HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1945-09-27, Page 7Our 25 Point Scientific Examin- ation enables us to give you Clear, Comfortable Vision F. F. 1101111TH Optometrist Phone 118 Hariston Can I take a part-time job while I am receiving a training grant from the Department of Veterans' Affairs?- Yes While yau are training, you may earn up to $40,00 a month without your grant being redticed, Can my Re-establishment Credit be used to reduce the mortgage on my house r-Yes, Apply to the District Supervisor of Re-establishment Credit at D. V. A's nearest office. * * * Is there any provision for loans to veterans who want to set up in busi- ness?-Not under the rehabilitation program., However, Re-establishment Credit-which is a grant, not a loan- may be used to help buy a going con- cern, purchase tools and equipment, or provide working capital. * * * Is it true that I am entitled to free medical and dental treatment for one year after my discharge?-Yes. Both services are provided through the D. V. A. Can I apply .for my Re-establish- ment Credit to'help pay the down.pay- inent on a small holding under the Veterans' Land Act?-No. You may apply for both vocational training and a small holding. But the Re-establsih- ment Credit is intended primarily for those who do not take advantage of either of these benefits. (If you have a problem, drop us a line at Wartime Information Board, Ottawa.) Jimmy: "I'm five. How old are you?" Johnny: "I don't know." Jimmy: "Does women bother you?" johnny-"Nope." Jimmy: "You're four," TURNBERRY SCHOOL BOARD MEETING Women's Institute The October meeting of the W. I. will be held on Thursday, October 4, 3 p.m., at the home of Mrs. D. S. MacNaughton. Thought for the month, Leisure is a beautiful garment, but it will not do for constant wear. Mrs. Denny will be in charge of current events. Roll call, a poem that has helped me. Demonstration, chair covering, by Mrs. H. I. Durst. Plans for the open meeting which will take the form of a concert and masquerade dance, will be completed. The hostess will be assisted by Mrs. J. H. Wylie. ,_OVEN though your Hydro makes 16 electricity available to you in Ontario at a very low cost, it is important that you pay only for the amount of power that you actually use. The electric meter on duty in your home, is your protection against paying for more than you consume: Every one of some 800,000 meters in Ontario is tested and certified by a Dom- inion Government inspector at regular intervals to assure complete accuracy: Electric meters are among the finest of jewelled precision instruments ; ; 2 as constantly true as the finest watch: For your protection, Hydro installs a separate meter, exclusively for your own Women's Missionary Society The September meeting of the W. M.S. United Church, was held in the church parlours on Friday 14th. The president, Mrs. A. Munroe, presided and opened the meeting by Invocation and the singing of the hymn, "When all Thy Mercies". The 723 Psalm was read in unison. "0 Come Let Us Sing Unto the Lord, O'er those Gloomy Hills of Darkness" was the second hymn chosen. Mrs. Howes gave a resume of the first chapter of the new study book. Miss .Hazelwood favored with an organ solo. Mrs. Munroe, Miss Hazelwood and Mrs. Denny:were appointed a committee to secure a speaker for the Autumn Thank-offer- ing meeting. grs. Denny kindly con- .A Column For ServiCe People By William Stephenson Miss Winnifred, visited last week with, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Brown of St. Thomas. Mrs. Jack Bosman and daughter, of Leamington, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Rosman. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Vincent and children visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey McDowell. Leading Seaman Elvin Wightman of Victoria, B.C., is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wightman. A number from this district attended the anniversary services at the Knox United church, Auburn, on Sunday, where the Rev. H. C. Wilson of Brus- sels, was the guest speaker. Mrs. Gordon Snell visited on Sun- day with her sister, Mrs. A. Walper„ of Week-end guests at the home of Mr., and Mrs. J. L, McDowell, were Mr.. and Mrs, John Gear of Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Jardin were week-end guests at the home of Mr.. and Mrs. Thos. Jardin and other friends. WESTFIELD A, H. EAVISII, B.A. Teeswater, • Ontario Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public and Conveyancer. Office: Gofton House, Wroxeter every Thursday afternoon 1.30 to 4.30 and by appointment, Phone - Teeswater 120J. HARRY FRYFORE Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director Furniture and Funeral Service Ambulance Service Phones: Day 109W. Night 109J. WELLINGTON FIRE Insurance Company Est. 1840 An all Canadian Company which has faithfully served its policy holders for over a century. Head Office - Toronto H. C. MacLean Insurance Agency Winghatn FREDERICK A, PARKER OSTEOPATH Offices: Centre St., Wingham Osteopathic and Electric Treat- ments, Foot Technique. Phone 272. Wingham. DR. R. L. STEWART • PHYSICIAN Telephone 29 SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK tiy R. J. SCO1I 9,4 Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. Money to Loan Office - Meyer Block, Winghani W. A. CRAWFORD, M, D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Phone 150 Wingham a.1 GoLoN I Al EMPIRE. was sfa.R.I't susur4 RE.14 N of QUEEN ELIZABEIll ((533.1603) DR. W. M. CONNELL PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Phone 14 DONALD B. BLUE Experienced Auctioneer Licensed for Counties of HURON & BRUCE All Sales Capably Handled Ripley, Ontario Phone 49. Thursday, Sept, 27th, 1945 WINGHAM AIWANCMUS PA g SgVglit weeks vacation with friends here. Mrs. Mellis of ICippen, spent part of last week with her' meter, Mrs. Joe. Gibson and other members of her family, Mr. George French, who has sent the past Months with his nephew, D. S, and Mrs, MacNaughton, left for Toronto on Monday enroute to his home in Winnipeg. Mr, and Mrs. L, F, UcLattghlin, Oshawa, spent the week-end here, Mr., and Mrs, Gay Davidson, who have spent several weeks here; returned home with them. Mrs: J. Lovell, who spent the paSt year in Manitoba, arrived home on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Vern Denny and Thelma, visited Mrs. C, Denny at Ripley on Sunday. Mrs. H. V. McKenney was in To- ronto a few days last week and while there visited Sgt. David Roger at Christie St. Hospital. Sgt. Rogers has been adopted by the local Wo- men's Institute. Mr. J. R. Cook, who purchased the former Neil White factory building, is now established in a garage and serv- ice station business, added is a groc- ery store and snack bar. The latter filling a need in our village, is proving quite popular. We welcome Mr, and Mrs. Cook to our village and wish them the best of success. Miss Mary Gibson spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Dean. Gibson of London. Mr, and Mrs., A. Fox and daughter of Manitoba, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. I. Jacklin. Miss Margaret Edgar, Reg. N., of Walkerton, spent a few days last week with her mother, Mrs. H. Edgar. Mrs. J. Gibson and Miss Eva Sang- ster, spent one day in London last week. . Mr. and Mrs. H. Hamilton were week-end visitors in Fergus. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Burke visited with friends in Cannington last week. insurance policies,-Aa easy-to-read booklet, "What's ahead", tells the whole story. You can get a copy from the nearest office of the Department of Veterans' Affairs, 'As a veteran, am I entitled to a job in the Dominion Civil Service?--If you have been overseas, and if you have the qualifications the position calls for, you :will receive an outright preference over all non-veteran appli- cants, The veterait who has been awarded a disability pension is consid- YOUR EYES NEED ATTENTION ered first, sented to take over the office of see- retary4reasurer for the balance ,of the year. The hymn for peace and the repeating of the benediction closed an interesting meeting. Baptismal Service The service in St. James Anglican church was of special interest Sunday evening, when two children received Holy.Baptism. Doris Elaine, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Paulin,. and Neil George, son 'of Mr. and Mrs. George Paulin, were baptized. Next Sunday evening, September 30, the Rev. R. S. Jones of Durham will oc- cupy the pulpit, Mrs, J. Sangster is visiting with friends in Molesworth. Mr. and Mrs. S. Gibson of Mil- waukee, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. R. Gibson and other friends. WITH THE GOODYEAR, SINGERS GOODYEAR ORCHESTRA u4tdet. are elitec4;it :STANLEY STJOHN GORDON SINCLAIR 0,1,4 MICHAEL FITZGERALD THE METER Is for Your Protection household. Having a meter of your own is ,the only possible way to be sure that you only pay for the electricity which you use. Imagine buying food from a mer- chant who weighs several people's orders at the same time, and splits the cost evenly regardless of the size of the orders! You want your order weighed individually when you buy food. When you use electricity your meter assures accurate individual measurement. Low cost Hydro service in. Ontario offers amazing comforts and conven- iences. For your protection ; ; so that you will pay for only the amount of Hydro you actually use, a Government Inspected Meter is installed for your own household exclusively. CKNX 920 On Your Dial WROXETER Mrs. James. Sangster is visiting at :the home of her daughter, Mrs. Stew- art, at Molesworth. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Keecli, of Osh- awa; were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs, H. V. McKenney and accompan- ied them to Linger Longer cottage, the summer home of Mrs. McKenney. The church management of St. James Anglican church are very ap- preciative of the help given by the girls , outside their church members who gave such splendid help and sup- port at the recent dinner Served the Howick Lions Club at their church. Mr. and Mrs. S°11.erres Gibson of Milwaukee, U.S.A., are spending a THE ROAD AHEAD Here are the answers to some of.the questions that are aked by the veteran: Do I have to apply for a small hold- ing under the Veteran's Land Act within 10 years after my discharge?- No; there is no time limit. Where can I find out about veterans' Minutes of meeting Of Turnberry Township School Board held Septem- ber 20th. Member were all present. Minutes of previous meeting were read and adopted on motion of Willits and Walpole. Motion by Eadie anti Willits the fol- lowing items be paid:. A. M. Peebles, stamps $7.00; Wing- ham Advance-Times ,advertising for teachers $1.10; R. Appleby, window glass $1.40, glazing $1.00; E. F. Reed Ye Sons, supplies $4.09; Jos. Chilvers, supplies, S.S. 4, $3.76; Howick Mutual Insurance, S.S. 3, $7.20; P. Stainton Hdwe., act. $111.84; Receiver General of Can., income tax on Sept. sararies $72.10; Mrs. Seiling, caretaking S. S. 4, $11,00; Mrs, Schneider, caretaking S. S. 8, $12.50; Grigg stationery sup- plies $6.32; Jas. Paisley, wood S.S. 3, $43.50; Mrs. Pickell, teaching music S. S. 2, 4 $19.00; Mae Johann, teach- ing music,'S.S. 3, 6, 8, 9 $36.00; How- ick Mutual Insurance, S.S. 9 $4.55; 0. Gallaway, labor, S.S. 2, 4, 6 $152.00; Joe Moir, housing wood, S.S. 6, $5.00; Mrs. Mabel Moir, part caretaking S.S. 6, $35.00. A deputation from S.S. 1, waited on the board regarding transportation. After making representations the depu- tation retired. The board gave the matter careful consideration and their decision will be communicated to each of the parties so concerned by written letter from the Secy.-treas. Motion by Eadie and Johnston that we adjourn to •meet Thursday, October 18th, at 8.30 p.m. Carried. I, J. Wright, chairman. Thos. Gilmour, Sec.-treas. Mr. Wm. Govier had a successful farm sale on Wednesday. Leslie Rodger has received his dis- charge from the R.C.A.F. and is visit- ing 'his brother, Mr. E. Rodger. Mrs. J. E. Ford returned to her home at Comber, after spending sev- eral weeks with her sister, Mrs. W. F. Campbell and Mr. Campbell. The Y. P. U. held their first meet- ing this fall on Thursday evening with a good attendance, Social activities were enjoyed under the leadership of Rev. H. Snell. The scripture lesson was read by Donald Snell, Prayer, Violet Cook. Reading, Eileen Taylor. The officers for the coming year were elected: president, Phyllis Cook; 1st vide-pres, Graeine McDowell; secre- tary, Eileen Taylor; treasurer, Donald Snell; group leaders, Pearl Jamieson, Norma Taylor, Donald Taylor, Mur- ray McDowell, Gordon McDowell. The meeting closed with benediction. Mr. and) Mrs. W. F. Campbell and Business and Professional Directory Jo Wo BUSHFIELD ACROSS 1. Kind of, tooth 6. Brisk 11. Old- womanish 12. Egress 13, Booth, , 14. Stick together 15. High, craggy hill 16.13411 pain 18. Type genus (abbr.) 19. Overstrain 01, Ship's cooking apparatus' , 24. To be in debt 27. Complies 28. Maker of tiles 80. Forbid 81. Transmitter' 92. Cross-barred* fabric (Scot.) Spain (abbr.) 87. Ballads 98. Constellation 41. Rabbit fur 43. Like an elf IS. Lengthwise of 46. Loyal 47. Conical tent 48, A trifle mature *1. Spar 2. 'Upon I cator , Entire, tinount' '5,telts tutAtt rntuwtlri 7. Little 25. Tiny islands 26. Blunder 8. Greek letter 28. Prickly herbs 29. Tavern 31. Pig pen 33. Arrange in a line 34, Cook- stove 35. Lath 36. Wan 38. SouthWest wind • 39. Capital of Latvia 40. Afresh J. A. FOX J. H. CRAWFORD /ritf tOSf- d freftiEVA5f -fo USE -111E. KITE , 9. Flat bot- tomed boat 10. Burglar (slang) 17. Weep 19. Foxy 20. Vended 21. Sailor (U. S.) 22. Sleeveless garment 23. A spring period of fasting Chiropractor and Drugless Therapist. RADIONIC EQUIPMENT COMPLETE HEALTH SERVICE Phone 191. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. " Bonds, Investments & Mortgages Wingham Ontario IN SWAPS BALLOON ,WARFARE Ras's°. VAPANESE WAR ,/904, 1966- _ t f \t" . 51f tl Ceif Yo£ K. M. Ma LENNAN 42.'Srnall explosion 44, Ignited Veterinary Surgeon Office Victoria St., West. Formerly the HaYden Residence PHONE 196 liVinghatn, Ontario CELLS oF A 110NEy4oMB .0 ARE 'No4 ALWAYS Sykvir tucai. II Sty`` 9.4 kaki 4tt.14..1•,.•tela r‘tvni.16 15 imumniiirsioniaminarpoi-nriWeiriaromi*mimmir nottam46, t. 007401 22, 21 25 FRE%44 Pi Skim:masks , 'OR SAL.E4...*VelLi Pote. A COrf"2 NOV!! IS a, 17 ;,/?:/:// 4 31' 30 32 35 36 37 38 3'i 41 4a 4.3 4.1 IZi4 V1/4/02142 LE ..94) Mall HSHdkYft '270t 45 4' Iva 47