HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1945-09-13, Page 4CATHERINE CADET 410 GODDESS of TIME
17 jewels 15 (swells 17 low*
*3750 $3750
Bluebird Diamonds and Wedding Rings
Why Wait?
Why not have that old service changed over now
and be ready when the modern appliances come
on the market.
Why reach up to that old drop cord and socket in order to
plug in that Iron or Toaster, Why not hate one or two convenient
receptacles installed?
We have in stock living room and bedroom fixtures
In Fired Colours — Rose, Blue, Green and Beige.
Reasonably Priced,.
Orders taken for Fluorescent fixtures—see us for
prices installed,
Mazda Lamps-40-60400 Watt
W Heaters—. ater
1000 Watt, 115 Volt. 3000 Watt 220
Winghant Electric
Service Shop
Home Appliances
We have been appointed author-
ised agents fqr the following
Frigidaire Refrigerators—Com-
mercial and household,
Frigidaire Ranges.
Stromberg-Carlson Radios,
Coffield Washers.
Electrolux Vacuums,
Ph011e 29 T."."•••
38 Year Old Parrot Dies
Mr. F. C. Taylor informs us of the
passing of his 38 year old parrot,
which has been the delight of young
and old citizens alike for years, with
his echos of "Good-bye" he'll be miss-
ed, We know of no other such bird
in this community.
Mrs. Saunders, who has been a guest
of Mrs. R. H. Stephens for the past
couple of weeks, has returned home.
Mr. Douglas, MrS, Ewart Whitfield
and sons, Douglas and Donald, visited
on Friday last with Mr, Douglas' sis-
ter, Mrs. McKen0e in Harrjston,
Died Following Heart Attack,
Sympathy is extended to Dr. James
Armstrong in the death of his son, J.
Garnet, who passed away suddenly at
his Lake Shore Drive home, New To-
ronto, on Saturday following a heart
attack, The late Mr. Armstrong, who
was born in the village, graduated from
college in . 1905 and for twently years
was druggist in Lucknow moving to
Toronto where he has had a drug
store for a like number of years. He
is survived by his wife, two daughters
and one son, his father arid one broth-
er, Funeral was held oft Monday at
which Dr. and Mrs. Armstrong atten-
Mrs. Vance Dane and son, l3illie of
Ethel, were Sunday guests of Mr, and
Mrs. R. G, Dane,
Miss Madeline Ritchie, Toronto, is
holidaying with her mother, 'Mrs,
Clara Ritchie.
Mr. and Mrs. William Graham, To-
rant:), and Mr, Orville Graham, Otta-
wa, called on old friends in and around
Gorrie on Saturday.
Miss Betty Heinnilller and friend of
Hespeler, spent the week-end with her
Mother, Mrs, Viola Ileituniller,
Mr. and Mrs. John Gowdy, Salem,,
visited on Friday last with their dau-
ghter, Mrs. j. W. Hyndman and Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Anson Thornton and
family were Sunday ,guests of ,Mr, and
Mrs. jack Wickstead at Bluevale,
Mrs. Thomas 'Short and Miss Myr-
tle Short have returned home after
spending the past week with friends
in Hanover, Toronto and Fergus,
Mrs, Archie Halliday, Hamilton, is
spending a short tittle With Mrs. Valli-
day, sr.
"Hello Britain: •
Don't worry about that hacoki we promised you—there're a lot of young
litters coming along—all earmarked for the British trade—and we'll see that you get them when they are in top condition.
They're being fed on SHUR-GAIN Pig Starter right now so that they'll
make the fastest gains, and get a sound start on a short, economical trip to
British markets. „ It won't be long now till these pigs reach sizable weights,
and with'the growth they make on SHUR-GAIN, their percentage of Grade
A's will be quite satisfactory."
Shur-Gain 18% Pig Starter
- Made and Sold by --
and Musical Mission
of Exceptional Merit
Concluded by
Rev. J. K. Holland
Mr. and Mrs.
McDuff Copeland
Gospel Singers,
Town Hall
Rev. J. K. Holland
Sept. 23rd to Oct. 3rd
Inclusive — Week Nights 8 P.M.
Mr. and Mrs. McDuff Copeland
Thursday, .Sept., 13th, 1915
AUCTION SALE — of household
furniture, will be held at the home
of the late Mrs. Graham Chamney,
John Street, on' Saturday, Sept.
22nd, at 2 o'clock, comprising
Chesterfield suite, Kitchen suite;
Bedroom suite, Stove, Child's crib;
baby buggy. Teems Cash. Matt.
Gaynor. auctioneer; Graham Cham-
,fley, proprietor,
• • — -
BURPING is a social error — Take
Wilder's Stomach Powder to stop
the pain of indigestion, heartburn,
or sour stomach. 50c and $1 at
McAvoy's Drug Store.
CORNS — instantly relieved with
Lloyd's Corn and Callous Salve —
the effective corn remedy. 60c at
McKibbon's Drug Store.
CHARIS Foundation Garment Co.
trained Corsetiere for Wingham.
surrounding district and towns. If
you need a new garment, any size
or type of figure at reasonable prices,
call on Mrs. Wm. Kennedy, Minnie
St., Wingham,
FOR SALE — Roan Shorthorn bull,
McBurney, R.R. No, 3, Wingham,
10 months old. Apply to Gordon
phone 602r22.
FOR SALE — Good buggy, storm
porch, congoleum rug 15 x 17,
knotty pine design; 200 feet of 2"
fir lumber; two doors; rocking
chair; Cherry Banister rungs; 10
rubber stair mats; baby gate, Phone
FOR SALE — Large variety of fillip
bulbs, Apply to David Finlay;
FOR SALE — 1931 Model A T'
in good Pne-u" . k'ord
Apply to Ad-
FOR SALE — One reversible rain-
coat, like new, 12 to 16; a number of
sweaters. Apply to Advance-Times.
FOR SALE — Brown tweed winter
coat, size 13, in good condition.
Apply Advance-Times.
FOR SALE-35 ft. Baker Windmill
Tower, Apply Elmer Ireland, phone
FARM FOR SALE-100 acres, more
or less being lot 10, Concession 7,
Grey Twp., 2 Storey red brick
house, bank barn 60' x 60', litter
carrier, water in stable, never fail-
ing drilled well,,,driving shed 26' x
40', 2 hen houses, land in good state
of cultivation and all natural drain-
age. For further particulars apply
to Chas. A. Lamont, Ethel, Ont.
FOR SALE—good brick house and
three and a half acres of lanchat
"Glermanan. Immediate possession,
easy terms. Apply to T, Weir,
Wingham, phone 245J.
FOR SALE — 11 chunks 80 to 100
lbs; 2 sows due in October, 2nd and
3rd litter; 3 other brood sows; 1
purebred Shorthorn bull, about 16
months old; 1 purebred registered
Shorthorn cow, 6 years old, in calf;
1 Red Durham cow, springer; set
of tractor discs, good as new; team
of horses, 5 and 7 years, mare and
gelding. Apply to Hugh Rinn,
phone Wingham 621r3.
MAID WANTED — for general
work, 3 adults. Apply Mrs. J. A.
TIONED — Phone 227.
SLENDOR TABLETS — are effec-
tive. 2 weeks' supply $1; 12 weeks'
$5, at McKibbon's Drug Store.
WANTED — to purchase pullets 8
weeks of age and older all pure
breeds and hybrid crosses. Good
prices paid. Apply Tweddle Chick
Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, On-
McGEE —In loving irieiiiory of a dear
son and brother, James McGee, who
passed away one year ago, Septem-
ber 13, 1944.
He did not know when leaving home,
He would no more return;
That he in death so soon would sleep
And leave us all to mourn.
Deep in, the heart lies a picture
Of a loved one laid to rest;
In memory's frame we shall keep it,
Because he was one of the best.
—Sadly missed by mother, father,
sister and brother.
Mr, and Mrs, john Gowdy (visited
her sister, Mrs, Brooks at Teeswater
one day last week.
Mr, D, L, Weir, reeve of Howick,
attended council meeting in Wroxet,.
er on Wednesday of last week, Mrs,
Weir spent the day with her sister,
ivIrs,,McTavish and other friends.
There will be no .5, S. or church
here next Sunday owing to annivers-
ary services in Wroxeter,
The stook threshing is about done
around. here, The fine weather has
been a great assistance,
.Mr, and Mrs, W. E.• Weir and Miss
Edythe Weir spent one day last week
with Mr, and Mrs. Allister Green of
Wroxeter vicinity,
CLARK—At Wingham General Hos-
pital, on Friday,, Sept. 7th, to Mr.
and Mrs, Joe Clark, Wingham,
MUSGROVE—At Wroxeter, on Mon-
day, Sept. 10th, to Mr. and Mrs.
Stuart Musgrovey (nee Vera Zur-
brigg), Wroxeter, a son Robert
Council At Meeting Monday Set
Nominations A Month Earlier
Morris Council met on Monday,
September 10th, in the Township Hall
with all the members present, The
Reeve presided.
The minutes of the last meeting
were read and adopted on motion of
Wm. Speir and Jas. Michie.
Moved by Chas. Coultes, seconded
by Jas. 'Michie, that Blyth Fair and
Wingham Horse Show each be given
a grant of $20.00. Carried,
Moved by Harvey Johnston, second-
ed by Clias, Coultes, that the road bills
as presented by, road superintendent,
be paid. Carried.
Moved by Harvey Johnston, second-
ed by Jas. Michie, that a committee
consisting of Cecil Wheeler, Chas.
Coultes, and Win, Speir, be named for
the purpose of inquiring into getting
suitable gifts for returned service
men and women. Carried.
Moved by Jas. Michie, seconded by
Wm. Speir, that By-law No, 11 setting
time of Nomination one month earlier,
be passed., Carried,
Moved by Harvey Johnston, sedond-
$ 1 5,000
TRIP TO EUROPE or $14000.00.
97 other prizes, in all totalling
$25,000.00 or the equiyalent in Vic-
tory Bonds, Mail this "ad." with
ONE DOLLAR subscription to
"The Kimberley and District Mem-
orial Society", Box 430, Kimberley,
British Columbia.
Proceeds to be used to erect a
Legion Memorial Hall and Recrea-
tion Facilities for our returning
Veterans and the citizens of this
district. Date of drawing to be
announced in the press. Don't
delay! Act now!
ed by Chas. Coultes, that the meeting
adjourn to meet again on October 15,
1945, at 1 p.m, Carried.
The following accounts were paid:
Wingham Horse Show, grant, $20.-
00; Blyth Fall Fair, grant, $20,00;
Dept, of Health, insulin, $4.26; Ken-
neth Taylor, 1 lamb killed, $14.00;
Walter Shortreed, valuators fee, $1,50;
Ken McNaughton, 1 sheep killed,
$8.00; Wallace Agar, valuators fees,
$1.50; Nelson Higgins, postage, etc.,
$10.00. '
George Martin, Clerk.
AUCTION SALE — of household
furniture will be held at the Clow
home, Josephine Street North, at
1:30 p.m., on Saturday, September
15. Terms: Cash, No reserve as
house is sold, Matt, Gaynor, auc-
tioneer; Miss M. Clow, proprietress.
AUCTION SALE — of farm stock,
horses, cattle and pigs will be held
at Lot 17, Concession 3, Morris, at
1 p.m., on Thursday, September 13.
Terms: Cash. No reserve as pro-
prietor is going to the West. Matt.
Gaynor, auctioneer; Chas. Agar,
ATTENTION—We 'buy, we sell, we'
exchange household furniture, stov-
es, dishes, silverware and antiques.
M. Brown, phone 239.
AND CATTLE — Sale of Manitoba
horses and cattle will be held at
Lot 16, Concession 3, 34., miles
south of Bluevale, Morris Township,
at 1.30 p.m., Thursday, Sept. 20111.
All cattle good Durhams and Here-
fords ,also 3 matched black teams
and 4 others which are outstanding
and all are broken and guaranteed to
work. Mrs. James Thynne,
WANTED — Small house situated
east of Josephine Street. Apply to,
ER, late of the Township of Turn-
berry in the County of Huron,
Farmer, Deceased.
pursuant to The Trustee Act that all
creditors and others having claims
against the Estate of the late Thomas
W. Walker, are required to send
particulars of their claims, duly veri-
fied, to J. W. Bushfield, the solicitor
for the Executors of the said Estate,
on or before the twenty-ninth day of
.September, A.D., 1945, and that after
such date the Executors will proceed
to distribute the said Estate, having
regard only to the claims of which
they shall then have had notice.
DATED at Wnigham, Ontario, this
tenth day of September, A.D. 1945,
Wingham, Ontario,
Solicitor for the Executors.
IN THE MATTER of the Estate of
Alexander Bryans, late of the Town
of Wingham in the County of Hur-
on, Drover, Deceased.
pursuant to The Trustee Act that all
creditors and others having claims
against the Estate of the late Alex-
ander Bryans, are required to send
particulars of their claims, duly veri-
fied, to J. W. Bushfield, the solicitor
for the Executrix of the 'said Estate,
on or before the twenty-ninth day of
September, A.D.,1945, and that after
such date the xecutrix will proceed
to •distribute the said- Estate, having
regard only to the claims of which she
shall then have had notice.
DATED at Wingham, Ontario, this
tenth day of September, A,D., 1945.
Wingham, Ontario,
Solicitor for the Executrix.
All persons having claims against
the Estate A31 Ethel Loreen Charrniey,
late of the Town of Wingham, in the
County of Huron, HotiSeWife, who died
on or about the 29th day of July, A.D„
1945, are notified to send to J, H.
Crawford, Wingham, Ontario, on or
before the twenty-ninth day of Sep-
tember, A.D., 1945, full particulars of
their claims in writing. Immediately
after the said twenty-ninth day of
September the assets of the said testa-
trix will be distributed amongst the
parties entitled thereto, having regard
only to claims of which the executors
shall then have notice,
DATED this tenth day of Septerri-
ber! A,D., 1945.
Wingham, Ontario,
Solicitor for the executors,
To Close Estate
225 Acres -- $9,500.00
On Highway 86, 41/2 Miles from
Luchnow, U. mile from school.
BEAUTIFUL EIGHT ROOM HOME — hot and cold water, furn-
ace, BANK BARN 60 feet x 135
feet, litter carrier, water bowls, double
thresh floor, silo, implement Shed and
garage, Water also at back of farm.
Level: well drained, ideal tractor farm,
kept in highest state of fertility,
This is one of Huron's finest farms;
buildings alone worth more than price
Applyt •
ELLIOTT —In loving memory of
Mrs, Chas, Elliott, who so suddenly
ed alway one year ago Septem.
Memories ate treasures no one can
Death is a heartache nothing can heal:
Sorni may forget you, now you arc
But we shall remember, 'no matter hoW•
Sadtliy missed by husband and.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard - Cowan are
visiting relatives in Tonawanda, N.Y.
To Celebrate 75th Anniversary
To celebrate the 75th anniversary
of St. Stephen's Anglican church, a
special service will be held on Sun-
day, Sept. 16th at 2.30 p.m., when the
church will be reopened since redec-
orating, The speaker for this service
will be Rev, A. H. O'Neil of Huron
College, London, and former rector.
A welcome is extended to all in the
community to join in this anniversary
Evening Auxiliary Plan Thank
The September meeting of the Even-
ing Auxiliary was held at the home of
Mrs. C. Grainger on Wednesday even-
ing with 16 members present. The
meeting was in charge of Group 2 with
Mrs, Bradnock as leader of the devo-
tional program. As the new Study
Book has not reached the society Mrs.
Wellington took them on a imaginary
trip to the Muskoka district, which
was much enjoyed by all. Business
was conducted by the president. The
next meetnig will' be held the first
Monday in , October with Group 3 in
charge. Autumn Thank-Offering is to
be presented at this meeting. Mr,
Howes close the meeting with prayer.
W. M. S. Start New Study Book
The Women's Missionary Society
Messrs, Arthur Stephens, Ewart
Whitfield and B. J. Maguire were To-
wilt° visitors on Monday,'
Messrs, Wesley Gallaway and liar-
old King spent the week-end at Fort
ElM°1:: and Mrs. ';Cecil Day, visited re-
cently Mrs. Farr who is a patient In
the Byron Sanitoritn.
Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Griffith, Tor-
onto, were recent guests Of Mr, and
Mrs. Griffith, north of (lorrie,
Mr. and Mrs. Wiliam Earngy, of
Fergus, spent the week-end with his
aunt, Miss Kate Earngey.
Lieut. E. W. Newton, Petawawa,
spent the week-end with his parents,
Mr, and Mrs. R, G. Newton,'
LAC, Hector Hamilton, Brantford,
was a Gorrie visitor on SaturdA.y,
The C.G,I.T, reopens for the fall
term on Friday when the meeting will
take the form of a corn roast to be
held at the home of Miss Greta Ilynd-
Rally Day services will be held on
Sunday, Sept. 23rd, in the• United
church, Plans) are underway to in-
clude all organizations in the special
Sunday service, October 14th has
been •set aside for"the anniversary ser-
vices. when Rev. Hugh Wilson, Brus-
sels, will be the special speaker.
A surprise party was held at the
home of Mrs. James Douglas on Mon-
day, Sept. 3rd when the host observed
another birthday. May we add our
"Happy Birthday", to this highly es-
`teemed gentleman of our community'
Among those leaving for the Cana-
dian west from Gorrie on Monday
were Messrs, E. J, Parrish, Ross Earl,
Harry Barnard, Mac Newton, Jack
Bennett and Edgar Dane.
Mr. Roy Pritchard, R.C.N. of Galt,
spent the week-end with friends here,
Mrs. Mitchell, Toronto, spent the
week-end with her niece, Mrs, Arthur.
Stephens and Mr. Stephens.
Mr. Leonard Armstrong, Philadel-
phia, visited his father, Dr.-Jas. Arm-
strong and Mrs. Armstrong a couple
of days last week.
met in the United church on Sept. 6th
with''seven members and three visitors
present. Mrs. R. Ashton presided for
the devotional program, the theme be-
ing members of one family "Black
and White". Following the call to
worship Psalm 90 was read in unison
and hynm "From all that dwell below
the skies" sung. Mrs. Howse led in
prayer. A trio, Mrs. Etta Day, Mrs.
R. Harrison and Mrs, R. Ashton sang
"0, bow He loves".
Mrs. L, Ruttan very ably introduc-
ed the new study bood on Africa, tell-
leg of early missionaries in Angola,
such as Dr. Moffatt, Dr. David Liv-
ingstone, and partciularly the work
done by Dr. Walter Currie.
A meditation taken by the leader on
thoughts of African christians was in-
terspersed with verses of hymn "In
Christ there is no east nor west". Mrs.
H. Ashton led in prayer.
After singing hymn "That race that
long in darkness pined" Mrs. Strong
presided for the business session when
plans were made, for the Autumn
Thank-Offering meeting, Rev. Mr_
Howse spoke encouraging words and
closed the meeting with prayer.