HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1945-09-06, Page 4BLUEVALE
Institute Meets September 13th
The MOWNY meeting of the Wo-
men's Institute will be held on Thurs-
day, September 13th, at ZOO o'clock in
the community hall. The programme
is on "Citizenship" and is being arm
ranged by /Ars. Wilson Thornton.
Roll call—Ways of helping children
to form good habits and neatness,
courtesy and obedience,
A paper on the subject will be given,
Sunday Services
At the morning .service in the Unit-
ed church, Rev, J, W. Johnson preach-
ed from Romans 12-11, Not slothful
in business; fervent in spirit; serving
the Lord. His theme was "Labor",
appropriate for Labor Day. Mrs,
Alex McCrackin and Miss Muriel
Smith sang a duet.
Mr. Neable, a student, of Moles-
worth, conducted the service at Knox
Presbyterian church, He preached
from the text "Ye are the Light of the
World", "Let your light so shine be-
fore men, that they may see your good
works", Matthew 5: 14-16,
ine and wringer; Oak buffet and table,
good as new; 6 dining room chairs;
Bell organ and stool; 3 bedroom
suites; Kitchen table and chairs;
Kitchen cupboard and ice refrigerator.
Stewart Turner, Proprietor.
Wm. Roberts, Clerk,
H. Parr & Son, Auctioneer.
. Administrator's Sale
Of Farm Property, Farm Stock and
Implements, and Household Goods
and Furniture
To close the estate of Eli Casemore
late of the Township of Morris in the
County of Huron, Farmer, deceased,
there will be offered for sale by public
auction at the farm owned by the de-
ceased, on Monday, September 10th,
at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, the fol-
lowing chattels:
FARM STOCK: 1 driving horse,
4 ewes, 2 lambs. FARM IMPLE-
MENTS: Binder, mower, seed drill,
stiff toothed cultivator, side rake,
dump rake, hay tedder, disc, set of
harrows, wagon, buggy, 1 set 2000 lb.
scales, scuffler. A quantity of house-
hold goods and furniture and other
articles too numerous to mention,
At the same time and place there
will be offered for sale subject to a
reserved bid the farm owned by the
deceased, being the south half of Lot
3 in the 2nd concession of the Town-
ship of Morris containing 100 acres of
land more or less.
:Dia this property is situated a frame
barn on stone foundation about 56 ft.
by .60 ft., a straw shed and a frame
implement shed, and a 11/2 storey
frame house with woodshed attached.
The farm is watered by two wells
and the Maitland River.
The land is mostly clay loam and
there is about 10 acres of hardwood
bush on the farm.
TERMS OF SALE: Ten percent
on day of sale and the balance within
thirty days thereafter.
Further conditions and particulars
of sale will be made known on the day
of sale or may be obtained from the
DATED at Wingham, Ontario, this
27th day of August, A.D. 1945.
Matt. Gaynor, Milo Casemore,
Lucknow, Ontario, R. R, 4,
Auctioneer. Wingham, Ont,
Thursday, September 6, 1945
17 jewels
15 jewels
17 jewels
Bluebird Diamonds and Wedding Rings
Miss W. D. 'Rutherford to Kirkland
Lake; Miss Norma Weatherhead to
near Orangeville; Miss Grace Weath-
erhead to Lanis; Miss Helen Newton
to Ottawa and Miss Joyce Newton to
Mr. and Mrs, Hank Kruger and Miss
Helen Kruger and girl friend, Mr. and
Mrs. Jim Bowden and Mrs. Alex
Leitch of Detroit, Mrs. Horace Mc-
Guire and Shirley of London, and Mr.
Jim Leitch of Belgrave, were recent
guests of Mr, and Mrs. E. J. Thom.
Mr. and Mrs. P. J. McIntosh and
Mr. and Mrs. Morley of St. Cathermes,
were week-end visitors with' Mrs. Mc-
Intosh's parents,' Mr. and Mrs. D,
Mr.. and Mrs. Nelson Heist and
children of Long Branch, and Mr.
Morley Bell from near Fordwich,
called on Mr. and Mrs. W. E, Weir
last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Elliott .Cranch and
daughter, Miss Vivian of Rochester,.
spent the week-end with Mr. Edwin
Palmer and other friends.
A large number from around here
attended the anniversary services in
the Behnore United Church last Sun-
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Weir and daugh-
ter, Shirley, of Pittsburgh, spent a few
days last week with the former's
mother, Mrs. Win. Weir and other
Mr. and Mrs, Karshakoff of Toron-
to, spent a few days with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Cathers.
Mr. and 'Mrs. John Gowdy attended
the wedding last Saturday, of their
grandson, Mr, Allan Hyndman of .Gor-
rie, to Miss May Thompson, of Hard-
stOn vicinity,
Misses Hazel and Minnie Weir re-
turned to Toronto last week after
spending their vacation with their par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Weir.
Harold Victor Pyre
— Teacher—
Pupils Prepared for Examinations
(Toronto Conservatory of Music)
Classes now forming, to commence September 10th
° Studio — Centre Street
Mr. and Mrs. McDuff Copeland
Internationally Famous
who will be associated with
— in the —
— in —
Watch this space for further announcements.
Sperling Johnston had a successful
bee on Monday for the purpose of
wrecking the barn on Miss Duff's
property. The land has been porch..
aced by W. 5, Johnston, Sperling in-
tends to re-build the barn on his farm,
1st concession of Morris.
School re-opened on Tuesday morn-
ing with almost a full attendance, Mrs.
K, Wheeler of Belgrave is resuming
her duties as teacher.
Holiday visitors at the home of Mr,
and Mrs. Joseph Greenaway included:
Mr. and Mrs. Knute Karlson, RQS$
and Loreen, Mr. and Mrs. Clare Cud-
die, London; Mrs, Gus. Gannet, • Lu-
can, Mr, and Mrs. John Raby, Wing-
ham, Mr. and Mrs. Neil B, McEach-
ern and son Neil, of Mount Forest with
Mrs, R. F. Garniss,
Oly Moffatt, Ingersol, with Burns
and Mrs. Moffatt.
Pte. Spence McKinnon, Ottawa,
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. H.
Mr. and Mrs, George Bent and
daughter, Maxine of Toronto, are visit-
ors with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hamilton.
Cpl. Thomas Inglis, Petawawa; Mrs.
Inglis, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs, Med-
land and son Billy and Miss Neilson,
Toronto, were holiday visitors at the
home of Mn and Mrs. W. J. Robert-
Dr. Arthur Shaw and Mrs. Shaw,
Toronto, spent a few days with the
doctor's mother, Mrs. Arthur Shaw.
Mrs, Joseph Curtis spent last week
with Mr. and Mrs. j. Marshall at Lis-
Charles Messer, Toronto, spent the
week-end with his brother, Gordon
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Buck of To-
ronto, are holidaying with the Shaw
families in Morris. Mr. and Mrs.
Buck have lost two sons in the war.
In the early part of the war Sinclair
lost his life overseas, and their young-
est son Gordon, 19 years of age, died
in England from meningitis since V-E
Mr. and Mrs. William Nicholson
and son Allan, are visiting with rela-
tives at Erioville, Manitoba.
Mrs. M. L. Aitken left on Monday
for Drayton, where she has accepted
a school 'a short distance from the
Silas Johnston, Walton, visited his
brothers, Edward and W. J. Johnston,
Mr and Mrs. Faggan, Douglas and
Mary of Kingsville, were week-end
guests at the home of Mr, and Mrs,
Burns Moffatt,
Miss Sanderson and Miss May Orr,
who spent two months at the Sander-
son summer home here, have returned
to their respective homes in Toronto.
Miss Lois Elliott, Reg. N,, Toronto,
was a holiday visitor at the home of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond
Louise and Gilbert McEachern of
Mount Forest spent a few days with
their grandmother, Mrs. R. F, Garniss,
Master Neil McLean, Toronto, has
returned home after spending the holi-
days with hiss uncle and aunt, Mr, and
Mrs, Wilson Thornton,
Miss Dorothy Webb of Toronto was
a week-end visitor with her parents,
Mr, and Mrs. McKenzie Webb.
School re-opened on Tuesday with
Miss Beatrice McQuillin in charge and
with the following in the beginner's
class: Donna Woods,, Allison Webb,
Barry McQuillin, Donnie Joe Gaunt
and Betty Anne Hunt.
Mrs. Mel. Brown returned to Kitch-
ener on Friday after a visit with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Woods. She
*as accompenied by Mr. and Mrs.
Lorne Woods and Donna, who spent
the week-end with Mr. and Mrs.
Dr. Wm, McGregor of Chicago is
the guest of his sister, Mrs. George
Stuart and Mr. Stuart,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred McQuillin, Ivan
and Barry and Mrs. John Miller, were
visitors with relatives in London last
Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Blue have re-
turned to Detroit after a visit with
Mrs. Blue's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.
D. Anderson.
The following teachers have return-
ed to their duties after the vacation:
kUCTION SALE — of household '
furniture will be held at the Clow
home, Josephine Street North, at
1:30 p.m., on Saturday, September
15. Terms: Cash. No reserve as
house is sold. Matt. Gaynor, auc-++:
tioneer; /vfiss M. Clow, proprietress.
AUCTION SALE — of farm stock,
be held horses, cattle and pigs will
at Lot 17, Concession 3, Morris, at '
1 p.m., on Thursday, September 13.
Terms: Cash, No reserve as pro-
prietor is going to the West. Matt.
GaYTIPri auctioneer} Chas, Agar,
AUCTION SALE — of farm stock
and implements, will be held at Lot
3, Con. 16, Howick, commencing at
1 o'clock on Tuesday, September 11,
' of horses, cattle, pigs, poultry, grain
and implements. Terms: Cash,
Matt +Gaynor, auctioneer; Leslie Ed-
wards, prop. .
ATTENTION—We buy, we sell, we
exchange household furniture, stov-
es, dishes, silverware and antiques.
M. Brown, phone 239.
CHARTS Foundation Garment Co.
trained Corsetiere for Wingham,
surrounding district and towns. If
you need a new garment, any size
or type of figure at reasonable prices,
call on Mrs. Wm. Kennedy, Minnie
St., Wingham,
FOR SALE — 160 acre farm on
County road, U., mile from school
and church and 3 miles from Pro-
vincial Highway. Good house and
barn and hydro available. Apply to
FOR SALE — 50 Barred Rock Pul-
lets, starting to lay. Apply to Ste-
wart Procter, phone Brussels 32x12.
FOR SALE — good cutting lawn
mower, $5.00. Apply Advance-
FOR SALE — Roan Shorthorn bull,
McBurney, R.R, No. 3, Wingham,
10 months old, Apply to Gordon
phone 602r22, .
FOR SALE-10 pigs, six week old.
Apply to Joe Schneider, Wingham
FOR SALE— 20 pigs six or seven
weeks old, ready to wean; 11 chunks
80 to 100 lbs; 2 sows due in Octo-
ber, 2nd and 3rd litter; 3 other
brood sows; 1 purebred Shorthorn
bull, about 16 months old; set of
tractor discs, good as new; team of
horses, 5 and 7 years, mare and
gelding. Apply to Hugh Rinn,
phone Wingham 621r3.
all conveniences, bungalow prefer-
red.. Please notify Advance-Times.
PAIN KILLER for corns! Lloyd's
Corn and Callous Salve gives
prompt, sure relief, 50c at Mc-
gibbon's Drug Store.
ROOM AND BOARD — wanted in
quiet home by gentleman who would
be willing to make himself useful
in spare time. Apply to Adanvce-
SLENDOR TABLETS -- are effec-
tive. 2 weeks' supply $1; 12 weeks'
$6, at McKibbon's Drug Store.
WANTED — Capable lady as book-
keeper and typist for automobile
dealer in Wingham. Shorthand not
essential, Apply in own handwrit-
ing, stating age, experience, refer-
ences and salary expected. Box No,
E, Advance-Times.
WANTED ,--- Experienced girl for
general house work, Apply Mrs,
Harold FoXtbn phone '170,
VsrANTED — to purchase pullets 8
weekt of age and older all vire
breeds and hybrid etoiSei, iGood
prices paid. Apply Tweddle Chick
HateherieS Limited, rerguS, On
ANTED — House to rent, five or
six rooms. Apply to W. H. Ed-
wards, c/o Anstett's Implement
ANTED — Woman's good used
trunk with tray, lock and key, also
man's small used club bag. Apply
ANTED Girl or young woman
for upstairs work. Apply to Mrs.
M. Bell, Brunswick Hotel.
ANTED — Small upright piano.
phone 276J,
ANTED—Young sow due to far-
row right away. Phone Hugh Rinn,
Wingham 621r3.
We wish to thank our friends and
neighbours and specially the Wing-
ham Fire Brigade, for the prompt
action they showed in saving our barn
which was struck by lightning on
Tuesday last week.
We sincerely express our apprecia-
—Mrs. John Hunter and Mr. and
Mrs. Leslie Cunningham.
Farm Stock and Implements
Lot 30, Con, 1, Grey Township, 3%
miles east of Jamestown, Friday, Sept.
14th. Sale commences at 12.30 a.m.
Livestock — 1. black mare, general
purpose, 9 years old; Clyde team, mar-
es, white faces and legs, 8 years old;
1 Belgium horse, 8 years old; 1 Ay-
shire cow bred July 20th, 3 years old;
1 Ayrshire cow due to freshen, Dec.
30th, 3 years old; 1 Jersey cow to
freshen middle of November, 8 years
old; 1 Holstein cow, bred June 1st, 6
years old; 1 Durham heifer, with calf
t foot; 32 Durham cattle mostly
steers coming 2 year olds.
Pigs — 20 feeder pigs; 35 small
chunks; 14 pigs weaned a week; 3
York sows; 1 York hog,
Implements—Most implements are
nearly new. Essex car in good con-
dition, serial number 1671012; 2-wheel-
ed stock trailer; Massey-Harris binder
No. 5; ,Massey-Harris hayloader No.
7; Massey-Harris hay rake No. 3;
Massey-Harris mower No. 21; Frost
& Wood mower No. 8; Massey-Harris
manure spreader S.A.; McCormick
Deering fertilizer seed drill; McCorm-
ick. Deering stiff-tooth cultivator;
Massey-Harris 14-plate disk harrow;
McCormick Deering spring tooth culti-
vator; 1 Case 3-disk plough; Bain
wagon; Set 5 section harrows; set of
sleighs; Land roller; Tudhope rubber
tired buggy; Road cart; 2 Tudhope
cutters; McCormick Deering riding
plough No. 13; Oliver riding plough;
McCormick Deering walking plough;
2 Cockshutt gang ploughs; Gutting
box; Turnip pulper; Scuffler; Fanning
mill; Hay rack; Wagon box with stock
racks; Fairbank Morse 1% H.P. Pegas
engine; 2 set of horse clippers; 2 set
of team harness; 1 set of light harness;
2 set scales; Automatic seed grain
smut treater; Emery grindstone; Buf-
falo robe; One .22 rifle; 12 gauge
single and double barrel shot guns;
Grindstone; Steel stone boat; Steel and
plank stoneboat; Wheelbarrow; Bag
truck; Bag holder; ,5 wooden barrels;
Pig crate; 2 large potash kettles;
2 sugar kettles; 1 25-gallon milk
can; 2 100-pound milksans; 1
80-lb. milk can; Renfrew cream sep-
arator, model X, size 14; Melotte
cream separator, Size 2A; 150 feet of
inch piping; 3 logging chains; 2 cross
cut saws; Handsaws; Set wire stretch-
ers; 150 feet hay fork rope; Cyclone
grass seed sower; 2 lawn mowers;
Large stock of farm tools; 1 wagon
tongue; Pile of cedar posts and him.
ber; MOW of Timothy hay; Mamoth
red clover and timothy seed; IvIkted
grain (oats ;barley and wheat); Quant-
ity seed wheat; One' Daisy churn; 1
MaClary and 1 Empire range, good as
news Spence coal heater; 3.btirtier
gasoline stove; Beattie washing mach-
To Close Estate
225 Acres — $9,500.00
On Highway 86, 4% miles from
Lucknow, 34 mile froni school.
HOME — hot, and cold water, furn-
ace, BANK BARN — 60 feet x 135
feet, litter carrier, water bowls, double
thresh floor, silo, implement shed and
garage. Water also at back of farm.
Level, well drained, ideal tractor farm,
kept in highest state of fertility.
This is one of Huron's finest farms;
buildings alone worth more than price
• Administrator's Sale
Of Farm Lands in the Township of
To close the estate of Martha
Lavina Warwick, late of the Township
of Morris in the County of Huron,
Married Woman, deceased, there will
be offered for sale by public auction
at the office of J. H. Crawford, Wing-
ham, on Tuesday, September 11th, at
2 o'clock in the afternoon, the follow-
ing real property:
1. The north half of Lot 10 in the
3rd Concession of Morris Township.
On this farm is a frame barn 40 ft.
by 50 ft.; shed 50 ft. by 60 ft, on stone
foundation; garage and a 1% storey
log house sided with lumber. This
farm is watered by a drilled well and
the Maitland River, The land is
mostly clay /loam and there is about
25 acres of bush on the property.
2. The north half of Lot 10 in the
3rd Concession of the Township of
Morris, On this farm is a barn 40
ft. by 60 ft. This farm is watered by
a spring creek and the land is mostly
clay loam. There is about 15 acres
of bush on the property,
Both the above farms are situated
three miles from Bluevale station and
about five miles from the Town of
Wingham and 114 miles from church
and school,
TERMS OF SALE: 10 per cent.
of the purchase price shall be paid on
thellay of sale and the balance within
30 days thereafter.
The said farms will be offered sep-
arately subject to reserved bids,
Further particulars and conditions
of sale will be made known at the time
of sale or may he had upon applica-
tion to the undersigned,
DATED at Winghatti, Ontario, this
28th day of, August, A.D. 1045,
Thos. Penns,- Robert Warwick,
Witighatn, Ont. R. R. No. 4,
Auctioneer. , Ont, ..Administrator.
BABY ROLLS, l's . 35e
ORGANDIE TISSUE, 3 rolls „ • 14c
CERTO CRYSTALS, 3-oz. pkg.. . 2 for 23c
RINGS, doz. . 5e PAROWAX — 13c
SUGAR 5 lbs. 39c. 10 lbs. 77c
FLAKES, 7 oz. 2 for , .. 19c 12 oz. 14c
CERTO-8-oz. . .... . , 25c
ORANGES, size 288 . ... . 39c doz.
GRAPEFRUIT, size 100 . • . . 3 for 25c
LEMONS, size 300 .. . 6 for 24c
CARROTS, 3 lbs. „ , • 15c
Small, doz. 95c
Medium, doz. — . • $1.05
Large, doz. . . $1.39
CEREAL, 2 for
MACARONI, 2 16-oz. ....... . „ 19c