HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1945-11-01, Page 2SIGN YOUR NAME FOR VICTORY 11101105 11).g stdvertisement sponsored by NATIONAL WAR FINANCE COMMITTEE HO'Sif11 & Howson 0 Winghain Ont r. TWO WINGIU.14 ADVANM- Thur ay, November 1,1954 Winghaui Advance-Times Published at wiNonAm . ONTARIO froubBeriPtion. Rate — One Year $2.0 Six months, $,L00 in advance To U. C. Ao 12.50 per year Foreign rat; $3.00 per year Advertising rates on application. RESULTS OF PUBLIC SCHOOL FIELD DAY CiAn Jrayinn, Jean Alen, H.q:e!,1 M achan, Jean , Yvonne Gard r, Betty .ca4-en, Patsy Brootoy + y Gorhatt. traf.nn. Rtantter-n —Mary Buc'tn:--,tc, Illte/".14eitate G1rIs Standing 19,r;z.a^.! jetolp—Vane. (3a,ge, loreoce Waine, Running Broad, J;n:a.---J,;zsephine 'illougW)Y, Jean Nebden, Audrey 1 • ),7 High jump—Diane Gage, I Florence Wain; Jean McPherson. I Running Hop, Step and jump—jean McPherson, Florence Wain; Jean Hobden, Running Race—Shirley Templeman, Diane Gage, Edna King. Book on Head Race—Florence l ,,Waine, Jean McPherson, Mary Finlay. Softball Throw—Diane Gage, Jean 1 Haden, Florence Wain; Relay Race—Jean Ilobden, Diane ir Gage, Florence ),Vaine, Margaret San- p ierson; Josephine Willoughby, Jean McPherson, Shirley Ternpiernan, And- enry; Claire Smith, Mary ad :yo Nowntato Edna King, Three-Logged Race-Florence "pine, Jean HoWent Jean .1.1oPher- Maroaret Sanderson; Edna King, ilia. Willie. Novelty Race—Edna King, Marilyn ey rs ao,, Eleanor Crornimon. pion—Florence Waine; Run- ty—Diane Gage _GRADE Running Race, Girls—Doris Mach- an, Florence Sanderson, Gail Colvin. Running Race; Boos—Jimmy Bain, Danny Stuckey, Frank Gibbons, Book on Head Race—Veda Arthur Jimmy Bain, Walter Moore, GRADE II Running Race, Girls--Mary Frances Currie, Marjorie Scott, Marlene Stain. ton. Running Race Boys—Billie Rintoul, Peter Spittal, Jim Newman. Book on Head Race, Girls---rot Derbecker, Aliee Hayden, Mary Rae. Book on Head Race, Boys—Doug- las Gibson, Peter Spittal, John Seddon. GRADE III - Running Race, Girls—Doreen hlac:- ;,4n, Betty Newinato Mary Hotchkiss, Runring Raoe,Boys-David Gage, Douglas Murray, Jerry Fryiz,y.le. Book on Head Race, Girls—Patsy Carmichael, Doreen Mathan, Mar?• Hotchkiss. Book on Head Raze, Boys—Day' Gage, Jerry Fryfogle, 'Wendell Alton. GRADE IV' Running Race, Boys—Fred Hopper, Bruce McDonald, Donald Beaton. Running Race, Girls—Joan Seddon, Joyce Cowan, Nancy Spittal. Book on Head Race, Boys—Banc MacDonald, Teddy McLean, Reggie Baker. Book on Head Race, Girls—Joyce Cowan, Catherine Keating, Jean Sue Le; SENIOR GIRLS Running, Race—Mary Somers, Max e Cowan, Alice Parish. Softball Throw—Maxine Cow a n, Marie Spading, Donna Chittick. Book on Head Race—Marie Spar lining Broad Jump—Donna Chit- tick, Mary Smilers, Alice Buckman. Ron, Hop, Step, Jump--Audrey CunitOra, Maxine Cowan, Donna Chit- Ic, Three Legged. Rao( Marion Gerrie, Donna MacDonald; Mary Bushfieldo Mary 'rating; Marion Irwin, Maxine Cowan, Relay Race—Marion Irwin, Maxine Cowan, Donna MacDonald, Bonnie Willoughby; Alice Parish, Marion 'Ger- i; Miry Cleland, Lois Hayden. en Breckenridge, Joyce Sander- son, Mary Somers, Esther Bowman. Novelty Race—Maxine Cowan, Joy- Sanderson, Helen Breckenridge. Run, High Jump—Marion -Gerrie, Maxine .Cowan, Mary Sooners. Standing Broad Jump—Mary Sam- era, Helen Breckenridge, Maxine Cow- an, 'Senior Girl Champion—Maxine Cowan; Runner-up—Mary Somers, YOUR. EYES NEED ATTENTION Point, Scientific Examin, enables us to grveyou Comfortable Vision 110M11 Optometrist USon Hariston rennet facDonald, Mary Cie- The /Pea self lbSe110 be p/W1W47 fed".-and k4* io At eteetiliele.41 urn feltOWlete.e1be Win del. Siet mm 4ejel sod iirticEer Yours plgs should he keys pawing as fest u postale,- this i, dope by ficdm$ gusty sr pretax fads fox the bit ma sorbs. For there first II seat feed VatOlords Pig Stour- thee asap to Plechionfirrio Gro.rt op to ourher osiots. Feeding Blifsbford'S Feeds to piss from the sun Steer poser pus is 1.6101.1 per lb. of feed end they sill zrarb owlets .weiglal mooch JoeIllne,olso Iseeofsj thew besltbr and Artois 411 tie Woe they ins Sala Jr. subject to discus A. ANSTETT MASSEY-HARRIS DEALER Oil Cake and Minerals HOW TO MAKE MOST PROF! IMPS SRN MilTOP$ ADVICE ON T FROM PIGS FEED 4404giarPig Starts 18% protein 11.4446000 Hog crow, 15.% protein, 141041207 Hog Coneinfrel. 40 Tr protein 104 ope rivirodf right breedings** elfin feeding wlik produce the bite grade of boo.* Junior Boys Wheel-Barrow Race-Jimmy Chit- 'tick and Murray Gerrie; Neil Stain- ton and Kenneth Gregg; Ronaid Mac- h= and Bob Yanwt. 59 Yard Dash—Jimmy Chittick, Larry Hettar, Ronald Machan. Running Broad jurnp—Bb Young, Kenneth Sax.trAi, Billy Sanderson. Running High jump--Larry Hut- ton, Neil Staintor., Kenneth Saxton. Three Legged Race—Kenneth Sax- tern and Kenneth Gregg; Douglas- :• Itirelo...1.an and Billie Sanderson; Bob Bushifield and Donald Machan. Runninc,z Hop, Step and Jump—Ken- :meth Sa..-v•ton, Kenneth Gregg, Doug.: las Newman. Standing Broad jany--Kenneth • Greog, Neil Staint:in, Bob Yonng and rmomv Chittick, tie. Soft Bail Throw—Kenneth Saxton, Parry Hutton, Bob Yomisr. Champion—Kenneth Saxton; Run: tter-Up—Renneth Gregg. Intermorliote Boys Three-legged Race—Ronald Mar-• ray and. Gerald Gerrie; Jack Hilbert and. Ronald Richey; John Crawford :and John Hail. Runnino High Jump--Gerald Ger- rie, Bob hopper, Ronald Murray. Pole Vault—Ronald Murray, Bob Kopper, John Hail, 5 Yard Dash—Gerald Gerrie, Ron-. all Murray, Tohn Hall, Standing Pr-:-.2.a Jamp-Ron a La i Afuvray, Jimmy Seddon, Ronald Rick- karmic:it Hopp Step and Jump-; George P:471e7. Ronald Murray, John ; Crawford. Soft Ball 'I arm Hilbert, Get- old Gerrie. -nob Hoppm.. Standin.4 Hop, Step and Ronald Morsay. George Porter, RDri- aHd Ri cl-.1e v. 1211r:zing Brood Pomo—Bob H000er, John Hail, Ronald Murray. Champiun—Ronald Murray; Rutan-- Up--Gerald Gerrie. Senior Boys Jump-oDonald Hopper, Fred 1• Riehl, George Calvert. Pole Vanit—Maurice Swinton. Geo- rge Calvert, Bob Running Broad junto—Sill Lock-'1 ridge, Donald Hopper, George Calvert. Soft-ball Throw—George Calvert,i i Donald 1-l0000er, loorkridoe, 100 Y D ard as7n—P.ill lookridge.1 George Calvert, D:-.nal.:1 Sooner. Standing Hop, Step and Jurop— Bill 1....,nknilge, Dr.r.red Hopper, Stew- g art Ever -J . Standing Broad jurno—Donati:1 Hopper, Fred Riehi, Bob Kress. Champion—Donald Hopper; Run- ner -p—Bill Ionokricige. Junior Girls' Events Raran'ing• High Jta=p—Mary Bc-lo• snarl and Betty Gorbolt, tied; Joan Irwin, Jean hall. IR:Inning 'Broad 1n-tap—Joan In n... Shirley Patsy Entpl:y. Standing Broail Juntp—Joan )(faro' toclornan, Shirley Platt. Book on Head.Rance--Shirley 70* - ton, Jean Aron, Patsy Broplly. Running Race—Maly Thockedan, Jean Allen, Patsy Brzoby. Autning Race-Mary Laclenat, /tan Allen, Patsy Dr:phy, Rate--joan Patsy przplty, Jean Cainpbel, Three-Lei4ged Bac e—Jean Irwin and Shirley Foxton; Joan Irwin and Jeaij Allen; Patsy tropIty and Shirley Platt, Softball fibrow--Petty Got b u t t, Shirley Platt, Mary Dm:kraut, Relay Rare—jean Irwin,- Shirley ito.tton, Shirley Platt, hare Back. Relay Rave—Fred Rieci, Ross Ha-i bert, Bill Lnikridge, Donald fit,-pper;# George Calvert, Bob Kress, Benny Wells,. Douglas Richey; Bob Deye, John Hanna, LeVeru Newman, Floyd Jenkins. Three Leggel Race--Dtmald Hop- per and Bob liress; John Hanna and Bob Deyell; Billie Bain and Raymond iferkley. Running Hop, Step and jump—, Donald Hopper, Sill Lockrage, Fred a Greatest -moment it the career of on* of Britain's greatest soldiers, Field Marshal Montgomery watches General Kinzel sign the surrender that banded over ;tore than a million German sof. diers, sailors and carmen to the British- gad Canadian arseig. ea •Me To Canada's gallant fighting forces a great portion of the credit is due for Victory over the Nazis, climaxed by the signing of Allied terms for unconditional surrender. While we at home put forth our united efforts to supply material help towards achieving this result, the debt to our Sailors, Soldiers and Airmen still remains. Nor will the slate be wiped clean until every man and woman who returns is hap- pily re-instated in a Canada at peace, offer- ing better opportunities and more attra.c. five prospects for the future than ever before. Nov that the world at large is again at peace, we must fearlessly tackle the tasks that lie ahead. Let us keep unnecessary spending down by keeping the volume of Victory Bond Sales up! Let us, in a true spirit of gratitude, unite in a combined effort to make sure that our boys and girls who offered their all for Canada and the cause of freedom, may come into their heritage. Every Bond each one of us buys is a token of our whole-hearted sympathy in the common cause. et 4 1 .i.117,11,,, I 114,1'11in