HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1945-08-30, Page 5ot CLEARING PH
Ist Annual Sale
Shoes For All The Family
Children's Shoes
Children's Boots-Black or Brown
$1.89-$2.00--Sale price .... $1.49
Children's Oxfords, Black or Brown
$1.89-$2.00---Sale price s. . . . $1.49
$1.59-$1.79---Sale price .... $1.29
Sales and Service
For all makes
Wingham Phone 29
'2000 14 " 1 ,.,eisiktO
popg10. 1:Atugt.,0,R 4.00,
For Better Cold Morn-
ing Starts Use
Moto.Master Oil
BEST in quality
RIGHT in price
Quart 30c. Gallon $1.14
5 gallons in useful steel
container only $5.45
Canadian Tire Corporation
Asaiciate Store
Campbell's Garage
Winghini, Ont.
Dominion Coffee, 17c
Dominion Tea, %z-lb.. 32c
Nabob Tea, V24b. 34c
XXX Brand, gallon ..... ..... 36c
Sugar, best-our special 8c lb.
Moody's Toilet Flush 25c
Neilson's Cocoa, bulk ..... 15c lb.
Cowan's Cocoa, 1 lb. tin 23c
Robin Hood Oats, 5 lb. pkg, 260
Red. River Cereal , ......... 23e
Javex Concentrated ... -.„, ..... 1/10
Champ :Cleanser, pkg„ ....
Nippy-Nut Sutter, 12 oz. 3c
,iffy Pie Icrust 23c
Gold Medal Baking Powder
contains no alum 25 c
Old Windsor Floor Wax,
its good, 1 lb. tin . .... 39e
Shinola Floor Wax, lb. ..... 23c
Londonderry Ice Cream Mix
for home making 13c
Velveeta or Chateau Cheese
1/4 lb, pkg,' Special 19c
Coloured Cheese, best first
grade, Special lb. „ ......... ........31C
Old Cheese. with little .44 34c
(No seconds) crowit pints
doz 92c. Crown quarts 98c
Zinc Rings .._. 21c and 25c doz
Certo Crystals, 2 pkgs. _ ... 25c
Certo for Jellies; bottle „ ... . 24c
From This
To This
Servicemeh no You Know that you may get
a pre-demobilization Priority Suit Purchase Certi-
ficate from Hanna's under certain conditions.
Thirty days before your discharge you. may
order a suit made to your individual measurements
and have it to wear on leaving the service,
This certificate must be re-placed by the orig-
inal certificate issued at the time of your discharge.
HANNA'S Men's Store
Thursday, August. 30th, 1945 ADVANCE-TIMES
Well Built Shoes That Will Give
Satisfactory Service
$4.25-$4.50-Sale price . • . $3.69
$3.75-$3.95-Sale price $2.98
Boys' Work Boots
$3.00-$3.25-Sale price $2.39
includes black, brown and white
AA - C in the lot
$5.50-$6.00-Sale price ... t. $4.48
$4.95-$5.25-Sale price • . $3.95
$4.00-$4.50-Sale price .... $3.45
$3.75-$3.95--Sale price .... $2.98
Misses Oxfords - Brown or Black
$1.89-$2.25-Sale price .... $1.49
Boys Oxfords
$3.00-Sale price $2.39
Women's Play Shoes • Extra Special $1.00
Black Oxfords
$5.75-Sale Price $4.79
$5.50-Sale price $4.59
$5.00-Sale price $3.98
$2.98-Sale price $2.49
Brown Oxfords
$2.98-Sale price $2.49
Men's Shoes
J. Henderson, Wingham Junction.
Mrs. John Lucas and daughter Ruth,
who have been at New Dundee for the
past few months, have returned to
Rev. and Mrs. A. E. C. Pentland of
Martinsville, Ill., are visiting with Mr.
and Mrs. W. B. McCool and Mrs, J.
H. Christie.
Mr. and Mrs. Van Hopper of De-
troit, and son Charlie, are visiting with
Mr, and Mrs. Hugh Carmichael and
1 x i ab, 1 Ui
other relatives.
Mrs. Russell Dennis and daughter,
have returned home from Niagara-on-
the-Lake, were they have been spend-
ing the past while with her husband,
Pte, Russell Dennis.
Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Sherbondy, and
Mr. and Mrs. J. A, Wilson, are spend-
ing a few days vacation at the Mani-
toulin Islands this week.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Hutchison of St.
Thomas and Mr, and Mrs. W. Nellis
of Kippen, were week-end guests of
Mr, and Mrs. W. H. Haney,
Staff Sgt. Melvin Phippen returned
to his duties in London after viisting
with his parents, Mr, and ,Mts. Cen-
clair Phippen. Miss Dorothy Phippen
is visiting at her home after returning
from visiting her sister, Mrs. Cyril
Berry, Manitoulin Island.
Albert McQuiggan
Albert McQuiggan, London, died at
Mason Villa Hospital. in his 92nd
year Thursday, August 23rd, Mr.
McQuiggan was born in Calton, Ont.,
but spent most of his life in London.
Until a short time before his death he
was employed as a shipper at the Ben-
son-Wileox Electrical Company. He
is survived by one son, Russell, of
London; two daughters, Mrs. George
Carr, Wingham, and Mrs. Earnest
Powell, Detroit; 22 grandchildren and
eight great-grandchildren, The fun-
eral service was held at the W. A,
Hunt Funeral Home, London, Satur-
day afternoon. Interment took place
in Mount Pleasant Cemetery, London.
Mrs, Blanche Costello
Mrs. Blanche Costello .died at Clin-
ton on Saturday, August 25th, at the
age of 58 years, She was born in
Morris township, daughter of the late
Mr. and Mrs, Nelson Thornton, and
received her early education at S. S.
No, 10, Morris, She had spent the
greater part of her lift in this locality.
She was married in Manitoba 'where
she lived 'for a few years„ later she;
lived, at Montreal.
Several years ago MrS;CoStellO stify
fered a severe stroke of paralysis from
which she partially recovered and five
days before her passing she was again
stricken and did not rally,
She was a member of the United
Church and was an interested member
of the Women's organizations and ac-
tive when her health permitted. she
is survived iby two brothers, George,
of Bluevale, and. Anson, ;iof. flowick
township, One sister, .1Vfrs. Townsend
(Alice) died some years ago,
The funeral service was held on.
Monday afternoon from the home of,
her brother, George Thornton, conduc-
ted gy. Rev. 5. W. Johnson of Bluevale
United Church,
The pallbearers were six nephews,
Wilson, jack, William and Doran
Thornton, Sergeant Alvin Townsend,
and Hilliard Jefferson. Interment took
place in Bluevale cemetery.
MacLEAN-At Maplehurst Hospital,
Thorold, Sunday, Aug. 26th, Emma
Elizabeth Joyce, widow of the 'late
Hugh MacLean, in her 85th year.
Burial in Brandon Cemetery, Tues-
day, August 28th.
Now that the war is over and the
need of donors for blood plasma has
ceased, the Wingham Red Cross So-
ciety wishes to thank all those in
Gorrie and vicinity,. who so willingly,
have given their blood at the Wingham
clinics, especially mentioning Miss
Eleanore Carson and Mr. Frank Chap-
man who secured the donors and regi-
stered some for each clinic. The value
of these donations of blood will never
be fully known,
Mr. and Mrs. John Montgomery
motored to kitchener and Malton over
the week-end, their grandchildren,
Miss Lois and Master Ivan to Kitch-
ener and Miss Joan and Master Jack
to Milton.
Mr, Alvin Townsend, recently re-
turned from serving with the R.C.A.F.
in England, arrived home on Saturday
night, having received his discharge.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harrison, Miss
Doreen, also Mrs. Wilbur Gallaway,
visited Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Gilkin-
son in Hanover last Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Marshal and son
Jimmie, Stratford, spent a couple of
days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
William Marshall. Mrs. Marshall who
has been quite ill, is improving.
Messrs Earle King, Bill Thornton
and Lorne Robinson, left on Tuesday
morning to motor to the West.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. B. Wylie and
family, Leaside, have returned home
after visiting his mother, Mrs. John
Mr. and Mrs. William Stinson and
son Gerald, Detroit, have been guests
during the week of his sister, Miss J.
Pearl Stinson.
Mrs. James Edwards was a Toronto
visitor last week.
Mr, Gordon Edgar visited on Thurs-
day last with his son, Mr. Harold Ed-
gar and Mrs. Edgar in Toronto, who
are with their little daughter spending
this week with his parents here in the
Mr. J. T. Shera and daughter Shir-
ley, spent the week-end with friends
in Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Chapman and daugh-
ter, Miss Florence, Listowel, spent
Sunday with their son, Mr, and Mrs.
Frank Chapman.
Mr. Dick Carson was a Toronto
visitor last week.
Rev. and Mrs. Hugh Pritchard of
Montreal, and recently of Gorrie south,
are holidaying with Mrs. Robt. Earl
and Mrs, Stuart Edgar and renewing
Lieut, W. E. Newton reported back
to London on Monday of this week
and since has been sent to Petawawa.
The regular meeting of the Gorrie
Women's Institute will be held in the
Township hall on Wednesday night
September 12, at 8.30 p.m. The special
speaker for the evening will be the
Agricultural Representative, Mr. Ste-
wart of Clinton, who will bring an ad-
dress on "Forming Radio Forums."
This should prove a subject very
worth while to which everyone is in-
Mr, Wilbur Woodley and daughter,
Miss Mae of Saskatoon, Sask., Mrs.
Saunders, Toronto, are guests of Mrs.
R. H. Stephens. Mr. and Mrs. D.
Hicks, Harriston, were Sunday guests
at the same home.
Dr, and Mrs, Whitley and ,Mrs, W.
Hastie, visited with Mr. and Mrs.
Cook in Mount Forest recently,
Miss Betty Harper is visiting her
uncle in Tottenham, for a couple of
Master J. C. Drennan, Lucknow, is
the guest of his friend, Master Bert
Howse, at the parsonage this week,
Miss Doreen Harrison, sales clerk
in Stephen's general store, is back to
work after a weeks vacation, spending
a couple of days with friends at Ethel,
Lieut. Lyman Swenerton,
arrived last Wednesday and spent the
week with his wife, Lieut. N/S Dor-
othy Swenerton and her mother, Mrs.
Viola Heinmiller. Mr. and Mrs.
Swenerton left on Tuesday for Van-
couver, B,C,, to visit his parents.
Master Norman Auger, younger son
of Mr. and Mrs. George Anger, had
MS tonsils removed in Listowel Gen-
eral hospital on Saturday last.
Miss Grace Harper is spending a
couple of week at the Crippled Chil-
dren's Cainp at Collingwood,
Mr, and Mrs, William Cartlidge and
Woodstock, were guests of her
sister, Mr. and Mrs, Russel Adams,
last week, Mr. and Mrs. I6Itti Doig,
Listowel,- are spending this week with
their daughter, Mrs. Adams and Mr.
Mrs. J. Wade was a recent visitor
with friends in Gorrie.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Keating and
Catheiine, spent last week at Sauble
Capt. and Mrs. 5, R, M. Spittal,
Nancy and Peter, were visitors with
relatives at Mount Forest.
Miss Doris Saltz of Port Arthur,
was a visitor at the home of Mr, W.•
and his Orchestra,
Thurs., Aug. 30t.
LVer.MEr-All 1: "T"
in the
to the music of
to be held
on the
inghanes Popular Corner Grocery
Oxford Inn Veg. Soup, 3 for 25c
Heinz Vegetable Soup, 2 for 25e
Clark's Tomato Soup, tin 7c
Clark's Mushroom Soup 80
Infants Soups & Veg., 3 for 230
Pat-a-Pan, 24lb,........ ,Th e
Huron Pastry, 24 1'1'4 ......... 09c
Better Trust, 24 lb for 72c
Raisins Currants - fresh stock
Matches - Special, 3 boxes 25o
Milk Pails, Special (large) 55c
Jackson's Roman Meal 26e
Household Turpentine--
pints ... 23c; quart bottle 47c
Moody's Toilet Flush 24c
Tip Top Tomato Juice-
28-oz. tin 2 for 25c
Die-a-Doo Paint Brush Bath.
Special 4c and 8c pkg.
Ewing's Custard Powder, 3c pkg
Success Floor Wax, 1-1b. 29c
Habitant Pea Soup 2 for 25c
Dalton Jolly Good Sauce ---
6 ounce bottle, Special 9c
Sunkist Oranges, 392's, special
per doz. ..„ ........... ..... ....... 22c
344 size-Special, 1/2 -doz. ... i8
200 size-Special, 1/2 -doz. ..,. 27c
100's size .. , .. . . .. 3 -for 25c
smaller 120 size 3 for 20e
Old Dutch Cleanser 2 for 19c
Serviettes, 100 size, pkg. 15c
Classic Cleanser, pkg. ..... „.. lc
daughter, Miss
Mich., spent a
week with Mr.
Mrs. W. Daimon and family of
Drayton, visited a day last week with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. Plant.
John and David Barton remained for
The September meeting of the Even- a longer visit with their grandparents,
ing Auxiliary will be held at the home
of Mrs. Cecil Grainger, on Wednes-
day night, Sept. 5, with group 2 in
charge of the program.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Gallaher visited
on Monday with relatiVes in Guelph.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry •Russell and
Harriet of Gagetown,
few days during the
and Mrs. W. 5. Gal-
gr, Stanley Dane and daughter,
Miss Betty, have returned to Toronto
after spending the past couple of
weeks with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
R. G. Dane.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Dinsmore, Miss
Greta Hyndman and Mr. Billy Ben-
nett, spent Sunday at Southampton
and Port Elgin. T
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Jefferson and son George, spent a few days this week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
G. E. Foster, Mr. and Mrs. Opper-
thauser and family, Elmira, spent Sun-
day with her parents as well.
Canned Salmon, Cooked & Cured Meats, Evaporated Apples
TOILET SOAPS-Assorted pkg, of 6 cakes. Special pkg. ..... 27c
2 PHONES 17 and 2 - WE DELIVER
Insulation Specialists
Are now booking orders for Insulation in Wingham and Vicinity.
If interested in Insulating your Home, call our representative