HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1945-10-18, Page 5Mars 3r, OctOber I8, 1945 HANNA & CO., LTD. C.C.F. Public Meetings Friday, October 26th— MACKAY HALL, GODERICH Satuyrday, 'October 27th— TOWN HALL, LUCKNOW Meetings at 8.30 p.m. • :Speakers — A. M. (Sandy) Nicholson, M.P. J. W. Noseworthy. (Come and hear the story about the Saskatchewan legislation which 'the C.P.R., the Hudson Bay Co. and the Dominion Loan and Mortgage Co. are seeking to disallow. Broadcast—Mr. Nicholson will also broadcast over CKNX at 7 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 27th. ell Listen to Huron County Victory Loan News Every Day October,22nd to November 10th at 12.20 P.M. Huron County National War Finance Committee. 14r 46"' 4 7"' Afga W'INGIAM ADVANC home of Mrs, George '.Currie. Miss Helen McGee. o.f Blyth, 'visited over the week-end with her grandpar- ents, Mr. and Mrs, W, H. Haney, Urs..E, Snell has returned home from a trip to Chicago. and Johete in and Dayton and Sydney, 'Ohip. Miss. Ruth Gannett, also Mr. aril Mrs. ID, Eadie And family spent Sun- day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Coulter, Mr. Richard Stone of Kineardin spent the week-end .with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Stone. His father was taken suddenly ill on .Friday, Miss :Ela.ineWalsh, formerly employ- ed with the Dept, of Health, Parlia- ment Buildings, Toronto, has accepted a position with CKNX, Wingharn, Pte. James W. Coulter of Vernon, spent the week-end with his /pa ents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. H. Coulter returning Sunday to -Woodstock, Ont, Mr, William RObertson, Miss T, Rn, bertson and Mrs. Walter Robertson and daughter, Marjorie, of Niagara Falls, were visitors with Mrs. George Spotton, Messrs. Jack and George Young were week-end visitors in town.. They were accompanied by their mother; Mrs. Les, Young, who is staying here for two weeks, Sqd. Ldr, and Mrs. James Thomp- son and daughter, Julia, Mrs, R. Po- gue of Listowel, and Mr, Rae Thomp- son of Guelph, spent Sunday with Mrs, R, S. Hetherington. WEDDINGS Slesser - Cook A pretty wedding was solemnized Wednesday morning, Oct. 10th, in the Knox PreSbyterian Church, Kineard- ine,'when Irma Lenore Cook, daught- er of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cook, Bel- grave, became the bride of Robert Ha- rold Slesser, son of Mr. and Mrs. Rob- ert 'Slesser, of Glamis. The Rev. S. M. Scott officiated. The bride given in marriage by her father was charm- ing in a gown of white sheer :and lace, with sweetheart neckline. Her long veil was caught to a halo of lace and she carried a bouquet of red roses, Miss Dorothy Picot, as maid of hon- our, wore pink net over taffeta with matching shoulder length veil; and carried a nosegay of pink roses, Miss Eileen Walsh, bridesmaid, was in blue net over taffeta, and matching should-, er length veil, with a nosegay of pink roses. As flower girl, Miss Jeanette MacDonald, wore yellow organza and yellow veil. She also carried a nose- gay of pink roses. Serving as grooms- man was Mr. James MacKinnon. Ush- ers were Ken McSween and Elmer Grigg: Miss Beatrice Ball played the wedding music and Miss Jean Ball sang "I love you truly". The reception given by the bride's parents, was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack MacDonald. The bride's 'mother wore a navy blue pin stripe suit and matching accessories, while the groom's mother chose a gown of autumn brown and matching access ories. Their corsages were pink roses. For a wedding trip to Western On- tario the bride changed to a brown and lime wool dress, a mustard topcoat trimmed with mink, and brown acces- sories, On their return the couple will reside on the tenth of Kincardine. OBITUARY Mrs. Thomas J. McLean A life long resident of this com- munity, Sarah Jane Netterfield, widoiv of the late, Thomas J. McLean, passed on at her home, Catherine street, on Monday evening, October 15th, in her 74th year, Mrs. McLean has not en- joyed good health for the past five years and for some time had been quite ill with a heart condition. She was born in Turnberry, the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Net- terfield, both of whom came to this country as very young children from Ireland. She was the last of a family of three brothers and six sisters. A. member of St. Paul's Anglican Church she was very active in the work of the Ladies Guild and was for 66 years a member of the choir, She was known throughout the district as an excellent skater and took part in all the carni- vals here until her health failed, and for sometime won the prize awarded for the oldest participant. She attend- ed Lower Wingham school and always kept in touch with the friends she made at that time. In February 1899, she was married to Thomas J. MeLean who predeceased her in June 1989. Surviving are one son and daughter, Neil Netterfield of Toronto, and Miss Eleanore Jeanette at home, also two grandchildren, Neil Jr. and 12.oderick. The funeral service will be held at St. Paul's Anglican Church at 240 p. M. on Thursday afternoon. The ser- vice will be conducted by Rev, jack lames and burial will take place in Wingliain cemetery. Hugh Samuel Chittick , The death of Hugh Samuel Chittiek occurred In Queen Alexandria Saul- torium, London, on Thursday, October 11th. Mr, Chittick was in his 78rd. year and be_ had been a patient iii The Sanitorittin for the past four and a half 1 „1, A, _. Wo ' O. / tair ...._ _ MOTO-MASTER .."40--........,4_,_.,,,.L,., AUTOMOTIVE 110100011 ''. 141 ic;i0r;,b,0°;t: i,..) j1 _ _ „,;... i si 464 _.-- --ii.V” . RAUMC" ,, 0 RARE„,,,,, MOTOR 0.`, 444 • mg Ir` Irjrjo.. i % iii '' 51-`il,..)' \ 1. it 'r'” \ / : , , ,•:.::, . ._ -,--:--,-- il ----- . ‘,•:•7,, , WO4 , 4- WINTER STEERING WHEEL COVERS - Mohair Velour 39c TIRE RELINERS $1.65 SCREW DRIVERS All kinds and sizes. GREASE GUNS 20 oz, size leaver action Only $3.98 SPARK PLUGS Moto Master, 80 cent value for only 39c BATTERIES All sizes. To be sure of a good start buy Mor Power ......$7.45 up MUFFLERS A leaky muffler is not only an- noying but fumes in the car are dangerous. All sizes carried. Ask for a copy of the FALL AND WINTER CATA- LOGUE SUPPLEMENT Coppies Mailed on request Canadian Tire Corporation Associate Store Campbell's Garage , Wingham, Ont. Anstavaissos years, A native of Brucefield, he went when a small child with his• parents, the late Mr, and Mrs, John Chittick, to Belmore where he spent his boy- hood days. For some time lie was em- ployed by the C. N. R. here prior tc being agent for the Imperial Oil Co., for 17 years, He retired 12 years ago. He was a member of . St. Andrew's Presbyterian church, of , Wingham Lodge, No. 286, A, F, & A. M., and of the Canadian Order of Foresters. Sur- ... • I , • SEE US For - RADIOS , REFRIGERATORS WASHERS We have been appointed agents for the coming Spartan line. McG1LL . Radio- Service Phone 380. Potatoes For Sale ear load of New Bruns- wick potatoes will arrive middle of this month. Leave your order now for winter's supply. .........—.. North End Grocery Phone 193 • ming .besi.des his wife, :rite I former Tena. Shera are three sons and three! daughters, Charles of Winglism; Rob- ert, with the Armed Services overseas; James, Acne, Irene and Donna at borne, also a brother and a sister, William Chittick of Teeswater, ,and Mrs. Morton Smith, New,, York, A private service was held at his late residence, Frances. Street, Satur- day afternoon, which was conducted by Rev, Alex Nimmo, Burial took place in Wingham cemetery. The pall- bearers were; Robert Vint, A. M. Crawford, J, A, Wilson, Ed Nash, Thomas Bower, James Murray, BORN maNTYRE — At Wingham General Hospital, on Friday, Oct. 12th, to Mr. anti Mrs. Mervin. McIntyre, 1.4teknow, a son, CRANSTON—At Wingham General Hospital, on Friday, Oct. 12th, to Mr, and Mrs, Allen Cranston, R. R. 2, Lucknow, a daughter. MITCHELL — At Wingham General Hospital, on Sunday, Oct, 14th, to Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Mitchell, of Wingham, a son, ADAMS—At Wingham General Hos- pital, on Monday, Oct. 15th, to Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Adams, Wingham a son. HENDERSON—At Wingharn Gener- al Hospital, on Monday, Oct. 15th, to Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Hender- son, Bluevale Road, a daughter. BLUEVALE Institute Held Splendid Meeting The president, Mrs. J. H. Smith, presided at the monthly meeting of the Women's Institute, held in the com- munity Hall. In answer to the roll call, each member told why she was a member of the Institute, The maj- ority enjoyed the opportunity of meet- ing the ladies of the community with a common interest "Home and Coun- try." Following the reading of the correspondence, the sum of $10.00 was voted to the Central War Charities Fund. Mrs, J. H. Smith, Mrs. Carl Johnston and Mrs. Harry Elliott was named to the committee, to make de- finite arrangements for the fowl supper sponsored by the community. The highlight of the afternoon was a visit from the district 'president, Mrs. Ever- ett Sparling of Gorrie. She gave an interesting and instructive paper on "Plastics", the manufacturer and the many and varied uses. A vocal duet by Mrs. George Heth- erington and Mrs. R. H. McKinnon was enjoyed. At the close of the meeting refreshments were served by the ladies. Bazaar Very Successful The Bazaar held in the community 1 I-Tall this week and sponsored by the Ladies' Aid Society of Knox Presby- terian church was a decided success. The different booths were well sup- plied and the buying was brisk. The proceeds amounted to over $110.00, from the following sources. A donation $2,00; Home-made Baking, $20.70; Post Office, $5.50; Articles made from flour sacks, $12.30; aprons, $19.15; Fish Pond, $5,75; Miscellaneous artic- les, $21.15; Produce and flowers, $15.45; Lunch, $14.35. Prizes were awarded for the best article made from flour sacks. A quilt made by Mrs. Eldred Nichol and Mrs, James McTavish won first prize; second prize was awarded Mrs. R. F. Garniss ,for an embroidered lunch cloth and Miss Olive Scott won third prize for a pair of pillow slips. During the afternoon Mrs, Donald Robertson supplied piano music, Sunday Services Rev. J. S. Bridgette occupied the pulpit at the United Church on Sunday morning and conducted communion service, using as his theme "The Lord's Supper" as recorded in 1st. Cor- inthians 11th. chapter. Mrs. Alex McCracken rendered the solo, "Near to the Heart of God". The service at Knox Presbyterian church was conducted by Mr. Donald Sin- clair, a student from Knox College, Toronto. He took as his text, "The Lion bath roared, who will not fear, the Lord, God bath spoken, who• can but prophesy." Mr. and Mrs. George Hethering- ton and son, Bobbie, spent Sunday with friends at l3lyth and attended the Anniversary services. 1114188 Margaret Rolph, who has been under the doctor's care for a week is making satisfactory progress, Mr, and Mrs, George Thornton, Mrs. 3. Wickstead and Mrs, Hilliard Jefferson, visited their friends, Mr. and. Mrs, Brown at Dunnville. Blackmore, and Miss Lois Elliott, Reg. N., Toronto, spent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs. R. Elliott. Lorne McCrackin of Seaforth, was a Sunday visitor with his parents, Mr, and Mrs, Alex MeCrackin. Mr. and Mrs. Peter S. .Mower are spending this week with Dougall Stra- chan and other relatives near Brussels. Mrs. W. 1. Johnston, Mrs, Alex Mc- Crackin, Mrs. Arthur. Shaw, Miss Mar- garet Curtis, Mrs. Edward Johnston CHECK AND COMPARE .THEZ: SPECIALS They will convince yon;it ays to deal at the V , . Red Front Grocery Kellogg's All Bran, 16 oz. pkg... ,...Pree IVIeasurnig Glass .... ,,,,, ..23e atroore Wheat Berries--- 5 lb. pkg. special . ,. 23c Nippy Nut Peanut Butter — 12 oz. for 24c, 16 ,oz. for 32e Gilletts Lye, 2 tins for ...,...... 23c Vanilla Extract, 4 ez, for .....„.-.8e Lifelmoy soap .„..--,...., 2 for hic Woodbury!s Facial Soap, 2 - lac 5,0.S. Scouring Pads, spec,„14c Classic Cleanser, tin „.„........, 4c Macaroni—Ready-cut or Alphabet, special lb.. . .Sc Matches--best quality, strike anywhere, 3 boxes 25c Dominion Tea—pure garden tea, 14 lb. pkg.. , ,32c Sugar, best White or Yel,...8c lb, Moody Toilet Flush ,,,,, . , n ,,, ,.... 23c Oxford Inn Veg. Soup, tin.....10c Rose Bak. Powder, 1 lb. tin 15c Gold Medal Baking Powder, guaranteed no alum, 1 lb tin 23c H.P. Sauce, $1/2 oz,""bottle —31c Certo, for preserves, jellies - 24c Clark's Mushroom or Aspara- gus Soups, 2 tins .....,„„ ,,,,, . 15c 1).C1, Pudding Powders .„ ,,,,,, —.5e Nestle's Milk, special, tin ......„-He •••••MIONNIM•110 Old Dutch Cleanser, chases dirt2 tins for 19c Habitant Pea Soup, 28 ounce tins , .._ .. . 2 tins 25c Bologna Special—Maple Leaf, Schneiders, . and Coleman's . , _ _ . _ _ . _ , . . _ lb. 21c Robinhood Flour, 98 lb. $2.50 Pat-a-Pan Pastry, 24-lb. 75c Huron Pastry, 24-1b. ..„ ...... _.,„, 69c Huron Pastry, 7 lb. 24c Better Krust, 244b....„ 72c Robinhood Oats, 5 lb.. pkg, 26c Sunkist Oranges 344s 1/2 dz. 18c 252s 1/2 doz. 24c, 200c 1/2 dz. 27c Large 100 Grapefruit 3 for 25c Sweet Yams, special, 1134 10c Celery, crisp, fresh, bunch 9c California Red Emperor Sanka Coffee—drink it Grapes, special lb. . . . .15c and sleep . _ . 1 lb. par 59c Red Delicious, spec. 6 - 25c Apples—B.C. 125's size, Strong Tin Pails, 14 quart size 55c, Strainer Pails ..,....,.82c Wax Roll Paper 50 ft. 14c Javex Concentrate, bottle 14c Vinegars, Canada best, gal....45c XXX Vinegars, spec.,gal 36c Cooked and Cured Mats Turnips, Potatoes, and Carrots. Phones 17 and 2. FREE DELIVERY Mrs. Joseph Curtis attended the W. M. S. Sectional meeting at the United Church, Belgrave. Will Hall, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gor- don Hall, who has been a patient at the Memorial Hospital, Listowel, was removed to Victoria Hospital, London, for further treatment. Mr, j, C. Higgins attended the fun- oral of his sister, Mrs. Jessie Fleming, at foridon this week. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Chilvers left on Monday for Kincardine, where Mr. Chilvers has purchased a grocery busi- ness, Mr. and Mrs. Chilvers came to Bluevale from Lakelet two years ago, and have made many friends in that time. - Mr. and Mrs, A. Ashley and family, Molesworth, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Burns Moffat, Mrs. J. W. Johnson left this week for Toronto, to make her home with her sister, Miss Fair. evffinew, 11111193151f ATTENTION HORSE DEALERS We are in the market to buy old Live Horses. Write for price. ....‘ • 'with= Stone Sons Limited Ingersoll, Ontario 43300113923104:s4. .....„.. Orders Receiv- Now — For — • November Delivery — Of — Oil burners Equip your furnace with a modern Oil Burner. No Muss — No Fuss. PERCY CLARK 212 Phone Here's Just ,cces,„ .4, .. st; ‘‘, A Fall shipment of "Loafers" has just The "Loafer" is Shoe News Arrived ..., rt .,. 01" t 1 ' t ,.:,- in leather or suede been received. the ideal shoe for girls. Rhys Pollock "Shoes for all the family" — ... ._._ LOCAL AND PERSONAL Mrs. W. J. Greer is viiiting for a few days at Barrie. Mr. R. A. Spotton is on a business trip to Vermont this week, Mrs. A. D. MacWilliam of Loudolit, spent the week-end with friends in town. Mrs. Agar of Chatham, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. G. L. Dunlop and Mr, Duulop. Miss Rachel Currie of Galt, is visit- ing at the home of her brother, Mr. John 'Currie. Miss A. L. Wilson of Toronto, is visiting her brother, Mr. J. A. and Mrs. Wilson. Miss Marion Hinde of Freeport, is spending a holiday with her mother, Mrs. C. Hinde. Mrs. Earl Bentley of Galt, spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Pattison. Mr. Robt. Arbuckle and Mrs. Ruth- erford Reavie spent a few days last week in London. Mr. and,-Mrs, H. J. Rahlves of Tor- onto, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. John 'Galbraith. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Tiffin and Col- leen of Langside spent Sunday at the