HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1945-09-27, Page 5Thursday, Sept, 27th, 1945 (STORE NAME) and 1;47 ROGERS :71ame4, Wu:I& asrn, 8e are ;\ A Value We're Proud of- And YOU'LL LIKE OUR COURTEOUS SERVICE TOO . 0'2;4. We value the good- ° wlli of our custom. ' era more than any. thing 040 that P.ott why we iry,to serve You properly. 1847 ROGERS BROS When you bily 1847 Rogers Bros. silserPlats. you are buying Canada's finest FIRST LOVE David Crompton — JEWELLER — ADORATION On His Way To Hanna's Follow the route march of style along with countless of other Returned Servicemen down quality road with a handsome, well-tailored appear- ance. Created by Style Specialists sponsored by the Hanna Mens Wear. Imina.culate tailoring, unexcelled workman- ship, imported worsteds in a wide vdriety combined with thirty years of tailoring experience, is your assurance of a suit not merely made-to-measure, but . , an elegant suit made-to-fit. PAG- The Corner Grocery With the Stoc Get •to know our Weekly Low Popidar Prices and you will it's the right place to buy your weekly needs Robiphood Oats, 5 lb. pkg. 26c Clark's Mushroom or Aspara- gus Soups, 2 tins 15c Habitant Pea Soup —Special 28-oz, tins, 2 for ,„..„„ 25c Kraft Dinner with grated cheese, plrg, ,, - ,,,,, .,...„..„..„„, 170 Oxford Inn Veg, Soup fic Moody Toilet Flush ,,,,, .23c Certo, for preserves, jellies 24a Currant Raisins fresh stook Gillette 1,,Yet 2 tins for 23o Old Dutch • Cleanser, 2' for 190 Red River .Cereal, Best g 22c. ROBINHOOD BREAD FLOUR— 98 lb bag—special „ „ „ . „ „ . $2.49 FOREST CITY BAKING POWDER—quart sealers . 33c; pints for 23c IXL PUDDING POWDERS (makes 3 pints) assorted flavors, pkg. . 5c Catelli's Macaroni or Spag., 16-oz. pkg. for , , ... , ..... „...,.,.„, „ Sc Velveeta or Chateau Cheese- 14-1b. pkg.—Special 19e Infants Foods, 3 tins ... 25c Best Sugars—our special, 8c lb. Javex Concentrate, bottle „.... 14e Matches—Special, 3 boxes 25c Colored Cheese (best) med. 32c. Old with right nip 34c • Classic Cleanser, tin ... 4c 2-way Fly Screen Paint 45c Fly-Ded, 15-oz. bottle 23c 2 in 1 Shoe Polish, special 1.0c Lamp Glasses, small or lge. 9c STRAINER MILK PAIL ... . . ....... 14 qt. 82c. Plain Milk Pails 55c PURE COCOA—dandy Boy Brand — 2-lb tin—special .. . , . 38c XXX VINEGARS Special Gal. 36c. Canada Best 45c Pat-a-Pan Pastry, 24-lb. 75c Huron Pastry, 24-lb. .... ... 69c Better Krust, 24-lb. ........... 72c Dominion Tea, 1/2 -1b. 32c Dominion Coffee, 1/2 -1b. 17c Hayhoes Sunburry Tea — %-lb. pkg 19c. 1/2 -1b. 37c Homes Breakfast Cup Coffee 1-lb. pkg. 23c Sanka Coffee — drink it and sleep, 1-lb. glass jar 59c Sweet Yams (fresh) 1.0c lb. Celery, pure white, bch, 12c Sunkist Oranges, Grapefruit, Bananas, etc. — priced right. Pamolive or Lux Soap—Sale Price 2 bars 11c CANNED SALMON SALE— 1-lb. tins—Pink Cohoe, Sockeye. DELHI TEA (Orange Pekoe)—mountain, grown, lb. .... 75c. 1/2 f6r .... 38c RPHOENE1D7and 2. FRONT GROCERY Your CIRCULEX Will Relieve Now! —ARTHRITIC PAINS —RHEUMATIC PAINS —NEURITIC PAINS —VARICOSE VEINS —SINUS —INSOMNIA —NERVOUSNESS —HEADACHE —CONSTIPATION and many other circulatory ailments. FREE DEMONSTRATION IN YOUR HOME - NO OB L /GAT/ON '4., Rev. J. K. Holland 75th Anniversary of Canada's Largest Rural Fair Prizes increased to $4000 — Seating accommodation more than doubled — Outstanding Horse Show — Hereford, Aberdeen-Angus and Yorkshire Breed Shows — Sensational Racing Events— Roman Chariot Race — Hanover Brass Band — Lucknow Pipe Band' — Highland Dancing -- Merry-go-round and Chairplane Hurdle Jumping — Pony Classes, etc., etc. Admission — Adults 25c. Children 15c, Pre-school age children free. Teeswater Fair - Oct. 2 & 3 T. P. McDONALD, ALEX. B. McKAGUE, President. Sec'y.-Treasurer. IMINGHAM ADVANCy.-TIMES Teeswater, owing to, the illness of his father. Mr, And Mrs. W. Byrnes Fleuty, Byrnes, jr, and Miss Helen, and Mr, W. j. Eleuty of nuthro, were Sunday visitors with. Mrs. 'Dairid Hamilton and Mrs. Mande Mr, and Mrs, Archie Williamson of Toronto„ and Mrs, E, Zeigler of Kitchener, spent the week-end with their mother, Mrs. Wm, who returned with Mrs. Zeilger to Kitchener. Flt, Lt. James And Mrs. Russell of Toronto, have been guests of his par- ents, Mr, and Mrs. W. A, Russell, and his sister, Mrs. W, A. McKibbon, Other guests at this home are, Miss Isabel Russell, Social Service Secre- tary, of Vancouver and. L.A.W. Kay Exham of Trenton. WEDDINGS Bell Carter A wedding of local interest took Place at High Noon, Monday, Septem- ber 24th, at Bethany Mennonite Church, Kitchener, when the Rev. P, G. Lehman united in marriage Elsa Lorraine Carter of Kitchener, daugh- tei of Mr. Fred ,Carter of Wingham and the late Mrs. Carter, and Mr. Clinton Eric Bell of Stayner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carmen Bell of Stayner, The bride, given in marriage by her father, was lovely in a green herring- bone flannel suit, green shoulder length veil and headdress of Briar- cliffe roses. She carried a bouquet of Briarcliffe roses and maiden's hair fern. Miss Velma Carter was her sister's bridesmaid. She wore a tail- ored dark brown suit. She had a col- onial bouquet of Queen Elizabeth roses and wore yellow roses in her hair. Capt. Ross H. Bell, R.C.A,M.C, Toronto, brother of the groom, was bestman. Following the wedding dinner at the Pines Tea, an informal reception was held at the bride's apart- ment. The young couple left by motor for a trip to Toronto and Muskoka. They will reside in Kitchener where the groom will continue his studies at Emmanuel Bible School in preparation for the ministry. The bride gradu- ated from this school in April of this year. PRESENTATIONS Ashfield People Now Wingham Resi- dents, Honoured Prior to Departure Hackett United Church was the scene of a social evening when the congregation and neighborhood bade farewell to two esteemed families who have moved to Wingham to reside, They are Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Alton and Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hackett, Sr. A pleasant evening was spent with Rev. C. 13. Woolley presiding for a program of community singing, con- tests, solos and readings. Mr. Roy Alton read an appropriate address, ex- pressing regret in losing two such fine couples and Wilfred Hackett made the presentation of the gifts. Mrs. Alton and Mrs. Hackett received table lamps; Mr. Hackett a smoker; Mr. Alton a magazine stand and Wendal Alton a billfold. They fittingly ex- pressed their thanks for the kindness and thoughtfulness Of the community. Mr. Alton has disposed of his farm and is employed in th„Foundry at Wingham, and Mr. Hacket has pur- chased the Levi Lott property adjoin- ing Holmdale Creamery, where he is establishing an implement business, having for several years had the Allis- Chalmers' agency in this district. Both families have been life-long residents of Ashfield and their depart- ure is regretted by a wide circle of friends. Mr. Hackett was a former councillor and reeve pf the township. —Lucknow Sentinel. is expected will be Thursday, The late Mr. Raker is a brother of Messrs Robert and George Baker, also Mrs. Eorgie of Turnberry, who have the sympathy of a wide circle of friends, Mr. Archie Halliday, Toronto, spent the week-end with his mother, Mrs. Mr, and Mrs. Wm, Earngey, Fergits, spent the week-end with his aunt, Miss Kate Earngey, Mr, and Mrs, Douglas and Mr, and Mrs, Vanderlip of Listowel, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Rat, Har- rison and. Mr. and Mrs, Manford Irwin. Gorrie Presbyterian Church Anni- versary will be held on Sunday, Octo- ber 14th, when Rev. Rhodes of Ash- field will be the guest speaker. The Elgar Quartette of Kitchener, will again assist the choir. The following Sunday, October 21st, the anniversary services will be held in the United Church with Rev. Hugh Wilson as the special speaker, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Hyndman are moving this week into rooms at the home of Mrs. W. R. Hastie. Misses Betty Heinmiller and friend, Ruby Morley of Hespler, spent the week-end with Betty's mother, Mrs. Viola Heinmiller, Capt, and Mrs, Gregg, Roy and son Robert, Barrie, are guests of her broth- er, Mr. and Mrs, Cloyne Michel. Miss Rose Howse, Stratford, spent the week-end with her parents, Rev. and Mrs. Howse, at the Parsonage. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Armstrong of Bayfield, spent Friday with his bro- ther, Dr. Jas. Armstrong and Mrs. Armstrong. Mrs. W. R. Hastie returned to To- ronto on Friday after spending the summer at her home here. Mr. J. W. Hyndman spent the week-end with relatives in Toronto. The monthly W.M.S. of the Presby- terian church here, met on Thursday evening last at the home of Mrs. J. L, McEwan at Wroxeterj and enjoyed ad- dresses given by Miss Acheson on Canadian "Keswick", and by Mrs. F. C. Taylor whose address was ,"Rever- ence for the House of God." Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hyndman and baby &tighter, also Mr. John Hynd- man, spent Sunday with Mrs. Hynd- man's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Dilivorth at Ethel. Stewart Home Appliances We have been appointed author. ized agents for the following lines: Frigidaire Refrigerators — Corn. mercial and household. Frigidaire Ranges. Stromberg-Carlson Radios. Coffield Washers. Electrolux Vacuums. — Phone 29 — 6111•111111116 Varicose Veins Mrs. Andrew Edgar and daughter Sandra, spent a few days last week with her sister, Mrs. Clare Harris, and Mr. Harris at Fordwich, Mr. Bower Farrish spent a couple of days in London last week. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bennett, Messrs Billie and Bruce, also Miss Greta Hyndman, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Speiran at Ethel. Mr. and Mrs. P. S. Ashton and his mother, Mrs. George Ashton Sr„ spent Sunday with relatives at Teeswater, Mrs. P. Ashton spent a couple of days this week with her sister, Mrs, Hut- ton and Mr. Hutton at Walkerton-. Rally Day Service On Sunday morning the various organizations of the United Church, had a definite part to play in the Rally Day services and shared in the Cru- sade for Christ and His Kingdom. The centre pews were 'filled with members ft:0m Sunday School, W. M. S., C. G. I. T., W. A. and Evening Auxiliary. Mr. Harold Hyndman, assistant Sunday School superintend- ent, had charge of the outlined pro- gram, with the scripture lesson being read by the presidents pf these groups. Following Rev. Howes' address, a dramatized conversation was ably con- ducted by Mr. Leonard Ruttan, Mrs, E, W. Whitfield, Eleanor Stephen, Donald Irwin and Bobby Moffat, their subject being, "How I Can Become a Useful Fisherman for Christ. Injured in Car Accident Mrs. Lorne E. Walker, suffered a broken collar bone and is still a patient in Wingham General Hospital, as the result of a car crash on Main Street, on Tuesday evening last. Dr. Whit- ley, attended Mrs. Walker, Involved in the mishap were 'Wilfred Warwick of R.R. No. 5, Brussels, and Mr. Lorne E. Walker, Extensive damage was done both vehicles, Dr. Jamieson Brussels, attended the occupants of the Warwick car. Constable Deyel of Wingham investigated. LOCAL AND PERSONEL Mrs. (Rev,) R. j. M. Perkins of Chatham, is visiting Mrs. W. J, Greer, Mr. and Mrs. John Allen of North Bay, visited with the former's father, Mr. Robt. Allen. LAC. Jack Hare of Goose Bay, Labrador, spent the week-end with his mother, Mrs. S. Hare. Nursing Sister,-, of the R.C.N.V.R., Alberta McLean, is spending a fur- lough at her home here. Mr. Chas. McKibbon is at his home on Centre St., after receiving his dis- charge frail- the R.C.A.F. Mr. William Henderson of Ottawa, is visiting with his father, Mr. Wm. J. Henderson, Wingham Junction. Mrs. Whitfield, formerly of Detroit, has taken up residence with her sister, Mrs. Wade, John and Shuter Street. Mrs. D. R. aVIcHaffie of Winnipeg, is spending a few weeks with W. J. and Mrs. Henderson, Bluevale Road, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Kirkland of Toronto,Ure spending two weeks with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Kirkland, Teeswater. Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Jeffries of De- troit, visited Mr. Albert Sanderson over the week-end and Mrs. Isaac Davidson returned home with them. Mrs. Thomas Elliot of Blyth, is a patient at the Wingham General Hos- pital. „She is making a satisfactory recovery after an operation last week. Mr. Morley Kirkland of Fort Erie, spent a few days last week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Kirkland, GORRIE Mr. and Mrs. j: C. Edgar and Miss Loreen King, attended Stratford Fair on Wednesday last. Mrs. Isaac Wade has returned home after spending a few weeks visiting her daughters in Toronto. The Evening Auxiliary will hold their October meeting on Monday evening next, at the home of Mrs. Irving Toner, Group 3 will be in charge of the program. Mr. and Mrs. Irving Toner and daughter, spent the week-end with relatives at Chatham. and Blenheim. Mr. and Mrs. Close and Mrs, Breckenridge, Ethel, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. C, Edgar. Mrs. Ernest King, also Mrs. W. C. •King, spent the week-end in Toronto. Mr. Lloyd Reidt, Toronto, spent the week-end with his mother, Mrs. J. Reidt, Sunday guests of Misses Potter were: Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Cooper and daughter Marjorie and Eileen a Kincardine; Mr. and Mrs. John Met- calf and Miss Phidella Metcalf, all of Paisley. Word has been received of'the death of William Baker, who passed away it'll Winnipeg, and the body is being brought to aotrie for burial, which it HYDRO SHOP ON DISPLAY AT 1111111111111111111.1111111111111111111 — Institute Sponsoring Collection The September meeting of Women's Institute was held on Wednesday eve- ning in the Township Hall. The presi- dent, Mrs. M. Taylor, was in the chair, The meeting opened by singing "0 Canada" and all repeating the Lord's Prayer4n.„1,11isou. The minutes of the last regular meeting and the business meeting were read and approved. The Women's Institute have been asked to collect for the Salvation Army and they are doing this the same as last year. They will get in touch with the Red Cross groups and the groups will leave their contributions with Mr. Neil, The roll call was answered by — Why I would or would not like to belong to the farm forum, George Gregg delighted the audience with two piano solos, Mrs. Taylor called on Mr. Harvey Soiling to introduce the guest speak- er of the evening, Mr, Stewart, :Huron Cottnty's -Agricultural Representative. Mr. Stewart spoke on the forming of farm radio forums. i-Te said anyone- 1 interested should get the booklet pub- fished bY National ram Forum. In i his talk he touched on the headings as they arc listed in thiS booklet, The Women's /tMitute hope that several forums will be organized as a result of this meeting. Thiswas Mn Ste-. lall11 1111111111111111111111•11111 wart's first visit to this part of the County and he told of the projects he was most interested in: Boys' and Girls' Club work, Marketing, soil con- servation and reforestation. The meeting closed with God Save the King. A game of cards was then enjoyed by all and the ladies served lunch. Edwards - Quaife A pretty double-ring wedding took place at the home of Mrs. W. Gard- iner, when Rozella, only daughter of Mrs. Gladys Quaife, and the late Mr. Quaife, became the bride of William James, only son of Mr, and Mrs. Jam- es Edwards, Gorrie. Rev, R. S. Skinner officiated and Miss Eleanore Carson of Gorrie, played the wedding music. Given in marriage ;by her brother, Flying Officer. Howard Quaife, R.C.A.F., the bride looked lovely in a floor-length gown of white embroidered sheer with bishop sleeves and finger-tip veil which fell from a band of white flowers. She. carried a Colonial bouquet of baby asters- Mrs. W. Gardiner, cousin of the bride was matron of honour, wearing a pink sheer dress, with matching headdress and carrying a bouquet of snapdrag- ons. Miss Dorothy Edwards, sister of the groom was bridesmaid, wearing a green crepe dress with matching headdress and carried a Colonial bou- quet of marigolds and pansies. Misses Dorothy and Donna Gardiner were flower girls wearing pink dresses trimmed with lace and carried bou- quets of snapdragons, Master Ross. Gardiner was ring-bearer. Gunner Gordon Doig of London, was bestmau. After a buffet luncheon, Pte. and? Mrs. Edwards left for a short honey-- Moon to Toronto. The bride travelled in a brown dress-maker suit with lime green blouse and brown accessories. On their return they will reside at 697 Queens Avenue, London. and Musical Mission of Exceptional Merit Conducted by Rev. J. K. Holland Scotish Evangelist, Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. McDuff Copeland Gospel Singers Wingham Town Hall Sept. 23rd to Oct. 3rd vonestain. Inclusive — Week Nights 8 P.M. Sunday Evenings • 8.15 P.M. Mr. and Mrs. McDuff Copeland