter, a daughter.
WHITBY —At Wingh am Ge n e r al
Hospital, on Tuesday, October 80th.,
to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Whitby,
Wingham, a daughter.
The Farm Forum of S. S. No. 9,
East Wawanosh, met at the home of
George Coulter with an attendance of
23. The subject "How important is
Agriculture to Canada" was discussed,
and all agreed that farmers are depend-
ent on the city for their manufactured
goods and the 'city dependent on the
farmers for food. Cities are a source
of employment for rural young people
and many become the best leaders in
the city, A social hour was enjoyed
playing progressive euchre. The next
meeting will he held at the home of
Ronald Coultes.
Council met on October 9th, Coun-
cillor Black absent, Reeve J. D. Bee -
croft presiding. The minutes of the
previous meeting were read and ap-
A claim for damages to automobile
on Township road was received from
Mr, Irwin, The letter was forwarded
to the Insurance Company.,
Mr. Earl Caldwell discussed with
the council the possibility of draining
some of his land. He was advised to
prepare a petition from those interest-
ed and present it to the council.
A resolution was passed requesting
all Ratepayers, using the Twp. snow-
fence to return the saint in order that
the erection of the fences 'throughout
the township be made at an early date.
It was decided to order 1020 feet of
snow fence for the township roads,
Motion by Councillors McDowell
and Ruddy that a grant of $1.0,00 be
given to N. Huron Plowing Match,
Carried, The following accounts were
ordered to be paid: Coroporation of the
Village of 13lyth, Division Court rent,
$20,00; Joe Kerr, work in cemetery,
$115.50; John Fuchatan, work in dem-
dem $60,55; L. 'E. Cardiff, M. P.,
grant to North Huron Plowing Match,
$10,00; Stuart McBarney, salary,etc.,
$122.1)0; Chas. Robinson, putting in
Calvert, $2,25; timer Shell checking
gravel, $45.00; Lloyd Walsh, checking
gravel, $17.'77; Roy ilvicVittie, checking
gravel, $18.45; 1:m1114116n Road Mach,
'Co,, mitt for grader, $kig; Ar M,
Crawford, gasoline, $1.:00;"Gordon
Burney, 20.05 cub, yd, gravel, $140,175;
Va., spent the week-end with his cous-
in, Miss M. E. Fisher.
Mrs. D, 0:McKinnon, of St. Paul,
Minn., is visiting with her brother,
Dr. George and Mrs. Howson.
Mrs. Alex Nimmo is in Montreal,*
called there due to the serious illness
of her aunt, Mrs. T. E. Ramsay.
Mrs. D. Cuslter and three sons of
Toronto, were guests for a few days
with Mr, and Mrs.' David Crompton.
Mr, Roy Burchill and Mr. Jack Cur
rte have returned home after spending
'six weeks 'at the harvest at Strome,
Miss D. C. Muloin and Miss K, M.
Comley, of the C. W. A. C., London,
spent the past week-end with Mr. and
Mrs. Geo, Williams.
LAC. Donald Adams of Amhers , N.
S., spent a few days with his mother,
Mrs. Gwen. Adams, who returned with
him as far as Toronto.
,Mr. A, E. Williamson of Toronto,
spent a week with his mother, Mrs.
Wm: Williamson. Mrs. W. J. Arnott
of Ingersol, was a Sunday visitor with
her mother.
Relatives attending the funeral of the
late Private T. W. Groves on Saturday
were, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Sparks, Mr.
and Mrs. George McDonald. of De-
troit, Mrs. Besaie Schofe, Akron, Ohio,
Mrs, Thos, Schofe, St. Catharines; Mr.
and Mrs. Harvey Beirnes of Stratford;
Mr. and Mrs. M. Wildfong, Mr. Har-
.0., la LIA