HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1945-10-18, Page 4tamton's Hardware And Farmers' Supply House-„ "The Store Where You Get The Most For The , Money You Spend" Aluminum Paint, for stove Pipes .. 25c and 40c Soot Foe Chimney Cleaner „ . 25c 20c and 25c Stoves Pipes, 7 inch Stove PiPes, 6 inch — ...... , . ... • 20c and 25c 6 and 7 Inch Elbows , .. . 25c each. Clothes Horses Ensilage Forks Manure Forks „ , $1.35, 1.75 Barn Forks , . — • * • $1.80, 2.00 ire1•101•1011MIMMIMIL 3000 Watt Electro Pails $24.75 1320 Watt Electro Pails $16.75 Chemical Toilets . . ...... . . . . — . — . ..... , . . $5.19 Lanterns .... .... ..... . $1.35, 2.35 Mop Sticks Swede Saws, complete $2.80 up Black Caulking qt. 40c, gal. '$1.10 Hand Horse Clippers $3.75 20c Westinghouse Lamps, 25, 40, 60 Watt White Wash Brushes each 35c Cow Ties 45c, 50c, 75c Rat Killer 25c, 35c Corn Brooms 55c, 75c, 90c, 95c, $1.10 Stable Brooms (with handle) $1.25 Zinc Wash Boards.... 45c Glass Wash Boards 59c Circular Saw, 36 inch $36.00 Horse Blankets,' lined $5.25 Heavy Garbage Cans, No. 3 $1.69 and 2.49 months' guarantee, each 15c 41.00 and 2.95. .. • . P • •• • P • • • • • $2,s0 IXert#reanasWrftlt Bluebi4004:010,:r.. Steen you taee a Re riN us4:. caw/ BLUEBIRD DIAMOND RING INSURED FREE David Crompton — JEWELLER — Terms in accordance with Wartime Prices and Trade Board Regulations 25, 40 and 60 WATT SOLEX LAMPS ..... 15c FAXRHAVEN SARDINES . " . . . 2 for 15c AYLMER INFANTS FOODS, 5 oz. ..7c GRADE A LARGE EGGS . , „ . ICELI.•06G'S CORN FLAKES 2 for 15c DOMINO • BAKING POWDER 16 oz. 15c .. 50c doz. •7:7FS7.!), 117.7.'" ' WINGI-1414 ADVANCE-TINES Thursday, October 18, .104$ ei• 111011.1111111 art of Auburn, Miss Penis Pierce of AUCTION SALE—Of Farm Stock and Implements will be held at the Lot 34, Concession A., Howick, at 1 p.m., on Tuesday, October 23rd. , Terms, Cash. Matt Gaynor, Auct- ioneer, Estate of the late Adam Knox, . .. AUCTION SALE—Of Farm Stock and Implements will be held at W half Lot 7, 8, Concession 11, Turn- berry, at 1 p.m. on Friday, October 19th, Terms. All sums of $10 and under cash, over that amount six months' credit on bank approved joint notes with 5 per cent. added. Matt Gaynor, Auctioneer; J. H. Wy- lie, clerk; Oliver Stokes, proprietor. AUCTION SALE—Of a carload of Ontario Stocker Cattle at John Gay- nor's lot, back of the Queens Hotel, Brussels, on Saturday, Oct. 20, at 1.30 p.m. These are a choice lot of Durham and Hereford Catle, Heif- ers and Steers weighing 500 to 900 pounds. Terms, Strictly Cash. Or- ton Stubbs, Prop.; Lew Rowland, Auctioneer. , ATTENTION—We buy, we sell, we exchange household furniture, stov- es, dishes, silverware and antiques. Also agent for Harriston Stove Co. carrying their line of New Princess Pat Cook Stoves and LX:L. Heat- ers. M. Brown, phone 239. AUCTION SALE—Wednesday, Oct. 24th. Due to ill health R. J. Sander- son has been forced to sell his herd of shorthorn cattle, sheep and imp- • lements at his home, lot 15, Con. 6, Howick, 1 miles west of Ford- 1 Sidi. R. J. Sanderson, Prop,, A. , Darroch, Attct. CHARTS Foundation Garment Co. trained Corsetiere for Wingham, surrounding district and towns. If you need a new garment, any size or type of figure at reasonable prices, call on Mrs. Wm. Kennedy, Minnie St., Wingham. CARLOAD 0 F BLATCHFORD. FEEDS arriving this week. Leave your order with A. Anstett, Massey- Harris Dealer, phone 378, ELECTRIC RADIO FOR SALE- 8 tube General Electric, console, re, cently overhauled. Phone 397. FOR SALE-10 Pure Bred Oxford Down and Leicester Rams, including ram lambs, shearlings and 2 year olds. Also 35 Pure bred Ewes ranging in age from Ewe Lambs to 3 year old. Apply to George Ken- nedy, Lucknow, R. 1, 7 miles west of Wingham on Highway 86. ... FOR SALE—Ten Young Pigs also a Calf. Apply to John Kelly or phone 682r22. FOR. SALE—Youth's Overcoat, size 82, in excellent condition. Apply Advance-Times. FOR SALE — Young Durham Bull, five months old, good color and well bred. Apply to John Norman, . tele- phone 640r6 FOE. SALE—Eight York Pigs ready to wean. Apply to Jack Wickstead, R. R. 5, "Brussels, phone Brussels. 32x19, „. . FOR SALE—Happy Thought Range, wood or coal, with warming 'closet and reservoir, good condition. Ap. ply Advance Times. P011, SALE—Light. DeliVery . Truck, et,,,c, VOA A 44.4,r1 ir #s.1 *GSM. it) ex .:a • FOR SALE—Bicycle in excellent con- dition, new tires, Apply 0. Ludwig, Victoria St. PAIN KILLER FOR CORNS I — Lloyd's Corn and Callous Salve giv- .es prompt, sure relief. 50c at Mc- Kibbons Drug Store. STRAYED — On to Lot 1, Con, 6, Turnberry, Ste,er 700 pounds. Own- er may have same by proving prop- erty and paying expenses. Willits Bros. SLENDOR TABLETS — are effec- tive. ,2 weeks' supply $1; 12 weeks' $5,` at McKibbon's Drug Store. WANTED — Used Cars, any make; 1931 up, Must be in running con- dition. Write to A. H. Green, 708 Lorne Ave., London, Ont. ANTED—To purchase, pullets all age and breeds. High prices paid, Apply Tweedle Chick Hatcheries, Limited, Fergus; Ontario. '800 DEALERS EARN—a comfort- able income by selling Familex Pro- ducts from door to door! How about starting a business of *your own, in your spare time, with the same advantages, in the district of your choice? For free details and catalogue: Familex, 1600 Delori- mier, Montreal.” ROOMS WANTED Citizens of the town who would be willing to rent roofs only or supply oard and room for temporary accom- modation of tourists or for other per- ons requiring permanent accommoda- ion are invited to leave their names with the Town Clerk so that a list of ame may be available for the use of he public. W. A. GALBRAITH, Town Clerk. CARD, OF THANKS Mrs.-John Falconer of Caledon, and family, take this opportunity of ex- pressing their sincere thanks to friends and relatives for the sympathy.extend- ed to them and for their acts of kind- ness at the time of their bereavement. AUCTION SALE Of Farm, Farm Stock and Implements Lot 14, Con, 5, Morris Township THURSDAY, OCTOBER 25th commencing at 12.30 o'clock sharp: HORSES-1 Registered Mare, 10 years old; 1 Clyde Mare, 2 yr, old; 1 Clyde Gelding', 1 yr. old; 1 Bay Mare, 3 yrs. old; 1 Brown Horse, 2 yrs. old. CATTLE-Roan Heifer, 4 year old freshen Jan. 16; Red Heifer, 4 years old, freshen May 15; Hereford Cow, 5 years old, freshen Jan. 8; Grey Heifer, 4 years old, freshen March 10; Roan Cown, 6 years old freshen May 17; White Cow, 5 years old, freshen Jan. 27; Grey Cow, 8 years old, freshen Jan, 15; Ayrshire Cow, 4 years, fresh; Roan Heifer, 4 years, fresh time, of sale.; White Cow, 4 years,fresheri Dee, 25; Holstein Cow, 4 years, fresh; Hol- stein Cow, 4 years, freshen May 15; Thorobred Heifer, 4 years, not in calf; Roan Heifer, 2 years, fresh. YOUNG CATTLE — 2 Durham Steers 000 lbs; I White Steer 1100 lbs; Black Steer 1100; Blue Heifer, 1 year; 1 Holstein Heifer, 1 year; 8 Durham Steers, 1 year; 4 Durham 'Heifers, 1 year; 10 Spring Calves, PIGS-.-40 Purebred Yorkshire ;Sows (WeldwOod breed), these sows will arrow' 'before sale, 20 young Sows a- LADIES' AUXILIARY TO W IMAM GENERAL (Continued from page one) will .equal those in the larger places, The large number of patients has greatly increased the work of the Lad- ies Auxiliary, both in raising money to meet the added expenses and in the many hours of time necessary to mare the needed supplies, To this end, the Auxiliary would ask for the assistance. and, co-operation of all .ladies of the community, There is work for all and the needs of the hospital should find a response in the heart of every woman. The Auxiliary meets the first Monday of each month and the annual fee is 50e, • The thanks of the Auxiliary, is ex- tended to all who have assisted in, any way towards this very successful year, particularly the Wingliam, Advance- Times and Radio Station CTCNX, who have given such generous free public- ity; FINANCIAL STATEMENT Receipts Bal. on hand Oct. 1, 1944_4 34:35 Annual Fees 26.00 Don. from Wingham Minis- terial Association 24,73 Don from Belgrave Women's Women's Institute 15,00 Sale of Theatre Tickets from Mr. Alton Adams 28,65 Proceeds of three Rummage Sales 1.586.26 Proceeds of Marathon Bridge Parties 182.76 Total $ 1897,76 Expenditures Sup.'bedding, curtains, etc. $ 705.45 Dishes 18.02 Expense 29.50 'Bal on hand, Oct. 1, 1945 1144.79 $ 1897.76 WESTFIELD Mr; and Mrs. Douglas Campbell and• John, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer McDougall of Galt, Mrs. Bert Taylor spent a few days last week with her sister, Mrs, R. Stonehouse of Goderich. Miss Vera Wilkins of Goderich, visited last week with her cousin, Mrs. Norman McDowell. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Campbell and Donald, Mr. W. H. Campbell, visited bout 125 lbs.; 40 young Pigs about 125 lbs; 1 Purebred Yorkshire Hog, about 11 months old, bred by Norman Wade, •Gorrie. IMPLEMENTS-1 Deering Binder 7 ft. cut; 1 Tudhope Mower 6 ft, cut; 1 McCormick Deering Siderake, like new; 1 Dump Rake; 1 McCormick- Deering Manure Spreader, like new; 1 McCormick-Deering Fertilizer Drill, like new, 13 disc; 1 McCormick-Deer- ing Hay Loader. i 1 McCormick- Deer- ing Milking Machine, two single units, good as new; 1 Electric Grain Grinder, Woods, like new; 1 two-wheeled Trail- er with stock rack; 1 two-furrow Rid- ing Plow; 1 one-furrow Riding Plow; 2 Walking Plows; 1 Colony House 8x 12; 2 Shelters; 1 Wagon; 1 Set Sleighs 1 Buggy; 1 Cutter; 1 Fanning Mill; 1 Set 2000 lb. Scales 1 Heavy Duty 'A, horse Motor; 1 set Heavy Breeching Harness; 2 set Plow Harness; 1 Root Pulper, nearly new; 1 Cutting Box, "Peter Hamilton" driven by power or by hand; 2 Sap Pans; I Wheelbarrow; 1 Scuffler and a lot of small articles too numerous to mention. HENS-100 year-old Rock Hens, blood testedand banded. Farm will be offered day of sale if not sold before. Terms for Farm made known day of sale. Terms for Stock and Implements Cash. There will be no reserve as proprietor is giving up farming. William L. Speir, Prop., Robt. Patrick, Clerk; Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. VOTERS' LIST 1945 MUNICIPALITY OF WINGHAM COUNTY OF HURON Notice is hereby given that I have complied with Section 8, of the Vot- ers' List Act and that I have posted up at my office at the Town Hall, Wingham, on the 8th. day of October, 1945, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said Municipality at Muni- cipal elections and that such list re- mains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected according to law, the last day for appeal being the 30th, day of October. 1945. Dated at Wingham, Ontario, this 8th, day of October, 1945, • W. A. GALBRAITH, Clerk of Wingham. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of Mary Blanche Costello, late of the Village of Bluevale, in the County of Huron, Married Woman, who died on or about the 25th. day of. August, A. D,, 1945, are notified to send to J. H. Crawford, Wingham, Ontario, on or before the 20th, day of October, A. D., 1945, full particulars of their claims in writing. Immediate- ly after the said 20th. day of October, the assets of the said testatrix will be distributed amongst the parties entit- led thereto, having regard only to claims of which the Exceutor shall then have notice, Dated this 27th. day of Septeniber, D„ 1945, J. IL Crawford, I. C, Wingliatn, Ontario. Solicitor for the tketutor, .,„. Plaster Repairing A, French Wingham Plastering Contractor Specialist in Cornice Work Decorative Plastering Plaster repairs promptly and neatly done. Box 23 :-: Phone 187 HAVE YOUR REFRIGERA- TOR CHECKED AT LEAST ONCE A YEAR and save costly repairs later. FOR SALE — Rebuilt Electric Refrigerators (guaranteed). Frigidaire Sales and Service Stewart Home Appliances — Phone 29 — with Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Speigelberg of Kitchener, on Sunday, Mrs. Wm, McVittie, Mrs. W. F. Campbell, Mrs. Gordon Snell, Mrs, F. J. Cook, Mrs. E.. Rodger, attended the Sectional meeting of the W. M. S. held at ICnox United Church, Auburn, on Thursday. • Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Carter on Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs. Elwin Wilson and family of Sea- forth; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Knox, jr.'; and family, of Londesboro, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stewart, Miss Marion Stew- 13lytle. The Mission Biwa met on Sunday afternoon with a good attendance, The meeting was led by Lloyd McDowell, A number of the Band gave Thanks- giving verses. The scripture- lesson Was read by Mrs. Nbrman McDowell, Thanksgiving stories were told by Mrs. N. McDowell and Mrs. Howard Campbell, Miss Jean Campbell has gone to Kitchener to take a position. We are pleased to report that little Jimmy Carter, 3 year-old son of Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Carter, is doing as well as can be expected, his condition being reported as very good at the time of writing, Jimmy responded well to the treatments given him at St. 'Joseph's Hospital, London, for the serious eYe injury he received, when unnoticed by the other members of the family on Sunday. He jabbed the point of the scissors into his eye, An operation was performed on the eye on Thurs- day mtrning, Mr. Carter went to London Friday morning and as Jimmy was doing so well, both Mr. and Mrs. Carter returned home 'Friday even- ing, with great hopes that the little laddie would soon again have good eyesight. Messrs. Leslie Rodger and Douglas Johnston of St. Catharines, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Rodger. BELMORE Too Late For Last Week The World's Communion Service was held in the United Church, Sab- bat morning. It was the largest at- tendance for some time. Baptism was administered on the infant daugh- ter of Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Elliott,little daughter of and Mrs. Herb Bus- by, and son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harkness, McIntosh, also daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Charles Scott, McIntosh. Those taking tea.,with Mrs. Hark- ness on her 90th. birthday, Mrs. Geo. Harkness and Jean of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs, Leslie Harkness and Bruce, Pe. CABBABE ....... , 3 lbs. 11c CALIFORNIA GRAPES . , , coogiNG ONIONS, bag ...........39c „t...,-...- Fruit and Vegetables SUNKIST ORANGES Size 288 ...... 32c doz. Size 252 45c doz. JUICY LEMONS, size 300.. 6 for 23c Size 96 GjITRICAYPE FRUIT .... 3 for 23c WASHED CARROTS 3 lbs. 11c WASHED TURNIPS 3 lbs. COOKING ONIONS . • . . 3 lbs. 17c FIRM CRISP HEAD LETTUCE .. 17c each 6 • 6. 6 . 11C lb. • Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harkness and baby. • Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Edwards and the Hewitt family attended Gorrie Fair on Saturday. Here for the holiday,: John Abra- ham of London University; Muriel, Mr, and Mrs. James Austin of Maple; Cecil McNeil, Lloyd and Melvin, Mrs. George Harkness and Jean of Toronto. Mr. R. J. Douglas is the first arrival from the West, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mulvey and family from Fergus, spent Thanks.- giving with the Metcalf family. Miss Minnie Jeffray visited Misses Fanny and Ellen Longley, • Saturday, also Mrs. Mulvey one evening. Mrs. James Hamilton and Miss Burns, visited Mrs. Hunkin Sunday, Saturday, friends numbering about 40, gathered at the home of Mrs. John Harper to celebrate her mother's birth. day, Mrs. Harkness was presented with an electric pad. 'Winter coming on, it will be quite useful. 23c lb. 24. oz. Loaves • 2 for 15c 16 oz, bar 69c JACKSON'S JIFFY PORRIDGE, pkg.. .17c VITA B — 1 lb. pkg... .10c 3 lb. pkg... ..... 25c mcLAREN's OLIVES, Plain, 16 oz. . „43c McLAREN'S STUFFED OLIVES — 67c y2 Oz. BOTTLE FRUIT COLOUR • . 100 NAVY TISSUE „ 4 rolls 25c SHREDDED WHEAT . . 2 for 23c AYLMER, DEMI-IT'S, 1,113111r8 TOMATO JUICE , . 2 for 19c LILY WHITE PASTRY FLOUR, 24 lb...69c vfretrontmt lrce)mr-r trtW • • MACARONI and SPAGHETTI DARE'S BISCUITS, bulk DOMINION BREAD NORVAL'S MALTED MILK GROCERY FEATURES 5c lb. PP .turApy, r