HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1945-10-18, Page 8figGE,A4 ADvAiwg,,rue$ _Thurs44).5 octoter 1945 LY ATRE Thursday, Friday, SatUrday, October 18, 19, 20 SONJA HENIE MICHAEL O'SHEA. In "It's A Pleasure" Marvellous skating sequences photographed in technicolour with Sonja Henie, the Queen of the Ice. Also "Short Subjects" Matinee Saturday afternoon at 2.30 p.m. 4•1111.. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, October 22, 23, 24 — Double Bill --- PHIL BAKER and PHIL SILVERS in "Take It or Leave It" — and PHILIP DORN and MARY ASTOR in "Blohde Fever" Buy Victory Bonds •. And Sign Your Name for Victory Huron County N.W.F.C. Wednesday Morning, October 17th THURS., FRL, SAT., October 18, 19, 20 ST. HELENS Mrs. Wm. Gallaher has returned to her home in Norwood, after a month's visit with her sister, Mrs. E. J. Thom and Mr. Thom and with Mr. and Mrs. W., A. Miller. Mrs. McKenzie Webb was a visitor with friends in Toronto la 't week. Successful Anniversary Services were held in the United Church on Sunday with the pastor, Rev. Mr. G. Newton in charge. There were large congregations at both services and the minister delighted his listeners, speak- ing in the morning from the text, John 3-16: For G-dt so loved the World that He gave His only begot- ten son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have ever- lasting life" and 'in the evening from the text, "A certain centurion, Luke 7-2, At the morning service the choir sang two anthems with Mrs. Chester Taylor as organist. At the evening service the special music was provid- ed by Lucknow talent, Mrs. J. W. Joynt and Miss Belle Robertson, sing- ing a duet and they with Mr. George Joynt and Mr. Mel. Greer contribut- ing two quartettes. Mrs. Crispin of Lucknow presided at the organ throu- ghout the service, The special offer- ing amounted to over $200.09. GORRIE You still have this week to search your attics as well as clothes closets for those artieles which you, can spare for the needy in the liberated count- ries of Europe. Clothing, Blankets and Quilts all can be left at the fol- lowing places of business in Gorrie, j, C, Edgar's, Stephen's, or Whitfield's. Lieut, Jasper Farrish, son of Mr, and Mrs. j, Parrish, received his discharge from the R.C.A,P, at Green- wood, N, S., arriving home durfrig 00 paSt week. Mrs. Tom McCIement and son, Ronnie, spent a few days last week in Acton visitingLher aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Max Abram, Mr, and Mrs. cordon Jackson and children of Listowel, were guests on Sunday of Mr. and. Md. Ewart Whitfield. Barn-"-On October 3rd., 1945, at the princess Royal Maternity Homo in spending a few days this week with his sister, Mrs. Pyke, and other mem- bers of his family. Mr. Jack Underwood, R.C.N., re- turned to duty in Nova Scotia on Sat- urday spending a short furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Un- derwood. Mr. and Mrs. John. Maguire and lit- tle daughter, Mary Jane, Clifford, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ken- neth Hastie. Mr. and and Mrs. Harold Hynd- mand and litle daughter spent Sunday with her parents, Mr.' and Mrs. Dil- worth, near Ethel. Mr. Archie Miller and daughter, Sandra, also mother, spent Sunday with Brussels relatives., Messrs. Claire 'Michel, Bill Thorn- ton and Earle King returned home from Lanigan, Sask., on Friday, where they have spent the past few weeks helping with the harvest, Mr. Jim Pritchard has gone to Galt to aid his brother, Roy, who has taken over a Service Station there. Mr. Earle King spent a couple of days this week With friends at Hamil- ton. Those interested in the Township Library are asked to be present at a meeting to be held in Gorrie Public Library,on Tuesday night next, Oct. 23rd. at 8.30 o'clock. United Church Anniversary services will be held here on Sunday, October 21st., when Rev. Hugh Wilson, Brus- sels will be the visiting preacher. Morning service 11 a.m., evening ser- vice, 7.30 p.m. Postmaster Brown is having the in- terior of the postoffice remodelled as well as' decorated, The remodelling has Made a big iinprovement, / On Wednesday night last a group of lads 10 years to 1,5 years motored to Fordwich and joined. in .the Trail Ranger's meeting, later organizing a group of their own. On Thursday night this week Fordwich group and leader will visit this group as well as do the initiating. The will meet on Friday night at 7.45 p.m.; sharp With Y. P. U. following in the church at 9 pan, Friends of Mr. Herb Neil, a patient in Wingham Hospitali will be glad to know he is doing as well as can be expected. Gerrie Presbyterian Anniversary The anniversary of Gorrie Presby- terian church was held on Sunday last, October 14th., with a splendid et* tendatice at both services. The special Speaker for the day was Rev. Dr. Ahead of Ashfield and Ripley. The choir with Mrs. Frank king as organ- ist and choir leader rendered a fine anthem at each service, Very fitting and well-rendered numbers were given morning and evening by the Eiger Quartette of itchener._ teaittiftil flow- ers helped to Make the services attrac,. tive. In the morning Dr. Rhoad took. AS his tett Col. 1;18 "And He is the Head of the Body, the Citurch,P Matt ▪ neece Sleepers — Pink only -- size 1 years. moon. Girls' Flannelette Pyjamas — 6 - 14 .yrs. $1,59 $1.00 Pullovers — Brushed Rayon, heavy weight — 2, 4, 6 . , $1.00 Overalls — Blue Sanforized Denim — 2, 4, 6 $1,19 Blue Doeskin — 2, 4, 6 $1.00 $1.95 Girls' Chamoisette Gloves — heavy weight,• white, beige 85c Boys' Fancy Cardigans t— 8 - 14 $3.50, 3.95 Boys' Pullovers — Penmans' quality-8 - 14 $2.95 Children9 s Clothes Values in Warm Clothing for Children, SNOW SUITS— Three-piece Sets in Sturdy Blanket Cloth. Girls'—size 10 - 14 $10.00, 14.95 Boy's—size 4, 5, 6 ,, : .$11,95 Children's 3 - 6x .... • •-• • .$5 .95 Leather Helmets, with fur trim .$1.39 Leather Gauntlet Mitts 75c King Dept. Store ;iII11RH11111HIR11111111111111111(111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111iIIIiIQ111111111111111111118h11plillltlll NEMO MONEYS.. M.. .••••11 MM. MM. lomml MM. .0E1. MOMM IMM• ONO.* ...a 0.1.0 WOMMO .W• . .m. M▪ .. .M. MM. mm. M.. MOM. ..••• OMMOM 1••••• Imo1.1 0.0•11- •MOOMO M.. ••••••• Oh.. MM. Mm. MM. MM. .m. im. M▪ M. WOMA IMM• O* WI.. MM. MmI Wma•MI MEMOS MM. W.. Wmm W.. WW. WM. WM. Knitted Dresses Blue, Turquoise —1, 2 yr. on this occasion not to any particular individual but to people in general, and it is wise to remember that they came from one who had authority. When He was on earth, Christ used these words to call to His service people of very different nature. Dr. Rhoad closed with an admon- ition to his hearers to make this An- niversary occasion a time for heart- searching to see whether we are real Christains or only nominal ones. At the close of the sermon, the El- gar Quartette emphasized the message of the Gospel by rendering a number of very beautiful musical selections. , KRAFT DINNER, pkg. . — 19c KRAFT RELISH CREAM CHEESE, lb. 49c GROUND FRESH REX COFFEE, lb. .. ........ AYLMER TOMATO OR VEGETABLE 'SOUP, tin.., 10c PAT-A-PAN PASTRY FLOUR 7 lb. 90„ 24 lb. 7046 4* Bag &OIL. •Bag II OIL* No. 1 ShiALL COOKING ONION..10 lb. bag 45c CALIFORNIA TOKAY GRAPES„ lb.......19c Size 220a ,CALIFORNIA ORANGES, clpz* ‘ 53e Size 96s FLORIDA GRAPEFRUIT , 3 for. 25e CHAMP MAGICAL CLEANER, pkg CONCENTRATED JAYEX 2 balks 29e RATION CiattPtiNS VALID t IttiNgDAY, ovr. soot, Not 46 to 85, Preserves, Nos, da to 5t and P1 to./49, 14 utter, Nos. 116 to 126., meat, NOS. 1 to 7, • MAPLE LEAF LOAF CHEESE, lb. .,39c MILD CANADIAN NEW CHEESE, lb ..32c SNOWFLAKE AMMONIA, 3 pkgs. Far Softening Water LANOLINE, pkg. never lives to himself alone. Even at birth he becomes a member of society, being born into a family. This is on his part an involuntary act but later on in life most men voluntarily become members of one or more organiza- tions. Of all the societies of which he may become a member the church is by far the most important. None other ranks near it. The evening service was conducted by the minister, Mr. McCarron. Rev, Mr. Howse of the United Church read the Scripture lesson. Dr. Rhoad preached from the familiar words, "Follow. Me". They, were addressed '`••••••0100.k. Hudersfield, York$, England, to and ;Mrs. John A, Neilson, a son, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Scott and sons of Blytb, were recent guests of Dr, and Mrs. Armstrong. We regret reporting the illness. of .Mrs, R. 1-14,,,carsoni who.- is in Victoria .1-lospiml. London, undergoing treat, anent, whielt we trust will enable her to return home very soon. The Institute would like to have the names and addresses of boys in the services who will not be returning to Canada for Christmas. Kindly 'notify the secretary, Mrs. R. W. N. Wade so that these boys may be remembered by the Institute, Mrs. Harry Templeman went to London on Thursday to meet her hus- band, Spr. Harry Tampleman, who had just returned home from overseas where he spent the past two and a half years, Mr. and Mrs. Colin.Gillies, Toronto, spent last week with her brother, Mr. James Edwards and Mrs. Edwards. Mrs. William Jacques, Lakelet, is ,the guest of Mrs. R, A. Ashton, Mrs. Emerson Downey and daught- er, Viola, Fordwich, spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Downey. Mr, and Mrs. Jas. T. Shera and Shirley, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fitch at Belmore, Mr, and Mrs. J. C. Edgar spent Sunday with friends in Stratford. Mr: and Mrs. George Brown and son spent Sunday with Mr. and Wilf- red Keffer at Ethel. Recent guests of Kr. and Mrs, Rob- ert Harriston, were Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pearce, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Trum- bley and son, Billie, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schearer and son, Ken- neth, also Mr. Henry of Ethel.' Mrs. Schearer and son remained for a few ,days this week. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Hyndman spent the week..end with her parents, Mr. and. Mrs. C, Thompson, near Harris- ton. Mr. James Anger and daughter, Mrs Joe Earngey, Listowel, spent Sunday with Gorrie friends. Mr. Carl 'Newton, Newtonbrook, is anounommommonniminum BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. J. N. H. Norton, Pastor SUNDAY, OCT. 21st 11 a.m.—"Sanctification" 7.30 p.m , —''`The Challenge of China" Come and Worship. 11111111=1191113.1.11.1311111MMINIM First Class Watch Repairs For The Preient Watches Only George Williams JOHN ST. Next to,Masonic Hall LICENSED TAXI Service Local or Out of Town Crawford's :Garage Phone 139. Night Phone 316 See Reid and See Right Make Appointments WITH— DAVID CRONIPTON Jeweller Phone 59 For Eye Exzunination R. A.. Reid, R.O. Eye Specialist 11111111111.1111101111111191.11111.1111.1111111101 Smoker's Sundries Magazines ' Haseigrove's SMOXE SHOP QUICK COOKING ROBIN HOOD PAN-DRIED OATS 29c S lb. Bag FANCY SHELLED ALMONDS, 2 ox. pkg. „.........15c FOREST CITY BAKING POWDER, 22 ox. jar Radio Forum Meetings OCT. 23 — WINGHAM — TOWN HALL OCT. 24 -- CLINTON — Dept. of Agriculture OCT. 25 — EXETER Mr. Wesley Neelands, Secretary, Ontario Forums. Mr. A. C. Savage, Sec., Ontario Cooperative Union 8.30 P.M. National Film Board Pictures Admission Free. Everybody Welcome PHONE 161 FREE DELIVERY — AT Smith-s Economy Food Store WHITECHURCH Wedding Bells are. ringing. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Coultes, Mr. and Mrs, Alex. Leaver, Mrs. George Coultes and Mrs, John Coultes of Morris, spent Sunday at the home of their sister, Mrs. McDougal in Sarnia. Mr. and Mrs. Mason Robinson and DECCA RECORDS New Recordings of Birig Cros- by, The Andrews Sisters and Dick Haynes are arriving con- stantly, We expect some new Low Priced Victor Record Players next month. to RADIO SERVICE Cameron, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Coultes of Morris. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Smith of Tern- berry, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Lawrence Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Caslick and Billie of Culross, ,Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Cas- lick, Wingham, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Coultes and baby, Murray, of East Wawanosh, and Mr. and Mrs. Russel Ross,,visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Conn, who were cele- brating their sixth wedding anniver- sary. Mrs. Gibson Gillespie spent Monday with Mrs. Thos. Davies of London., Tpr. Roy Robinson and Tpr. Charlie Saunders of Camp Borden, spent the week-end with E. Wawanosh relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Ira McLean and child- ren of Wroxeter, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Mc- Lean. Tpr. 'Irwin McClenaghan of Camp Borden, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben McClena- ghan. , Mrs. Will Conn spent a few days last week at the home of her sister, Mrs, Saul Untehisen of Wingbam, and spent the week-end at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Harold Johnston at LttcknoW. Quite A- number from hone attended the anniversary services in. the United Church At St. Helens on Sunday, Ser- vice here were withdrawn. Mrs. J. G, Gillespie, Mrs. Albert Coultes, Mrs, Milian Moore, Mrs. Lorne Johnston and Mrs. J. D, Bee- croft attended the V M, 5, Sectional meeting at Belgrave last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Milian Moore and Muriel, visited on Sunday at the home of her uncle, Mr, Harry ,McClenaghan of Belgrave. Mrs. Fox visited on Sunday at the home of her brother, Mr,Jhos. Phil lips of St. Helens. The W, M. S. held a meeting and quilting at the home of Mrs, Ezra Scholtz on Friday last, The Executive of the E, Wawanosh Federation are holding a Banquet in the Institute Hall this Thursday even, ing, with the ladies of the. Institute catering for the occasion. A good crowd attended the Fed, eration Picture Show in the Hall here on Friday evening, with Mr. Dick Johnston of Morris in charge. Those films on the Calf Clubs, Rehabilitation Problems, Ducks Unlimited, a crnserv- ation of 'Wild Life in the West, Prince Edward , Island and Eskimo Life in, Canada, were especially interesting to all, Mr. Jack Taylor is going his rounds silo-filling. Heavy frosts have made all anxious to have the job done. Mr, Alex Kennedy and his two sons, Cecil of Winnipeg and Raymond, home after serving two years in the R.C.A. F., England, spent last week-end with his mother, Mrs. David Kennedy. On Thanksgiving Day all the members of the Kennedy family, Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Kennedy. Wingham; Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Durnin and son, of St. Hel- en's; Mr. and Mrs George Kennedy and sons, and Mrs Kennedy and Annie and Pete, gathered at the home of Mr and Mrs Harry Tichborne of Goole- rich They left the next day to motor back to Winnipeg The W. M. S. of the United Church are holding their Fall Thank-offering meeting in the church this Wednes- day with Brick W. M. S., St. Helens W. M. S., and the Chalmers Presby- terian W. M. S. also in attendance. Rev. Mr. Newton will— be the guest speaker, and will show special moving pictures of Africa, the'continent which is being studied by all W. M. S. work- ers this, year. Mrs. Chas. MacDonald and two children of Lucknow, visited on Friday with her aunt, Mrs. W. R. Farrier, and little Marion Farrier of Wingham, spent the week-end there, while her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Farrier, visited in Galt. Mrs. Sam McBurney was able to re-' turn to her home in Wingham last week. Yes The War Is Over NOW We Must Win the Peace Invest for your future